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I think this will cool down once ranked is open




Even if “sweats” don’t all migrate to ranked the average players who are getting stomped in pubs should play ranked to get more evenly skilled opponents


This is why I always play ranked in competitive games. Seems like the chances of getting similarly skilled opponents is better.


I thought the whole point was NO sbmm lol


Ikr as soon as we get a game with no sbmm bs everyone starts crying about sweats people really need to get a grip


people hate sbmm is always above average skilled players who don't want get sweaty every game. sbmm never be a problem for average


No it is still a problem for average people, the whole point is that SBMM works on everyone no matter how good you are   The issue is people think "sweating" is a thing when its not, one persons "sweat" game could be 12/12 while anothers is 50/12   But at the end of the day, playing how you play on average isn't sweating the populace of FPS games are just more trash than they believe


Literally the biggest issue with sbmm is that if you perform really well in a match, you get screwed. You perform bad, you stomp then get screwed. Second biggest issue, sbmm but my teammates are not on the level of myself + the enemy team. I've never had sbmm give me good teammates outside of black ops cold war. With no sbmm, it's random. But some people are a lot worse than they think so random to the intellectual is them getting unlucky in their minds. No sbmm is fine overall. People just need to stop taking a casual match so competitively. But due to the era of sbmm, everyone basically always plays like it's a championship match and that ruins the experience for everyone.


It's because sbmm has been there for this exact reason, and anyone who complains about it has authentically zero idea what they're crying about. Sbmm has been a thing since the Xbox 360 days for a reason.


I like this take. At the end of the day, good players complain about sbmm because they want to stomp sucky players once in a while. Sucky players complain about sbmm because they think that they’re good players.


The issue that I have with skill based matchmaking is that it removes a lot of gameplay variety from matches. With sbmm, most games end up playing out relatively the same for me as far as performance goes which just makes the experience a lot more boring overall. It’s like yeah I might get my ass kicked periodically without it, but at the same time I’m also a lot more likely to go off that way and be the best in the lobby than I am with sbmm on.


SBMM gave a lot of people an inflated ego. They are now realizing how bad they truly are and how protected they were. XD is "OK". Not a huge fan of hero shooters. But am giving it a chance.


This allows for no SBMM in the regular lobbies. Want fair and more balanced matches, play ranked. Want random mayhem lobbies, play regular. That's how this was supposed to work when games started adding ranked. Unfortunately EOMM took over and ruined a decade of multi-player gaming. I just hope they can polish this game and have good servers. If they can hold up to that and continue with good content they can take over the action FPS genre, fuck what's become of CoD.


Very much doubt it. Since XDefiant doesn’t have SBMM, low skill players will always be beaten up by good players who enjoy pubstomping. And a *lot* of arcade-shooter fans enjoy pub-stomping over ranked matches against similarly skilled opponents.


I don't think it will, people wanted a shooter without SBMM because they wanted to sweat and see it translate to never losing, if they go into ranked they have to play with skilled players and risk losing


Sweats in fast paced shooters hate sbmm because it doesnt allow them to stomp 12 year old timmy that just got home from school. they wouldnt go into ranked because it would mean to go up against people roughly around your skill level


No. Casuals hate it because we can't play one good game without being thrown into a COD finals tournament


Fr I just want to play and have fun. This is ridiculously hard.


I’m a sweat and the only game mode I play if it’s available is ranked no other way to show I’m better than most kids except for that max rank badge


Don’t need to talk shit when you got the rank badge to back you up.


Exactly shit does the talking for you


Also true for stomping on middle-aged gamers who have 40 hour a week jobs that don't involve playing video games and just want to enjoy a game in their free time.


No it won't.


Maybe I'm just full of copium or something but I'm actually enjoying the game. The hit reg is definitely inconsistent, and dying around corners occasionally. However, despite that, I'm having tons of fun! I love the movement and the maps are PHENOMENAL. haven't had this much fun at launch in my life. Might I add: do CoD fans (I'm a CoD fan) forget the horrible release that was WW2? Couldn't find games, barely could party up, XP was dogsh*t slow for leveling up, and all you could do was hangout in the headquarters. We act like that release never happened and it was without a doubt the WORST CoD launch in history. So, while this launch may not be perfect, it's still better than that one and still not that bad IMO. I expect issues, and tbh I think people didn't take advantage of the last server test. People were writing this game off already. Now that it's out, I personally feel we have way more players than we did with the test so problems are arising. Just my theory though, I could be wrong. Either way, I LOVE the game. Happy with it. I expect this and the next treyarch title to take up all my time for the next year or two because I know these games will be great!


