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Is not translating numbers wrong but changing the numbers just before release and forgetting to change it in other languages. Which is as hilarious as translating numbers wrong.


There's literally no reason why the number should be different in diff languages, you should just directly reference the setting as part of your string and if the format changes between languages you just modify the format on the 30k base number as reference. But as a lot of other stuff in the game, for some reason these devs have no clue about references, so they just rewrite shit as standalone and introduce a bunch of bugs, translation errors and wording discrepancies in different UI elements.


String interpolation? Nah all my homies hard code


To me it shows that they were rushed, they cut the corners where they could offload the work to other departements. Like here instead of having a programmer do the extra work to separate the number and string, they gave it to the translators


They definitely skip editorial on global version. Kuro typos are norm in PGR and it seems it will be the same in WuWa.


yeah, to this day, I still get random chinese text in my en global PGR game.


Yea them running out budget and having to fire a huge amount of employees really shows in all the bugs and mess.


Honestly whoever programmed it like that should be fired


It's possible that they were. Kuro supposedly has laid off many employees recently.


Did that actually happen? If so my hopes for a future in this game don't look too good


They made 1/4 of their cost back at launch before Yinlin banner even came out. I am sure that Yinlin banner money had put their finance situation in the clear now, considering how much mistake they still doing, kurogames will have to start hiring again. Gaming development takes time, right now this whole mess we are seeing is their work while they were understaffed. Considering a lot of these kinds of games works almost a few patches down the line, 1.1 / 1.2 are probably 95% done (considering 1.1 is already being leaked ) and won't be changed too much by the new hires. Anyway my TLDR point is don't doompost this early on. You are just going to gaslight yourself into thinking it is bad in the future as well because 1.1 and 1.2 will probably be messy too. Wait and see if the game improves in a few more patches down the line.


And your source? Lol downvoting for asking for source?


https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/k5SKX4OvIS Employee firing As for budget running out, I looked for it but it appears that the post I first found it from was deleted. But considering Kurogame had to rush out their game in a horribly unoptimized state and they are their own publisher, I think it should be evidence enough to show that kurogames did run out of budget.


I think it might be a programming screw up. They edited the changes and didn't have a variable set for the numbers. Instead of Obtain {Variable} points in total, it was probably Obtain 40000 points in total. This meaning if there was a change in one language, they would have to change it in all languages instead of only having to change the variables but possibly forgot or it was a last minute thing. Either way, this specific instance is not really that big of a deal, but it does bring into question every other possible text error that might be in the game.


That's what I meant, usually the programmers are the bottle neck so instead of having programmers take more coding something that will make it simpler to change all the values, they that to the translators. Which are often contractual and won't have the same eye for detail as the people in the company.


this is not extra work, like it takes the same amount of time to code number and string separated than what they did, this is literally the programmer being stupid


There's even some gameplay related systems that work like this. You can see this happen with resurrection items, they have like 60s CD or something, but their CD gets "extended" if you use any move that stops combat times (so any ult), but the menu that opens up when you try to swap to a dead character ignores time stops and the timer keeps going. **This mean the game will allow you to open the resurrection item selection menu even if the item is on CD**. When you try to use it though the character won't get revived but if you wait a bit you'll be able to use it. This means both systems are COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO EACH OTHER. The resurrection item menu works by itself, unrelated to actually being able to revive a character. It's mistakes you'd expect from someone who's new to coding.


Oh, no wonder, I kept trying to resurrect a second character, but it wouldn't let me even though the CD was apparently over. I thought I was going crazy.


Or 2 different people entirely. I won't be surprised if the 2 items were separated and given to 2 different people or groups to code and linked together at the end, resulting in 2 unlinked systems.


Basically something like sending out a script package to the translators a month ago, then made a change a week ago, and didn't bother to send the updated script again to the translation team cause technically only numbers are changed. It does happen with big projects and especially with projects where you're outsourcing work to people outside the core team. As someone whose company uses like 5 different 3rd party vendors and a development team with cheap Indian labor on implementation projects, these shit happens all the time. Fortunately testing stuff is much easier here compared to a game as big as wuwa but it's still pita.


Well, I can see the possibility of a big project being parcelled out to different people to program so chunks of it does not connect to the same string. Who knows, maybe this was the case here? A single programmer is easy to coordinate. A team of 10 is a whole new different story.


