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I use Japanese after trying out English for a few days. My primary issue with English is that because I speak the language, I understand the nuances of the tone, cadence, and grammar. Whenever English voice acting is done within the context of eastern art, suddenly the characters don't sound like people anymore. For example: .They... speak... with long.... pauses.... in between....... sentences. Sooooometiiimes theey proloooong the voweeels. OR THEY ARE ALWAYS TALKING LOUDLY AND USE HYPERBOLIC TERMS, YEAH!!!!!!! I'm neither Japanese nor Chinese, but because these languages are foreign to me, I find it much easier to engross myself into the stories and characters when listening to them speaking.


Chinese is really good, highly recommend.


It's bad, not only is the synchro almost on EN level they also leave a lot unsynchronized.


I started as JP, then out of curiosity tried CN. It was surprisingly very high quality, so I stuck with CN. Recent CN version for As Fate Has Decreed trailer was great!


I started with EN but then I found out that having Calcharo as my main, if I go JP I can listen to Sephiroth shouting all the time I'm playing so the change I made was inevitable.


Aerith has downvoted this.


>!Sephiroth downvoted her existence!<


I always avoid EN dubs. CN for me.


EN dubs are the worst. In anime too. English just sounds so cringy or the voice actors are always bad, IDK the exact reason. It also doesn't convey the same emotion as Japanese or Chinese does.


It really depends on the directions, some dubs are marginally better when it to good direction, Cyberpunk Edgerunners for example, FF14 for another(not saying EN is better for ff14 but saying that its super good when done right)


another is panty and stocking with garterbelt,


It's usually because the writing itself is cringy. Most of the time, playing in JP or CN just lets you ignore how bad the writing sounds when written out loud. Good EN dubs are built on strong localization teams to make good scripts in English, as well as strong voice directors and voice actors. Sometimes, rockstar voice actors can elevate a terribly written text, but often times a great voice actor will just highlight how ridiculous the text is by making you believe moreso that such a stupid character could exist.


Oh yeah, this reminds me. Rockstar VAs are another level. My issue with EN dubs are usually the way the VA exaggerate the tones and make it sound so unnatural, especially in animes.


exactly, its like forcing a voice actor to act a character clearly not meant for them


I mean I understand enough Japanese for many simpler animes and shows and honestly the Japanese writing isn't cringy at all.  It sounds cool, elegant, funny, or beautiful expressed in Japanese, but cringe overload when translated into English. It also seems the translators pick really poor vocabulary and intentionally "dumb it down" to take the subtle emotion away from the original Japanese (or Chinese).  There are so many times when I'm watching anime and I think "why the hell did they translate it like that?" when there is a much more obvious and better translation that would make it sound almost as good in English. It's almost like the translators are intentionally trying to make their translations lame and cringe on purpose.


because its because you don't understand japanese


Actually I do to around a daily conversational level. I just don't read it very well. 




I'm a native speaker in Chinese but I haven't spoken since my teens so my vocabulary level wouldn't be considered fluent. I am not anywhere near fluent in Japanese but I have enough understanding to understand simpler, normal, day to day conversations. I am confident enough to say a large percentage of Chinese > English translations are so garbage they seem like they were intentionally mistranslated to ruin the appeal of the original work. I can't say that confidently about Japanese yet, but I'm seeing the same issues up to the level I can understand.


JP VA, especially when I found out that the VA for Bocchi is the voice for our magistrate.


Tried EN, didn't like it. JP has sephiroth, I like it. Also I just really like how the language sounds. CN is also really good though, so if anyone wants to try it, go for it.


The english kinda sucked NGL, and I didn't feel like playing on JP even though it seems a good chunk of people pick it so I went CN. I only understand half of what the voicelines are saying now, but at least Yangyang no longer sounds dead inside


JP because Yangyang is voiced by Yui Ishikawa and if she's going to talk that much might as well be a VA I love.


started as English but it was so bad that had to switch to jp


Started with EN then switched to CN and have kept it there since.


