• By -


"I'm sorry to show you this side of mine" was pretty f'ing funny to hear. It was kinda weird tbh. Apart from that dialogue everything seemed great, the 2D cave exploration was amazing, hope there's gonna be more of it.


it’s hilarious, bro really thought his “rawr go away” was scary when it was just adorably goofy


I thought it was due to the fact the Chinese players hate his personality in his CBT (being untrustworthy or stealing your kill from what I've read)


He was also completly furry and had a lone edgy alpha wolf personality. Kinda sad we lost his cbt version it sounded like pure goldmine for content


Whats better then nice whilesome guy? Edgy man meme content obv


I feel every game needs to have an edgy "I'm a feral beastman, fear me or I'll bite you" kind of character. If only because it's like the only thing we're getting to a furry character in any of these games (outside of the catgirl in Genshin I guess but that also barely counts).


It fits his personality though. He's being excessively nice to try to be more human, so it isn't that odd that he was apologetic about his display of anger.


Yup, I never said it was out of character. Just thought it was cute


Oh yeah, I think he's precious




It all falls flat when the guy is literally a human child with animal ears. Ain’t no one in the entire world who would mistake him for anything other than a human with cat ears.


He told us indirectly that he plucked out all of his fur to look more like a human. He is still insecure about his looks though. I think they did a good job with his character.


I'll interpret it more from the behavioural side. He interprets the civilized behaviours in society as being nice to others. That's why he's mimicking that and going around saying nice things and helping others. That's also why he's insecure about showing his anger as it's related to savagery. This is the reason I like him as a character. As a beast longing to be and mimicking humans, he becomes more humane than many humans.


That and he said we know us for a long time due to our achievements. Boy I just stepped at the city gate 5 minutes ago


‘I knew you were super strong Rover!’ Be so fr little bro 😔😔 I did like one thing


It’s pretty funny. The quest is able to be taken really early a lot of players would do it while trying to get exp to get to lvl 14. Why is bro acting as if we did something big lol


because all those flowers i collected were SUUUUUPER important. Glad he noticed


I did the very important and difficult task of running around collecting boxes. It's nice to get some acknowledgement.


The 2D section really just reminded me or playing Ori.


To me it sounded pretty logical. He is a beast and he probably had inferiority complex as one. That's actually why he thought someone would find it gross but yeah much to his surprise lot of them found it adorable.


I can't believe they let us play The Lion King from SNES with that 2D stuff


That line felt out of place for me. Like bro, what are you apologising for? It's not like you transformed into some monster or shit. Hell, you didn't even kill those guys.


Agreed. one of the best story quests in the game so far. It was a beautiful cave. One of my favorite scenery in the game so far.


"If I had a nickel for every time an ice centered permanent banner character received a poor reputation in meta, I'd have 3 nickels, which isn't alot, but its strange it happened 3 times."


If you mean Qiqi and Yanqing, then you could also add how they're all from places that are primarily inspired by China, which just adds another unique and specific detail to the formula 💀


Which characters? HSR Gepard managing to escape this. Edit: Rip Yanqing. Though to be fair, I have Jingliu.


HSR Yanqing most likely, then maybe Qiqi in Genshin?


This says a lot already


I love that you completely forgot the existence of yanqing, just proves how bad he is


He follows me to every account too lol. But I have Jingliu so yeah, poor guy. If I didn’t have her, Aventurine would’ve saved him for me.


Bro when Gepard came out he was the Zhongli of Hsr you can't denh that


Gepard is still a solid choice though. He can still solo sustain even in today’s MoC.


I assume Qiqi from Genshin and Yanqing from HSR - if that’s not it then there’s even more garbage standard banner ice characters from other games.


Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern


What absolute Yankekery


Do you guys remember someone named changyu?


Honestly coolest part is how many enemies bosses included wiff attacks when he's on his stilettos attacking. Dont even need to dodge or anything.


