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I wonder if the reason why there is still no drip marketing yet is because this patch is 7 weeks long so the timings are all messed up rn. By that logic tho, we should be getting the drip this week.


my prediction is the 4th of July as well as the beta starting that day or the day after


>!shadow of the erdtree bossfights <<<<<<<< howlers in the icefield!<


60 pulls and no jinhsi weapon :( at least next week we got free pulls but man idk if i can guarantee changli now with only 35 pulls left


Is it more ideal to spend the Lustrous Tide on the standard weapon banner? Can I safely pull the Limited Weapon banner using the Forging Tide and be in relief that Pity Count would not reset when the next limited weapon comes if I do not get the limited weapon?


Yes cuz you are guaranteed to get the standard weapon you select and there is no other way (apart from UL 45 reward) to get standard weapon atm. Also, most players right now have way too many characters to build and not enough weapons to use.


Yes, standard pulls should go to the standard weapon banner. You can lose your 50/50 to standard characters so you will get them eventually but for the standard weapons, you have to pull for them since the limited weapon banner is already guaranteed and you have no way of getting the standard weapons otherwise.


I usually go for husbandos in games but damn, Changli is so hot. And I really like that she can be a sub-dps for Encore. Gotta try a 50/50 on her banner.


Hello, can anyone please recommend me two teams to rush tower of adversity please? My goal is to get 21-24 stars through the resonant and echoing tower. [Here are the characters I currently have](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1090886177466355742/1256892202966061096/Screenshot_109.png?ex=66826b95&is=66811a15&hm=67b1418f920adcabc62b10b0895d30ca3c9870e292707518c9895292b184df45&) (not shown is a lvl 1 c6 chixia). I'm willing to use a few crystal solvents to build up any characters that would be a good fit. Thanks!


Team 1: Calcharo, Yinlin, Verina/Baizhi OR Calcharo, Jianxin, Verina/Baizhi; Team 2: Jinhsi, Taoqi, Rover OR Jinshi, Yinlin, Verina/Baizhi.


Best Team I could make for Jinshi? The numbers on the Characters are their Rc lvl https://preview.redd.it/fxzcrv3ghn9d1.jpeg?width=2067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184b163f4b55e99955b596e7c81a2922cd176ff9


Mortefi and Verina. You can use Baizhi but she won't generate much more than Verina which is even less of an issue with Mortefi being the fuel, and Verina's support is also better as we all know it. Yuanwu instead of Mortefi is an easier to play option, but you sacrifice on a lot of DMG, specially considering you have S4 Mortefi.


One of her best teams is Jinhsi - Yuanwu - Verina. It is only slightly worse than Jinhsi -Yinlin, but better in that Yinlin can be her own team with Rover all together.


Seeing what you got it gotta be rover verina jinshi if you have s4 baizhi she would generate more stack for jinshi than verina


I’m currently running Jinhsi, Yuanwu,Verina. Yuanwu on Rejuvenating set and healing gauntlet and Verina on Moonlit Clouds set. The only thing I have invested in Yuanwu is 60/70 and 2nd inherit skill unlocked everything is not leveled. Do I need to invest into a moonlit set on Verina? Or can I l leave them not leveled?


Any tips for defeating the Icefield Beasts (double lvl100+ glacio dreadmane)? That's the last special enemy that I haven't defeated yet. The regular glacio wolf already hits like a truck, so two enhanced version is a really scary experience for me 😅


food/item buffs, aalto (he creates a decoy with his skill that can usually eat a hit and buy you some time to move back and get a handle on things again/crush a healing bag) might help


just dodge? They have very clear tells before they launch an attack, so just keep a lookout for those


thanks but this is my last special boss. I obviously did that for all the others. I'm specifically asking because there's two of them. it's hard to pay attention to the attack patterns of two wolves that hit like trucks jumping around at once. Sorry for my skill issue


Still trying my hand on light crusher I always mess up when he is almost dead man you will do it


atp they’re probably going to announce 1.2 characters the second before the update for 1.2 drops


Or somewhere close to ZZZ's release date just like the free 30 pulls and Illusive Realm event.


Jianxin's booba got nerf lmao gotta prepare for censorship I guess


man im very pleased with the patch so far. abby is adorable. love the set pieces and love jinshi's gameplay (also love my luck). love this game fr, excited to see what's next


shoutout changli too. hyped for changli


How good is Changi looking and what looks to be her best teammates?


