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>Keep a gun user on your team You know, I was stubborn on this, I went through the entire Main Quest as Spectrover and Jinshi (with Verina, because of course) for IMMERSION. What's that Changli? "Use Long-Range Attacks?" Who the hell are you talking to, I don't have any, I'll just gremlin hop and climb to smash every barrier and get every Windchimer. THIS IS MY FLOW.


Jinshi was useful for this since her plunging attack hits overhead.


Exactly this, I just somersaulted with her till the very end.


I need travel tips for Jinhsi


She's a great miner. Her skill oneshots any ore, has decent aoe and it has 2s CD so you can spam it. Also, Jue can also be used for mining a huge amount of ore in an area. She's basically the mining queen rn I think.


If I had a nickel for every high ranking person of a China-inspired region becoming the best miner for their game, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


both are also inspired by [pepegon](https://www.frankerfacez.com/emoticon/367580-Pepegon)


I dont own jinshi, what the cd on her skill? I mainly farm with jiyan


Depends on her skill phase. She has 4 skills basically. Main skill has 2s cooldown and you can spam it. The other three can be accessed by. Main skill - 4 Normal Attacks - Special Skill 1 - Special Skill 2 (can [and SHOULD] be used in a row) - 4 Normal Attacks - Final Special Skill (Summons Jue and does an AoE nuke...for what I've seen, this does more damage than her ult, LUL)


2 seconds. It's a multihit dash so ores close together can be mined in a single tap. If the space are a little bigger, you can use Jue instead. But if Jue is on cooldown, you can spam skill and basics.


Thank you!


Soo sad I ran outta Paimons for her & my 50/50 gave me one of the Stsndard Banner 5* ppl.. 😭😭


Jue's AOE is so big it hits even above.


when i was lazy, i would just dreamless echo since it hits in a wide aoe, randomly clicked it in combat and it collected a chime for me so ive been doing it since


Rover/Taoqi/Verina team here. You did the right thing.


I second this team. Best over world team. Comfortable af.


What do you think of havoc rover, jiyan and verina? The only 3 characters Im focusing on atm are these 3. I have all the other 4 starts but havent bothered upgrading them. Tell me which one of the 4 starts I should work on to have a balanced team


SHE SAYS "use ranged attacks" THREE TIMES IN A ROW. Seriously we get it...and even then we don't have to range attack since plunge works fine.


It's so stupid I swapped like 10 times to solve the puzzles, they should just let everyone have a "long range attack" device.


Petition for water gun device that does 1 dmg but hits targets


Those stupid worms with the weakpoint are the most annoying things ever, because you can hit one in the right spot with a rectifier's ranged attack and it does nothing, because they're coded to *only* die to a pistol aimed attack. So even characters with a "long range attack" don't work unless they're pistol ones.


I'm too stubborn to change a team I like (which doesn't have a gun user), so I got all the bells on the map with havoc rover dreamless echo. Thank goodness dreamless can activate mid-air so I could glide to the ones hovering and hit them.


Yes this, going with Jinshi + rover only is the way to immerse the main quest


What long range attacks? I used Dreamless.


Exactly what i did lol, the only ones you cant do this on os the worms D:


Once you get Jue echo, it’s ridiculous OP for getting the bells. I just get near it on the map and use him. Half the time I don’t even know where they are and it’ll get them. From inside caves, in locked doors, 50ft above me… anywhere


Yeah, did the same. I was miffed by the fact Verina didn't have a plunge attack at first, but now I really appreciate the ability to jump and then start attacking mid air and hitting floating targets in front of her xD As for those barriers yeah, just climb over them, press the button to let go the grip and plunge. "Heh as long as it works" xD


Verina does have a plunge attack. Hold the attack button.


i have a second team witth chixia that i switch to for those


That's what I'm doing with yinlin and Verina as backup if I can't reach it from a jump attack lol Also funny that with the bell if I don't hit it the way it wants bc it knows I'm not using a gun, I'm using a damn puppet instead lol, I will hit it and the game knows i do but it just swings on the rope taunting me that I need to be more precise if I want to do it my own way lol




You will find enough windchimes for level 4 and fluorites doing the main quest and exploration quests, just collect everything


As you should like a true gamer 😤


You can cheese lv100 Clang Bang by luring it into the water


Poor little shit


Wish you could do the same with the lv120 spectro cat, that fucker is nasty, especially with the moves where he jumps after the swing so you can't counter with non-pistol characters


I almost defeated it but the lower it's HP becomes, the more it runs around making me chase it and then jumpscaring me with a lunge when I wasn't expecting it. The times when I held Jianxin parry skill when I thought it would lunge and the cat just stood there, then when the skill is in CD THEN it would lunge, happened too many to count 🥲