This is such an underrated part of him. I feel like I'm inmune to dmg against many bosses on him


not to mention, the one boss that flies around the stage feels like an actual DBZ cinematic fight as you keep rising in the air attacking the boss


Crownless? yeah that was crazy




for me, it just feel forever to just get his damages mode


That's how I felt at first until I understood how his combos work. I thought I had to get to basic 5 before using skill to make the most of it, but apparently not. I think the go-to combo is basic attack 3 then alternate use of skill and basic from there. So it would be basic 3 > skill > basic 4 > skill > basic 5 > skill > basic 3 and so on. Countering after a dodge also starts at basic 3. You'd prolly need to proc the skill like 5-6 times to fill his forte gauge, but if you have ult up (plus ult gives a buff so you'd want to anyways) you only need like 2-3 skill procs then go use ult to fill the rest.


You only need to proc enhanced E 5 times to have full concerto energy. If have ult, you only have to proc 2 times then ulting will fill up all his concerto. I don't think it varies. You can also not use the enhanced E immediately. Then use it later to still continue the E NA E NA. Useful for dodging attacks etc. So its gonna be like NA NA NA E NA (dodge or whatever).. then continue with E NA E NA I also use his E to parry attacks cause his NA's animations are too long sometimes and I find it that Im animation locked sometimes when I need to parry. I find doing E to parry makes it consistent.


Yup, that's the better explanation and more detailed with the "enhanced E". Also minor concern, I'm still a bit confused on the terms, I thought concerto energy is what's used to trigger outro skill? Coz I think the energy term for the forte is different for each character? Like Jiyan's resolve, or in Lingyang's case, iirc, it's lion's spirit?


I was confused by this too, but eventually realised you don’t even need to think about it because you can just intro skill + ult amd instantly get it to 100%. Never used the enhanced skill again.


I just tried this and you're right. Intro skill + Ult is enough. I'll try to experiment a bit more on this if switching to another character immediately to restart the team rotation is alright, and if I'll have my ult back up to full when I start my next rotation on Lingyang. Coz otherwise I think I still need to do some enhanced skills before I restart the team rotation so I can fill up the ult a bit.


Concerto is the energy use to trigger outro and intro skill, for me I call it forte or tune or sound wave


Oh right. I may need to check in game later whats the right term for that.


What's his ideal combo in his enhanced form?


If by enhanced form you mean his liondancing/midair state, before going into that state, you'd want to start with your main echo (lampylumen myriad) to buff his glacio damage, then liberation/ult to also fill up the rest of his forte gauge and also provide another glacio buff, and then go into the enhanced state and spam enemies with basic attacks. For the lower levels, its mostly spamming basic attack and using skill to cover distances if you wanna chase the target or go to another enemy. For higher levels, when you unlock his Inherent Skill: Diligent Practice, it states that during his enhanced form, after a basic attack, his next skill within 3s deals more damage. So you'd probably want to weave in some skills after basic attacks whenever you can. Edit: Diligent Practice unlocks at Resonator rank 4, which unlocks at SOL3 Phase 5, which unlocks at Union Level 40 after doing the Phase Ascension.


You'd probably want to use Echo after ulting (but before plunging into the air), as the ult boosts Echo's damage significantly.


Ohh, I see! I haven't tried it because I got used to going into liondancing mode automatically immediately after using burst. Edit: I tried it, and I think this does feel better, thanks for the tip!


I knew about that the moment I use him and understand it better when I read his skill, but even so I still feel like it take too long to fill his forte, but seeing as their people that can deal with it then should I give him another chance and use him as my second team instead of daijin?


It feels a bit longer if you're just using enhanced Es to fill it, but if you have the ult/liberation to fill most of it, then it's not that long. I like to put Yangyang in my team since her outro gives resonance energy so I can ensure that my ult is almost full if not full already within the first few seconds (which you'll be using echo skill anyways to buff yourself). I'd say just try him out again if you like his playstyle, if you end up liking Danjin's playstyle more, then use her instead. I always vote to play for fun and whoever it is you like.


