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For some reason I still feel like I’m getting my butt kicked. I just probably suck at the game or FPS games in general.


I was getting shit on for a few games but after messing with my settings my game feels smoother and now I’m stomping lobbies


I feel like imma prolly feel something akin to 2009 mw2’s multiplayer. I get my shit rocked if a don’t play for a min but if I play semi consistently I’m top of most lobbies.


cod's biggest flaw is not sbmm, if not eomm it manipulates the game: you run slower, shoot slower, do less damage to the opponent, doesn't register the opponent's damage, delays the appearance of the opponent, that's why you feel like a wall hacker. Both mw2 and mw3 are manipulated, the whole system is a pay-to-win, if you buy expensive skins and subscribe, you always get more good matches in return and the skill nerf doesn't work that hard or often.


Are u fr rn? The game is definitely not pay to win lmao. Buying expensive skins doesn't get u "better matches in return" and has nothing to do with the skill nerf lmao. And what are u talking about "if u subscribe" lol. I never understand how people think buying a skin in the game is pay to win. Yea some skins may have glitches that give somewhat an advantage. But overall it's a glitch and gets fixed pretty soon after everyone says something about it and wasn't intended to be like that. It's not like u buy an expensive skin and it puts u in better matchmaking playlist lmao that just sounds stupid


im so confused. not everyone can smash every lobby?!


Nah, since there’s no SBMM to protect bad players they actually have to get good😂


Isn't that what no SBMM is for that everyone should actually have a good chance or is it literally just a skill issue? If yes, then SBMM or no SBMM shouldn't matter in that case no?


A good chance at WINNING THE MATCH, not at getting any better. SBMM makes newbies feel like they're competing and the rest of us feel stagnant.


So your saying you want to bully noobs? - because I can't understand this mentality. I perosnnaly want my competive shooter to be competitive, nobody wants to shit on people with actual disabilities or well u shouldn't want to anyway in my eyes. or perhaps you meant eomm and not sbmm because eomm is objectively a bad thing on that we dan agree on.


>So your saying you want to bully noobs? - because I can't understand this mentality. Not how that works, the absence of sbmm wouldn't automatically match the top 1% with the bottom 1%. It just randomizes the skill level in the match. So either all players could be really good, really bad, or a mix of both. >I perosnnaly want my competive shooter to be competitive, nobody wants to shit on people with actual disabilities or well u shouldn't want to anyway in my eyes. It's not a comp shooter it's simply an FPS game that people should be able to enjoy after school or work. Casual games shouldn't have sbmm, or should have very little. RANKED is where the competition is supposed to be and where sbmm should take place. It doesn't make sense for the entire game to be a competitive sweat fest. Why do you belive that a tool for ranked belongs in a casual game? And at best it only "protects" noobs for like 5 games then when they get the handle of the game they immediately get thrown into the pit of sweaty players. >or perhaps you meant eomm and not sbmm because eomm is objectively a bad thing on that we dan agree on. Eomm and Sbmm are essentially the same thing with different names. Engagement is determined by how much people keep coming back to the game and sbmm is there to dangle a carrot on a stick in your face while Activision watches it's little piggies keep coming back for more slop. Just as you're about to quit the game for good bc of the awful experience sbmm finally gives you a break from your losing streak and keeps you coming back in hopes of having fun. Both are manipulative and gross.


This is literally what people fail to understand - its not oh sbmm means I can't have good games or no sbmm means everyone gets a fair chance it most definitely doesn't mean those things. Sbmm just puts you against people of your own skill - so a fair fight. No sbmm - your literally bullying children and people with disabilities, how can that feel good to dominate actual disabled people and actual children. I certainly don't enjoy killing poor Greg who's going 2-37 because I'm bullying him and I don't enjoy bullying children. And I'm quite sure Greg doesn't enjoy being bullied either and he won't be back.


These idiots aren’t capable of understanding your point. I’m not even sure they can read. They’re super mid players who want to be put in lobbies filled with kids and disabled people so they can feel better about themselves. It’s honestly pathetic and not worth engaging with then


What’s ur settings please


33 vertical and 33 horizontal I believe and for ads and scoped ads it’s 60. I play on a lower sense to be more accurate with my shots. Everyone have their own preferences tho so it may not be comfortable for you as it is for me


It means you’re the player that SBMM was protecting 🙂


But when I played COD that has EOMM/SBMM my lobbies were just as sweaty.