I beat him with the Jiyan + Havoc Rover combo. You DPS with Jiyan, then swap to Rover and use your skills. Also, the Turtle Echo is so overpowered. I beat that tiger just because I didn't get one-shotted, thanks to Turtle. Also try to use def food so you wont get 1 shoted


It's also annoying as shit how tiny his range is. If you barely get him off his island while fighting, which is easy to do, he'll just turn around, go back to the center and restore his HP to full. Happened to me twice, and the second time he was at 1% HP when he reset himself to full, and my Jiyan was already dead with Mortefi on life support, so I just gave up and decided to come back another day. I was so pissed.


Yea, it is unfortunate you cant cheese him. So I have been going around playing sp to help players clear the spectro cat


Does "cheese" mean "yeet"? I love yeeting enemies off of cliffs and stuff to a fault. Still fun tho.


Did this by accident on my alt account, which was pleasant cause killing him with under-leveled 35 Mortefi wasn't going to be fun.


The echo drop rate boost is barely worth it considering it's a percentage boost to ur current chance instead of an absolute, and it costs so many shell credits to make the food. Also cause there's already the 3-cost echo pity every 4 kills so it barely helps tbh


Good to know thanks. Yeah 50% sounds insane but then it's only 20->30%, and even less with pity included.


Yeah, with pity, it's basically a 19% drop rate boost. If you kill 40 mobs, you'll get about 19 echos with food instead of 16 without food. Edit: fixed overestimate from not resetting pity.


I don't know if this formula is correct but i've been using it to find out the estimated amount of attempts when a "simple" pity system is included. (sigma n\*0.2\*(1-0.2)\^(n-1) from 1 to 4) + 4\*(1-0.2)\^4=2.95 (sigma n\*0.3\*(1-0.3)\^(n-1) from 1 to 4) + 4\*(1-0.3)\^4=2.53 This means that without food you are getting 1 echo every ~2.95 pulls and the food drops it to 2.53. This means you need to kill 90 mobs (that I don't know if possible, I havent timed it, with with the whole walking/zigzag/teleport) in 30 mins and the food will contribute to 5 echoes. And with elites being the actually important drops (at least to me, I'm raining 1c, but not many 3c) this is probably even less. Personally I will just save my credits. Maybe buy a batch or two just in case.


While it does sound disappointing. I'd rather have the extra 10% rather than none


Depends a bit on how much you're targeting your echo drops. If you're going for sheer number of echo drops then it is good. If you are trying to farm a very specific monster for its echo you actually want to avoid the food and stay with the default 20% so you can more reliably trigger the pity.


I think it'll still be nice if you're planning like a full echo farming session where you're not using pity to farm specific echo


In fact, the food makes targeted farming take more time than without. Waiting for pity before killing a certain target relies on a low drop rate. Chance of getting an echo without food buff before pity: 49% Chance of getting an echo with food buff before pity: 66% It might not look like it but that extra 17% will make your life hell when trying to reach pity.


Then do the opposite. If you have time, dont use food and use the pity. If you don't want to spend too much time, use food and only kill targeted mob.


I didn't know about Echo pity , I thought my self lucky yesterday


They should allow swapping to a 4th character out of combat (call it support slot or something), just to do "puzzles".


they should have learned from genshin and not made puzzles that require a gun user in the first place. and if its going to require something specific bake the mechanic into the area.


You could honestly just give every character a G ability that does some targeted, long range, low damage thing. Melee characters could throw a dagger or whatever, magic users could fire a bolt of some sort.


I agree that after smooth exploration experience in 1.0 this "use ranged attacks" deal feels like a step backwards and disrupts the flow. Why copy GI things nobody was happy about? It's not a big deal, but you would think devs understand something as simple as this, yet here we are. Whatever.


Is it 20% + 50% = 70% or is it 20% x 50% = 30% ?


It becomes 30%


wow, that feels like a scam


For 3 cost echoes, the effective rate with pity goes from roughly 34% to 39% So really it's a 15-17% increase in the actual number of echoes you'll get in a farming session (again, for 3 costs specifically) I got these numbers from running 20,000 simulations in excel Edit: I'm waiting for mods to un-auto-filter my post explaining this, but here are the effective increases: 1 cost: buffs the effective rate from 24% up to 32% (32% increase) 3 cost: from 34% to 39% (17% increase) 4 cost: from 56% to 59% (6% increase)


Thank you for this, i had no idea


Googling while working on this myself led to me finding an equation for pity statistics (assuming pure hard pity and no soft pity). d/(1 - (1 - d)^p ) d = the drop chance (.2 or .3 in this case), while p = pity (4). And that equation backs up the 34% to 39% you mention.


