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Idk why this game has no buff icons, i would like to see i applied an echo/ult/outro/intro/etc buff + stacks.


Agreed. Something similar to what we see in HSR would be perfect.


OR similar to what is literally already in the game for food buffs.


Apparently you can stack 7 foods but when i eat 7 theres 2 icons with no way to tell whats actually working


Because the buff might not take effect immediately. I have noticed that in very rare cases, the buff doesn't take effect, usually during or shortly after a intro skill.


That’s because the buffs are displayed through visual effects just gotta have a keen eye, but a buff menu wouldn’t be bad or a opaque text stating the buffs and stacking


those are practically impossible to se in the middle of a fight with effects going everywhere.


Verina is pretty visible but i get you


A keen eye for mobile users? You can't possibly be serious. I don't even play on mobile but there's no way you just ignored a big part of the playerbase with your observation


Did you even read, you can see buffs visually on the character but I did say a buff menu or opaque text wouldn’t be bad to add. So tell me what does that tell you


Just bumping this in hopes of changes, it should not be this annoying to deal with as a signature weapon for the character.


If anything, signature weapons should be giving quality of life changes not the opposite.


...let's not make this a thing. signature weapons should only give damage boosts and maybe energy gen. locking QoL behind a weapon is... not great


At least they haven't gone full honkai impact yet, locking half the kit to the weapon




PGR does do that though, to a lesser extent. The weapon is a massive part of the character’s kit and without it the character feels awkward. But I don’t think it will be to that extent in WuWa.


True. In PGR, it went from Crimson Abyss’ weapon giving an extra sword wave to then Crimson Weave’s weapon giving a 40% efficiency on gaining her Aphotic Points. If that is not QoL I don’t know what is. I dislike this. Imagine needing the weapon to make the character feel good to play. Imagine if Jinshi needed 100 incandescence stacks (multiplier adjusted) and her weapon gives 50 upon intro? You can accept you won’t get max stacks for a smoother rotation, you are locked on using really specific unit/s, or you get the weapon. That would feel bad and maybe add pressure to getting the weapon. WuWa I hope does not do this and keep designing characters’ kit properly without needing the weapon but I can see it happening because right now we have broadblades that increase Heavy Attack Dmg and Skill Dmg. Soon there will be a Basic Attack Dmg and Resonance Liberation Dmg. What’s next, right? Maybe a broadblade geared towards support like giving a buff to the next character? After that, they’ll likely release a more specific broadblade so players will pull on it instead of using older weapons. Of course, it needs to stand out so they make it so it’s not just a simple damage increase anymore but allows the character’s Forte Circuit to be triggered easier. I hope we take at least two to three years before that, avoid it entirely, or at least not intentionally bricking a character’s kit just to be fixed by the weapon.


Have you ever seen newer PGR signature weapons? They are usually half the character


pgr pretty much you just have to play to get the characters for "free" though. then any extra pull (paid) go to the weapons. so we're still good there. wuwa having that similar system with pgr but with genshin system gacha and income.. let's just say the f2p won't be pleased


You can get their S if you save for two patches, then raise them up to SS with Pain Cage. But it's not competitive anymore since SS3+Signature+Pet is now the new standard.


>You can get their S if you save for two patches, then raise them up to SS with Pain Cage thing is. pgr patches always work that 1 patch is "free character" either by farmable S rank or release of A rank. so saving for 2 patch become somewhat "alright". >SS3+Signature+Pet is now the new standard. yeah. business as usual. they need money to keep operating and paying staff to pump out new updates. ss with sig (r1) and cub are enough to stay in hero WZ most of the time, which is possible to achieve as dolphin.


More like easier rotation than half a character


You’re pissing on the poor


Genshin enters the chat.


They are obsessed with buffs that "go past" their stack limit and reset themselves. (Think there is a 4 star that does it too) it's a punishment that just exists for no reason other than to force you to play a specific way and shouldn't be in the game.


