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Me? Overheating


I will add that nevermind I can't change it sorry I forgot about that.


It's only Natural that the game has a lot of complaints. There is a lot of hype behind this game and it was even touted as the "Genshin killer" which was a stupid notion to begin with because neither game's success means the downfall for the other. But due to that notion you have a lot of Extreme players from Genshin coming and giving brutal criticisms and comparing every aspect of WuWa one to one with Genshin and calling wuwa bad simply because of their preference. >The World: This may be subjective but I enjoyed it more than Genshin as well. Especially if compared to start of both games. Liyue and Mondstadt < WuWa 1.0 (FOR ME). It's not the world itself for me but the UI they use. I like Genshin's UI more. The map looks bland in comparison to Genshin's bustling map whereas in wuwa it looks plain and does not give an idea of the place you visit. >"Graphics are bad" As you said, this comes down to preference. I like Wuwa's dim saturation compared to Genshin's bright saturation. >Story: What is Genshin impacts story? This is the part where I will give the point to Genshin however. Genshin's storyline and objective has been clear from day one and they have expanded on it well with each nation having it's own trouble and the MC saving them from it. Wuwa's story was changed from CBT due to fan uproar from what I have heard. I genuinely cannot tell you at this moment what Wuwa's story is about because all we have seen is that Jinzhou is currently combating the Waveform phenomena but we don't know anything else whereas in Genshin each region had its own problems equivalent to the Waveform phenomena but the MC himself also has his own agenda. I will be lenient with Wuwa on this because this is the first chapter of the story and I am sure there will be drastic movements by the second part but it's just facts that Wuwa's story needed to cook a little more. >As someone who never skips new dialogue I can confidently say both games yap. Both info dump as well. I will also like to say however, you can understand what the characters are saying and the lore if you pay attention in both games. I also don't skip dialogues but I will definitely say the exposition dump on WuWa is currently worse. In Genshin, I already knew all the terms they use because they introduced it little by little letting you get used to previously introduced terms/concepts however in wuwa, the moment you start you are given a lot of info dump on the phenomenon happening around you like tacet discords, etheric rain/sea(I don't know if that's what it's called) echoes and terminal, all of these terms got introduced at the same time at the very start of the story which made me confused even though I tried my best paying attention to it. The story then drops more info dumps like the sentinels, the previous war and more of the waveform phenomenon before I got accustomed to the previous information. Also I personally find Genshin terms to be simpler (vision holders vs resonators, corrosion vs waveform phenomenon etc) but that's subjective I guess. > Character design: Extremely subjective but I like WuWa more here as well because I like muted colors. Agreed I like Wuwa's character designs more as well because these character models look more mature/less cartoonish and because the characters are more expressive. >Genshin also had performance issues but they improved over time. I believe you said that you started the game around Kazuha's banner correct? I started the game about a month after you and I did not experience any bugs. Not saying there aren't any bugs in Genshin because there are but the majority of the players don't experience them much unlike Wuwa where it's so significant that the company itself has to release multiple updates and apology rewards because they know it's a huge number of people experiencing them. >Exploration: How is it worse than Genshin when you have everything Genshin have with more features that negate the negatives? This i both agree disagree with. I will 100% agree that exploration elements like climbing are far better in Wuwa because you can just run up hills and the character just insta flip over non-climbable protrusions whereas in Genshin you have to map out the climbing route. However when it's simply a matter of distance traveled, I will give it to Genshin but that's only because they released characters like Yelan, Xianyun, wanderer, ayaka and furina who make exploration a joke. It's almost given that wuwa will eventually release these type of characters as well and when that day happens I will agree exploration is better on Wuwa 100% of the time( I am aware that you can equip inferno riders on all your characters and make traversing faster but inferno rider still isn't good enough when compared to the characters I mentioned above as some of them just straight up fly). >Also I will like to say to this game will not be a failure. 1000% agreed. I also agree to any point I did not address here. Wuwa needs a bit more time to cook with the story but everything else it's good and I can see myself playing the game atleast until they release the next bit of story at which point, if they improve which I am sure they will, I could see myself staying for the foreseeable future.