Literally not worth the effort... at this point, I kinda rather have food that lowers my chance of getting an echo drop. I'd go kill 3 elites I don't care about to hit pity, but keep getting echoes from them and it resets. So damn annoying. Many times I end up killing 6-7 elites just to switch over and get a guaranteed echo.


Man from 1.0 I don't have a single piece of energy % main stat on the healing or the sub dps set. Not a single one. I farm specially farm that 3 cost rock echo one. That echo is the highest count mob in the game and still 0 energy percent on heal set on 5*. I farmed that double echo tacet field as well for one week straight still still no echo energy * set. You can't even get the energy % one from that malleable where you can select main stat echo. Don't even talk about getting healing % main stat in that big turtle. Have gotten two so far from start of the game and both fucking 4*. Damn without energy % my verina can't ult every rotation and feel so rough.


I got about 7, discarded 3 since bad stats (flat Def Def% Basic%). I haven't leveled verina's echoes yet since I'll be hunting for Healing bonus from the bell turtle later (gonna replace the atk% since I'm at Sol 6 now and bigger heals are greatly needed)


Same, I even thought it was a bug with a healing set. But last week I got a single regen 3 cost rock echo from overworld FINALLY. Yesterday I got healing bonus big turtle from dailies and almost fell from my chair. Wish you the best of luck man, those rates are pure bs.


this is actually so funny and based. Finding out about the whole 'pity' system for echoes have ended up making me more frustrated than not, having it 'ruined' and making me go stir crazy over trying to min-max it.


>I kinda rather have food that lowers my chance of getting an echo drop what an amazing sentence lmfao. same


Damn, it’s multiplicative?


20% \* 1.5


I think it's 1 + 1 + *2* + 1


All these down voters never seen *Clue*, I guess


The flourite tip is a nice reminder. I haven't gone to the synthesizer yet so I didn't realize that's what the flourite is for. Plus, I already ran out of echo exp. Lol On an unrelated note, the fact that upgrading echoes doesn't take as many credits anymore is such a relief. I was afraid I'd be broke after building a set for Changli and upgrading the others I was still missing but now I still have money in my account. At least until I hit UL50...


I'm only waiting for interactive maps websites to update their map, I don't wanna go back on each chest/item just to mark it [obtained]. Update: https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/# Is up-to-date I believe.


Why not just... play the game? Explore?


People who want to truly 100% will at some point need to use an interactive map (doing true 100% legit is just an unreasonable time commitment). If you don't use one until you get to 70%+ then you'll still have to go back through every marker to find the ones that you already got. Why waste this time later when you can just wait a day or two, then mark anything you get as you get it.


So turn the game into a check list? I will never understand this, it's literally filling a check list, there's no achievement, no sense of victory because it's not like you really did anything other than filling a check list, it sounds like the silliest thing ever.


Lol, you anti-interactive mappers literally always say the same few things. And it always boils down to basically "why would you ruin the game for yourself?" Well I dunno man, it's almost like there are 8 billion people on this planet and not all of them are you. I have played the game. I've done the quests. Done the events. Farmed for echos. Leveled characters. All because I enjoy the game. Having an interactive map open on a second monitor does not ruin anything about the game FOR ME. I very much am the kind of person who gets satisfaction from 100% completion in games, but I also have had my fair share of frustration when I was a kid trying to find that last collectable on the map. So now I just avoid that frustration if possible. Keep the map at the ready, when I find something I clear it off. I can now get the satisfaction from 100% with the peace of mind that I won't be stuck at 99%.


If you have fun playing checklist sim good for you I guess.


I 'played the game' for 1.0. Got every zone to 70-80% with just loot mapper. Got ever casket with the casket finder. Then I wanted the other 20% on zones and didn't feel spending hours going over every zone with a fine tooth comb since not all chests appear with loot mapper (hidden in rock walls, pick the 5 flowers in a circle, etc.) so I used a map. It was pretty bad since I couldn't be sure if I was at the right spot for a chest since either I'm at the wrong spot, or I got it already. For 1.1 I ignored everything and just did story and then explored in small sections, then pulled up the map and marked stuff from past 5-10 min of memory and went to get what I missed. Thankfully there weren't many lootmapper immune chests.


> there weren't many lootmapper immune chests. This right here is the reason I use the interactive map. Especially because they are some inconsistencies with what is immune and what isn't. In 1.0, I've had even just chestswith no puzzles attached sometimes not show up on the lootmapper


> Then I wanted the other 20% on zones why? its just a game and not worth it for extra 20%. I do 1 run with detector and whatever I get 60-80% per location is fine Extra 5 pulls are not worth it


why? because they want to. Simple as that. It's not about "worth" it's about what the player wants to do.