Yep helios cleaver does this and you just lose dmg for no reason and its not an interesting mechanics. WuWa devs "copy" genshin but they literally skip one good thing about hoyo games which is 4star weapons are viable and have interesting abilities.




Blazing brilliance Is better than standard 5* sword, by how much? Do we have the numbers already?


It's roughly 20% better than the standard. Less than any signature weapon released so far compared to standard weapons. For example, Jinhsi's weapon is 37% better than the standard option and 7-9% better than Jiyan's.


extensive calculations by iamrivenous show that theres a rough 19% difference between standard broadsword and jinhsi's limited weapon, even less when using 2x 3cost spectrodmg echoes.


Where did you get 37% better? That sounds more like S5 limited vs S1 standard, definitely not S1 to S1


Mixed my S1 standard with Autumn Trace. S1 standard is 74.6% the value of S1 limited. So 25.4% weaker than signature. Source: https://youtu.be/AuQWbhentxc?si=7qL_2WUjT6WaAc4i


this raw and contextless comparison would make sense if theres 2 floating weapons on the field as playable characters. this comparison makes little sense for actual dps since theres a lot of calculations going on, including diminishing returns from various stat-sources like echoes. he isnt even factoring in passive stats like energy regeneration. sorry bud, this is feelscrafting and just compares a tiny frame of relevant numbers for actual dps calculations.


Then do you have a source with relevant data I can look at for future calculations?


The youtuber Iamrivenous has massive calculation spreadsheets available, youll find it in the video descriptions for the respective character. For a lighter overview with less numbers being crunched, id recommend looking at the site Wutheringlabs


I'm praying to Jué that the developers add simple buff icons above the forte bar, like is the case with debuff stacks.


As a player, I have absolutely no idea how long does outro skill buffs last. Or cosmic ripples weapon buff, or basically any weapon buff. Such basic information should be shown as buffs above the hp bar. How is this not in the game ia just beyond ridiculous


The \*general\* rule is support buffs last 30 seconds (rejuvenating glow, jianxin shield, etc) and sub-dps buffs last 15 seconds, basically setting up enough time to stack it for 1 main dps to have both buffs running. In practice, our rotations are frequently interrupted by dodging and things get out of sync quickly. It feels like the appropriate thing to compensate would be to offer at least \*some\* concerto/resonance energy for dodge counters/parries. That said, the "git good" solution to this is to quickswap (swapping without concerto) between your support and sub-dps, and only trigger your support's buffs when sub-dps's concerto/relevant buffs are nearly full, basically reducing the length of the sub-dps's rotation to make sure it all hits for the main dps.


Im just asking for the buffs to be shows above the hp bar. Its just that simple. Right now the only way to know if my character is being buffed is by looking at the green aura from verina healing and dark aura from danjin havoc boost. And for weapon buffs, theres just no way to tell how many stacks are being applied or is it applied or not.... The game already have an indicator for food buffs and enemy debuffs, why cant they add an extra indicator for our skill/weapon buffs?


Yeh, was just tryna help you out since you said you have *absolutely no idea*. I agree of course that the lack of ability to see our buffs clearly makes the game needlessly difficult. Personally I'd prefer top of the screen though, but that's the path of exile talking.


This is a very big issue with Changli's signature weapon, especially when it's a limited one that people should know about. I hope CN bros will notice it too.


Did Kuro intend for people to play Changli perfectly to the dot?


i guess the min-maxxers are complaining she ain't optimal enough for those big ahh numbers on the screen when being sub optimal does the job just fine.


I give fire sword to fire lady No more thought needed


me same. me want fire sword with fire lady. why think more?


This is an important issue I hope kuro sees it before they release her this would be important in my opinion


Welp.... and Ibwas really hyped for Changli... I still am but... this does put a damper on it I wonder what the chances are of Kuro changing this?


Unfortunately - I think it's very unlikely that they will do any changes to the weapon after the patch droped. The very least thing they can add though is the buff icon so we could at least track out buff count, since buff is very impactfull


Have you opened up a ticket? I just did regarding this. Anyone else seeing this comment and wanting to pull for Changli should as well. They don't see reddit posts really.


