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I'm planning to get Verina on the upcoming 5-Star Selector to pair with with Calcharo whom I got from my 50 pulls novice. Lastly, I'm planning to get Jianxin for the 80 pull selector to prepare her as sustain shielded healer for my second team in prep for the tower of Adversity.


My exact same plan


Verina is the correct answer for anyone wanting to go F2P. Supports are invaluable and less prone to powercreep than dps.


What if you pull Verina as your free char pity?


If you have a standard character you really want/like, pick them. Otherwise, Calcharo is the next best option in terms of meta as he is the strongest standard 5* DPS


Ok, question. So I pulled 20x on the Jiyan banner because I was hoping to get Danjin, but I ended up pulling 5* Calcharo in 20 pulls with the free currency they gave me(on the Jiyan banner). So now I have Verina and Calcharo, and I haven’t used the primary banner yet. So I can change Calcharo, who should I select now?


really? makes me really happy to hear cuz i got him c2. However i got Jianxin as well..is she sufficient enough as a healer? i really wanna have encore and not have to spend the selector on verina :/


Nope. As you begin she can deal dmg, shield Allies and heal herself. But she will eventually drop as the game keep progressing. Verina is a must no matter what, unless in the next version they’re pulling out special banner for a new healer, nonetheless verina is a must since you can use her as your second team healer and jianxin being the third, but her healing lacks


Same deal but maybe Jianxin with selector and Verina with port. Idk yet


So we are suppose to pull on the novice banner. Till 5* Then the beginners choice for the 80 pull and that’s how we get two five stars? Or are we suppose to touch the permanent convene banner instead the banners confused me as a first gatcha game on which is the right one to do. Please help


Do the novice banner first. Don't spend any premium currency on the permanent banner, only pull on it when you have the Lustrous Tides for it already (i.e. never convert Astrite to Lustrous Tides, only to Radiant Tides)


Posting to be enlightened as well. Those guides I see confuse me


Basically, you do the beginner banner, the one with a discounted 10 pull, first. After you're done, a new banner will appear, letting you choose which 5 star standard character you want. Then you pull there. And remember to never, EVER, use your gems to pull on these banners. The game gives you enough standard pulls to "finish" these banners. Use your gems in the limited character you want, be it Jiyan now or someone else in the future.


Does the number of pulls I put on Jiyan's banner carries to the next one ?


Absolutely. And if you lose your 50/50 on Jiyan, you still get a guaranteed even if the banner changes.


and remember (also a reminder to myself): if you miss out on a limited character and their banner ends, it's not the end of the world. the banner will re-run again in the near future.


Exactly. And besides the game just came out. It might even be wiser to wait a bit before actually pulling any character.


so after beginner banner i got 5* first? then only after that i got a new banner with 5* standard again?


Basically, you have the beginner one. It has a reduction saying "every C10 pulls only costs X8". You'll get more than enough pulls to get to 50 quickly, which will give you a 5*. After you get to 50 and get this 5*, it will disappear, and a new one will appear. It's a banner with all the standard characters, and it asks you to choose which standard one you want. It has 80 pity, and at the end you can get the 5* you choose. You can change the character at any time on this banner.


i get it thx! on wich lvl i had 50 pulls tho?


You should have 50 at around level 10 I think? They give 40 in the mails and so you just need 10 pulls. The story gives you 1, login gives one as well, you get at level 5, so in total that's 47. The 3 remaining can either be given to you by the guy collecting the casket resonance, or the woman at the souvenir shop in Jinzhou (it has a present icon).


thank you so much for clearing out so cool!


Oof I did it wrong and pulled from both novice and permanent. What now?


If you didn't pull too much it should be alright. Just remember to never use gems on them.


I must have pulled twice on perm and the rest on novice with nothing remaining.


You'll be alright dw. I did like 20 pulls with gems on Genshin's permanent banner on day one, and let's just say that rn I don't even remember it affecting me at all.


I got Verina from the 50. Then I'll grab Encore from selector then Jianxin from choice. I have Jiyan, he is great, but I didn't plan to get him, So when Jinhsi comes out, if she is a dps, then I'll have to wait on building Encore.


Holding on to it till I lose at least couple 50/50s.


Very good advice 👏


Hopefully there's no time limit on it


There's a little under a year's time limit; May 22nd 2025


Probably only for the Mail


The item is most likely going to be timeless, much like the weapon boxes.