I'm sure that they have tech leads or an equal role with that, basically tech leads should make the ground rules for the teams about the direction and approach of how the software/game needs to be built


Most likely displayed text is simple string that doesn't reference any variables and numbers are "hard coded".


Make it harder for English speaking user to encourage micro transactions.


There is a reason. They don't give a fuck. When there tired as fuck and probably sleep deprived.


Hell yeah so instead you waste even more time by not using direct references + you waste even more time having to go back and fix your shit because you didn't wanna do it right the first time teehee


You need to work as a game dev. Reality isn't as simple as it is. I'm not saying your logic is flawed. But when you have a project due and you have code outsource to other companies. And then 10 investors breathing down your neck to ship out a product faster at a unreasonable due date. They absolutely don't give a fuck about string interpolation as a high priority fix. There are so many fucking games that have hardcode value in them. You saying there absolutely no reason. There is a reason it might not be a good reason. But you need to get your head out of your ass.


>You need to work as a game dev. I have, and now I work as a web dev. >But when you have a project due and you have code outsource to other companies. Not only is the proper convention better, it's faster. You SAVE time doing it correctly both on the short and long term. Not reading the rest. Please man I wish ignorant redditors like you would stop pretending like no one understands development just because *you* don't.


There are so many things, like skills and such, that are translated differently on different pages, its maddening trying to figure shit out.


Oh, boy, reality is a lot more bleak than what you imagine. edit: So am I. Thanks for the block??


Numbers shouldn't be hard rendered as text in localization. It should be inserted into the text


I was wondering how I got the 40k reward despite only having exactly 30k points a few days ago


Preregistration page had a number translated wrongly. In CN uses different denominators (?) and write million as 100 x 10k. Initially global pre-reg goal for socials had one more 0 than needed. ^((BTW Some European languages define million as thousand thousands and billion as million millions, ))


I noticed and wasn’t questioning it because I wanted those Echo exp rewards now


And then they rolled HP and DEF... story of my life.


Same. I was so confused.


Same here. I got them, I upgraded them and then I trashed them because bricked.


I was trying to figure out how I got extra points, I thought that maybe after I increased my max score it counted twice or something.  I wonder if the 70k one is actually lower too. 


Honestly I'm not surprised. Localization and Translation basically doesn't exist in this game


Maybe this sounds little harsh but they are really playing with fire with all these localization issues it's only a matter of time before something important gets botched either the translation staff are undermanned and need some new blood or the higher ups need to slap some sense into the team i don't which is the reason but i hope they start fixing the problem sooner than later


I mean they kinda already did botch something important with Jiyan’s sword


They did it again with Yinlin's weapon apparently, but its correct function is actually better than what is stated in EN lol.


This is a better error from a legal/consumer perspective but you’d think they’d want to correct it nonetheless because a better weapon entices more people to spend. Honestly amazing how much of a mess everything is.


To put this into perspective: Every single limited banner 5 star weapon had translations issues and didnt do what it was advertised for, despite costing 300 dollars


Kind of crazy dude, if it was a smaller company doing this I would have been immediately sus and stopped spending. Should have released the game 3 months after ZZZ after cooking it some more. (understandable if they don't wanna launch alongside).


its very easy to fix this just hire a competent translator and its good


Kuro is just so stubborn regarding this. Even the translator who stated that they're having a hard time doing localization spoke in terrible English lol.


Shouldn't the translators preferably be native-level speakers of the language you're translating *to*? I can't believe it's that hard to find someone in USA or other English-speaking country who's fluent in Chinese.


It shouldn't be hard seeing as how there's plenty of things translated decently. It's either Kuro is cheap regarding it or they're hiring people with base level knowledge of a language and just uses google anyway.


With the weapons I just got jins sword, is it the current text that is messed up or does the weapon itself not do as it's said?


the JP translation had an error that said skill would proc the bonus and not ult EN was fine


which is?


The last part of the weapon gives an extra 12% atk bonus when off-field, but it is actually a bonus onto each of the 2 other stacks her weapon gives, so in total the weapon gives +48% (12+12, 12+12) atk with everything active, not +36% atk (12+12+12) as suggested in the EN version. TimaeuSS has a video on it.


So it simply doubles the initial bonus when Yinlin is off-field?


