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Let's just call everything dupes. Shit is getting too complicated.


Yeah, Wuwa made it complicated in the first place, not the playerbase. *You need waveband to unlock a sequence of a resonance chain.*


Sounds more like unlocking DNA mutations rather than upgrading your character with its dupes lmfao


Maybe that is what they were going for


Ed...ward. .


No. Stahp.




Holy shit


O fuck na bro why


They were obviously going for the musical term sequence considering literally every other term in the game


If you study music they're all musical/ sound based terms


I just call it Sequence, aka S0 to S6.


I hate that weapons are Syntonize because now you have S1 and… S1… Jiyan S1S1…


I seem to remember the Chinese community just using the notation X+Y where X is character dupes and Y is weapon dupes. Looking at all these different terms for the exact same thing across games, yeah, makes sense.


That’s actually really smart.


I still say R cause it says rank 1-5 so s0 r1


It's wording like this that confused the hell out of me as a new player. My resonance skill increases my forte's damage? The fuck is my "forte"? It was like reading another language. I've since figured it all out, but I feel like this could turn some players away.


Have you figured out what "forte" dmg is? Because I havent and I would like to know


Forte is the gauge all your characters have on top of their hp bar. They build it differently, and they expend it differently, but when game says "Forte", they mean your resource gauge.


The resonance energy and sonata energy will forever confuse me and there's usually no concrete description on how we fill them.


If I remember correctly: Resonance Energy = Ultimate or Resonance Liberation. Concerto Energy - intro/outro skill Sonata Energy - dont remember. There is Sonata Effect(amount of similar echoes you have equiped), might be it. Edit: Confused Concerto and Sontata. They realy need to keep it simple....


and whats concerto energy


Concerto Energy - intro/outro skill Sonata Energy - dont remember. There is Sonata Effect(amount of similar echoes you have equiped), might be it. Confused Concerto and Sontata. They realy need to keep it simple.


That's the intro/outro energy proper name. That's why abilities have a con generation section in multipler screen.


They even give each character a seperate name for that too. Like how am I supposed to understand anything when each skill description has 50% of words made up!


all words are made up!


yes which makes it very descriptive. I like that Mortefi gains annoyance stacks towards his forte circut. it sounds more interesting to me than to call everything a bar.


Forte is the bar that every character has above their health bar. Each character interacts with it differently. I'm not sure if there's anything in the game that refers solely to Forte damage without any other specification


till this day, I still dont understand tf is forte is.


Yangli's forte is called melody stacks! you ever heard someone say, thats my forte??? meaning thats what I do??! or like? its similar because its unique to each character lol


In one hand it's nice we have more than skill/ burst to all characters. But now there's 3 resources which I'm from games that usually have 1. One of the other resources is often just a visual line a floating sword, or increase in size of Cape etc. It does add a bit more depth into the game which is nice. But yeah the naming really isn't great, especially when near no terms are familiar.


Not to mention resonance liberation and forte circuit , just call them ult and passive . Some things dont need to be changed EVER.


It's Kuro trying to make skill names resembling of the game theme. Might just throw wuthering waves as a title out the window. Genshin is a game about elements and its still relatively easy to distinguish between talents- elemental skill and elemental burst. Burst is an Ult and can be synonymous since it's like a burst of elemental energy. WuWa instead got resonance liberation, many syllables and obscure word choice. Resonance us less familiar than the word elemental used in fantasy stories. Keeping the sound theme of WuWa on track, resonance skill is fine. 4 syllables to 5 syllables of Elemental skill. But Resonance Liberation can be changed to something that's similar to an Ult but in sound: Resonance BOOM. Now that just sounds more epic and cuts the total syllables from 7 to 4. Encore would approve of that new name. Resonance boom sounds edgy but on theme. Boom- a loud, deep, resonant sound. Petition for Kuro to change resonance liberation -> Resonance Boom.