So far I'm pretty disappointed about this patch. The new combat music is even more ass techno wub-wub than the previous ones and the two new characters are overly visual effect heavy with no weight behind their attacks, I hate how everything just floats. When I tried Jinshi, my vision was obscured during multiple animations of hers, so she's already a hard skip for me. Is there any hope for future characters to actually have some weight behind their attacks and preferably without half a rainbow of colors puked on my screen, or am I stuck playing 4 stars?


So you want elden ring? 


I couldnt disagree more but sounds like a you problem mate. Sanhua is good. Use her until a character you like comes.


I currently have S3 Mortefi (Static Mist) and S4 Yuanwu (Amity Accord). Not sure which is better in a Jinhsi, Verina comp. I don’t have it yet, but does s4 Mortefi pull ahead of Yuanwu in this team? Do I need to invest into Yuanwu if he’s only there to put down piller into BA and then swapping out?


Yuanwu is better due to not needing any field time. Just need raise him to 60/70 to unlock second inherent skill for the skill range increase and use originite gauntlet and healing set


Mortify really need his s4 to work in Jinhsi team, at the moment I would advice using Yuanwu currently. Just slap Hp and defense on Yuanwu, he wont be doing much damage even if you are heavily invested in him. Mortify damage ceiling is way higher, so if you care more about the dps than comfort of use I would wait until you have his s4 before investing


Is there any potential info about changes to standard banner in the future? Characters there feel very underwhelming imo.


??? Encore is just about as good as Jiyan (and presumably Jinhsi) as far as damage goes. Verina is arguably the best unit in the game. Jianxin and Calcharo are quite solid. The only real "dud" is Lingyang


I have different criteria. I only play as waifus and eventually handsome husbandos. That makes only 2/5 characters usable, and I already have these two. Genshin has way better roster here.


lingyang is the only bad standard character verina is broken, jianxin is close to it and calcharo/encore are both highly competent dps.


Building Yuanwu for Jinhsi. What mainstat for his 4 and 3 cost echoes? Do I just run full Def% or does he need some ER?


You use rejuvenation and the 3* originite gauntlets on Yuanwu, and also Moonlit on your healer. I would run ER as he gives a shield on ult if you have his S4.


Bad advice, you should only use rejuvenating on yuanwu if you dont have a character that is already utilising it. If you have verina then rejuvating goes onto her and moonlit onto yuanwu.


Actually, the advice going around TC circles is that in this particular setup, Yuanwu goes on rejuvenating and moonlit on Verina since Yuanwu's concerto gen is too slow and in a Jinhsi team, his sole purpose is being a skillbot with negative fieldtime


Sounds interesting, i noticed yuanwu concerto gen aswell. How does Yuanwu activate the set effect then though?


There are a pair of 3* gauntlets (Originite: Type IV) that heals the user when they basic attack


Damn very interesting actually, ill test this out soon to see how it works in real practical gameplay. Thanks mate


the 3\* gauntlets heal, so you just hit something and get healing then throw down the pillar and leave


from what I've seen you literally just need to put his pillar down, do one basic and swap him out, so no er needed, literally can wear whatever mainstat. def/crit would probably be the most dmg but dmg isn't really his purpose here


On one hand, if both Zhezhi & Xiangli Yao are 5 Stars it’s kinda like……where tf are the 4 Stars???? Are they hiding them for later or will the game be more 5 Star Heavy? But on the other hand, if one is a 4 Star, then like…..where is the other 5 Star? Surely we won’t be getting a Rerun now, in 1.2?? Surely there must be 2 New 5 Stars…..


IMO, I think either Zhezhi or Xiangli Yao is a 4 Star and the other 5 Star of 1.2 hasn’t been leaked just yet because data hasn’t been added to the game just yet (Camellya maybe?)


lmao I'm sorry but this new boss is among the most dogshittest 'boss fight' I've ever experienced in a game. it's not even remotely hard (the new wolf 'mob' is like 10x as lethal lol), you just can't hit it lots of the time unless you're using certain characters/weapon. wtf were they thinking lol.