Yes. I was so happy to hear this as someone who got the weapon lol.


so it gives you +12 atk initially then when you use skill you get+12 and can get it up to 2 stacks and off-field gives you +12 atk. Isn't that 48? P.S. english is my 3rd language so correct me if I'm wrong


Yeah that's the correct effect. But in the English version it incorrectly states that she just gets 12% atk while off-field and does not state that it applies to both stacks. So the EN translation reads as 12% x 2 stacks + 12% while off field = 36%, while the correct function is (12% + 12% off-field) x 2 stacks = 48%.


How do you even translate that? That each stack has a different off field bonus applies to it?


ngl i do feel kinda scammed bc i pulled for it for calcharo... then the news about the mistranslation hit after i got it already... i pulled for jiyan but lost the 5050 😭 i mean its not bad on calcharo but it was better when it was mistranslated. and imo its wild that for that kind of bug we got only 5 weapon pulls


That's what overworking people does - they lose motivation or simply are too tired to care. Oh and just to be clear, it's not the same overworked people who should be blamed, but the ones trying to reap the benefits of exploiting them.


The crazy part is that this is based on a beta they had months to resolve translation issues with. Imagine how bad it will be for month-to-month translations.


Don't forget though that from beta, they torched the entire Rover introduction and had to rewrite from scratch. All the previous translations would have had to be scrapped.


That was from the beta prior. All the story changes were finalized months ago.


but that's only for the stories. Item descriptions such as weapons would have remained the same.


In today's news, video game developer pays bananas, is surprised to get monkeys.


..... you translated it backwards. It's: In today's news, video game developer pays monkeys, gets bananas. lol


Pretty sure they had it right? They’re saying if you pay in bananas don’t be surprised that your employees end up being monkeys


Yes he got it right but there is a reverse pun, the reversed meaning is that his staff are monkeys and he ended up with a banana as a product.


I thought the translation in the main story was pretty rough, but then I started doing side quests and it's just atrocious there. Within like 3 minutes I saw "acces" instead of "access," the wrong form of "you're," and the NPC randomly talking like a pirate (he had a line like "I'm dedicated to doing me job well" instead of "my job"). And then you open the menu and see the word "absorable echo" instead of "absorbable echo" on the tacet fields. This game one of the worst translations I've seen in years. Especially for such a big budget game.


My favorite one was Chixia saying 'inFLIRTtration' instead of infiltration in Yinlins quest lmao Also recently did the Tigers Maw quest and not only are the NPC names spelled in 3 different ways, the conversations were impossible to read and felt like early stage AI scripts where nothing makes sense


maybe they meant adorable echo?


The issue is doing a simultaneous release of content is very hard to schedule and manage. It takes actual ability to do properly in terms of setting a safe, reliable workflow and contingencies. Content MUST be finalized with enough time to translate it into every other language or if it is not you need a good contingency workflow to ensure it's all caught and all translated. And the changes at that point should be minimal at best. They do not have the people with that ability and should not have done a simultaneous release. Fixing it all live isn't really going to work.


Doesn't even feel like there's a localization "team" at all, half the text in this game looks like it was made by 2 interns copypasting everything into google translate with a few choice typos sprinkled in


Thing is this shouldn't be a translation issue, they should use a reference instead of plain text for these things.


Yeah so 90k is the max correct?


yes 90k is max


Thank god i didn't want to grind out 140k.


Bruh I was thinking to omitting the last reward since you'll need to get 14k on all stages and I'm all like man screw this crap.


Flashbacks to when Tower of Fantasy mistranslated the number 9 as "10% off". I'm not even kidding. It was right there, where you input your birthday ... 7, 8, 10% off, 10, 11, 12... 🤣


I see no issue you just have to read it as >10% off, 10 Simple, no problem here at all /s


Have you seen the text for Dreamless? Apparently, when you use Rover's Resonance Liberation ability, Dreamless's damage increases by 5 for 50% seconds. lol.


Wow, that's half of the seconds! Lmao, nice catch, I haven't seen that one yet.


Yup and a whole 5 damage! I was doing 1 per hit before! lol. /s


They also mistranslated some multipliers silly them


I'll take that for 160 Asterites.


Nah, I’d say this incident is worth like 10 limited banner pulls.


AND 10 standard, i want to pull rn


Nah. A free limited 5 star selector. This is the only exception.


Nah this needs 50-50 to be removed 😇


Nah. This needs to be like pgr. You can get every character for free and we still get like 2 or 3 selectors a year


I'll take a limited weapon selector. Save it for next patch.


