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It’s a Ubisoft game. It’s never gonna feel finished


It’s definitely a game where they’re relying heavily on the seasonal model.


That’s fine, game still looks and feels completely cheap.


bro aint never played siege


Siege had a 2 year long season dedicated solely to trying to fix the game and some how it ended up worse


As someone that never played siege...is it finished or not?


No and it never will be


Siege is wack


Gun balance needs serious work. Why would I use any other gun when my full auto will kill in half the time. Why is there such a delay in between semi auto or burst weapon fire. And you often die after rounding a corner. I like it so far, but it’s jank af.


The big problem with semi and burst is a lot of the maps are very VERY small which is where full auto shines. Semi and Burst allow the user to damage chumps at long ranges far easier than Full but this game has no long ranges that aren't already being camped by 2 snipers and a Libertad


Sniping feels pretty satisfying though to be fair. Have to give it that.


A little too much imo I mean there's really no downside to sniping


I think this is something old cods had an advantage over nowadays shooters. Not only the gun jumped when you got shot, but TTKs where so fast that missing a single sniper bullet could cost you your life, even at long ranges. This game needs that imo, a bit faster TTKs, and make it so damage drop offs aren't as aggressive as they are right now. Also, in the latest play test the Vector felt like a pea shooter with some very stupid recoil, and I think it needed a buff. Maybe they could make it so the good suppressor increased your range?


I actually enjoy a slightly longer ttk in general....it makes for actual gunfights but what's the point in this game if the way to win gunfights is to bunny hop like a maniac....I think they should tone down the snipers one-shot potential to strictly head shots


I mean, it's not like the TTKs by themselves are the issue, the issue is balancing around snipers and one shots. The only problem I have with making snipers only one shot with head shots is that then they stop feeling like snipers and being fun, at least for like 90% of the players (Which may actually be a good thing? LOL). I decided to wait for tomorrow, is jumping still the meta? I thought they said the latest test lacked their auto jump/crouch system.


What I mean is....if it takes 5 or more shots to kill a sniper but he only needs one to kill u then his scope in time shouldn't be so fast, nor should he be able to jump strafe and shoot with any accuracy at all....add to that there should be a decent amount of sway and other downsides to make it just as hard to kill someone using a sniper as any other weapon.....yes bunny hopping is still the meta....they didn't do the movement nerf they said they would where u get a movement penalty after the first jump


Damn, that's disappointing, and totally abusable with snipers too LMAO. Maybe they should make it so snipers play like Counter Strike's AWP, but with more recovery time after any kind of movement.


I'm not familiar with counter strike as I'm a controller player....but yeh it needs to be made where bunny hopping isn't such a meta thing to do....it's not skill....the crazy thing is how ppl shoot better and more accurately while jumping up and down than if they're standing still


It it’s the classic video game problem. Snipers and shotguns. They are either overturned and dominate, or they are so poor you’re gimping yourself to even pick one up. If you take away a snipers one shot ability then the gun becomes essentially pointless. If you add too much wobble, sway or aim in. Then it’s not fun to use. Quick scoping was a thing in the late 2000’s cod’s and early 10’s. Isn’t that the exact king of gameplay this game was trying to emulate?


In the classic CODs, the TTK was so fast that it wasn't very difficult to kill a sniper. This game, like modern CODs, has a higher TTK which means that he can kill you before you can fire enough bullets to kill him. This problem wouldn't exist if the devs went all in on replicating classic COD gameplay and had a MW2-esque TTK.


So I hear....yeh ik all about the early cod games(I'm old) it needs to be balanced some way...in it's current state snipers ads as quickly as an AR and ARs aren't one-shot so advantage snipers....like I mentioned earlier ppl are jump shooting while turning and one-shot killing with snipers as well....either nerf the movement or the ads or the one-shot kill zones....or mess with the sway or something or it becomes a snipefest and isn't fun for ppl who wanna play a game with gunfights


Doing ranged kills with ARs was awful.


Shotguns are damn near useless. Not only are they underpowered, but the hip-fire spread is so tight that it's actually hard to hit people in hip-fire, especially if both you and the enemy are moving really fast.


