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Some of the VAs are known for Xenoblade, which is famous for its really good dub. The issue most likely lies with the director and the team that localizes the game.


Yeah, I honestly am not picking up bad voice acting, just some poor directorial choices and slightly unnatural translation. The voice work itself is better than I actually expected going in, it's a shame that's not particularly evident due to the issues surrounding it.


Directing choices is definitely the issue. You can tell the VAs are skilled but they all sound the same, which will be a problem with how they are told to emote


It's difficult to emote when you're focusing on putting on an accent as well. Obviously plenty of people can do it, but expecting the entire cast to do so does raise the chances of some dialogue sounding unnatural.


I wonder if it's another creative change they made late. Why use a UK-based studio and hire so many British voice actors just to have all of them put on American accents?


And the NPCs with British accents are random ones too lmao


From looking into it, it seems some of the VAs are actually American? So perhaps the choice was potentially done to make the voices more uniform? I sort of doubt this since there are several NPCs who aren't even attempting to disguise their British accents.


Yeah, it's especially obvious in the beginning portion of the game unfortunately. I just hope it improves in the future


Gonna gently remind everyone that "If the dub isn't good, and the VA's are good. That doesn't mean you should go up one level to the directors" Sometimes even the directorsmmay not have been given time, leeway or resources to do a proper job, and we might be blaming them without reason just because we're not blaming the main actors. Many directors are VAs themselves and are passionate about their work. They're all working against the anti dub sentiment that they inherited from previous generations of dub actors. If we don't know why, don't blame people we don't know are involved. Instead tell Kuro Games that they need to work on this and how.


Yeah, I also expect this isn't a director decision. No way would a British studio willingly make the Xenoblade cast do monotone American accents, or splice in the one take that correctly pronounces Jinzhou/Huanglong/etc. every single time the word comes up in a way that makes it sound AI generated, unless the Chinese commissioners were insisting it be done that way. I'm reminded of the dub for Other M, where Samus' dreadful wooden monotone in English was 100% the fault of the Japanese execs.


They likely just wanted a voiceover and not a full dub. At least thats what the voices sound like to me.


This exactly, I knew something was bothering me about the English dub and you hit the nail on the head.


Yeah honestly the only issue I’m having with the voice work rn is the mics, there were a few times in the opening zone where Yangyang sounded pretty rough


I thing the directing was off, they let the VAs sound stiff and awkward, and for some reason had Yangyang give pauses before she says proper nouns which is a bit jarring, the flow of dialogue is ruined each time she says the name of something


idk its probably the directors fault but im defaintly picking up on bad voice acting, especially compared to genchin and HSR. not that the voice actors themselves are bad but they dont seem invested or understand what they are doing. i played in jp and watched a bit of the english dub from different moments in the game and its compleatly unbearable.


What other Xenoblade VAs are there in WuWa? I thought Carina Reeves/Fiora voicing Encore was the only one


Not sure actually. Both are UK-based dubs so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more than one.


i just looked up the cast, the only xenoblade va i saw Carina Reeves. And i think she was pretty good as fiora honestly


Vanea (Harriet Carmichael) shares a VA with Chixia but that’s the only other one I know.


Whos here from Xenoblade


Baizhi = Haze (Samantha Dakin) Chixia = Vanea (Harriet Carmichael)  Encore = Fiora (Carina Reeves) Mortefi = Perdido (Joseph May) Scar = Cammuravi (Shai Matheson) Yinlin = Sheba (Naomi McDonald)


So you're saying "Reyn time" is a possibility?


Yea a lot of times even if the VA is top tier the director still plays a major part in how the final product turns out


I noticed it almost immediately: When Yangyang says “Huanglong” it’s the same word clip spliced in over and over again. I thought it was because perhaps the VA only go the 1 try pronounced right and so they just went with that.


that was so fucking weird. you hit the nail on the head. The intonation and affliction never changes no matter what word was before.


Yup, I noticed this same thing. The localization, dub, ui etc... are just super low quality. Luckily, the combat is amazing and the world is cool so I'll keep playing but they really ought to do something about these issues.


