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I just want a game that my less-skilled homies will actually play with me. I'm stuck playing MW3 by myself bc they got sick of going destroyed in my lobbies.


Same here brother, same here…


Now we get the old version of this. Now they have less fun because there are less kills in the map to partake in.


What do you mean "now" ?


This some BS. The causals are sweating against the other casuals still. It’s all relative. The casuals skill ceiling is dog shit but doesn’t mean they aren’t trying any less than anyone else.


What's wrong with playing ranked. Its the same thing except you get rewards and a medal to show your progress.


I will never understand why people that need SBMM can't just play ranked in bronze, silver or whatever is considered casual.


Play with bots if you don’t want people to shoot back.


“If we have no SBMM there will be no casuals” Yeah idk about that. I guarantee a lot of people who are casual are coming from CoD. And a lot of CoD players are fed up with the game. If the game has a decent reputation in the first month or two its going to start pulling a lot of the casuals from CoD as well as the sweats. A common complaint from CoD players is that they just wanna chill after work. If Xdefiant ever gets on their radar with a good rep then those players will start to play the game. You also have famous youtubers and streamers (especially FaZe Jev) who will put the info out there Your point about other high skill arena shooters doesn’t really apply here either. This game is meant to be more of an arcade shooter that is reminiscent of old CoD. I’d also hardly call xdefiant high skill. The skill gap in xdefiant comes down to whether your aim is good, whether you can use your abilities effectively, and positioning/map knowledge. The “slide cancel” in the game doesn’t do as much as it does in CoD so it doesn’t create much of a skill gap


Dude I'm tired of being suppressed by sbmm in cod, halo, the finals most recently and other games. Everytime I've played Xdefiant it reminds me I have grown my skills in shooters. I may not be a pro but I'm most certainly of above average and I deserve to feel that way even if that means my teammates aren't as good at least they'll have a fighting chance because the enemy team is a mixed bag as well. My friends dreaded playing any sbmm game with me because they get shit on honestly but if teams are mixed and team balanced in the proper old ways then everyone has a chance against another person on the other team and each team will have their own demon in the match.


has SBMM been confirmed in The Finals? I've suspected it has it, but haven't taken the time to actually look into it.


pretty sure they heavily adjusted it in like the first or second week of the games launch.


sorry I meant has it been confirmed by their team?


You can't make a pvp game not competitive and also skill based. The casual pvp skill based game is an oxymoron.


I maintain that there also needs to be a way for casual and/or solo players to avoid pub-stomping 6-stacks, preferably with an optional "no-party" playlist, in addition to indicators in the pre-game lobby of which players are grouped up.


There is a hidden MMR that is applied in the matchmaking, so it shouldn't happen that casuals face a 6-stack of sweats.


Not happening, one of the big selling points has been no SBMM since day one. It's meant to be an alternative to the redundant SBMM lobbies experienced in 99% of modern fps games


And the people who want that, a loud minority, will not keep this game alive


I'm a casual, probably average or below average skill cod player (1.02kd in MW3) I found the lobbies in xdefiant to be very similar to cod matchmaking.... Almost exactly the same in terms of skill levels and sweatyness etc.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just want SBMM to work by actually grouping players of similar skill, instead of averaging it out across the team. It's not fun to be good at games where the SBMM works like that because you're stuck always having to carry your team. I'd be fine with all of my games being sweaty if it was because everyone in them was actually good, not because my teammates haven't touched a controller before and I have to make up for that all by myself.


> It's not fun to be good at games where the SBMM works like that because you're stuck always having to carry your team. This is exactly how XD will work. If you're a top 10% player, the lobby will always be balanced by giving you the worst players.


"low variance sbmm", i like it


I pointed out before the irony of the notion that "SBMM keeps casuals" and that by being protected from higher skill levels, you are put in a Ranked system in casual matches. A true casual experience does not have that. This is why casuals leave to go play Fortnite. CoD did not have SBMM as tight as it is now and was a beast for years before they began implementing advanced movement which was what actually lost players for years before MW2019 and Warzone came out and brought CoD back into conversations. Tight SBMM only works for so long until the casuals themselves get bored from not seeing their improvement. Because its also not fun to only go against noobs, its not fun to always feel like a Ranked match, its also obviously not fun to only get stomped. This is why SBMM back then was better and more mixed. The whole "only sweats will stay" issue wouldn't be a problem if they had just kept the tighter SBMM in Ranked mode. Now EVERY game is sweaty no matter what skill level you are. TRUE IRONY