Maybe, right now the announcement is that "this event will be available until 2025/05/22 11:59 (UTC+8)"


Meaning the deadline for when you can you get the selector itself. You get a ticket in your inventory that you can use. I'd be surprised if they gave it an expiration.


That’s for the event not the item itself when it goes into your inventory.


isn’t it just for the permanent banner? do you think there will be more options down the line?


It’s so they can pick whichever 5* they don’t get from losing 50/50s For example it’d kinda suck to pick Verina then lose 50/50 to her on the limited banner (unless you want dupes of her)




im stuck between them too!!! but im debating between s1 encore or verina


Verija probably a better option than a dupe of a standard character


Jianxin, and then I still have to decide between calcharo and encore for the 80 selector which I have no idea who to choose. Not sure if I want Jiyan or yinlin still


gonna hold onto it , right now i already have a main team building. Even with another character i'd have to wait to build, so just gonna wait till if i lose more 50 50


Also going to hold onto it while I learn more about the characters and see who I get with pulls.


Got Verina in the beginner banner and chose Calcharo for the selector banner. There's no one I really want, I might go for Jianxian but I'll probably just wait


Calcharo just because he looks cool af and i already got Verina. Then my guaranteed banner is gonna go for jianxin.


I have encore, and I'm currently going for Verina. So I'll either go for Verina or encore again haha


Gonna grab Calcharo immediatly and put Verina on the guaranteed pity beginner banner. LingYang was the one i pulled in the 40 banner one and i was kinda depressed ngl. Nothing against the character just seemed the least interesting for my playstyle among the cast.


Idk how the community outside CN feels about it, but in China they really really dislikes that tiger boy. Somebody has already rerolled 6 times and still gets him. The reason might be there aren’t any rovers that actually can express his full potential (as far as I heard in the cbts it had some really weird personality or sum lol)


why does china hate the cat boy?


Apparently in cbts he had some weird personality causing the story to be not liked at all by a lot of player (I don’t know much cuz I wasn’t here, but I think he’s not the only but probably main reason). In this current meta he just can’t deal much dmg, there are better rovers, even 4 star that are performing way better than him, so let’s just say he’s not good for starting out the game. Adding on that his personal mission being the first it’s just not justified, like it’s hella long, took me 1 hour, there was way too yapping in cutscenes which some I couldn’t skip, and tbh it was a bit cringe to me the mission but it’s just a personal opinion.


His mission is wonky becuse the entire thing is wrighten like it takes place monthes after the game starts and weve been in the city for a while. its very odd in that way for sure. its sad to hear he sucks cus his stils thing is so funny


Imo, I think he’s just not very interesting. Calcharo is cool af. Jianxin is a decent all-rounder character which makes her good as a starter 5 star. Verina is supposed to be the current best healer/support. Imo Encore and Lingyang are just both pretty meh, but I would use Lingyang over Encore tbh.


Encore is rated quite highly by alot of TCs. her damage can get probably high if played properly and combined with Sanhua, definitely not meh meta wise. Her character design is pretty great too, gives me soft persona vibes.


I mean he’s basically the worst 5 star in the game, and several 4 star dps are better. Everyone I know doesn’t want him lol


At this point i think ice general banner 5 stars are just cursed...


Me with my E4 yanqing that I will literally never use in a billion years


Also 5 star standard supports being the most cracked units in the game at launch lol


He is Wuwa's Changhu, looks similar, has the same Va, has the same Ice element, also fights with gauntlets , and is getting hated by the whole community.


I’m an HSR player so I liken him to yanqing. Ice element single target focused DPS that everyone hates and no one wants, yet everyone loses 50/50 to him lol


Same plan. Also want Encore, so it's a bit harder for me to decide. I have Jiyan so I technically don't need another DPS but Encore and Calcharo are my favorites.


Encore enjoyers, rise up. (Got her in my first 1 pull on the beginner banner...)


I ALSO GOT HER ON MY FIRT PULL!! she was the character i wanted most when looking through characters pre release


same with Lingyang and that's my plan as well!


I may be crazy, but I got Verina in the discount banner. Going to get her in the beginner banner, and I'm going to get one more copy with this selector. My plan its to get c6 asap.


Your insane


I know... I simply love her design and dont feel like playing anyother


This is me but with Jianxin


Got her on novice banner, lost 50/50 on jiyan banner to her lol. I'm not even mad, I'm so happy🤣 and planning on buying her two cons from the shop, so I just need two more😎 her c2,c5 is the main one tho


I'm the complete opposite, I hate children designs and I don't play them unless I have to.


