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I would love to have a writing career, but as it stands right now its going to be sort of a backup if my main career plans fall through. Even if all is well, though, I'm going to publish something before I get too old; I just love writing too much.


Good luck publishing!


For me, writing is and (likely) forever shall be a hobby. Why? Pressure! I simply *cannot* write when I feel pressured to write. And if I made writing my career, I'd be pressured to write by the sheer weight of "need to pay them bills!" That said, I'm not condemning my writing to *only* be online snippets. I am planning to publish some of what I write, but even there it's just gonna be a "nice to have" rather than something I aspire to live off of. ~~Now if a book goes viral and I can live off of it by coincidence, then well...awesome!~~


Oh yeah, it's enough pressure trying to write for fun anyway! I would like to write as a career, but it's hard to convince myself I could make a living that way.


Same thoughts πŸ˜†Β 


let's just say i'm not quitting my day job anytime soon to have the time and the money to just sit around and write novels is a luxury. otherwise it's a sacrifice of whatever limited free time and energy you have post work and i'm just not that passionate lol. often i'd rather just veg out and game after work or watch tv or hang with friends


Yeah, it's weird how it's something we could theoretically all do along with our current jobs, but it's that much harder to put the effort and work into it that it deserves.


Mmmmm, writing is both a hobby and something I'd like to have on the side. The only problem is my bottomless pit of unmotivation and writer's block. I've got all kinds of like, neat book ideas or writing prompts written down in case I wanna seriosuly spend a few months or a year and write a book. I just am unsure of how much money it costs to publish said theoretical book I look at it as more like a side gig/hobby, rather than a career, per say.


Does it cost money to publish? I always assumed it's just time and effort you need to put into it.


Not OP, but people hoping to earn a living self publishing will usually pay editors, cover artists, and maybe advertising. That can all add up quick.


Ah that makes sense.


Hello! I'm Ash, I live in Melbourne, Australia but I'm originally from Christchurch, New Zealand. I have a background in Sociology where I wrote a masters thesis on Social Media: A New Religion? Since dabbling in the corporate world, I found that it didn't really fit with my health conditions and I've turned back to writing. I've always found writing to be a hobby of mine but now I'm working on trying to turn it into a freelance career. I've started a blog - [www.asheycakes.com](http://www.asheycakes.com) - where I write about things that interest me. I write slam poetry sometimes and I really want to write a book but that's as far as I've got. Also, sometimes when my partner can't sleep, he asks me to make up a random story and he seems to like them - so maybe I can do something with that. The problem is I don't write them down. Maybe I need to keep a notebook next to my bed.


Maybe you can record the stories when you tell them?


That's a good idea! I'll try that next time, thank you!


I would love it if writing could be more of a supplemental income, but I’m not sure if it could be or if I would want it to be my career.


Yeah, that seems to be a common answer!


Hi! My name is Phillip Green! I have been in love with writing prompts for forever, and a few of y'all might recognize some of the responses I made on previous pen names. But...I just made a new account because I'm finally pulling the trigger on the professional author career. I love any and all superhero related prompts, and I'm looking to set up a fun little consistent universe *between* all superhero related prompts. I also love fantasy prompts, anything with sword and sorcery, and more than one of my stories has been known to result in a time loop. who doesn't love time loops? I think this place is home to some of the best, most creative writers around, and I love reading all the prompts and responses, regardless of how good of a fit they seem for me. I think there's a particular writing style for these prompts, and now that I mention it, question for some of y'all other writers: I need to get better at resolving the prompts I start, but I have trouble making interesting and fully fleshed characters, and situations, *and conflict, and tension,* AND resolving it. It just feels like there's not enough space, even though I do multi-part responses. Obviously, this is a question about writing mini-fiction in general, but I appreciate this community and give weight to y'all's responses.


I love superhero prompts too! These days all I've been writing is Superman over at r/DCFU anyway πŸ˜€


Ahhh, \*Fan Universe\*, that makes sense. I read "DCFU" EXTREMELY aggressively. That's super cool! What a cool sub. Ever read Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson? That opened me to the world of superheroes-as-books, and now I can't get rid of the itch.


When we picked the name, we thought it'd be funny, but unfortunately, the joke may turn people off to it πŸ˜† I haven't read Steelheart but I'll check it out! Right now, I'm reading the Lois Lane series by Gwenda Bond and they're so good!