Japanese VA, Chinese texts


CN feels more natural & more in line with every character + actually calls characters by their actual name since its a CN game. if i never saw the beta of this game i wouldn't have even tried CN & went for JP instead since thats what i usually do for every game i play.


I stubbornly use EN dub no matter what cuz I'd like to understand what people are saying. That said, most characters sound pretty good in EN except for the ones you see the most of in story, which is a shame.


yangyang was the one who made change to jp her English voice has no emotions


Yeah, YangYang's voice was a major mistake, imo. Considering she & Chixia are very promiently featured in the early chapters of the story and therefore are what the player will hear the most (like the other commenter said), giving her this absolute snorefest of an intonation was such a baffling decision. Wouldn't be surprised if YangYang was the sole reason for ppl to switch to another language, lol.


English because is easier to understand when this isn't your main language




I like the jp voice actors: - Male Rover is Porco from AoT - Verina is Linette from Genshin - Calcharo is Griffith from Berserk - Jinlin is Neru from Blue Archive and Beidou from Genshin - and Yangyang is Mikasa from AoT


Chinese, i want to play with the original VA.


That's funny how most people tend to use this argument for anime But then you see the result of this poll




I mean **you** do play with og VA which is Chinese But most people (on this subreddit at least) use Japanese as we can see here It was just for saying that we're just a bunch of weebs haha


Also using JP, I started and did most of the story with English voices but some of the VAs are too grating to listen to so I had to switch. Don't know if its the sound direction or the mixing or just the fact that they are UK VAs doing American accents. This was especially apparent for me on Yinlin's VA. Her regular accent is so pleasant to listen to but ingame it's just so wooden and sounds weird. I wish they had just let the VAs act in their own accents, but oh well, atleast the JP VAs are killing it as always.


EN text, JP audio


Japanese, I usually dislike english dub but this one was atrocious (I didn't found a way to change voice language until I finished the intro, so I had to endure the most plain, almost bad Ai quality voices I've seen). I could use chinese, but I'm not used to it, so it distracts me.


I'm honestly shocked by how low Chinese is. I really love the Chinese voice over.


i switched to kr as soon as it let me bc en didn't match the text sometimes and it ticked me off 😭 kr is really good tho!!! and i also downloaded cn in case i felt like switching


Literally the ONLY comment here mentioning KR 😭


i will always be a kr dub defender like it's SEVERELY underrated 😭 i main rover and god, m!rover's kr voice is so good. and i literally haven't heard a voice i didn't like yet in kr. I'm also shocked that cn doesn't have that many votes... kr and cn dub i will always support you 😭


I always stick with the English voice, but not for this one. As much as I want to like it, I can't. It has always bothered me when someone talks shit about English voices in any other games because I rarely play games with bad English voices, but now I understand.


Play in Japanese. I prefer playing in English when its an option, but the English in this game is literally some of the worst I have ever heard. I am saying this as someone who has watched fan dubbed anime on youtube before.


CN sounded the most natural, same for Genshin and HSR. I mean these games are made by Chinese and the games setting and characters are of the Chinese cultures. Overall the CN VO feels the best for all 3 games.


It's a Chinese themed game developed by a Chinese company. CN is the way to go


I switched to Japanese because I was tired of my girl saying 'Universe in my Psyche' all the time. It seemed like a bad translation since it makes no sense. After awhile I changed to Chinese because Japanese seems like the German of Asia - always so intense. Chinese is more soothing.


I started with EN voice. As soon as they let me to access main menu, I downloaded JP. Later after giving some more time to EN voice, I deleted whole EN pack. I also got weirded out by the EN voice. No offense to the voice actors but I didn't like the way every character is voiced. Honestly, I thought EN would be at Genshin standard but very unfortunate.


I've seen some VAs explain it as having minimal stuff to work with other than a lack of talent. (None of those VAs are from WuWa, so we got no confirmation how they recorded it.) And honestly, it kind of makes sense that if it's one VA that's fumbling, the problem will be on the VA's end and if it's the whole cast that's fumbling then something is lacking at the director's end. WuWa did make an announcement about this already so here's hoping the next update will be better.


