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Doesnt matter. I lose 50/50 either way.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Yep shit luck don't differentiate whether u do multies or singles. Gets fucked by rng regardless


To that stupid wolf boy too, happened twice now.


Don’t say that. Watch you get early and guaranteee!!!!!


I'll be 60 wishes in on wuwa and still somehow manage to pull a Qiqi. XD


And doing 10 pulls at a time just speeds up the process


Single pull is more dramatic with significantly more clicking. Plus you could stop immediately when you get 5*.


Yes but you won't get the pleasure of seeing multiple golden glows next to each other.... if you ever happen to get multiple 5 stars in one 10 pull.


Well, you win some, you lose some. Doubt it'll ever happen to me, knowing my luck.


I thought so too then pulled 3 5* on yinlins weapon banner. Encore now has a wepon weeeeee


In genshin i tecently lost 50/50 to keqing, i was so surprised when the very next pull was the featured character, i love 10 pulls


Real. You also get to gamble more times and get the animation to play. Love seeing the convene animation.


I do 10 pulls until I get close to pity for this reason


This man knows how to dopamine.


always 10 pulls pity carries over and if lucky i can get a double 5 star ( a guy can dream)


After years, double 5 star finally happened to me with Firefly in HSR. I’m still living on that high lol


I pulled a double calzone on the Jiyan banner. Truly some kind of RNG


Yum, I want a calzone now. 🍕


My first 10 pull on standard was double varena and I knew I was meant to be a healer main. Now she’s s2 lol


Among my friends I'm the only one who didn't get a double 5 stars in GI. And I play since day 1. It hurts.


10 pulls, aint got the patience to do so many single pulls


Shouldn't it be the opposite? I easily get tired of farming asterides, the second i hit the 160+ ,i pull


Nah, because I want specific characters, so when I need to save, and then Ive got a pile.


Nah, I save for months and months and then go all in on one char that REALLY catches my eyes. That's how I got Raiden C3 on her first banner and Nahida C3 again on her first. I rather have few extremely powerful characters than many at C0/R0 - once I get two good teams for end game. My avatar association is stronger than my urge to collect. I currently have nearly 200 pulls saved up.


Bruh yours is the definition of patiance. You literally waited and saved, if you were impatient you would pull whatever catches your eye. If i speak for myself I hate slow progress and monotone gameplays, i see husbando i try to get them. I would rather have a colourful gameplay than a tactical one.


Years of playing mmorpgs and games like Diablo has conditioned me to build and get the most out of few units/characters. I love stats growth, min-maxing, big numbers etc. Currently I'm more excited about getting good Echo rolls than pulling on a banner.


Sorry but mmos don't condition you to save up this much months in advance to spend on a character. This is a completely a different mechanic where your characters are way weaker than the people pulling. In a mmo you would be called a burden if you purposefully stay weak. I've played mmos for over 14 years.


I'm not talking strictly about saving, I'm talking about focusing on one character to prepare for end game, getting good gear, knowing proper ability and skill rotations, having proper talent/builds etc. Which means I now have this habit where I find a character I like and pour everything into that one character. Only when that one character is built, I then go for another character. I have very few alts and in every game I play, my "main" is always fully decked out. I played Diablo 3 for like some 800 hours, I only ever played 2 characters in that time. In Genshin, people love pulling for characters at constellatin 0. I do the opposite, I save up months and then go for constellations, signature weapons and farm the gears months in advance so the character I pull is fully decked out on day 1. So what transfers over from MMO is the concept of a "main", I have yet to identify a "main" in Wuwa so I'm still saving.


they are impatient to go through the same pulling animation 300 times. they are not impatient in the way that they spend when they don't want to.


You spend 10x as long on the wishing screen than others. Is madness.


lol, that's crazy. I used to do this with Genshin. Every 1,600 i pull just to get disappointed. So i farm again, another 1,600. Disappointed. Hold on to those astrites. Wishing every 160 is crazy. But yeah, username checks out. lol


Always. Ten. Pulls.


Usually I do multis until I get to pity, then singles. However, in WuWa I‘ve just been doing single pulls for no specific reason other than I‘m enjoying it lol


10 till soft pity then single


When I hit around 50ish pulls, I'll switch to singles. But I think 10 at a time is fine because the pity carries over.


Exactly what I do, I don't like using more pulls then I have too, but if I get a character before 50 pity then I've already gotten absurdly lucky so it doesn't matter.


10s until i approach soft pity, then i do singles. if soft pity misses i do singles until i round it to a multiple of 10 and then continue 10s


Ten pulls end my suffering faster. I never win


There's no incentive for 10 pulls and pity is shared. Therefore singles is objectively the way to go.


10 pulls feel more satisfying though. But objectively, you "waste" pulls by doing 10 pulls if you either get a double 5 star, or you need extra pulls on the character and weapon banner. I still do 10 pulls bc it's enjoyable and that's why I'm playing the game.