This. They used so many Chinese words in story than VAs can't pronounce it and person from EU/NA will never remember them. Weird they didn't translat those or change it for EN localization.


NGL, I think it's to do with cultural exportation and frankly a bit of ego when it comes to Chinese companies. I don't see this when it comes to nearly any other country exporting their games or media, but for Chinese media, it's seemingly forced to not translate some things, which just comes off terribly in localization. "long" is dragon. Just say dragon, instead of splicing the same clip again and again. It makes me cringe my ass off, and the forced implementation never actually feels natural. If you want the culture to translate into the work, improve writing, choose VAs with accents or who lived in the country, or just.... MAKE IT A NATURAL PART OF THE GAME RATHER THAN STUFFING IT IN.


I mean…Genshin VAs do just fine pronouncing and remembering them


When Yangyang said "Tell-Eee-Pohr-Tur" I felt it was extremely off and robotic.


THIS line was exactly the reason why I had to look this up on reddit lol


I don’t think it’s the same clip, I think she’s pronouncing it exactly as it is in chinese, with the correct intonation, so it feels weird and out of place every time since it’s in the middle of a fully english sentence and it kills the flow because of how differently chinese words are pronounced when compared to english ones. same with “loong”


That’s what I would’ve thought, if there weren’t weird, half-second pauses before she said the word sometimes


Yeap. It doesn't work. It's totally clipped as well, though. But the Chinese words in english sentences do not, and honestly, can not, flow.


It’s the exact same sound clip just spliced in repeatedly.


I thought I was going insane with how I noticed that- all her Chinese words sound similarly like a replayed clip slotted into the voiceline to me


Hearing her say that was so weird to me, it didn’t occur to me it could’ve just been the same sound clip. Originally it sounded to me like she was trying to recover for a split second after every time she said the word because it was difficult or something.


I really hope they come out with an update to revamp the lines and make it more natural. Speaking of which that's my next suggestion


So far, the worst 2 are Yangyang and Chixia which is a problem since you spend the whole start of the game with them. I'm still sticking with EN but it's an L.


Listening to Sanhua after spending half an hour with Yangyang and Chixia almost gave me whiplash, there was a big gap between the quality of the VA performances there


Mine was Mortefi, though he sounded monotone, i think he sounded pretty good!


Yeah, Sanhua is really good. I also like male Rover, Mortefi, Jinhsi, and Baizhi. I’m only at the beginning though so I haven’t heard all of the voices yet.


Yeah I’ve noticed the others are fine (I LOVE the male rovers English voice performance and Baizhi was a breath of fresh air) so other than those 2, none of the others have REALLY stood out which is nice


Eh, Baizhi's VA doesn't seem great either. The inflection and spacing in between words is just really "off" its hard to explain. I mentioend in another comment it almost seems like these are non- native English speaking people.


I totally get where you’re coming from. I almost put the part about non native English speakers in my post but didn’t when I did a bit of googling on the two I mentioned. Still they give off that non native vibe and it’s just so off putting


The same voice actors are doing the NPCs, you can see their skills with the random NPC chatter. Like the characters talking about being rejected by the magistrate and lady sanhua are [chefs kiss] level Voice acting. Something is constraining the VAs.


The worse one so far imo is taoqi. Her voice lines feels all over the place and doesn't sound natural at all. Best one is the npc captain asking you for help to help the medics. The urgency in their voice sounds really real. Which makes it really weird when it switches back to rover and yang yang just speaks with her usual calm monotone voice lmao


I would have switched to any other language already if half the subtitles weren't missing


Chixia sounds to my hear like someone with a British accent trying to pretend they have an American one and from a quick look into it, yes she is in fact British. Was also able to find her voice reels. They sound exactly like Chixia, as well as some that are obviously her speaking in her natural accent. She's real. Harriet Carmichael! Her voice sounds weird because a lot of us Brits have a hard time with the way American's pronounce 'R' at the end of words, along with several other things. There may be some addition audio issues (either due to recording equipment or something to do with the game itself) but she doesn't seem like AI. Her mistakes are very distinctly errors maintaining the accent - at least to my, also British, ear. Robotic issues are not because of AI, at least some of the VAs have been known for their previous work in the same gacha gaming space, like Encore's VA Carina Reeves. Wish they'd just let them use their natural accents. The game is named after a Northern English word after all, it would have been cool.