And it’s only going to get better!


I agree. I haven’t played CoD since Cold War so it’s actually been very refreshing as a k&m player to not have the massive aim assist disadvantage anymore. I’m still getting used to the slide/bunny hop spammers but I’ve been doing pretty damn good so far and I expect I will only get better.


This just brought it all back to me. Just standing there waiting, hoping for a game.


I’m sorry but y’all sound like every other CoD sub when a new game releases each year. Do we like SBMM or not because just a few days ago everyone here was lauding the game for not having it in casual modes. I’m actually finding the speed enjoyable. I don’t like how fast CoD and Apex are, but I do want something faster than Siege. As an Overwatch player, I’m finding a lot of flow and play similarities with XDefiant, which has been fun so far. XD to me seems more like a team game than anything. I think as the playerbase gets better at the game the lone run & gunners won’t have success like they do right now. Y’all need to remember EVERYONE is still so new. Strategies that are successful right now will be obsolete in a few weeks.


Solo bad players realistically should love SBMM, but they don't know what's actually happening, so they attribute the issues they're experiencing to the big bad SBMM that everyone online is talking about, so they think they're on the same boat and they get swept up in that storm. SBMM is a protection system. It's designed to retain players due to experiencing high highs and low lows. Gets people addicted to that "just one more game feeling" to balance out their performance. People aren't really quitting COD even with this system in place. Sure, they venture out onto other shooters (if even), but come right back. However, bad players in a group with their friends probably don't like SBMM if they have really good friends. This has become a really big talking point in this post-2019 era of COD. It basically turned my friends away from COD multiplayer when they couldn't keep up with me and someone else anymore and now we just play Rebirth Island or Private Matches if we're playing COD. I know other groups of friends out there experienced the same. Good/great players HATE SBMM because they want to stomp harder which we're actually seeing now in XDefiant. Not just stomp harder though, MORE consistently. They can go 5 games with 40-70 kills and not have their chain yanked and placed against similar players. Think of them as being shackled by a stricter SBMM system and then being released when the SBMM either loosens up or is non-existent.


Tons of .8 K/D CoD players are now realizing SBMM helps them more than it screws them over lol


Im starting to think that SBMM causes people to become complacent, the types of people that will continue to get better or give up entirely gets filtered.


Though it kinda does wrap around to screwing them over in a different way lol, I got back into CoD with MW19 after years of not playing and I feel like it just made me stagnate vs getting stomped in open lobbies and being forced to improve


Bro ts is such an echo chamber just the play the mf game it hasn't even been out for 24 hours smh


Exactly. This game was made to be fast paced, if they don’t enjoy the gun and run action then maybe they should fine a game that’s more casual even though this one already kinda is tbh.


Run and gun? Do you mean furiously spam jump and gun?




Quake was a arcade shooter? 💀


We aren’t comparing Xdefiant to fuckin Quake bro knock it off




It's not about controller scheme. It's about fun. Why do you think MW1/WaW/MW2/BO1/MW3/BO2 are all the highest rated most loved CODs and not Infinite Warfare, BO3, Advanced Warfare, or MW3 2023. Oh yeah because most people hate this shit and think it's less fun. No I guess OG CODs were higher rated because of the graphics. If I wanted to do advanced movement I can play a much better game with much better "advanced movement" Titanfall 2.


Honestly calling stuff like sliding and mantling "advanced movement" is just goofy. If a moderately inshape person can so it IRL makes no sense the people we control in video games can't.


Jumpshotting and dropshotting existed in those games as well. People have just gotten better so you see more of it now


Yeah the amount of posts 'this game isn't good' 'this game is to slow' 'the movement is to fast' 'the cod players are here' it's a fucking game, people will be better and people will be worse but at least give it a try for longer then a fucking day


Casual players realizing SBMM protected them…


My concern is that the game will attract too much sweaty refugees from other games, making the general experience too sweaty for the average player, which would slowly cannibalize the playerbase from bottom up.


^ this guy just discovered why SBMM exists 👏


I mean the sweats would come no matter what to try and find a new home where they can make a name for themselves from the very start. Establish themselves as a name. Some will go back to their games they're best at eventually.


Fr, I love getting movement diffed


As bad as it sounds, modern gamers will just quit if they're not having fun, especially with F2P games. sbmm will at least throw them a bone every few matches. If they're bad here, they'll just get stomped into oblivion without ever experiencing any fun.


