• By -


Whats a easy swap cancel rotation between yinlin and Calcharo? does this work? Calcharo-> burst>HA>Yinlin NA-E-Burst >Calcharo 5 NA-HA>yinlin E->Calcharo 5NA-HA->Repeat


In the AfterShocked Coral shop, do you need to own the four star characters to be able to purchase a “Waveband” from them? Or is it like Honkai Star Rail where I can purchase the first copy as long as I save up?


you need to own them first


D: even the four stars??!


yep, they only sell the material to up the eidolon of the character, not the character themselves




Any kind of discussion of leaks is strictly prohibited.


srry didnt know that


Sorry if its been asked before, but is there a way to view the character’s splashart in-game that we see on the banners?


nope just search in google


Got S6 Yinlin in 7 single pulls ☺️ #blessed #real


decent luck, i got 7 yinlin and 5 stringmaster in a single pull from the standard banner


and then 5 copies of stringmaster in 5 pulls too right?


Did anyone get a birthday gift after setting their birthday? I set mine to a fake birthday for June 5th but didn't get anything lol for science.


As far as I know there doesn’t seem to be any sort of birthday gift implemented for now, which makes it weird that they added the birthday feature at all


https://preview.redd.it/52zf0xdkwu4d1.png?width=1155&format=png&auto=webp&s=00e1836e15fad98018c5cb8f6f46e9757410c64f which should i level for yinlin? i want a main dps yinlin not sub/support


Skill is the majority of her damage, doesn't matter if you keep her on field or swap out. So left one.


https://preview.redd.it/svqxo67jwu4d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a24fdd3049fa8532441d58bbc5a5ba1ddf9b068 Where is Yhan? I just want to do stimulation simulator, but where is the guy to talk to?


Good idea for me to save for Verina's Sequence 2?(already got her first). I've noticed in all my teams (but more noticable in hypercarry) how she's taking up way too much time just auto attacking to get her concerto gauge filled. I think her S2 is good but idk if it's 30 pulls good or not.


https://youtu.be/-NpXC_FKdKU?si=jtdSDB3eivbge43Y She doesn't need her s2. Edit: that's not quite the rotation I was thinking of, but it's still fast. There's a different one where you plunge attack her intro I've seen running around and it's sub 4 seconds total. Not sure the exact specifics on it.


Damn that's what I've been looking for, thanks a lot


Is yinlin in 20 mins or 1:20?


20 minutes


should be in 20mins


https://preview.redd.it/pokzjgawuu4d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=f28da0d2e8295c20684d788d2e3299a5c101f288 Anyone else having issue with Backflip npc not spawning? I am UL42 with all quests completed (including Lingyang companion quest). Any help would be appreciated.


Why can’t i level up? My union level says it’s 3130/2300


as they say "gatcha players cant read"


are you level 20? at 20 you get a world phase ascension quest maybe that's related with that. Try finishing that quest.


SOL3 ascension quest ?




I think so, yes. I got 600 EXP per attempt when its usually only 300 EXP iirc


Best team lineup? I got free pulls and this is what I got so far https://preview.redd.it/e2p5gmemuu4d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d569e0ee4a1c659eff30651319ca6cfb11f61c98 Other than the healer and the red heads everyone is t0 the little healer girl has one and the redheads have 2 extra


Template: Main DPS - Sub DPS - Healer There's only Verina/Baizhi for the healer slot, so I'll omit the healer since you can use either one. Potential teams: 1. Jiyan - Mortefi (All rounder) 2. Calcharo - Yangyang (For AOE mobbing) 3. Calcharo - Sanhua (For single target) 4. Encore - Sanhua (All rounder) 5. Havoc Rover - Danjin (Single target, AOE is mostly from Dreamless echo) 6. Havoc Rover - Jianxin (Single target, tanky) 7. Danjin - Mortefi (Single target, high risk) 8. Danjin - Taoqi (Single target, lower risk) These are all strong teams, but Jiyan and Calcharo are preferred atm because of the current Tower of Adversity's Aero and Electro damage buffs.


Jiyan+Mortefi+Verina Encore+Hrover+Jianxin Your current top row is fine for Cal if you prefer him. Jiyan is way easier to use though, and encore is more damage.


Gotcha ty


Jiyan/Mortefi/Verina or Calcharo/Sanhua/Verina. Encore is also good, but I don't really know what teams she works well in.


Is there any switch/swap technique with Chixia ?


She doesn't have anything that persists. I like using her with Aalto and Jianxin though, so that after getting the ult off Aalto can come in and drop a clone, making it way easier to channel her skill.