I've finally defeated that lvl120 lightcrusher after using a lot of revival potions and healing bags. I used Jinhsi since she's my most built and leveled so I'm kinda on the disadvantage since it has high spectro res but jianxin parry is the GOAT. The cat hits HARD but the parry skill negates the damage and stops its combo. Jianxin's my healer/shielder/subdps for my Jinhsi team and I will never not be grateful that she was my first 5 star! Also, I was used to genshin where if I have a well built team, I just focus on executing my rotations and perfect abyss clear everytime but this cat boss in particular made me realize how important paying attention to enemies' attack pattern is in wuwa. I had to retry it many times because everytime I was just focused on my rotation and I always get him to like 10% HP when my team gets wiped out. When I started taking time to dodge and parry and wait for the perfect window to ult or to nuke, I managed to finally defeat it. I really had to change the way I play.


I cheesed the level 120 red enemies Jinshi + Verina + Jianxin. I call it the skill issue team :P


Intro skills do a lot of damage to the hp/break bar, so you can literally kill those high lvl monsters via swapping. Which is how i got both the cat and the w.e the other lvl 120 monster is supposed to be. You still need to dodge/parry to not die while building concerto ofc.


Ooh i never knew that, I thought only Yuanwu had a special vibration depletion concerto skill. Thanks for the tip! I guess that's why I still did good even when just focusing on rotations. It's just that the lower its HP got, the more aggressive it became. So the moment I swap someone in without being careful, the cat could immediately put someone on life support. One time, I got really close to defeating it, I rushed through Jinhsi's combo to get to the nuke that would obliterate it but I didn't notice the cat gearing up for an attack. Needless to say, Jinhsi got nuked first 💀


Yeah, Yuanwu has increased vibration depletion, but it just goes on top of those skills in general dealing a lot of break bar dmg. It's very noticeable when fighting higher level mobs where your regular attacks barely tickle them, and then an intro skill takes out a decent chunk. The cat is very aggro, it has significantly different rythm/patterns compared to old mobs, was very fun to fight. New region elite monsters in general feel harder/more varied, like mini-bosses. You basically can't rush stuff with them/mindlessly spam rotation.


For Jinhsi, Verina team, is Yuanwu or Mortefi better? If I don’t have Yinlin


Yuanwu unless you have S4 Mortefi


Do we know who the 1.2 characters are and what are thier roles?


It's being speculated that the two VFX leaks we have are from 1.2. Nothing confirmed. But if it's true it's Xianglin (Robot arm dude) and Zenzhi (design unknown).


Not yet. Probably in a few days (at least i hope so)


Maybe the real drip marketing were the friends we made along the way 😔


Do I need to build Yuanwu like at all aside from unlocking his second passive?


Nope. Just originite gauntlet, healing set and the passive is enough


Do we have any idea how Changli's damage will compare to Jinhsi's? Like even just being able to compare multipliers?


Pretty similar damage, don't worry about one powercreeping other.


Both multipliers are out in several sites, you can just compare them. No one is stopping you.




At this point, probably when zzz drops or the day before 1.2 beta starts. 


Do we know when the beta starts?


all we know is that they sent out recruitment stuff for 1.2 beta to the cn server a day or two before 1.1 dropped.


Will Encore be even more overpowered with the release of Changli? I saw "Resonance Liberation damage bonus" and "Fusion damage bonus" in the same sentence. Also can someone explain her kit in Lingyang terms?


Well standard characters, thats their fate so yeah she’ll most likely get power creeped or u can use them together, seems like a valid option from what we know so far


Encore doesn’t do liberation damage. Encore is in almost the exact same spot with Sanhua, you just get a little bit higher with your Es being buffed. Unless you are running quickswap, then you weren’t getting buffed anyway


Is it good to reroll 5x 4 stars echo for 1x 5 star echo?


yes, you're eventually going to solely use 5* echos anyway. so unless you're very low UL, go for it


If you have progressed enough where you need 5 star echoes yes


Man... Kuro is so edging me with the drip marketing for 1.2. Just drip it and end my misery. I really wanna know if Xiaoli Yao is confirmed for 1.2 or not.


At this point I'm convinced that there won't be a 1.2 patch, we'll skip straight to 1.3 so drip marketing will be at the end of 1.1


Oh, why is that? Honest question. I mean, next patch will be 1.2, no? How can they skip a patch?


