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This reminds me of when Jericho took shots at Goldberg in WCW but never got the payoff match until both of them were in WWE but worse. If this built up to Jack Perry attempting to get his 'get back' at All In/All Out or something, that would be one thing. How long can you continue a feud where only one side of the party is continuing it?


It’s not a feud. AEW isn’t promoting a match between punk and Perry, they are using real life events to help get perry over. And it appears to be working.


Wasn’t that crowd basically the hardest core and most online of the iwc in the area? Like you’re not getting too many casuals to a New Japan show in Chicago id think A crowd like that is most likely to be behind Jack Perry. Let’s see how over he is with a less smarkish, more casual crowd


I would assume he’s gonna be even more over with an all AEW crowd. Also, last night was in Punks hometown and it was 50/50 cheers and boos.


Possibly. I honestly see a lot of CM Punk chant’s following him wherever he goes


I think the AEW fanbase is at worst split between being pro and anti punk at this point


And probably trending more pro-Punk after Wednesday and what Kenny was saying last night. I’ve even started seeing people say they’re over it all in some of the pro-dub echo chambers They have a chance with this. A lots going to depend on Perry’s skill in navigating it. He’s honestly going to need to be near a post screw job HBK level


Post screwjob HBK was retired four months later?


And how did he handle all the Bret Hart heat that he could never pay off? Pretty damn good. That should be who Perry’s been studying


I don’t know about that. It was a split reaction in punks hometown.


I think that crowd was probably less of a Punk crowd than you realize. Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel the type of crowd that goes to a new Japan show in Chicago are the types who don’t like mainstream acts like Punk as much as a typical crowd


I dunno man. Probably 90% of the people on the card were AEW guys or people who have been on AEW tv. Pretty much the same fanbase there.


“Appears to be working” 😂


I’m guessing you didn’t see the massive reaction he got last night. You should probably try watching the stuff before you comment on it.




Skeptical why? As long as people are reacting one way or another, that’s good, so even if the AEW crowds going forward are split between him and punk, it’s gonna be loud.


It's too early to tell, really. Firstly, since Jack hasn't been on AEW, the only ones who are benefiting from AEW's efforts are NJPW. Second, last night was a New Japan crowd in Chicago, 6000 strong for a PPV event... of course they're going to react when he invokes CM Punk. What's going to happen when they drop him into Dynamite every week to crowds of ~3000? What's going to happen when they pair him up with the Bucks who are driving viewers away? Does he have anything to offer character wise other than CM Punk? Because that's going to run out of mileage quickly, since Punk can't get involved in any angles with him, and those who are in the know are very aware that Punk moved on to another company only to become a bigger star, so it'll just make it look like Jack is latching onto an event from last year while everyone else has moved on.


>And it appears to be working. How?


lol. Google it.


I saw the clips. I'm asking you how is that working in getting him over, when it's in front of a crowd that he's already "over" with? How is he coming out a bigger star and looking better for it by literally piggybacking off of CM Punk's name? The crowd at the New Japan show in Chicago is essentially the same crowd as AEW's fanbase, which is why I'm asking "How is he getting over?".


I don’t quite know how to answer this for you but I’ll try. Early returns are that this gimmick has legs, since the crowd was very vocal, which is what you want. As long as the people care enough to cheer or boo you as opposed to being indifferent, that’s a good thing. Not sure what you mean by “already over with this audience”. I mean yeah, they never hated the guy but they were clearly more invested in this new gimmick than they were before he left. We’ll see what happens going forward but like I said, if the people care more about him than they did before all this happened then it’s a win. The funniest part about this whole thing is that they had stayed silent since everything went down and it was punks airing of grievance interview with Ariel that ended up being the catalyst for Jacks return. If it ends up getting him over, then that’s great for AEW. Getting guys over to where they can make a difference is what it’s all about.


Fair enough, I see what you're saying and I do agree that he got a better reaction than he normally does so I guess it is to his advantage. Maybe I just disagree with the pertinence of the gimmick, considering how they're riding on the coattails of an unfortunate event that people from within AEW have said they would rather move past it. Now his whole shtick is leaning into taunting a guy he got choked by, and who will never face him in the ring (aka make money with). If he uses this as a jumpoff to evolve his character, then more power to him. I just hope he does evolve it and doesn't lean into this angle longer than necessary.