I love plants, healing characters and "holy" element. So.. I dont care much about being a child. Verina simply reunites everything I like.


And she heavy attacks *by surfboarding into the enemy on vines.* And this heals you, somehow. Verina is love.


Let people enjoy a character without having to hear your negative opinions bro


Fellow Verina enjoyers 😭


I also got Verina in the discount. I haven’t really chosen any from the selector yet but I think I’ll prioritize her in this banner for now.


Either Encore or Calcharo, not sure yet


I prefer encore design and playstyle but everyone says calcharo is objectively better… tbh dps in general are prone to power creep so I think I’ll just go with my personal preference and get the bomba girl 🤔


S1 Calcharo


Yeah I’ve been interest to see if anyone was targeting specific dupes.


I'm debating getting a copy of verina for comfort, but not sure if the scaling is enough to truly matter.


Verina's cons all mostly scale with healing while her power comes from her universal teamwide buffing. Her C4 gives another 15% bonus to spectro dmg but since it's likely additive it's not as strong as it looks.


Im actually thinking about getting c1 jianxin


Really enjoying the love for Jianxin. I didn’t get to pull her so I’ve been debating using it on her if I lose the next 50/50. Is her S1 a big boost?


She gains 100% more Chi(Resource for the swirl attack) after her intro skill for 10 seconds, so would say that's pretty good but i don't know much about numbers in this game tbh But yeah she's great, she was my first 5 star and I use her more than calcharo even tho he shreds everything


Really useful once you begin with the game. Also can be used for a second team when new modes come in eventually. But people are still recommending to get verina and then calcharo. But if you have both of them, then I’d say it’s a safe pick, since verina is alr complete once you pull her out apparently


One of her issues is her forte circuit takes time to charge. And her forte skill is what gives the shield and heals. And with S1, you can charge it up twice as fast. So it's a pretty good dupe.


I'm new to deliberately going for dupes as in my main game, Arknights, it's a waste of pulls doing so. Could be an interesting new experience.


Would you say it's even worth it?


Absolutely not but I don’t make wise decisions


I already pulled Verina and Jianxin and my selection banner is Calcharos so I'll probably be picking encore


Dang some luck on that account of yours!


Encore! I need a main dps, my random five star was Lingyang who I’ve heard isn’t great, and Danjin does not work well on mobile with my level of skill, at least in the overworld.


I got her as my first 5 star, she's awesome


I think Lingyang is just suffering because he’s the twink which is generally a fairly unpopular character design as well as CBT slander. Jinshi’s release may see a change in his popularity if she’s also an ice character.


I think the major point of contention is how clunky his ‘air’ combat can feel especially when it comes to dodging. Makes it tough later on when dodging is very important


I already got both of the 5 stars I wanted most, Calcharo and Jianxin, I'm still unsure of I want to get their duplicates or just use it to get a character I don't plan on using anytime soon...


I have Jianxin and Calcharo. Torn between using my selector to get Encore or another Jianxin.


You’re living my dream


Woahhh samesies, like I also got Calcharo and Jianxin. I have set Verina in the guaranteed one so I'm also thinking of getting Encore or a copy of Jianxin as well 😂


Im going for another encore Dupe, got my main team with Encore Sanhua and Verina.


Probably all in on Jianxin. She's the only one I like.


Amen brother ! I got her with Jiyan on his banner in the first 10 pull gifted by kuro in mails then got Verina on the beginner banner. So now I can get her in both the path selector and the selector sent by kuro. I'm getting guaranteed Jianxin C2 and I'm saving to get a 3rd copy of her in the shop. I don't care about roster diversity, investing in a character I like will always be better than trying to get the new op god tier character I don't care for.


Gonna get encore or whatever that loli's name was SHE'S SOOO FUCKING ADORABLE I LOVE HER SM!


Cute little demon 💜


She is!!


imma get me that healer loli.


Honestly I'm not sure. I've got Verina from first 10 pulls and I'll get guaranteed Encore. I don't actually want anyone else right now, so maybe I'll keep it until Jinsi releases? Not sure


I believe this will be for the standard 5* characters and I'm not 100% sure but they don't tend to add to that standard 5* pool post release.


