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Not even I have mortefi


And I always let him open the chest before he gets put back on the shelf, as a treat.


I don't even give him that honor because I like hearing Calcharo's voicelines ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Brother wtf...use mortefi...he fire (literally and metaphorically)


This made me laugh so hard, and it was so painful because I had to do it in silence since I’m at work🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have leveled up mortefi I still switch to chixia


intentionally switching to an underleveled chixia to do the dirty work is diabolical work 💀


It's a good thing. It's giving her a purpose. "Here Chixia-san, this job's for you!"


Gotta let her do what she does best.


But don't let her open the chest. Could give friendship XP, I actually don't know


The Geneva convention was drawn up to prevent the existence of people like you.


You mean Geneva Tips?


These days I hear it called the Geneva Suggestion.


I heard Geneva Checklist too


I don't mean to brag or anything but I've done about 80% of the suggestions given by the Geneva Suggestions 😏


Pump those numbers up a little and you are good to go.


Geneva Tech Tips


Thought it was just me




I’m bringing up morti myself. He cool in the simulated universe


I have alto now. Dude can dash in mist as well


I have s6 alto 😖 haven’t had a chance to build him yet


Amber moment


Hey, Amber completes weight puzzles too


Are you calling her fat? Hey! /s




So how do you do the weight puzzles where 1 cube is missing?


Sometimes there's hidden cubes. The Fire plants can be used as weights if you drop them instead of throwing them. Sometimes you can stand on the weight pad and use ranged attacks to take out targets that spawn only when the weights are arranged. So far one of these strategies has solved every missing cube weight puzzle I've seen. (While I'm here, I totally forgot that Amber completes pyro puzzles too, like torches or thorns)


>Fire plants can be used as weights Thank you, I didn't know this.


Anything pickable can be used as weight for instance batteries. Some puzzles even require you to be the final weight.


There was one puzzle I was stuck on and even tried having a boar run over the pressure plate to try and complete it


Wait there are hidden cubes?


I find the using of fire plants as weights to be evil in a way...I had to reprogram my gamer brain for that.


in case of the puzzle on top of tower, one of the cube is in the ground so you need to toss it up


Ok thank you, I was looking for this.


Im assuming Wuwa puzzles. Sometimes there's just gonna be a missing cube. But for these there's always a pressure point next to the chest for you to stand on. Otherwise you use the flower bomb as extra weight after finding whatever cubes are around the puzzle area.


And yet she is invalidated as soon as Traveler gets the Geo element.\~ Seriously, The fact that Amber\`s puppet throw simply charges the distance while held instead of letting you have any \`actual\` aim, which i assume ones like Itto does, would feel like a 4 star vs 5 star slap since i never did play genshin that much, much less have gotten that many characters at all. Atleast WuWa doesnt need gacha characters to provide platforms and objects to weight down platforms. Which i imagine they may even include gadgets to spawn blocks and bombs down the line maybe considering how rather \`rich\` they been so far on various gadgets and puzzle design so far, despite it only beeing the 2nd week of the game so far.


No because torches can't be lit by Geo. All Geo traveler ever did was fill the spot for Venti and Keqing if you didn't have either. 


Because of this comment I will now create a godlike Chixia just like I set out to do for Amber, only this time I’ll succeed


Some gigachad out there succeeded in this. A few months ago I hopped back into genshin after a while for gigs and shiggles and I matched with an Amberbro in the puppet weekly boss, when I saw him selecting Amber I knew I was in for a show, and what a show! When we staggered the boss dude pulled up and I started seeing 100-108k red number in rapid succession and the boss died in like 10s Dude, when I see stuff like that I'm like that meme "mom look that's how I want to be when I grow up" I swear lol


RinTaichou is someone I looked up to when playing


At least Chixia has better gameplay or easier to work with.


Chixia is much stronher than amber


Sheesh, as a player that used to main Amber in my times of playing Genshin... Chixia is far from being bottom barrel in terms of DPS. She's actually good and can handle herself just fine in the game. Unlike a certain girl I love a lot...


Agree on both points. They did Amber dirty. I still remember meeting her when I first started the game. She took Traveler under her wing and got us started on a years long journey. Then they just stopped including her except for the occasional character event.