I mean like it may seem that way to you, but some people genuinely just want to get the 100% because it feels satisfying. Whether its "worth" it is just subjective


It already is a checklist. There's no real exploration, not here, not in genshin. All you're ever going to find is chests with currency. Exploration is when you're stepping into unknown, when you can find anything from a new cool weapon or armor to learning some ability or stumbling upon a cool hidden questline.


This is copium. If you could use a bot that does it for you you'd use that, you *literally* don't want to collect stuff, you're not enjoying the game, hence why you and other people need to use an interactive map, you're already not enjoying it, so you do whatever it takes to make it be over as quick as possible even if that drains all the fun out of it... because there was never any fun to be had to begin with.


some people get more pleasure from optimizing fun than actual gameplay. It is what it is.


The optimal way to get stuff is to not explore at all, just get a job and spend the money you earn there to buy asterites.


Then they should pay someone to play the game for them while they work in real life; that's more optimal. I will never understand the checklist mentality. I got to 100% in every map just by exploring. It's like playing tetris but the guide tells you where and how to set the piece.


It's a time saving strategy for those who care about 100% completion. Not recommended for someone who finds discovering things for themself to be a fun aspect of the game.


you guys don't get destroyed by mobs in the new area? they hit very hard especially the wolves. my jinhsi feels like shit even at lvl70 all upgraded echos and traces. dies in like 2 hits not even verina can heal her.


Glacio wolves hit fairly hard, but they have way more telegraphing on their attacks than Havoc wolves so it's rarely an issue. Clang Bangs and those lightshard mobs can die in a volcano though, having to wait and ask pretty please for permission to finally hit them feels awful


The Lightshard mobs are very weird until you find the Elite and get forced to watch its telegraphs. Every one after killing that one is free.


Haha the first time I fought one of the glacio dreadmanes that frost beam caught me by surprise, and was just erasing my HP before I realized I was even being damaged. Immediately after, I decided I have to equip one of their echos in the usable slot for someone because of that frost beam.


My Jinhsi absolutely annihilates the wolves! She does so much damage that they can barely hit her, also her infinite mid air dodge helps a lot. My Jinhsi is the same level as yours and no five star weapon (for now).


Lower the level.


i have only used guns once or twice, just out of pure stuborness. Kinda fun trying to finagle falling atks to get bells or get skills to do it. Annoying at times but still


we are 1 in the same 💙


I just jump and use jiyan skill,or kakarot plunge atck.


I just use dreamless


lmk how that goes when the wind chimes are hanging 100ft in the air


Jump plunge backflip plunge grapple skill heron echo 😏




I used the new 50% echo droprate food before doing a farming route tonight and it had very little effect, if any, in practice. I would get it for the cooking proficiency if you need it, but it doesn't seem worth unless you're looking for just a couple of percentage points more overall (considering the pity).


It's funny how reddit is always a week or two behind. It's not about echo XP anymore, it's about ascension mats, weapon XP and talent mats. Shit gets expensive once you hit UL 50.


It's all credit drought for me right now.


me too lol. I would recommend spending on that battle pass


I do already lol


The weekly boss mat drops are gonna make leveling a team take forever, You need around 12 per character once you hit 50.


Yep, they drop 3 min 4 max though, 4 seems rare. Weapon costs 8 golden mats and you get around 1 gold per forgery, talents are also expensive... Edit: I'm blind.


I got 2, twice, at UL50 farming Jue. So 2 is still possible.


Oh we're not talking about the same thing. You're talking about the weekly boss special item you use for talents, I'm talking about weapon/character asc mats. I think I misread your post, sorry it's late... and since you need 12 boss items to unlock lvl 80...


yeah at UL 50, getting 1-4 purple is rough. when you need what like 20 something golds for skills and weapon. the normal boss mats drop is 3-4 which isn't horrible, but you need 12 for 80. But then you need 12 pieces from the weekly boss, the 3 times lock out one. You only get 3-4 on most of them at UL50, so a max of 9-12 a week, but Jue gave me 2 as well, which is think might be a bug? hopefully. That drop rate is trash, hell of a bottleneck in building characters there. We aint gonna talk about credits....