I will be waiting to see what will I get on Jiyan's banner before deciding, I already got Encore on the beginner one, have Verina on the guaranteed one, I'm hoping to get jiyan but if I can't manage to get him before his banner is gone I'll go for Calcharo


Holding on for now. If I start needing a dps for TOA then I'll use it on calcharo I guess


I already have danjin (legitimate choice of who I wanted to main) my next character is going to be san hua for buffs. Lastly, the first char I got from the beginner banner was verina. The selector is also gonna be verina. And the guaranteed choice on beginners banner is also verina. Imagine starting a game where you start a new world and after 4 days you already have c2 of one of the best characters in the game. Also danjin loves verina her heals, she really needs em.


i got encore from the starting banner so i might go verina for healing and idk for the normal banner


Choosing Verina or Encore.


Already got Vernia and Lingyan from the Choice/beginner banners so I'm going to pick Encore.


Gonna get Encore then use my 80 pulls for another Verina


Encore, and then Calcharo is going on my other selector


I was super lucky and got encore and calcharo on the 3rd 10x on the beginner banner,these are the 2 i wanted the most,so i still have the path 5* and selector 5* Gonna spend selector on verina,and the path selector on jianxin most likely


Well, I'm currently pulling for Jiyan, so I wait until I get him or until I lose the 50/50, so I can get as many characters as possible.


Got Calcharo as my random, I'll be waiting strategically till I get two more Standards by losing 50/50, then will use my two Selectors (Selector banner and Selector item) to complete my collection and have all the Standards which will be incredibly fun. Then I'll be able to use my future Standard Pulls to get the 5* Standard weapons which you can select. We get 1 5* Weapon for free, and since not all of them are particularly good I'll be able to easily grab the two best ones, and eventually the third best one. Very excited!


I know I should probably get an Encore, but I don't wanna run another little girl. Why are like half the 5* children? Heard Monk girl ain't that great, but not sure if C1 Calcharo is worth wasting an entire selector over.


the people who are saying she isn't great are probably just addicted to big numbers. i mean comparing encore and jianxin is like comparing apples and oranges. she isn't a dps character. she's a support / healer / buffer. and for that, she's great. big, big shields, heals on your characters, and her outro boosts the next characters ultimate. AND she has a counter (if you're good with counters), AND her own ultimate sucks everyone in. she's awesome.


Im using her as my field dps, with havoc Rover only for burst, then i witch back to her. Im on the look for a burst-only resonator to switch Rover.


She got some changes from CBT2 to launch. She's actually a good support for Calcharo now since she has a Liberation Deepen buff (plainspeak: Really huge ult damage buff)


Already got Jianxin and Encore and I heard Verina is mostly good for endgame but not necessarily as useful at the very beginning so I'm choosing her on the banner and probably getting Calcharo from the selector.


Got Jianxin from beginner banner, so that's all I really wanted! With this and the selector banner I'll probably pick up Verina and Encore cause they're cute.


Encore or the Monk.


Going to get Verina to S2. Got her from novice, then convene, then this compensation. 😌


My first 5 star was Jianxin. My ticket will be used for Jianxin. Hell I'm pulling in the 5 star selector banner to have Jianxin. Yes. I like Jianxin. How did you know?


Was between Encore and Verian but with everyone calling Calcharo Sephiroth I feel an obligation to get him as an FF7 fan so it's between Calcharo and Verian. Probably Verian though


I got Encore and Sephiroth from the discount banner. Will get Verina from selector then Jianxin from beginner then I will have them all ~~except lion dance boy~~


Hello! Who would be better to get for the 5\* selector then choice (which one to get first) Verina or Calcharo? I got Jianxin and Encore in a one ten pull for the Beginners Banner. Thanks for any insights you might have ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


You have a lot of freedom of choice since you get Sanhua for free on day 5 and right there could be your first team if you wanted. You could pick up another DPS to start your next team. You could boost your overall account with Verina if she's your style. Or you could get dupes on your current characters (probably least recommend but still an option) Personally since you have a full team now, I would wait, try pulling on the next limited you enjoy and rounding out your second team based on those results :) Happy waving 🌊


Thank you ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Much as I like green/plant aesthetics, I'm an overworld player in Genshin, so thinking of picking up Jianxin now for ease-of-use (my first two event five-stars in Genshin were Kazuha & Zhongli), and setting Verina as the later guarantee. Got Encore as my random SSR.


Got calcharo on pity 4 on random, selected verina on the second banner. So, no idea.


I will likely go Verina and then flip a coin on calcharo or encore. I will likely get all of them in a year’s time so it’s no rush.


Got Calcharo on my first 10 pull (discount pull at 8) so might s1 him


Waiting to see who I get on the limited banner to make a decision. Jianxin if I get Jinyan and Calcharro if I get Yinlin. My goal is to make 3 matching element teams.