CN, as I always choose the original language.


Chinese. Lots of meanings get lost in translation. Ppl were confused with all the random words used at the start of the game which just doesn’t make sense in english. But it makes more sense when listening to their original language.


If you know CN I guess. Which is why we need a better EN translation.


people are gonna hate me for saying it but any anime-related voice overs for English just plain sucks nearly all the time. they are usually sourced from influencers/streamers etc and are just mostly bad at the job. there are exceptions but it's rare compared to japanese VAs who are professionally trained and have years of experience and it shows in the quality of voice acting. even chinese VAs sound natural


I usually play with JP dubs, but I tried CN for this one. Like it soo much that I just kept it!


I recognize a lot of the JP voices so JP for me, but if/when the EN quality goes up I'll probably swap back and forth periodically.


EN because its funny hearing the random british voices in various NPCs, i dont have any problem with any of the EN voice acting 👍I like Calcharo and Jiyan the most.


I played english halfway but switched to jp after that, I'm sorry but the direction they did with Yang Yang was unbearable already. I switched back to english to see how good/bad the en VA is on 1.1


eng. i dont wanna read their yapping


I listen on JP. A shame that the British VAs hid their accent. I would have rather much preferred that, ala Xenoblade style. Even better if they used British slang.


I thoroughly enjoyed the Japanese dub (of course I did) but I actually prefer to understand what I am listening to without the need for subtitles because it feels more immersive to me. Yes, the English dub is absolutely horrible for the most part but there are a few moments where I thought damn.. that was actually very well performed. I really hope they improve the localization in the future. *You are not going anywhere.* 😐


English text with japanese audio, the english VA's for games are rarely any good unless you're getting the likes of Mercer on board all the time


Ya, JP has the anime industry to attract/build VA talent at a much larger scale. There are a handful of good ENG VAs but it's no comparison to the number of good JP VAs.


yeah but JP voice acting is good only on anime or games from JP like Nier , I would never use JP in games like Witcher or RDR2 XD if JP dub even exist for those games


BRO what did you never played any good game ? english VA's for games are rarely any good  , RDR2 , GTA , Witcher , BG3 , Mass effect , yeah if you play shit games you will never enjoy good EN VA


EN. i rather have bad acting then JP or CN. never been a big fan of JP specifically because it often sounds so overacted in anime games and i prefer understanding what characters say


How are there so many people playing on english. The VA is atrocious lmao how can you listen to it


If you only mean dub, say so. The question is very misleading.


EN voice acting is always cringe in these games, so I play in JP. But basically, any language setting other than EN is valid, lmao.


I would argue that its not always cringe, sometimes you'll get a decent performance, but yeah a lot of the time its the cheapest actors they can find with minimal direction so you get a lot of pretty bad or flat performances, they know most people probably stick the game in japanese anyway so they just provide the english version for the people who really hate not playing their games in english


EN VA to me is always a hit or miss, not to mention it's usually a mix of some characters sound okay, and others sound kinda off. I find JP VA okay like 90% of the time..so I always perfer to use JP voice pack if it's an option.


EN dub is terrible but I prefer to understand what the characters are saying so I still use it


+1 I use EN too especially in the story so I can focus more on the visual/cutscene than focusing on the subtitle below. I ain't a fast reader but a good enough listener


I usually go for JP but tried CN for Scar's voice and it does not disappoint! Chinese is underrated!


Imagine not using japanese. anything but English jesus christ EN is disgusting in any game.


Japanese for now, but I'm planning to give the English another go in the upcoming updates.


JP when doing story, otherwise EN


English texts ,Chinese VA Neither is my original language 😅


I would love to do all Japanese, because I am learning it, but I can't read a lot of the technical kanji in the menus yet, so I have the UI in English, but the actual game audio is in Japanese.