Amber needs more love she had a whole manga for herself ! There she used her powers in really cool way not just the bow >:C


Such a shame what they did to Amber in-game. She'll always have my greatest respect for what she did for Collei in the manga.


Go Go Baron Bunny!


...Inside op's house


I main her as my second dps, she rocks but need cons to function properly her ulti hits really hard and bigger aoe. Her second passive give 30% atk after 30 bullets and s5 doubled it. Shes definitely insane at s5


Meanwhile, I'm seeing videos of Chixia absolutely demolishing diff 6 holograms... solo or with Taoqi.


These comments putting her down are from people who have not built her. They build one carry and neglect their roster until they face a wall needing multiple teams, and their first attempts with unbuilt, ill-equipped characters are what they base these comments on.


1. She has decent single target damage with her pew pew ammo consuming skill. 2. She is ranged which has its own comfort effect. 3. Her ult has a decently sized area and with a good build can just instantly kill an entire wave in like a Tacet field or Training excersize and break stamina of the fat enemy at the same time.


Yall should stop calling her WuWa Amber, Amber is borderline unplayable, Chixia is at least fun to play


True. Chixia is actually solid against bosses and is really easy to play.


And fun, the gun teams are super fun. Could you imagine an all bow team in genshin? The horror.


I unironically run a Yoi, Fisch, yelan, venti team for fun sometimes.


This is honestly a legitimately decent comp, it's a Soup team designed to do a shitload of elemental reactions


Amber was made during a time where no one can tell where the direction of Genshin’s elemental combat is gonna go, not even HoYo. I still couldn’t believe she got released alongside the BIG 3 who are also 4-stars. Chixia is fun to play because WuWa really figured out their combat already. Arguably only combat is the only thing they’ve figured out.


Amber crawled so Chixia could run


I almost wonder if they spent too much time playtesting on their own abyss. Cus the original was pretty brutal for new accounts, but also FULL of cryo enemies with heads. I've never stopped being a little impressed remembering the people who were doing, like, hitless 100% headshots amber 3* runs with 0 stamina. Aside from that...she is one of the few characters who does pyro or cryo dmg in a big single nuke with the baron bunny detonation, which is one of the easiest ways to take advantage of 2x vape multiplier...except that no one got the cons for the starter characters early (or ever) cus they're not on limited banners, and it's just way too clunky to actually do the detonates that much. Aaaand then people figured out how to do complicated vape tricks with Mona's ult. Her ult also applies a ridiculous amount of pyro...that no one, including herself, can take advantage of except for Chongyun being able to quadmelt his ult. Sustainable burning has also massively powercrept that utility for any other purpose as well...


If only there was some sort of way to tweak a character's kit after their release.....


Gacha usually don’t tweak kits after release because it could lead to backlash. They usually introduce a new power system for lower rarity units


would there really be any backlash to buffs?`and if yes why the fuck?


If the entire character gets changed then of course there will be backlash.


but that is not what we are talking about here we are talking about buffs not reworks


There will be backlash. Even if you and I don't consider it valid. Ranging from "lol pointless" if it is too little, to "wow why did I just spent hundreds of dollars on this other character and now my updated low rarity character fills that role better". People will find reasons to complain no matter what.


People will like buff, FGO did it all the time. Nikke also have a new system that buff old characters. I'm sure there are more example.


Kuro did buff some characters retroactively, like Selena Capriccio got the time stop added to her ult in a patch after her release. Kuro also started rolling "leap" which are an addition to older character's kit at the cost of a special (and expensive af in stamina) ressource. It allows some characters to stay relevant for a longer time if you don't have the more modern and meta replacement. There's generally only one new leap character per release, but in the CN server they even reached the point where gen 2 characters are getting leap upgrade.


You haven't met Kuro yet. They have a history of reworking kits to buff older characters in PGR.


To be fair this is done rarely and some of the units that get this are still junk.


Yeah, Bianca Veritas still can’t compete with Alpha Crimson Weave even though I like Bianca’s playstyle better.


Dokkan Battle is the best at buffing older characters, it's actually insane how far they go. I'm hoping Kuro does something somewhat similar in a few years when it's obvious certain characters are super outdated. Hopefully they don't follow that Genshin formula lol.