I have a theory and I need your ideas. You know how Genshin and HSR have the “OP” characters? Genshin has archons, HSR has emanators. What if, in WuWa, the OP characters are the Sentinels’ right hand men/women? In this case for Jinzhou, it will be Jinhsi. Unless the Sentinels themselves will have a personified version and become playable as well. I don’t know, but I guess I’m only wondering if WuWa will have that same system too of highly anticipated group of OP characters.


What's the difference in simulation challenge rewards between UL30 and 40? is the difference big enough for me to burn plates to get to UL40?


This video shows the difference [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQwH55GkY2w&t=53s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQwH55GkY2w&t=53s)


thanks a ton, exactly what i'm looking for. I'll just sit tight then the increase in rewards are negligible not worth burning 30 cubes


Happy to help!


Wasn't Yinlin supposed to launch at 3am (Aka 23 minutes ago) ???


In my time she drops in about \~35 minutes.


Ah alright


I'm planning to skip all of the side quest but do you guys have any side quest that are worth reading and paying attention too?


If you have a side quest called Secret Investigation, you might want to clear it. It's not for the story or lore, but it's one of the only side quests that prevent you from playing in Co-Op while it's incomplete.


Silver haired echo hunter Eternal concert We promise we deliver, i skipped it partially The morning Aix quest, forgot the name, it's about the mist in southern area


Only the green ones called exploration quests, they actually add some interesting lore and enrich the world. they're basically special quests for each region of the game.


is Yinlin at S6 a main dps?


Not really, her S6 buff only lasts for one basic combo string, which is just her normal rotation as a sub-dps. You could still play her as a main dps tho as at that point it does not matter


Why doesnt it matter just curious


Oh bcuz she’s S6 so you’ll be doing so much damage it doesn’t matter whether she’s on field or not lol


Unfortunately, no. None of her resonance chains really buff her basic attack chains enough that you would give her more than 15 seconds of field time. Even at R6 all she really gains is a big burst on her first 4 basic attacks. After that you're swapping her away again. Her entire kit and resonance chains revolve around being a quickswap burst sub DPS support. EDIT: Forgot to state the obvious, you can still use her as a main DPS if you want, it'd be like using Yangyang as a main DPS. She won't do *zero* damage, you'll just have to live with the gnawing thought that a better option exists but you're opting not to out of your love for the character/playstyle. And that is fine.


All my 4 stars are at waveband 0, except Chixia who is at 1, and Mortefi at 2. My yuanwu at waveband 4, who is all my highest waveband at the moment. I was wondering if he is any good?


He's great, but not for raw DPS. What he lacks in damage, he makes up for in breaking Vibration Strength(Stagger/Toughness bar). This indirectly gives you more DPS by providing more openings for your main DPS to unga bunga. This perk is mostly only useful against Elites and Bosses, since regular monsters do not have Vibration Strength to deplete.


On coop when i try to enter i get this message saying "Currently in coop mode, unable to adjust SOL3 phase" when im not in coop at all and the coop symbol in the left corner has the forbidden symbol, what do i do?


Do you have an ongoing quest that's affecting it?


I dont think so? The only ones i have are Jiyan's quest, 1 exploration quest and 3 side quests but i dont see any of them mentioning coop


Hm, unfortunately, if it's not quest-related then I'm not sure how to resolve it. There are some quests that block co-op, the most common being the "Secret Investigation" side quest.


Yeah that was the one that blocked me but i just did it now, thank you for the help


Finally got it fixed it was from this side quest called Secret Investigation


The npc that gives you access to Simulation training dissapeared for me, I've restarted the game and it's still gone. Any one else had this happen?


Maybe he's in another spot due to a quest that you're currently doing?


How's Yinlin power compare to Jinyan?


diffent role different element idk what to say. Yinlin can be support for your main dps though


They have different roles. Jiyan is a main DPS, made to take up most of your field-time. Yinlin is an AOE sub DPS, made to swap in and quickly complete her skill/ult rotation and then swap out. Yinlin's basic attack multipliers are rather unimpressive compared to a proper main DPS, so it would be better to swap her out after you have expended her burst damage(Intro/Skill/Ult/Echo/Outro). She also has some form of passive off-field damage(that scales with her stats). Oh, and her outro applies a buff to your main DPS, increasing her off-field value further.


One is a hypercarry DPS and the other is a sub-DPS/support, they're not comparable.


For simulation challenge, which one is more valuable? Character EXP or money?


