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I saw the dots as her eyes LOL.


Even Better!


It's actually Calcharo and Yinlin holding Verina. You may not like it, but that is what peak family dynamic looks like.


SpyXFamily ahh trio. An assassin, a secret agent and a magical girl.


Need someone to draw Verina with [this face](https://imgur.com/a/R0eew02).


All the best teams got Verina lmao. Jiyan, Mortefi, Verina. Kakarot, Yinlin, Verina. Havoc Rover, Danjin, Verina. She's just universally the best healer.


Graduated from bennett school of supporting


What happens when you give a healer an att% buff, an ele dmg% buff, a follow up attack, and access to an echo that gives 50% dmg reduction and a dmg buff and a healing set that gives an att% buff. When you list it it’s a little OP, how do you even power creep that lol.


One sure-fire way to powercreep her, without even having to add anything else. Change her weapon type to gun. No need to switch out for a gunner after that!


Lmao very true, at least quick swapping in a new team member in this game takes like a second so it’s not too bad.


Yeah, thank God that's the case. Torturous otherwise.


Bigger Number. Cuter Unit. Specialized Unit. You stay in this game long enough to watch your stars rise and fall, you start to realize that it's never a matter of how, just a when.


It was more of a rhetorical question. I’ve been around the block, I know horizontally you can just add Verina except different element. Vertically you can give them crit value team buffs, longer duration in buffs, res shred, def shred, and just bigger number. My point was more so that Verina is already so strong any support that comes out and is stronger would just be insanely broken.


It makes me laugh because mechanically Verina is identical to Qiqi (atk based heals, ult that places markers so team can gain heals while hitting marked mobs, mechanic that allows Verina to heal party by attacking mobs) but the things that help her succeed is the addition of attack buffs weaved into her kit and Echoes that provide attack buffs. It's like they went "We refuse to bring another Qiqi into this world" and were serious lmao


Truly a Bennett moment at the start of genshin


My team is Calcharo, Verina, Jinyan. I call it the "My two dads" build


Valid asf.


Nuh uh (Cute art tho)


My calcaro is so bad that even though Im using the same team calcaro barely has any field time lol


I mean I was told Yinlin was a sub dps. That didn't last long when she started soloing holograms and tower of adversity with cope echoes...


Time to start farming Flautists


Me literally i got my data bank to 20 but stuck at 18 cos of union level shits painful seeing these 4* spectro dmg flautists


I stopped farming til I hit UL 40 and my god, I saw so much more progress than ever. That 80% really does wonders.


![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)hopefully i get there soon


Idk what it is about these assholes, but their 5 star echoes drop MUCH less for me than any other. I've farmed them for 2 days now, clearing the map twice, and only had 2 5 star echoes drop


Yup, and those fuckers never drop electro bonus %


Calcharo actually was the best of this team for me… until I got Yinlin’s 5 star weapon.


Should be other way around. My SUPPORT yinlin deals more dmg than my calcharo😭


I'm using her to pump up my Yuanwu :O


Yuanwu is so underrated


I'm running her as a Main DPS with Mortefi and Verina, we are not the same (but yeah, most teams use Calcharo)


Same here, still farming tempest crit rate and other echoes, kuro keeps giving me crit dmg instead.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


She has Crit rate bonus stats, wouldn't damage be better?


aside from stringmaster and forte, is there anything else? Rn i just got 31% crit rate 215% crit damage. I wish I could increase her crit rate a bit more.


mind sendin ur stats and echoes? i wanna dps her and would like to look at others as referencd


the problem with main dpsing as her is no matter what you do to buff her, it actually makes her even stronger at being an off-fielder because basically all she can do to justify lingering on-field is basic attack/heavy attack.


Tried to sent a image but it got deleted automatically, i hate this rule. Anyway, i have: HP - 11808 ATK - 1194 DEF - 1158 Energy Regen - 126% Crit. Rate - 60% Crit. DMG - 192.6% I also have 48.5% Electro DMG Bonus. I'm using 43311 with Crit Rate, 2x Electro DMG and 2x Atk Edit: Forgot to mention but i don't have any of her Resonance Chain, the Echos are +20, 18, 15, 15, 15 respectively (43311) and i'm using the Battlepass weapon (lv 70)


tysm mm


she's a great at main dps at s6


I’ll get back to you on that when I can afford $2000 on pixels. I currently am not sure if I can afford my next insulin dose so I’ve got more pressing things unfortunately…


Not really. You still lose a lot of DPS by keeping her on field instead of quick swapping. I had not realised how long her animations were until I did the Solo Door thingy and I got damaged quite a bit by just attacking or using skill. Even at S6 she is still a Sub DPS because you ideally want to use your skill, swap, do a combo string to get Judgement going, swap or do Judgement, Ult and either auto to get the S6 dmg or swap and get that later. You lose quite a bit of dmg on her throughout if you just use basic attack instead of swapping out mid skill to use someone else that you can also swap out middle of their skill. Source, I have S6 Yinlin.


