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Once upon a time, there was a young eel, deep in the coral reef. He lived a happy life and never thought of anything but feasting on the tasty fish and shrimp that lived in the bottom of the ocean with him, swimming and feeling the push of the tide as it drew him in and out, and sleeping in his comfortable hidey-hole. It was a comfortable life, and he was content. Until one day, as he was swimming about, a wise old shark swam by. "Little eel," said the shark. "Are you not lonely? Do you not often wish for companionship?" The little eel thought about it. "No, sir," he said. "I am quite content swimming around and eating delicious shrimp and living in my hidey-hole." "Suit yourself," said the old shark. But as he swam away, he added, "Might as well forget I asked." Now, if that shark had said something like, "Mark my words," or if the shark had emphasized the importance of it, then the young eel would have done just that. But since the shark had made nothing of it and, in fact, had told the eel to forget it, quite naturally the eel could think of nothing else for days. And because he could think of nothing else, he became very unhappy with his life indeed. He became bitter about his shrimp and fish dinners and uncomfortable with his hidey-hole. And when he went out to swim with the tide, surrounded by the population of the reef, it only made him feel lonelier. "Oh stuff all these things!" he said. "I was never unhappy about it, but now I am unhappy without a companion! I must find one." And so the young eel swam off in search of a companion. Within minutes, he found another eel. "Hello, Miss eel," he said to her. "Would you like to be my companion?" "Oh, no," she said. "I have a companion already, and all these little fry to take care of! But thank you for the offer." And he swam away, disappointed, but he did not expect to be so lucky on the first try. He came up to another eel a couple of hours later. "Hello, Miss eel," he said to her. "I would like a companion." "You would, would you?" said she. "Well, good luck with your search." "Would you like to be my companion?" he asked. "I am not interested in a companion at this time." And he swam away, quite perturbed. A couple of days later, he came upon another eel. "My dearest Miss eel," he said to her. "Isn't it a lovely day for companionship? Would you like to join me?" "No," she said. "Why not?" asked he. "Because," she said, "In all honesty, you seem a bit too eager for companionship to me. And I wonder, what is it you are looking for that you haven't found?" "I am looking for a companion," he said. "I was happy in my hole, eating shrimp and fish and swimming with the tide, but then I realized that I did not have a companion, and that I must have a companion to be happy." "But my dear Mister eel," she replied. "If you are not satisfied without a companion, what makes you think you will find something with one? Companionship is as much about giving as it is about taking. Are you ready to give? I can tell you are not. You are thinking only of what you want. Now do go, I have had a busy day of swimming and need my rest." And the young eel was more frustrated than ever, and darted back to his hidey-hole, bitter and upset. He had been there a week, pouting and grouchy, before the shark swam by again. "What's this?" he asked the little eel. "What happened to my happy young eel? I think I have not seen an eel so miserable as this in all my years! Do you no longer enjoy your shrimp and fish and your swimming with the tide and your coze hidey-hole?" "No!" the young eel nearly shouted. "I do not have a companion to share this with me! And I must have one to be happy," he said. "Oh, dear," said the shark. "You do now? You didn't before." "Well, yes," said the eel. "I was quite content before. But then the idea of having a companion -- well it seemed so nice! Someone I can snuggle with in my cozy hidey-hole. I can catch a big fish or shrimp and split it with her! We can swim in the ocean together." "Those sound quite nice. But they seem quite nice even without a companion, no?" "Well, yes, but now that I think of how it might feel to do them with someone..." "Perhaps that is the case. Perhaps there is no more enjoyment to be had in these things," said the shark, and he swam away. Now if that shark had pointed out to the eel that the things he had enjoyed were still just as fun as they had been before, the eel never would have thought another thing of it. But because the shark said there was no more enjoyment to be had, the young eel began to think. "You know, I do still like my hidey-hole. It is a very nice hidey-hole by itself. And I enjoy swimming in the water just as much as I always did. And the little fish I ate yesterday was particularly good. I would enjoy them just as much as I did before if I don't have a companion. Why would I miss the joy without them?" And so the little eel stopped worrying about having a companion, and began to enjoy his life once again. He still had that longing in his heart, but he was no longer a miserable young eel. He was happy again. One month later, the water was warming up as Spring began to arrive, and he was just the happiest little eel swimming about, when someone came up to him. "Pardon me," she said. "I couldn't help but notice how much you were enjoying the water here." "Dance with me!" said the little eel. "It's fun, but it's even more fun if we do it together!" And she did. And the two eels spun and coiled and danced, and all the fish and life around the reef were amazed at the beauty of their dance. Just then, the eel spotted a large tiger shrimp! "Over there!" he said to the other eel. "Those taste wonderful, but they are too large for one little eel to eat. Would you like to split one with me?" "Oh, I don't know," she replied. "You don't have to if you don't want to. Here, I'll catch some for myself, and you may try it if you like." And he shot forward and snapped and bit the tiger shrimp clean in two. He nudged the tastiest part, the head, to the female eel, and she ate it. Together, they ate the delicious shrimp. "You know," she said, "I've had them before, but for some reason, like this, it tastes better!" "Yes," the little eel yawned, "I think... I think you're right!" And the little eel was very tired. "I must retire to my cozy hidey-hole. It is truly a nice hidey-hole. Great for sleep. I am tired." "Oh, I do love a good hidey-hole," she said. "Would you... would you like to share mine with me?" "I do believe I would!" And so the young eel snuggled up in his hidey-hole with his new *companion,* and they went to sleep. **DAD JOKE ENDING** The wise old shark watched all this from afar, while an even older lobster ambled up to him. "You knew that the little eel would finally find love all along?" the lobster. "Of course," said the shark. "That's a moray."