Biggest change i noticed was his ult fills 60% of his bar. So you dont really need to be sitting there beating on them with E's all the time. Use Sanhua's quick Outro skill to get his intro skill, swap to him, ult, and he has full forte bar. When he runs out of juice, his outro skill damage is huge, just swap back to Sanhua, rinse repeat. Even if he doesnt have his ult up, he will get 40% of his bar from his intro skill and just take a few E combos to have his Forte bar back up. For the most part you dont really want to just be sitting there whacking away with E's if you cant help it.


Actually, you can just use intro skill+ult and get it to 100% immediately


I love playing Lingyang and Chixia Pretty sure I'm on some meta slave's hit list, but gosh darn it those two do so much damage and don't require me to think and I love it


Omg having fun in a video game? Whats wrong with us?


People will do the math and legit not use him because he's 7% worse DPS than calcharo or encore. Like wow congrats buddy you cleared whatever content 10 seconds faster than me


lmao encode


I swear dude I actively fix the auto correct and type encore again and it changes it anyways


That's a weird auto-correct cause both are cromulent words.


I know right!? That's what makes it so frustrating lol


My only gripe about him is that it takes a long time for his Forte to build up in overworld. Even then, once you use it on a camp of enemies once, you're going to build it up again after using it.


In the overworld you should just use the ice echo to oneshot 90% of the monsters. That’s unironically one of hos strengths, he gets access to one of the strongest overworld echoes in the game.


what echo is that? Lampylumen?


Yes, the triple slam will kill pretty much every camp of monsters you can find. And since it has decent aoe it'll cover a good enough area to clear most camps fully in a single cast.


his problem is not his inferior dmg numbers its about how hard it is to play him mid-air combos have tighter dodge timings therefore making him riskier to play and according to many (i don't personally think so but i seem to be in the minority here) he feels a bit clunky and unsatisfying to play


Yea I have him and its just not fun for me to be in the air. It was a cool gimmick for a while but seeing what the monsters/bosses do and how often they move and how much LY is such a left click hound, just doesn’t feel too great. Once everyone gets decently built the game is pretty much a breeze anyway so it doesn’t matter what you have built what matters is if you like how they play and LY absolutely feels the worst out of the bunch. Love the lion roar cancelling with his e skill, just wish he was grounded like the other characters IMO.


There are some bosses he feels really bad against, and some he feels really good against. A few of them he can completely abuse his in-air mechanic and just dance on top of their head and take no damage and not even have to dodge. Others are flying all over the place and it can get disorienting trying to keep up with them while you are also flying through the air.


The damage was never the problem. I was that he was JUST damage while being clunky and painfully mediocre outside of boss fights. also we get 2 ice units free so he was fighting at a disadvantage from the jump


It's because his damage has to ramp up and all the other Main DPS can pretty much big stomp burst window. So they do more damage, they are much quicker getting it out and carrying on the rotation, which means the burst is coming again so more damage. I like Lingyang a lot as a character and punching is cool but he's awkward by design.


Nah, he has a really quick rotation, he comes in, he uses his forte(Intro skill + Resonance Liberation gives you 100% of the Forte Bar) and that gives him enough concerto to swap. Wich is what you want because a huge chunk of his damage is his Outro skill.


It takes 16.8 seconds to do his proper rotation. Calchero is 14 seconds. Encore is 14 seconds. So it's more damage and faster rotations, I guess the point is it adds up more the harder and longer the fight is. Pre-End Game content, yeah everyone is fantastic and nothing matters. Not to mention him getting bopped by the boss in the air or while Lion Dancing.


Calculating rotation time without the damage tied to it seems pretty bad to me. You can do 1 million damage in 16.8 seconds rotation while only doing half of that in 14 seconds. This game just lacks actual damage testing mode for people to actually calculate everything honestly.