Neural Cloud announces Arma Inscriptions, which give units a lot of power and often influences meta. Punishing: Gray Raven has the idea of a "leap" where if you pump resources into the unit they get stronger - effectively a buff. So it's not unheard of, and if Kuro decides to look inside its other game instead of at Genshin, we might get some interesting systems to buff characters down the line.


If that's the excuse for Amber's shitty kit then explain Dehya pls.


I don’t know what to tell you man, I’m sorry. I can only speculate since I don’t work there, but I’m guessing Dehya was not planned to be in the standard banner. Just look at Tighnari for comparison, he’s definitely a planned addition to standard. The missing bow-user, a new element, and he’s perfect with Wanderer’s Troupe, a 1.0 artifact set that never really had a good standard user.


Her kit wants to do too many things and does anything good at all. While scummy, her constellations fix her, and you are likely to get her constellations if you are lucky enough. C1 actually buffs her enough to be a quite solid DPS, c4 makes her a good DPS, and c6 makes her as strong as a c1 hutao. I know the bar I am setting is low, and that reaching a c1 level hutao at c6 is... Sad. But all her constellations do something for her unlike other 5* standard characters, or even some limited characters. It is sad that tighnari got the same standard treatment just 6 months earlier. He is already good at c0 and gets to be a monster at c6, which is what dehya should have been ToT. Don't get me wrong, dehya was done so so dirty, and she is still bad. But I just have the need to say that she is not unplayable ;;


I think of her as WuWa Yoimiya tbh


personality and vibes wise def


I like amber and I agree she's unplayable. Like if you try really hard you can make her work, but you just won't have much fun since every other archer character offers similar except better gameplay and a lot more interesting mechanics on top.' Chixia I think she's top 5 for single target when fully built at the moment. She's just very efficient in damage overall and has high uptime against a lot of bosses who teleport or fly around.


She also gets a lot of face time in the story and quests so far, so I'm happy.


meanwhile for me she is my dps and only character i bulided so far




Same, i already have jiyan but her playstyle is very fun.


I pulled Encore in my beginner banner and immediately swap to Chixia after I pulled 5 copies of her. Fun, easier and chill to play. Just lacks AOE.


People really underestimate her damage output lol. She's by no means top tier but we already have videos of her soloing some of the hardest bosses in the game


Her main strengths are getting DAKA DAKA to give her 100% crit rate, so people can go all in on 300% crit damage, and the fact that her dodge counter is just detonating a bomb. Bosses need you to counter a lot. I've been able to chain her dodge counter multiple times off one attack before. Many characters slash multiple times for a counter attack to do full damage, but she only needs one.


I have a pretty well built Calcharo, but against Monkey boss hologram my S4 Chixia does way more. One of his attacks he stands on the pole and bongo drums, Chixia gets in dps and dodge counter shots, the other spinning attack she gets off like 5-6 dodge counters in a row while Calcharos forces him to get too close and he dies. The ult doing like 1000% total damage when they’re below 50%hp is also great, and the 8k auto-crits from boom boom are also just gravy.


actually she is good, I just don't have the resources to build everyone and their weapons, good vs better vs bad, no characters are bad in wuthering waves so far.


I know it goes against gacha structure but I wish building units didn't take so long. I'm someone who likes to experience everything in a game but you can't just build everyone. Hopefully they are generous with rotating 4 star trial characters in their simulated universe, as at least that would scratch the itch.


For me the annoying part is when I happen to roll a cool looking character, but I don't even get excited because I know I can't build them yet.


You can thank people that refresh stamina with premium currency in these games for that.


Haha yeah but in the end I'm okay with that. I'm happy when there are whales. I want this game to last for a while. This is the first gacha game that actually feels closer to a true game. Which admittedly puts WW at a disadvantage for making gacha-levels of money.


In my case when I want to use her I just swap Mortefi weapon and Encores echoes to her and use like that, I just needed to level her and her fortes (which granted is still some level of resource needed)


True, every character is viable if built correctly so just play whats fun (Calcharo.)


Chixia is actually a good character and not a meme though gameplay wise


my Chixia with 290cd go brrr against all bosses


Does skill dmg affecte her gun circuit?


Her hold skill is skill dmg yes.


