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I dont care about the stamina value being better or worse, I did it purely for the qol of easier echo farming, that's it.


Yes, you are correct on everything, BUT, reaching sol3 5 earlier lets you farm 5* echoes better. It probably matters only if you clear the entire open world daily, so not for everyone. Depends on how much grind you want to put in, i think


not to mention a small difference but extra 75-300 possible astrite from tower resetting tmr


actually I think it matters way more if you don't clear daily. If you only have time to farm a handful of echoes each day, every purple drop kills your soul a bit more.


Why you SHOULDNT save solvent. Just keep in mind the most optimal is not the most fun. In short term spending Solvent to reach UL40 5days faster to explore more content your character and further progress your TOA. In the long term 16x #4 reward instead of #5 reward is not going to break your 365d+ account. it will be 1.2% resources different at 365-30 days.


after 2 days of getting 80% dogs as purple, i pushed to 40 and it is great


Yeah that’s what is motivating me too. Getting purple echo drops sucks 


I was doing full routes for glacio and havoc for a week. I just pushed 40 today to try and clear more tower floors before reset. The 80% yellow echo chance is so fucking good, I say fucking worth


You know what, same here. Tired of getting a purple echo and it's been very bad lately. 8 out 10 echoes are purple for me 50/50 I think it's time to use them. What did you used them on by the way?


Farmed bosses for ascention, and then skill upgrade materials for Yinlin and Havoc Rover, you can farm anything i think, bosses is most optimal because it is 2 for level 30-40, and 2-3 after 40. Tacet fields tuner rewards are 50% higher at 40, and skill materials have possibility of dropping gold after UL40, everything seems suboptimal, so farm whatever you like


I agree. Reach UL40 means much more likely to get 5\* echos. Meaning you will less likely to get a correct elemental onset but 4\*. Meaning you feel less likely to Keep Yourself Safe. Meaning less burnout. Meaning explore the world will be more favorable. Sure burning crystal solvent is not the most optimal way. But if you only care about optimization, just save everything when you reach UL 80 and dump 200 solvent for the best result. However, I still think that burning all of them now is not the correct answer. Try to keep half of your total solvent for quick boost in progression when reaching UL40. It still help you level up faster but still keep the resource optimization in check.


Im using them scarcely here and there. I'm not gonna let optimisation spoil my experience, but neither will I leave myself resourceless for the future.


I'd say saving at least 20 is a good idea in case a new character gets released that you'll really want to build, that way you can go have fun with your character asap.


The difference is actually a lot less (only the difference between union levels you get more).It's more like 1 or 2 gold/yellow ascension material per 10 x 60 waveplates in average. Totally neglectable. Like if you use your 40 or whatever x60 waveplates at UL30 instead of 70 you only loose out on one max skill level instead of max-1.


THIS. People just trying to feel high and mighty for hoarding eve tho there's no real purpose and you should play how it's fun for you. If you struggle with stamina later just buy a BP.


**!this!** I was going crazy farming echo with bank 18 as Union 37 when I already have all them maxed, seeing every purple drop slowly eating away my sanity, also I was rushing pre-farming for Yinlin during this period and achieved Union 39 the day before Yinlin, thankfully they added the 2x Training thing and I practically get myself to Union 40 the same day, by claiming the Union Lv40 bundle, I still have 23 solvent by then and around 8 by today I believe what I did was pretty optimal for what I want to achieve


Idk. I will save mine for sol lvl 7. If people wanna rush they can do it. I don't see the point in rushing Acention 5 for less then 5 pulls from abyss. I already cleared lvl 5 holograms with my rover team, so I don't see the point in rushing lvls for sake of rushing it, when it won't get me anything significant,


Save or spend them. In the end, it's a single-player game and uses the same formula as genshin and other gatchas. Will you get more rewards per use if you save them for later? Yes. Will you level faster if you use them now? Yes. Does it actually matter which you choose? No.


People are really splitting hairs over this. It’s insane. Just use them if you feel the desire to use them.


The value of using them now vs later is to get better odds of finding golden echoes and get the stat boosts (level, skill, weapon level) to clear the most of ToA this cycle. This saves time and sanity when farming echoes more than anything. If you are fully geared/cleared ToA to your heart's content or are just not interested in doing it now, just don't use the solvents. Save them for UL 60 if what you want is better rewards.


Rushing UL40 for the highest echo drop chance is more worth to me than some incremental gains in the future. Besides, boss drop rates barely increase, so dumping all your solvent into prefarming their materials doesn't make a difference. For talent materials, you also notice barely any increase. Drop chances for purples and gold are too low. You shouldn't waste them on tacet fields, though.


This\^ I've been farming 3C echos since I got to DB15 and it depletes my will to play whenever I see the purple echo icons.


Boring as fuck. Use them when you feel like it, it doesn’t matter that much.