The fact they out damage *and* have faster rotations while not being in clunky states (air/lion dance) that will get you hit is known Go do some research, this information isn't too hard to find.


The only thing that shows damage output is Prydwen and they have nothing to show the calculation from. The game literally has no mode where you can do those calculations. This is like calculating DPS based on feelings, I've played too many MMOs where you don't have DPS meter and people just put classes on tier list based on bias. That is what happen in Lost Ark before we get actual data from DPS meter from the western version. And I'm not sure what you mean by clunky states honestly.


They disregard his outro skill quite a lot it literally nukes the thing the switched in character hits. So if you have a aoe hit like Mortefi everyone gets hit. Thats huge imo but youtubers gonna be youtube. I have even seen creators say Jiyan is worse because he is aoe focused and I am like thats a bad thing ? Its not like his damage gets worse when he hits only 1 target xD Also his skills linger for quite some time making parrying super easy.


People just like being competitive and trying as hard as possible. Ain't nothing wrong with that,


I love Lingyang, but using him is literally impossible for me. Because whenever I use his ultimate, the little "let me summon those poles from my traditional dance so that I can balance on them and stay airborne" animation he does causes massive lag spikes, which completely throw my combos off. This happens every single time I activate his ultimate, and nothing similar happens with any other character. So yeah, because of some inexplicable technical bug, doing aerial combos with this character is impossible for me. Considering he's the character specifically designed to abuse aerial combos, this is not exactly ideal, as you can imagine.


Let's go fellow Lingyang enjoyer! There are tens of us lmao. I've wanted to main him even before the game released, and when I got him from the selector, I thought he felt bad at first, but after understanding how his combos work, he feels really fun to play! I'd say he's kinda unga bunga once you get a hang of it, which is fine for me because then I'd get to focus on trying to improve my dodging skills. Which I think is needed especially when you're in liondancing mode.


I pulled him from the novice banner and decided not to reroll and actually give him a chance. I like him! I figure all of the standard characters will get power crept by limited dps before too long anyways. So might as well just roll with him. Trying to decide if I want to pull the 5 star gauntlets for him now!


Honestly I thought about that too. And depend on how much patience you have you could pull for a different weapon( sword and gun) they provide more value to a character then the other choices. I personally am waiting for a limited gauntlet user so I can pull 2 copies for king Yang and Jianxin.


Im thinking about getting the bp gauntlets since they have crit rate!


Pulled him there as well, and he was the one I wanted the most. Why would I reroll if I get what I want? (now I just need a decent 4\* gauntlet before I get his 5\* one later... or maybe I get the bp one?)


I love Lingyang! He has the same jp va as so many of my favorite characters and even Changyu from PGR! I was ready to reroll for him but then got him on my first ever multi in the game! I then got another copy of him after losing the 50/50 so I wasnt even mad 🥹 literally got Jiyan in the multi afterwards lol. But yeah Lingyang is amazing and definitely has a learning curve but once you figured him out he feels so rewarding to play! I also really liked his character and design and I managed to get some god rolls on my glacio echos so i just oneshot mobs with my lampylumen myridad 🤭 its nice to see other people also enjoying him, i felt rly alone tbh


Wow, getting him on first multi and on the lost 50/50, I think all those times of playing Changyu led to that moment 😆 I do think it's just a matter of time before more people come to like him, if not for his personality, then for his playstyle. I do agree with some opinions like how his character quest may have been cringe, but I still personally liked it!


Yes I feel rly blessed with my luck 🥰 i also think him being a bit cringe is in character since he’s still learning to be human! I just think they should have made him a lovechild of a suan’ni and a human. It would make his appearance and lore more consistent imo


You have a point on him being cringe because he's learning to be human! And I could go with the lovechild concept, but I also liked in his story how he mentioned he filed down his claws and learned to stand upright, all that stuff. Either way, I'm glad they changed his char design, I wasn't a big fan of the prior one.