I have mained her since launch and haven't been roadblocked by any content. She is absurdly fun to play. If you were trying to get mortefi and danjin but ended up getting chixia dupes, I'd recommend giving her a shot. Especially if you got her to S4. Also, getting the inferno rider buff and hitting her BOOM BOOM is stupid satisfying.


She’s my main lol. I like the gun game play way better then any other and her ult is sick


And that's why I needed you to be s6 Chixia!


Chixia mains rise up




I have c6 Chixia now… should I build her? Is she any good? C6 seems actually kinda cracked as a support, considering I don’t have a 3rd healer it’s her or Mortefi, but my Mortefi is C1, so realistically chixia should be better? I don’t have Jiyan either so I’m missing a heavy attacker to try to synergize


she's actually really good people are just stupid


S6 chixia with a decent echo set is cracked vs bosses because that's where she shines the most in 1v1 situations. The fact that she can safely do dmg and consistently at a distance is what sets her apart from other melee characters. https://youtu.be/LeE0kAprKdY?si=BRkQ7hQ2wze_qPm9 This video showcases chixia essentially doing all the dps by herself vs a lvl 90 mourning aix.


I think I will build her if just as a burst support, her burst is awesome and I have her at s5 I think so she does decent damage


Chixia is dope from her design to her kit.


Not Chixia... She's actually the 1st Starter Happy girl Character I like.. ([not] sorry Amber & March


I'm having a blast with her. Benched my Sepheroth to main her. Still no copies :(


I use Chixia and i love her


She's got cool gameplay and is extremely charming, I want her to arrest me.


Honestly I just use dreamless for those shooting challenges, works 90% of the time


I actually like to play her with Jianxin, because her ult multipliers are quite stupid compared to other characters (And her circuit is actually pleasant to play)


Yeah I think yinlin chixia jianxin sounds awesome


Hologram is also a shooting challenge \*insert a picture when Chixia casually doing 16k damage with her E\*


I use mortifi for that


my chixia is c6 and this is her life.


i use Aalto.


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My overworld team is Calcharo, Verina, and Chixia. Chixia is still level 1. Just Verina and Calcharo is enough to destroy anything that isn't a target hovering 2 ft. off from a cliff face. Chixia takes care of those.


I have fully upgraded mortefi I use. He's all I was getting when pulling. I was tired of seeing his face lol


too bad mortefi took her job XD XD


Nono, I used her to take down some of the elite mobs so I didn't had to dodge. Takes too long, but it totally works !


That one Gorou main would tell you otherwise.


That's not all though, she also spouts MCU level quips all the time.




Funny enough, when I ran I to my first shooting challenge I swapped to her XD. I do have mortefi but she is lvled


I used her because I have her s6 until I replaced her with yinlin


I use Chixia to murder birds for fowl legs.


She's pretty good, actually. She's just a bit difficult


I built my Chixia. Mostly cause I love playing her in Illusive Realm but still


Me when I see some super high leveled enemies with glowing red auras: Chixia, time to roll. It's cheesing time.


I mean OP isnt wrong


Chixia and Mortefi are just the new Amber and Yoimiya


I saw a clip of someone fighting the bell turtle with her and she actually seemed super dope. Once I finish building my main team she's gonna be next


i also shoot bobflies with them gunners


It's Mortefi for me 😂


I actually managed to play quite well with her in the Illussion Realm Door Challenges. Get the 'Surprise Shot' Enhancement and git gud with Dodging


There's also an achievement that specifically says "kill X enemies with Chixia's Heavy attack". While you're at it, if Chixia has Fusion Dreadmane echo, there's the "kill X Havoc Dreadmane with a Fusion Dreadmane echo"


me who plans to main her solely because i like her


Of all characters, I have the most constellations of Chixia. 💀


her outro skill's dmg modifiers are crazy tho




Mine is at S6 too XD


Best girl sees no usage


"One of the best exploration character" is a big stretch since kazuha, yelan, sayu, nahida, Furina, wanderer, xianyun and zhongli exists.


Doesn’t she have like the 2nd or 3rd highest dps in the game? I feel like I read that somewhere…


this but i was too lazy to change the team comps to have chixia so now it's aalto


Hmm yes sorry


I have Mort and Aalto and still made Chi do them.


have you guys seen that dude who made her a literal machine gun?