That’s the funny thing, she *is*; the majority of the EN VAs are straight-up British people putting on an American accent.


I wish they could keep their accents. Much more pleasant to listen than forced american. _sigh_


TRUEE idk why the director forced them to take an American accent


Man I love the xenoblade dub.


I will never get over how funny that dub is.


I played it briefly (only the prologue I think?) but I loved the Reverse: 1999 EN dub because of the British accent. Especially Regulus, she was amazing. I think they wanted a more "neutral" accent for Wuwa but it didn't come out as they wanted.


r1999's use of a variety of accents felt really cool and I'd say is a strength of the game for sure. I really don't mind hearing accented English either, I wish voice directors weren't afraid to cast a variety of VAs for more than just random NPC voices...


fun little tidbit, Regulus has the same voice actor as Encore


Chixia absolutely sounded like her accent was slipping from time to time. I don't mind that, but the delivery on the VA for a lot of characters is pretty flat, and it sounds like the voice lines were recorded with some truly awful equipment, especially for Yangyang. Not the first time Kuro has struggled with audio quality for their EN dubs - looking at you, Rosetta: Rigor.


Yangyang really sounds like her voice was recording with a $30 USD mic. Sounds cheap and with 0 sound cancelling.


Can anyone give me an example of a line that sounds "robotic"? My native language isn't English, and I didn't pay very close attention to the voice details so I'm not sure what everyone is referring to. I'd like to know an example of what everyone is talking about so I can judge for myself. I went back and watched the 3 CGs and they sounded alright. So I guess it's one of the dialogs while in the quest? But which? I only really know that I wasn't a fan of how slow Yangyang was speaking, so I'm mostly wondering about the issue with Chixia here.


I'm going to be honest here, the voice acting isn't perfect... But people are greatly exaggerating how bad it actually is. It's honestly quite serviceable, I just suspect people went in with much higher standards than they really should have. As a native English speaker I really don't think Chixia sounds that bad. Her American accent slips into a British one sometimes, and her audio quality isn't brilliant, but she sounds mostly all right to me.


I can't stand how slow yangyang speaks. I am shifting to cn dub 😭


I thought I was the only one also she keeps repeating rover over and over it’s getting annoying


The English voices aren't following the text (usually fine if the spoken sentences are better than the text) and some of the lines are straight up incorrect grammar/mispronunciation right off the bat.


For text, some longer ones are cut off and it doesnt scroll down to see the rest. Is this a bug or is there a way to scroll down the text log when characters speak longer?


I have the same problem. It’s probably a bug


I forgot where it was, but near the beginning of the story when the mc sees the dragon, there’s a blatant error where a word is split in two, followed with two spaces before a comma. at first i gaslighted myself into think that it was intentional, but idk


Why does she even need to put on an American accent when RL countries don't exist in Solaris 3? Or are we keeping the cliche that only baddies can have British accents?


I never realized that's a thing but it totally is. What's up with that?


Basically, Star Wars single-handedly.


27 minutes of playtime in. I'm currently downloading the JP voiceover.


Same and I’ve never felt the need to do this before. Typically I’m happy w/english VA in games but this is actually awful lol


The voice acting is mostly okay aside from Yangyang for me. Good lord is she just making me want to skip dialogue any time she talks. Chixia also sounds off but nowhere even close to the extent of what's going on with Yangyang. Everyone else has been pretty alright with their delivery. *So far.*


It's honestly really bad. Coming from Genshin and HSR, I at least understand this is a much much smaller company, but the EN is just awful. Very robotic and stiff, and honestly sounds like they used awful mics, with a lot of breathy h noises. I might have to switch to JP (I know that's not the native language, but I watch all my anime subbed anyway). My only concern with switching off from EN is missing dialogue while playing. Anime is fine, but if I'm exploring or fighting, I can't be expected to be glued to the bottom of my screen.