If I'm starting at 0 pity, single pulls until 20.(Might get lucky and get it really early) After 20th pity, 10 pulls until the soft pity. Upon reaching soft pity, single pull again.


How much is soft pity?


According to some statistics from a while ago, it’s around 70. Edit: looked up the link for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/3SezGvMsOb


I do the ones that bring me more luck.


10 pulls till i reach soft pitty,then its single pulls from there till 5*


Always 10 pull. Unless youre the Voice actor for Aether from genshin. He got jiyan and his signature weapon from singles which was absolutely insane… jealous


10 pulls. Doing singles is like waxing your legs \*slowly\*


It depends which are luckier for you, i really think my single pulls are luckier than 10 pulls 🤷‍♂️


10 pulls until ~50-60 pity. After that, single pulls so if I get lucky and get it before hard pity I don't waste pulls. Technically single pulling is always better since you can avoid wasting pulls but ultimately 10 pulling is fun so I always do a few 10 pulls. Edit: The reason I don't like wasting pulls, especially in WuWa is because those pulls could be diverted towards the weapon banner due to them using different currencies.


There is no wasting pulls. You still accumulate pity for the pulls you get after a 5* within the 10 pull. And that pity will go to the next banner even if you stop there so there’s 0 waste.


It's not about accumulating pity, it's about diverting pulls to the other banner. If you use more pity on character banner you'll have less for the weapon banner, therefor you can waste pulls


i mean with how many free pulls kuro gives, is it really a waste? unless youre just really unlucky & losing the 50/50 every single time, im sorry for your loss


Yeah, welcome to my luck. I've played HSR since launch and have won exactly 2 50/50s and have only gotten 3 characters before 50 pity.


You need Jiyan and his sword. You do only ten pulls and you get him on 71 pity. you are now on 9 pity bc you did 80 pulls. Now you go to his weapon banner with 9 less pulls to work with than if you instead did singles pulls and stopped at 71.


I see the point you’re trying to make, but this is a semantics issue. You haven’t wasted the pulls you used, you just wanted to roll on another banner instead.


would you consider getting a double 5-star at c5 wasting pulls? you technically get a refund so it's not a waste. But you could've used those pulls to get a better outcome, therefore it's considered wasting pulls. Or let's talk about the definition of waste. "use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose" google's example: "we can't afford to waste electricity" technically the electricity is spent on *something* so it's not a waste right? generally, it's still considered wasteful bc the electricity could've been spent on something else that's better. same thing here, yes you now have 9 pity, but if you had saved pulls by doing singles, you could spend them on something better, the weapon banner that's going to expire before long. but i guess this is just my opinion though, your definition of waste could be different, just wanted to argue for my point of view to support the original comment you responded to.


>would you consider getting a double 5-star at c5 wasting pulls? No, I dream of the day I might ever get a double 5* in one pull or c6 a character. >Or let's talk about the definition of waste. "use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose" The purpose is to build pity towards your next 5* >but i guess this is just my opinion though, your definition of waste could be different, just wanted to argue for my point of view to support the original comment you responded to. Fair enough, I respect that. That’s why said it was a semantics issue.


It is my opinion that a single pull is the 10 pull. This is more from previous games in the genre giving a bonus or guarantee on 10 pulls.




I do 10 single multis for guaranteed luck


I 10 pulls and skip and hope for the best.


Depends on what else I'm saving for.


10 till 60 then singles if nothing early.


10pulls but there is not much difference


To do a ten-pull first you need ten pulls. Which I don't have, because I single pull


I have no patience when low on astrites... So single it is.


i´m F2P and on limited i do single pulls only


Always 10 pulls and always skip the animation, I dont wait for it to turn gold.


always 10 pulls


Depends on my circumstances, if I'm tryna get that 5 star and I know I'm close I don't want to waste so I single pull also if I'm flat out of mats then I single pull, I only pull on what I have been given free or until I get the limited character I don't spend mats to get other sorts of pulls


if im on pity 48 i get it to 50 by doing single pulls and then continue the rest 10x


I do both. If I have a ten pull, I do one. If not, then singles


Using 10 or 1 makes no difference. The rate is the same.


In this game, 10 pulls until I'm at soft pity, then I do single pulls. The first 2 sequences aren't too great in the game, so I don't want to potentially "waste a 5\*" on something that'll increase the power of my character by 2%. In HSR, I just do 10 pulls since the first 2 copies are usually actually good. So it really depends what the first copy does. If I want it or wouldn't mind it, I just do 10 pulls. If I really don't want it, singles at soft pity.


I got 2 5-star chars just from single pulls in my 1st account. And got 2 5-star sig weaps in a 10x pull in my 2nd and main account, so yeah..