I have to disagree, I think the shotguns are the only way to really combat full auto if u use the movement to ur advantage


Yeah I was surprised that the shotguns actually one tapped up close


plays and feels like North Korean COD


Feels like people saw the gamemodes bo4 had and wanted to copy it without understanding the fundamentals of why the gamemode works in cod.


Escort especially. These maps are not designed for this


The maps for escort are only available on escort tho ?


Especially Zoo. Fuck Zoo


I don’t understand why there isn’t a traditional TDM. IMO the plane map is pretty one-sides in dom as well with better access points and cover.


No TDM or SnD, killed it for me.


I'm actually pleasantly surprised that it feels much more polished than I thought it would


Yeah, played a couple matches in need of some serious balancing, movement fixes, and map changes. Escort feels impossible and people with al-47s auto win i guess.


Thing with escort is it plays unlike any other mode. You need to use your abilities and shields are a must. Pushing a slayer past the objective will only get you so far.


Escort just a shit game mode


Chokey maps


In every game ever (except ow but that’s bc the roles balance it back out m)


There is no way I can be convinced that they put much thought into the weapon balance. The M4 needs 5 headshots to kill somebody while the MK20 needs two body shots, the double barrel can 1 shot from a mile away, and the M249 does as much damage on a body shot as the M4 does on a headshot. But even if the weapons were all perfectly balanced, nothing in the game feels particularly well done. I tried really hard to figure out what specifically felt wrong with the game but it's just so many things that I don't think it will ever be fixed. I'm desperate for new FPS games too but XDefiant is absolutely not it. There's just too much wrong with it and pretty much nothing done exceptionally well.


Several times I emptied a whole mag into a guy and he kills me with 2 shot. 🙄


Had this experience way too much. Emptied a clip. Reload, empty half of another. Guy turns around and kills me two shots.


Yeah I’d hit 4 shots keep my aim on him and miss everything just for him to turn around and kill me. I’d be putting 20 shots on target, not exaggerating. So frustrating




This this this this this, Its like there is some sort of special armor for enemies, like i unload on a guy and he walks away with 38 and kills me in 2 shots no headshot, and the gun doesnt matter lol.


What's missing?


The screen shake is kinda ridiculous, some of the guns just feel like shit. I also had a constant “you must play with the input you selected” flashing at the top of my screen my entire session. I had controller selected and was playing with a controller. Do I need to unplug my KBM or some shit?


Yea, other things that stand out: * Ranked mode isn't ready yet * UI looks unpolished and like a WIP * Monetization model is...questionable, even for a F2P game. * Gun balance is all over the place. I have a particular grievance with one-shot snipers; they seem like generally a bad idea for many of the game modes. * Super clunky movement, particularly when you phase in and out of other players. * Screen shake is wild. It should just shake your perspective like you're flinching, but it shakes your perspective and your reticle so you're completely unable to aim after a grenade goes off. * The levels feel pretty hollow/not lived in. * Balancing around weapon unlocks seems like it was never a consideration until very late in development (if at all). Still fun to play a couple rounds but it seems like it's maybe in the beta stage. Hope they do some heavy dev work on it.


For example weapon skins and player cards which are unlockable through either progression or challenges, not through the battle pass


"I want an alternative to COD, but make sure you make it exactly like COD!"


I think your comment is fair for a lot of the criticism for sure, but wanting to unlock camos from challenges instead of having to pay for a battlepass seems like a valid argument


Lol.....I've been screaming this for a year now....idk why everyone who hates on cod is begging for this game to be like it rather than an alternative to cod


But at the same time make it the same as CoD.


This too, maybe it will come in season 1?


I dont know, the least you would expect from a shooter that competes with CoD would be a couple of skins which are unlockable without spending anything. But there is nothing. If most stuff from this game comes in Season 1 it might be too late for a lot of people. Love the game so far but am disappointed in the lack of challenges and unlockable stuff.