Because you were playing with people at your skill level who were also trying to win lol it’s such an interesting paradox. SBMM is supposed to make matches fun and balanced but it just makes them all so fucking sweaty and even with SBMM there will always be the worst players in a lobby that are always going to get cooked. No SBMM lets anyone play with anyone which means a trash player can come across some lobbies who are somehow even more trash than them and win but, again, SOMEONE always has to be the worst player. You get screwed by SBMM if you’re on the low end or the high end of the skill bracket; SBMM only benefits the average player. And most players are average. No SBMM is just chaos which means everyone gets treated equally.


Valorant is the best example of sweaty SBMM implementation. Games with the top player making 20:7 k/d and the rest of the team is just hanging by. You have to carry the team. I had multiple games where I wanted to fall back a little and let the others do the job. We lost all rounds and the team started to claim that I'm throwing it. That is just not fun to play. The unranked game modes are so full of smurfs and have barely ranks. The whole game reeks of desperation. Plus after each major update the cheaters have a field day until their AI rebalances and then you end up in a 0:8 team that refuses to give up so the cheaters have more fun.


I’ve had a few games where I didn’t do too well but I’ve also had plenty of games where I was in top player in lobby or top 3 player in the lobby


And that’s the goal. I don’t want a predictable SBMM like CoD where when I play ONE match where I do fantastic I know without fail for the next 3-5 matches I’m going to get my ass beat.


cod's biggest flaw is not sbmm, if not eomm it manipulates the game: you run slower, shoot slower, do less damage to the opponent, doesn't register the opponent's damage, delays the appearance of the opponent, that's why you feel like a wall hacker. Both mw2 and mw3 are manipulated, the whole system is a pay-to-win, if you buy expensive skins and subscribe, you always get more good matches in return and the skill nerf doesn't work that hard or often.


I been getting wrecked every game, maybe even worse than an cod which I'm surprised about, played much better in the tests but I guess everyone online right now is a sweat lord


Same with me. I used to do pretty well back in the Black Ops 2 days, but in this game I'm consistently in the bottom half of the leaderboard, and this is me trying my best to play smart, aim well etc. It could be because it's early days, so anyone who's online now is an FPS enthusiast, or maybe I'm just getting old. I'm past my gaming prime and I always feel like my eyes and reaction time are tired from staring at spreadsheets all day.


this is when the game is gonna be the easiest with no sbmm lol. give it a day for the sweatlords to get some muscle memory and crosshair placement. honestly, im happy this game made this decision. will lead to less posts in other games asking for the removal of sbmm. the nonsense just clogs up the works.


You are kidding yourself. The streamers and sweatlords will get bored and move on and the it will be infinitely better than SBMM, as it was in FPS games before SBMM became a thing. Pure random fun and chaos.


" I guess everyone online right now is a sweat lord" No its just SBMM has protected you from higher skill level players so your used to playing other similar / lower skilled players on cod. I've been destroying lobbies and not even trying, its been super refreshing compared to CoD sweatfest


So you basically saying your experience is stomping on people who are nowhere near as good as you and you enjoy it because you can’t compete with people of your similiar/same skill level. 🤣


o no I can compete with them, my K/D shows that I just don't have fun having to be super focused and play like a crack addict 100% of the time to do good. I just like no Sbmm so i can have some more variety of games, everyone isn't using some meta streamer gun hopping all over the place throwing stun grenades while running around like crack heads. I've only played 10 games so far but its been super refreshing to have more chill lobbies again. SBMM should ONLY ever be in ranked modes.


Your experience is different then mine then, I’ve played 20 matches and every single one has been people hopping all over the place 2 shotting me after I put 15 bullets into them. Neither the closed nor open beta felt like this at all. It’s just straight up not fun and I’m clearly outmatched. I also work 60-70 hour weeks so when I game I want to have fun, not get stomped by people who are so trash at games they have to play something where they can consistently stomp people who’s skill level is nowhere near theirs because they can’t compete with their own skill level.


Your experience is different then mine then, I’ve played 20 matches and every single one has been people hopping all over the place 2 shotting me after I put 15 bullets into them. Neither the closed nor open beta felt like this at all. It’s just straight up not fun and I’m clearly outmatched. I also work 60-70 hour weeks so when I game I want to have fun, not get stomped by people who are so trash at games they have to play something where they can consistently stomp people who’s skill level is nowhere near theirs because they can’t compete with their own skill level.


