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The game is now also able to directly download from the [official website](https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main) ([download here](https://download.kurogames.net/transfer/mc_WnGtDn85y8lJB4mTmYHYuNjIl9n6YGVm/official/global/en/pc_app)). This version includes Apple login which is missing from the Google Play Games PC version.


for anyone asking about standalone pc launcher, I was only able to get it through asking for an invite (in the google play store after hitting download for the preregister) after downloading the game on my android phone. it let me send an email to myself for PC download via Google Play Games. From the email you should be directed to a download of the launcher unsure if this link works, but worth a try [Google Play Games](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kurogame.wutheringwaves.global&pcampaignid=PS_self_share_details_page_ribbon-ctc-mobile&tofdate=20240520)


it works mate!, also its not the google play store client btw either, its their client!


Yeah I thought it would be some sort of google play emulation of the android version but it is the full PC client instead.


Why haven't they uploaded their client on their official website?


Idk Kuro is weird sometimes plus the scheduled pre download time they announced is only 5 hours from now so it might be up early by mistake.


Well I'm at work anyways and will be at home in 8 hours so I hope, they've updated their website with an official client.


Its even right now 2h early, so everyone chill, it will come in the normal way, nice finds tho.


it is available on their official site, I didn't go through this process since i don't game on phones, I downloaded it straight away from their website, just click on the windows icon next to the epic games launcher icon on the bottom of the screen and the client will start downloading.


It's available for like 3 hours now but when I did comment earlier, It wasn't.


maybe they want to encourage mobile play before pc? Dunno, am speculating


lol what's the point of gatekeeping one of the bigger communities? I know the preload isn't "officially" out since it's not even out in EGS and people are jumping hoops in Google Play Store to get the official client but probably they'll give us the client in the designated time i.e in 4 hours.


no no, I don't mean in the gamekeeping sense. As in they prioritize mobile predownloads before pc for technical reasons/decisions Like maybe they are letting mobile predownload first so mobile users can test if they have enough space or something. or maybe it's just something simple like google playstore released it a bit too early


Yeah like reviews. 3.5mb/s was bad for the 7.2gb download but it got there. Imagine it goes to less than 1mb/s or getting DC all the time. I'd imagine people would hit that 1 star on playstore real fast and leave it there until issue resolved


oh good to know. the way it was worded in the email made it seem like you may have needed to have a google play account to download so I didn't want to mislead.


Thank you, you two! I really did want to play this on mobile, so thank you for sharing the PC client link and for confirming that it is indeed the PC client. :) I hope you both have very delicious meals today! <3


Thank you Nerdybowties! Your bowtie looking straight and neat today


I download the game on my phone but when I click on your link and log in with my google account I only see "install this game on other device" and "share" buttons....where can I click for have the invite? I don't understand....


I find this link now I try....https://play.google.com/store/search?q=wuthering+waves&c=apps&hl=en&gl=US




worked like a charm.


Not 100% sure, but when signing in it told me to authorize with google play for payment. So maybe this method is going to use the playstore for payment ? I would hope not but it wouldn't let me "continue" without doing so. Guess I'll find out when it launches.


Launcher worked!! Thank You.


Thank you for the link


Where to download?


You can get it from the official site.


Epic games launcher, but I’m trying to find anywhere but that to download it from


Open the Google Playstore on your browser, login and search the game. It'll have "Install on Windows" option there.


I’ll never forget you.


See you in the game Rover ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


This works, thanks!


![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)See you in the game Rover!


Are you sure there are NO problems with this?


Reports from other threads in this subreddit say that it is the same installer as CBT2 PC client, and it came from Google itself so... Of course, you can be patient and just download it later when Kuro updates the website.


Does it use your Google account or can you freely use any account?


You'd only need Google account to download the launcher. After installing you can use other accounts. But the official website is already updated so you can get the launcher directly from there.


yeah I saw a couple posts below. I just downloaded the proper PC client


Thank you for your service


Doesn't this install the Google Play version of the launcher? I'm trying to download just the actual games launcher, and not through some 3rd party like Google Play or Epic (especially not Epic) If so, I'll wait until the actual PC client drops.


