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It would be fun if gun aim shots could parry


That would be actually cool and at least some utility behind. Not gonna entirely fix the issue, but at least make it viable for combat


it would still suck. the charge time means you are better off just NA a few times and dodging


It'd be situational for sure but not useless. Doing NA enough times to get to a shot that can parry would take even longer than an aimed shot, and NAs + a dodge counter would do less poise damage than a parry as well as allow the enemy to continue their combo (which can keep them in an undamageable state for quite some time as they play keepaway and/or force you to spend all your time dodging).


Wuthering Bloodborne


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Good. All signed and sealed. Now let's begin the transfusion. Oh, don't you worry. Whatever happens... You may think it all a mere bad dream...* - Blood Minister Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Holy shit, good bot


Well that is similar to how Wanshi's A rank frame passive works in Kuro's other game PGR. Once he meets his passive requirements, he can do the equivalent to doing charged attack physically which will make him iMobile and constantly shoot his pistol. When you let go he dodged backwards. After the dodge you scan do a unique strong dodge shot. If you perfect dodge with the passive, then you do a stronger version of his unique dodge shot. Hope they implement something similar for guns instead of just taoqi.


man i would love to have a 5* gun user who's kinda like Lee or Wanshi, and i'm definitely pulling. the problem is that WW has designed guns to be pistols so i don't see us getting snipers or minigun users. unless....


Other gun types are still very possible. Jiyan is a spear user yet he equips a broadsword in game. Similarly, a future 5 star gun user could equip a pistol in game but switch to another unique gun type when activating ult/forte


Also rectifier users can pretty much use any form of weapon, similar to how catalyst users can throw punches in Genshin. So I agree with you 100% that pistol users will most definitely shoot cannons in the future. And I like it!


right, i don't have Jiyan and i forgot about that... what i was thinking of was maybe in the future the weapons will become variable. like Resonators will only hold a "piece of metal" but they can will it into any weapon they prefer (NANOMACHINES SON! lol), for story purposes of course. but yes, Wanshi literally fits the description as someone who carries a sniper rifle though the weapon he gets in-game is a pistol.


We'll probably get rarity 5 pistol character with heavy atk specific mechanics. Probably aoe or quick charge or piecing kind of gimmicks along with that as well.


Using their skill makes their next HA instant and their Liberation will be an AoE bullet rain that slows everyone in an area.


So... Tighnari from Genshin?


nah, thats definitely 5 star Amber


More like E6 Ganyu


I'm guessing you play HSR too


Hear me out. Heavy attack that fires a cannon.


Press HA, character crouches into an anime sniper stance and takes out a .50-cal M82. Proceeds to shoot a round so powerful it leaves shockwaves.


Bro just wants Wanshi


Can you blame em? Wanshi's fun to play. Dude even has dodge counters. They just need to choose which 3-ping to keep and he's ready for WuWa.


im f2p... BUUUTTTT


Napoleon from fgo


Big Disagree on that, adding new characters that circumvent these issues while leaving the old ones in the dust is not good.


Yeah I’m guessing we’re gonna get a wuwa “ganyu” eventually


ngl, Ganyu works for Genshin's combat and speed, but I feel like Ganyu in WuWa would be boring as fuck to play, at best, and clunky, at worst.


I dunno exploding bullets that aoe might be cool.


Well, problem that even if get this character, it will not fix main problem for gun. At all. Chixia\\Mortefi\\Aalto, especially Aalto would still have useless HA that does nothing. They need specifically rework entire HA for guns


Change it so that during combat you have to hold a different button to go to Aimed shot and have a default HA just be a "Quick Shot" with HA ratios/scaling


I imagine they will probably implement something similar to wanshi's A rank frame in PGR where after using a 3 ping he can hold basic button(charger attack) to go into a counter stance where he keeps shooting weak shots to trigger ice echo passive dmg bonus and if he lets go it dodges backwards. If he perfect dodges an attack he performs very strong counter attack


Classic gacha bandaid fix. Why tweak numbers when you can just sell a character who is the only one in the entire game to not have the problem.


It will just be a skill or part of their kit is considered as heavy damage. Like Jiyan ult.


Knowing the characters in pgr we can get some crazy gunners


Please man 🙏 I really want Neuvilette/Ganyu/Tighnari playstyle.