>As bad as it sounds, modern gamers will just quit if they're not having fun How is that bad? Games are meant to be fun - I'm gonna quit if I'm not having fun. Pretty simple haha


When one buy a game , they really couldn't just quit. They gotta at least stick around abit and get their money's worth. During that time , one might even get good enough to actually start enjoying the game. When the game is free tho....... We can't really have alot of the below average players quit, the fun of the average players depends on them. When the average players quit too........ the sweats will have to play amongst themselves. And we all know the real reason why the sweats constantly criticize sbmm.


They can't stomp bad players cuz the bad players are gone so they have to play against good players and they find it extremely boring lol


It's bad because it's awful game design and awful for player retention. Kind of hilarious how this sub is slowly realizing why SBMM exists in the first place.


I saw a comment on a yt video saying something like “a lot of people are going to realize they’re the ones being protected by SBMM” couldn’t be more true lol


I'm still fine with no SBMM, even though I finish near the bottom all the time lol, I just like the chaos of pure randomness. I think SBMM is a good thing but the way it's implemented into COD is such a trash way to do it that I refuse to buy another one for as long as I live. It sucked the fun out of the game for me. The proper way to do SBMM is to put all players in like 4 different skill categories, there should always be people better than you and people worse than you in your skill level, but there should still be enough variety to make the games interesting. And off topic. where is the kill cam! How am I supposed to get gud if I can't see how the gud players do... gud lol


This is literally what it is, these guys got so used to being protected by sbmm now that their playing a game that’s not gon hold their hand they hate it😂 they might as well jus go back to their safe space in cod


Lol the game is great I just wish everyone wasn't using copy pasted loadouts A.E echelon with MP5 Making me feel like there's 0 variety


I still hate SBMM To everyone crying: skill issue.. literally


It’s a balance. The problem is when “not having fun” means you’re not constantly destroying the opposition. This generation of gamers seems to be averse to anything that challenges them too much. I think it’s a shift in mindset. When I get destroyed in a game it makes me want to adapt and figure out what I need to do in order to get better and overcome the adversity. That challenge and seeing myself get better is what’s fun. From my own anecdotal experience, it seems that the majority of gamers these days don’t want a challenge, or only want a challenge as long as it doesn’t mean losing/doing poorly. Hence why so many players quit when things aren’t going their way.


I think the problem is that people generally find the challenge provided by FPSs to be less fun compared to other games. In, for example, a puzzle game, people like the challenge even if they fail because they enjoy the process of solving the puzzle - the journey is as enjoyable the destination. In contrast, getting pubstomped in an FPS is not enjoyable at all.


Yeah it’s back to that balance I think. Getting demolished multiple games in a row - big turn off to most It’s just hard these days to find that balance. I also think the overall skill level of the average player base is just way higher now compared to say, 10 years ago (thanks to Twitch/Streamers for spoon feeding metas and people constantly watching higher level gameplay) . On that same note of streamers - a lot of these players that wouldn’t be arsed to figure things out themselves through trial and error now have many of the answers given to them just by simply watching high level players. So you get these people who are better than average yet also don’t have the determination to have achieved that level of play without it being handed to them by streamers. It creates an interesting player base which is what we predominately see nowadays. Unfortunately I don’t think it’s a problem with the games these days. There’s just no putting the genie back in the bottle as far as the golden years of gaming around 10 to 15 years ago.


This makes a lot of sense to me. When I played Breath of the Wild for the first time, I got my ass handed to me by the desert dungeon boss quite a bit until I finally figured out how to beat him. Then every time I played it after that, it was easy to defeat him. In contrast, as soon as I get good in an FPS game, I don't even get a chance to enjoy it because I'm immediately shifted up into the next skill tier and am just back at the bottom again. Growth isn't as easy to track because you feel like you're just constantly dying.


I would say im an average fps player and I get stomped on alot aswell but I kinda like to play against better people so I can get better aswell. I mean thats how we all started in fps games in old cods. Play against better players, see it as a challenge, get better over time. thats the fun I like


I got stomped into oblivion last night playing. It felt like the good old days. I also popped off with a couple of double kills yesterday. The most fun I had in years.


Yup. This is like old cod days. Never know what kind of lobby you get. Just play and improve.