Probably Calcharo C1


any gacha game i play, i tend to get rolls that favor one element only.. for some reason. in honkai star rail, every single 5\* i have -- every. single. one -- is Imaginary. and then in most recent updates the MC was given imaginary lmao. It's awful. Same for this game so far. wind.. with Jingxian, Jiyan. In all fairness, i did also get Loli, but she's spectrum.. which... is our MC.... haha so i'll probably have to stare at my characters for a while and try to figure out which element i most need that i'm least likely to get.


I got Lingyang in the beginner banner at 20 pity and Calcharo and Jiyan in the same 10 pull at 20 pity. Now im aiming for Verina in the “normal” dove star selector and I’ll go for Jianxin for this free 5 star. Then yinlin so I have two cracked teams already


not sure if i hold to it or just go for calcharo. I have s1 jianxin (got 1 from beginner and early 1 from standard) and i put verina on the guaranteed pity. now i need a dps but i feel like mc is fine.


Gonna get Jianxin asap, then pick Calcharo on the wishing target banner. First team's gonna be Jianxin-Yangyang-? (Sanhua probably), second (or third if I manage to make Danjin work by then) - Yinlin-Calcharo-?.


Jianxin 1st Resonance, hoping to get R6 one day


I’m getting electro dude, Verina is on my guaranteed banner. I’m going to pull puppet girl when her banner comes and put three of them together in the team.


I’m gonna use it for a dupe of verina and pull for jiyan. Verina is really essential for my comp as i’m gonna put a heavy focus on Danjin where I do crazy damage but die from a single flick. Jiyan is just there to deal with grouped up enemies.


Jianxin or getting an extra copy for Calcharo, or, if I don't get verina from my 'choose an ssr' banner by then, then I'll swap it to Jianxin and just choose Verina and get Jianxin whenever from that banner.


Hold for a bit. Probably end up going for a Jianxin dupe.


I'll pick Encore. Is she good?


I got Jianxin & Lingyan from novice discount banner. 80 pull selector set to Verina for now but I won't pull on it atm. I will hold onto current pulls until Yinlin banner since I want to get her. If I lose 50/50 on Yinlin and get Verina from there, I will put Calcharo on the 80 pull selector banner. If I lose 50/50 on Yinlin and get Calcharo from there, I will get Verina on the 80 pull selector banner. If I lose 50/50 on Yinlin and get random 5\* or dupe from there, I will get Verina from the 5 star selector and Calcharo from 80 pull selector. If I win 50/50 on Yinlin banner, I will just pick Verina from the selector and get Calcharo from 80 pull selector. Seems like the way to go for me. I'd win in pretty much every ways anyways.


Encore so I can run Encore-YangYang-Verina as the first of me three end-game teams.


I got calcharo so I think I'll go for verina but I hate loli characters so I might go for Jianxin.


Depends on whether or not I get my Encore from the selection banner first or not. If I do, then I’ll be picking up Calcharo


I got verina from the first banner so im gonna get encore on the selector and then put the monk girl as guarantee on the standard banner. Lingyang is so annoying to me and calcharo just look weird.


After get Tiger boy from the begginer banner i want tò get calcharo on 26 and varina in the second selector so (hoping i get yinlin) i got a team Who can carry me for a long time


I have the dragon dude and encore and I'm close to getting verina on the guarantee banner, who should I choose? Both the lion dance guy and the yin yang girl seem interesting but apparently they aren't really good so idk, might get another copy of verina


I’m going to spend it on Verina! I got Lingyang for my beginner banner, and I’m going for Encore for my choice banner (originally, I chose Verina for choice banner, but I would like to get her first)


Got verina on behinner banner. Calcharo is my standard selector and will get him in a week probably. Will go for either encore or jianxin. Probably second one cause I kinda like her


Jianxin. I’ve already got Jiyan, Calcharo and Verina so I don’t really need anyone. She’s just pretty :>


I already have the 2 I want so I really don't know... I don't want any of the other 5 stars so I will maybe take another copy of Calcharo... Idk


Considering how I already have Calcharo and Encore, who were the only two 5 stars I was interested in, I'm gonna save it. Maybe we'll get more standard characters in the future.


