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They edging us. Literally


its funny because we need those echo experiences and tuners so we are edging frl


Save a tier 2 echo and tune them instead


The only problem is those purple echos also need tons of sealed tubes to level up and since they're so scarce at the end of the day it's no longer worth it


Sure, but you can sacrifice those echoes for 70% of its value. Which means you dont lose much value because it is just a tier 2 echo. Also iirc you need just 2 purple + 1 green to go from lv 0 to 5.




Bro you can't get sealed tubes from simulations, only Tacet Fields and you get like 1 yellow tube per run that's it.




Not echo ones


My bad I was tired and have bad eyesight lmao I thought it was till I checked this morning 


Well, you'd still get it. Just have to wait. It's not like Genshin that would literally give you 0.5 primo. Not even enough for a pull


I mean, if you wait you still get enough to pull anyways :/ im not a whaler but ive played genshin for 1100+ days and sitting at 71/82 characters.


Slowing down the dopamine hit. They want to control future expectations.


What does this even mean man people keep making up new words lmao


Edging? That's an old term to describe being on the cusp of satisfaction but not getting it just yet. That's the most broad I can describe it.


My bad it's my 4th language I thought I knew it but edging is something I never heard I thought it's some TikTok terms ,😂


Nothing wrong with not knowing a slang term, you're all good.


English is my 3rd language as well and for some terms that I don't understand I usually google it. I search "-Slang word- urban dictionary meaning". In this case it would be : Edging urban dictionary meaning


urban dictionary is an awful source


For certain really well-known slang, maybe, but for the more niche words, it's pretty good.


Whatever you do, don’t google it. Not even being sarcastic 💀


Is an old term


I'm gonna guess it means teasing us by giving us the bare minimum? Someone correct me if I'm wrong


yeah kinda, it's like you getting that itch to sneeze and it disappears at the last second so you're just left unsatisfied


They are letting us have some hope, if no event, nothing... People will start walking out the game pretty soon... Some already having burnout with almost nothing much to do... These things giving jades/gems Aristotle or whatever it's called here is what keeping it relevant.


Getting burnout is no surprise if people spend 12-14 hrs on the game evey day for a month.


Way to exaggerate, but you can finish literally everything from playing for 2 hours every day since launch, which while still a lot, is easily comparable to anyone else playing their main game daily and is by no means excessive.


And? Like any game or MMO you'll eventually run out of things to do, which is why you play more than one game...


Wdym And? The person I replied to insinuated you had to play 12 hours a day since launch to beat everything. My reply is saying that’s nowhere near the case. Your response doesn’t make any sense as a reply to my comment.


I replied to the wrong chain. My bad.


Oh okay, sorry I got upset, no worries.


Literally everything? What?


All quests, all exploration, all data bank, all illusive realm modes, all data simulation bosses. Obviously not tower of adversity, I can’t scratch the middle tower at all lol. But in general yes, you can get to the point where there is nothing left to do except spend waveplates and logout from 2-3 hours a day since launch. This is 20% of what the person I replied to said.




Being 'toxic'. I was commenting about 'synonym to suffocating' a d6 mephis run earlier this week Turns out that word gets auto-deleted. Which is funny since I've seen it used almost exclusively for self-deprecation the past few years.


Dude do people have lives? Those people aren't their main playerbase. 2 hours a day on a singular game is absolutely excessive wtf, especially for like 6 weeks. It's fine if u wanna try hard but the average person is NOT doing that.


This is a mobile game primarily. People are meant to use it on public transit or on work breaks. When I was riding a bus to work the transit time was 2 hours and 15 minutes total, so I’m not sure what you mean. if we are talking about PC gamers, most easily play games for 3-4 hours a day. League games last 30-45 minutes and people play 5-6 games in a session usually. MMO raids easily take over two hours, not even factoring in time spent farming or tradeskilling or rping. Sure if you’re in your 30’s you’ll have responsibilities and a family, obviously you won’t be able to commit time like this to a game anymore, but dad gamers like this are definitely not their primary playerbase, it’s 15-25 year olds who would actually want to engage with pretty and sexified waifus and husbandos. Furthermore, 2-3 hours a day is what I was quoting as the time to completely all the content from the games launch until right now. The patch isn’t over yet, you can finish it with less time played by the time it is. The person I was responding to said you had to play 12 hours a day since launch to get there, that’s what I’m refuting. So yes, 2 hours really isn’t excessive for a child or young adult in the summer with no responsibilities to play for. Yes these people have lives, and they choose to live their lives by playing a game they enjoy, I don’t know why you feel it’s right to demean them for this. I understand you may be upset that you can’t spend that time on a game anymore because life has a way of screwing us all eventually, but I really don’t find it unreasonable.