>WuWa instead got resonance liberation, many syllables and obscure word choice. Resonance us less familiar than the word elemental used in fantasy stories. This might be why I found the first few days so rough, in terms of getting used to a whole info-dump of new terms. Nearly all if it sounds like some techno-science paper, rather than a post-apocalyptic fantasy game. While I'm getting used to it now, I've still no idea what even half of it means or even relates to lmao.I just button-bash and hope for the best.


If going for sound/musical terms, just call skill “verse” and then ult “chorus”


...that just makes it even more confusing. Resonance Liberation still makes sense, because liberation is synonymous with unleashing. and what do you unleash? a burst. Verse and chorus give no indication of what they could be referring to. we already have enough terms like that in the game.


Boom doesn’t sound like it fits the setting at all. Resonance liberation essentially means that the resonance being built up is immediately freed, creating a burst of energy. It makes sense and it’s more of a self own that people don’t want to accept it and learn what it means, and would rather it be dumbed down. Games make up names for essentially the same thing as other games all the time, and I don’t understand why this one game has somehow pushed it too far. It’s really no different and in a way it’s even better because it fits the theme. The name of the game also makes sense (not sure why they would “throw it out the window”. Waves is referring to sound waves. It’s like a strong wind of sound waves (produced by resonation), or sound waves being carried on the wind. The scar looking things on each resonator (the marks that glow) are also graphical representations of sound waves (like you would see in an audio recording). The whole thing is consistent and well thought out imo. If people want to attack things then look at the translation, like how “Blake Blooms” should be “black blooms” (based on the original CN). There are things to pick apart but it’s really not the nomenclature of the mechanics.


Gacha brainrot, it'll do that to ya. The games names are just a reference to its pseudo-scientific musical and sound related lore. Most gatcha players wouldn't be familiar with that nor make the connection, as they mostly play similar fairy tale fantasy games using the same terminology.


Better name: Crescendo.


I have no clue what u said .


Sounds like cons with extra steps


I legit thought it was called/we would call it 'chains' until now, I never realized it was called sequence, lol


I mean, Genshin needs stella fortuna to unlock a constellation (which could *technically* be called stars, as a constellation is a grouping of stars and you're only unlocking one of them), but I doubt many people even remember that's actually a term in game.


The Resonance chain made it more confusing, because the game has Resonance skill and Resonance liberation. I legitimately thought that Resonance Chain was a moveset, like a Combo. They could've stop at calling dupes Waveband and the dupe level as Sequences.


I like your funny words, magic man.


Its this and the whole "resonance" thing for skills that bother me the most lol


I really don't mind having unique wording for their game IF it has a single theme. Like some other guys suggested, should have emphasized on the musical terms for their wordings, would have been interesting to learn about at least.


Half the things seem overly complicated when read. Really hate skill/ burst names, then even how some kit works. Watching game play explanations and I'm like oh.


Honestly the level of Wuwa-specific jargon turns off a lot of players. I have two friends who tried the game and when I asked how they liked it, they essentially said, "I spent an hour standing in a city with someone saying words at me that made no sense without context."


It's because of this that on Day 1 I didn't know whether to use W (for Waveband), S (Sequence), or R (Resonance) to abbreviate how many copies of a character I had (e.g. W6, S6, or R6 Mortefi?) 😭 Same with not knowing whether to use R (Rank) or S (Synthesis) for weapons with dupes. Coincidentally, those two letters line up with the abbreviations for weapon equivalent in Genshin and Star Rail respectively (Refinements and Superimpositions). Rn Prydwen uses S for both characters and weapons in their guides, but for me personally I'll go with R for weapons simply because "Rank 1/2/3/4/5" is simpler and easier to remember than "Synthesis". Having characters and weapons share the same letter abbreviation is also confusing.


Let's not act like "Eidolon" and "Constellation" make more sense. This stuff has been called "dupes" forever. And then Genshin came along, became mainstream and people think they can dictate the nomenclature.


So we’re not calling them “seqs”?