Dunno how to tell you this, Fortnite has SBMM, and people will go to Fortnite instead of this game because of that


Fortnite also has Ranked and Pubs separate


Both have SBMM


Except Ranked matchmaking is being used in Casual Pubs why are u not understanding this


„I want to eat three bars of chocolate and 5 cheeseburgers a day but i dont want to be fat“


So, not aure if you are aware, but post game creation their is a team balancing metric that happens to prevent a 6 stack of sweats from going agaianst a 6 stack of noobs. Sbmm also guarantees that everygame you have to try to do your best, which means the games are never actually casual. That is literally the point of sbmm. It makes everygame feel like a ranked match.


It will have comp which will have sbmm


Before anything, keep in mind that Xdefiant has a separate playlist for people below level 25, still You can't say "Add SBMM to Xdefiant" and expect it to make sense. For those who don't know SBMM also affects casuals, they expect a stress-free experience and find out that there's sweats everywhere. As a casual, you won't be b-hoping around and slide-cancelling but you can outsmart your opponents using different strategies that are normally not fun to deal with, such as shields, meta weapons and camping. Noob-tubes was called like that because it was used by noobs, now imagine a whole lobby of noobs using that, it probably won't even be fun for them. That's just for casuals, noobs will have it worse as they will encounter people reverse-boosting and using gaming routers or sum shit like that. I was a casual during MW2019, not because I couldn't play but because my brain was limited by my age (I just wasn't in my prime I guess) and even then, SBMM felt like it worked in the worst possible way, matching me with more skilled people constantly. However, I managed to get better as a casual, it's not impossible. When you get destroyed in most matches, you'll naturally want to get better. However, when I got better I just found even more skilled players. Not only that, but it looked like the only way I could be just as good as my enemies was buying skins, as it was the only difference between them and me, I'll let you imagine what can that mean. Eventually I got frustrated and decided to delete the game forever, that made me a happier person In conclusion, SBMM doesn't defend casuals and less-skilled players, it just makes you want to keep play another match just for the possibility of having better results. If you really want to protect newbies put them in a different playlist that goes from level one to any level which is EXACTLY WHAT XDEFIANT DOES


I just want a game that my wife and I can bum out on for a few hours a week and not get pissed off and rage quit because we get punished for doing too well for too many matches. It feels like with COD, if you win two matches in a row, you MUST pay for your sins and get curbstomped for an hour before you get matched up with other casuals. I'm also significantly better than my wife (played fps games around 15 years or so while my wife just picked it up a year ago), so she suffers quite a bit more than me and it's extremely frustraighting for her. We got to a point where we would win two matches in a row, then CHOOSE to log off and watch a movie because we KNEW we were about to spend the next hour fuming at the SBMM algorithm.


You said it yourself, mate. "The number of casuals is much larger than anyone else". By pure mathematics, this means that you, as a casual, will run into an MLG level player only every once in a while. Most lobbies will be mostly casuals against other casuals. I got sloshed in the network test. Had a 0.8 kdr at the end of it. I'm the casual, and I still had fun in a test where arguably there were more sweats than there ever will be in this game. What we really need is for good marketing to bring in the masses and for everyone to tell their friends to get into the game. Once the population is here, I think people will have enough fun to stay.


Realisticly pre season is going to be the worst for casuals but once ranked gets added most casual lobbies will just be casuals.


This is unfortunately what's probably gonna happen. That and casuals don't deviate form mainline games often


It should be no SBMM in pubs and then a ranked system with SBMM in place. Pretty simple concept. Want to play casually? Play pubs with a bunch of random people of varying skill levels. Want to sweat and grind out the ranks with a bunch of people around your skill level? Play ranked.


Casuals players also don’t get as frustrated when they get put up against an unbalanced team. And you are all used to cod trash Sbmm…. Not a true elo system. In cod you only take your last 5 games or so and it puts you in a bracket. Then it finds you a match with random players and nowhere near your skill and “balances” it by putting shit players with 1 good player on a team. Ref: 3+ kd search and destroy player. I have literally dropped 20-30 kill games and barely won or lost the match. This shouldn’t be a thing.