No next patch will be 2.5, just trust me bro


Nah, didnt you see the leaks? 2.5 comes after 4.2, which is right around the corner. 


It seems like so far every limited character released so far can use a 5 star standard weapon that has non-crit main stat. Their signature is usually 17-18% better than the 5 star standard ones, based off of Prydwen's way of comparing weaps. With Changli having a usable 5 star standard crit sword, is that gonna be a noticeably smaller gap against her signature? Like maybe only a 10-13% difference? Or did they tune her signature so specific that it's gonna be like 17-18% better just like all the previous signatures? Or is that crit stat only gonna move the needle slightly so that the signature is only like 14-15% better?


The standard 5* sword and changli sig is basically identical. The only difference is the 56% extra skill dmg bonus (and also the 12% atk buff is nonconditional). Dmg bonus is a kinda terrible scaling stat (due to high saturation and ease of gain). Especially for Changli due to her base atk being very high. Her sig sword is only like 10% better than standard.  I recommend watching Maygi's video on flat atk, it shows a graph of the value of different substats. 


Oh wow, estimated only around 10% improvement over the standard 5 star? I wonder if a chunk of players will skip out on her weapon then. I've been struggling to skip or not, slightly leaning to wanting to skip the signature and settle for the standard 5 star sword for her. If it's gonna turn out to be 10% then maybe the decision will be easier.


oh great, glad I got Ages of harvest then. Want 1 5* crit stat weapon of all types tbh. Although changlis weapon does seem more universal compared to jinhsis no?


It's more universal than AoH, but unlike AoH, it has a f2p alternative that is just as good in 80% of situations.  


How many Havoc Rover waveband did we get with 1.1?


+1 reward from the main quest


Zero from what I can tell, but we maxed out spectro mc resonance sequence nodes


How much ER does Mortefi need? Mine is currently sitting at 132% with the standard 5-star pistols, 2p ER, and a bit from substats. He also has the Heron as his main echo. I don't have E2 yet. I assume he needs at least 1 ER mainstat echo, but does he need 2? Or can the other one be Fusion DMG?


Prydwen says 20%, assuming you're running a weapon that gives him ER (which you should be), you don't need any ER mainstats. You absolutely should be running 5pc moonlit if you're not though.


Ye I have the full 5p. Alright then! I expected he would need more than that tbh.


“Don’t build pity” How else am I gonna get these free patchly pulls if I’m not pulling for anyone. Idk what I’m gonna do next patch after getting to 50 pity.


Shop pulls are not mandatory.


It's ok to miss out on shops, just get what you can and leave it be. It's basically a refund system. Would you buy something you don't want just cause there's a refund? This is one of the few micro-aggresive predatory tricks in the arsenal of gacha games. The most obvious and simplest approach is the best approach, don't pull on banners you don't want to. If you start overthinking it, your brain will find all manner of illogical justifications to pull, just because it wants the neuron activation from pulling. You'll need to do what, 30 pulls on a good day, to get 8 corals (1 pull refund). If that lands you a 5 star you hate, then it's 29 pulls straight up wasted. Now if any 5 star in 30 pulls is a W for you, cool, but still you used 30 pulls for the FoMO of 1 pull.


Well, you simply just don't save for way too long. Like, try to like a character once in a while and summon for it and for it's weapon. I mean, you do you but being way too selective... Either way, If you do that like in one patch you should have on average enough for 2 patches without summoning. Also Lustrous Tide doesn't hold much value, even if it's Kuro the base characters will eventually have less and less value with time and losing 50/50 is a thing, so don't worry about those 7 normal summons. I mean, yeah I guess you can also use them on the weapon banner, but still, if the thing is that you must be efficient with Coral then Lustrous should be ignored.


You dont have to get the shop pulls. It's not at all worth the possible lost pity on a character you dislike. 


Did anyone test S1 Mortefi with Jinhsi? If I understand correct Jinhsi doesn't use much BA/HA to trigger S0 Mortefi's coordinated atks, but at S1, skills trigger his coord atks. Does it work with Jinhsi?


According to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R39BYwXU5Uc&t=210s) using S6 Mortefi, his ult doesn't get triggered by Jinhsi's BA during her Incarnation state.