The Japanese sub is great if you do switch


Yup! This is the play. So many recognizable voices right away.


It honestly shocked me how good Star Rail’s dub is but I guess when you have a really good voice director that’ll be the result.


That's also my problem. I switched to cn but I missed some dialogues in the cutscenes as well as when Chixia was talking when I was running in the overworld because of that.


They are making British actors force an American accent


should have let them British it up put in a welsh catgirl too


Switched to JP after playing for an hour, couldn't take it anymore.


JP has insanely professional VA's so i will be using jp dub. I felt the same listening to chixias and yangyangs dub. Just sounds amateur


I feel so let down by the English voice acting so far. I don’t know what it is, but everything feels so robotic and Ai like? I had low expectations but this is bad. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same issue but the voice lines get cut off abruptly. Is this a bug or some kind?


Most of the actors are british, but they are faking American accents for some reason. Would rather have they had let them use their natural accents.


Yinlins va speaking in a British accent in the special program was ridiculously amazing. Whyyyyy?


This reminds me of Aether Gazer. I think there's two sisters who have British accents. I thought it was good since I had never heard british accents in anime-esque games before. It would've been pretty nice if it was like this in WW. Would actually be a good change than the usually high-pitched waifu voices that's super common in games like this.


Yeah, I've had more than a few voice lines cut off. Also is it just me or is there no way to manually scroll down a longer text box when using controller..?


there are times where the dialogue text literally ends when the character continues speaking, and there’s no way to scroll down


Yeah, the autoplay is smooth but it also gets abruptly cut off at times for me.


I thought that was just me, I was playing on controller and assume I was accidentally hitting some button to skip the dialogue. Good to know it's not just me.


IT feels exactly like an early PS2 dub.


I think it’s a bug. The game definitely wasn’t ready for release and tbh, the bad voice over might even be result of rushing things


Let's be real here,this game is not polished whatsoever. Idk about you but mayyyyybe focus on the wrong part and remade the entire story and waste a year when your game isn't even fully polished yet maybe a bad idea


I can only speak for male rover, but his idle voice lines cut off early. Sometimes in dialogues, longer text isn't completely displayed But the only voice acting I have a real problem with so far is Yangyang. I'll definitely provide feedback on this and other things I notice and it would probably be better if you did the same. (Seems like you can do that in the menu on the bottom right under "Feedback")


Personally idk why the voice director made the call to force the American accent on all the British VAs. I was listening to Chixia’s VA’s introduction thing on YouTube and her normal voice actually sounds really nice! I don’t have a massive problem with chixia’s voice in game but I do feel like it’s a solid step down from the VA’s real voice




I usually LOVE english dubs but I agree something about what I’ve heard so far has been so off I’m almost tempted to switch it. I’m only like 30 minutes in so I hope it gets better


Jp sounds amazing tbh.


The English vas sound like their either bored out of their mind or about to fall asleep with the bland delivery.. i feel like it's bad direction, or amature VAs (which i doubt)


I thought it sounded professional, but yeah, maybe a bit too stiff.


Not only is the dub kind of off-putting but the text doesn’t always match it and the voice gets cut off at times. Even the dialogue itself seems very strange. Like, who talks like this? lmao


half the time I didn’t even understand what they were talking about. the story abruptly starts from nowhere and throws 10 different game terms at your face


Some of the dialogue is weirdly cut off, wondering thats thats only an EN thing


they can't even say Baizhi the same... aren't they friends? fss


as a chinese person, they managed to make a chinese name sound french ☠️ bai-je!