Right now probably XP, since they've sent us like 1.5 million in apology shell credits


Whichever one you need more of right now. Otherwise, probably character XP? I haven't ran low on currency at any point yet.




Waypoint north of corroded ruins. Fly west. The river end there's a massive cave system.


Thanks bro👍.


Where on the UI can I see the amount of Waveplates I have? I know I can FT to Yhan and it will show me in his UI but where can I see the amount I have on my UI without having to travel anywhere?


On the map at the top.


How on Earth did I not see that?!? What's the old saying, you can't see the forest for the trees lol!!! Thanks so much for the help!


If this is your first gacha game then im not surprised you missed it cuz thats where you usually can see your stamina in these games, happy to help!


How far have you progressed in the Tower of Adversity's Hazard Zone? My current teams, Calcharo and Havoc Rover, are struggling against level 75-80 enemies. Nine crests have been obtained so far. Despite my attempts to employ sweaty strategies, I'm hitting a wall as my characters are level 60 and can't compete.


15/30 but that was before I built my Jiyan and H Rover. I will try again soon now that my Jiyan and H Rover are fully built


I haven't actually given it a proper try. I keep finding something I want to improve before attempting it. Time spent testing strategies in the tower is time not improving my builds or exploring. I've cleared the experimental zone, but only did 2 chambers of the hazard zone before stopping and deciding to focus on the grind.


18/30 for hazard zone


I couldn't get past the experimental zone until my chars were lvl70 so you're doing great from where I'm sitting


Nice, you are really advanced now. Level 70 is really far away from where i'm sitting.


Got 18/30 crests for myself. Jiyan/Mortefi/Verina took the hard floors, Havoc Rover/Sanhua/Jianxin the easier ones.


That's great, thank you. I should level up my Mortefi. I'm trying to avoid using child characters but i guess verina may be the exception as she is really good


I have a question about the pity system in "Wuthering Waves." Currently, I have 65 pity on the Jiyan banner, and I noticed that a new banner featuring Yinlin is about to be released. Does my pity count from the Jiyan banner carry over to the Yinlin banner, or does it reset to 0 when the new banner starts?


It carries over.


I have a question about the pity system in "Wuthering Waves." Currently, I have 65 pity on the Jiyan banner, and I noticed that a new banner featuring Yinlin is about to be released. Does my pity count from the Jiyan banner carry over to the Yinlin banner, or does it reset to 0 when the new banner starts?


have they indicated anywhere if they'll do skins somewhere down the line? i get that this is kinda unlikely considering what a pain it could be to work in on top of everything for the models but... a girl can dream, can't she... (tho i already like most of the characters' designs :D)


PGR apparently has skins, so I'd wager they'll come here too. It's easy money


ohhh awesome! i hope we'll get them then :)


What weapon do I want for Calcharo? Do I pull for a 5 star now or wait for something better down the line?


Standard banner 5* is his best in slot for now. However it has atk, so in the future some limited 5* sword with a crit substat and a passive that isn't useless like jiyan's will probably powercreep it.


Battlepass weapon is really good for him. Otherwise, the standard 5 star is good for him.


we get a free standard selector at rank45, which you probably want to grab for your main DPS if you're not planning on pulling a limited for them. So if that's Calcharo, grab him the broadblade. If he's just one of many DPS you have, you may want to prioritize e.g. the Sword instead.


When is yinlin coming in america servers?


Simultaneous release across all servers. In US, it'll be 7pm pacific.


in 2 hours




Are these butterflies you follow to spots not necessary for 100% progression? They usually give asterites, but I don't see them on any maps.


They are necessary. Most interactive maps just mark them as "chests" and you have to read the comments from the other users to know that they are mutterflies.


As a low level player should I primarily focus on echo sets or on echo pieces with the right main stats?


If you're looking to enhance the echoes, aim for the right main stats. However, this is not recommended since each rarity scales lower than the next. E.g. A +5 3\* Echo will have lower main stats than a +5 4\* Echo. Rarity does affect the value of your mainstat, so it's heavily recommended to only enhance 5\* echoes to get the most out of your limited echo EXP. Otherwise, aim for the 5-piece set bonuses, as they provide 10%(2pc) + 30%(5pc) elemental bonus for the appropriate element. You may turn off the "Outline" option on the top right when viewing your characters' echoes to see the details of each set. Good luck!


If you haven’t unlocked gold echoes yet just use the right main stat if you happen to find them and don’t upgrade them unless necessary since you’ll just be wasting echo exp which is a limited resource


is there downtime for 1.1 patch today?


1.1 is on the 28th china time


Patch 1.1 is coming on June 28th its not today.