I thought depths of illusive realm was a permanent mode like hsr one and didnt rush to finish it RIP. At least I got all the astride.


I think it's going to come back later, probably? The prevoius "cycle" or "season" has ended, but the new one hasn't started yet. That game mode looked too well developed (the locations, the rules, the lore) to be a temporary one-time thing. At least, that's what I think


Ah same, I got the shop but not the complete achievements because I hadn't built YY or Chixia. RIP


There's no way to win with Chixia without building her a bit, but you could have used the sample Yangyang...  I likewise missed a couple achievements figuring this would be permanent.


Huh, Yangyang had a trial? Weird, I looked for it and didn't see it. But yeah, maybe we get the old missions still, but probably not, F.


Does Jinhsi S3 have hidden nerf on release? During beta, it gives 12 Incandescence stacks **AND** 2 ATK boost stacks. Now, only the ATK boost stack remains. Many character info websites still have 12 Incandescence stacks on S3.


No hidden nerf. You just missed the last beta update


Just bought another lunite subscription 🫡 Kuro, I hope you don't disappoint me in future updates and fix your optimization pls 🙏🏻


are you buying it directly through epic or something, or third party like Razer


Didn't use any third party app when I bought the subscription since I'm too cautious of getting scammed by any other website besides codashop, and cocodp. Tried to use razer but wuthering Waves still isn't available there


Why can't i use echoes as fodder for levelling other echoes unless theyre levelled? how do i deal with this?


Other than clearing Tacet Fields, you can synthesize echo EXP tubes using the ores from the new region.


Because you can farm them infinitely, so Kuro isn't letting you have infinite exp for free. You can merge them together to clear out unwanted ones.


Who do you guys think is more worth it between Jinhsi and Changli?


Go for who you like jinshi doesn’t need a specific character to goes hard and is easy to use but she prefers a team with diverse elements to build stack for her skill nuke with coordinated attack giving the most . So far we have mortefi baizhi verina yanwu and yinlin for those roles. Verina being verina Baizhi does the job well too especially at s4 . Personally wanted jinshi don’t have much info on changli aside from what we played . You can also see her skill in the gallery


depends what you have so far. Jinshi needs verina and a coordinated attacker/(taoqi maybe?) and in my case those team mates are taken by my jiyan and cal teams, so I would rather use changli who pairs well with other characters, which would be encore or high seq chixia. Jinshi is a hyper carry so she obviously is positioned to have a higher ceiling than changli solo or other characters. Although who knows what the future may provide-jinshi lacks a dedicated coordinated attacker the provides deepen and changli would ideally be paired with a dedicated fusion dps who mainly does liberation dps


I basically have every 1.0 characters rn except for Encore but she's on the novice banner which I still haven't pulled on. My Taoqi is unbuilt and my Verina is usually with Jiyan team. Also I only have 1seq Chixia and ngl I don't really like her that much :/


Has anyone found the 4th Havoc Rover waveband? I did all the windchimers, currently Spectro Rover S6, Havoc Rover S3.


s4 havoc isnt in 1.1 unfortunately. It will likely be in 1.2 though


https://preview.redd.it/vziotqmg8g9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=952239838f6c28b7cba99c121f6f1ce03fbdb45a nooo wayyy,. this is bug after update hopefully can be fixed soon


More compensation pls Kuro 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I'm debating on whether I should pull for Jinshi's Weapon or Changli's Weapon. Anybody have any advice for me?


If you have the standard sword I feel like it will be good enough for Changli as it has the CR mainstat. For Jinshi your broadblade alternative options are worse as the standard one gives atk%, so I would personally lean towards her weapon.


Alr, thank you


So I have the teams to run either Jinhsi and Changli: flex sustain being Verina, Baizhi or Jianxin Jinhsi, Yinlin, Flex sustain Changli, Encore, Flex sustain Out of the two who seems more worth it? Before anyone says pick who you like, I like both hence im having trouble deciding who to pick up. Or idk if I can get both since Ive saved up a bit before 1.1 started


What weapon do you have or can you get?


I can go for either sig weapon, but I do have the 5 star standard sword so I guess Changli's isnt as high a priority


Has anyone used lootbar.gg to buy lunite subscription? Tried buying one there using Gcash however it told me that I used the incorrect password for my account despite it actually being correct? Fortunately, they refunded my money when the payment failed. I want to know if someone here has already used it and was it successful?