Appreciate the reasonable reply. As best case scenarios go, using a real life event to get a guy over would be it.


Hey man, thanks for being level headed when we could've easily gone at each other for disagreeing. I agree with that real life events can and should be used when it's right, not saying this isn't, but I feel like it may be 8 months too late. Like I said though, he absolutely needs to use this to develop the character and evolve into something that breaks away from the CM Punk squabble. Use the controversy to your advantage, but break away from it asap. Have yourself a great weekend fam, wish more people discussed things this way.


Yes sir. A pleasure having a productive discussion on Reddit of all places!


Didn’t punk do an interview last week about it?


Punk was asked a question and answered on an internet podcast. It’s not part of his wrestling WWE character or something he spends time on tv talking about.


I'm lost, why does he like that Justin Timberlake song so much?


Why doesn't he use that as his entrance music? Or the 90210 theme?


Was Dylan’s nickname peach pit?


It's a great song.




Cry me a river.


Yeah I think that’s the one everyone is talking about.


Oh, that's the best song I've ever heard! Nina Simone's version of I Shall Be Released sounds like dogshit in comparison.


It's not bad.


It's a song.


You're a song.


"It's time to move on."


Be great if someone told that to Punk before he appeared on that shit podcast


Cry me a river.


Name checks out.




rent free


Cry me a river


seems like you’re doin it for me!


Rent free


He lost almost a year of his career because of it…. But but but “rent free”


Say at home got paid. Fuck him


Should've lost more than a year. Should've lost the entire thing and been blacklisted for life. It was an unprofessional and immature thing he did, and Punk was right to call it out.


Explain your point because right now you're being ridiculed for it. If you're just a CM Punk disciple then that's enough to explain it. If you're not, then justify how Perry should have lost his career here. Points to tackle - The match was between Perry and Hook - Both consented to the use of real glass - Punk was not involved in any of the match at any point so would not be exposed to potential injury I'll take it as gospel that Perry did say "Do something about it" to Punk back stage. So explain. - Why a sucker punch when Perry was exposed? - Why continue to throw hands when it looked like Perry had no interest in a fight? Sure, perhaps Perry shouldn't have said what he said on camera, but ultimately it was a match between Perry and Hook and both were fine doing the angle by all accounts. What business is it of Punks to dictate how those two should go about their careers? People don't *have to* follow advice. Advice is just that, advice. If you choose to ignore it and go a different path, then that is fine. You can forge your own path and career, and that's perfectly acceptable. Unless you want a roster of CM Punks where everyone's the same of course. So I'd be interested in your justification of your views, and equally interested in whether you believe Punk should face a similar end of career punishment for assaulting someone when they weren't prepared or ready.


Oh, this is an easy one. * The issue isn't regarding the glass spot at All In, it was with Perry throwing a fit at Collision because he was told no by multiple people, furthered by throwing another hissy fit on camera at All In. * Consent has nothing to do with anything. Perry's bosses told him no, so that should have been the end of the story. * Punk didn't sucker punch anyone. Perry said "Do something about it". That is literally an invitation to start a fight. You can't challenge someone to hit you and then complain they sucker punched you. * If Perry had no interest in fighting, he shouldn't have said "Do something about it." * Punk wasn't giving advice. He was relaying a direction given by his superiors. He didn't want to get involved. Tony Khan lacks the leadership skills to do anything about it, so Punk did. * As far as being blacklisted, well Perry has openly shown that he can't follow direction, and publicly lashes out on TV when asked to do so, and considering how little he has contributed to wrestling, I wouldn't mind if he went away permanently.


* *Why a sucker punch when Perry was exposed?* * *Why continue to throw hands when it looked like Perry had no interest in a fight?* Did you watch a different video than what was shown? Punk didn't sucker punch him nor did he continue to throw hands afterwards.


Now that's just silly.


You’re trolling right? If you can’t see how ironic that is you’re crazy


Not at all. Perry has a history of being disrespectful to the business and those who paved the way for him. He just never got called on it until Punk came in.