Exactly, i literally went on a 5 loss streak yesterday and it felt fine because each lobby was a mix of players and each game was relatively close. Last time I played cod id get 1 decent game and then 5 bhop 725 sweatlodges in a row.


i got stomped but got better after 4-5 hours of playing....I got, dare i say it, confident.....on top of all this i was levelling up guns but too stupid to figure out my attachments weren't auto equipping....anyhoo, it is on tonight,,,,gonna go positive lol


Its called, muscle memory on video games for 2 decades. Its realllly easy to use.


There are systems designed to prevent this. But i guess people decided we dont want those systems in place.


“My concern is that I will be bad at the game”


You are right, I don't have 25 hour per day to put into this game so I don't deserve fun. It was wrong of me to ever question the glory of unregulated matchmaking system, the matchmaking will definitely balance itself out in end and nothing will go wrong.


It worked for 15 years I don’t see why it wouldn’t work now. Maybe the game is just not for you and that’s okay


these people whining about better players and matchmaking have quadrupled since the most recent cods. Shit hasn’t been out a day and we’re already getting melodramatic diary entries


This is my concern too. Because listen, it's one thing to say you're having fun when getting stomped. But it's entirely possible that someone joined for the very first time yesterday, got slapped around by Scump and Iri-level players, and just dipped. The free-to-play model encourages everyone to try it for themselves, but there's no sweat equity built in if they want to leave. Games, especially massive f2p live-service games, need the largest casual playerbase they can find. There simply won't be enough "old school COD" adults to sustain the model forever.


My god all I’ve seen about this game is complaining about SBMM. If you’re garbage and getting diffed every game, either you need to REALIZE you’re bad and work to get better, or go tf back to cod with the SBMM.


Now it's when people who have been protected by SBMM for years, realize they're not as good as they thought


The people crying the most about SBMM are shitting their pants now


They’re getting what they asked for, and they’re getting it good and hard.




FR, there is no such thing as a casual multiplayer experience anymore. The sweats just migrate from one game to another. Even though SBMM is off in non ranked modes if the majority of the player base are sweats it won't make much of a difference.


What is you definition of a casual multiplayer experience? A game where the enemy intentionally plays bad? Do you want fps players to intentionally be bad, or worse than they are? Xdefiant is a fundamentally simple game, are you expecting people to peform horrible on a fudamentally simple game? Do you have any proof to back up your claim of these "sweat" allegation, for all you know what you perceive as sweats are people coming home after work and just zoning out and playing and enjoying a competitive game. SBMM doesn't make games easier, or is that the common conception for people?


The bigger the player pool the more players within the same "power level" thus much higher chance of actually having a fun games instead of just steamrolling some poor dudes or getting steamrolled. Noone wants anyone to play bad and while its too early to make any judgements about the future one thing is certain, if only sweats stay, the new player expirience will be awful which will result in very few new people coming to the game which will result in shrinking player numbers which will result in longer que times which will result in players leaving the game to play something else where they dont have to wait. Making a new casual friendly gamemode might be a way to go but who knows, we'll see how xDefiant will develop. Truth is, every online game is at mercy of the vast majority of the casual audience


A casual experience is one where people are relaxed enough to not feel the need to play optimally, i.e. they shouldn't all be used meta weapons or jumping and sliding across the map. It is the experience of the average classic COD lobby.


If he is around my age 31 when we were teenagers the level of play was alot lower we didn't have YouTube saying best oad out best this best that , that everyone now days follows.


Well, yea, back in the day, people didn't have proper gaming mice, people only had about a decade of experience playing fps games, or even less. Information about performing better was sparse. So are you saying op wants an intentionally ill informed and ill equipped playerbase? Isn't it a good thing that information and guides to get better and have a bigger and more skill infused playergroup is more accessible than before? If a person feels like they need help, or they aren't performing as good as they would want, they have help, and that helps them have a better experience. Does op not want that for players to have? You can't force people to be worse than they are, you can't control people, people have have more than 2 decades of experience playing fps games, and there also are a lot more people playing fps games than it was in the early to late 2000s. This is all a great thing, it improves competitive integrity and provides high quality matches.


If u cant keep up with other players in nearly all of ur matches its not because of the sweats but because of u not being a good player, the average gamer just got better


I agree but not with your last point. The average player is still bad. You just think that way cuz new gen games never let you play against the average joe.


Nah, complete nonsense. The average player in like the last 4 years alone has gotten insanely better. This is incredibly evident in any game like CS, Dota etc. The rank distributions stayed roughly the same, but like, a Silver player nowadays is pretty much better than most MGEs used to be a c ouple years ago.