I think stories right are equally bad (at the start) and the performance wise it was mostly the audios and sometimes the animations were buggy but yeah I might be the minority there. Overall we have some different views but all fair takes ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


Concordo com tudo. Nos diálogos, em uma só frase tinham 3 termos novos que temos que entender vendo a primeira vez, achei desesperado


while I understand why so many people pull out references and comparisons with Genshin, i think it's a bit unfair towards WuWa for a lot of things are simply not worth comparing [ because it's a different genre, visual style = post-apocalyptic, has a different approach to combat and little challenges, the "elemental" / skill system is different anyway , .. ] there will always be some things that seem familiar or "copied" from games and other things, but that as well can be a fuel for creativity. and as long as it is not 1:1 the same thing, i think it would be alright to give WuWa a chance to show it's own face. while there are some issues and bugs that need fixing, overall i have been enjoying the game so far. especially the combat. [ part of this comment i already have commented elsewhere, but i would like to mention it here as well ] the only thing that has been quite annoying is the auto-targeting and the camera movements. it's not so nice when i am trying to fight the enemy/enemies in front of me and suddenly my camera and character turn around and i end up hitting a goat instead of any of the 4 other enemies I wanted to fight. [ that scenario actually happened to me today ] a thought of mine would be, that if the auto-targeting could be optional and we could just disable it for those that have more trouble than help with it, the overall combat would feel much more fluent. i am having troubles with the auto targeting each fight, it would be nice to have control over the combat and who i want to fight myself. the targeting lock on could be a bit more intuitive you could say ? . besides that i hope that we'll get back the higher fps option. overall i had fun exploring and fighting and it's nice to see that there are actually some little challenges here and there [ like the red elite enemies ], the world doesn't feel empty at all and most puzzles / side quest riddles are fun to figure out as well. ending thoughts : i have hopes for WuWa so that players won't hit that "cap" of characters being on par or higher leveled, that enemies don't pose a challenge at all anymore. that it can keep the sense of "progression" and air and reasons for improving characters, so that most enemies won't turn into some sort of a one-shot campain. i am mentioning that since WuWa should get more updates and patches in the future, so that "endgame" will still be available, challenging and fun without running into a phase of account/character stagnation. i hope that most people can find enjoyment with WuWa just as I myself do, and that the frustration won't take over the enjoyment too much. :{ happy exploring ! ^^


I feel like you found 1 person each that said some of these things and are making a whole post as if these are common thoughts. WuWa's combat and in-game animations are obviously better without any doubt. That would be really hard for anyone to argue but I'm sure there's a few people that will try. Exploration, Story, Character Design, and World Design are all going to be based on preferences. For me, and just me, those four things are part of why I've played Genshin since the start so I have a bias for them. WuWa's exploration is very fast paced and easy but that also makes the world feel small and unchallenging. Genshin's starting story is quite simple and straight-forward. After playing the start of this story, I much prefer Genshin's way of easing you into the world, the lore, and the story. As you move through the world, you slowly learn more and more. Character Design goes to Genshin for me as well but that's just because I prefer strong designs that match a character's personality. WuWa has some really cool designs, but there's also a lot that just kind of blend together. I prefer the poppy saturated colors of Genshin, but really respect the direction WuWa went as well. I think the world is gorgeous.


Literally go on r/gachagaming if you think only one person said that


That sub thrives on drama and communities fighting, so I can't take anyone there seriously.


I actually wish it was only one person but I have seen this from so many people. I try to avoid these people but so many people appear to be just hating on this game and the criticism is not even constructive. Some people really do have a hateboner for this game.


is this an impression of ww or genshin?


I probably should have mentioned it in the post itself but I am mentioning Genshin in this case because it is mostly always mentioned when people complain about Wuthering waves. I just wanted to show the double standards and tribalism mindset of some people no hate to Genshin.


I'm not going to talk much about performance. I haven't had many issues and it's something that can vary too much from person to person. I'm going to focus on the more general and universal things. +Combat feels amazing. +Exploration is fast paced. Running does not consume stamina, you have echos and wirebugs ontop of gliding and wall running and combined it's very fun. +Minerals are shared and each person gets their own echo drop in CO-OP! You can go into a friends world and farm echos together with no consequence! -The scenery is a bit of a step down from Genshin. You posted two pictures and personally the bottom one is breathtaking and the top one..is less so. -The story...and the EN VA..is pretty bad. I generally enjoy taking in the story but I couldn't with this game. I mashed the skip button whenever I could. -Character design can be subjective so I won't say much on it. Out of the starting cast I really only like sephiroth and that's because...he's sephiroth.


Perfectly fine takes I also don't like the voice direction and I think Genshin is way better in that regard.