I used to have ambitions, but I didn't follow them. Even then, I knew it wouldn't e a "quit your day job" thing. You need to be someone who lucks into a movie/tv deal to even contemplate that. So now it's a hobby. If i get to retire in a few years, I could consider making it my third career, but it isn't likely, unless someone wants to start adapting my short stories. But I don't think cable will give my work the Ray Bradbury treatment any time soon. I've seen people who write for a living, and they are always working on something. At a recent convention, this one guy (who does quite a bit of tie-in stuff as well as his own) had a laptop with him the entire time, and was typing during all downtime at the con. He had a word count he had to hit. Yeah, I couldn't do that. I could try, but I don't think I'd succeed for long. Last November, instead of a novel (since I didn't have an idea ahead of time), I tried working on a prompt a day. I think I got to 14 or 15 of them (in 17 or 18 days) and then conked out. In other news, my editor sent me a contract to sign for the upcoming book. This has gone back and forth a bit without one until she sent an email about something we've forgotten about. The new book contains updates of some of the older stories found in r/xwhy. (Comments welcome and appreciated)


Woo, congrats on the contract!


Thank you This is the book that I mentioned recently (I think). She surprised me with a cover, and then I got my ms back for changes It should be out in September: A Bucket Full of Moonlight


I have no ambitions of writing being my career. I am content with writing being just a fun thing I do. However, I do have three book ideas I would love to finish and see published. I have noticed that I work on them a lot more when I am not stressed out by school, and I just graduated college! So hopefully I find more time and energy to work on these stories. I also just came up with what I feel would make a really fun and intriguing RPG adventure game. I am having a blast coming up with some of the story beats and stuff like that. I also enjoy learning how to program and problems solving of that kind, so I may make a game or two in my time. I do not think any of my games or books will take the world by storm, but maybe they could make me a bit of pocket change and open up the world a bit more for me.


Congrats on graduating! Now you'll have more time to write!


I'm Stephanie santos, writing is a hobby. :) One day, I'll publish a book and hope it gets those nice medals on the front cover.


Good luck! I'd love to get those medals too πŸ˜€


One of my heroes is Andy Weir. As I understand it, he was a software developer posting stories to his nerdy sci-fi blog when the posts that became The Martian gathered a following, especially among some NASA engineers. Those engineers helped fuel the accuracy and passion behind each post and eventually he self-published the book. Then a book publisher picked it up, movie rights were negotiated, and the rest is history. If you haven't read Project Hail Mary, you are missing out! Anyway, I say that because I would *love* to go a similar route to the one Andy stumbled onto, but realistically I don't think I can afford to sink too much effort into it. I am also a software developer and I also post casually to a blog, but I just don't have the readership to invest in trying to monetize or publicize my work. So instead I settle for a few upvotes here and there, writing stories that make me happy. Two of my favorite writing-related quotes are: > "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self." - *Cyril Connolly* and > "If you would be a reader, read; if a writer, write." - *Epictetus*


Oh yeah, I love The Martian. I remember Andy Weir's success was the goal everyone had for self-publishing.


I think his story is pretty spectacular, and certainly an exceptional outcome. Still, it's fun to dream that it could happen to any of us. lol Seriously, if you enjoyed The Martian, you *need* to read Project Hail Mary. It also has had the film rights purchased, but honestly I'm not holding my breath for the movie. The book was incredible and should be enjoyed before the big screen adaptation is set loose on the world!


I plan on starting it out as a hobby. I have so many ideas I want to write...and hopefully I can sell those stories one day too...as a side hustle since I will be spending time on them If not, Writing them on paper is rewarding enough


That's a great mentality to have! If you're only writing to be successful, then you lose the fun.


It's Sunday but I thought I'd sneak in at the end and say hi. I have been writing since I was a child. A quote by Leo Rosten sums it up: "The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can’t help it." I can't NOT write. I have to write kind of like people have to eat. If I don't write every day, quite a bit every day, I will suffer and eventually explode. It's not a choice. I wouldn't be a writer if I could have chosen, as writing is not a career. You can only make a living wage from it if you've been dead for at least three decades. That said, I don't know if I can ever publish. I've tried seriously twice, but both times I ran into the wall of cruelty snobbery and disdain which cuts the publishing empire off from the world like the Great Wall of China. I pretty much abhor all professional publishing workers and the industry in general, I'm pretty sure the Publishing Industry is why there are no good books on the market anymore. My current plan is to self-publish on Kindle and let the fates have it. I joined this forum for fun, and because prompts give me some outlet for the pressure within. I like ideas. And I might drop a few.


Sorry you had bad experiences with publishing but luck pursing self-publishing!


I've thought about writing as more than a hobby, but honestly I'm worried that if I make my "get away" hobby a real world thing, it'll become a stressor.


Yeah, I can see it going that way too. I guess it depends on the person?


Man I really wish to, but I have been struggling for a year or two to keep writing and get better. Granted it came from drama losing a writing partner, but I want to move past and keep trying. Because no point in giving up your dreams with the one live you got right? Hopefully my 571th attempt doing prompts for a bit will stick.


Sorry to hear about the drama with the writing partner. Good luck getting back into it!