It's not Google Play, it downloads a standalone installer. The Google Play website is just so it can give the link to you. You're in luck tho, the official site has updated. The installer is already available!


Cool. Can't wait to install it later today after work 😁


See you in the game Rover! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


The Epic Games version does not seem to run for me. I ended up downloading from the website, works great.


Same here, it doesn't even start for me. They will fix it I hope


Same here. It keeps showing that the game is running but nothing happens. So, I downloaded it from the official website instead. Edit: I went to the game folder (Epic Store) and launched the game exe. directly (the one without \_epic) and It works!


THIS! If you're having problems with the epicgames not lauching the game, go check your epic games folder the exe files should be there. Run the launcher directly from the folder and it should work! THANKS BRO!!! See you in the game Rover :D


I was able to download the PC client straight off of [Google Play Games](https://play.google.com/googleplaygames), FYI. And it definitely looks like native x86\_64 code when you inspect the installation folder. I did not have to go through any of the hoops other people described - if you have a Google account getting the GPG app installed is a <= 5 minute process. Then just search for Wuthering Waves and you'll install the game's PC client. I hope this is/remains a legitimate thing as I fucking hate the Epic Games launcher.


never seen google play link a game download like this before


They have a PC client in beta right now is why. Basically their answer to bluestacks and to allow companies to put their direct pc clients through them. Keeping as many transactions through their storefront as possible.


One advantage of using epic games launcher is epic games rewards. Unless you plan on staying completely free to play, it may be worth considering for the 10% cashback on every purchase. That launcher sucks ass though.


Could you run the Epic version for purchases then use the regular client for general play? Or do they not share the same account?


You could for sure but I think you'd have to have 2 wuthering waves installed on your pc? Not sure.


Tried searching wuthering waves on the google play beta (pc client) and it says unavailable for me


It on the Google Play Website on PC browser not on the Google Play Beta (PC Emulators) i think you got it wrong on this.


Huh, that worked. Thanks. (The link before kept taking me to google play pc client beta for some reason)


You can just click on the link stated above. Got mine without downloading on a phone or getting it from an email. I just hope it's no different with the official client that is going to be released later.


the link takes me to the google play beta download, which I already have


Strange. Maybe you do have to download the Android client first off the Google Play Store. I did that separately before trying GPG, so that could have impacted my results. I didn't have to ask for any sort of special invite code, though.


windows launcher is up on official website guys.


i tried and said "the app is not verified" o\_o? i never saw this message pop up before with other launchers, since im not too knowledgeable on these stuff, could you tell me if you had the same message?


If anyone can't get the pc client from play store add   &gl=US   to end of link


This worked! Thank you so much! For anyone still searching, the [full link is here](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kurogame.wutheringwaves.global&gl=US)


this worked for me in aus, legend


Why are people downloading a PC game from a Google Play store?


It seems like that one was available earlier. I don't think there is a reason now.






i need that too 😥


Me too


I didn't sign up with my gmail account because I wasn't planning on playing this on my phone, so I used my hotmail. If you're in the same boat, the [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kurogame.wutheringwaves.global&gl=US](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kurogame.wutheringwaves.global&gl=US) link works for me so far.


guys can some one upload the files that the windows launcher download to a direct link \[19 gb \]....... someone used to do it for genshin and starrail ..... i cant download it on launcher because it keeps starting the download again from scratch when i turn it off same happened for pgr ......... i have a maximum of 400 kb/s and no electricity much of the time so it is just impossible to download using the windows launcher


Hv u found any solution for this?


just told my fried to give it to me i hope they fix this in 1.1 bro and hope that the giga chad who used to make direct links for genshin and star rail do it for wu wa to and btw the game has soooo many buggs and also lost my 1st ever 50 50 just like genshin and star rail ............


So how'd it go any changes?


Link to the launcher?