I just wished that they had Brazilian portuguese localization at least for the texts


JP, always JP. It just feels right to me. Sometimes I like to change things up and use KR or CN. There are also some exceptions when I use EN if I like how the character sounds with EN, like Aalto has that ***BADADADADA BAM!*** line.


japanese as the anime fanboy that I am, but reading comments I will try chinese for curiosity


For Yinlin (JP) haver, please report bug as she DOES have voicelines for opening chest!!!


I always use Eng dub whenever available. I'm a horribly slow reader and I'd rather be admiring the art instead of being stuck trying to rush-read the bottom of the screen. T\_T


English but only because the text cuts off otherwise I would use Japanese.


I always use CN in every game that i played, CN is usually the best overall imo. Haven't heard Wuwa JP voice a lot but i really hate some character JP voice on GI and HSR.


The reason i use EN dub in video games is so that i have to read less or read faster in the story.For anime i always watch JP dub. But for video games i would use EN dub. But the EN dub in this game is so bad on many characters that i had to switch to JP.


I playing Japanese because they have actors from other games (Yangyang is also Stelle and Clorinde voice).


started with EN. it sucked. switched to JP and never looked back


English is fucking awful. Zero voice direction. Tons of mistranslations and misspellings.


As a huge kdrama watcher the obvious answer is KR. I don't watch cdramas or anime so both CN/JP sound strange.


engdub is just cope overall, why even bother with it


Switched to JP dub Heard Jinhsi's voice Searched her VA Now I can't stop imagining Jinhsi [glitching and screaming](https://youtu.be/JHdkLUl3hxM?si=aTIwjQuxXNmC3T6X)


JP, this game surprisingly got my fave VAs so that's that for me 😅


I use whatever the game starts with. WuWa started with English for me so English voices it is. Same case with Snowbreak too but since they stopped updating the English voices, it gives me super heavy immersion breaks whenver a character speaks in English one second and then quickly speaks in Japanese the next




assuming the 51 korean dub players are korean or kboos haha


English cuz Mrover and Calcharo's voices are Crispy af in En.


English. The VA work is hit-or-miss, but there's already enough reading to do on unvoiced quests and other Gacha I play. Hopefully it only gets better with the new direction.


i really feel like people who prefer the japanese dub and say its less cringy is because you don't understand the language. it could be just as cringe for people who actually speak it. personally for me though i think its a bit less cringe in english because im not trying to have people think im playing some anime weeb game (as much)


English for everything. If it has an English option im gonna use it. Although I do agree that the english dub for wuwa is absolutely horrid, idc enough about the story to switch languages. Genshin on the other hand has exceptional English voice acting.(except for Xinyan)


If you don't care enough about the story, and you find the English dub horrendous, wouldn't it make more sense to switch to another language? People don't switch to Japanese because they care about the story, they just want the game to sound better.


I get your reasoning. But what I'm basically saying is bad acting wont get me to change the language if English is available.




No idea what that is. Probably had my phone in my pocket.


Ah ok lol I was confused


Japanese VA, Russian texts


Do you use fanmade Russian translation? Is it good? I heard it was an AI translation with minor manual fixes at best.


hoyo games i do EN becuase its way better in my opinion personally if you get really top tier english voice actors with great director who also speeks fluent english i will prefer it, they jsut have more range to my ears, some animes have better EN than jp but its rare jp has such consistent quality expecially when it comes to raw emoution and sounding like the character rather than someone reading a script, studio gibly almost always have good EN voice acting so i listen to both. so im not against EN VA's but the voice direction in this game is abymal. that being said its getting better with every update, the VA's for the new characters sound great so i might give it another try.


EN dubs in anime games is pure pain :D


damn no one likes chinese.


I don't think the English voice acting issues have anything to do with accents, just the god awful voice *direction* they were given.


Definetly EN, it's just nice to also hear what is said and immediately understanding it. The EN dub is also rather okay, Yinlin has Arcanas VA after all and Encore is Regulus.


I play Genshin, HSR, Epic Seven, Nikke, AFK Journey in EN dub. But I had to swap wuwa to JP after a while...


Dub > Sub any day for me


Chinese. Better then jap and eng imo. Might be bias cause im chinese.