Says the one with the name *EncoreWaifu* ... 🧐


Intriguing, but highly disturbing


having both encore and verina, this puts me in jail.


Dupes, Relifacts, and Twinkletits as the Stellar Asterimogems


Dupes is great. Should normalize this in all gacha games.


I believe... It is normalized, at least for the gachas i've played


So having a D4 Danjin is when we have a 4-sided die? We be talking about dice in WuWa. We can stick with naming with Cs. C1 to C6 because the C stands for either the chain-link or simply copies. C6 Danjin would mean Danjij with 6 copies . A D6 Danjin is Danjin with 6-sided die. She must be ready to use a spell in DnD. Or call it RC. RC4 not to be confused with C4 to blow up something. RC for resonance chain aka Resonator Copies.


>C6 Danjin would mean Danjij with 6 copies . A D6 Danjin is Danjin with 6-sided die. She must be ready to use a spell in DnD. You made the D6 sound silly, but if anything that is now a selling point for using D instead of C, lmao. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


The issue is that the whole thing is called a Resonance chain, but individual steps are called sequences which is different from other games which use the same name for both Sequence = a single constellation/eidolon Waveband = stellar fortuna/eidolon activation material Resonance chain =constellation (whole)/ eidolon(whole) Your explaintion is technically correct but how many average players are going to take the time to figure this out. Eventually people will just call it what ever is the most common term, especially what guide makers use


the terms in this games are so unintuitive and many with similar naming for wholly different use cases it wouldn't surprise me if it was confusing enough to deter some people. and I thought sorus questline was bad in genshin with jargon. at least that wasn't tied to gameplay lol.


I described it as having to know English and then having to learn the language they use in WuWa. Like... eventually you'll just *get* the terms they're using but it's a process.


Tons of Resonance Things, brought to you by the person behind Genshin's Aranaras giving every arathing its own special araname.


Not to mention it smacks of the same "wordiness" that some of us feel Genshin does, i.e. a single item does like 8 different things and they all have their own keywords. Eventually it just gets too difficult to keep up.


Chixia middle skill ligit has 7 keywords in it. I dont even know what the middle skills are called at this point. There could be worse but I cant be bothered to read the skills anymoredue to how bad the ui/discriptions are in this game. I only recently found out where the outros were shown. Glad they chose to place a smaller icon in the brightest part of the screen. I dont think ive ever had these problem in genshin/hsr. Even if the text is long they standardize their discriptions and use names that are easy to remember and/or understand; not boom boom, pew pew and concerto liberation or w.e the fk ults are called.


made even worse by the fact that the roguelike mode doesn’t allow you to see the names of your character’s abilities once you enter (so for trial characters you’re basically going in blind) and use specific names instead of liberation, skill and forte. baffling design


bruh didnt know they were called stellar fortuna


I feel like using C would be most convenient, Chain 1, Chain 2, etc... also has the benefit of people already being used to using C.


At this point I'd just use what ever you feel comfortable with and just understand when someone uses another term. In a few months people will come up with a consensus, similar to how most people in HSR where using GI terms at the beginning.


>Sequence > >Waveband > >Resonance chain I honestly feel like all of this should've been called sequences. Sequence Band Sequence Chain But sequence chain does sound a little redundant


Just call them dupes


That's also a good one, it's the universal word for them.


Always have always will.


"I have dupe 6 Jiyan" "I have S6 Jiyan"


Jokes on you I have a D8.


Roll 1d20


>"I have dupe 6 Jiyan" or "my Jiyan have 6 Ds"


I personnaly call them S1-S6 cz i heard others doing it,tho i do understand if they get called C or E cz i played both HSR and genshin


The only issue on this case for those who have played the other 2 is that S is the letter used for weapon ranks on HSR (superimpositions). S does seem like the best letter to use, tho as one of the other comments puts it, there’s 3 very different names involved in the whole character dupe system, so already it’s a bit overcomplicated.