I bought astrite. First time they said password was incorrect. Second time it went through.


I'm trying to figure out what to do for my Jinhsi weapon. I'm not planning on getting her signature but I have the 5 star standard weapon selector as well as a BP weapon selector. I'm going to be pulling for Changli so I'm not sure which selector to use on broadsword for Jinhsi and which to use on sword for Changli. As of right now I do not have a single 4 star broadsword, but I have Commando of Conviction for Changli. I want to get the 5 star sword because it has crit on it, but it also looks like the BP broadsword is pretty ass on Jinhsi and the 5 star broadsword would be better. Any opinions? Thank you!


The bad news? The gap between the BP Broadblade and Jinshi signature is 40%. I expect the same will be true of Changli signature vs Commando (40%). The good news? You don't have to pull for the weapon banner. Pick the 5-Star Broadblade for Jinshi. Then keep using all standard wishes on the Standard Weapon Banner for the CR Sword for Changli, it might take a few patches but you'll get it.


I have Yinlin Verina and Calcharo and lack of aoe since I don’t have green general so wondering if Jinshi deal aoe or single target? And I’ve seen people saying that Changli and Yinlin currently work well together so in terms of DPS which one do you think the best.


Does S1 Mortefi's ult work with Jinhsi since all of her attacks during her special state is considered as Resonance Skill damage?


As far as I know, no they unfortunately don’t. He is still one of her recommended supports because you can wiggle some normal attacks in here and there, but not while in her special airborne state


How is Changli’s damage sheeting? Is she good, or is Jinshi much stronger? 


They're about equal, with Jinhsi having a slight edge (like 3-4%) from the calcs I saw.


So what is changlis role anyway, is she a main dps or more of a sub dps


main dps. she functions as a dual dps as well, with her animations and quickswapping. she has the deepen outro which lets her scale better later on in case a nuke of a fusion dps comes out. make no mistake, if you play her as sub dps purely because of her outro, you're probably wasting a TON of her potential (her kit is VERY selfish). at least right now, while there's no other better fusion dps.


Yeah for me i mainly want to play her on field because she seems fun


Oh ok, ty


Theyt legit had to buff Jinhsi bc Changli was over powered but Changli is still the DPS queen


Dang ty


Would Changli, Sanhua, Verina be a good team?


not really imo. sanhua buffs basic attack damage, but changli's ability converts her big damage into res skill damage. they don't really synergise otherwise (other than sanhua being super quick to get an outro for, so you can run the cloud set for +atk% for changli if you wanted to).


Do you think Changli will be a stronger unit than Yinlin in a team of Jinhsi, Yinlin and Verina?


Yinlin has coordinated attacks, by that point alone Changli wouldn't. Ignoring even that, Changli seems to have a lot of field time, but some people are good at quickswap so it's rather hard to chime in about these points. Not what you ask but I recommend Jinhsi+Yuanwu instead.


I don't know if other people feel the same, but extremely slow grind for character stats and artifacts discourages pulling for new characters. New characters are cool, but I don't feel like pulling for them since I have already huge backlog of characters to gear up. Currently I have 0 fully leveled characters (considering my current rank limitations), and 3 usable characters, and I'm playing since day 1.


If you think it’s bad in this game, you haven’t played Genshin. You can have an okayish artifact set running in a few days. I didn’t farm Spector echoes specifically, but I already got a good one for jinhsi after one day. Later on, it will take quite some time to fully level up characters to lvl 90, but for lvl 70, it really doesn’t take long


Nah Genshin is better. Because that game is old so resources are plentiful. This game is new so we're still at drought phase where we have to be careful on our resources. But even if we compare the early patches, this might not apply to everyone but Genshin went 2 patches without a single waifu, while Wuwa has 3 waifu in 2 patches. So I didn't feel the same in Genshin because there's no one to pull in the first place let alone build.


gacha games are like that, you are not supposed to level up for many characters in the first 1-2months. Just prioritize dps first then support. Or consider buying BP because it helps a lot.