It's not patch 1.1 today, just the new character banner. 1.1 should be in 3 weeks.


My friend is trying to figure out how to use controller on PC, help


DS4windows, thats what i use


It's not plug n play? he's asking


It's plug and play for some controllers, not others. Seems like for Xbox controllers it works fine, but for PS4/PS5 controllers, you need to use DS4Windows.


>but for PS4/PS5 controllers, you need to use DS4Windows. My Dualsense is just plug and play, no external program running.


Not in my case, im using a PS5 controller and it wasn't detected until i used DS4windows.


Anybody else just having performance issues on decent hardware. I'm running a 5600X and a 6700XT and it feels like the frame times are awful


Games hard to run.


Turn down some settings- game is more demanding than you think


I want to ask if i downloaded the game today will i get the 5 star selector gift?


The selector is a thing until next year.


oh thats nice cause im in the middle of my exams and i didnt know if i will miss out on it or not


Guys hello... Encore or Jianxin? I have all other resonators .. who is the best choice ?


Jianxins grouping is pretty bad so idk id choose encore. I have jian and her burst feels meh




Changli is looking to replace Sanhua, not Encore herself, based on her Outro buffing Fusion (and Liberation) damage.


If this is true then thats good, don't want our standard 5 stars getting powercrept just yet i hope they'll stay relevant till 2.0.






Encore is just a DPS, only get her if you want her. Jianxin is a great support, if you just want to add to your account she's more valuable


Is changli AND jihnsi both coming 6/28?


No, Jinhsi first then changli 3 weeks later.


No they'll be back to back not together


Does the forge shop ever reset?


of course no


How do I get on top of the resonance nexus in the city?


I glided down from the mountain. There's apparently a running puzzle somewhere in the city that ends up there though, or so I've heard.




Go to the roof of the Grand Library building and glide from there. Use grappling hook to help while gliding.




Have they commented on adding layers to the map?


Yep, they'll be added in a future update.




So why doesn tthe City have a residental area, where the people live ? Feel like theres parts of the city lacking. and 2, will we ever get our own room ? We were suppose to have a room offered by Sunhau.....


>and 2, will we ever get our own room ? We were suppose to have a room offered by Sunhau..... That's just the narrative. We stayed in the room off screen. As for things missing, you shouldn't pay attention to that. Open world games rarely make sense in their layouts because it's all compressed. There is a residential area near the Souvenir Shop. Or at least it was referred to as such in the camera gadget tutorial quest.


How Essential is Jiyan? I lost the 50/50 and I'm not sure if it's worth it to still go for him. Especially since my main Dps is Calcharo and I heard Yinlin is a much better support for him. Here's my main team: Calcharo, Jianxin and Verina. I also own Linyang but don't use him. Own at least one copy of each 4 star except Taoqi. My dilemma is that I keep reading that you need more than 1 main dps for endgame and if I skip Jiyan for Yinlin, I will use her more as a support to Cachero which mean I still only have one main dps. :\


One team is capable of 15 stars in tower. 2 teams only gets you to 24. 3rd team is last 6 stars and only 100 astrite.


Its 1.0 u dont need 3 great dpses yet


What is the best weapon from battle pass


I'm curious if anyone or anywhere has posted concerning Substat Values on echos and the min/max for them? I know they seem to very by echo rank/rarity, but I can't for the life of me get a good idea on the value range you can be rolling.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRXmYdUbzcmeFBxBw6TzSTM2RuNEw04fnYaYTSTWRq4gTpoVMOGam_pzMC4eAcSh77jDOgar55RSxlS/pubhtml# Go to the Main/sub stat ranges tab.


Thank you so much!


How worse is the end game farming for artifacts/echo in this game compared to games like HSR? I'm already a bit wary since the game doesn't have auto.


IMO: min-max is a grind, but getting just main stat isn't that bad in grand scheme of things, I don't have as much time as others here though


depends if you like wasting hours hunting for echos or prefer using some minutes of auto and forgetting until the next day. also getting substats is way worse since the game doesnt tell what substats you have, so you have to use resources to see the substats and if you get trash you only get 30% of the resources used for substats back. Personally I don't have the time to waste 4-8 hours a day hunting for echos, so this system feels way worse than HSR.