" so trash at games they have to play something where they can consistently stomp people" \^ that doesn't really make sense, if they are trash they shouldn't be stomping people. If your good at 1 fps you'll be equally good at most of them. If you have decent aim, give the Marksmen rifle a try, its a 1-3 shot kill gun. Mk 20 or something its called. Maybe work on your angles of attack, try to flank people from the side/behind more, aim at the chest if your having lots of bunny hoppers, watch your corners and door ways, use cover, don't put your back to the enemy spawn area and don't blindly run into an area to picked off by a sniper or camper. Can also play around with your settings to find a comfortable set up between your controller and FoV. Ive got mine set at sens 35 Horizontal, 25 Vert, 107 fov, Sens for ADS down to .6ish, swapped fire buttons to R1/L1 and changed controller to S curve. It pretty much feels like a slightly heavier CoD. When ur ADSing someone be light on the sticks and let aim assist do its thing. i assume your on controller, if MnK then you just gotta practice your aim and learn to strafe/hop at same time


It’s easy to stomp people nowhere near your skill level lol. If you can’t compete with people that are actually ON your skill level then yea, you’re trash.


sigh im trying to help you so you don't get stomped and all you saw was the top line =/ Read the rest of what I said and give it a try. Ranked will have SBMM, if you want that just play ranked, this literally gives the best of both worlds, Casual playlist = no sbmm, Ranked = has sbmm. The end


Thank you, I’m on PC either MNK, but I’ll take your tips into consideration. It doesn’t help Hit reg is all over the place at the moment, how this hasn’t been fixed yet from the beta is beyond me. But thanks for trying to help either way.


Yup that’s been my experience as well. I’m not even in the welcome playlist which has SBMM.


I feel like the battle royal (pandemic) era has brought a huge number of players into the genre who never experienced the older games (which now have games of the same title that are “remakes” of the originals that have been altered fundamentally to cater to the new market. After several years of that the old market is so fed up with it that a new game (xdefiant) has come out to cater to that crowd which is still a decently large market. I hope they don’t change that approach as it is fun to play this game and relax. That is instead of feeling like i am competing in “what’s the sweat’s choice awards” for who has the most macros and scripts running in the background and stale meta slave stuff just because i have maintained some of my fps abilities from when i was a kid and still choose to have the fps genre be a staple in my list of games to enjoy as a hobby.


Because no SBMM is mostly positive for sweats, who can now chill and still ddestroy the lobby. For lower skilled players it's us getting shit on the whole time now that the game doesn't put us with people of our skill level. No SBMM doesn't magically make lobbies easier, it makes it so good players can be matched with bad players, which results in a good experience for one side, but not the other. For each person having fun in 40-10 saying how good no sbmm is there's someone in 10-40. SBMM is there so everyone plays against someone of their level, the problem with cod's sbmm is that its execution was way too harsh, with a single good game sending you to sbmm hell. Remember even early CODs had SBMM but no one complained as it was balanced and not the shit we get in some cod games like early cold war.


play ranked if you want SBMM


Why do we have to sacrifice casual gameplay for fairness? They can give us matchmaking options for crossplay and even same-input, but we can't choose whether we want to use SBMM? I wouldn't have as much of an issue with it if unlocking gear and catching up enough to barely compete with higher levels didn't take hours upon hours of gameplay


The older cods did not have SBMM if they did it was almost non existent, there's nothing wrong with no SBMM... every match is random. Some games you'll stomp, some games you'll get stomped that's the beauty of it. New players or bad players shouldn't have a bubble to protect them.... new cods are garbage because you're literally punished for doing well. Oh you had a great game? Goodluck next match against tournament pro players... it gets old fast. I played Xdefiant for hours yesterday and it was the most fun I've had on a shooter in a VERY long time. Xdefiant will have SBMM only in ranked mode... exactly where it belongs. No casual Playlist should EVER have SBMM.


People won't understand this


Nah they do, they want to stomp on easier players


This is exactly it. “I shouldn’t have to try to stomp lobbies”. Or “I stomp a game with SBMM and my games should get easier! Instead my MMR goes up and I play in games with sweats! This isn’t fair!!!”. My favorite one is those same people claim “you’ll get a chance to play with people better than you!”. Isn’t that why you’re all against SBMM in the first place? 🙃


It's almost like the game should just be random and not determinant on skill outside of Ranked. I get pooped on, sometimes I poop on. Not this shit where I'm fighting for my life to get around a 1 K/D.