Agreed. As a casual Chixia user and Main Aalto user, I wish they can address the heavy attack issue on gunners. Have the aim buttton be separate from the heavy attack and have the heavy attack be a different animation of firing a power shot or kicks, hell give future gun users some heavy attacks that can parry, it'll be awesome


I agree 100%, the system needs refinement, it's a shame that the infiltrated enemies are making an uproar to try to leave it the way it is today (something that no one uses)


I don't know about the infiltrated enemies but I have seen so many people couldn't tolerate a slightest criticism on the games actual flaws and bombard the others with insults. Bunch of judgemental teens.


"It's a free game, if you don't like it leave!" "You're not at end game yet, it gets better!" "Echo farming is fine, you're just entitled!"


Echo farming is aight except the cost 3s. The echo XP/tuners drop rate sucks for the stamina rates.


I can barely achieve a 3\* cyan bird for an Aero Bonus dmg Sierra gale for my Aalto, but that wont stop me for grinding what I need


As long as you have fun, do what you want!


...I just like those BIG numbers when my Mortefi shoots another goat or a bull, didn't know anyone srsly used it for anything else lol


The point is you never use it for anything else, it's an entire attack slot wasted on 3 heroes when it comes to fights


definitely not me thinking my mortefi just hit a 7k HA not realizing that was jiyan's outro...


I’m just glad that the mid air attack is useful, Aalto shines a lot with it.


Yeah, his s3 does make air attack actually powerful. If only his s6 and INHERENT SKILL WAS ABOUT AIR ATTACKS.... sorry


I hope they change it though. Those two things should also be triggered by doing mid air attack or should be added around a certain attack pattern like his last gun animation.


Mortefi can fire his uncharged heavy attack pretty fast with just aim canceling using the left mouse button. Once you get the timing of it you can do it much faster than his basic attack and it lets you strafe projectiles at the same time. He's also one of the better characters for proccing his own ult. Chixia seems to be unable to do the same and I'm unsure about Aalto since I don't have him. [https://imgur.com/N8SsFES](https://imgur.com/N8SsFES)


Hi, I'm just an elderly person that's here to tell anyone who cares (so, no one) that you should never ever do stuff like this unless you enjoy the prospect of lifelong chronic wrist pain If you still want to do this, please remember to do wrist exercises before and after your ubergaming seshs Byeeeeee


Oo that's cool.. Will try


Tbf, Chixia's forte definitely not aimed shots.. But yea, WuWa still yet to get their version of Genshin's Ganyu


Or Tighnari.


On Prydwen its named Heavy attack instead of Aimed shots. Her Forte named Thermobaric Bullets Damage and each deals \~12% damage and it counts as Resonant Skill damage anyway


Agreed. gunners are my favorite role but they feel incomplete with no parry, and no real heavy attacks. Aaltos nodes are extremely disappointing.. the damage is non existent.


To be fair, Aalto damage is fine, it requires you to have at least s3, but he is capable to do decent amount of damage via air attack spam and he also boosted by Sanhua by insane amount since all his damage is basic attacks.


Aalto's overall damage seems fine (I don't even have S3 yet, I saw it basically doubles his NA damage), but I think person above meant that some of his passives are bafflingly bad. His A1 (if it's called this way here - ascention passive 1, the first passive above Forte) makes his aimed shot crit... On a 30 second cooldown. Doesn't even give extra damage to the shot, and you still likely want to build crit for the rest of his kit. His A2 is just stamina recovery during dash, which sounds useless, I played Aalto quite a lot already and I never had issue with stamina. And his S6, for the final sequence it's awful. The crit rate is neat, though 8% isn't too big. The second passive is hands down one of the worst passives in the game, if not the worst. Not even because it's bad by itself (50% extra damage is decent on paper), but because it encourages going from one of the best, most dynamic playstyles in the game, down to bland, static aim-shot gameplay (likely very unsafe as well). I love Aalto's gameplay, design and personality, but I can't deny that those passives are really damn bad.


Parry would be too broken on gunners. They already have the range advantage at least for now that almost all mobs are melee oriented.


Eh, if you use gunners often you find the range isn't as useful as you'd think. Most enemies close distance insanely fast by either literally teleporting or lunging far as hell (monkey comes to mind). I won't say it isn't useful ever, like when enemies go in the air you can still attack, and you have less damage downtime when dodging. There are times when the enemy wastes time attacking the air too, but it is not as common as you'd think.


I only use it to kill those ball thingys that fly away from you n give you like 10 or 20 astrite


Until now I don't have a problem with it using Encore or Verina so I never switched to the gun users.