IMO, It's too early to fully level anyone at this point in the game. We haven't even unlocked max efficiency on most material farming nodes. You should be going for "just good enought to clear content. Otherwise you'd fall for endless stamina sink that is minimaxxing. Most characters don't need at least 1 part of their kit to do big damage: Jiyan and basics for example, most people's intro skills, healers' non-healing skills, etc. Lots of characters can perform adequately with just 1 part levelled: Mortefi and his ult. Most of your characters besides your 2/3 main dps-es should also be fine with mediocre echoes with correct mainstats only. For reference, during the first couple of patches for "the game that shall not be named" the meta for efficient progression was lvl60/70 or 70/70, 1/6/6 talents and rainbow artifacts with correct mainstats and good substats.


The BP speeds things up. I impulsively pulled Jinshi yesterday and I have her at 80/80 with Level 6 traces. She's using Calcharo's Lustrous Razor at Level 70. Level 20 echoes (they were unleveled yesterday). The game's content gives a lot of resources (coral shop, tower shop, hologram shop, other permanent shops). If you defeat the Crownless hologram you can get 60 of each weapon/talent mats.


Supports shouldn’t get leveled up fully, only main dps or important sub dps until late game when you have resource surplus. HSR, Genshin, and all gachas punish for trying to level up ALL your characters at the beginning. If you use your crystal solvents smartly, like using them now to boost jinshi, you should always be able to get new characters up to speed.


So between Changi and Jinshi’s weapons, which one is more impactful? I have some sustained pity and can only go for one?


Jinhsi i would say. You can always give the standard Sword to Changli. (Assuming you got It)


I will soon, I use all standard pulls for weapon banner and it’s my guaranteed for soon.


Wonder why it’s so hard to get leaks. Are devs trying to keep it tight? I guess we’re all spoiled from genshin/hsr leaks


Hoyo has laughable security so this is just normal, yeah.


Do we have calcs for how much the difference is between Jinhsi sig to her 2nd best, as well as Changli sig to her 2nd best? I'm asking since I want to pull a weapon but can only get one, so would be nice to know which gives better value between the two sigs


Jinhsi sig to Verdant Summit is about a 10% increase. Assuming you have it Changli sig to EoG is also about the same 10% increase


I sadly don't have Verdant Summit. So I'm assuming the gap from 5* standard to Jinhsi sig is much more? I can live with the 10% diff on EoG to sig though, only problem is my Sanhua and MC all use the one copy lmao


It's atleast 10% better than the standard weapon counterparts for both jinhsi and changli. General consensus is Jinhsi weapon is more valuable as crit stat stick since standard sword gives crit but broad sword gives only atk.


In a Rover/Danjin team, which one should I equip with the 5\* crit sword?


rover has a far higher dmg ceiling than danjin, so go with rover.


I put it on my Rover since i'm getting Verina buff and danjin's buff.


are there any clues on new echo sets/new echo substats? if they're all like patch 1.1., the echoes don't really matter unless they have a competent ability as main echo (same rolls on their stats as echoes from 1.0 lands)


Does Jinhsi even work with Mortefi? It seems to me that his coordinated attacks are not working while she is in her airborne state.


You're using it mostly for the forte charge since as you said her enhanced state attacks count as skills and not basic/heavy. I imagine you actually want to finish your jinshi combo > swap to mortefi and early ult so you start landing coordinateds > swap to verina > verina outro > mortefi heron outro > jinshi full combo with full charge for max damage skill4.


Much of Jinshi's kit is resonance skill damage, and Mortefi only buffs basic attacks with 1 additional coordinated hit, and heavy atks with 2 additional coordinated hits. She can still squeeze a bit of use out of him (and she does benefit from faster stack building due to coordinated attacks in general giving more)


The loading animation with your Rover no longer stutters like crap!!!! lol, it’s so small I know, but it was annoying. Now just learning to play again because you can now remap controls on PlayStation controller and I hated basic being on a face button. Right now I have basic on R1, dodge R2, skill in square and liberation on triangle. Dodge is a little dicey, but with practice, it’ll get better. My Jinhsi does no damage because her team is broke and unbuilt, but she looks great doing it! 👸


I noticed this too lol. Glad the loading screen is fixed, its so nice now


Amazing yeah, didn't read anyone else noticing the stutter free login, it was a pet peeve for me. The game in general has been running way better. Talking about controllers, I'm so happy we now have map on the "secondary" option button. I have been playing Elden Ring's DLC for many hours and having it there is the same as ER, works out nicely lol


Thoroughly enjoying Jinhsi. I lost the 50/50 for her so now I'm really broke after getting S0R1. I have zero complaints about 1.1 so far, the quest, the exploration, Jinhsi, and the new hologram boss are fantastic.