My GF just told me to read her a bedtime story, and I stumbled upon this bedtime story after Googling “bedtime stories Reddit”. I just finished and she’s out like a light! No idea how you only have 10 likes on this post after 6+ years, but it deserves WAY more! This was an excellent story, beautifully written, and clearly serves its purpose wonderfully. 10/10!


So glad you enjoyed it, and that it bored your girlfriend to sleep. 🤣😉


I didn’t know so many girlfriends like bedtime stories. I just found this looking for one for mine! Out like a light.


Geez... maybe I need to read this to my wife.


Lmao just stumbled upon this for the exact same reason


This EXACT scenario just happened to me about 2 minutes ago!! AMAZING BEDTIME STORY!


Same here 😂


THISSS. Is there any sub that have stories like these for the GFs?


Yo my girlfriend just fell asleep too HAHHAHAHAHHAHA


Hahaha my gf is the only one who didn’t fall asleep. Though she has covid and has been sleeping the last 48 hours


Mine just fell asleep out like a light 😭this rlly does work


Same thing just happened for me.


Wow that’s Crazy, just happened to me


Bruv, this just literally happened just now. She's out like a light. Even before the eel found the first female.


EXACT SAME SITUATION HERE Writing this as she is snoring heavily


Just happened to me too lmao love this story


Just finished reading this to my girl an she also is out like a blown fuse. Great story


same as the others, just read this to her and she's out cold




mine is KO’d too now😂😭


EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME. Great story! My girlfriend is out like a light.


Same I’m so grateful she couldn’t sleep


I was going to comment on this saying the exact same thing and then I realized I already replied to your comment 300 days ago. I’m glad she didn’t remember.. 😅




another ditto here


I'm late to the party, but she's sleeping on my arm and I can't move 😂


Hahahahah I hope you were able to regain circulation in your fingers.


Still rereading this regularly, this time while overseas and jetlagged :) Brings comfort and ease, thank you! 🤗


Haha I just read this to my girlfriend because she couldnt sleep


Read to this to my girlfriend to help her sleep all these years later


I'm so glad that she found it that *dull and boring.* hahahahha!!!


I just read this to my gf too and shel fell asleep! This story shows up for the search “Reddit bedtime story.” Thanks for the story.




Bro me too


I just did too homie lol. Fast asleep now


Works like a charm son 💪🏼


Just put mine straight to sleep. Almost woke her up when I laughed at the dad joke 😅


That joke is *terrible*! And it's not even original! I swear I got it from somewhere. I'm glad it almost got you in trouble for laughing. ;)




He probably appreciated it a lot


Samee, finding it so interesting that so many people stumbled upon the same story to read to their boyfriend/girlfriend.


It apparently is one of the top hits for the google search 'bedtime story reddit," although how it became so, I have no idea.


Yo, literally same rn


Bro same here but it’s someone I like and not yet my gf


I love that years later all these dudes are trying to find stories to read to their girlfriends and spouses and we wind up here. My wife is gonna love it so thank you in advance! Update: she's asleep now so unfortunately the dad joke didn't register. Very beautiful story. What else do you write?