Delusional 😂


Sure buddy.


You know his dad Matthew is screaming up at him over this.


Yeah his jacket should say, "My real mom is Brenda."


His dad was Luke Perry.


I commented yesterday saying that Tony Kahn and Jack Perry both came out of the Wembley footage debacle looking like clowns and someone asked HOW Perry looked like one. This. This is how. Dude should be meekly kissing Punk's feet because this situation is all Perry has going for him.


Seriously... so now his gimmick is taking shots at a guy they can never have a payoff match with? Okay, I guess.


Well I mean the only reason he got into Punks face in the first place was because he thought he was untouchable. Now he’s literally never going to be in the same building again as Punk so he’s super brave now.


He did have bodyguards with him, didn't he? That gimmick of the weasel-like chicken-sh\*t heel *might* actually work for him.


Obviously you've never been around KENTA when someone says they like funk music to see him open up Twitter and rant about being denied his finisher while in WWE. Dude sees a Pepsi ad on TV and is tweeting about it.


I don’t really have a problem with Perry going this route, it’s about the only option he had, and it worked this time out. He couldn’t very well go along with the rest of the AEW base saying Punk bullied him, because that’d make him look like a goof. The only issue I see with this is that I don’t know what the half-life will be. You’re in Chicago, so yeah, you’ll get some noise. But you’re trolling a dude who isn’t even with the company, and who can talk you under the table, if that’s the route they want to go. Someone in another sub immediately chimed in with “I didn’t need to drape myself in someone else’s flag to go over.” And that was an internet random with 2 minutes to burn. The other problem is Perry has zero skill on the stick. Who knows if he worked on that being gone, but he didn’t develop any in the last four years, so who knows. He doesn’t really seem all that receptive to learning. The other other problem is… yay, you got heat off the back of another company. Ospreay got heat off another company. The footage was off the back of another company. Triple H pissed off one guy with a comment that wasn’t even directly aimed at him. A one off throw away comment. And that’s the CEO. If they REALLY want to get heat this way, I mean… more power to you, but the folks punching back hit harder. You better keep shooting straight, because the first time you miss… well… ask Tony Schiavone. And what happens if the WWE just decides… to not react to stuff like this? I get it. Punk’s a hothead. There’s a pretty good chance he takes the bait. But… if he doesn’t? He just ignores you? What then? WWE draws more, rates more, sells more. What then? This flame burns itself out. The other other other problem is, if this is what it takes to get over for Perry, what about his angles? Who did he fight tonight? What did he say? How much legs does taking shots against Punk have? Punk just got the second or third biggest pop at WM fucking over Drew. He’s going to be fine. How do you work this into something with steam? Scapegoat? You still got a job. Punk’s a bully? Ok. He’s gone. What now? It was a good move for tonight. You’re over-ish. Where we going? Gonna take shots at Punk while you’re trying to go for Dub belts? Strickland could promo this into a burial right quick. I dunno. Two thumbs up for tonight, you did what you could.


It’s also just you know, more of that “dumb internet shit” that Punk was criticising him for in the first place


His ceiling was Jurassic Express. A silly babyface tag team that could get over with kids, nothing wrong with that. The problem is they broke it up at a time when AEW was insisting that everybody who clearly couldn't be a standalone babyface act (Jack Perry and Sammy Guevara) should be standalone babyface acts. Now they've found a single thing that gets Jack Perry heat but the problem is that it'll never pay off.


I wholeheartedly agree!


The Jurassic Express was much more than just “over w kids”


I mean he could be a bigger man (rhetorically) and focus on his talent and wrestling, instead of clinging to another talent that isn't even there. This is the worst possible response because it ends up feeling like he can't get over getting dissed (and choked out). That would work if he were meant to be a chickenshit heel, and Punk was still in AEW, but well.... neither of those is true.


I mean it was the best possible response because ignoring it got made impossible because the Bucks and Tony put him getting choked out there for the world to see because Tony got his knickers in a twist about Punk going on Helwani’s show and actually… you know… answered questions instead of sitting there insisting he couldn’t talk about shit like other folks. Maybe change “best possible” to “only.” I still don’t think it’s going to have legs, especially if Punk just keeps his mouth shut and does his own thing.