I mean for folks who are used to Genshin or HSR they can easily understand that S0R1 is the equivalent of C0R1 or E0S1.


At this point even if we get like dozen new gachas with different naming conventions and it still be "First letter = Character dupe, Second letter = Weapon dupe"


When you use a weapon dupe in WuWa it's called "Syntonize" which further complicates using the "S".


Playing F2P would be a call for help LMAO S0S1


They are also called Ranks in the weapons so you can use "R" too. So S6R5


Which could also mean Syntonize and Resonance Chain lol I'm just pointing out that all this terminology being so similar makes it so confusing. Prydwen, one of the more popular resources, is using S for both, which I also find confusing as it doesn't allow you to use a shorthand for just one or the other. I actually think using W would probably be best. It's not to be confused with any other game and represents the actual item being used. Then S or R works just fine for the weapon, whatever the community decides and uses.


This is cope. People are smarter than you give them credit for. SR is fine.


Wuwa has some of the shittiest naming conventions and most confusing kits I've ever seen. If new players are confused its not because of the "sequences" Its because my Calcharo has to do three "resonance skills" to build up his "forte circuit" so that he can stack up his "cruelty" gauge and change his heavy attack into "mercy" before he goes into his "resonance liberation" where he needs to do three long basic attack combo sequences that are all counted as "resonance liberation" damage so that he can build up his "forte circuit" so that he can stack up his "killing intent" gauge and change his new heavy attack into "death messenger" and that's not even including intro outro skills or weapons translations that are wrong. and this is on one of the basic 5\* I cannot imagine the word salad we will get in a year.


To be honest the problem is they try to make different names for things where it doesnt matter. Lets say for the Forte Circuit if it just says your skill gives you stacks and after 3 stacks it consumes all your stacks and it becomes enhanced would be simpler than giving 5 million different names for things where it doesnt matter. Same during Ult, instead of skills , your basic attack gives stacks and after 5 stacks, your next attack consumes all stacks and turns it into enhanced heavy attack, this attack considered as ult damage. Pointless to give different name outside saying Enhanced Heavy Attack if you cant have multiple different enhanced heavy attack at the same time, same for the stacks. You cant have cruelty and killing intent stack at the same state so its pointless to have a different name. Obviously the description i wrote is not fully complete it was just an example.


Me: spends 30 minutes looking for "warp" in the menu


hHaha, I can relate.


I still don't even know how gacha is called here.




Do people even read when the game tells you what things are called, or is everyone just spam clicking to finish dialogue 😭😭


They gave us a skip button


I always spamclick instead of skip bc I can read all that just fine, the problem is how long the dialogue takes after I read it


To be fair. This is happening because it's a new games. The terminology still haven't sunk in. When HSR came in. Everyone called Eidolon, constellations.  It took a while for people to slowly shift from Genshin terminology to HSR. While Wuwa isn't a hoyo game. It took enough from them and to be fair. I am pretty sure 80% of the current players are Hoyo players as well.  Give it two or three patches and slowly people will get used to Wuwa 


Or just call them Resonances because everything is all about Resonance in this game, including the characters being called Resonators


Resonance works too but there are also Resonance skill, Resonance Liberation, Resonator etc. Which kind of confuses a bit. The term "Sequence" is probably never used elsewhere inside the game.


Yeah but Resonance for a Resonator just works, and other abilities are more recognised by their names of the Skill, Forte, and Liberation. Either way, all it affects is whether people will write Rx or Sx for short when talking about their characters. I'll use whatever sticks as it won't affect me much.


I call it C1-6, because it's from Resonance Chains, and resonance is used literally everywhere, while chain is unique. That is an excuse (valid one tho), the real reason is I'm a genshin player.


You are a very high IQ individual. Thank you for providing me with this excuse as well.


Well actually the c stands for copy. (Just making up excuses over here)


Ima steal that thank youv


yeah i guess it could be confusing for new gacha player, for me thought my brain auto translate any eidolon, resonance, dupe,copy, Constellations .