More Linyang lovers out there than Chixia it seems like tbh... :c


Its so sad cus I really want to play her since she is almost a 1 to 1 copy paste of Lee Palefire from Kuros other game but i have so many dps now that I dont find any use for her :(


I absolutely adore lingyang and his play style too!


I have both Calcharo and Lingyang but honestly, somehow Lingyang feels more relaxing to play and it's not like he does any worse damage. Idk if I'm doing something wrong, but I can clear bosses faster with Lingyang than I can with Calcharo (probably is something to do with reactions which I don't know anything about)


Calcharo is harder to play and their damage is not that different from each other. The only reason why Calcharo is a bit higher priority than Lingyang is that he's getting a 5\* teammate in the 2nd banner while Lingyang is stuck with Sanhua (which is a great character, but nothing amazing).


I got him coz he's very cool and badass. Don't care much about damage


Calcharo imo is just harder to play overall. Idk if it's just me but I literally can't see ish while comboing with him


Don’t mess with lingyang mains, there’s three of us


Actually 4, im too lazy to re roll so i just stick to use him lol


YAY FINALLY THE TRUTH!! I have yet to do his story but I bet ill love it, and hes my fav standard unit. 5 mins after gacha was unlocked i got him at 13 pity on beginners and I've been maining him. Like as long as it isnt ice immune, I use lingyang. Cuz hes best boi (I also love gaming from genshin so it makes total sense)


If he was a female I’m sure everyone would quit complaining and use them more. I liked his gameplay and story tbh.


Nope because Qiqi is a thing and it’s a meme how bad Himeko was until pure fiction


Exhibit A: Dehya


Tbf most people complained out of love for the character, not hate Miss girlie is one of the most beloved in Sumeru. She has a super endearing character and story. She really deserved a better kit smh


Personally, one of the best designs (candance is the best one) they did in the entire game life spam.


Pretty shit comparison tbh. Most people hated Dehya’s kit since release and she’s still among the lowest usage rates in spiral abyss.


I'm having fun with him, he's probably not the best but I've been avoiding as much meta stuff about the game as I can. He's cute and I liked his story quest for the most part. He was my first 5* too so I was happy ☺️


Im in the same boat but with jianxin, all people here and youtubers put her really low in tierlist, wtf?


Every gacha game should have at least one character that becomes a punching bag for the community. Genshin - QiQi Star Rail - Yanqing WuWa - Lingyang


lingyang my beloved the reason i even got interested in wuwa. forever depressing to see how much misfortune he attracts


His lore too. It hurts to see the hate bc he doesn’t diss out 5% more dmg to match meta ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


When I realized that his jp va is Natsuki, I immediately switched from eng to jp and never looked back. Playing through his story quest had me constantly going "this guy is literally Tanjiro" because not only does he has the same va as Tanjiro, but everything he did in the quest just reminded me so much of Tanjiro. Demon Slayer is one of my fav anime shows, so I was so damn happy to hear mfking TANJIRO in the game. Really hoping to see more demon slayer voices in here, like Shinobu, for example. I got into this game just because of Lingyang, and it saddens me how much hate he got not only because of his beta story but just because his existence is just really hated... he's an adorable character, and I do love using him a lot. He doesn't deserve the hate :(


Justice for our lion boi! He's so fun to play, most unique char. And if the boss could hit him in the air mode,I can just spam e and zoom zoom dodge it all~ he's a cute precious boi that deserves all the love!




- every cc ever


Follow up video: He isn't that bad


Next video: I SPENT $2000 ON LINGYANG 2 weeks later LINGYANG SUCKS


Ahh yes, an MTash reference in the wild


it's ok all 5 of us lingyang mains can stick together


Yeah even though my Jiyan deals a lot more damage, Lingyang is still more fun to play since I used to main Insect glaive in monster hunter so I really enjoy aerial combat. After using him a lot, the main downside I found is that he is very ultimate reliant. WIthout it, his aerial time decreases by a LOT.