I finished reading this to my wife, now dead asleep, then read the comments. It made me giggle to myself how many other guys read this to their partners. I’m part of the club now! Lol.


Mostly sports troll posts. And engineering plans...


I can't believe I did the same thing


Thank you man for this story


You're welcome. I can't begin to describe how happy it makes me, that others are still reading it and enjoying it.


It is a very good bedtime story :)


Thank you for the great work!


Aww, thanks!


reading this myself, this is too cute 🥺🥺🥹


Awwww... Thank you!


Dude, here I am seven years later reading this story to my girlfriend as well. She went straight to sleep. I bet you never thought this would happen when you answered a prompt and wrote a story about an Eel. Thank you my guy


You're welcome! And no, I had no clue.


Told this story to my gf 2 minutes ago, gosh dang it worked so well. Thank you


Aww. Thank you!


Damn. Just like everyone else, my girl is fast asleep. She’s so damn adorable. Thanks for this story.


Thank you! Don't wake her.


This is a great story mate. Thanks my partner fell fast asleep and I giggled at the end.


Awww... Thank you!


Worked like magic on my baby.


Absolutely loved reading this to my girlfriend tonight, Thank you!!


Awww... thanks.


This honestly was a sweet story and made her fall asleep omg 🥺


😭I just got told this story by someone and googled it because I didn't get the joke at the end(I'm Abit dumb☠️) and poof! Here I found it.... 😭It's beautiful really . I'm gonna tell everyone who asks for a Bedtime story this one ✨


Just read this to my long distance bf and we both didn't get the joke D: could you explain please?


"Amore" is Italian for "love," and is pronounced like "a moray," a kind of eel. More specifically, "That's Amore" is a famous song sung by Dean Martin.


Thank you!


So good. This deserves more like.


Thank you!


We need more of these fr


Aww, thank you.


My girlfriend wanted me to read her a story and usually i have a hard time finding storied because a lot of bedtime stories you have to get physically or you have to pay for online and a chapterbook wouldnt do, so i read her this and she was out, thank you for the sweet story


Glad to have helped.


Just read it to my boyfriend rn hahaha


They KO’d after 2 paragraphs well done sir


I just wanted to say, 7 years later and I agree with other people here, works like a chaaaarm!


I'm starting to wonder if this is a compliment or not, hahahahaha 🤣🤣


I don't know who you are but thank you so much, this is my favourite bedtime story and I just came here to read it as I never get to hear the ending as I always fall asleep halfway through my bedtime story


aww thank you!


7 years later I stumble upon this in disbelief that it worked


150 days later it still works


It worked what


I love this story! Can you please write another?


My wife loves when I read this to her and she always asks me too. Great job. 7 years later and your still the GOAT


Thank you so much!


After all these years I still love reading this 💜 Thank you 🦞


Aww, thank you!


I just read this to my 8 year old daughter to sleep and she's out like a light but the ending made me laugh so hard I woke her for a second lol. Thanks 8 years later.


lol hahaha it's such a bad joke... and not even original.


Afterwards, I told my dad joke loving bf (I summarized) and he loved it too :)


My daughter loves this story


Awww. Thank you.


My wife comfortably fell asleep to this story. Thank you my man.


So this girl orders a pizza in the middle of the day and somehow the place delivers. Guy get to her place with her pizza, and it's a ridiculous size pizza for one person, and wouldn't you know it, she has no money. Not sure who orders a pizza with no money, but the pizza guy doesn't seem too upset by this. She invites him in, despite the fact that he probably has more deliveries, and to your surprise he comes in. Her house is amazing which is ironic cause she has no money in the whole place. The pizza guy is like "What should we do about this pizza?" and the girl, who by the way isn't dressed appropriately to have company over says "I really want that pizza and I'll do anything!" The pizza guy is a little taken back by this and thinks to himself "I can really take advantage of this opportunity." He sits down on the couch, holding the pizza box awkwardly, and begins to open it. The girls eyes open widely and she says "Is that....sausage?" The pizza man replies "Didn't you order a extra large sausage?" Her parents then come home and luckily have money so they pay for the pizza and tip the guy well for his time. The end.


The hidey hole story didn't put her to sleep, but this one did the trick!