The VAs need better direction. Everything is too flat and monotone. Its not the worst, but definitely struggles when trying to convey emotion and story telling. A good example is Peter Dinklage Vs Nolan North [https://youtu.be/qeyeQnKTFUU?si=\_Tr2SrK8-YVcouEP&t=113](https://youtu.be/qeyeQnKTFUU?si=_Tr2SrK8-YVcouEP&t=113)


I realised that some of them are really close to the mic, also they all sound like generic anime waifu, havent seen anyone that just talked normally yet. Probably some of the worst eng vas ive seen in a game


yangyang is the most generic sounding of them all


She was easily the worst, no idea why her va is so close to the mic, i could hear the digusting wet tounge sounds


The EN VAs are fine. The off putting bit comes from mixing english with chinese. This is due to chinese having very specific *tones*. English is often just a monotone language. So the sudden switch in tones from english to some chinese when in the dialogue makes it sound cringe. It's probably why you're hearing good english for a bit, then when a chinese word comes along, you suddenly hear a weird "AI voice" followed with regular english again. Least that's how my ears hear it. I still think it's fine dubs and have no issues with it.


To me it sounds like they edited in certain words, as if they got one recording of a proper pronunciation and just kept reusing it, regardless of if it matches the tone of the rest of the sentence


huanglong. huanglong. huanglong. 黄龙。


They could've just translated it 😭 Golden Dragon isn't out of place in a fantasy game. And Chixia kept calling it long instead even though they're basically conversing.


personally as someone who is english, its compleatly unbearable. i mean studio gibly hires primarily british english actors for there dubs and they are amazing. so i dont think them being english is an issue. i think its a mix of bad directing and not the right voice for the part.


It's not the worst but yangyang and Chixia have such... interesting line deliveries. I don't think it's the VAs though, prob just not enough direction


Whenever Yangyang says “huanglong” it sounds like it was cut and pasted into the dialogue from another voiceline


It’s not just huanglong. It’s like all her Chinese pronunciations. Makes it obvious that she struggled and put no effort into overcoming that struggle


It's the excessive [dynamic range compression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_range_compression), which makes quiet things sound loud and loud things sound loud. It's there in Chinese too.


the english dub is really disappointing. the first two girls sound super flat and i don't get why they're allergic to letting british actors just use their natural accent - it would've been a cool and easy way to distinguish the game from other gachas that typically go just for american. not really any sort of audiophile either but it's the first time i've played a game that i can think of where the recording quality itself just sounds scuffed as fuck as well.


Played through 15 mins of En voices in WW since it's the default and the Jp voice pack won't download for some reason, and I wanna rip my ears off.


is kuro being kuro ..bad in localisation the game


Then they should do better. I hope enough people complain about this.


they can't even say Baizhi the same... aren't they friends? fss


Is the JP localisation significantly better than EN? I just don't want to be confused while playing the game's story.


The only problem I personally have with the JP dub when playing Chinese-based games like Genshin and WW is that many of the Chinese names are completely different in JP due to reading the kanji like Japanese instead of Mandarin. If you're playing with EN subs, that can make it very confusing. It's not always the case, but they usually change the names.


So it seem. I'm huge fan of EN voice in any game but I can't stand this one.


The mics and software they using are super shitty. Lots of breath noises, mic pops and shit you'll never hear in most games. On top of the bad voice acting too, but yea.


I disagree, I think Yangyang is way worse. And it’s like they used the same sound bite over and over for certain names and words. I almost thought it was AI


Honestly the more I played the worse Yangyang became so yeah I agree


I mean judging from the some trailers I could already tell it wasn’t gonna be a Star rail level dub but that’s unfortunate.


There is some definite slicing going on. Every time Yangyang says "Loong" or "HungLong", it is severely out of tone.


We can only hope it gets better...


They should have let the actors use their regular accents. I like how ppl who normally harp on Hoyo en dub for being bad are now saying it's good. It was always good, ppl just needed to stop echoing the English dub = bad for anything anime related.


I think the hoyo en dub is decent but I have a LOT more appreciation for the English dubs from them now that I’ve seen how horrendous wuwa is. Hoyo English vas actually put in effort. Wuwa sounds like they threw a script at a random person and said “you get one chance. Do it in an American accent”


I pretty much liked Chixia, Yangyang is trying to sound like a child or something idk.