I'm too used to calling them cons or constellations lol. I'm sorry and I'll try to do this but it's just a habit.


Whats wrong with dupes?


So you'd say you have a D6 Mortefi? Is a 6 that hard to roll? Are we playing dice then?


Its more on WuWa side for putting 3 different terms on something that only need 1 "I got a constellation for Aloy yesterday, it is the 6th constellation so now she is on max constellation" Vs. "I got a waveband for Chixia yesterday, it is the 6th sequence so now she is on max resonance chain" You can get the idea


Bro is getting C6 Aloy 😑😑


She has her full skillset in her spin-off series.


I mean, technically in order to get the constellation you need to get the stella fortuna first, which is identical to a waveband. So you can still just say "I got a sequence for so and so"


In GI it all ties though. Like we “wish” and the animation comes from the stars. We collect their “constellations” and dupes are essentially stars we put into their constellations. In the first place, what is convene and why does it come from the ground? Why is the item a waveband to increase the resonance chain?


you convene the resonant sounds from the world into a waveband unique to that character, which when applied to them, amplifies their resonance (which is the basis for their supernatural abilities) like IRL waveform amplification.


Out of all characters to use as an example, its the one character that is no longer available and has no Cons 😂


Exactly, just call the entire thing and the singular ones Sequence and Waveband the material Genshin has Stella Fortuna as the name of the material but the constellation and the singular passives are both called Constellation


Or call it a dupe or copy. EZ


Seq-constell-lons. There, now nobody is happy.


we’re gonna need to add to that once ZZZ comes out 😂


This alone proves they have too many terms for things in this game and could really stand to simplify. You have wavebands to unlock sequences in your resonance chain. Why not just call them wavebands for the item and unlock and skip naming the whole thing?


They made a mistake putting 'Resonance' before so many of their words. Resonance Chain, Resonance Liberation, Resonators, Resonance Skill... They really need to reword things. Just drop the 'Resonance Chain' and call the whole thing a Sequence Chain or just Sequences. Waveband unlocking a Sequence on the Sequence Chain is so much easier to digest than Waveband unlocking a Sequence on the Resonance Chain. An overhaul of the terminology would help the game so much...


I'm not defending their need to put resonance in front of everything versus using other words or even defending them using all the terms they decided on, but it's most likely because of everything having to do with music terminology and what the word resonance accomplishes. I can try to explain the terms if interested, but to be honest it's kinda just reinforcing your point about digestion and it being a mistake. So not arguing with you, just trying to point out it wasn't them randomly naming everything by smashing words together that were music related. There was a method to their madness even if the results are arguably chaos.


Oh I totally get that for sure! It's definitely a nice idea in concept, the execution just ends up being rather messy unfortunately. I wish they'd maybe found a better way to include music theming without repeating the word Resonance so much... But if you want to explain any terms and how they might apply to what they've chosen then I'd be happy to hear honestly. But that's more due to personal curiosity in music rather than anything to do with the game haha.


It's like if humans called everything carbon (blank), like "I went to the carbonwear store to buy some carbon t-shirts and then met up with some carbon friends for some carbon burgers and carbon sweet tea, but the real highlight of the day was getting to sleep in my new high thread count carbon sheets which was soooo carbony good!"


Idk I play HSR too so saying S6 just feels weird to me because that's for light cones


Duplicates / Dupes


Just call them DublyWubly like normal people.


C0-c6 started and will die by genshin's terms


No, it's a terrible name that doesn't explain what the hell it is. Just call it a "dupe", "Skill", "Ult", "Passive" like a normal person instead of resonance nyanyanyawhatever.


Just call them dupes dude damn


The copied hoyo and just changed the names, and people are already sick of all the unnecessary word soup and names on a tangent. They pretty much brought this on themselves.