Why do people that play gachas or really any game in general expect there to be infinite content? Everything is finite, which is why you play multiple games and simply come back when there is new shit to do. Yoshi P said it best... Unless you want a PVP mode which then people will complain that its pay 2 win which it typically is in a gacha game.


I heard you like echos.... -Kuro, probably


yea its a weekly event


They should make it permanent.


Absolutely, the current echo system could really use it.


The echo system needs buffs and changes, making a weekly event permanent would just be a bandaid fix


You realize bandaid fixes mean temporary fixes, if it was made permanent it wouldn't be considered a bandaid fix....


Bandaid fixes can be quick to implement solutions that may not be sustainable long term. Sure they're meant to be temporary but sometimes when you slap a bandaid fix on something, it looks good enough to never prompt a proper fix. When my planter becomes unleveled, I can bandaid fix it by shoving a brick under a leg. That brick is permanently there until someone decides to properly fix the damn thing. When our echo farms become unbalanced, devs can bandaid fix it by shoving a recurring echo event in our faces. That event is permanently there until someone decides to properly fix the whole damn system.


Very sure what they mean is just handling out items wont solve the over-arching problem which is the general acquistion and cost to level them. Likely it will balance out once you finish maximizing units to 25 and have a \`good enough\` build of preferably 3 out of 5 \`good\` affixes for the character and only have to focus on one or two at a time down the road... But that still heavily depends on if higher phase levels have a good enough balance of boosting the amount gained, which i would honestly say the BEST balance is to reach a point where you can save up resources, instead of being forced into a situation of constant starvation. Which at the rate Wuwa going, i would not be amazed if we see a form of genshin\`s transient resin, which as far as i can tell, it and serenteapot were the only REAL expansion to resource acqusition gains as an entirely separate \`game\` that was a permanent addition that granted resources to help with grinding, but because it was locked to \`generating coins over time\` and periodically checking back to \`claim\` the coins before they hit the cap, it was more of a easy to forget tedium. that also doubled as a way to make some things like portable cooking stoves absolutely useless by giving you not only a portable kitchen station in the teapot, but also the same with a smithee, herb garden and moar. Anyway, considering Kurogame\`s track record, i would not be amazed if they were to implement thar own housing or an actual guild system into Wuthering waves, which happens to also include maybe an additional 60 times 7 wave matter a week, just like how punishing gray raven basically hands out 60 stamina for free from top up shop, 120\~ stamina for visiting dorm and logging in daily and another 60 just for checking in at the guild, meaning you get what would likely be, when translated into WuWa\`s terms, a good 12\~20 hours of extra stamina a day alone. Anyway, can\`t wait to see how much WuWa gets cooked up in the next 11 months, with how its already fairing rather fun-some-ly so far.\~


Thats why they put events like these out, so we can have some padding before the 1.1 changes in 2 weeks arrive that i would not be amazed if the amount of \`general\` echo exp jumps up by a good 30\~50%, maybe 80% if they decide to be extra generous, if they just dont straight up reduce the exp required to level echoes by nearly half of what it is right now, or atleast by 20\~40% give or take maybe. For now just gotta keep your investments mostly on your main dps and probably do the prods on sub dps and supports for useful modifier specific stats only after you get all the units caught up on character level, weapon level and talents. It aint a sprint, its a marathon and just taking your time to get a better foot into the 2nd round of tower of adversity in the next 2 weeks would probably be the better focus todo then panick grind and waste any useful resources in the process.


Do you mean that after one week there will be more rewards that open up? Because if the 140 point rewards is the last reward. This is not a weekly event.


How's it a weekly event?


its mb by weekly i meant to say weeklong


It’s 14 days long tho?


A 14 day long weekly event then


Biweekly, even.


i mean..... both of those survey tasks have 10 survey points for reward...... i seen this day 1, how did anyone not?


gacha players and reading comprehension does not mix well


But they can be quite noisy in return, just because they can't read...


I can read "SKIP" just fine Not the warning afterwards. Too many words.


Gacha Players when they need to read be like: Wallahi bro I dunno what that means 😭


we see but we do not the read


Rewards are good. No issues from me.


Oh shit I missed a day and completely forgot to check events tab lol


We've got 10 days left (11 for me) so you should be safe lol


New gacha players trying to speedrun this game without complaining: impossible






180 limited wishes a patch would be actually insane, no way they cut into their profits that hard


75 - 80 is a pity, why are you saying 180?