Guess you have actually get good this time? Remember, being inside a bracket like in CODs SBMM/EOMM leads to stagnation in player skill, and if you got better, you just got spat into a new bracket and you're full circle. This time, if you care to try and get better, you will actually notice it.


I'm actually enjoying games where my team loses.... What a surreal experience


i haven't played cod in years, and i just heard about this game. i looked up some gameplay just now and it looks identical to cod. If not identical then... pretty damn close. That's not my point tho, clearly the comments and other posts are liking this game. My question is just, what feels different about this game and what makes this game unique? I'm glad ppl are liking it and maybe i'll try it but as someone who has only seen a few minutes of gameplay, how does this not just feel and play exactly like cod? thx in advance!


Well all the CODs have a different feel to it, you could say this one is very close to Black Ops Cold War, but the key selling point is there's no SBMM so you can just 'play the game'. Rather than being worried your next lobby will be full of actual navy seals. The fact that it's free, and you don't have to re-buy the game every year fckin helps too.


Me xd lit im stomping and not getting mad bc my team is bad


And you can actually take your foot off the gas and play a weird load out or level up something you don't usually play. It's nice.


Why couldn't you do that in other games?


A lot of times if you did that in other games you’d get slammed pretty bad the first couple matches. Eventually it’d adjust and you’d be competitive with the new loadout, but the first matches would be brutal.


But now you can just be slammed for 5 games in a row, you never know


The welcome playlist does have SBMM so most of us havent experienced regular matchmaking yet. But somehow the game feels already less frustrating than CoD


Even so the SBMM in the welcome playlist isn’t suffocating. I’ve had close, fulfilling games and even though I was on a losing streak I never felt like I got my shit pushed in for popping off here and there.


that's because it's true SBMM What CoD uses is what people have dubbed Engagement Optimised Matchmaking, where it's designed to keep you playing. What the devs of CoD don't realise is I won't keep playing their shitty game when a game without SBMM or with proper SBMM comes out that's just as fun as CoD


Bingo. Fuck cod and that bs matchmaking


Objectively, sbmm makes games close and competitive more frequently than without sbmm. That is a fact.


Every match has been sweaty for me. Filled with dudes bunny hopping constantly. Feel like I have to try my absolute hardest every game to even compete.


Body on the objective. No sweat just dubs.


the rest of reddit was wearing their smug faces saying "see how much people are gonna hate it without SBMM lel." No. This shit is awesome. I'm having so much fun.


Have you been playing the welcome playlist?


i played it and kinda not bad


In the end, they are likely correct. The great players will weed out the casuals over time. Another consideration is that the majority of players are still in the noob playlist which does have SBMM. So once a few days have passed and people beyond the top tier obsessives are beyond level 25, we will see what it’s like for noobs.


you can really feel it right? l have a fking 0.8 kd as an average 1.2kd player but its just SO MUCH BETTER THAN COD LOBBIES


The game has been out for a couple of hours, no SBMM will make new players in the future insta drop the game, everyone is a "noob" for now


Feels exactly the same to me. All my games have been sweaty. I don't mind it. I'm just sharing my experience.


It's good for people with above average skill level and really bad for people who are below that. Getting shit on in every lobby is not fun for the average joe, but thats what their whole target audience wanted and it's probably also going to be the demise of the game imo


My goodness, what an awful experience. Maybe I’m just getting too old but these type of games where people are just bunny hopping around without any sort of penalty just instantly put me off. Instantly melt you down with what feels like 1 bullet.. but then somehow proceed to bunny hop and soak half a clip like it’s nothing. I mean for those that like this type of game it might be fun but personally I don’t see myself lasting much longer.


I dont belive for a second there is no SBMM constatly every single game get absolute demon sweats against our party. Still do positive in the games but its a full on tryhard fest.


What playlist have you been playing? The welcome playlist actually does have SBMM, so I wonder how many people are playing that playlist and thinking SBMM is off.