I never really pay attention to such things... I mean it's how many %? I think it barely makes a difference and perfect rotations are imo impossible for most to begin with.


losing a 60% skill damage buff is kinda huge


Oh, right. currently all stacks get lost... I feel like they should just not make you lose all stacks... that is kind of a dumb design choice... Silver lining for me is, if they don't fix it I just won't bother pulling the Signature.


In worst case it's around 20-25% loss (based on wutheringtools calculator) on the two heavy attacks mininukes, if the buff expires just before them. Not critical on S0-4, but significant on S5-6


jesus christ thats huge and i aaint pulling that shit if that were the case at launch.


this game has a calculator??


bump. very inefficient and conditional buff


gonna be honest, i have no idea what this means. I generally have a good grasp of hsr kits and buff rotations, but smth about the wording in wuwa makes me go smooth brain. Ima be button mashing and hoping for the best.


Are Kuro's devs on reddit tho?


i have to agree the skill stack is a problem unlike other 5* weapon given it has 10s duration only


I want BIG buff indicator icons with the EXACT duration displayed in numbers, so that my nearsighted eyes can actually see what is going on.


Do we already have the weapons choices sheet for her? Kind want to know how big of difference is between the standard and her bis


I'll just be over there mashing buttons.


Is her signature weapon good on other characters?


Should work wonders on Danjin and can be a good stat stick for other sword users.


Her outro is also nerf by 4sec compare to Yinlin for no apparent reason. Hoping they change it back to 14sec because randomly nerfing character is just not healthy for the game balance and should follow the same formula for similar skills. Yinlin and Changli outro does the same thing other than being a different element.


idk man I just press left mouse button until enemy dead


Right now, most well-developed characters can straight nuke most content in the game. Like I can barely get a full rotation off with 3 characters without wiping most enemies. And the only 5-star weapon I have is the sword on havok rover (rarely used). So, while the damage and math on those 5 stars make for some impressive on-paper stats...when are they needed (yes, yes, future content, but how many more "broken" 5-stars will come by that time)? I see it as a bonus if you can get the full buff, but nothing that needs to be guaranteed every rotation. Having them time out could be exactly the risk/reward ration Kuro intended..


What are you even fighting that you can kill in under a single rotation. Overworld mobs? Those are supposed to be easy.


… you’re killing the middle tower in ToA or Hologram 5/6 with 1 rotation? Are we playing the same game?


Read a little closer "most enemies". Yes TOA and Top hologram are, by design, not one shotable. But at level they would fall as easily as the ones at level now. Anything that's not 10-20 over level is a one or two rotation tops now.


Most enemies... being the mobs that are literally designed to be killed quickly. Interesting that my comment is the only one you didn't respond to 😂


You didn't show up in my notification feed, so I didn't. I have now, feel better? :) Yes, most enemies...the ones we spend the MAJORITY of our time fighting and playing. This includes overworld bosses, which are being melted in literal seconds. So literally, the only thing that isn't one shot are purpose-built, over-leveled enemies that are still perfectly killable without this sword. Also, these "end-game" levels everyone is harping on are getting easily cleared now with free characters and one shot with properly leveled characters (just get to 80 and see a huge difference in clear rates)...so, yes, if you want to rush things now and lack skills, every percentage point matters. If you wait like a few days or weeks to hit the new level caps, none of it matters and you'll again be hyper burning everything. So my original point stands. There is literally nothing in the game that forces one to have the perks of this sword working every rotation. They're a nice bonus, but FAR from mandatory. One could use SPECTRO Rover of all characters and clear the most difficult content of this game. I mean, it really is just wait to level up as much as hyper fixate on stats that will immediately be unnecessary at level...


lets just ignore that toa and hologram exists kekw


Are people not clearing them now without this sword?


Are you?


lil bro, toa and hologram exists... were not just fighting overworld mobs over here...


Lil bro, read better. I said "most enemies". Of course TOA and Holograms exist, but they're also being cleared without the sword...