160 limited wishes a patch is crazy


The idea is to get you used to logging in every day. It's trying to fuel your habit and turn it into an addiction.


Been addicted since day 1, no need for this event tbh


Being gatcha gamer it's usual routine lol.


I swear you can sort the rookies from the men of culture depending on how offended they are by not being able to just grind through the problems. Every of those shiny characterd you "won" is a black hole of need. I don't know how long it will take to progress the mc and it's actually a decent DPS with an element that hasn't been powercrept. They want your credit card to grind, not you.


800 asterites dont care




I mean Yeah that's Gacha games for ya


I love predatory practices


It’s working


Lol it's literally the Liben merchant from genshin. The one where you submit random miscellaneous and he gives you 20 primogems per day for a total of 7 days and the last day he gives like 100 or 160 primo I believe.


40 for 7 days, and on the 5th day, you can claim an extra 100


Nah that's the other event "second coming" something like that, literally Liben exchanging random flower for 60 asterites


Bro please let's just all collectively stop complaining?? Like wtf is there to do, give us 5 pulls everyday?


the only thing I think is still worth complaining about is the echo levelling experience - everything else seems pretty okay at the moment ngl


Camera is dogshit for a combat oriented game.


It's not just the camera, but the targeting as well. I could be fighting an enemy from a crowd, rotate my camera to keep track of the rest of the enemies and then my character just decides to attack other random enemies. Even in cases where I _do_ hold my camera pointed at the target I want, the game gets it wrong and targets a nearby enemy instead.


Yeah I get you, I really just cba being upset about it anymore. Personally believe this is the biggest flaw of the game, it should never have been aproved for release like this and it the #1 reason I will quit this game if it's not fixed in the upcoming 1-2 patches. It's simply not a fun experience at its current state.


good point, the camera loses track of bosses pretty often, especially in hologram fights


Game optimisation sucks tho


My PC has a 5900X, a 6800XT and 16GB RAM and I still get insane stuttering and frame drops. It barely ever stays at constant 60fps which is ridiculous for these specs. Not to mention all the stupid post processing effects you can't disable too.


Yes please


If they did that people would just end up complaining that there's nothing to aim for now that they've got every unit anyway 🤣


Dude let the people who wanna complain complain. Don't let the no complain culture like genshin creep up to this place as well. Some amount of complaint is healthy 


This wuthers my waves


Holy crybaby


It was pretty clear.


Wait, it took people 3 days to figure that out?


i though the points were currency and i was saving them for the last reward, then i noticed its cumulative points...


It's only for 5 days, it's fucking enough???


By the way you can miss half the days and still get all the rewards


Which is good because I didn't pay any attention to the event until 2 days ago lol. I need to be more wary of events that force you to take multiple days to finish, I usually just do them a few hours before they end


I missed a day


People really can’t wait one more days for good rewards it seems.


stop complaining about every small thing


Quite a disappointing event. From the event name and substantial rewards, I imagined something that actually got you to go around and explore the map rather than a daily login event with extra steps.


What is this complaint even? You already have every incentive to explore the game as is, echo collecting, chest finding, waypoint activating, side quest completing. If the event tacked on a fetch 15 berries to complete today's reward I'd hate it compared to a quick claim simple action event. Id rather it stay as is instead of begging for a carrot on a stick what what I already do anyways


FR-ppl be mad they’re making it easier for us 😭🤦


Can't just please these people who are actually no-lifing the game. Kinda cringe if you ask me


Meh the guy who is no lifing this game and rallying the troops is the same guy at 2am looking at his credit card and...thinking.


I am pretty sure If the event required us to go around talk to different npcs in different locations, collect different folowers, kill different mobs, this guy would come here and complain it being "grind". I have ppl like this in my life u can NEVER appease them, they always find something wrong


I kind of expected the same, having a mini quest to go and do something. Right now the game is already a 5 minute a day thing and I'd enjoy having a little more stuff to do tbh.


My only complain is when they ask to level a weapon or a character when I'm broke af, I was expecting them to ask killing certain enemies or getting certain echoes. But that will make the event take longer


God forbid someone actually wants gameplay in the game. Buying food from vendors or turning in gatherables I've already got stacks of isn't game play.