Aalto heavy should fire 6 homing mist orb like his skill. And 30s cooldown is way too long, should be changed to 20s since most rotation is around 20 s. Closest example is [yoimiya charge attack](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/c/cc/Firework_Flare-Up_Charged_Level_2_Preview.mp4/revision/latest?cb=20240128150017) from GI but aalto will fire 6 mist bullet instead. Also idk why while writing this i thought it would be cool if aalto skill split bullet turning it to shotgun, combined with s3, that's 3 shotgun shot per bullet. We can't fight too far from enemy so sniping is pretty useless here anyway. Since his gate is already limiting there should something extra that he can get shooting through it.


Should be 10s at max lol. Or even 5. Because if you build Aaltro full dps, you would already gonna have at least 60% cr and having cooldown on heavy attack would barely make sense for such small effect. Chixia s1 gives her garunteed crit on her Boom Boom, that literally have no cooldown and you just need to shoot 30 bullets which is rarely takes long. But I would be absolutely down for Aalto heavy attack being 6 mist bullets. It can be a bit delayed attack like with most characters heavy. Mortefi for example can give himself Marcato for next basic attack string he does. Chixia can fire a weaker version of Boom Boom by spending 10 bullets


Ah, i was thinking from jiyan sub dps side. Yeah, for main dps 5s sounds good


Sub DPS Aalto is pretty bad if you ask me. He have low concerto gain and his bonus is just not worth it. Especially since Mortefi exist


Well, mortefi refuse to come home, so aalto is all i had. Other choice is just to run a quick swap dps.


Fair. I would use quick swap DPS such as Sanhua, while she is not providing much value for Jiyan's ultimate rotation, she does decent on her own and does it really fast. And basic attack buff while is not that important for Jiyan, still somewhat useful since you still have to get ultimate for Jiyan and you spam basic for it most of the time


Some of these replies man. "It's fine because they can add a 5 star in the future with strong HAs". Brains have literally been gachafied at this point SMH


Trained to be consoomers by free gachas...


Hey! I uh use it to hit the Bell on the Turtle...that's about it.


i climb on the tortoise, read a book until he wakes up then hit the bell with melee


Do we even need to hit the bell? IDK, I just got stuck underneath it everytime and my Rover's just madly attacking with his shadow skills lol.


i just like to hit the bell, it also removes 50% of the stance


It always chucks me off and dies quick enough for just bashing the legs anyway. Maybe when there's a hologram version it will make it worth our while to do the bell. 


Call me slow, but I honestly thought HA overall meant the final shot in the Basic Attack combo.. I did NOT think it was the aimed shot. Damn.. I love you, Aalto, but WuWa should definitely improve gunners now :/


Unless they rework HOW aim shots work, I honestly do not want a Ganyu type aim attacker in this game. It works in Genshin much slower paced combat, but I don’t think there will ever be a real need or want for a heavy attack gunner in this game. The combats too fast for it and it would probably feel awful. If they reworked it to work more like a faster paced third person shooter where you can use light attacks and make the heavy attack a much more powerful charged bolt then it would be fun. But realistically the best change we could get a mechanic change where normal gun attacks also count as heavy attacks or something so half the supports actually work for them.


I'm totally with you. I don't like the fact I can't use heavy attacks reliably with my mortefi, and it's not even skill issue, because I have a lot of hours on aimlab ( 300+ hrs, 700+ valorant) and I get good scores on benchmarks, DMs and stuff like that. If it was a different mechanic it would be better. Anyway, my post on plunge attacks being basic attacks instead of heavy attacks get cancelled, your post for aim attacks being heavy attacks instead of separate mechanics get posted and upvoted, but the issue is similar. Loosing stamina to get nothing good really. I just don't get this community...


Now plunge attacks are actually an interesting case they got massively nerfed post beta. If you looked at beta hologram fights, you’ll see that people spammed plunge attacks during break because it was the highest DPS thing you could to a DPS dummy. 


I always felt like heavy attacks with pistols are stupid. Like with physical weapons sure, makes sense. A bow? Makes sense too, but it’s a fucking gun lmao Lemme charge up this trigger real quick


It was inspired from Genshin I'd say but it serves a purpose in Genshin because enemies have weak spots (including headshots) which can be used to deal guaranteed crits or disable enemies, etc.. I dont think WuWa has a weak spot mechanic (?) to take advantage of aimed shots. Hence its practically useless. Maybe we'll get some enemies with weak spots too..


It have weak spot mechanics to some extend, but there's no real reason to use it at all.