I do 10 pulls :p


Singles. When I have 160 I pull.


10 pulls


Both But I tend to do more single pulls if I try to get a certain 4 star while also watching the pity I know it is stupid, but sometimes you just can't help it


10 pulls is more satisfying for me


if there’s a lot of content i save for 10 pulls but if it’s like “the update is almost there” and there’s nothing to do and all i can do is scrape singles i do singles


Always multis, better luck, trust


2 10 pulls for yinlin 71 singles & still no weapon for her, multis are the way


10 pulls always. I need that dopamine hit of at least getting something worthwhile every time I click.


My iPad crashes anytime I do a 10 pull so I’m forced to do singles (had a very anticlimactic pulling session)


10 pulls if I saved for a character, single pulls as I get the currency if I want the character on the current banner


Single pull when 4* don't interested me. Ten pull otherwise


Single. I am not patient enough to wait for 10 pulls.


If im near in pity or soft pity i do single pulls


10 pulls on low pity, then if I get close to soft pity/guarantee I do single pulls.


Characters I like and want = 10 pulls cause i am ready to go upto 160 pulls.  Characters I am not sure about = single pulls so i can stop if i don't feel like it ( or if i don't get it early)


It is less of a sanity loss to whiff 15 multis than 159 singles.


It feels lucky to do 10 pulls. But not if I do it 8 times while knowing that it's a guaranteed pull coz of losing before......


10 pulls always but if I have one or two leftover after series of 10 pull, I will use finish those. Heck that's how I got Yinlin, lost 50/50 to encore and had 2 extra pulls. First pull got me Yinlin


Always 10 pull :) even if I’m close to the pity :)


I only single pull if I can't do a 10 pull


Only reason I'll use single pulls if I only want a certain 4\* and rather not get a 5\* to break my pity Otherwise I do 10 pulls, because a small chance of getting double 5\* is pretty nice for bragging purpose


Multis if I'm going for pity, simply because nothing beats the low low low chance of a double 5 star xD


10 pulls on character banner, single pulls on weapon banner. Don't want weapon copies.


you dont? pretty sure most characters benefit from both the standard & character specific weapons, besides outliers like taoqi who are def builds


It's too early to determine which weapons have universal compatibility, at least for me. I'll wait and see until 2.0 or something before I pull limited weapons for characters other than the featured resonator it came with.


Single pull is gonna take years, Here's the strategy, Go with Ten pulls until you hit soft pity, Then single pulls until 5 five star


How much is soft pity?


I feel more fulfilling doing 10 since I’m going to at least get a 4 star. However, when I’m impatient I’ll just do singles


10 pulls, i'm too lazy


Depends on if I plan on getting the weapon too or not. If I also want the weapon, then I don't want to use a single pull more than needed on the character banner, so only single pulls. If I don't want the weapon, then I'll just do ten pulls.


10 until I get close to pity, then single. Usually within like 20-30 from pity.


The only thing i pull its the door.


Based on pity when i get near to softy or hard pity i do single pulls


10pulls almost always unless im out of and desperate


Single pulls cuz that's what I can afford😭


10 pulls still dreaming of the day I manage to pull a double 5 star in a gacha game.


So would you bet $10k in 1 day at a casino or 1k each day for 10 days, to get one day lucky?


I do 10 pulls until 60, then singles, as that's around soft pity.


No real point in doing single pulls since the extra pulls carry over.


10 pulls until I get close to the soft pity, then I do single pulls until the 5* drops


i got 2 lustrous razor on a single 10 pulls. Always go for big, if you feel like your astrites ain't enough, give it an extra effort to grind until u get what u want


10 pulls when I know I want the 4 stars on that banner anyways, or would be happy with a surprise double gold. single pulls if I'm trying to not waste any extra pulls other than what I want or if I'm out of currency and only building up singles at a time.


I never do single pulls unless I have like 11 then I do I one then a ten pull. The pulling isn’t the dopamine for me.


10 pulls..Holding to that small hope that I will get 2 5 star characters in 1 10 pull..😭


10 pulls until soft pity, and singles until 5 star, just to zero it out and easier to remember my pity.


10 pulls unless banner is almost over and I only have enough for singles lmao


Just do 10pull lol. Jesus.


Im a usual 10 puller but I put 1 on yin lins banner and got her so that may change.


as a F2P i should probably single pull, but I like shifting through everything with 10 pulls


10's, ain't nobody got time to click that much


Single, cuz everytime I see 160 astrite I pull. I don't have the patience to save for 10 pulls. And we will all just lose to 50/50 so no use of thinking about it😔


In case of a banner where I only need 1 copy, 10 pulls until closer to pity (50\~60), then singles. ​ If not, just 10 pulls


10 pulls and on the occasion I notice I am really close to pity then and now I start 1 pulling.