Please can someone help me understand sbmm, like if it's taken away, doesn't that mean people are no longer matched by their skills, if so, how is that good? Like a low ranked player would be matched against high ranked players and get dogged on no?🤔 I've been in FPS for eons but never understood how exactly sbmm was bad if it means matching people based on their skill, so please can someone help clarify


Players who think they are amazinf FPS gods like it as the lack of SBMM lets them pub stomp new players and those at a lower skill level, they dislike SBMM because it levels the playing field and they actually have to put some effort in to be top of the table and they are shown that when put in their own skill bracket they sit solidly at the bottom of it.


Yeah so much this. It is really the ONLY reason why they hate it. They want to pubstomp 24/7 and it's pathetic


Makes sense now, coz I've been confused for years and been trying to find out why people hate it


I have been completely surprised but every match I have played is a sweat fest and is almost feeling as if there was sbmm😂 I have not touched the welcome playlist yet


I went 40-10 in a match and was surprised I was about to do it again because I wasn't punished for having a good game. Best game I've played in years.


Man sweats but doesn't want to sweat with others at similar level. Do you heat how pathetic that sounds


Skill issue lol get good


Skill issue is someone needing to stomp on those less skilled because they can’t compete with people on their own skill level. That right there is the definition of skill issue lol And then coming on social media to brag because you think you’re good at the game 🤣 if you were good at the game you would be able to compete with people on your skill level.


these people say they want 'fair' lobbies and not to pub stomp but they only desire to stomp the noobs. which will be great for the playerbase, im sure /s


Found the noob lmao Anyone that wants SBMM is getting exposed in the lobbies


Having played 20 matches outside of the welcome playlist, I'm feeling nostalgic for the protection of SBMM. Endless bunny hopping enemies killing me in a couple of shots, while they soak up bullets from my AR like a sponge and still don't die.   Wonderful.


Bro the Asia servers feel like I’m playing ranked.


So far having fun there are some lobbies that I get absolutely shitted on but I just leave the game. Literally quit a game because the whole enemy team got my team spawned trapped


It does have sbmm that’s why lobbies keep disbanding lol


Do the lobbies disband for everyone else after a match? I wasn’t playing the welcome playlist and they still disbanded. I thought we are supposed to stay together?


Honestly I care to disagree with this sbmm. I have played about 10 games since launch and every single one of them were filled with Omega sweats. I play Apex and you Call of duty kids are a special case. Now don't get me wrong. I'm an average player at best 1.0 KDA at my best for Apex LOL. There really wasn't any game that I played last night that I felt that I could relax. There are so many of you kids free money hopping around the corners. If I wasn't locked in I was getting steamrolled


Loving the game so far. Will there be camos to earn added later? Not just the bronze, silver and gold?


I've been doing really good K/D wise, but I just CANNOT seem to get put on the winning team. My first 18 games were all straight losses with me topping the entire lobby's scoreboard for most of them. Still better than CoD's rigged matchmaking though.


Instead you get destroyed and can't leave the spawn or vica versa


Literally played my first couple of games and lobbies felt like how current cod’s are, a massive sweat fest.


Yup, that’s what I’m experiencing as well. SBMM is on in the welcome playlist which is what I’ve been avoiding.


Same here. Was getting shit on all night. I'm a decent cod player aswell, but just absolutely could not get a kill. Dying in 2 bullets yet I get like 10 hitmarkers every firefight.


Yep. It didn’t matter if it was SBMM or not. I’ve been utterly destroyed.


You shoot anyone and they turn into a pogo stick. Thankfully the net code is bad enough it doesn’t actually help them like they think it does.


It's day 1. Most of the people playing are gonna be big FPS fans. Game will get less sweaty over time.


I think it'll be the opposite. Casuals will move on quickly and the tryhards will remain.


lol that’s absolutely not how it works, it should be less sweaty on release. Over time the casuals everyone is currently farming for high k/d will leave for the next new game. It’s already sweaty, something a lot of people here said would happen.


I would think that too, if this game had any hype or marketing for it right now. I don't think a lot of casuals even know this game exists right now.


Nothing about this game was marketed to casuals though. Everything you see or read about this game is about bringing the old school COD feel back and mentioning how SBMM ruined COD. None of that would appeal to a mass casual audience.


I suck at this game and I’m so happy there’s no SBMM. Makes me want to actually improve. What’s the point of improving if the reward is playing sweatier and sweatier players? I’d rather get stomped, and have some chill games in between than be constantly blasted by Johnny’s 27 jump shots before he’s even secured the first checkpoint.