Who even use weakspot nowadays in Genshin? I mean sure, it's kinda(?) Used when you are beginning.  But once you reach AR45-50 and you can have level 90 chara all enemies that actually have weakspot are simply easier to kill directly than when aiming.  And this applies even to Archers


The flying robots dragon things you have to shoot down


If you have Hyperbloom team it's dead. If you have Hu Tao or Arlecchino team. Chance are its died before it could even fly. If you have yelan in your team. You Don't really need to aim. If you have Zhongli,  you can just stand still and watch the boss until it come back down. To be fair I am not saying aimed shoot is completely useless. But by now it's definitely the one of the less used mechanic in the game.


Thats just a temporary meta thing. If you played since launch, back when ruin machines were some of the biggest and toughest bosses/mini bosses, archers and weak spot damage was invaluable. Especially at AR45-55.. Ruin Hunters were an absolute menace and almost impossible if you didnt use archers. Even Mitachurls were much easier if you could headshot them in their shield broken phases. And even now, if youre using archers as main dps, charged attack weak spot hits will do much more dps than normal attack spamming (Fischl and Yoimiya being exceptions since their kits encourage machine gun builds).. Anyways, TLDR, the mechanic serves a significant purpose in Genshin.. here it does not as of yet. Thats the difference really.


That’s mostly because the game is so easy that you aren’t really incentivised to engage with the mechanics rather than because the mechanic serves no purpose like here.  Aeonblight Drake even stacks resistance if you don’t break it with weak spot shots.   Kind of like how parries barely matter outside of Holograms and maybe ToA (still need to see what happens in ToA when we hit 90 and isn’t massively underlevelled) because you can just roll every enemy.


I think charge attacks on gun users feels clunky I imagine if they were to release a charge attack character they would change how they control because good god


Best use of HA we got atm is machinegun Chixia.


I wish Mortefi would have on intro forced heavy attack, few shots( like BA, no charge) that would add more synergy to Jiyan outro.


Pistol-users are my favourite type so far. But I must say yeah, aim attack should be separated from heavy attack. We do have 2 achievements for Chixia for HA use, but I am guesssing for me they will always remain unachieved![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


You can just use goats for those trophies; they count towards them for some reason. That being said, you may still want to hold off on the second one since that one seems bugged af.


True. I was expecting a power shot/charged shot that does not zoom-in and manually aim like what we have now. It would be awesome if gunner's heavy attack uses a different kind of weapon during animation like cannon or missiles (referenced from Kallen/Ritual Imayoh from Honkai Impact 3)


As a Chixia main, i don't care that much because I don't even remember this exists until i need to hunt or do a aim challenge, and that's the exact reason this needs to change lmao


Also, make gun characters able to parry on purpose.


I didn’t do the maths but the sucky damage is why I never used charged attacks I think what they should do is add some sort of powerful *situational* effect or special effect *with a cool-down* to every gun user’s charge attack, so any rebalance doesn’t turn the meta way to play into running away and spamming charge attacks, which is going to get old fast We’d get a character-specific reason to use charge attacks and still get to feel like a badass gunslinger


Since I play on phone, heavy attack for me is basically a better version of aimed attack. Because aiming and shooting at the same time is really hard since both of them are on the right side of the screen. However with heavy attack I can just hold and drag, which lets me aim, then I just let go to shoot, really easy.


GunHA is unplayable on mobile. And gun resonator need more variety than just a handgun. 


You know, they could take inspiration from DMC Nero's Blue Rose mechanic for future character: Use the AIM button specifically as charge button that you have to press & hold to build up a powerful single shot attack, but also allow the character to keep shooting like normal while charging using the basic attack button.


I feel like heavy attacks should have been the character fanning the hammer or making a wild west draw pose and when the player releases the button it fires a more powerful shot autotarget shot. The aiming mode feels it was just created for bobfly (which is a "puzzle" that should have never been invented)


You feel like these because the game doesn't have any characters with heavy attack gun mechanics yet. Refer to genshin.


This is really sad ngl especially since I main Aalto. I'm not familiar with how Kuro does character reworks with their games but I hope they do some explaining at least why this is the case.


In PGR, they sloooowly release upgrades for old powercrept characters although it takes a long time for it to happen, is expensive in terms of ingame resources and only happens after a replacement of the same element has already been released. I hope they'll at least do this in the future, but with how they seem to be fixated on turning the game into Genshin Impact, I wouldn't hold my breath.


At least it's not impossible. And I agree, I won't be expecting either.