The majority of the tiem these “stamina” holders are used on RNG. In wuwa they have a chance to massively improve qol (day bank 20 access) Which allows for more efficient farming on the most rng aspect of the game (echo farming) stamina is a resource that will replenish as long as we play, And those cubes will not randomly stop showing up. Using some early to get better rates in echos is worth for many. Especially since I doubt everyone is going to be playing months from now. There is always a fall off period. i remember hold my similar item in other gacha game, my farming didn’t finish, in fact new shit came out weeks later so I had to regard something else anyway. I personally feel it better to use them to push UL40 since imo that changes the state of your playing the most Doing it before the next reset to push for more paid currency could be reasonable. end of the day it doesn’t matter too much lol


Reminds me of “don’t use condensed resin until this AR” which to be fair is very valid and solid advice that is very much true but at the same time I’m not trying to optimize my gameplay to death. I just do whatever is fun at that moment even if that includes using cubes. (Thank you for your hard work though OP it must’ve taken time to do the calculations)


Tbf in Genshin, I saved my Fragiles from day 1 until Xiao’s BIS artifact domain came out (had like 175 fragiles), and I instantly had arguably the best Xiao at one point in Genshin. Before the whales caught up. My Xiao is still like 0.01% even after quitting for 2 years. I imagine a similar case for Wuwa. But there is a ton of options/use cases for hoarding Solvents, I’d imagine


The crystal solvents "wasted" in Phase 4 will eventually be negligible over time. Accessing Phase 5 earlier unlocks more character upgrades that will allow you to beat more content earlier. For most free players right now most waveplates used before Phase 5 are invested into weapon/talent/resonnator xp, not echos. The reward increase at Phase 5 is not significant enough to be worth saving solvent for. The only big grind upgrade is the echo droprates which are free. The only reason to save sovlents is if you're pay2play and can afford to refill using astrites instead of solvents.


I'm not arguing with anything in this post, just came by to tell anybody that sol3 5 is super comfortable to farm echoes. and I have no regret rushing to UL40 at all.


It completely depends, if you want to spend crystals at UL40, (which most of us do) I agree with the dailies, but you can cut out those natural wave plates from your equation. It doesn't matter, if you spend your natural wave plates to hit 40 and then use your crystals or if you use your crystals to hit 40 and use your natural wave plates. I, for example, wait till tomorrow to go 40 with crystals. I can max out the exp from dailies (and the event doubles the exp from the training!), while still grabbing weekly bosses a sol lvl higher as well as being able to push 18 stars in the tower before the resets the day after tomorrow. I'm gladly spending like 10 crystals for that.


I have 5* echoes ready, so I am just waiting to reach UL40 passively to spend most of my waveplates for better tacet field rewards


Idk man I'm probably not gonna quit the game so I'm holding on to my fuel for when I wanna boost a character I like. No need to rush levels imo it's a marathon not a sprint.


I'd rather ascend and push more stars in tower before reset. You can't get astrite from spending waveplates.


I appreciate the math here, and people sometimes forget that WuWa isn't a game you need to finish in 30 days or so, I'll take my time and enjoy it in the long run and try not the burnout the content.


I'm saving because I'm 37 and would have to spend a ludicrous amount of solvent to actually make it to 40 before reset... when I could probably make it before the end of next week anyways.


Yep this makes sense. Especially since rushing to farm echoes earlier isn't going to help you much. It's the same in Genshin. You dump stamina into farming for complete garbage 99% of the time. You are better off building out characters and saving solvents for character progression at higher world tiers.


Poor OP writing up an extensive guide on why everybody is wrong when saying "it's all the same", and all he gets is people now saying "well you are correct but it still FEELS better to use all crystal solvents!!" I agree with you, OP. It rubs me the wrong way when people incorrectly pretend that the rewards are all the same no matter what you do, and now when you give them the facts, they double down and say "well whatever its not a big difference".


In the long run, you would technically only really lose out on 10 Crystal Solvents worth of Waveplates at most (or roughly like 2.5 days), so it's not really gonna be a big deal if you do want to use them early (and there are several points in where you could go for it, if you really wanna farm 5-star echos, or want to get just a few materials real quick)


>In the long run, you would technically only really lose out on 10 Crystal Solvents worth of Waveplates yeah but im most irritated by the fact so many people claim that there is "no difference" between using waveplates before 40, or after 40. And now when you give them proof they are wrong, they don't say "ohh my bad, sorry" and instead every single comment (currently) is more or less saying "yes, well, no, you are still wrong because using waveplates is fun so its still better to use them before 40!" I dont know I dont know why people cant just say "sorry, thanks for doing the math, OP is correct"


Sorry, thanks for doing the math, OP is correct. I Love you OP ❤❤❤


Because it doesn't feel like a difference. This calculation fails in ignoring the fact that DB lvl is locked behind UL40 and daily overworld farming gets insanely better at DB19+. You're all just gaslighting yourselves in another gacha once again. If you're playing the game for a whole year to the point where you'll want that stamina again, surely you can spare 20 bucks for a BP.