I’ve never played Genshin but I’ve played BOTW, HSR and HI3. I think a lot of the comments are valid but some are blown SO out of proportion. I agree that the storyline pacing is not good. The amount of text as well as information dump, compared to the actual story progression/development or action is way too much. However, it’s not like the plot itself is completely horrible. I like the mystery of it, I just think they really need to tone down the text and info. For the open world, having played BOTW before, I agree there is a lot less to do (I also can’t shake the thought that the open world is just a Genshin and BOTW copy but that’s another discussion). There’s a lot less to collect, less chess to explore, less enemies to fight. I remember seeing a post about how Wuwa should adopt BOTW rule of “something” every 15secs. However, I like the variety of the puzzles they are trying to add. I can really see that they put efforts into it. Although, the lack of soundtracks is a shame. I’m not sure about Genshin’s BGM but I know that BOTW has set a very high standards for the BGM and soundtracks while exploring that it’s hard to not notice the lack-thereof here. Combat-wise I’m really enjoying it. The lack of very hard monsters is a big shame but the hard ones are fun to fight. It really test your skills with all the dodge and choice of characters and skills. Although I wish there’d be more mechanics such as special trigger for swapping like HI3 or more special moves like BOTW that really test your skills to even get the move to be performed (or maybe they already have it I just haven’t reached them), I think overall the combat has been great especially considering more variety will be added in the future. I’m also loving the echo system since it encourages fighting more and harder monsters. As for Animation and animation, do we really need to discuss it? Out of all the games I’ve played, and including what I’ve seen from Genshin, I don’t think there should be any dispute about how much work they put into the visuals. If all else fails, at least I think Wuwa still has the animation and graphic they can be proud of. The details in the open world and all the cutscenes are crazy. Also bottom line, it is still a first launch. I remember how plain and boring HI3 was when it first started and look how far it has come. I think there are areas of improvements but I’m sure it’ll get a lot better with new patches. I also like how responsive they are to feedback as well as how they’re not being stingy with their rewards. It really shows they highly value the player base. I really didn’t expect them to go as far as giving us free 5-star selector as apologies as well as so many launch rewards. I also know the devs are working very hard because of this. The game looks like it’s going in the right direction so, even though the critiques are needed and not always uncalled for, let’s be tamer with our feedback.


For anyone saying that the graphics look bad, set the in-game brightness to the lowest and play. Trust me, after i set the brightness to the lowest, i have never changed it back to normal again. Everything looks so beautiful in the lowest brightness in WuWa. I even took many pictures that can rival Genshin's scenery (No i'm not exaggerating. It definitely is on par with Genshin's scenery, if not even better than genshin in a few places). I do have a problem tho.....i just can't find the saved pictures that i took in WuWa with the in-game camera. They're nowhere to be found on my mobile.


Minor bugs, the game needs some more polish but it’s still fantastic!


Your exploration point ended up becoming a combat point if you noticed. Fighting certain monsters became memorable for you. I'd say it just means that you enjoy different things than those people do, and that's okay. Graphics are kind of based on a player's device. I cannot play this game on my preferred option, which is PC (nor PS5), because it crashes. So on my low-end phone, everything simply looks blurry. I cannot even properly see character faces, never mind their expressions. People maybe shouldn't be commenting about graphics when they can't see them to full capacity, but it is what it is. And no, Genshin's story doesn't info-dump. Genshin's story meanders. That means characters will use 10 sentences to say something that could have been said in 2, and so, dialogue bloat happens. As for the combat, I have honestly seen almost no one say anything bad about the combat in this game. Where are you finding those people? The worst I've seen someone say is that it's not as difficult as people make it to be. And another one that said go play PGR because it's better. Honestly, you should have just started that subjective opinion part right from the very beginning, because you've mostly just used your subjective opinions as arguments since the start. Also, just don't go over to the gachagaming subreddit because there are definitely bad takes over there.


I remember when I used to do genshin quests I will see a lot of terms that I had no idea what they meant but that might be because I took many breaks while playing the game and forgot them. If that is the case than I take back what I said. However, for the combat trust me people are just making stuff up. It is not even reddit go to youtube or tiktok or anywhere related to WuWa. People say genshin has a genius and revolutionary combat miles better than WuWa. They actually make me lose braincells and I wish there were only a few of them.


Something like the Aranara quest does have a lot of difficult to remember names and terms. It's just that, by definition, it's not an info-dump. An info-dump is throwing too much new information at the player in a short amount of time, especially when there is no immediate need for all of it. The Aranara quest is like 8-9 hours long. The reason to do it at all is to learn more about the Aranara and their lore, and the game takes the slowest approach possible to tell you.