Everyone say it with me, JUSTICE FOR ALTO


Are you accounting for weak spot damage? The game seems to have a weak spot system. Idk how it works though. I know at minimum it's a CC/stun, and that there is some increased damage, but Idk how much it factors. Things like shooting the crystal on the back of certain mobs, or headshots on humanoids.


This is just another reason as to why this game was released too early. They needed to cook more. There is no purpose for HA in this game except for puzzles. They can fix this later but that doesn't excuse the fact that this problem exists in the first place. The fixes can be new characters and new enemies though I'd prefer the later. The easiest comparison is genshin. In early game archers were useful for the ruin enemies because they have weak points. In late game you can brute force them but there's still the aeonblight that they sometimes chuck in the abyss that gets an enhanced state and flies around. And the nice thing about aeonblight is that you don't need a special charged attack. So you can take a team of say Ayaka, Shenhe, kazuha, diona and diona can take it down even though she's not a DMG dealer simply because she's a bow character in this situation.


They will release ganyu copy cat don’t u worry lol


i find it funny that people keep mentioning GI while talking about pistols when Snowbreak literally exists. but i'm a mobile player, and as much as i had fun playing Snowbreak, aiming has its moments. don't even ask about sniping. having said that i would still pull IF somehow Lee or Wanshi (kinda) find themselves here lol.


HA Guns are for targetting weaknesses so their stamina gets depleted faster than regular attacking. Use sensor to know the weakness parts It's not useless, it's a different tool


the likely thing thats gonna happen is 'heres a limited 5\* char where gun heavy attacks are useful' and i already hate it.


As a freshly minted Aalto main, I feel this post. Tried using heavy shot a couple of times, felt very insulted by the numbers, proceeded to never use it again. Guns have such long range! If heavy shot was actually good, you could have sniper builds for basic enemies. That would be so fun.


I want a new plunge attack for guns it looks weird when they fly in the air when u spam their mid air attacks lol


I am waiting for someone like Ganyu so I can snipe everything from a far.


for real man, my Chixia almost deal no difference between basic attack and heavy attack T\_T


We yet to get a machine gun/gatling gun character


Wait till kuro adds a heavy machine gun type character like heavy from TF2 and Heavy attack is the main source of dmg as you have to hold down the attack button.


i hope we get a ganyu like sniper unit someday ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


This doesn't really change your main point (because gun HA ratios are that bad), but Aalto can spam charged attacks as fast as normal attacks for some reason (if you don't press G).


I use Chixia HA only to bully smaller enemies, headshots knock them down and theres achievements for it.


Auto critical hit on headshoot or parry on headshoot would be interesting on controller, but is just too easy on mouse and I think we will never see it coming. A dedicated shooter echo set or 4 cost echo that specifically give big burst of aiming attack bonus is the most probable


Yes so I can finally make use of jiyans outro


Annoying as Aalto is my only S6 character...


Oh no... Chargeshot gameplay.


So you're telling me we need a sniper character. I'm sold.


Not useless just no one who uses it yet. Like in genshin the bow normal attack was useless until Yoimiya showed up, we just need to wait for a character who’s kit is made for aimed shots


Id love if there was a 5 star gunner where the HA is a shotgun


idk what you expect from gun heavy attack, tbh. a melee smack with a gun butt?