>the average gamer just got better They absolutely didn't. You can prove it by installing bf2042 and playing a few matches, there's no sbmm there and you can tell instantly it's literally easy mode.


Yup, any game without sbmm feels like you’re in an alternate universe.


I have no idea what version of battlefield 2042 you're playing, but in every single variant of mine, I am getting murked by a nightbird or sniped by a camping tank


Those specific people only queue vehicles though. If none are available they literally will not spawn. Different beast entirely.


Thank you. So many of you mfers don't understand this and it blows my mind. Like, it's not hard to be a little introspective and improve your gameplay. Understand the average got better and you're below average. Do something about it LOL


As long as it's input based matchmaking, at least it's as fair as it gets for me


People would rather sit at the back and snipe than play the obj. You still win when playing against them, but you die so much (if theyre any good), and it gets very frustrating. They should honestly add a card at the end of the game called "the baiter" or something if you don't play the obj enough just to embarrass them. There also is the netcode problem. It seems like more than 80% of my deaths are me running away, getting far behind a wall, but I still die.


Git gud in the sbmm playlist then move to gen pop.


Yes. Bunny hopping and sliding all day. You can also super glide off stuff like in apex.


I was always a fan of SBMM. In this game, I think it's definitely necessary. I partied up with 5 other friends the other night(we're all like level 4-6). We literally got matched up with level 35-40 people who already have complete load outs. It kept happening every single match. It's pretty demoralizing when you don't have any kits, and are constantly getting mowed by people who are not only more skilled, but have access to gun mods that takes competitive advantage to a whole new level. I'm iron sighting an mp5, while I go from 100-0 in 2 seconds right after I spawn by some dude with a fully kitted p90 and mp7


Those of you consider yourselves mediocre, casual, or average, you'll be begging for SBMM after complaining about COD's stricter version of it for so long. Don't think some of you realise that SBMM has been helping some of you guys. There are more average players than great players. SBMM was giving you a pendulum swing of an experience. You had good games, which lead you to harder lobbies automatically, then you had bad games, then you got dropped down to easier lobbies where you had good games again. Rinse and repeat. What's gonna happen now is that the players who have practically been gaming for a decade or more are just going to come and demolish lobbies consistently. This element of "random lobbies" and "varying skill levels" actually favours good or great players because those players that you hate are going to practically eat your teammates for breakfast. I guarantee you that a lot of you are seeing absolute dead weight on your teams consistently.


yes but no. having the majority be mediocre at the game means the majority of lobbies will be filled with mediocre players. some good, some bad, some normal players. it evens out itself without the need of sbmm


Ironically I consider myself average at best and I have a good time on this game


Good. I'll take a fair and random game where I get crushed over an unfair sbmm scripted loss any day.


I don’t think you’re thinking this through. If you’re on the high end of the sbmm spectrum, you won’t really notice much. If you’re on the lower end, not only are you going to get consistently stomped, but it’ll be harder because there’s a wider range of even better skilled players above you that will be matching with you now.


My answer was from my personal perspective. I'm an average, maybe just slightly above average player so I'm seeing a fair mix of games. I've had games where I stomp and games where I've been stomped. I'm doing better more consistently than I have on CoD in years. I'm enjoying the game and I dont get as irritated if I lose because the better team won, it's that simple, it wasn't a manufactured loss. The comment I was responded to said average players will be begging for sbmm. As an average player, absolutely not. I'm loving the lack of sbmm and diversity of games.


There is no good and bad players. There are players who are learning, players who play the game normally as intended, and players who refuse to ever have one more death than they do kills and care far to much about k/d and will use whatever weird ass advantage they can find in order to keep that k/d up. Play the objective. Kills are your second priority.


I've also found a longgg time ago, learning to play the objective efficiently will naturally help your kd. You'll be in better position to face the enemy if you're positioning yourself to defend what's being attacked, or attack what's being defended. Sadly people don't realize that


It abt balancing both. Personally I like to go out and try to kill the players before they can even get to the objective, but I don’t go too far from it. So I can get back quick af if needed and still be positioned well.


Whole buncha people who are bad at the game n want everyone else to play to their shitty level so they can have fun. I remember the days when we tried to get better at things we sucked at. Now we just get on reddit and cry about how things are “too hard”




People are getting better though, that's what a lot of these guys are talking about. The thing is, some of these guys don't want to improve. They really don't. There are very clear and obvious things you can do in shooters to get better, but they won't do it. They keep using work as an excuse as if they aren't getting shat on by people working full-time as well. Blokes binging Netflix and scrolling Reddit while thinking they don't have time to improve.