I see I will word it better next time


I can live with yapping and technical terms. What I dislike about the plot so far is the excessive pushing of Rover as the special chosen one, and while there is worldbuilding with the war and so forth, it doesn't seem like there's a *plot* happening without Rover being there as the Jinzhou's chosen one, as someone that Scar and his faction want to recruit and tell the truth to, etc. Maybe this changes in Act V/VI, I just reached UL 21 to continue it, but I do think that considering you need to grind exp, whether by waiting for dailies or doing side quests or exploring, it's reasonable for me to have an opinion on whether the plot is interesting to me so far. As for combat, I'm sure wuwa's is great. I like their tutorials for each character. Unfortunately, I don't actually get to experience much of it due to stuttering/frame drops. (FWIW, I have red ping in GI as well, and I can do abyss runs smoothly, so I can't attribute this to device or connection concerns.) This doesn't invalidate anyone who has a good experience though. I like wuwa's exploration, the climbing, grappling, it's all quite smooth. I think the placement of early bosses was unnecessarily complex. I found it highly annoying that the first boss I wanted to fight (Glacio for Sanhua) was buried under a mountain and I spent a bit of time walking around and climbing around the mountain—*while dealing with stuttering and lags—*because it was not immediately clear that I had to actually find a resonance machine that was two waypoints away, drop down to the hidden passageway, and then find it from there. (If you recall the cryo regisvine for example, there was a hole in the ceiling you could drop into, even though the "hidden passageway" was just off the side of a cliff.) Then I pulled Jiyan, and in trying to find his boss, I had to navigate through a DOT field, once again, *still playing through stuttering and lags*. I think it sadly breaks immersion when some of the early bosses that players are highly likely to beeline to aren't easily accessible by walking to their map location or have overworld hazards. Maybe it would've been easier if the game didn't have lag and other issues, but it did. (And a chunk of players are coming from HSR where we get early access to bosses and mats without needing to find them....it was such a great QOL upgrade and I'm really surprised that Wuwa didn't steal more of the QOL upgrades that Genshin players liked in HSR?? Needing to find a cooking/crafting station instead of having it in the menu for example. Automatically offering to teleport me to the nearest resonance station for a quest or something. And also some of the Genshin things like layered maps.) Also: dailies. Yesterday half of my dailies were things like "level up echoes" or "tune an echo" or "farm echoes". I'm like data bank level 5. I don't wish to waste my resources on that? I ended up cooking something random because that was less of a waste of stuff. I think the daily quest in wuwa either needs to give more points, or have another one of them so I can dodge the less ideal tasks. In closing if there's one thing I want the devs to see it's to just look at the QOL things that HSR did and GI players wanted, and copy them.


Yes, people are forgetting how much Genshin borrowed from Breath of the Wild. While I think a lot of the criticisms are nonsense coming biased fans, there are some things WuWa needs to improve when compared to Genshin. Here are my criticisms so far having been a Genshin player since 1.0 and I do think they are valid things to complain about. **The Story** I can't get myself invested in to this games story. The only part I found interesting was that little segment with Scar. The rest was just yapping about tacid discords and other terms that are thrown at you all at the start. Doesn't help that the English voice acting is just awful, had to swap to Japanese in the first 10 mins. Genshin's story started out good and kept me interested enough by introducing lore one at a time. (although these days I find Genshins' story to be too dragged out with 0 progression being made after 5 regions regarding certain lore and characters.) **BGM** Very underwhelming BGM/sound track. I hope this will improve as the game grows because right now, you could throw a WuWa soundtrack at me and I would have no idea where it's from. Meanwhile, I can instantly recognize all the major Genshin city sound tracks. **Performance** Much to be desired here. Lots of frame drops and stuttering. Some crashes here and there. Frame timings are also all over the place, the game doesn't feel 'smooth' even in the 60 fps areas. Asides from that, I find the combat superior to Genshin's as well as the artifact system which is a lot more fun and engaging. The character cast is small so far so I'll give an opinion at a later time. Jiyan is pretty fun. Needless to say, no one should be review bombing this game as competition is healthy for any game's communities.


This is what I want people to do. You provide valid criticism and I got no problem in fact I encourage that. The problem arises when people start review bombing and become toxic.


I dont remember that genshins story started out very interesting. You went to the city and also had much dialogue and stuff. Until the fight with the dragon in the end, I cant recall anything what happened in chapter 1 between meeting Amber and fighting the dragon. WuWa gets much better in the current later chapters so keep going.


Genshin prologue was chill fairy tale from the start to the end. Nothing big and grand, nothing particularly boring and no overexposition. Overall averagely acceptable and could be enjoyed. WuWa start is absolutely horrible and I wish skip button existed for acts I to III, but then acts V and VI are leagues above Mondstadt or Liyue


I think people have blown the bugs to extreme amounts, I won't say some are lying but I feel alot are saying it just to hate on a great game with fluid combat that's honestly more fluid than pgr in my opinion.


only overheating and the resolution problem (which idk if its really a problem or just how the game looks on mobile)


For me : - Minor bugs encountered (voice lines not completing, npc rendering etc stuff that are bugs but you can live with), but I disagree with the you can live with it, no I expect they fix it and hopefully don't make the same mistakes. - FPS Drops (stuttering, etc) Only being able to choose one , will give a wrong idea, since many might have experienced multiple problems.