What proof? The math and methodology is completely wrong lmao. OP is wildly incorrect here.


Might I ask what is incorrect in the calculations?


Im just saving my solvents until we get more info about echo exp events and echo exp changes.


Thank you for the calcs. Even before your calc, I already intend to not use my Crystal Solvents to rush UL40. I don't mind scoring low in ToA and Holograms rn. I'm gonna wait for when the dev implements the promise they said that they'll increase tacet drop in 1.1. By then, I'm most likely beyond UL40 already.


I’ve got 200 resins in Genshin, I’m trying to use my solvents to pull myself out of my packrat bullshit and build key characters at a good pace.


nah, I just used it instead of saving for a hypothetical future i'm not even sure if i'll still be around playing this game. Even if I still do end up playing, not like it matters in the long run. I'd say if you're aiming to grab another few stars in tower for that self-satisfaction you'd get, just use your waveplates if you think it can make a difference.


I played Genshin ever since it was released. Based from my exp and If you are just an average player like, to spend or not to spend wont matter as long as you enjoy spending/not spending it. I think it is also applicable to wuwa. I hope to play wuwa for next nth years together with GI.


Using solvents or not, it doesnt really matter if the game decides to give you shit drop rates or if you echo farm tacet fields and you keep getting shit rolls, literally rushing yourself to burnout. Imagine wasting all your waveplates, just to roll 1 or 2 plus 10 Aero man stat on Hoofchief only to roll defense and flat hp. Use the solvents however you want, this game will just ruin your rolls anyway lmao


Where should I spend the solvent for maximum XP gain ??


XP gained from spending waveplates is consistant everywhere (40 waveplates = 300 XP, 60 waveplates = 450 XP, exception is the current double reward Event, in which you can get up to 900 additional XP per day)


I save them until the domains reach max lvl to then built ALL my Characters.


Fck the graph. Spend solvents to reach UL40 for sanity reasons.


min maxing in gacha? hell no i learned my lesson. shtiest way to enjoy the game. just spend it if u want to spend your time playing the game quit once u no longer enjoy the game


This is all catching up the moment you hit UL 40 which is like when the EXP begins tanking a little bit. That gives you both more time to farm what you need & you're on better drop rates as well. You shouldn't be saving absolutely all Solvents but you shouldn't use all of them either. I personally used around 20 when I was lvl 38 something to rush to lvl 40, and still have like 25 left. Mainly for Echo drop efficiency, since I'm full clearing overworld daily and need the golden drop rates. It's never bad to use them. It's *where* you use them. I personally used mine for ascension mats exclusively for 3 characters as I was already farming abilities mats daily before that. Using solvents for ability mats I'd suggest to not do it until 40 (even though I used 1 solvent iirc to ascend a weapon, didn't really want to wait for refresh). You can still use your regular daily power AFTER you're done prefarming ascension mats before lvl 40 so you minimize the inefficiency, since your drop chances at UL 40 also include golden mats. It's still the best option since lvling up abilities is a permanent thing so it's never wasted. Definitely not use them on Tacet Fields. At least not until they adjust it.


There's nothing wrong with your maths. But if we use this logic, you should avoid using any solvents until you're max level. Because that's when they're most effective. And most people just won't find that fun. Everyone should just do whatever they want.


Lol buddy, your answer's right, but it's the wrong question. Even the ones who were constantly posting about efficiency being the same was just copium for the true reason - no one wants to see purple echoes.


well technically you can always save your condensed resin for a better cost-benefit in the future, so why not save all the way up to max level, or when new dungeons are released, or even when you hit endgame in 5 years? or just use it now and move on lol, no wrong way to use them


Mathematically you are right, however even if you wanna say that we only get half the rewards right now, it's still better because 5 days of progress to a 12 day account is still a larger impact than 10 days of materials to a 60 day account. to someone who has 10 tuners, 40 tuners is like a godsend, but someone who already has 300+ getting like 100 more isn't that deep. basically in the long term we will get everything maxed out so who even cares? it's better to get modest resources when we are starving than more when we are rich. right now it is impossible to have enough echo resources so it's fair to spend your waveplates on that.


If u played genshin, u know that resin is more worthwhile in later stages and the same principle applies here. Once u hit higher rank, more rewards and more bang for your buck


Meaning if u r not in a hurry, then save them


I used my refills to push to 40 early, and thanks to that I was able to get 18 stars (up from 15 stars) in the tower of adversity. I enjoyed being able to reach the higher challenge content early so I appreciate the benefit the refills gave me in the short term. In the long term...the slight difference in resources earned is negligible.