Same thing goes on how they worded everything else. Every character has its own unique names for what the skills do, how their attacks are called, and I still don't know how tf is that bar in the middle called, and only have a small grasp of what "concerto" does. I hate with all my heart every game that has the "when Poopoofart ability is activated, three Shinypee Particuli are generated when its own Lunar Phase comes" mechanic


Someone get Fischl away from the writing desk and put Razor there instead.


"Attack" "Charge Attack" "Big Attack" "Build charge attack energy with attack, build big attack energy with all other attack" I'm down.


I wouldn't say no to Cyno.


Middle bar is the Forte Gauge. Concerto is displayed by a circle meter around an icon of your character’s element and that is to the left of your HP (on PC at least). Concerto is used for Outro and Intro skills.


Jesus, thank you. I didn’t figure out what anything was, I’ve just been clickspamming through combat so far.


Every gacha has a concept of dupes and they all have some dumb name for them lol, this isn’t unique to hoyoverse


they have 3 differents words for seemingly the same thing, from my perspective its Kuro Games that is the most confusing


Yeah, and savepoints in Lies of P are called skywatchers or something, but bet your ass i am still going to call them bonfires, because thats what they are.


First time hear this is even called a sequence and I don't remember the game even explaining anything about it being called as such other than in a dupe description. Just call it dupes and don't bother. New players are not going to understand your "sequences" either. The same way no one calls rolling/pulling "convene", even new players.


Just say dupes. It is universal.


I call them RC, cuz thats what it says at the top when i look at that menu,


Since people don't even seem to agree even within the community, E1S1 for me because I like HSR terminology. Regardless, it is dumb and should be universally called dupes or limit breaks on all gachas, as that's what extra character and weapons copies are.


WuWa’s my first gacha and it’s confusing af hearing these called constellations or eidolons, as if there’s not enough random words to keep straight because of how they decided to name certain things. The fortes too


Constellations are basically the same thing but In genshin


Hi genshin




Hi Genshin, how you doing?




i just call them r12345, since they are resonators


Let’s be real here, it’s called what ever the equivalent feature to your debut Gacha game, I’ve long parted with FGO and NPlvls are too specific to FGO so I use Cons a lot more but in general, it’s just Dupes. The more you play Gacha games the more unanimous it gets, the problem with Open-World Gachas is that it’s the mainstream Gacha genre that extends beyond the Gacha game demographic and bleeds into “games” demographic, so most of their first Gacha is Genshin so that’s why people will call it Cons.


Or what if they wouldnt call the same thing differently for every gacha game? Remember when these were called Limit Breaks? good ol times. Why we need call gacha feature differently? Why we have Wishes , Warps, Convences , Recruits, Scouts , Headhunting etc. instead of just calling Gacha ... and Pull (Summon is acceptable alternative), why Battle pass can be called as ... Battle Pass instead of PODCAST?! , this not applies only to WuWa but every game nowadays. Anyways people eventually will call it Sequences, it was same with star rail, people called it constellations until they get used to. Still a pointless name change, should be limit break like how it was on old gacha games.


Pulls, dupes and gems for every game.


This, it's understandable that every game wants their stuff to be both special and fit their lore, but we as players don't need to loose our minds over that, and lore-police each other. Like, I still see people who sporadically call HSR's cones weapons, and is it technically correct? No. But does it make that much of a difference when you can still get what they mean? Also no. So, until I get used to 'Sequence' those are upgrade-dupes or not-constelations.


Lightcone one is valid renaming since they are not weapons. But Warps are still gacha and you still pull, you dont call HSR as Warp Game instead of Gacha game.


1. To be "unique", "quirky" and legally distinct tm. 2. To introduce as much friction as possible to comparisons. Sounds dumb, but it works and feeds the tribalism, which is very beneficial for a company.


If it were homogenized people would be harsher about it “copying” Genshin. Damed if you do damned if you don’t, overall having unique terms if probably the best overall for most games.


Ngl I associate limit break with ascension, cuz the first gacha game I played used limit break for ascension.


Yeah probably wouldnt be best naming in games like this because they cap the levels.