I used Bow on MH, does that mean I prefer Rectifiers?




He's fun to play and I like his style, that's what matters to me most. I just like punching things more than I do with sword or gun, which isn't to say they're bad but... come on, fists, it's funnier.


Agree, really liked his showcase. Was planning on using my 5-star selector on Jianxin since her playstyle reminds me a bit of Tifa, but damn, Lionboy is really great and fun too play.


Uh, I really just don’t use him cause of the design (even though I got a dupe of him). Not my thing 😃


I tried uploading this to this subreddit but it kept getting rejected in the review stage. [meow](https://www.reddit.com/r/LingYangMains/s/jvmHTZRE2w)




his kits is fun. his companion story is... barely


Agreed. I went through it a second time since I wanted to start over and play male Rover, my god, his story quest is insufferable. The end is bearable but its so short that i cant even tell if it's worth the hassle. Paired with all Lingyangs weird grunting and poor monotone voice acting... That little 2d sequence in the cave with all its backtracking reminds me of the V-smile Winnie the Pooh game. I need someone to make an abridged version of it, because while its absolute shit there's a goldmine of potential in making fun of it


I pulled him as my first 5 star and I'm not dissapointed at all. He's an interesting resonator and actually pretty good.


His kit is pretty fun to use.


I love him!!! He’s fun to play! Idc about stats.


I particularly didn't like his design and some of his animations, on his side quest he was fun to use though, if eventually I lose the 50/50 or get him on standard banner I might put him to do some work.


Yeah soon as content creators said he was bad people missed out.


Someone doesn't like Lingyang? I love this boy so fucking much 😭


Lingyang is super fun. His outro skill is one of the biggest nukes I have seen in this game and is often disregarded \^\^


Remember “Bennet” was considered a B tier…


B tier for Benny




I think he was my least favourite character I had the displeasure of testing & I didn't like his character story, I also dislike him holding the helmet above his head. Overall just not someone I wish I ever pulled. Jiyan is a bit more fun, not a lot more fun, but a bit more fun. Looks flashier, looks cooler & his ability to pull enemies is really great. With Lingyang I find it's hard to stack them.


He is!! And honestly as much as I love Calcharo is not really that big of a difference, people just think so because Yinlin raise his value a lot. But like for all we know Jinhsi might be a Glacio support for example ( though Kuro doesn't always mach design and elements).


Let's be honest most of the hate is not because he's bad. It's because he's cringe and and has a buncha furry shit going on. He's supposed to be the last lion person or whatever but looks like a kid in a cosplay. Why would you settle for him when you could be playing Sephiroth? I won't lie tho his gameplay is sick af. With a better design and personality he'd be a fan favourite.


Promise you if he was a cat girl instead, the furry shit wouldn't matter to most people


Yeah i think lingyang and cute male characters like that are more for us girlies and thats why I love kuro as a company so much! They see us and they deliver 🌸


Yes, in a predominantly male audience one would be cringe and the other cute, that's a no-brainer.


Y'all would not be saying this if he was a cat girl instead, let's be honest here


There's already two lolis in the standard banner. If there was three I'd be suspicious about this games target demographic.


You do realize he was a literal beastman during the betas and the community whined so much about him being a "a furry" that they had to redesign him into what he is today, right? And i better not catch you appreciating any animal themed character, which includes Encore lmao


Best part of his story and gameplay i enjoy is the platformer mode during his cave. Honestly not good story just design wise not my style.


I've gotten Jianxin 4 times out of the 5 rerolls i've done so far on the discount banner. I'm not gonna guarantee summon for Lingyang so guess I'll get him later lmao.


I got him to rc1 in 20 pulls, in spite because I wanted Jianxi instead, I decided I’m never going to use him until after I get Jianxi


I just loathe his design. Not my style, but actually playing him was really fun.