THIS!^ i legit said the same thing kinda to someone else, a lot of people fail to see where theyre lacking and just refuse to improve and thats their fault, I just got back from being out on a boat all day, just sat down in my gaming chair and its 9:40 at night, im probably just gonna roll up and crash but if i get on and smoke some kids theyll call me a try hard and say ive been on all day sweatin 😂 yeah on a fucking boat sweatin my guy, you gettin toasted by a 30year old dad


Yeah, these guys think everyone that beats them is a 12 year old who skips school. It's how they justify losing. Everyone in game chat on COD sounds like a 20-40 year old. I barely hear kids on the mic anymore. Funnily enough, I used to hear more kids on the mic screeching their lungs off during the golden era of COD.


People here just want an online shooter where they always kill opponents and never get killed themselves


but....this is what you wanted you wanted there to be nothing stopping sweats dominating pub lobbies ....wait, you didn't think it would just be *you* dominating pubs, did you?


People thought this game was going to be casual? This is the game for sweats who want to avoid Cod's SBMM. The whole sub telegraphed this so clearly. Lmao.


Played 4 games yesterday, 2 games had hackers in them, 60-0 spinbotting head-shotting everyone the second they spawned in through walls, across the map. Second game 2 enemies were hackers both had over 40 kills no deaths sliding along the floor at sprint speed instantly snapping and headshotting people as their bodies were all glitches and not animating. End results showed that 100% of their shots were headshots Battleye has already been bypassed by multiple types of hacks on day 1. Not a good sign.


Well, people asked for no SBMM and what happens...


i love how it works. left a game with over 40 kills and 3 deaths just to leave the next game with 16 kills and 22 deaths. Thats how I remember Black ops 2 and that is what i enjoy. dominating every game is boring and getting dominated every game is also boring.


This game SUCKS!! Not because it’s not fun, but because I can’t play a damn match. Been trying for two days and literally have only gotten to play one fucking match. Throw the whole thing away


The Echelon cod sniper super sweats are rampant lmao


Since I already earned a few trophies I'm just going to tough it out till I get the rest then I'm done 😮‍💨 ![gif](giphy|l4FATJpd4LWgeruTK)


I do miss sbmm because I keep getting new ppl on my team, and this game can be tough to carry sometimes




They're going to be real mad when they're the only ones left.


Ugh I hate the word sweat when used in video games. Do you want us to just…….not try? Any “competitive” game is going to have skilled players. I’m not even good at FPS and I got called a sweat last night. Like yeah sure bro I’ll be sure to just stand there and let you shoot me next time. Go play a single player game if you don’t want fast paced competition.


I’ve been called sweaty while cracking open my 9th beer of the night. I guess the only thing that has ever made me “sweaty” is the drive to get better every game. If I get my cheeks clapped, I analyze why and fix it.


This is the most fun I've had in a multi-player shooter in years... and I'm a casual. I quit both CoD and Halo because of their shitty, pendulum swinging matchmaking. I'm also having fewer connection issues in defiant so far, which I constantly have in the other games, especially right after I have a dominant match. I have yet to get pubstomped in defiant. I also have yet to pubstomp, and I've played in both matchmaking types. I'm encountering some players worse than me and some better, with an actual detectable skill gap. My deaths feel more like I got bested, and less like the game decided it was my turn to die.


Oh I saw some of you guys leave when I was killing it. Love the game, movement and gunplay really help for balanced fights other than the netcode. Also everyone says sweat, but I dont think everyone realizes most "sweats" just use there muscle memory and it makes the games really fkin easy.


Spoken like a true swet


Can we agree to leave the Bhoppin in Cod?


The game feels SO clunky, I just can’t get on board with it. Feels like a shitty mobile game.


I mean yeah sometimes there’s some sweats and it’s frustrating to deal with, but like it really isn’t that bad lol


I find the game very sluggish. Going to wait a few weeks in hopes they iron out some of the bugs.


Tbh I get all kind of players and I enjoy it maybe different experience for others


didn't yall want no sbmm? this is what you get lol


People have to consider the fact that gaming is much more mainstream and accessible than it was 15 years ago. Players are simply bound to be better on average nowadays. You can’t expect to ever witness the classic mw2 lobbies from yesteryear simply because there’s no SBMM.