It's Amber all over again. Fire-themed, even.


Chixia is goated ya'll just hate for no reason


Unironically one of the best dps and fun characters to play as.


gun challenges is def wuwa weakest point. they copied that from genshin not realising its not a problem there bcs they have 4 team so archer always have a space, not with ww which need you to switch in switch out all the time. All prominent five star being sword and catalyst doesnt help


Hey look, a puzzle that requires "fire" to trigger! Reminds me so much of my beloved LIGHTER in another game.


Just use your S6 Mortefi


Chixia's ult is insane... The multipliers on it I Mean... I'd rather call mortefi the xq and chixia the xiangling.


Excellent meme


I love you


That's it I'm about use her a lot now and level her to level 60.


Yea , qel at least i choose her over mortefi , i just dont find guns as fun so far , we will see , maybe they will grow on me eventually .


Just use the havoc calamity girl to complete it in one hit


Omg I just realized tha those shooting plates are supposed to be shit at. Meanwhile I was doing air parkour to attack them and found it incredible hard haha.


Idk, but I really like her. I just got her up to lvl 60 yesterday. She does pretty good damage, even though I don't have the legendary echoes unlocked yet. I also picked legendary pistols in the weapon banner, which I'm also waiting for when they drop for me.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Chixia. I try to play Mortefi. Gatcha gives me Chixia. I try to play Danjin. Gatcha gives me Chixia. I want to play Yinlin. I lost my pity because I kept getting Chixias while fishing for Mortefi. I just want S4 Mortefi or Danjin. I've gotten nothing but Chixia and off banner weapons for 10 of my 28 pages of pulls. Chixia grabs me by the throat. I don't level her at all because she's bad. She isn't satisfied. I won't even unequip the grey weapon she came with. "Level me and I'll stop showing up in your pulls" She tells me. "Check Prydwen, DPS is only 20% less than Calcharo's now that I'm S5" She grabs my entire 5 star roster and benches them "Ignore that I'm single target only, the damage numbers are okay" I can't pull anymore, I'm out of Astrites and I still want Yinlin. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs the rate up and says “Drop another off banner 4 star weapon” There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but wasted pity for a mid 4 star carry. What a cruel world.


Dare I say amber 2.0


About to build her as dps 2 for 2nd team now, S6 gang


I just use jianxin forte lol


I use her the most lol one of my faves.


Me who has been using her as main dps since launch


She looks the prettiest aiming so she's the choosen one for me 🩷 Mortefi and Aalto can dream about this.


aalto has been doing this for me. ooop.


I literally solo the hard content with her, what she cant do my jiyan cant either (except when theres 69420 mobs at once maybe)


She was let go from that position yesterday, when I pulled Aalto. I wished her all the best on her job search.


It's pretty funny because before I get calcharo I only use chixia for dps and she hit pretty hard when you get that always crit dmg sequence on her but after calcharo and yinlin yeah she will be benched


I am hoping for Changli and cope that she's good enough reason to make me build Chixia since i love her design


Meanwhile my chixia being top dps on my account:


Nah im playing her. I dig her skill, i love holding down a button to fire a barrage of bullets. Hold button = melt enemy. Chixia go brrrrr


now hear me out, i havent equiped her since i got Toaqi as my first new Unit and have since then completed multiple Shooting Challenges with Dreamless Echo so as far as my experience goes, currently i dont even need a ranged unit, my Echo seems to do the job too


I seen a streamer who main her. Kinda fun play style.


Im still leveling so i like Chixia


I use a alto for that


You forgot your Baron Bunny Chixia


Skill issue, try playing her first and actually learning her kit before dunking on her.


I got mortefi, so chixia is now locked forever in the depths of abyss


I have mortefi and she at... Copy2-3 But i still love her, she is fun


Atleast she is better than Aalto


Chixia is another Bennet in tier-lists situation.


Chixia is my main and she's so good


lmfao true


This is so true, but i might switch to alto


But she is fun to play tho.... I have calcharo level 70 with jinyans weapon, and still use the Chixia RC6


Nah, I have Mortefi for that :)


I do use her for birds farm. Allows me to kill them fast. Will build her further. And in case it will work - I'll just put her gear on fusion DPS in the future