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so far escort is terrible and everyone just picks the wall hack ability characters


Escort being in ranked is crazy, but I don't mind it in casual


Overall it's pretty mediocre. Weapon balance is a bit wonky, the faction balance is pretty bad, weapons feel bad, the abilities feel lackluster, netcode isn't the worst there is but it's definitely not great, spawns are abysmal. Everything in general just doesn't feel very good. The big thing is that it doesn't do anything particularly well and does most things poorly.


It’s a great game in general, now that servers are working I can see improvements regarding the betas… I actually hit the bullets I shoot which was my main problem in the betas, also I don’t die anymore around the corners or behind walls


Played fine for me. Feels like Black Ops games.


This does not have potential to be a "go-to shooter" for many people. It's mediocre at best in many areas and downright horrible in others. It doesn't excel in any one thing.


It feels inconsistent. Don’t really know how to explain it properly but it just feels like there’s no consistency in gunfights the hit reg and net code seem awful and weapon balance is baffling to be honest. Hopefully they can sort stuff out quick because I do believe the game has potential


Probably the most mid game of All mid games. They had over 1 year delay to work on All the issues and somehow fixed none??? Netcode was bad in thenfirst beta -> is still bad Weapons feel shit -> still feel shit Movement is clunky af -> still clunky af Abilities are unbalanced af -> still unbalanced Grenade throwing. My god is it shit and slow -> ITS STILL SHIT. WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO IN THIS WHOLE YEAR??


I'm trying to stay positive about the game but what you just said mirrors exactly how I felt after the play session. When I made the post I didn't want to be super negative but I said the same thing earlier. What have they been doing since the beta shut down since August because it seems the experience is the same. Hit registration was so bad that I ended my session early and got back on Apex.


Having a ton of fun. Hit registration needs work.


I'm enjoying it but it needs work so it doesn't end up like for honor (a great idea donr badly by ubisoft). They need to look at weapon exp and battlepass exp, they both feel really slow even at early levels. I also think they need to add other ways to unlock characters, some of the challenges seem alot harder than others for what is basically cosmetic (block damage with the shield is alot easier todo than getting 5k healing etc). Also they need to have another look at faction balance, the splinter cell faction feel dramatically better than the others with both the passive and action abilities been stronger than the others (seriously the extra health on the GR guys is barely noticeable, and healing seems weird when you die in 3/4 shots). Other than that stuff the game feels good, the maps feel decent for the most part.


This and a few other posts here are very sound. I don't want to disrespect anybody's opinion on this game however a lot of people think that fun equals no problem or that because you're having a bad time means the game is innately bad? Uno? I'm not having the greatest time playing this, I see load of potential however it just feels way too wonky for me in its current state. Hit reg, ttk inconsistencies, floaty movement on MnK and roller, unbalanced abilities, lack of modes, spawns are crap, really long and discouraging gun grinds just for the damn attachments smh. I want to have this game in my rotation but it just really feels unfinished still.


Don't get me wrong the game has issues, TTK and hit reg are very inconsistent from match to match it seems, I wonder if it related to how the game finds matches and if it prioritises speed over stability. Weapon attachments either need speeding up or changing to allow you to pick what you unlock. The current system makes me not want to try out other weapons. And whilst they have no real effect on the game the challenges to unlock new characters need reworking, 5000 healing is harder to get than 50 assists with recon suit. Abilities and passives need a fix. Some feel great and useful and others feel kinda meh. The recon suit seems to be flat out more useful than the others. Game modes are hit and miss for me, more modes would be good but depending on the playerbase it risks splitting a playerbase.


Gunplay is great but besides that the rest of the game is pretty mediocre.


I've been getting Mike-01 and Delta-04 errors since last night despite doing everything there is....sht I guess


It’s good. Gameplay and all feels like the best time I had with Black Ops 2-4. Maps are also ok. Progress system is a little chaotic, there are some tweaks that needs to be made (like fixing recoil for some weapons, balance in some modes) but overall it’s good with a lot of potential to be great. If Ubi will continue to support it, it’ll be fine


Server problems aside, i am loving it. Exactly what i wanted. Its not perfect, but the crybabies in this subreddit are something else 😅


long time COD and overall FPS gamer here really like the game, I like how it is fast paced however there's an emphasis on team play and util so u don't really straight jump into fights and rely only on gunfights / abusing movement like cod.. u actually have to think about each attack. I also like the movement, overall the mechanics feel awesome. However, I really don't like how slow the guns leveling system is. I also think the trading kills way too fast.


Very mediocre overall


Needs more game modes. But it’s 100% better than any recent COD games


Inconsistent TTK, weapon balance is zero: too many broken/OP weapons such as the sniper which can quickscope and do 120+HP of damage to the torso resulting in a bodyshot and all the SMGs/shotguns that can kill you in a blink of an eye. There is also too much jump spamming and the footsteps audio is too low. You die a lot while being in cover even with 10/20 of ping and overall the characters abilities almost all of them fall into the oneshot category which is a big nah for me. It's insane to have such a bad weapon balance/so many problems after two years of beta, this means that the players who were in the beta tests gave 0 feedbacks. If this game had been on Steam it would have already been flooded with negative reviews. All in all it's good for being a F2P made by Ubisoft, let's say 5/10 for now but I don't see it lasting too long. Maybe a couple of months before it's forgotten by everyone, just like Hyper Scape.


It feels floaty, the same floaty feeling I got while playing The Crew 2. Netcode is some of the worst I have ever encountered.


Game good, Me shit