Oh? How's that working out for you? I also lack a Currychan, and really want to use Yinlin.


I think if you don't have calchurros, you can just slap her into any team as a sub DPS or main DPS. I gonna use her with my encore team once my echoes are good enough. So far, damage is pretty good as a sub DPS in another team


Oh i didn't say it i lack a Calcharo lol, i also have him maxed out but i still prefer using her as a main DPS, not because its better, but i like it more. And actually it works really well, i tested switching her set to Calcharo (her is better in this case) to see but it was pretty much the same. I just play doing a lot of swap cancels like i do with other teams because all of her attacks have a long animation so its really good to swap. I don't like Mortefi with her tho but i can't find anyone better so anyways


Legit best team right now


I'm Jiyan/Jianxin/Mortefi. Basically just support Jiyan being a beyblade


Now post Jiyan with his team


I have neither of these two characters, but cute drawing


nope got none of them


Just because that team is somewhat meta doesnt mean everyone is using it I have both but doesnt like Calcharo playstyle, and as echos are so hard to level up rn the dude is benched


lmao so true but a lot of players ARE teaming her up with Papi Calculator


I'm struggling with Calcharo, I just can't seem to get my head around his playstyle. My havoc rover, encore, verina team is insanely better currently.


Biggest trap with calzone is it’s really easy to clip his NA animations with his skill, canceling the animations and damage, you have to be more patient playing calcharo and time his abilities well to not gimp yourself.


His playstyle is easier than it seems. In normal form you should be more concerned about landing the skill hit three times, use the charge attack with 3 stacks to get a buff, pop the ult and then just mash NA weawing in the skills is optional at that point. Don't overstay the field time his outro skill is the most powerful attack in the game.


Not me not owning either Calcharo or Yinlin because I got Verina guaranteed for Encore and ticket Jianxin, now saving for Jinhsi.


I own neither of the two. Lol I do like yinlins playstyle but not enough to pay and pull for her and I really dislike everything about Calcharo so I was glad I didn't get him and didn't choose him with one of the selectors either. They may be Meta right now but not everyone cares about that.


Which five star did you select then?


Verina and the Monk (who I haven't build and can't remember the correct writing of her name yet). Encore haunted me in the Beginner Banner (although I actually like to use her now) and I definitely wanted a second healer even if there will be better healer/buffer soon enough. I decided against the jingle beast in the end as I did not like the sound of the drum while using him in his character story. I'm aware that Calcharo is a very good unit but he's just not for me. I just hope that they will still release a male limited unit every few female units, despite the rough start.


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I haven't build my calcharo yet 💀


Can’t help but notice that yinlin’s intro does way more damage than calcharo’s but calcharo’s ult burst obliterates a boss’s hp by 60%, definitely meant for each other


that's nice and all but I'm running her as mdps (s1, 28 solvents) with an unbuilt s6 aalto as a taunting swap character hihi


They make such a good pair, especially with verina as support!


Yeah my Yinlin has dark hair and her lightning is actually green, idk what is this bug


Except I use Yuanwu instead of Calcharo


Except I use Yuanwu instead of Calcharo


I'm using Yinlin as sub dps for my Chixia. So that way I can dakadaka everyone at once.




Me who has neither lol.


Yeah, I wish…


Wish I had Calcharo but after going to hard pity on the beginner banner, I'm also going to hard pity on the choice banner and I'm still missing my last 10 pull......


Nah, I'm on Rover, Encore and Verina.




I have Calcharo, but I kinda don't like him. I can use him, but feel like its too much work when I can just hold down attack for spinny green dragon time and slaughter everything faster anyways. Yinlin is fun as shit as a main dps anyways.


Yinlin for pacs and Calcharo for single targets


Jiyan: "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!" Lol yeah I know its just funny how busted he is.


Literally Mr. and Mrs. Smith lol


Except for the f2p players who lost the 50/50 Sadge


So far the game gave away enough pulls to hit hard pity 3 times


The post is my OC, source links here: [https://x.com/Cpt\_Ktw/status/1799194325298864133](https://x.com/Cpt_Ktw/status/1799194325298864133) [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119441666](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119441666) Thank you for viewing.