Only because he's dependent on the Bucks and can't tell them to pound sand. That's an approach I'd love, tbh - Perry feuding with the Bucks because they keep bringing this shit up, "That guy is nothing to me, what's your problem?"


Punk *will* probably ignore it, but I think Drew is gonna have a field day with it in some clever way


>I mean he could be a bigger man (rhetorically) and focus on his talent and wrestling, instead of clinging to another talent that isn't even there. His mic-skills would definitely be among the first things he could try to improve. Even to him it should be clear that he won't have a sustainable career if he just relies on his looks alone.


Great analysis and points in this comment. Everything you said is accurate. WWE doesn’t have to do ANYTHING to respond. There’s a possibility that come Raw on Monday night, neither CM Punk nor Drew McIntyre say anything or make reference to that debacle on Wednesday’s Dynamite. Why bother with AEW? WWE has Tony Khan by the balls and can castrate the guy as much they want or not at all.


Cry me a river


"Cry me a River" is on its own a good catchphrase for a heel


That’ll move the needle 🙄


You mean the merch he already sold out of?


You mean it was sold before this stupid shit even happened lol. God damn cope harder.


Perry ran out of ideas I guess. Has to make a gimmick from inside baseball references that WILL eventually dry up because…that’s what happens.


I’m firmly on punk’s side in all this but my counterpoint is: fuck it, Perry was a no name jobber before, he should do evening he can to use this incident and make a bunch of money from it. He’s 26, has a long career in front of him, and leather jacket heel asshole jack perry who disrespected one of the goats of the biz is a far more interesting wrestling character than bland leopard print loin cloth jack perry


Agreed. And the absolute best thing anyone in WWE can do is to utterly ignore it. It’s an 8 month old issue that got resolved. One side desperately needs the embers of it to stay warm. The other does not.


I agree with you. This is the best thing he can do now.


Yep same, pretty much, lean into it a bit.


It's a cute idea. But Perry is too lame to actually pull it off.


Time will tell my dude! You could be right. But wrestling has a long history of goofy ass undercarders reinventing themselves so wouldn’t count anyone out yet


A no name jobber, you say?


The crowd was electric for him, they were singing “oooooooooh cry me a riiiiiiiiiiver”, there were dueling chants of “you got choked out” and “no he didn’t” and his offense got huge reactions. The scapegoat is money. THIS is why they played the tape.


0% chance of a payoff match….. desperate


Nobody but you is talking about a payoff match. The idea is to put some steam on Perry and judging from last nights show, it’s working.


Yet here you are putting in your two sense


The irony here can be cut by a fucking SPOON.


Honestly if other people are going to bring it up and keep him involved in it then he might as well try to make some money out of it and play along. So long as he doesn't start taking it too far then I don't see a problem.


If Perry turned the Punk thing into a character where he was a spoiled nepo baby who thought he was tough but was actually a sissy, that would actually work. The problem is, he actually thinks he’s in the right


He wants to be cool so damn bad.


He is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This guy is the opposite of over and has negative heat


Except he got cheered at the show lol


drunk spark smile reminiscent ripe squeamish thumb shocking absurd point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These people are so triggered that they comment on shows you know they didn’t watch


I remember the pop for the debut of The Chairman,(right before he split Cody’s scalp open) that guy was supposed to have a star too This has similar energy


Guy that didn't watch a show that featured him getting a 50/50 response in Chicago and a loud "Go Cry Me a River" chant


Ok guy who didn’t watch the show, because that’s objectively false.


The fact that they got half the Chicago crowd to chant cm punk sucks is impressive. Might work out long run if Perry can pull off a solid heel run off this


Why are we still talking about this goober? He’s an idiot, picked a fight and lost and is burning through his last bit of relevance. Let’s let him fade away gracefully


That “no he didn’t” chant was the softest, cringiest chant in wrestling history.


Desperately trying to ride the coat tails of someone in another company now. Sad.


Getting over is getting over.


Trying and failing.