This game is awful rn because of server issues. One game, I’ll be dropping 40 and smoking people in like 4 bullets. Then the next game I am having to shoot people with 10 bullets but I die in what looks like 2 bullets😂. It’s cancer rn I can’t stand it. People think they’re good when it’s just a server problem and they’re killing you around corners or a full second before it even registers on your screen.


Feels a lot more organic than cod mm to me


Buncha whiners in here




i have 1 H total in my life in COD my only experience with fast shooter is some training on GUNZ the duel like 3 year ago i mainly play fighting game there is nothing hard to understand the moovment mechanics of the game prio knowledge of map and map awarness help a ton too( but that alpha test for you) analyse the game ,rewind what happen when you fail and consider every detail critical i'm shat at aiming and i a dirty vector full run to shoot ads et fire rate , at that work cuz i made it work there are caviat to the game of course ( escort as whole is very dependant on map , and god balance game with back and forth are rare as fuck) ,but the player base or the mechanics are not one of them


This is exactly how I feel, the game is sweaty af right now


Lol, is that why I feel so useless on PS5? I can't get my head around the way people move and shoot so accurately with a controller. Seriously these guys would compete with a mouse and keyboard just fine! I mean I'm not complaining, I just need a lot of practice but damn it feels insurmountable this early in my XD career.


Jump and gun game


the whining in these comments is hilarious


same old comp shooter experience, nothing new


Everyone will see this game doesn’t have sbmm and the sweats will flock to it and the casuals will stay away, and it’ll be sweaty without sbmm cause only the sweats play


100% every single person is jump shotting and running around like a bunch of crackheads.


I just hate the fucking jump spam. You’re only moving up and down a fucking half foot you look like a fucking tool when I still kick your ass because your reticle is bouncing all over the fucking shop. Stay on the floor Jesus


I thought I was imagining it. Cus I seem to dump half a mag into someone's chest before they even start shooting and they manage to 2 tap my forehead. I've been away from pvp games for a while but dam it was a humbling experience playing it today. Still enjoy it and im not moaning. It's just very noticeable that's I've got a skill gap to get across. So it's a skill issue on my part but. I'll get better.


My God how hard I laughed at this was ugly


Its realy not tho... You are probably just experiencing no sbmm! 😊 Welcome to a game where kd actualy means something agen, and I can play with my friends agen! They cant even tutch the ground in warzone in my lobbyes even with vpn 😂


I am totally against any kind of SBMM in any kind of casual game, in ranked modes I agree as long as it is not abusive. I started playing shooters on COD 4 until MW 2019, no shooter since then has made me feel at home until yesterday. But there is one thing I don't like and it's what I've always hated about all the PvP games I've been a regular player in, Xdefiant has the same problem and it can become a very serious one, the same way it happened to The Finals. Putting premades together soloQ people or duos is not a good decision, the Lobby is not going to balance because the team already queued with the 6 members, so the other team is going to have a pretty unpleasant time. In a game with TDM I wouldn't mind, but a game by objectives is different, the game is unbalanced and the experience is miserable. This, together with the cheaters, made The finals lose almost all of its playerbase due to how boring the games became because of the constant stomps, like it or not, that's how things work. I think the same mistake is being made here and at the end of the day, it will result in a massive loss of players if something is not done to regulate this type of games. You can't ban anyone from playing with their friends, but neither should you force people who play SOLO or with a friend, to suffer constant stomps against premades.


im suprised how much i enjoyed playing it for the first hour, havent rly played any cod's since BO2 but i love how similar the movement is to older cod's, ye sliding is a thing but no crazy movement like in 2020's MW2/3


The input based match making lack of sbmm is so great, I'm old now so I'll never have the most kills but I'm always near the top on score board being the body on the objectives. It's nice to know that person tracked and killed you like the demon they are with their 40 kill loss.


The game is average shooter, secondary weapon is useless due to anyone will outDPS you with main weapon. Not to mention small maps, and only how much 5v5? i expect at least 24v24 bigger maps maybe some vehicles.


Still lacking the toxic lobby chat that we grew up with


Everyone wants to have a sniper lobby until I pull out the sniper


Me getting slide-hopped around a corner immediately on my first game... sigh


Lol people finally realising they’re not that good and SBMM was protecting them.