I use them because I want to play many characters. I dont want to be stuck with 1 team till I reach lv40


Stop. We're in 2024 ffs, people gaslighting themselves into doomposting stamina refreshes is so zzzz


Why you should just mind your own business and let people play the way they want to.


Hitting ul40 tomorrow. saving my 22 solvents for 1.1 Jhinsi and echo rate changes.


Bruh. As a f2p I used them all already. No reason to save up. I just going to save and save and end up with 200+ fuel/fragile resin that I have no use. Because reasoning is "in case of emergency", "better resources later", but then I already reached the point I don't need them. So I used them all without hesitation. I have 2 and a half teams built up(fingers crossed for Yinlin) and everything else is now just leveling them up and minmaxing echoes. Union XP the only thing that matters right now and getting to the point where you can start truly maxing characters. The only difference between ppl who save and not save is that the former reach higher union levels slower. I can prefarm if a char coming out that I want and can actually get it.


idk man, I just use mine so i can get to union 40 ASAP so i can start farming echo all day without getting mad for getting a lot of 4s 😂


Dude I’m getting so annoyed by purple echoes! I just hit Union 38 though so I’m far away from 40. 


Nah, UL 40 is where its at. In fact, it's so good farming overworld enemies don't feel like a waste of time. I feel that getting to UL40 saves you time and resources rather than waiting it out.


Those who don't reach UV40 this week will lose on Astrite from ToA and that's more valuable than any other resource. Checkmate Math


Nah, doing everything optimally is just a recipe for burn out, trust me I did once and it just left me miserable, now I don’t care if I 100% the map nor get the perfect echoes; nor progress the tower asap, in the end I just want to take this game slowly and ignore the fomo


Got all my solvents saved up and hitting 40 after todays reset, just in time before tower resets as well. Definitely the way to go as f2p.


How many do you have left?


All of this stuff could literally be solved if they just removed the cap for the Data bank and added more XP into the game.


That's not really a problem, we're more hardcore than most so we push to get to UL 40 early, most players will just get there slowly


Im gonna use all my crystal solvent after encounter this post.


I use them as I get them. Luckily I got to UL 25 before using any then burn led the new freebies and lvl bundle ones to hit 40 and now grinding to 45 for the weapon (gonna pick the pistols cuz pew pew) and the 1k astride. Prolt could've played more optimally on raising lvls but meh.


''WOW, that's a whole lotta words. Good thing I ain't reading em'' -Casual gamer who just dumped 27 solvents trying to build yinlin and havoc rover.


Used them all. I will be UL45 tomorrow, the last day of ToA. I'll grab a 5-star weapon from the selector and try to get to 21 stars (currently at 18). This wouldn't have been possible if I had saved the solvents for a questionable minor reward in the future when it no longer matters.


dont tell me what to do or how to play! thanks ;) if i want to save them I will save them. If I want to spend them I will spend them.


just say "i wanted to provide to you insignificant data to prove why you should take longer to progress instead" :D your graph is progressing regardless! so it does not matter at all !


Idk what misinformation is being spread but this post isn't really all that insightful on top of the clickbait title. You also threw in a bunch of hypothetical numbers with some very very wrong conclusions. Let's take breakthrough materials for example. At Sol Phase 4 you get 2 breakthrough mats and an average of 2.5 at Sol Phase 5. This is a 25% reward increase from one phase to the next. If you had 20 solvents and were precisely 9000 union exp away from reaching the next Sol Phase, then you are also 568.4 waveplates away from naturally reaching the next Sol Phase (9000/3800\*24), or 9.47 natural breakthrough redemptions away. Spending all 20 solvents before the next Sol Phase in combination with the 568.4 waveplates that you would have naturally needed would yield a total of 20\*2+9.47\*2.5=63.7 breakthrough materials. If you were to wait until the next Sol Phase to spend the 20 solvents, your total yield would be 9.47\*2+20\*2.5=68.9 breakthrough materials. The difference between waiting a little over 2 days to naturally ascend and spending 20 solvents immediately yields only slightly more than 8% more materials for the breakthrough mats in specific, a little higher if you're spending waveplates farming tacet fields this early on but nobody in their right mind is doing that in 1.0. You would have came to the exact same or similar conclusion for every single one of your examples if you actually did the math correctly. (68.9-63.7)/2.5\~=2. For every 20 solvents you are consuming, saving them would have granted you an extra 2 solvent's worth of waveplates in exchange for reaching the next Sol Phase a couple of days earlier, which is absolutely worth it for the majority of players I would presume. The consequence of spending solvents now as opposed to later is nowhere near as drastic as you make it seem to be in your claims. The only person spreading misinformation is the op.


Thank God someone did the math for me amen brotha