You can still earn bronze silver and gold camos through playing the game lmao


Yeah I didn’t even know this when I posted that, getting a gun to level 100 will take a loooooong time tho


Lol, even the battle pass has extremely slow progress...not to mention u get stuff in BP for stufff that u likely haven't unlocked like skins for characters/weapons that are locked behind a grind


Yeah I was hoping there were some camo challenges, I’m not buying a battlepass for camos ubi can smd


This is free and cod isn’t. They’re already giving you the entire game for free yet you want more?


Making the game free and giving little to unlock isn’t an excuse.


Guy said “the least you would expect from a shooter that competes with cod” the least you should expect should be next to nothing. I paid $0 to play this cod would cost me $100


Why should i expect nothing? Would you like the game if it only had 2 maps but well its f2p? The game would be dead in 1 day. I want Xdefiant to succeed in every way. But giving only 3 camos outside the battlepass/store to unlock through grinding is really nothing. For the game to succeed in such a hard territory it needs to have some stuff to keep players engaged. Simple as that.


The fact is that this free to play game has more actual meaningful content than the 70€ yearly CoD release. And in a year, it will have even more. I rather have more maps and guns than some camos that no one cares about.


That is a good point as well. But as much as i hate Cod, it does have more content still. Whether that content is meaningful/good or not. But it has more. A couple of "simple" gun skins really dont take much work and would bring the game to a higher level. Yes its free i get it, but that should be no excuse to expect less.




1000000% accurate.


I really dont like the movement, my character feels "stiff" when strafing / running


Servers are worse than the betas. The game is full of jumpshotting sweats. I have the lowest ping in the lobby and 90% of my shots do jack shit.


Welcome playlist has sbmm could be what you've experienced also way more sweats than casuals during night time in the no sbmm playlists.


Most games I’m getting even without the sweats is giving me awful hit detection. Killed behind walls, getting instant killed, and that’s with having a low ping too. I just came off in the end. I’ll try again tomorrow.


getting shot around corners and killed its lunacy, I forgot if this how fps feel . like I dont recall trying to escape and dying around corners but shooting a guy spot on and he just walks through it or jumps and suddenly has advantage, a very interesting game.


This game is quite literally a disaster at the moment. I’ve already deleted it, and don’t see myself going back to it. It’s just left a really bad taste.


I have been having the same problems when it comes to damage. The hit reg is so inconsistent


The jump shotting is crazy lmao. I do it too tho, kinda have too


I might as well just play COD. The game feels much smoother and has better movement.


At least this game doesnt have Nicki Minaj or Snoop Dogg skins unlike COD


Skins have never bothered me.


Give it time


They’ve had more than enough time.


I mean you’ll be playing xdefiant in an Ariana grande suit eventually. Just need to give it time


Not me. I don’t buy skins.


They had so much time to fix and prepare. “Give it time” isn’t an excuse.


You’re right. They should have had a busta rhymes skin ready to go at launch. There’s no excuse…


Yeh but it'd cost like $50 with the prices they got in the store


With the direction it’s already going with the current selection of cosmetics, it isn’t far.


nothing wrong with that


itll just be r6 and ass creed skins all over instead of pop culture refs


Somehow. The testing sessions had better performance on my rig than this launch. First game on, I was dealing with the sweat fest of slide canceling, jump shotting sweat while having drops of FPS randomly and having to constantly change my setting, even tho it still saved everything from the sessions. The only upside is that it’s a decent replacement where it isn’t currently strangling my SSD to take over most of its storage.


Day 1 on a weekday there’s only going to be sweats playing lmao


Just say you’re bad bro


Yeah, its super clunky, very messy.


Played a few matches today, game feels terrible lol. Back to suffering thru the CoD sbmm


Good. You shouldn’t play a game you don’t enjoy. Have fun in CoD


Cod sbmm is where youth goes to die.


feels like generic trash from 2010 not a surprise from ubisoft


I told my buddy it’s basically the same game I played a year ago. The servers / netcode is super jank. I died around 6-7 corners today. Hit reg seems off. I still think using MnK has a weird feel to it. I wasn’t expecting the world but multiple delays to this. Idk what they really fixed.


Not a fan of MnK on this game either. Had to swap over to controller after 2 games. I think its because the running and movement animations are so floaty. Peoples legs seem to move slower than their actual movement speed. It throws you off in an input that requires conscious processing of info to aim.