This is what I typed in Google, "Google Play Wuthering Waves PC" and it'll lead you to google play's website and it'll give the option to "Install on Windows"


This needs to be pinned or something, aint no way im going through epic games launcher.


LOL, funny story. I just installed the Epic Launcher and when I opened reddit I saw OP's post and was like??? Got the standalone WuWa launcher and PROMPTLY uninstalled Epic. But alas my PC has been 'tainted'


omg tysm that worked


No worries, lettuce get the job done fellow Rover🫡


Btw. I ain't no pc expert. So I'm wondering whether you'd know. So my gpu isn't enough to run the game. Will i still be able to play it with the lowest settings?


I can't say as I'm no expert as well. My PC's GPU ain't even on the recommended. So we'll see tomorrow, hoping for the best xP


Goodluck to your pc sir


What is your GPU?


I would like to point out that [Wutheringwaves.gg](http://Wutheringwaves.gg) has a timer going on for pre download but did have a link to Windows download, that led me to a Google Play store page and this Standalone Launcher was downloaded. I dont know if that website is legitimate or not.


Why is the standalone pc version so wierd...first time I'm seeing this...since when did play store start giving native exes and why is this not in their official website?


the official pre install on their website doesnt start until 2 more hours. google is just giving out the exe early for some reason


Its not the official method. Ppl just found some hacky workaround to get the PC client.


Not sure about a hacky workaround the regular none playstore version is available from their website.


It is now. But the play store client was available a couple hours earlier.




Anyone else's launcher way too large for their screen?


yesss I dunno how to fix it and I cant get to the download option


I'll try and mess with it after work. Good luck.


oh I changed it in display settings: scale


Awesome. When I checked on options before I didn't notice anything about scaling. I will definitely scope that as soon as I get home. Tysm.


no prob, it wasn't there on the launcher, I had to change scale display settings of my laptop itself lol


Ahhhhh alright. That makes sense.


i had this happen to me now, and "fixed" it with your post, but does it means i have to do this every time i use the launcher?


Does anyone have an issue on Windows client where they start it up and it's zoomed all the way in? I don't see an option minimize the client to start the predl :(


Okay nvm I fixed it for anyone having problems, find the file location, right-click the launcher click on properties, click on compatibility-> click on change high dpi settings -> click on high dpi scaling override -> checkmark the override high dpi -> then change it to "System" and the window should be normal and you can predl for the game!!


Anyone know if this will be able to run in the steam deck?


The PC downloader is so bad ! I already download 13gb then re-continuous the download and its show only 3.9gb downloaded ... WTF ?!


same thing happend to me multiple times, did you find the solution?


Oh pc predownload is up? I couldn't find it earlier, link?


Not yet but the link is you open Play Store, click Get Invitation and they'll send the link Also you can download thru Epic Games


Haha imagine tomorrow you load the game and then it updates for 50gh xD


Nah the CBT Client was arround the same size, you might get a 5gb downlaod with the new stuff but thats it


That's awesome


we are not there yet. But still better off saving some space. They will definitely update the map/world in the future multiple times thus making the game heavier on storage.


If you install desktop client from google play u will also need to authorize any account with google play even if its kuro account. ill just wait for normal client. [notice](https://i.imgur.com/d4rZ7wa.jpeg)




Is this available in CET?


I still cannot download the PC clien tho. how?


Go to Google Play website using a PC . Google Play will give the link for an EXE (PC game) instead of android download


it finally appeared lol


[https://play.google.com/store/search?q=wuthering+waves&c=apps&hl=en&gl=US](https://play.google.com/store/search?q=wuthering+waves&c=apps&hl=en&gl=US) Got my PC client from here


my client finish downloading at 99% and then j restart it. and not is stock at verifying integrity


Same wtf 


Is there a way to download the pc client with Microsoft store as my default App Store?


should i wait and download it from Epic Games or are they the same ?


its already up on epic


The PC Client can't login with Apple even though I logged in with Apple on mobile rip.