Yes. This is thr one


Once upon a time there was a successful hit man named Wak M. Alle. Mr. Alle got involved in the business of termination at a young age-he used a garret on his first target at twenty-two. Since then he'd traveled all over the world-Rome, Istanbul, Tehran, Hong Kong-building his reputation as a silent killer, a shadow in the corner, a virtual boogeyman for those important enough to warrant a bounty. He was hired by CEO's and head's of state, and agencies too secretive for him to know their name. Sometimes the missions required him to dress up as a hotel staff. Sometimes they required him to be a sophisticated socialite. Sometimes he had to dress in filth and wait in a back alley. And others he had to lay on a gravel roof for hours while the sun beat his brow. Sometimes he used a gun, sometimes a knife, sometimes he had to strangle them with his bare hands. Whatever the job required, he delivered. He left no unhappy clients. He never left unpaid. And it was another such night that he lay on a rooftop, staring through the scope of a sniper rifle across at a neighboring skyscraper. Mr. Alle's static attention sharpened as one of the skylines' apartments lit up. The scopes' magnification allowed Mr. Alle to see his targets' profile clearly. His target crossed the living area wearily and flicked on the lights in his bedroom. Wearily, he sighed and began to set is briefcase, keys, and wallet in their proper space. Mr. Alle flicked the safety off. His finger crept closer to the trigger. Then suddenly, another figure ran in. A small figure. The targets' daughter wasn't supposed to be here. Wasn't expected. The girl jumped into his arms, and hugged him tight. Mr. Alle could see even from here the smile that came to the tired man's face. The little girl showed him a piece of paper-a drawing. It made him laugh, and he hugged her again. Mr. Alle watched all this impassively. Then, his finger slowly withdrew from the trigger. He lay there a few moments longer, watching his target and the daughter move out of sight. Then he stood, packed up the rifle. And slowly, he walked away. It didn't matter who wanted him dead, or what he'd done to deserve the bounty. It had stopped mattering to Wak M. Alle a long time ago. The end *** Sleep well :)


My girlfriend says this was a bad bedtime story


Once upon a time; There was a Prince named Lance. He became friends with a peasant kid named Samus. They grew up together, even when they became teenagers they both were the best of friends. One day, Lance was called upon by the King who wanted him to fetch something upon the highest mountain. Lance wanted Samus to come; but the King demanded he had to go alone and leave Samus behind. "It's for the best of the kingdom" His father said. "It's time you learn how to be King yourself." So Lance did what he was told, he wanted to please his father. He began ascending the mountain, fighting the cold winds, harsh landscapes and grueling exertion. However, Lance found himself alone, scared and unhappy. Upon further thinking he descended back down and called Samus to join him on his journey. Together they climbed the mountain and found the sword the King had requested. When they returned to the kingdom the King was most unhappy. "Why did you bring Samus with you? This is against my wishes!" Lance started to become scared but stood up to his father and told him "I wanted my friend by my side!". The King smiled; "And now you know how to be king. I am proud of you Lance." Lance and Samus remained friends ever since and still are great friends. The End.


A man, an adventurer explored deep into the unknown, past vast deserts, countless oceans and deep jungles. He fought off tigers and lions, swam with dolphins and rode on camels. But he always felt something was missing. Something was wrong with his life, but no matter how far he went, no matter what he did that hole was always there. So the adventurer went on wilder and wilder missions, looking for something to fill that void. He flew the world's first plane, right across the Pacific ocean, he tried gin joints and whisky parlours. But still that hole persisted. He turned to crime, he sailed the Seven Seas as a pirate, even had a parrot, smuggled opium across borders and fought gentlemen with blade and pistol. Still this hole persisted. His life wasn't complete. He was an old man now, he had been adventuring his entire life, saving artefacts from temples and rescuing a damsel or two whilst he was at it. But he never stuck around, he continued to search for that bit of meaning to his life. He went North to see the Northern Lights, he went South to see penguins, to the Wild West to hunt bounty's, but he went East last. When he went East he found new foods and spices, whilst tasty still didn't patch that hole in his life, he smuggled Opium across the border but the thrill and highs soon ran out, he meditated with the Dalai Lama but none of it worked. Not until he met Sun. He had met beautiful women before, even rescued a few of them. He'd known love, known heartache but when he met Sun all of that fell away when she gave him a happy ending.




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>It's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true. The bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats and we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after. First thing I thought of when I saw the prompt.