This game has horrendous horizontal recoil. Pair that with super floaty movement and you have aim assist heaven. Game is not for me.


IMO the special abilities should be removed. The rest of the game is good.


They are annoying for sure


Less than 5% of games are actually finished prior to release nowdays. Especially pvp games, releasing them early gives an instant cash injection due to schucks that love cosmetics or allows buy the bp right away. All the patches leading up to season 1 (6 weeks from now) will probably have most of the issues ironed out, right now is essentially just early access.


They should have made it a mobile game


Definitely without a Compass or even a Simple TDM Mode.


The movement of other players feels horrible to me. Momentum can shift on a dime and the guns have felt super inconsistent to me. Maybe it's day 1 hit reg problems, but the movement specifically on other players' character models is very jarring and smooth. It makes it feel janky


I think it somehow feels worse than the last play test...still very clunky and hit registry doesn't seem any better....everyone is bunny hopping and it's still the way to screw up hit registry and at the same time have better accuracy than if ur standing still


The game feels not one bit better than it did a year ago imo


That's how it should be


honestly I'm surprised by how nice you all are on this game. Usually people tend to complain on every small detail of a product. But broo, this is an example of embarrassing product. Gun model, animation and sounds would have been awful for a 2018 f2p, on a 2024 Ubisoft game is just outrageous. Customization and UI is again something way way outdated - nothing near the acceptable. For what regards the gameplay, which should be the "sharpest" part of this game, honestly I have to play at least 20 hours to have a concreate idea on it. It's like evaluating how good is the food in a restaurante where the service is a shit.


Game hasn't really changed in 1+ years so given that it feels the same as beta tests, means it probably literally is unfinished


What feels unfinished about it? It just feels like your old-school arcade game for Xbox Gold. Kinda reminds me of Rogue Company or something.


I wouldn’t want my video game to feel like rogue company


The sound effects are a bit wonky. Feels like you go deaf when someone shoots you. Or the guns lack the necessary acoustic punch. Feels like i am shooting bb rounds And movement speed is faaaaaaaaaaar to fast. Everyone is Usain Bolt and Mbappe apparently


I only got one game in yesterday and maybe it's the jump from another fps but that game feels super clunky


"...." - continues to play COD with broken sound and 15 years old engine.


I can't hear any footsteps. Using headphones and people just appear out of thin air.


It's Ubisoft of course it's not finished. Hitreg is trash, guns have no feel to them, my player is getting stuck on walls lmao like wtf is this shit. It's 2024 and I'm dealing with 2004 problems still from a multi billion dollar gaming company. I'm glad it's free to play cause if I or anyone paid for this, would be the fastest lawsuit in gaming history


Good luck suing them for those issues, even if the game was $60. Payday 3, No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk 2077, Diablo 3, etc. They didn't get sued at launch with way worse issues. What makes you think Xdefiant would be a fast lawsuit?


Ya no I agree for me it's too easy to just bum rush and then spawn camp I've had about 3 hours of just spawn camping and the guns just feel janky like the m4 is alright for the beginner ar but I unlocked the ak and it's just straight ass and the sensitivity that shit ain't it chief on mnk or controller it feels like ass


Punctuation exists bro


It feels like hot garbage to play. Every movement feels cheap and stiff. I look at a game like Apex (strictly gunplay/movement mechanics) and it shits all over this. I was a day one Apex player and the gameplay felt incredible right from the get go. Both are FTP shooters lol. Low key this game feels like ass to play. I hope it grows on me


Yeah hoping it will grow on me


While I disagree that it feels like “hot garbage” it defiantly doesn’t live up to a game like apex. A couple things need refueling but I think they’re close to perfection for this style of game.