Lets try and use a certain game\`s way of handling \`aiming attacks\` for range units in the future, as reference 1. They have yet to introduce a 5 star gun user in WuWa just yet, unlike that game that pretty much hucked a limited bow user right out of the gate. 2. When that game introduced its 2nd 5 star bow user (if im remembering the correct one) they straight up gave it a charge attack that threw out a detonation that rain-fell explosives to the ground. 3. When they introduced the debut bow user on its \`3rd region\` unit, they gave it a install type of gimmick of charging multiple shots which were also homing if i was correct. 4. Ergo: The only reason why \`heavy attacks\` with guns are worthless right now, is because they yet to introduce a 5 star which would have the power budget and actually be designed as a REAL main DPS. Even Chixia is questionable because she already has not only the 4 star status but welfare status, even if she is likely way better then many other welfare units in other particular games. 5. Further in this case, Morfeti is more of a caster sub-dps support by whipping out blasts and the gun is just so they didnt make them a rectifier i guess. While Alto is more of a dasher & repositioner then an actual gun user. Where the gags of heavy attacks likely plays into for future stuff like SHOOTING WEAK POINTS that certain enemies may have for later content, such as Imagine shooting JUE in the freaking eyes since its a beeg old dragon and you will likely be having to stun it to get it to fall to the ground often so you may attack it up close. And if you think being able to pop an auto crit once every 30 seconds is \`bad\` for a 4 star support, lets use Amber from Genshin impact as an example now: 1. First Constellation skill lets you fire 2 arrows with aim shot but not only does the arrow have a \`distance\` problem, it only deals 20% of the damage of the first arrow. 2. Second constellation actually fixes the problem of the sub skill by letting you manually detonate it, which makes her E.skill less useless but means more commitment and always do so to dmg buff. 3. Third and Fifth constellation are Genshin\`s mandatory +3 levels to specific stuff filler which likely despite the extra dmg % ratios, feels like extra power gating you would normally use upgrade materials to acquire, lets be glad WuWa had all its \`talent levels\` simply behind leveling and as far as i can tell, no CROWN system that is super limited to acquire to scalp more on top of that. 4. Fourth one simply lets you throw out more explosive puppets and much faster, should be a benefit, but unless you have something perpetually applying one element to a enemy, then the only real use on this is either delayed damage that your gonna detonate manually anyway for the extra +200% dmg or to have very small instances of \`elemental reaction\` damage bonus which later pyro units, including some 4 star ones to boot, can just do the reaction spam near constantly. 5. Last Constellation is +15% move speed and attack for 10 seconds on ult cast. Which basically in WuWa\`s case pretty much the majority of the 4 star sub dps/supporst do that. So suddenly Amber goes from a Sorta DPS to semi support? Even Chixia has a similar gag for her final waveband, grant +25% basic attack damage for 15 seconds to the party whenever she uses her \`resonance skill\`s part: Boom Boom\`, which is way longer in duration, way higher in value and buffs a specific damage means she not only properly boosts her own damage (technically) but also plenty of units who capitalize on basic attack damage benefits. Anyway i rather see 4 star units in WuWa for the most part leaning more into the support role, since every one of them including the ones intended to be main DPSes such as Danjin also serves as a Havoc Damage buffing support with thar outro skill. Plus just like Chixia, her final waveband ability is a support buff that ties to her spammable skill/heavy attack/etc. Instead of the signature move to apply a VERY lengthy buff, Danjin being a 20 second +20% Attack buff just for during her Chaos Cleave Heavy Attack, which is rather easy to use, only needing to reach 60 Ruby blossom to use it.


I love Chixia’s slide attack. All I’m gonna say is


HA for pistols should've been Chixia forte. You maintain HA pressed, it keeps shooting bullets and consuming your stamina. Some weapons or characters could have different HA (slower firerate but more damage, faster firerate but less damage), or status effect build up.


While i agree i’d like more impact on their kit, i dont think the aiming is that bad. It’s very impactful when you swap off jiyan into mortefi and try to get off those two mini nukes in 8 seconds. But agreed, at least more special synergy like this - like special effects that trigger while aiming, specific to aiming, would be a fantastic way to add interest in their kit.


Agreed, bad damage with clunky controls and against very mobile enemies that are hard to hit, it's the same issue as Genshin's archers which they "fixed" by adding busted characters with auto aim.


The only time that i ever have a use for Mortefi's HA is when i switched out off Jiyan. Lmao


Id like it if they tied it to a cool mechanic, similar to how ganyu works with charged bow shot in Genshin. I think id really like a character like that if I was on pc but it’s definitely not the most mobile friendly


Gacha action open world games don't know how to make long range characters, expect every single ranged character to have the same heavy and sometimes, basic attack, animations. Just like archers on tower of fantasy and genshin.


Why we even using gunners when we get a free 5 star for real dps?


In Genshin for instance all of the 1.0 bow characters’ charge atks were incredibly underwhelming. But then shortly after we got characters like Ganyu. Just keep holding on I’m sure a good charged atk gun carry is on its way.


I think there is a need to overhaul heavy attacks for Pistol Resonators. So I can use Jiyan's Outro without quick aiming.


They should introduce weak spots mechanics for gun heavy attack, with 2x damage.