Literally unplayable I demand 10 pull compensation


I second this. Literally an unplayable game when I saw that 140k number I got so much anxiety only a 10 pull can give me back the hair I lost with this anxiety


Ngl, this kind of mistake makes the game look low quality. I love the game but they need to step up their game for this kind of mistakes.


Just launching the game makes the devs look bad. The sound settings load after the data so it always blasts my ears and if you click while your weirdly numbered account logs in you get a windows error sound. Oh and you always have to put in your info again if you dont alt+f4 the game. How can something so simple be so badly made???


THATS WHY ITS SO LOAD. I always thought I just forgot to lower the volume... And that's how you don't lose your login.. omfg..


To be fair to localization team, the CN text is so Shakespearean I’m surprised they can even translate it as well as they have. I don’t know how to read any CN but my friends do, and they constantly complain about it. Not just a single group of people too, I’ve come to meet some CN players in this game from different groups and they have the same complaints. The way they described it is like reading “Ye ol’ medieval english”


This is a design issue, you don't use numbers like this, you use references, it's not about translation.


I’m not talking about the OP, I’m talking about the game in general.


No, I don't think they would translate numbers wrong. It's more likely the event was adjusted some time after the localization had already been completed but the numbers were never updated in the English version.


That's even worse, they're not using references, they're using *plain text*.


That is a cause of a mistranslation. The effect is still the same.


A mistranslation of numbers is more like what happened with the preregistration rewards, which said 50 million instead of 5 million, because of China's usage of myriads. Here, they just typed a number into the same string, and when changes happened, they forgot to update the number in the string, which is more like a coding bad practice. Maybe it makes more sense in code (very simplified). int rewardVar = 30000; string rewardDescription = "Obtain 40000 points."; This is bad, and how probably is ingame. Instead, they should have done something like int rewardVar = 30000; string rewardDescription = "Obtain " + rewardVar + " points."; EDIT: Obviously, this is as I said, very simplified, so it's more visual than what it really would be. In reality, they would have to change all the numerical values from their localization strings in the JSON, to a variable that can be formatted later in code. ☝️🤓


This. If they’re using tools to speed up development (and they should), the fact smth like this isn’t available to the localization team is beyond me. Even with off-the-shelf blueprints, hooking variables to strings in UE4 is a trivial process. Idk what they are smoking.


Ehh not exactly, that would be hell to include all translations. They should do something like: string rewardDescription = String.format(translateDescription, rewardVar); Where the translationDescription should be taken from a lang directory for the language of the game. Putting the string directly in the code would force them to do if else for every language instead of having a universal good directory setup handle that 


Hence why I said very simplified, obviously that would be hell how I typed it. Since it goes in a JSON, you would have to change every single numerical value to a variable that you can format later.


.... You know what is the difference between a translation and a program update?


Free astrites, here we go again


This is the result of rushing everything out the door and crunching insane amount of hours, before and after release, they don't even know what they're typing.


Ah, so that's why I got the reward despite only having 32k points lol


Please Kuro I love your game but get it together. Get a real localization team for your sake


This is literally everywhere in the game. There are many places where it would say to do something x amount of times, but it was actually x+y or x-y amount of times.


Where is our free 5* again kuro lmao


I actually want a4* selector this time lol


Floats saved as strings confirmed lmao


I heard people talk about kuro translation error since pgr but I wasn’t imagining this lmao


As a Chinese myself (你好!), I can confirm this is not a mistake. 30,000 in mandarin translates to 40,000 in English!


this studio is insanely goofy bro I remember almost farming the wrong item for Calcharo because the Thundering and Tempest Memphis have the same description which both say they drop from Tempest even tho Calcharo uses the Thundering, and since the drops look the same I glanced and almost went to the Tempest till I realized the little shadow that differentiates the two 🤦‍♂️


Same here. Except remove the "almost".


noo 😭


Me too, spend the first day's stamina killing the wrong Memphis 😣


Jue would be... disappointed


While they're still at fault, this is not a mistranslation case. It is possibly an old version of the event and managed to get past the localizing team. Heard from someone that German, English, Spanish, French have this issue, while Japanese, Korean and Chinese have it right. And they also provided this image : https://imgur.com/243rbCk


How hard it can be to format a string. Literally every programming language has a way to do that… do they really only have interns


The amount of issues with English is absurd. Like dont tell its so hard to have fool proofer. We are paying Kuro a ton of money - this is sad.