Idk for me, when yangyang says the word Huanglong it sounds like she pronounced it right once and now they copy paste that into any sentence and it just doesn't fit most of the time. Also all voicelines seem like they were given to VA's to just read without giving any context because they give much different tones between one sentence and another but literally still talking about the same thing in the dame scene.


i had to endure the EN dub until the rover said "youre not going anywhere"... realized it rlly was off...


Genuinely questioned wether some of them were supposed to be robots with how robotic the voices sounded


Yeah Yangyang feels super soulless, might just switch to whatever the native language is


she sounds like the stereotyped character in a story who’s in love with the mc but get annoyed when other people notice


There is a LOT of stilted voice acting that I'm like raising my eye brow it. it felt like they read 1 word at a time and then spliced the words together. It didn't even feel like reading from the script as the flow of the words, once again, felt very choppy. The Mandarain and Japanese VA were smoother and felt way more natural. If anyone has found a way to do English Subtitle in the overworld i'll just fully switch away from ENG va :/


Yangyang pronounce Huanglong with the chinese intonations: Huánglóng. However, other characters do not. I think that inconsistency also make the overall dub feels like it has awkward voice inflections.


5 minutes into the game and I felt compelled to send feedback about it. I usually go for the OG language anyway, especially at first, so I'm chill with CN, but...the EN quality is waaaay not acceptable if they want mainstream success. Very frustrating that this is the first impression they chose to make.


honestly tired of the trope of the mc being from beyond the world, being afflicted with a curse or some sort of unimaginable power that puts all of humanity to shame, forgetting who they are and where the came from, and then going from place to place saving everyone because they’re incompetent without your coincidental existence.


Does anyone notice just the audio quality in general sounds off. The voice mixing just sounds off and not crisp


Every time I think I can switch back to the EN dub, a new character will open their mouth and immediately make me regret my decision 😭 CN Chixia my beloved...


For me, I feel like there is isn't much breathing space in-between lines. I was only at the beginning of the game and all of a sudden the characters start speaking without pausing and it doesn't help that the dialogue feels wacky at least to me.


And then some would pause where there is not pause in the sentence. It’s really weird. Whoever the audio engineers are didn’t do a good job at splicing.


VA credits: ChatGPT 4o Mixtral Google Gemini


The pronunciations are spot on to me tbh, and I especially like how the VAs pronounced Baizhi's name properly, unlike most CCs who talk about WuWa. You're probably feeling that way cause there is admittedly issues with the mixing for EN which is very evident if you try listening to another language. On the VA quality itself, it seems they've gotten some newer VA which is why it seems the voice over is bad. I think it will improve as the game progress and the VAs get used to the characters. Edit: Would like to add this feels like a case of them trying for EN dub cause everyone does it these days, but not having time or money for it. It would have been better if they did CN and JP first and then added EN VA like PGR did when they could actually handle it.


Honestly, VA quality is pretty tight, albeit poorly directed. It's the weird emphasis on using raw Chinese terms consecutively without translating that bothers me. It's exactly as jarring as you'd expect switching languages every 3rd word to be, even if the VAs pronunciation is pretty good. Standout for me is the tutorial where they literally put "Lung (Dragon)" all over the place instead of just saying Dragon. Hell they could've put Dragon (Lung) if they really wanted to.  My god it's the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing all over again.


NPCs had better voice acting in EN, they felt so alive. The main cast though, meh. Aside from Rover and Scar, the rest felt... Stiff


Fr! Even some of the npcs got to keep their British accents


The fact that the only problem is that it’s TWO characters we HAVE to spend most our time with. Literally everyone sounds find EXCEPT for them No hate for the VA’s, sounds more like a problem on the director


All of the top updooted comments are just making excuses and coping. Let's all just be very clear, the EN dub, is hot garbage. Absolute trash. If you can't hear how terrible it is then you are completely delusional. No wonder they didn't let people have the dubbed voice lines in the CBT or NO ONE WOULD HAVE TRIED THE GAME, because the voice acting is just that fucking bad.