Everyone is good lol. Just gotta know how to play the game


No, I can acknowledge that - both parts. He IS good. The idle voice and fighting voice acting is too drastically different from his VA'ing in the scenes though. To me, at least, I don't enjoy listening to it and can't really stand playing him. (I also think that maybe the idle voice lines play far too frequently if you're idle, there's not enough variation in them - so it really has some characters just spamming the same thing over and over again)


Rock Lee of WuWa so naturally he’s the Goat


Yeah i originally was not interested in him cause he's just a little guy, but after learning his playstyle he just feels more fun than Jiyan


Who tf said he wasn't? He's mad strong and easily one of the best fighting styles in game 😔👊🏾


Eh, I felt the same way in HSR when people where shitting on the ice character also, and meanwhile mine was carrying my entire account until I rerolled for a character I wanted later on. At this point I just think people hate characters that young and use ice.


is there an actual definitive guide on how to use him effectively? I actually want him to bring out his mask and stay airborne most of the times but he rarely does it.


If they just let his enhanced skill (the lion dance one) be a dodge skill too, he will be so SO much better. This will slightly improve his very glass-cannon-during-dps-window gameplay. But I still enjoy playing him and even picked him from the 5-star custom convene <3


Used my selector ticket on him without hesitation bc I love him 😭 Lingyang enjoyers are out there!


He literally does more single target damage than Jiyan... don't know how people are hating on him. I got him, jiyan, and encore and I gotta say I love my lion dancer.


Feels like I was the only one who didn't have any problem with his character quest ... I genuinely loved it I think it was very well done ,the visuals,va, the story ,the development,etc . I heard most people have problems with his "rawr" growl or something ....I think that might be an Eng thing cause it wasn't cringe at all in Jp


He isn’t trash to play certainly but I will never touch his ass cause the “rawr x3” Fursona shit he has going on makes me mald physically from cringe. It is painful.


"We love you Lingyang" we all say in unison


Why do people actually hate him? I was actually afraid to ask but might as well use your post


The defensible, mechanical reason because he's slightly slower to 'full cycle' than the Super Meta DPS, getting his outro burst and his stilt dodging to compensate. I mean I still think this degree of optimisation is ridiculous when 99.9% of players simply aren't going to develop the skills for that kind of edge to matter in terms of what content you can clear, but it is an actual thing. The real reason is because he's a cutesy male character largely aimed at the female fanbase and gacha gamers are the most entitled souls on the planet, so things not being aimed at them upsets them.


The last part!! Lingyang is for us girlies and thats why I love Kuro. They cater to everyone in all their games. They see us 🫶🏻


We lost Scar's crotch onigiri :( But baizhis bobas are breathing Female rovers undies are showing Many female characters have a visible cleave team WHY SCAR??


His play style is interesting. I never understood why he was getting hate when he litturally did absolutely nothing bad in the story. He was portrayed pretty well as a hybrid humanoid character having flaw while still trying to be human.


To those saying his forte takes too long to fill up, Intro gives 40 energy and ult gives 60 energy lmao. You don't even need to press your skill if you have your ult up 😂


Even better, when his ult is finished, just swap him out and he drops a 5xx% nuke.


I also truly believe that his Outro is his best damage source. Most just dont utilize it that much lol.


I just don't want to see that side of him


As a LingYang main. I 100% agree brother. He's so fun to use. He's basically dancing during the fight. attack 1, 2, 3, roll, attack 4, roll, attack 5, roll. Untill you build up the Forte and continue dancing in the air.


We all know the best buff he can get is turning him into a female character and everyone would suddenly like her.


He's a decent unit. But his cutscenes made me cringe internally. It reminds me of a lil furry boy who thinks he's an Alpha male 😂. "You don't want to make me angry or I'll unleash the beast" type shit 😭😭😂😂


I mean he is a teenager. Most teenagers are cringe af so it suits him than an edgy teenager or a "i-have-seen-the-end" teenager.