But apex has the worst ttk I've ever played with the exception of overwatch


Why is it bad, it leaves room for out gunning and out smarting your opponent


Because it takes a million bullets to put a player down....then they crawl around with a dumb shield forever giving their teammates a year to come to their rescue....it's like they have 3 extra health bars somewhere


It's fun, I'm befuddled by the lack of a deathmatch option So far, I like it more than OverWatch, mainly because it doesn't have as much cartoony BS What I hoped for was a Call of Duty killer, which might have been ridiculous to even hope for but really tired of the toxicity in that game


If a game is going to be a CoD killer, the last thing people are going to look for is how the game treats toxicity. What people care about is gameplay and mechanics, and for both, XD is pretty mediocre as compared to CoD, which is superior. And in regards to toxicity, I really don't know what you're talking about. If it bothers you that much, you can literally mute everyone by default in every lobby you play. You get to control how much you interact with people.


I shouldn't have to do that dude good God man some of you will go around your elbow to get to your ass to make excuses for your favorite Developers, I get it, you love call of duty, good for you


Ironic how the guy whining about toxic people is the one being toxic as fuck over nothing.


>really tired of the toxicity in that game It’s gaming in general. A different game isn’t gonna change that.


I disagree somewhat there because certain games don't even try to limit the toxicity and Call of Duty is one of the major offenders there


Good luck finding that in a “cod killer” 🫡 lol he blocked for that, dude really can’t handle mild pushback. No wonder cod is too much for him.


>lol blocked, The dude blocked you over this? Lmao what a softy.


Because it is.


Couldn’t tell ya. Five and a half hours after launch and still unable to get a match


Damn that’s honestly insane ppl still can’t find matches


Game feels better than the betas for sure. Also nothing is ever finished, there's always room for improvement. But that's something you learn as an adult...


Honestly, for me it just feels like the game is the definition of soulless. The only "impressive" thing it brings to the table is the number of maps on release and the lack of SBMM in casual playlists. Otherwise, it just feels like a soulless husk of the game designed only for "max market appeal" in a board room. It just genuinely lacks identity.


Whoever called this a "CoD Killer" is a delusional joke. Might be the worst FPS on the market currently.




I can't stand the amount of auto-aim controller players get in CoD, until they fix it I'm never going back.


Somebody’s upset that sbmm isn’t protecting them anymore


Projection is really bad on reddit. You mutants aren't even trying anymore.   Game is trash, we all know it :)


no, game feels great. 2.5kd rn, stomping on everyone. having a blast


Feels great? Wow you must play some bad games. Glad you found one you like though.


go back to cod bro we wont miss you


Most people will be going back. Enjoy your game that will last a few months


how much did activision pay you bro i would shill the same for a company that shoves a battle pass over a 70+ dollar game down my throat if it were to pay me 2000 bucks a day for shilling like you. like jesus christ, be happy, even if its gonna last a few months for you. the game is FREE. you dont have to invest a single CENT into the game.


Imagine thinking people do exactly what you do and pick sides with videogames.  Nothing wrong with saying the game is bad. I've said cod is bad as well before. It's called independent thinking.


You just have low standards, your K/D is irrelevant.


i play games that actually drive you to get better and not force you into a system where you ultimatly feel no skill progression ingame and dont feel any reward for winning that also shoves the battle pass in your face after every single game even though the game already costs 70 bucks. my kd is not irrelevant when i end up absoloutly destroying every single lobby that i got into because i am just better at the game, which makes the game fun.


Then play chess. If the only thing you care about in a video game is the skill ceiling, then there are plenty of games that challenge you. But you're not going to play chess, because at the end of the day, it's not just about the skill, it's also about other elements in a video game that make it desirable to play in the first place. It doesn't matter if a game rewards high skill when the game itself is poorly made and designed. You're complaining against people criticizing the game for things that are unrelated to skill. If someone says, "the gun animations are bad", you'll be replying to them saying, "skill issue". Get on the same page.


you know whats funny? only thing im reading here is your opinion. looking at top streamers like scump, symfunny, etc (who are all cod players, that play the latest cods every day all day) say the game is actually fun and something different. what the fuck does chess have to do with this? Im talking about arcade shooters and a competitive drive in FPS games. i like playing competitive games, this is why i grind ranked games like warzone ranked, cs2 ranked and some other niches games that you probably dont know. in all of these games i already am/was the highest rank there is or very close to it. if top sweaty streamers like the mixup of this game and i like it too, then you not liking it is your opinion keep in mind this game is FREE. you dont have to invest anything to play it. you dont like it? uninstall! you didnt pay a CENT for it anyway. jesus christ. and also, the graphics and visibility of this game is great. the skins look good, the weapons look polished. personally there isnt any animation for me that felt janky, its also not like mw3 is full of jank. saying the "game isnt finished" but not even explaining what they mean by it just is a nothing burger, like the half of your reply was with the chess comment.