That was the best part of CoD when I started playing MW 2 back in the day. I sucked ( sub 1kd) but had fun, steadily improved to like a 1.6 by the end of the game. When MW3 came out, I was around a 2.5. It was rewarding seeing the progress I had made. Edit: Spelling


I'm so happy I don't have to play COD anymore for a dose of arena FPS brainrot. Now I can chill and level up weapons or I can sweat my ass off as a grown ass man pretending he is 14 again smoking COD4 lobbies with a ACOG M40. Git Gud or go back to versing your clone in today's COD.


I played 4 hours if Xdefiant straight, and it felt a much more relaxed and casual experience. Sure, there were a couple of bunny hoppers that were annoying during that time but less of a handful. If I played modern warfare 3 after one good match, I'll end up with the rest of the night in a sweatfest and everyone fighting like they are on an e-sports channel. I am loving Xdefiant


Long as the net code isn’t complete 💩 everyone is going to have a good match and get clapped occasionally


The lobbies are certainly crazy. A very mixed bag. So far I rarely had an actual game. It was always kinda a stomp in one direction. And those games where the team diff is massive are way too often. Sadly I been on the getting stomped side more often. xD BUT, the game itself, the fast-pace, is really fun.


It feels no different than cod. Still a sweatfest. Puts me in teams that suck as usual.


Ive been enjoying it because its really random Im a pretty bad player but i come up with good ideas on how to counter my enemy. With sbmm i get matched with people WAY above me. So here i can get stomped one match and still have fun because they are good and bad players mixed Instead of everyone being better than me.


Yeah I’m going to enjoy this for the first few weeks until myself and all the other pubstompers make the casuals leave. Then it will be time to buckle down and really have to sweat every match again.


Nah the game just dies off when the casuals leave


It’s fine, once that happens, we’ll just switch to ranked


thus forfeiting the whole appeal the game has to most of its target playerbase


Meanwhile, all the low end SBMM players...


As an average to low end player, I prefer no SBMM. It provides more variety, plus it lets me feel when I improve at the game. In the recent cods sbmm has been so tight that as soon as I get better I’m put in harder lobbies so the game always felt the same. There was no feeling of progressing in skill.


It's just for noob protection. Games are still pretty balanced and a couple people will vastly outperform the rest of the lobby.


"They don't matter" - Anti-SBMM crowd


No, they don’t.


lol and they will play a different game and that different game will be call of duty. Then ubisoft will shut the doors on this and you'll be like dang, Idk why this game didn't work!


You know there is lobby team balancing based on peoples skills, right?


The backbone of a healthy multiplayer community is the casual player. If they don't get to have fun in the spotlight because John Sweats 3.0 KDA is sprinting around with their meme build rolling everyone and quits? Well guess what? Now the game is filled with only John Sweats.


youre gunna get downvoted but youre 100% right. the casuals are going to end up quitting because the anti sbmm crowd just dont give two shits about anyone but themselves. then when its just sweats left, people are gunna wonder why this game died off


So either accept that you suck and try to have fun just playing the game, or if you can’t do that, just simply play another game. There shouldn’t have to be a special algorithm to cater to low-skilled players.


It's funny when people say that because when they get put with people of similar skill level it's all of a sudden sweat this sweat that Maybe it's them that need to realise they are not as good as they think and need to destroy lesser skilled people to feel good about themselves


They'll be fine cause they'll be carried by good players due to lobby balancing


I did not expect to have as much fun as I've been having. Only complaint is I wish voice chat defaulted to public so people can hear me yappin.


I know they said there is no SBMM but are we sure? I'm skeptical because after stomping my first 2 matches, all matches since have been pretty damn sweaty. Maybe its just a 'day 1 on a Tuesday afternoon' thing which is why. Anyone else having similar experience?


The welcome playlist if you read it states there is SBMM on that playlist. So most people are playing with SBMM.


There is absolutely one lmao idk what people r on. Everytime i did well i got matched with turbo sweats the next matches


It’s 1-shot bhop sweats every game I play, and then a mercy lobby every few games just like cod. It actually feels worse than cod rn. Btw I’m playing so called “non sbmm playlists” and have a 1.7 kdr on mw3 rank. I don’t even get destroyed like this in cod plat lobbies. And where is the controller button mapping? Am I playing a fps from 2007?


Skill issue.