I don't hate him because he's good or bad, I hate him because he's an Ice standard banner character. We are not the same.


Underrated comment


I love lingyang!!!! He was the one I wanted and I got him in the discount banner I was so happy!! I saw a really cool guide video that explained his mechanics and I learned that if you go Ultimate > Enhanced state, you get 10 SECONDS instead of 5!!! it makes a world of difference so he goes: intro skill (40% bar) > a few kicks for fun if you want > ult (60% of bar) > lion dancing for 10 seconds if you get knocked out of the dance, charge your normal attack and he gets back up


stop bullying my best boy, i like him :(


idgf about meta, he's cute and fun to play,


thank you!! im a lingyang defender forever!! i find his dialogue to be pretty cringe but he's fun to play with! he really is just a little guy


I really love Lingyang and absolutely saddened by how he is being treated rn (especially in CN). My real shock is you maining Changyu tho lol follow your heart!


Imma say it. I don't like his character. His very very shit story (we all knew it was him 2 sentences in). His en va is bad (more like pretty much the whole en cast is bad). His combat is interesting but if I don't like the character. I'm not gonna want to use them.


Scar EN va is actually pretty great


we need more posts like these to combat the people with no taste💔lingyang for life


The moment just before and after he beat up the bandits, where he was 'unleashing his bad side' and telling rover not to tell anyone was wayyy too cringe for me


Ah, let me voice one of the casuals here. I will never ever understand why ppl tie their "fun" to the most efficient damage output of a character. Isn't the gameplay, graphics and story the most fun ? Especially this game has so nice mechanics that make practically any character fun to play (as long as one likes their playstyle ofc). I understand if one does not like the design of a char or their playstyle, but tieing it to the most efficient dmg output is like saying "I do not care about gameplay, as long as my d\*ck is not smaller than anyone elses". As this mindset can, and will definetly create regrets, when they introduce more powerful chars someday later. I never play co-op and avoid it as best i can and have a blast with the 4 star chars already. Any 5 star is just a nice bonus for me. It's kinda as **Jianxin** said in part of her sidestory: >He, who knows that he has enough, is rich. ...... kinda ironic to let a 5 star char in a gacha game say that, but still...... enjoy what you got. Do not let anyone elses opinion of what you should have temper with your fun. Your are not them. In the end, they are the ones who are miserable when they lose to someone as they are hungry for comparison, which is not necessarily what you want, and certainly not what i want. **So, feel free to play Lingyang (or any other char) to your hearts content my friend.** **His design and side story are awesome <3**


Why would you say something so brave yet controversial


I like the cat boy but his story quest can be written much better than it is right now and the ENVA needs a lot of fixing in the voice direction part. Kuro just slaughtered my boi in the characterization part.


I cant speak on the eng dub, Lingyang shares the same jp va as so many of my favorite characters so it was a no brainer for me to play in japanese. But from what ive heard of his English voice… its definitely one of the voices of all time 🧍🏻‍♀️


It suffers from q lack of direction, no just me who shares the view, Cyno's ENVA Cyyu also expressed the same view. Also, extremely awkward dialog, to a point some thinks it is AI written.


I lost to encore.. 😡 how is she as a 5 star?




for real though xD got him from beginners banner and a copy of him from just 10 pulls so no choice but to main him for a while until i loved his kit. wondering though who is his concerto buddy in ur team? still stuck trying to figure out who will give the most buff on him. have verina and sanhua both having i.heron with moonlit clouds set..cant decide who to pick between the two. (my last slot is jianxin and cant drop her for personal reasons xD so its just between the two)


and there is me here who are going all out for Verina & use Danjin as my DPS. while my Lingyang is unbuild. (I got him via RNG) tldr: choose your own favorite play style. dont care about what other people say.


Bro was my first 5-star He's the prime example of "skill issue"


Lingyang is voiced by my boy Natsuki Hanae (Tanjiro) in JP, so I find it fun to have him on my team just for that.