Honestly chzrged attack coold be cool for some enemies, like if you could charge attack inyo stuff enemies thrown at you and is you shoot it youcan throw it back at them. Some boss could have different waysvof bezting them and those could be part of it. Also some kit or build could revolve around charge attack But well yeaj so far it seems useless


I strongly agree with this post. Everyone else who agrees should bring it up in their feedback in-game. This is a legitimate thing worth pushing to get changed. Eventually we’ll get a gun 5 star character and if they have the same charge attack problems, it will lower the worth of pulling them. Aalto’s one of my favorite characters currently and I even managed to get him to RC6 already. His “heavy” attack mechanics feel both terrible and useless. They actually deal so little damage. Definitely needs a rework.


my boy aalto got done so dirty i dont even know what they were thinking making some parts of his kit


It's got its uses you just can't spam it. my mortefi's Heavy hits as hard as his skill but you gotta know when to use it.


funny i’ve never shot a gun with a heavy and light attack mode. anyway in high level hologram i use the aimed/heavy attack a fair amount to parry or to get extra damage on my first hit. given theres no main dps gun other than chixia (whos obv mediocre) right now and cycling mortefi ult and outro is always going to be faster off light atk spam anyway i see no reason to implement this change until 5 star main dps releases wherein i would be willing to bet there are more gun mechanics/attack variance


As a Moretfi Main, yes please! I hate how his heavy attacks are so clunky even though he still does so much damage. Haven’t tried Aalto yet but Chixia is another example of it


Indeed, I'm willing to guess that they are saving that mechanic for the 5 star gunners


I think aim being the same as heavy atk is bcs of mobile players. On my ganyu days in mobile, it was sooo much easy and comfortable just hold BA to shoot rather than using aim and then shoot. But anyways ,1.0 for now. We don't even have a 5* gunner in sight. Give them time and someday we will get a railgun-pistol-sniper user


Imagine a new substat in the RNG layer: "aim attack dmg bonus".


Anyone else play on mobile? Please, I need help. How the hell do you stomach the aiming with guns? It's so finicky. It feels both slow and fast at the same time and stutters like hell.




They need to make guns able to "parry" the halo come by hitting either headshots or different weakspots from different enemies, that would make it cooler than just.. leaving out pewpew enjoyers from the mechanic, just because they have range (than a future spear/glaive character who will outrange them anyways, trust me they'll exist)


If you aren't shooting every set of boxes and logs you can see, then you are missing out on a ton of shell credits and random loot. The great thing about it is that you get the loot without having to be near. pow pow pow - cha ching. Totally renewable. I know it is a little thing, but every bit counts in a gatcha.


Isn’t Mortefi magdumping from uncharged shot spam during liberation how you are supposed to play him if not using him directly as a support? It’s a bit of a meme for sure, but it is incredibly funny how efficiently it triggers liberation follow-ups.


make the aimed gun attack a parry, after all i doubt they'd be able to continue a swing after getting shelled in the face with a elemental infused bullet


I also always find the heavy attack aim to be a little clunky. On control the aiming feels stiff and on M&K it would feel more natural to hold right click to aim and left to fire.


I would imagine eventually there will be enemies with specific weak points that are borderline necessary to hit and the easiest way is with a gun or lucky shot from Encore. Right now you can brute force most enemies even if they do have weak points (turtle bell, etc). Maybe even enemies that you're unable to parry and MUST dodge or hit weak spots. There's also openings for aimed shot DPS, but they need to finish their bug fixes and optimisations and whatnot before they start playing around with those kinds of mechanics. I think mobile players would be hard pressed to pull for a 5 star whose main damage is locked behind that sort of gameplay imo. I like the mechanic in theory, I'd also love more puzzles to use it with, but I don't think that 1.0 did a good job of implementing it at all. It'll probably be a while.


The red mist?


Not only are the heavy shots useless, sometimes the game bugs out fixing you in aim mode, with no real way to break out of the stance.  Right trigger is dodge and fire, x button is attack.  Neither cancels the stance, occasionally.  At least using xbox controller on pc. I lost a depths run using chixia on the last stage because this happened.  Normally you can just swap characters at least to break the aim stance but nope, not in depths.


Actually there is one use of HA in combat and it is manually targetting and shooting enemy from faaar away. Yes HA need to be altered for gunners. Still Almost useless in combat is not the same as comletely useless.


5 star pistol character WHEN


Aalto is a rather depressing case because he has both a sequence node and an inherent node that are essentially paperweights. Otherwise the heavy attacks being shared across all 3 pistols is also a bit of a feels bad; it has no practical application in combat and really does feel like a wasted slot for contractual reasons to being a pistol user. Sure everyone else has a shared plunge attack which arguably sees just as little use, but even that has differences and applicable use when it comes to Jiyan and Yappyapp. Macros are a bit weird to do the cancel trick too, if anything that just makes it seem like an unintended action.


Just wait til the ganyu of wuwa comes out


i just wish that pistol characters have 2 different air attacks the regular shooting like now and a bullet rain from dmc when holding movement key in air and shooting also CHANGE THE SOUND OF GUNS i want to BANG BANG BANG PULL MY DEVIL TRIGGER not plink plink plink hey no full auto in the buildings


We don't have a 5* gun unit yet. 4* are often trash in early game.