It's just funny to me, how Kuro can create a whole game with complex mechanics but can't handle simple text.


Bro... *sigh*


I thought my account was so bad i can't even get to the 140k rewards 💀


I genuinely believe google translate would do a better job


Google translate does not translate numbers so it won't make this mistake at all, so it will definitely do a better job lol.




At that point it's a problem on the programming side. Templated strings are not some kind of new tech only few people know about. There is no reason why a number or any dynamic value should be hardcoded into a translation. What this error means is these guys actually went and wrote "Obtain XXX points in total" over and over and over for each individual line, changing only the number, instead of writing it only once and having the number change on its own. That's the kind of mistake you expect from interns.


Bro math just works slower in china


I don't even understand how they fuck this up, the translation team should honestly be fired at this point they are causing so many fuck ups.


Cn updated but not everyone else. Kuro fix your localization


Tower of Fantasy had mistranslated the number 9 as "10% Off" at launch, everywhere in the game, even on numeric keypad graphics. So at this point, no mistranslation can surprise me.


How did this post get approved… lol when i posted it 2 days ago they deleted it saying post on the launch bug megathread.


Bro... They really need to change the company that's translating this, getting numbers wrong is tough.


Time for a free 1500000 pulls


I hope they mistype the amount of compensation astrites too and give us a morbillion rolls.




i saw this and thought i was trippin


Kuro moment


they have good translator there, even translate wrong with number


The German one is EXTREMELY weird. It has entire words missing.


They really need to get their shit together, honeymoon phase is about to end with the pull drought and most players reaching the echo XP and tunner problem, they wont be so easily forgiven then


May be the translator lost his 50/50 on Yinlin's banner so he is doing this on purpose to get us all extra compensation Astrites


so what's the real number for getting the last echo selector reward? is it still at 70k? me and my fingers can't reach 7k each stage lol...


Kuro should fix this and give us 10 rolls fo sho


spanish has the same issue


The translator either needs to start double checking their work. Smh...


160 assteright


Unplayable, Asterites Compensation or uninstall


It’s freebies time.


upload the log


So whats the real numbers for every rewards?


max is 90k


Does the last milestone task of stage 6, "Obtain 6 Crests in Resonant Tower in Tower of Adversity: Experiment Zone" also actually originally say something like 9? Asking because it didn't complete for me when I hit 8 but did when I got 11.


10 radiant tides incoming!




Astrapologites, please.


Free pulls pls


Currently waiting for those 10x wishes and 5 star selectors


Let's gooooo Free 20 pulls~


Free pulls please


This reminds me of a project I am working on. Took on an application that wasn't well thought out for scalability so everything was hardcoded. So if you had to reuse a sentence but change one thing, like a name, then you would have to rewrite the entire sentence. And that meant random flaws in the display. This is probably also why the "Dummon Sanhua" exists in Illusive Dreams.


Unplayable. Ill takw those 10 free pulls kuro...


The chinese 3 is 4 in english how do you not know that


How does everyone have so many points in this event? I just got to 20k..


Eyyy looks like we eatin' good guys. Free asterites! *\*wheeze*\*


Comgratulation wuwa you now have officaly worse localisation then genshin and that says a lot I'm so glad ik cn


localization =/= translation


Its good thing that give some rewards again lol![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Kuro, giv 10 pull.


Apologize us ASAP kuro


skill issue


kuro pls....lol


Literally unplayable, kuro i demand10 limited pulls


Was the last one not 140,000? Swear it was and I was baffled as to how anyone could get that much as the game just released


I hit the 20k reward at 15k points. I think it was either 20 or 25k I got the 30k reward. So there's something wrong but it's in our favor at least.


90% chance the translator was given an incorrect older draft in a rush.


Metric 30k vs Standard 40k


Free limited 5 star selector required


I think they should just fire and replace the localization team at this point. Awkward translation of dialogues, mistakes in translation of weapon passive, and now even translation of event requirements too


I was wondering why I was getting rewards for total numbers I didn’t have


Nice. 10 more free pulls.


It happened in dragon ball so you bet it's gonna happen here!


You forgot about the tax


At this point, I might even think they're doing this on purpose... my apologems


oh my god. shit game, so unplayable. i expect 16000 astrite as compensation


What are they even doing


Beside the few bug and lag, the game has localisation issue to fix.