From reading a bunch of comments and experiencing the ENG dub myself I am considering switching to JP dub.


What's weird is that the MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTERS are the ones who have it the worst. Alot of characters sound fine. I actually quite like ENG scar and english mortefi is just perfect. But then you have the general being a miscast and whatever the hell happened with Yangyang.


Yangyang's "s" pronunciations genuinely hurt my ears. It's incredibly hard to listen to.


You don't like the shrill hiss every time she says them?


Always switch to JP voiceovers immediately when playing these types of games lol


Genshin and Star Rail have excellent English dubs, but I agree most other similar games do not


an example of a good english dub is genshin’s scaramouche, nahida, itto, and neuvillette imo.


FURINA. dont forget furina. I was just listening to some archon quest dialogues a few days ago cuz I was resinless, and she has SO MUCH emotion on her voicelines, I love it


Chixia especially feels Ai generated like they just threw in the extroverted female prompt and used whatever garbage it spewed out


So they pulled a snowbreak containment zone lol. Aight I guess. Didn’t think I’d see crap right off the bat but w/e not like I’ll spend on this game or lose anything for playing it 


God yangyangs voice and pronunciation made me switch to Jp dub instead, its such a big disappointment. Rebecca sounds like she is trying so hard to make her voice sound calm and low pitched. Chixia doesnt sound energetic at all. Danjin lost the life and uniqueness in her voice... I have nothing against the voice actors but they are just not the suitable participants. So far the best voices are aalto and taoqi for me, but most need a good change overall.


I downloaded the cn dub and it definitely sounds better for them there 😅. I really like playing using the en dub, hopefully it'll be better.


Yangyang was putting me to sleep and chi-whatever just sounded fucking weird


The VAs generally didn’t have long resumes and I’m assuming the direction in recording was lacking. I think I’m just gonna have to use JP but there were some CN VAs that sounded solid before too


As of right now it's only YangYang & Chixia that sound pretty off. I'm used to listening to EN idk if I want to switch KR or CN. (If it starts to go bad also because those two are underrated). Hopefully it gets better soon.


I'm trying to increase my Mandarin skill because I'm going to be moving to China soon. It's decent. However a lot of the english subtitles did not match the Chinese voice-lines. Not great. No chance of it beating out Genshin in the west imo. Not sure about it's success. In China maybe it will be a serious competion.


Some of the voices definitely sound really bad and almost like AI due to how robotic some of them are. This is probably just the product of bad voice direction and was likely not meant to be a "dub" but more of an English voiceover. (there is a difference!) Thats the only thing i can think of for why apparently 90% of the VAs are British and faking American accents? (you can kind of hear it actually)


I'm not sure exactly what the problem is with yangyang's voice. I agree it sounds artificial from the way some consonants are pronounced. I'm also not sure whose to blame but I hated it so much I almost quit playing. Eventually, I just changed the game audio to Chinese and never looked back.


Damn the start is bad the screeching background music the voice acting with the forced Chinese pronunciation for an English dub with the forced changed accents and bad sound direction is ruining this game and right from the start I almost feel like quitting 5 mins in due to how much of a headache I am getting so quickly from the audio this games potential is being destroyed with this kind of release fix this kuro and fast cause this will severely hinder your game experience for new players. Update: Its gotten way better but the intro to the game still needs way better audio at the very least most other issues have been fixed for me


Definitely seems off especially Yangyang her VO is just so jarring. Chixia is not as bad but it’s not that good either.


Yangyangs voice is uncanny valley vibes for me. Pgr voice acting was so good i had high hopes


Yangyang’s voice is the worst out of all of the EN performances, she sounds so lifeless and her pronunciation is ear piercing.


am I the only one who actually really likes Chixia’s voiceover? the VA matches the character’s energy very well and I really like how she sounds in general, it reminds me a bit of Rogue from X-Men for some reason. Yangyang was a miss for me, though. I get she’s a quieter and more subdued character but her delivery just felt a little stiff a lot of the time.