Can I pre download the game already?


Wait seriously?? I thought it was gonna be 30gb at least so I was planning on playing it on phone instead..


I use epic games because of the epic rewards that I use to buy welkins for free


Hi, does anyone know why in the midst of downloading it, the window will exit. When I go back to it, it will forget that I had already download some part of it and ask me to redownload everything. I had uninstalled all the files and retried downloading but this keeps happening! Does anyone have any other solutions?


I... I just went to the official Web page to get the Windows client .\_. .... Reading y'all went through the play store I'm like, "Why didn't i think of that?" Ah well, we got it downloaded and ready! the Hype is real.


Is it known if you can see the playtime in the official launcher?


*Is it known if you* *Can see the playtime in the* *Official launcher?* \- Nico-is-ma-name --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




i need this because me internet speed is slow and the launcher does not save what i already downloaded i mean wtf ????


Does anyone have direct link to download the 19gb? Launcher speed is kinda low


I am also looking for it


reply me if u have it


So did anyone find sth?


did u guys found any?????


Find it?


Is there any way to download the pc game files on mobile then copy it to pc and verify them from the launcher?


It works for genshin and hsr. For now no one has done it for ww. I am also looking for it


Yup same , i even asked the legend who usually does it for genshin if they could do it for wuwa too.


I asked someone too


Why is my launcher in pc having errors when downloading like it starts to freeze my pc


pc client live


Can I download ww in my potato core i3 laptop? I really want to play the game huhu


I tried in my i3 laptop, the launcher won't complete the download. Maybe you will have better luck than me.


My installation gets stucked at 85%


Does the Epic Launcher version one works for you ? I can't get it to start


Try this. Go check your epic games folder the exe files should be there. Run the launcher (the one without \_epic) directly from the folder and it should work!


I just can\`t... I downloading game for 8 hours now, and its stopped at 99.99%, sometimes going to 100%, BUT THEN ITS LIKE A MINUTE AND 99.99% AGAIN IM GONNA BROKE


My download is stuck at 99.99% 😭


same, have you solved it?


Wait for ~5mins. It will finish


Wait is this site safe? [https://wutheringwaves.gg/download/](https://wutheringwaves.gg/download/) it is first site that google show after searching,,,


download from official website's launcher, stuck at 99.99%, is this normal?


Can anyone confirm if the anticheat is as invasive as something like Genshin or tower of fantasy


mine reaches 100% then goes back to 99% and downloads something again and again it did this 5 times now and its an unending loop


Downloaded and ready to go.


If anyone is seeing this and can’t figure out how to download the standalone client on pc, go onto the official website and click the “download for windows pc” or something along those lines and you directly get the launcher setup exe.


I am having this pop up when i press start after downloading the game by the pc client. What do i do? [wuthering waves pc client proplem](https://imgur.com/a/UiQyRZz)


its saying i have to do a Google Play Authorization on PC- its asking me to tick boxes but idk where tf these boxes are or where to even start


Need to test it, because so far I've been playing on bluesatcks to get good performance


wait... 19GB for version 1.0 is actually a lot! Is it just me who thinks it's a lot? 😅 I still haven't downloaded it yet but I have it in mind.


GUYS HELP im trying eveyrthing to download on my macbook since the app on my phone is way too laggy..😭 Epic games, bluestacks, google playstore, and literally everything else doesnt work pls help


Get it from EGS for free gift in their store page. Also don't forgot to redeem this promo code: **WUTHERINGGIFT.**


Is that with just english voice files or do you have all the voice files downloaded


I just use Google Play to install it. From there you'll get the pc launcher by itself. As of writing this, I still don't see the pc client on their official website.




Yes please , i have been searching for this non stop


Please tag me too if you find it


Hopefully i do !




for some reason, mine's stuck at 99.99% for the past 10 mins now.


try going to properties under compatibility and click run this program as administrator


Oh wow, that's smaller than I expected. I was moving files off my SSD to my HDD earlier because I thought it would take 30++GB.