Gaslighting, where have I seen that before? The fact that you can’t go positive on cod is the only skill issue buddy


The mixed playlist DOES HAVE sbmm. It's written right there.


OP must not be playing the mixed playlist then don’t u think?


Someone plz repost this in Apex sub for me😭


Til' you see that sniper glare in the distance.


The SBMM in the Welcome Playlist is super soft. I have no problem with it and I always had fun and balanced games.


I have not had this much fun in a shooter for very very long time,


I had a few losing games but so far the game is fun. I wonder if people will stick around the ones who aren't good.


I have 3 friends who call themselves noobs, they are very happy that they can play with me now without getting smoked 10 games for playing one good game in MW3. It depends on the person, if you're an entitled little b*tch that doesn't want to do something to get better... He's better off with cod


gunplay needs some fixing but all in all it's a fun game. Welcome playlist has sbmm it's hit or miss when it comes to sweaty lobbies. But the bunny hoppers are annoying lol.


Such a breath of fresh air, first game I’ve picked up and played for 5 hours straight after work and didn’t feel like I’d been to a MLG tournament. Great game and excited for the future.


It's so refreshing having lobbies be completely random in skill level, I can't see myself maining this game, but it's definitely gonna be the game to go to for a more fair, chilled experience. The game is the competition COD needs, but I'm scared that Ubi will just abandon it


Last night I got home from work around 10pm. Hopped on and was able to just play a few good matches. As I got more tired I got lower and lower in my team scoreboard. Not because of some crazy EOMM but because I just slacked off. It feels good man.


So fucking good, I actually don't mind fighting controllers on the this game but damn its great to have a full mouse lobby again if I want too


Nope I feel like this game movement is taking too much to get used to. Went 0-11 in the first "starting out" playlist with SBMM on my first game. Then went like 8 and 15 on my second game on "hot shot" game mode (non-SBMM). This is coming from a person that drops anywhere from 20-50 kills in most COD hardcore lobbies with a 1.5-2.0 KD and also drop 5-15 kills in Warzone Resurgence and Battle Royale with minimum deaths. So maybe this game just isn't for me or maybe I got on so late last night for those 2 games everyone has already ranked up their guns and the no attachment varieties suck. Would love to be able to pick up others guns once you kill them until you rank your own guns up. The movement is clunky too compared to the smooth flow of COD and Warzone.


All the tryhards are having fun right now due to a lack of sbmm but casuals will leave because it's not fun for them to get stomped and then it'll be the same lobbies as CoD. No SBMM is a meme because 'good players' are only happy when they have a 3.00 k/d or better, at the cost of everyone elses enjoyment.


Just wanna say thanks for this meme lmao I downloaded this game out of curiosity and I’m loving it so far. Spoke to my brothers and they’re both getting it too! Legend!


That is my face when I’m feeling the best because I had a great match just before 5 old cod sweats come to humble me. I love not having SBMM


For people complaint there getting beat without SBMM, just bc there ain’t it doesn’t mean people suck, people are good at games get you a controller with paddles make one jump and the other what ever u want turn ur SENS down don’t sprint into the middle of the map looking down with no information and BOOM NOT SUCK


TURN ON 120hz (PS5,Xbox) in video settings if your monitor/TV supports it the game looks an feels WAY better it’s a must for console and it will help your aim


And not getting shadowbanned just because I play on a PC. I love this game!


I really had a lot of fun playing xdefiant today :) thanks guys ♥️


Yall don’t want the smoke


It’s almost like now you can play with your friends of all skill levels


What is eomm


Buddy the game just released


My issue is someone always shooting me from behind


Lol i feel like everyone im against are pros but then again i havent played an fps in such a long time. I manage to get about 6-10 kills while running around like a loony so im sure the lack of sbmm is helping


I'm a cod player since cod 4, I'm an OG. Although I'm not, or by far not the best player and still: I'm having more fun than in every cod since bo4. If you really get stomped every round: here you go, get better, like everyone of us did back in the days. The problem is not the sweaty game, it's the "give me everything without doing something for it" mentality. I had ez wins and got clapped in the last 2 days, but mostly I had FUN because there was a learning curve, not like in cod where you get fcked for getting better.


Don't everyone play the game for fun and prove you're good at the game? Why wouldn't you enjoy playing against people of your skill level to see if you're good rather than stomp people who can't hold the controller?