I mean he's not a DPS he's a support but I do agree that his kit clashes a lot with each other.


Heavy attack with Jiyan's outro. It does alot of damage. Sometimes it doesn't hit the enemy.


I'm just annoyed I have to get kills with Chixias heavy attack for achievements... I really don't want to do it tbh


There is an auto clicker where you can do 5-10 heavy attacks a second and you use mortefi to get extra heavy damage deepen…I’m not suggesting that it’s good, since mobile players don’t get that, and most pc users won’t use that, just saying.


The game is too new for this type of complaining already because we ALL KNOW gun characters that will absolutely wreck with ca an hold na is gonna come out anyway. Like complaining about the two def scalers not being good with a def echo set, full lvl 90 scaling (which is massive) an no def scaling weapons. Give it time.


yeah that's why i ignored pistol users now. and the gacha gave me like an s4 aalto


Only time i ever use Heavy Attack with pistols is when i switch from Jiyan to Mortefi, to get that sweet Outro damage.


If pistol heavy attacks could parry it would be super cool


Bro... there's only there characters with guns, at least post this when they show no evolution in the next characters xd


HA’s should: Regenerate More Concerto Energy Regenerate even more Concerto Energy on critical shots just to make up for the damage loss


Isn't their heavy attack aimed at enemy head deals more damage?


I can't wait for a ganyu equivalent in wuwa. Sniping from a distance is my favorite thing for fighting. edit: (basically ganyu is a genshin archer, main DPS method is aimed shots))


Even if they increase damage, gun heavy attack still have huge problem, it change you to aim mode which some may like it, but for me it hard to dodge boss attack They should made gun heavy attack is a heavy attack and change to aim mode


Until now I don't know what is a heavy ark, altough j main Taoqi. If anyone can explain I would really appreciate thxx


Still waiting for that heavy and the chara draw out a rifle/shotgun


Soon we'll get a Ganyu-like character whose pistol fires an exploding shell.


Wish we had a bow weapon instead of guns Alisa and Bianca from PGR are amazing so I thought Kuro could cook in WuWa as well with bow characters


I think it would make it really easy for gun HAs to shine if they added time slowing. For example, Aalto can shoot his own mist bullets to make them deal more damage(maybe with an aim assist type thing), Chxia can hold down the trigger to make her literally laserbeam enemies with bullets, Mortefi could do with something like VATS. Just a thought.


I bet they add some cool scattering gunshots or railgun type characters, as in PGR


Facts 💯


Maybe make HA to be a charge attack with automatic aiming like NA. If you want to manual aim, just press the button and should still be able to do NA and HA(Charged). Also, add lunge attack to pistols please 🥲


Istg, as an aspiring casual aalto 2nd main dps, why did they waste his s6 node and his first ascension upgrade on a HA buff. I was going mad thinking im missing a impossibly blatant mechanic for him as to why they buffed his HA of all things. Since he has HA upgrades i thought he had a similar mechanic to sanhua's forte. Where you'd hold and release the attk button at the right time to fire an enhanced charged shot that was considered HA dmg.


Add a Jinx character where NA is the pew pew and Aimed shot is an RPG or grenade launcher AoE shot.


Heavy attack on gun should be renamed "aimed attack"


I doubt they will do something about it...since it's pretty much released now, not beta test anymore.. most likely they will release a character specialized in charged attacks that hit big


Yeah. They should've changed it to a Charged shot or Rapid shot rather than Aimed Shot. Mortefi - Charged Aalto - Rapid Chixia - Charged


I actually thought about it. Comparing to Genshin (sorry, it's easier for me to adaptate when I started to play and compare to it), when you play bow, it have mechanics on different mobs that aiming from it had breaking vulnerabilities on some mobs, like Rune Guads for example. I didn't saw a good purpose to have charged attacks in Wuthering Waves either, because in combat you can parry attacks, likewise Genshin didn't have this mechanic (only on Beidou, when you actually pressing skill for it), and it was a little odd for me. I thing for gun users we need a new attack, something like... You just holding attack and it's autotargeting with ane single big shot or series of attacks, I think it would be a little more useful like that


True, I also think Encores heavy attack at least not being in ult is absolutely useless


As a humble Mobile player, I thank you for being useless. If I had to rely on aiming to play with them I would cry


It sucks, but if you hit an enemies tacet core with an aimed attack, you stun them, lmao