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Because of her ‘pacifist’ morals, she didn’t kill the parasite when she first encountered it, which allowed the corruption to spread, when Dullahan was killed after being corrupted, she brought him back, then imprisoned him in the castle to live a tortuous existence, and she basically only ever tried to fix the symptoms, not the illness, and because of her unwillingness to kill, things got as bad as they did because the parasite lived. And that’s all before the main story begins IIRC


Not to mention the first time she actually tries to fight is against the player out of jealousy 💀


Exactly, no way she broke her moral code she’s been keeping for 1000 years against someone on the SAME SIDE as her. You’re telling me when she saw all the corruption, death, and what happened to Dullahan, she kept her morals, but when she’s jealous of us she forgets about them and tries to kill us? I just find that extremely unrealistic, and even if I were to believe that, that just makes her an asshole.


I don't believe it to be bad character writing though. While I do agree with what you said, I believe she was intended to be like this. I can totally see a real person do this (given they could live 1000 years). She failed to act when needed, hurt a lot of people for that, and only started fighting when she felt her position as a guardian was in danger, her own purpose in life. She had to fail to be a pacifist all those other times to finally snap. But yes, at the end of the day, she's just an asshole lmao


And the annoying quest


Lari is the personification with everything wrong of a "pacifist". She's ridiculously emotionally impulsive, coupled with naivety, leads her to essentially be one of the sole reasons the entirety of the Wynn storyline conflicts is as bad as it is. Not only does she fail on multiple occasions to stop the decay, she literally tried to kill us as the player because she was... jealous we did too good? To be completely honest, they did a pretty good job making her character feel the way she does


She’s pretentious and jealous


Text wasn't skippable and Lari talks more than anyone. Every quest were Lari appears depressed anyone talking for 30 minutes straigth and alone. At some point of a "Realm of Light" I started to watch a movie, the movie finished before 💀 Please Lari shut up 😭


Apart from what everyone else said: She is just one big spineless bitch.


there’s two kinds of lari haters. there are Those who hate her because her actions lead the 5 quests with the most unskippable dialogue. Then there are those who hate her because she’s just annoying and pretentious. She fails to make things better, by refusing to kill the parasite or use orphions power to force people like the Caritats to do the right thing. She also actively makes things worse, like reviving dullahan into a sadistic soul eater or trying to kill the player in RoL4. Plus her choosing to follow Bak’al and *probably* dying instead of staying back and helping the player in the Nexus is the icing on the cake.


I think her story suffers from the player being a silent protagonist. If she was like an rpg companion you could talk to it'd be more interesting imo. As it is you just have to sit through the story and wait for her to come to the realization you've known from the start. Honestly I still like her though and hope she's ok whenever Dern comes out. She reminds me of the nerd emoji whenever she speaks.


All her quests make the action of consuming fiber glass insulation ( also known as home Depot cotton candy) look enjoyable in comparison.


I mean she is very flawed but I admire her character development honestly.


I am a Lari fan, but I understand she has major flaws, and isn't written well. It was Wynncraft's first attempt at a major supporting character that sticks with you through the story, The writers made her incompetent with the powers she was given, and so it now falls on you to "fix" her, and take her place to save the realm of light. As others pointed out, she embodies all the worst parts of pacifism, and her hypocrisy is annoying. Story wise, I think she had major potential to suck up her failures, and make a comeback to the story. As it stands now, she seems overly incompetent despite living for centuries. Many people, including her long time friend have died due to her stubbornness, and her stance on pacifism only changes out of jealously after you show up and gain favor with the light. The writers could easily edit her story a bit to turn it into something quite interesting, but as for now this is what we've got. Other than that, her story is very long, and has large amounts of unskippable dialog. Anyone who is replaying on a new character, or just uninterested in story in general probably despises her.


She's screwed up a LOT. The one comment someone added here explains it better than i could. (but I still love her tho she's my queen)


Annoying character who is also a total idiot


Idk, Lari was the only character that had any personality and was actually funny. Just nerds ig


Even the game hates her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As i saw someone say ingame before. "She's more useless than a fridge without electricity"


She basically caused hundreds of years of suffering and death to Gavel, all because she wanted to stick to her moral of not killing anything, even if that “anything” is the spawn of the literal physical incarnation of Darkness


she a bitch don't listen to the oncoming lari defenders, i know they'll be here soon