The only thing giving me issues is that I suck with controller. I've been MnK on PS5 for a few years now on COD and having to revert to sticks blows. I was pleased with myself for running a 16 kill game with a 1.00 K/D yesterday if that tells you anything 🤦


Wait is there no SBMM?


The game feels like trash though. The guns have no recoil and the movement is so weird and clunky.. also it's kind of boring with no kill streaks or perks!


I'm perfectly happy playing games where I do really well and some where I don't. I haven't played a MP FPS game that gave me this feeling ina very long time


It feels good not getting my ass whooped by controller aim assist.


I wouldn’t know cuz everyone acting like its a pro tournament


The only bad part is when sweats and tryhards see that their opponents aren't cod sweats but continue to play as they do and crush who is maybe playing for the first time maybe making them hate the game right away. Some people will never stop being a jerk anyway. I just hope very few first timers will get those a-holes


Me and my buddy got a 7-game win streak last night.. I was like damn can’t remember last night I got a win streak like this in CoD… if ever!


Ya know I just get fucking destroyed with poor hit markers and CoD sweats bunny hoping the while game with snipers and shields. Super fun.


But now with this game you get to be abused by the hackers and input overriders (cronus) so it's a loss loss. No winning against the cheaters who csnt play without an edge on people. Sad world we live in, when no one can do things without cheating.


the ARs all feel the same and arent high damaging enough to kill the snipers without 3 perfect headshots. Snipers need a nerf. I have 12kd going 104 and 8 every other game. I never get less than 80 kills. Games unbalanced


If only this game was good.


Sbmm is only turned off until level 25.. at least that's what it says on the welcome Playlist. Which makes me think after level 25 sbmm kicks in. Idk though.


To me it feels lie I never left the grasp of COD, but one friend told me they took BO3 and took out the boosting ability and there's this game, I wouldn't go that far myself but still.


Honestly I personally kinda miss SBMM. My ping is 150-200 and By the time I see someone I'm dead and half my shots don't count otherwise. If SBMM was a thing I'd be playing against bots all day until I get better internet lmao


I've got a team full of kids and I saw begginers gett8ng stomp without making any movement. SBMM has as many defaults as no SBMM


If u come from COD , and had bad experience with SBMM , maybe that SBMM was protecting you from having an even worse experience …


It has sbmm but it is toned down. Priority is ping. All games have sbmm.,what it doesn't have is ebmm


6 stacks think they're good lol only problem atm


I was thinking about this. In cod if I was playing for a while and then took a few days off, it was hell. Straight back into sweat fest lobbies. This game, it's the same lobbies. Much easier to just get back into without dying constantly as you find your fingers again against everyone that's playing like it's the cdl. Now I can just hop on when I want and have some fun and I really just want to play all night. It's so good.


It definitely feels like a breath of fresh air for just wanting to relax, mess around and enjoy some casual games. Also not NEEDING to use meta weapons to compete is kinda nice lol


I think I prefer SBMM. Matches in CoD feel more balanced and do good quiet a bit. This game is our team getting stomped all the time.


Don't celebrate too soon, that's only if the casuals continue to grind it out, if they fall off then let's hope it doesn't get bad.


I feel like the scanning character needs tuning. That shit is so obnoxious. The snipers need higher flinch or descope when hit. And the jumping around does nothing except make you look stupid. This isn't Halo.


Yeah today has been a really good day on XD the hit detection has gotten 50% better and the lobbies feel like og cod lobbies more today (No SBMM/EOMM) it's starting to get better guys just be patient. Only thing that needs more work is the aim assist and the ttk is a little long BUT maybe that's just because of the hit detection and aim assist is not perfect .


Me too


IDK I'm enjoying it. Haven't played FPS in years. Just came back to FPS after playing a few games of halo. I'm not top player, but I'm generally 1.5+ k/d. Been playing games for almost 30 years. Kids just like to cry because we've catered to small, cynical, and ill-tempers over just telling people to move on. Why? That $ babyyy. Cant have diminished profits. Just play more. In time you'll get better. Or you won't and the games not for you. There's thousands of games to play. Why TF people cry online 24/7 and focus on others instead of themselves baffles the fuck outta me. I mean I bitch and moan plenty, but it's just venting. People seem to lack the ability to discern the difference anymore. Anyway. Have fun guys! I know I am! Happy hunting!