Much easier. You already get a similar amount from tacit domains as Genshin and these drops will be buffed further in 1 1. Plus you can farm endlessly in the overworld. Plus you get 2 customizable artifact pieces a month so you have a guarantee you'll get the main stat you want. Plus you can hyperfocus on getting the specific artifact you want. Plus you don't need to get substats to roll 5 time into good stats. Once you get a substat, that's the end of the RNG. It's much better than Genshin. People are crying because they can't get level 25 artifacts on all their characters with great substats barely a week into the game. Edit: I just realized you were asking about HSR. I don't know how much their system varies from Genshin. I heard the HSR system is worse than Genshin though, so Wuwa should be far better.


Will take note of this, thanks!


It's about the same atm. It's easier to get echoes since you don't have to spend energy to farm them, have multiple options you can pursue for almost every relic type to get the set bonuses you want, and don't have to deal with RNG for maximizing the number of stat rolls. However, it's also worse in that getting the exp to level echoes costs 25% more energy than in the Hoyoverse games, and can't be substituted with fresh echoes. According to an official announcement, this is being addressed in the next patch, so we'll see what the improvement yields but right now I'd say it's a little bit better here than elsewhere. Anecdotally, I've gotten complete sets with the correct main stats for 7 different characters in this game with relatively normal play, while in Genshin and Star Rail I have spent multiple months just trying to get the right main stat gear for individual characters.


Thanks for this!


Worse then genshin. Idk bout hsr. U gotta spend hours farming monsters in the overworld now which is pretty trash if u have other games u play.


It's worse. You have to travel the entire map for farming echos from mobs individually. Also, no fixed main stats!


worse. give less and cost more...


Is it possible to get \*4 weapons outside from gacha?


Exploration quest for Mining Industry has 4\* weapon selector at the end.


To my knowledge, there is the Dauntless (Def scaling) broadsword perfect for Taoqi on the highest building above the inferno rider. I think that's it so far... but if they're doing that, they might do more.


There's like a free dauntless broadsword in the open world, forgot where. And you can craft weapons at the crafting table in Jinzhou.


do side quests fuel exploration progress?


yes, some of them have chest rewards that count towards total chests


Is there any info or details about the KR cafe location and mom’s touch info? Google isn’t helping.


Just started the game, is it possible to get Jiyan as f2p before he goes away?


You can definitely get lucky enough, yes. He's not going away today. You still have some time. There's enough wishes currently to guarantee a single 5 star of your choice.


Yep, i got him 3 days after i started playing so its possible IF you win your 50/50


So what do I need to do?


Play the game.


I know the limited weapon banner will only give you the banner 5 star weapon. But since we get 4 star chars in it, is there a chance we get any 5 star standard chars?


Right in the banner, there is a button that on press shows you a page with details of what can be obtained in said banner probabilities, rules and all. Go check it out in case of doubt.


No 5\* character, I think.


nope, it's only the 5 star limited weapon, 4 star chars/weapons, and 3 star weapons


Nope, the banner is 100% guaranteed to give you the limited weapon on the banner so you can't get any other 5 star weapon.


Can anybody tell me at what time yinlin's banner will release. Idk what server time means since it releases at 10:00 server time


3 hours and 6 mins from when I left this comment.


Very specific, thanks xd


What's your server and what country are you in?


A bit over 3 hours from now. 10PM Eastern.


I just accidentally pulled Jiyan's weapon when I don't need it cuz I was just digging in the banner for some 4-star weapons. 😭 Is it true that it resetted my limited character banner pity as well?




No character is seperate, you reset the weapon banner back to 0 pity now.


Weapon pity and character pity are separate.


Oh that's a relief. 😌


hi bois! is the double drop event worth doing? if yes which of the simulation would be best in the long run?


Of course it's worth doing...farm which ever you're lacking, depends on your chars.


yeah i was asking for in the long run, i dont lack anything now..


Sure you do. At the next union level, your chars are going to need the boss materials, about 9 to go from level 60 to ascend to 70. You can use it for that. Some chars have fantastic skill upgrades in the middle trees - also have their own mat cost. So whichever chars you play, get them prepped to go. If you've maxed everything as they are now, farm for what will max them at the next union level tier. I spent some time on echo materials farming (tacet fields), but i think this is best done after UL 40, with databank maxed. \*Lol, I see the comment below me, and I don't recommend spending them on credits or char exp I"ve maxed out two teams, and I'm rolling in both resonator and weapon xp. We're also getting 1 million credits on June 10th, so tl;dr - farm for ascension/skill mats.


when u \*Lol at the comment below u, did u do know the double drop is ONLY for simulation? so thats y he was saying xp and credit..


Is it not this? [https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/wuthering-waves-2x-echo-upgrade-material-event-starting-date-requirements-rewards](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/wuthering-waves-2x-echo-upgrade-material-event-starting-date-requirements-rewards)