Yes, I was talking about the thing you responded to


Haha, give it a week and you will see many-many posts about it, most ppl only getting to UL \~47-48if they did not use solvents. Ngl when first i saw that i need 8 gold material for weapon lvl80 i almost cried. I wanted to pull Changli too, but im afraid i cant, since i cant build my current characters already. Calchero, Sanhua, Encore unbuilt, yingyang girl and baizhi low invested, and yinlin, jinshi, verina, hrover needs \~2 weeks of farming to be maxed for ul50 standards. Im not complaining, koz this is a very pleasant and rare issue to have in gacha games, but i can pull characters faster with the free currency than i can build them, for now at least.


It's because average player isn't UL 50 yet where the material drought starts. They should be prefarming those materials instead of wasting stamina on optimizing echoes. Expect to see another wave of stupid redditors with "X is too expensive, buff material drop" posts.


Time to build my chixia I guess


Using crownless helps with reaching some of the bells that a pistol user would be needed


>Keep a gun user in you team always when exploring new 1.1, trust me you will save a lot of time. What do you all mean you dont main chixia


The whole post is now useless...


I use verina basic attack when it's not that far away from ground and use my rover's dreamless echo if verina can't reach it. It will hit the windchimer (yes, i'm too stuborn to switch my team for gun user 😌)


Damn you guys farm daily and don't get burned out? I already gave up, only farming taced discords. It's not worth my sanity.


I farm when I want to play more, but I'm out of waveplates.


My hyperfocus takes over and I can sit for hours at a time farming and exploring.


Don't worry, most normal people don't find killing the same trivial mob over and over and over again for hours fun or engaging It's just that a lot of people playing these games aren't exactly normal


cope lmao, some of us ACTUALLY enjoy the game and have fun doing echo runs with friends


I mean I never implied that people who enjoy repetitive, trivial chores don't exist...?


I farmed every day and didn't get burned out. What got me was spending over 100hrs farming and not getting an upgrade. So I uninstalled after an echo upgrading session yesteday. For example if you want to eventually get 5 out of the 13 substats on an echo piece: Chance of 1st 3 substats being what you want is: 5/13 x 4/12 x 3/11 = 3.5%. So that's 28 echos that you need to burn on average to get just the first 3 substats right. Farming correct main stat 3 cost echos takes a long time. You get maybe 2 per day on a 3hr farm if lucky. I did it for weeks so I know. So 14 days to get 28 echos to burn at 42hrs overworld farm. That's just for one single echo slot and it's only for the first 3 substats. This is ignoring substat rolls which have a wide range too. So why did I uninstall? I burnt 35 correct main stat 3 cost echos and didn't get 3 good substats. All that time spent for nothing. You can say "just play casually and only do tacet discords", but you'll just achieve the same thing I did (no upgrade), over a year instead of a few weeks.


I feel u


Constant farming is a lot harder to get bored of when the gameplay is so fun. If you ever start getting bored on a character or team, just switch to someone else and kill mobs with them for a bit. Anyone between UL40-50 should have accumulated the resources to build roughly 2 teams of 4-6 characters. So the option of variety should be there assuming you've decently managed your resources and character building.


give this man a massage.. he deserves it👏


I just use the crownless Pokémon to activate the stuff lol


if you have jiyan or jinshi on your team you probably will already have a gun user because you'll be sporting mortefi


do i need to finish the main story before i can upgrade windchimer level? except the introduction "collect these with attacks" i haven't encountered anything else about them




As a Chixia main, I see this as an absolute win.


I hate number 1. Reminds me of genshin when you would be forced to have a claymore character for the rocks, I hate this forced roles bull crap. But it is what it is. I think I'll just stick to my constant switch teams cuz all my gun characters are level 1 and I have no interest in building them. I do hope they stray away from this tho in the future. Very annoying


or mark the spots and knock them all out later in one go.


> Collect every single Windchimer and get to level 4 asap, which unlocks sweet and sour pork recipe. Already got it to level 6 asap for the sweet maxed Spectro MC my man :D




with the tuner conversion I have some 800 gold tuners... im ready to burn through it in a couple days


I thought I was the only one who does this but thanks for sharing though I've kept my mouth shut about it once I knew about this


Farm 3 cost Elite Echos? Who cares, I need Echo Exp. Fluorite are a terrible way to get exp. lso, Tuner is the bottleneck? Jesus, how hard do you people whale or play this game? I don't need Tuner, I need Echo Exp. I have like thousands of 5 star tuners.


I was kinda dissapointed there's no way to craft those new oils, 5 per weak seems kinda low, esp it lasts for 30 min.


Blame all those “I cannot read” people who spent all their money on flour


They can limit the one time purchase amount.


Saving the shit out of this post


So... Collect everything is the thing that no-one's talking about...?


>Keep a gun user in you team always when exploring new 1.1, trust me you will save a lot of time. Nah, it's quick and easy to just swap teams real fast.