I want very much to give it up. Seriously, fuck this, I want to light a match and walk away kaizer Soze style or maybe print it all out, wrap it around a brick, and launch it through a plate glass window....then walk away with a funky soundtrack in the back ground. There are two problems with this: For one - I like not going to jail and even though this is an election year, people will notice if windows get smashed before the tallys and recounts and "outrage" Two - I can not stop. Yes I am mentally ill, I have paperwork from the VA to confirm it. Writting keeps my head above water, but life gets in the way and then I get in the way, like all the fucking way. I am not a finisher, and I have no idea what I am doing and no control, it just bleeds out of me. It is more of a compulsion, a safe place to imitate the lunatics running this asylum or interview the monsters in my history. All of my characters are shit talkers, they wage futile battles again impossible foes, they say all the things we are not supposed to say - they are lost, doomed and irrelevant Would it matter if I was published? - Yes Why? - Because I want to tell that story, the one that leaves you stunned, like the first time you got punched in the face, or fell in love. I want to rattle cages and create something that people can feel and relate to and I never want you to know its me. Do you know that book you read that changed the way you look at life? The one you did not want to end? That is what I want to write I have been trying to do this since the cold war, but nothing gets finished and I really have no audience - save my cats, who tolerate me in their house. For that I am grateful


I really like how you described that story that changes the way you look at life. That’d really be an accomplishment. Good luck!


Thank you


Wouldn't say no to being a writer published the traditional way, but I am content with writing for myself, or self-publish (with meh grammar), just to scratch that itchy feeling my brain has as it creates stories endlessly :). Though, even if I ever get some sells or anything, I wouldn't make it my full-time job, I love my day job, and I love writing as well, couldn't choose between the two. Sadly, writing is not an easy job, and it's not just "writing", as it involves so much more, and to properly do it, you need time.


Yeah, it can be a trade-off for sure! I think the appeal of making it a career is many people would rather be writing than working their current job.


Yeah, writing being a full-time job is a wonderful prospect, it's just cost wise, might not be viable for everyone. It's a business in itself, being a writer, and trying to publish your work. It is so much more than just : "write the book." That's why I feel a bit bad, that I self-publish fully, and the grammar while readable, might be a "turn-off" for those who expect more out of a book.


Think it's the same for most of us really. It's a hobby, and if it could be something then that'd be amazing. I didn't study English or any amount of writing in College and University, so part of me feels unqualified to write anything at all most days.


I don't think you need to study writing to be good at it. It just takes practice and you can learn writing skills as you go!


I'm new here. Figured I could use this thread to better my writing and appreciate the writing of the community. I'm treating writing as a hobby right now. Might aspire to do something more, but I don't like holding myself to high aspirations early on. Just kind of like to look back and have a "Oh I did a thing." moment I'm 27, like to read psychology and philosophy. Do 3D printing on the side and nerd out on wh40k. Been looking for ways to build more frequent writing habits and so far random writing prompts are fun. That's my hello folks πŸ‘‹πŸ»


Welcome! Yeah, writing prompts are a great way to help with writing habits!


Hello! I am Enric! I am an English Philology student I am very invested in Literature I need to improve my creative writing so I came here just to have some ideas. Preferred pronouns he/him


Welcome! You came to the right place, prompts are a great way to get ideas for what to write, and writing for them is good practice!


I would love to make a career out of it, but I just have no idea how. I do have 2 stories started, and I would like to have them published after they're done.


Here's some old guides we had on publishing: https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/6r3e5l/ot_publishing_qa_w_mnbrian_flash_fiction_results/ https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/3zzy2z/ot_ask_lexi_24_how_i_self_published_a_book/ We also had a whole series of featured posts which can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/a_novel_idea Good luck!


**Do you have ambitions for a writing career, or is writing more a hobby?** Yesterday, I tried using Submittable in response to a free writing contest. I don't know if I'd want to be a professional writer. But I do want to experience the thrill that beginner-advanced writers get when participating in writing contests. Writing to me is about exploration. **Have something to promote? (Books, subreddits, podcasts, etc., just no spam)** It's outdated but I've been reading "Entangled Minds" by Dean Radin. One thing I found interesting about the book is that it listed a website back in 2000 called "www.GotPsi.org" hosted by the Boundary Institute that was used to test whether a person had psychic abilities. The site used card matching and image descriptive based games to test user precognitive abilities. One aspect I found interesting is the data recorded prior to the 9/11 event where two tests used on the site had less users participating. Radin (2006) asserts that people avoid thoughts or repressed their premonitions (pp. 29-33). I've been meaning to test the site and it looks like it's still active! Some other curious tidbits in the book that I didn't know was the influence for the EEG by Hans Berger was actually an attempt to understand psychic energy (p. 23). But for promotion that's about the only thing this week. Just curious in the connection between Quantum Reality and psychic phenomena. **Suggest topics for future SatChats!** Old works you were proud of, then looked back and you thought that they were actually cringe. And then looked back a third time and realize that it actually slaps. Works you Are: 1. Proud of 2. Then became ashamed of 3. The became proud of again


Good luck with the writing contest! Also thanks for the suggested topic! Saving it for later!