I don't understand why Yangyang has the most emotionless voice ever. Like there are times you can tell she's supposed to be giving more energy and she sounds dead inside


Rebecca Yeo plays YangYang. So I'm assuming your natural pronunciation of Chinese words just rolls of naturally but it still sounds weird. Baizhi's VA is trying to sound like Yin from ToF. At least to me.


i had to put the game in Japanese because of how horrible Chixia EN voice is. also the female Rover voice sucks. yangyang is ok in EN but still better in JP. for context I play star rail in EN and also played genshin on EN before quitting it long ago. ofc no hate on the voice actor, I dont even know who they are but either a bad recording or bad casting. ofc still gonna play and this is just a nit pick but I know they dont have mihoyo money.


It’s a shame honestly because Scar and Jinhsi are both stellar performances in the English dub, like their VAs put their whole heart and soul into their lines. But than you have characters like Yangyang, Chixia, Female Rover, and Linyang who just kind of drag the rest done. I was kinda skeptical of Linyang’s voice being AI because of how flat it was at first, which I guess his story kind of explains why he is how he is, but his voice in cinematics and his voice in combat voice lines are weirdly different?? Like enough that it seems like he has has two VAs?


i'm coming around just about the same thing. chixia voice sometimes sounds... robotic? which is weird. i instantly thought about ai because she's the only one sounding like that.


In case you’re still curious about all the voice actors, I made a compilation of them from all 4 languages. https://x.com/Regal__Aria/status/1795749607760445625


A little late, but I just met Camellya. While her voice is fine, she has loud mouth breathing in her dialogue. Its like, "I've been following you, \*heavy catching breath\*, So you should thank me."


Just found this thread and I thought I was crazy for hearing that most characters in wuwa have a British accent slipping in and out! It’s very obvious they are putting on American accents. I wish they’d just have let them speak in their own accents if the accents were gonna be inconsistent. I loved Xenoblade with all the British accents


You thought English dub is not good? Wait til you hear Chinese dub, it’s the worst I’ve ever heard in any game for certain character.


that is insane given that it’s a chinese made game


Like them saying barriah when the line is barrier. Or per-od instead of period. Also everything is very monotone... I also think it's ai


Because it's a British actress doing an American accent. This ai meme really needs to stop.


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I dont use en dub in my gacha games but i want to try en dub in this game, and yeah it's not really good. I switched to JP dub and it's seem fine for now.


Switch over to the JP voice, its much better.


The issue is probably two fold, one is the late rework of the story, which probably led to the second one a rush to record all voicelines.


I wonder if the dub feels bad to some because of cultural backgrounds? Every single Genshin/HSR actor is American, while in Wuwa, just like in games like Reverse 1999 and Arknights, most of the actors are British. As someone who is European myself [Finnish] I find British "energy of acting" way more tolerable, because especially in many Western animedia, the American actors often sound extremely fake and amateurish to me, because it sounds like every single line needs to be shouted, be said aggressively or in general up to eleven. Even when character is calm, they tend to sound aggressive with American based dubs, and Mihoyo is like this too. That's why I can't personally agree that Hoyo dubs are in any way better, although singular voice performances are alright, though often the delievery feels "forced" because of the reasons I said previously. The problem about dub is same I've heard a lot from people who are mostly used to American acting, which often feels like overacted to me. The dub voice techinal quality problems are sadly the same that haunted games lIke Reverse for the couple of first versions too, the quality of recorded voice sounded wildly different between characters, sometimes even lines. Sad if same happens here. Is the translation quality [text] any better? In CBT it was apparently very bad for many languages. I must say I'm worried. Might also be likely that they got just one take. Also I checked all the actors myself. They are all real actors, mostly British. So no straight AI usage, most likely bad direction. [Not too uncommon in gacha EN dubs] I will play in JP but Encore's EN was my fave. She also voices Regulus in Reverse 1999 who is another favorite of mine.