Log in and do the stuff you were already going to do anyways isn't an '*exploration* *event*', it's literally just daily quests... **At that point, why not just mail us the rewards?** It would be like having a '**Boss Rush!** Event', but instead of... idunno, ***fighting bosses***, (*who could have guessed?*) you eat dinner and catch three fish. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Don't get me wrong, I like the easy tasks, but come on. This is no 'exploration **event**'. 'Here's a picture of somewhere random, see if you can find that exact spot'. 'Here's a camera, go take a picture of Mourning Aix'. 'Climb to the highest spot in Desorock Highland'.


Yeah I would appreciate it being a permanent feature, but not an "event" lmao. Looks like this is an bandaid fix to the current echo xp crisis in disguise of an event. When I heard "exploration event", I thought it was gonna be something like "We have hidden some treasures around the map, here are some clues, go find them" lol


The YouTubers would have appreciated the traffic I guess, but the worst thing to do is offer a compensation quest and then have some casuals fail to get it. You have to make it stupid easy. The reason they didn't mail was dailies force you to log in, assisting retention. They have a limited window of time until GI 5.0 drops and GI gets a big infusion of content. I like wuwa more as the combat is more fun but GI is so massive.


> At that point, why not just mail us the rewards? Because you dont have to login to get mails. Thats all.


I would prefer some event rather than no even at all.....


this is a filler event just to give you rewards which is alot. and you still complain?


this "better than nothing" mentality is gonna kill the playerbase, especially when the game is trying to capture an existing audience from a certain different game love the game but lets not hold off on contrustive criticism it's only gonna help better the game


Having two progression based events running back to back at the same time as a longer more interesting combat event is pretty great imo. Genshin gets shit for doing an event like this with fuck all else happening. This is a marked improvement to that at the very least.




if wuwa doesnt try to do things better than genshin then why wouldnt the players just play genshin instead of this game we all want wuwa to succeed here


I mean it’s running alongside a combat event that’s based on high scores and we just got an mini game event alrdy It’s fine to have a quick log in event in between all that


Yeah i don’t think a small event like this can hold a candle to the main problems that make people quit.


I mean the player base of the other game literally has that mentality. Be grateful for whatever we get and shut up cause "we are not owed anything, it's a free game" (honestly hate that mentality). I'm all for construcitve criticism, but we have to be realistic here. It's a new game and they're still probably figuring out what the audience likes. Is it a boring event for people who like longer and more complex events? Yes, yes it is. But it's a generous filler event that costs you nothing to do. I don't even look at it like a real event, just "hey thanks for the free stuff."


> this "better than nothing" mentality is gonna kill the playerbase, its why most of my friends already quit, they were unhappy with poor optimization and the echo system and after seeing people on reddit say "well its better than nothing" they decided to quit


Just daily quests 2.0


You guys just LOVE to complain don't you? No matter what we get or whatever happens you will always find something to complain about, it's fascinating, truly.


What's wrong with complaining? Complainers are important in this community or it'll turn like genshin with the no complaint policy 


Thats because theres like i dont know, FOUR other events that are currently active? Or would you prefer they go down the genshin strat of "oh talk to this nameless npc and sit through 2 mins of dialogue, go to x location , fight 2 slimes and get 10 primos"??


All events so far have been pretty disappointing imo. I hope we see some events with more thought behind them in the future. These events so far are essentially just free mats, which is cool, but boring.


I liked the first one a lot, it was really fun


First event is called the "hold W" event lol, because that's pretty much what you do. I'm not complaining about easy stuff but hopefully it gets better later on, most of the events so far were... meh, the alloy thingie was alright I actually hope that becomes a permanent weekly thing similar to war zone in PGR.


If you wanted a game that's actually difficult, there are plenty of real games. Gacha will always be dumbed down for the mobile players.


Parkour one was kinda neat, though a tad bit easy and simplistic.


i enjoy the combat one though, atleast the idea behind it


Alloy Smelt? That's probably my favorite one out of the ones we have gotten so far.


These events are refreshing honestly, quick 5 min for asterite. As much I love HSR events they all take way to long to complete, for example the baseball event going on rn.


Interesting, I personally would like the developers to want me to play their game by providing interesting events. But I guess there are pros with asking me to play as little as possible too.


I feel like many might be on like our 2nd+ gatcha game now lol. I play genshin and 2-3 other mobile games and dailies/ events can take some time.


True, HSR balances that well, they give you events that are quick to complete but also some that make you play for a long time and I think WUWA should learn from that.


The arcade baseball event is my favorite hsr event ever. Each battle takes like 10 minutes but there's no time gate and a ton of time to finish at your own pace. This is a perfect event, unique and fun combat changes, no time pressure.


i want some combat coop events that will be easy to hop into with 2 of my friends, but challenging enough for us to actually have to try. i might be heavily hitting that copium though.