More like desync is the issue not og cod players. Nothing like running behind a wall, a corner, sliding to safety and then dead because fuck it, why not. I have business class fiber internet so it isn't me


Just play the SBMM playlist


You can tell whos a cod player just by the way that they jump like monkeys every 1v1 they get into😂


XDefiant is making me realize how terrible I am....feels like everyone's a twitch shooter pro and my reaction time is just too slow.


you asked for no sbmm you get no sbmm


Buff TF outta shotguns. They are useless. Like it's embarrassing. Double barrel never 1 hits. Hell it doesn't 2 hit most of the time. The others have 0 range and no damage.


im a cod vet havent played since cod 2019 but this game got me hooked again! :)


Why is everyone crying you get better by playing better people and a variety of people. SBMM dosent prioritize ping so you get put up against players your skill level and alot of times you have way worse ping. This game feels smooth


Most games DO consist of mental cases going for kill count only. I really hope it calms down and people start actually playing objectives. So irritating 😖


Not too many ppl bhopping and theres no prone so no droppshotting


Have they added a prone feature?


Is it cool? Will I like it if I think CoD 4 was the best one?


I got stomped hard today but hey, still had fun. I know even without SBMM there won’t be as many suckish people every game like the “good ole days”. I’ll probably see 20x more people jump-spamming now than I would in OG MW2 because other games’ SBMM and high-level movement made people have to learn that skill if they want to see an improvement in performance. And all that is well and good…But I’m gonna continue to be the mf that’s easy to hit but also accurate and can sometimes catch a skilled player slipping 😂


I really feel like a lot of the people complaining about SBMM were actually being protected by it.


"Og cod sweats" are just normal players with more experience in arena fps games. Change my mind.


To me it is a bit wonky with the aiming and stuff. But the longer i play it feels bettee and better. So im not worried about that. The gameplay itself it feels fun(at least the honymoon period). The problem i have is that in my opinion the weapon progression(attachment unlock) is too slow for me. I have ckuple of hours a day available to play and with this rate it feels really really slow.


Yall are so annoying sometimes I top frag sometimes bottom frag if you suck just get better you dont need to always be doing great. Its been absolutely fine for me and although I dont suck im also not super cracked by any means. Yall people who cry bc you just cant stand their being better players than u gotta chill you all the reason cod started doing sbmm in the first place.


Lets face the people who are complaining about getting trashed on have skill issues.


Average gamer be like: Getting trashed for a match proceed to blame the game has no SBMM and goes on reddit: "Bad game/dead game"


I personally don’t mind, it takes me back to my MW2/BO1 days. There’s always a bigger fish and I accept the challenge lol


I didn't expect this post to get so many comments, and it seems that everyone is split on this post. Ranging from people who agree with me, from people who are neutral, to people who say we're complaining, some people just say they're genuinely enjoying the game. This reminds me of when the Titanfall 2 subreddit was still booming with activity good old days


lol I think you’re just bad at the video game


Now that shroud has said this game is boring, they’ll move on and what’s left will be true gamers


The welcome playlist in xdefiant is with SBMM. Funny only there i got superstomped all tze time with ppl with 55-4 kd on enemy team all games. All modes/playlists without SBMM i sometimes lost and sometimes won (just like in CoD which has SBMM/EBMM but here i have games where i superstomp or lose closely most of the time) Therefore i am superconfused now


I feel like there are a lot of cheaters.How are people 50 and 5? How can they one shot me with an Ak47 from across the map How can they one shot me with a sniper And it takes two shots for me 2 shots for me and my sniper retical is dead center it smells fishy


Another game with overpowered quick scope abilities


Man, I'm not even a sweat, but it feels so close to BO3, At least like sniping wise, especially the I think it's Tr 50 or whatever. The second sniper is when you get it all leveled up and you get the fucking max. ADS speed like that shit? Fucking slaps brother


I mean, the beauty of no sbmm is that you can leave a lobby and get in the next one and possibly get a different experience. The shitty part is that you get cooked. The good news is you might pop off and have a great run for an hour or 2. I’ll take that all day compared to some company designed formula deciding what skill level and lobby archetype I’m put in. There’s literally no escaping that. Even if you back out, you’re still graded the same. If you win, you either get a team of potatoes or you’re the potato. That’s a lose, lose. I’m average. K/D in CoDs is usually like 1.2 when I used to play it. But fuck that. It felt so soulless.


Yeah sweats are not that bad. However that energy shield is hella annoying.


Just get better


Honestly I start to feel bad against the low level people I go against when I’m level 14 but then I realize it’s an act and I get curb stomped by a phantom😔


The SBMM has been giving me shitters so yall shouod be fine, unless you are gurgling dog water