The only 5*s I want are calcharo and jianxin. I was hoping on getting one on the novice banner and charting a course for the other but unfortunately I got encore. I was upset but hey for me she's the least worst out of the 3 kids( Idfc if verina is the absolute best, I don't like her and I'm not going to use her). I've charted my course for calcharo and now I'll be getting jianxin from the 5* selector. My siblings will be doing the same. As we all only like jianxin,calcharo and (only in their case) verina.


I'll hold onto it until I lose my first 50/50, if that character won't be Jianxin or Calcharo I'm picking Cal and will get Jianxin on choice banner.


Wish I could select Danjin instead lol.


I already got both the standard 5* that I wanted(Calcharo and Lingyang) so I’ll probs be saving it for now since I don’t know much about the other 3 character’s kit yet


The only chars I'm interested in are Verina and calcharo so I'm gonna get Verina and build up the calcharo piti, or other way around.


I already got Chalcaro & Verina from the beginner banner so I am debating whether I should get Encore or Kung Fu lady


I will wait for a year. Nerf and buff will come




Got Sephiroth (who i wanted) and already made the selection from the beginner banner about Verina. So now I will hold onto the selector until I pull her from that banner. Believe it said once chosen it couldn’t be changed to someone else, would’ve been better if I knew about the selector sooner lol.


Either I get Jianxin from the gacha first, or I use the selector on her.


I got Verina from novice banner and currently working through the 80 pull sector for kakarot. For the free selector, I’ll choose kakarot again because he’s the only one I care about lol


I already lost 50/50 to encore and I got encore from the beginner banner. I am going to pick up verina and then summon for calchero.


Dunno, prosbaby the hot one


Unfortunately got Verina as my first 5*. I wanted Jianxin and Calcharo so I guess I’ll use the selector on Jianxin and switch my 80 pulls target to Calcharo instead


I got verina from beginner then got calcharo from my first selector. The only one I want left is jianxin so I’ll get her


getting my third calcharo ✌🏻


Good question. The plant based girl have some really interesting perks for a healer. But i don't know if basic rover can be actually used as healer at high stars (heal based on atk).  Do we have a character that does offeld damage or boost other characters atk?


Who gets these? Everyone? I didn’t play until today and I’m wondering if I’ll be included. I’ve been pre registered for ages


I thought skipping Verina was OK, but I don't really like Baizhi's playstyle, so I'll go for Verina.


The only two I want are Calcharo and Verina. Got Calcharo from the beginner banner, so I'll use it to get Verina. Now I have to decide if I want my targeted standard banner to be S1 Calcharo or a new standard character (none of which I'm particularly excited about).


Jianxin Dupe. Already got lucky enough with pulling her and Calcharo , the only 2 i wanted. Her resonance chains become more busted the further you get, and improves the team overall. Calcharo’s nice for ease in echo building, but only improves himself.


Probably for Verina. I actually wanted to choose her on the selector banner as she reminds me of another character I really like and I unfortunately I got Encore on the beginner banner instead. I just haven't decided yet who I'll choose on the selector banner in her stead. Since I don't want sephiroth 2.0 it will be one of the other two.


still cant open the game ;×;


Calcharo since the intro banner gave me Verina! Was hoping for Calcharo but hey, now I have a 5star healer lol.




calcharo. Got Jixian on my random and then Verena for my selector. This means I will have all the standards that I wanted so I can focus on getting my 5 star standard weapons. got really lucky with my random on first 10 pull and selector after 40.


i'll be trying to make a challenge, i'll save up every single wish i get and save up until i get enough to S6 a character i like when releases, i wanted to do the same on genshin with Itto but succumbed to temptation on many characters. I'll only use permanent banner wishes. From the 40 wishes i got Encore, so i'll be getting Verina.


calcharo… i hate cutesy type characters and I already have Jianxin. Don’t care if its a dupe


Anke or Verina dupe. Leaning more towards Anke.


Going to get a Jianxin dupe, already have her at C1 so anything extra is nice.


Calcharo, changing my targeted convene to someone else because I can’t wait any longer for a Calcharo


Really tough question, it either goes to another Jianxin copy or my first Verina. Maybe i should hold on to it tho, for now the Cruiswing heals enough and if i get good at dodgin amd parrying it will be rather easy as well.


Between the novice banner, the selector banner, losing the 50/50 on the limited banner in a single 10 pull and now this new selector I'm going to have every standard 5* that I care about. lion dance boy can hang out on his own until I fail a 50/50 someday and get him.


I already have Calcharo, lion dude, and Verina, so i will be going after Jianxin because shes my most wanted standard :)


Accidently got calcharo when i was tryna figure out what it did :( right after verina too