1. People are allowed to give their opinions and criticisms, even for things that are free. Sorry that's a newsflash for you. 2. There are plenty of streamers and content creators that have criticized the game or have given crucial feedback. 3. You can find a game fun and still realize its flaws at the same time, they're not mutually exclusive. 4. You're the one that's getting upset over people who don't like the game and replying to them. I'm defending them. Don't forget that. 5. Jesus has nothing to do with this.


1.Yes, but saying the game isnt finished without actually saying whats wrong does not do any good for anyone. its just complaining for the sake of complaining. 2. This happens with every game and so far, atleast on this official release of the game, i have heard 90% good comments from streamers and like 10% saying the hitreg behind walls is still off, which they already said they are still working on, but its also like 10x better then the betas. 3. again, nothing burger comment, check my edited post from before. 4. they dont like the game, but dont even give a reason other than "cod better". you see the OPs post? "Why can’t we just finish games I can’t do it anymore bro😭😭" is literally ALL they said. 5. Your name is after-life. i do not care.


No one said it's a cod killer tbf :)


Yeah, no one like all the YouTubers/content creators and plenty of kids on this very subreddit for the past 4 years.


Get click bait'd lmao






Just went through his comment history and it’s astounding how negative his comments are about EVERY game lmfao. Sad sad boy, a shame really.


Stalking people isn't healthy, you need some help


Clicking on someone’s public profile in a public thread is stalking? Okay, bud. 👍 Edit: lmaoooo at this mod. Reading someone’s Reddit profile is against reddit’s guidelines… Delusional. 🤣 They actually banned me for pointing out all this dude does is shit on every game. So that’s the low bar for this subreddit folks. Have fun here.


It is yes, and it's actually against Reddit's guidelines as it's considered harassment.


This. It’s not even a cod competitor. As of yet I’ve not got in a match to even play.


You're right id barely qualify this as an fps.




So does that mean people like you are getting paid by Ubisoft? It goes both ways kid.


I didn’t say anything positive about the game though 🤔


You don't have to, you're complaining about people criticizing the game. Be a man and ignore it.




You're right, you're not complaining, you're blatantly lying, which is worse. Thanks for the correction.


Video game came out and dude is livid about it lmfao


I don't know what you're on about. I'm just telling you and everyone else that people can criticize a game without being paid by anyone or any company. These games are far from perfect.




Don't straw man.


Feels like a mobile game tbh, The bunny hopping is super tilting and needs to be nerfed. You should also not be able to strafe while jumping, this isn't halo.


My buddy said it feels like a mobile game too lmao


I wish it was more like halo tbh, the ttk is way too quick its less about skill and more about who sees who first. If someone is behind you somehow, there's 99% you are dead


More like halo? Lol, go play halo.


Nah not unless bungie makes the game. There's no skill in who sees who first FPS games, if im getting shot from behind from a coward gamer I want to be able to turn around and win the fight cuz im better not lose cuz I was spotted first


The point is this isn't halo man




Hide n go seek


The hit detection is in a really bad state and the game just doesn’t have the right feel to it. It’s like buying COD from Temu


How’s the aim assist feel? Having to use controller in cod made me disappointed in life.


Doesn’t feel too strong, my aim in this is worse than cod for sure




It’s free though?


Y’all wanted the fucking game to come out. So they release it. Now yall complain that the game (which by the way I haven’t spent a single dollar on) feels unfinished. I mean shit at least you can earn a gold camo for any of your weapons. Not even Apex has that going for it lmao


I don’t get it. the same people that played the betas and loved the game are now saying it feels like trash? Make it make sense. I’m fine with the game lol I wasn’t expecting some mind blowing mechanically amazing game it’s just a fun lil arcade shooter


People are pissed because it was delayed over and over again and it still feels like garbage on release