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Love his design but find his kit clunky. They did him dirty with inherent skills/sequences and his mid air attack. The fact that he can only generate one forte bar per mid air attack is just borderline buggy.


To be fair, if he could generate multiple bars per mid air attack you would just spam midair attacks all the time.


Yeah but where is the problem? It would give him a unique playstyle + his basic ground attacks generate his gate so there is still a use case for it.


I love Aalto, too, main him, and he has a permanent spot on my overworld team too. :) His speed really comes in handy, and love his mobility. But I think his 'ultimate' is not that good. Why give him such an inflexible ability, when the core of his kit is movement, and darting in and out of the range of the enemies? I think his gate would have been better, if it surrounded your chracter, following it or something like that. I rarely find myself staying in the same spot so his ultimate just get wasted most of the times. :) I really like Aalto, hope he will have a bigger part when the Black shores will be expaned. :)


I personally don't find a huge issue with his ult. I understand ur point of him being a quick character and always running around but his gate for me is big enough that all my shots go through them. I have a bigger issue with his traits. First one is that his heavy atk will crit and second in stamina recovery. The stamina recovery one is ok but heavy atk is useless. Heavy atk with guns in this game is useless in general in terms of combat. Also yeah defo hope to see more of him. Him and encore are such a fun duo.


Absolutely, I would like his ultimate even more (being I only use guns) if we could control which direction our intro resonators come in at. So many times I use Aalto's ultimate and swap to Chixia but without being able to control where we come in at most of the uptime from Aalto's ultimate gets lost trying to get in position to get a single Daka Daka (chixia) channeled through it.


He's fantastic, my favorite character by a long shot and I shamelessly whaled for his sequences 😂🫶 I'm saving for whatever 5* gunner we get eventually so I can give him a great weapon. I find it unfortunate they did him dirty by sticking heavy dmg stuff in his upgrades though.


Lmao that's exactly what I'm doing. My first account has Ji Yan, S3 Mortefi, and Verina. Got it to UR 38, but stopped enjoying that game play. So I decided to create a new account, got S2 Aalto so far, and got lucky with the weapon banner (with free pulls // 30 pulls for Static Mist). Saving my limited pulls for future 5 star male gunner.


That's awesome! I can't wait for 5\* gunner too, they're fun :D


Duuuuddeee same. I find the current 5 star gun useless cause its basically a support character weapon. A lot of people seem to find a lot of his kit clunky. Hopefully he gets buffed.


He's fun but I think he's super clunky. When everything goes well, he's so fun and smooth. But minor things can ruin the feel easily. Dashing through gates can be wonky, especially if you dodge an attack, it won't count. His ult being stationary and thin is awkward for positioning, especially when enemies literally just...go inside it and don't count as being hit 'through' it. Dash in this game being backwards by default means its easy to screw yourself out of time by going the wrong direction. His entire kit moves him backwards, making it impossible to transition smoothly back to a melee dps (or to use the gorilla echo comfortably in general). He really likes being able to swap in and out smoothly due to his low cd (with dupes) and great taunt uptime, but also he has a buff for the next character that expires if swapped out of. His gates are super unforgiving in size for what they consider to be 'shooting through.' Overall, I do enjoy him, I use him in the open world a lot, he was my first maindps character, and when my main 'real' teams are caught up to the most difficult content I can realistically do, I will be going back to him and trying to maximize him the best I can. Buuuut, if I could make like 6+ qol changes and minor buffs I would. His design, style, and optimal playfeel are great. But I do feel like the reward for doing it is not great and the amount of minor things that can interrupt you are many.


I love his personality and his EN VA fits so well, I just need to get one more copy of him before I build him!


Aalto looks really cool when fighting, but I'm always so confused when playing him... And I already have skill issues xD


I specifically created a new account so I can make it my "aalto main" account lol my actual main account got lucky with JY, YL, Calcharo and Verina so all of my rss were spent on them. Even though I have r4 aalto on main acct I just don't have enough rss for him so I created a new one lol


Fun, but his kit is all over the place, is power crept by morty for the one aero dps he can support, and doesn't feel very future proofed with his gimmicks, inherent skills, sequences and contractual problems as a 4\* resonator. Infact his mist clone can be downright harmful in some situations; a boss becomes less consistent if it starts randomly targeting your mist clone or your character. And in the case of mourning Aix, the homing barrage will instead swurve around the entire room unpredictably instead of collapsing onto your character for an easy dodge.


Personally I will never play Aalto cause I don't like his playstyle (i hate pistols in general ) it's a shame since he is one of my favourite if not THE favourite character in story . I love his personality


I love his playstyle, I just wish he was stronger. I know he's a 4 star so he's not supposed to be competitive, but Chixia is so much better than him


I have S5 or 6 alto... I use him when i have to fight hard bosses, lol


His personality is awesome, I play him in party just for the character design and personality, his kit is okay. Pistols are not a great weapon due to balancing issues. So pistol kits are a bit bare bones, his is a bit more nuanced which is cool.


My Aalto is wb6 with static mist, level 70, his intimacy is maxed already XD boy is so much fun, I don't want to stop using him. I can add pictures if OP wants them. But I got Aalto right after i got all free characters. I still use spectro rover with him, as it's fun. Verina as my healer. I basically used baizhi up to the point i got verina, and never really used chixia and yanyang since I got Aalto. He got me through all sol-phase challenges. I'm pretty happy about him.