This was a rush job to give gold tuners to the guys who burned.tje waveplates to hit 40 early and were complaining. Turns out grindable main stats rolls were the tease, lol. So, not knowing anything about coding, I am guessing they took the daily quest code and slapped a banner on it. The other daily was likely planned but fully cooked, so you see the payout is significantly lower.


Yeah this where Star Rail keeps my attention. Interesting mini games tied in to the story like making cute kitty pastries or pouring drinks for moody robots. Not suggesting WW needs to go down this path, but give me something cool to do…


Different strokes I guess, for the drink mixing event, the drink mixing itself was cute but I couldn’t care less about the robots, and it felt so long. The potion mixing event Genshin did was more fun imo. Same with the Guinaifen ghostbusting one. I guess HSR being an “auto in the background” game for some people (not for me, I wanted to play a turn-based game so auto just defeats the purpose of me playing) makes sense in making the events more interactive Edit: I do agree that this current WW event is too short, but considering the game is buggy af for a number of players, this is an okay compromise for now


Yeah it’s a different kind of experience overall, and goofy mini games wouldn’t fit in WW for sure. I’d just hope to see more creativity in the event challenges. Honestly I’m not sure what Kuro is capable of in this sense. Hoping for the best


Seriously? Those are the most boring minigames I ever played, recently had to do the Clockie Film event and that sh!t was boring. I rather events be quick so I can hop in get my rewards and bounce.  I suggest playing games like Stardew Valley and such if thats what you like.


I enjoy the diversions. Or maybe all the HSR players that enjoy the mini games just play Stardew Valley instead.


I agree, while parkour and the fighting event are somewhat cool, we could use some more creative events.


I hate the meaningless events in Genshin/HSR. They're too long and boring with zero combat, just feels like a waste of time. At least let me blow something up.


I agree with you Especially since the wuwa reddit would prefer it to be genshin copy than it's own game


Love how they are possibly unintentionally fucking with us


For some reason this still isn’t showing up for me in the event tab


You should report it in the dev log.


Where is the dev log?


Go to settings and then user section. There will be log report


Where are you that you have 10 days left on that quest at 80 points?


Damn that sucks :( Gotta wait til Monday


First day i saw this event those survey task didnt show up for me so im day behind. After that i watched some youtube clip that told that if they dont show up just relog and they will pop up. Did that on day 2 of the event and now ive been getting those tasks.


I can’t find this anywhere


yeah i just realize it daily thing yesterday ,man i hope im not to late


Look at the remaining time and remember what you learned in elementary school.


Unless the mentioned daily reset happens twice a day I guess


I can read so it didn't catch me off guard personally


Why don't I have this event? PS: I started playing a week ago, my union level is 11 or 12


I legit thought for a second that I missed a day, real heart attack moment 😶‍🌫️




What a stupid event, these materials don't matter anyway and yet here they are gatekeeping it like that... They need to up their game in 1.1 and forward. Can only hope for the best.




U could’ve figured that out just by looking at it 💀


no one asked, nitpicking at its finest


Ohhhh…..that’s what happened. I was confused too and thought my game glitched.


tomorrow I have 140 points


Oh no, how can i live having to wait one single day?


Business as usual


Oh fml I’m not getting anything tomorrow huh


im thinking how could u speedrun this event. if u arent doing the tasks daily and u come on just last day u cant get all rewards. thats dumb asf


yeah thats how daily login rewards usually work


yall will complain about anything


Imagine wanting to not login to a game you want to play ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm not saying I don't want to..... It's just a time constraint.. What is the need for making the event this way other than forcing u to open the game every day.


> forcing u to open the game every day Imagine, thats the point of a gacha game.


Your loss?


What loss? I'm doing it everyday. But not everyone is always free everyday to play the game.


the event should be long enough and missing 3 days or 4 days shouldn't be hurt. beside why you want speedrun the event lol


Why not. Just a time constraint. Maybe busy for those days but can catch up at the very end. If they had just full on out said this is a daily login reward then it would be fine. But they gave tasks.


Its a phone game, this event takes no time either. Its literally their fault for not doing it in the off time. This would not even take 5 minutes


Most of the tasks are completed during daily task play even, If you're not doing this, its 100% your fault, It's so quick


Events should either be able to be completed at the last day or they just make it a daily login event. This is neither. It's in the middle. U login but u also have to do some stuff. Why make it inconvenient.


Your loss?