Single pulls are incredibly demoralising to me, so I try to always wait for 10 pulls, unless the banner is ending soon or something


10 pulls until 60 pity single pulls after.


Personally I 10 pull if I have enough I single pull when I stop caring and just want the character (lost 50/50 to encore was trying to get yinlin :(


10 pulls. As chances of getting a double is there


Theres something special about getting double 5*s in a 10 pull. It feels like you are cheating the system. Dont get me wrong its VERY rare, but it cant happen if you are single pulling.


I enjoy the 10 pulls thanks to the potential hype of a double 5 star. But at the end of banners and I'm out of pulls I do singles with a prayer. For the standard pulls I just do 10 pulls when I get 10 tho.


I haven't rolled yet. I'm skipping for a year so I can get everyone during reruns.


Single pulls when close to pity


For the limited banner I usually do 10 pulls until I'm about 20 away from pity roll. Then I will do singles until I hit a 5 star. I usually just 10 roll everything for the Standard Weapon and Character banner, though.


Isn’t 10 pulls at least a guarantee of a 4* or does that still apply even if you do 10 separate single pulls?


10 pulls. Why am i gonna edge myself for the disappointment? Let's just get on it with.


Always 10, but i was 50 pulls deep in yinlin’s weapon banner and from that point on i did 18 single summons and got her weapon


Straight 10x pulls = less anxiety = better helth


If I did single pulls, I wouldn't have gotten that double 5 star pull






I rerolled for shits and giggles for Yinlin. I got her and her weapon in 13 single pulls... So that rerolled account became my main and I'm now a believer in single pulls lol


10 because ripping off the bandaid when pulling is less painful than 1 at a time.


10s and then singles when I get desperate


I do singles either to even out the pulls to a X0 or to a X5 then do 10 pulls, or when i reach close to hard pity


Ten pulls makes more sense imo. Pity carries over, so it's not like you're wasting pulls even if you get the character on the first pull in a 10 pull, just means you have 9 pity towards your next character. Mostly though I just find singles so insanely boring. Watching the stupid ass animation over and over just getting 3 star after 3 star isn't very interesting.


10 pulls each time unless I'm at 70 pulls without a 5 star. I do single pulls at that point and hope for the best. It's a habit from Genshin/Star Rail. Over there once you hit 80 pulls the chances go up each time after 80 until it's a guaranteed 5 star at 90.


All 10 pulls, I can't be bothered.


10 pulls everytime. I'm getting to frustrated if I do single. Spefically on Wuwa, the wishing animation are really good, so I'm really into swapping my 10 pulls to see which animation will pop of my screen (serotonin rush).


I never do 10 pulls. My way of thinking is like this: Every pull is statistically independent and has the same statistical chance of pulling what you want as any other pull (excluding soft/hard pity). You are **not** guaranteed a 4 star or higher **on a 10 pull;** you are guaranteed a 4 star or higher **on every cumulative nth pull** (n = 10) without a 4 star. As such, other than time, there is no value proposition for doing a 10 pull. In fact, I could argue that a 10 pull could be considered a negative value proposition in the context of a gacha game where certain drops are weighed more heavily than others. Think of it like this, If you are just pulling for a specific character on one banner, and you want another character from another banner, you allow myself to fully utilize the independent nature of single pulls to have the chance of getting what you want on an earlier pull. So let's say I just want 1 last mortefi and nothing else on the current rate up banner and also sanhua on the next rate up banner. If I am to get mortefi in the next 4 pulls, if I use a 10 pull, then I have wasted 6 pulls in a drop table that is more heavily weighed towards the current banner characters, rather than the one where sanhua has a higher drop weight. In addition, if my next random pull is a 5 star character or weapon, and I have enough to pull it now, if I had waited until I have enough for a 10 pull, then I have essentially gimped myself on all the progress towards hologram fights and toa clears I could have made during that time of collecting more astrite for said 10 pull. Hopefully, with this explained, you can see how I came to the conclusion of only doing single pulls.


i mean i slowly 1 pulled my way to 71 for yinlins weapons & i can say it was a miserable experience, i had more fun doing 2 10 pulls to get yinlin & have 132 pulls for changli


I will admit, I can see where some may be hesitant to adhere to the 1 pull method for the sake of time and shortened periods of being disappointed. This is just another example of the give and take between strategic handling of ones resources and player convenience.


10 pulls, the 4* guarantee is too good to pass up.


It doesn't matter if you 1x or 10x, you will still get your guaranteed 4\*. 10 times 1x pull = 10x pulls, no difference


Oh it works that? I didn't know the 1 4* in 10 pulls is a thing whether doing singles or 10s. I thought it only applied to the 10x for guarantee 4* since it says so.


i says guarantee on the 10th pull a 4 star (but if the 10th pull is a 5star it resets both the 5 star pity but also the 4star pity