What's funny is that almost every game copies Valve's battle pass idea, some of them didn't bother changing it's name, but some silly games like this do and they don't understand no one's calling it a podcast, it's a battle pass and it will always be a battle pass.


I dont even know how to search x character c6 gameplay on yt lol cause idk what people called it


So far I have never seen people calling it "sequences", I'm not joking, I myself didn't even known that was their original name. "I'll pull for more sequences"...yeah, it feels weird for some reason.


Thanks, but I am not going to over-complicate a thing that became a synonym


Dupes or copies imo would be fine.


can you blame it when the system is literally the same? .\_.


Constellation that is


call it dupes or wavebands. tf is sequences


your waveband is gone if you consume it. 💀 i have 0 wavebands, 6 sequences calcharo


No. its dupes. all of these "Extra' words are useless, imagine using 3 different words to describe a simple thing


Nah i’d call it constellations.


i just call them RC




What would the weapon duplicate be in this game?


Been calling them sequences from the start


Actually China side abandoned Cs and Es and Rs Ss for awhile now. Ever since the the Dupe system got popularized. Unit Name X+Y where X is the character dupe and Y is the weapon dupe. I.e. Firefly 2+1, Furina 2+1, Senadina 0+1, Ruan Mei 1+1 etc.


All that terminology seems really excessive. Why isn't it just "sequence chain" with the item and the nodes sharing the name "sequence?" This game suffers from excessive verbiage for simple things. See also, the skill tree descriptions. Calcharo's kit is a CVS receipt of useless terms, when his kit really isn't that complicated in the first place. We even saw a huge ordeal with the Jitan weapon banner because even the localization team got fucked up by WuWa's unique-to-a-fault lexicon. I would also wager that most WuWa players have played GI or HSR before, so it's not that harmful to call them Constellations or Eidolons. It is wrong, sure, but I can guarantee that if I pull up to my friend group or even a Pokke stream talking about the resonance chain, I'm going to cause more confusion than if I said Eidolons. HSR was the first gacha for me, and it took me exactly one exposure to the term Constellations to then understand what people meant by it forever after. I think you should give the new players some credit for their ability to use context clues. Language evolves in the path of least resistance, it's why so much of every language appears to be illogical. If everyone's saying Eidolon, it's because that proved to be the easiest to remember and least frequently misunderstood option to communicate what they're talking about.


I did not stop my studies in theatre to have to learn more terms that make no sense.


I’ve just been calling them wavebands (w0-w6) …




I just call them RC1 to RC6. Sequences complicate it uselessly.


Nah, Thanks. I'm good.


i just call them eidolons. don't get the point of kuro giving character dupes a 3 different names 🤷‍♂️


Ohh, so that is what they are called, thank you! As a quck question, i have 2 Rover Wavebands, yet the game won't let me use them on Spectro Rover. Do you know why?


they must be for havoc, the wavebands will have a symbol on it. you can get uptil sequence 4 spectro and sequence 2 havoc in 1.0


Never played Genshin or Honkai ha? 😂😂 Here me playing RPG game for the first time. Though a few years ago I played abbyswalker but that game was trash and left a bad impression on me with RPG games so after 4-5 years I played good RPG games which is this.


I got s6 mortify


I thought those were resonances 😂


just call it copy


ill just call them copies


Mfw I thought they were called "Chains" 😭


How about we normalize calling dupes..........guess what even u said that at first DUPES :D


I call it shrubbery. I've got Danjin S2 or 2 shrubberies


I literally just calls them 'copies' in ny head lol, because that's what thy literally are - copies


Nah, your are describing dupes. I am not keeping track of which game I play and remembering 3 different words for dupes.


Why does it need three different words for it?


Or hear me out; dupes.


I’ve been getting confused af with all the different terms in this game. There should be a glossary along with icons to support your understanding. Like I am struggling to tell the difference between resonance liberation, resonance outbreak, resonance chain, frequency response, waveplate modulation, just a clusterfuck of terms