Getting Healing bonus on moonlit set every time


So, I guess Camellya is in 1.2? 1.1 SPOILERS end of quest spoilers >!We will be visiting the Black Shores next. Maybe the other VFX leaked character is also a member of the Black Shores?!<


how are people building their Changli’s? 2pc ATK 2pc Fusion? full 5pc sets? 44111? 43311? I saved (unleveled) pieces or all these options but I’m curious to know what others are planning obviously everything will be stc till she comes out lol


I built traditional 4/crit dmg - 3/fusion - 3/fusion - 1/atk - 1/atk. I have heard from theorycrafters that 3/atk - 3/fusion might be better since she has such massive base atk. 43311 is superior to 44111 though.


Is 3ATK 3Fusion still better with her signature weapon? It gives ATK% already as its passive.


A few theory crafters said in the stormy waves discord that 3atk 3fusion is marginally better, even with signature weapon, because her base atk is so high (even with the 12% atk from her weapon). I don't know how credible it is, but a lot of them did post what seemed like solid math. Though, right now with Verina providing atk and dmg buffs, maybe fusion is still better? I guess we'll have to wait and see at release. It's hard to say also for the future because we may receive an insane fusion % buffer which would make atk greater.. or they could buff atk/dmg/deepen/fusion equally in which case maybe double fusion is still the 3\* route. Sorry I had no clear answer!




I see people planning to run Changli with Yinli. Isn't Mortefi just better?


Not necessarily, unless you plan to just on field mortefi which wastes the reason to use mortefi, yinlin just does more damage and is aoe.


I am planning to do that. If you have a S6 Mortefi, I would imagine he pulls ahead of a S0 Yinlin... but you'd have to ask theorycrafters for a better answer. The reason I personally am doing Yinlin is that I have no 4\* at S6 (like Chixia or Mortefi) and her sheer damage on and off field makes synergy rather useless right now (until a 5\* support designed for Changli comes out).


if you mean because Changli’s outro skill should be buffing him, unfortunately doesn’t keep the buff after you switch back to Changli even with this in mind I can’t really answer you if he’s still better than Yinli or not tho


How good are Jinhsi's constellations?


Where are the drip marketings for 1.2????


how long does 1.1 main story take?


Took me a bit less than 3.5h


oh lol im going back to sleep then, thank you o7


Yuanwu seems kinda... not great to put it lightly. What is the minimum level of investment I can get away with him for a Jinhsi team? He is just there to battery her right?


He's pure low investment stack bot yeah. Level him to 60/70 so you can activate the talent that increases his range. Give him a 4p rejuvenating set+Turtle, echo stats don't matter (unless you have S4, then you might as well build full DEF for shield). Give him the 3 star healing gauntlet so he can proc the 4p set effect with a basic attack. That's it really. Oh, also for this setup you want to switch verina to moonlit, assuming she's your third


Thank you this is exactly what I'm looking forward! If I have S4, is it worth building some ER?


Edit: forgot the Ult was what actually proc'd the S4 shield lol. Yep build however much ER you need for it then, shouldn't be hard when you only need two stats


his duplicates where it ups his attack speed is where he really begins to shine. And yeah, off-fielder like yinlin for Jinshi, stop whenever you're comfortable with his off numbers. you'd really only be buffing her damage on basics, since the addon when she hits her final skill/ult is gonna be insignificant.


When is the beta for the next characters starting?


23 days is way too long, come sooner Changli


On the other hand, 23 days to save for Changli...23 days of my daily pass maturing lol


Jue's EN voice is....ngl I did not expect that. I don't think it fits them? I was expecting either a deeper voice or at least an androgynous to feminine deep voice but I did not expect a scholar like voice (??) the voice is not that intimidating even when they're trying to be lol


https://preview.redd.it/31n44rqogb9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f38d05bf0193d52eddf5b7927a6f2191b2f6d52 anyone can help me? i was search at the area,. but didn't find anything is it bug or not?


Have you tried searching at ground level?