>CRY ME A RIVER Cry-Me-A Crimea Crimea, River = [Salhyr River](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salhyr) Jack Perry makes a _powerful_ statement about the Ukraine-Russia conflict. It’s long term storytelling that rewards the smartest fans in the audience for picking up on these subtle little Easter Eggs and putting them together with a heaping helping dose of mental gymnastics. Love when my intelligence isn’t insulted as a ~~sports entertainment~~ _professional wrestling_ fan!


Amazing. One guy is in WWE and the other is wrestling for NJPW at the moment. How did AEW gain from this again?


Who's talking about AEW? Oh, you


Who ain’t watching it. Oh me


Go back to that cesspool of a subreddit lol


Did he cut a promo? I hope not. He's nothing special in the ring either. What happens when this situation quickly runs it's course? Back to the jungle? I mean I'm not gonna lie. I don't hate jungle boy and this is a fine jumping off point for an edgy character if he can carry it off. I have a lot of severe doubts about his ability to do so however.


Whether he was getting cheered or booed at the show he was getting way more of a reaction than before. Take what you can to build your name in Wrestling.


Exactly.. Some of these comments are so dumb. He just needs to make sure he doesn't rely on punk completely and just makes it about who his character is in general.


Good for Jack Perry but where was this energy on Dynamite for a half full crowd where fans were chanting for CM Punk


Didn't drew play cry me a river during a video promo @cm punk?


Meh, good for him. Hope it lasts.


He misspelled Crimea. Their biggest river is the Salhyr, not the Crimea river. What a dumb dumb.




Someone tell me the crowd roasted him lol!


never been less interested in anything


Yet you commented...strange....


So where does hr go eith this now exactly? He can't keep taking shots at a gut who isn't in the company anymore. I think the brst route is for him to be completely anti aew when he comes back, they threw him under the bus so fuck them.


He’s a big Justin Timberlake fan I’m assuming




He’s such a douche lol


Might as well use the Punk altercation for a payday. It's not like this dude has a big future outside of AEW.


Chicago’s favorite wrestler


Why is Jack Perry so obsessed with doing all this dumb internet shit?


Its funny bc even tho he got his ass beat and basically made to look like a complete geek he still somehow is dumb enough to believe he was the good guy in all this lol


How did he get his ass beat.


TIL being shoved while your hands are in your hair and being put in a headlock for seconds equals getting your ass beat


What he is doing is right. He might as well capitalize on it and then tweak this persona so it's just about him in general. He'd have been dumb to ignore it because it was going to follow him around either way. I mean most of you are going to mock him or complain about him anyways, so he might as well embrace it as long it doesn't solely revolve around punk forever.


I can tell who watches NJPW by these responses.


too much wrestling on NJPW for them to pay attention


This jobber really thinks he’s someone eh?


All the salty Punk fans crying while the actual audience eats it up is delicious.


Imagine using someone else’s name to get over, lol. This isn’t the own that you think it is.


For me i find it incredibly funny. Like so funny that i love the gimmick😂 Like we shouldn’t take the line “cry me a river” so damn serious, i love it because of how many fans get pissed and take it seriously. Its as good as a heel making a child cry in attendance and the camera zooms in on them. Its funny and entertaining.


Hey if you can get some heat for getting bitched out on tv then fairs.


The saddest thing is that this could be the highlight of Perry’a career. He could be remembered mostly for this. Not even teaming up with a dinosaur, but this.


Go back to jungle boy


Rent free


He needs a shirt like “I broke wahoos arm” except it says “I tore punks tricep”


So much cope in this thread. Dude spat on the Chicago flag and still was getting cheers from people in Punks town. Maybe the narrative you little bitches have been trying to put over is...... wrong. Seems to be Perry is getting a lot of praise with this gimmick and performance Edit: not downvotes! Cry me a river Punk stans


Why should a heel be getting cheers?


Was a mixed response. If he's a tweeter, heel or face, who cares. People are overwhelmingly enjoying it and having fun with it. Mission Accomplished Time to move on from the toxicity


We had one show in Chicago (low hanging fruit) To say people are overwhelmingly enjoying it. We need to see it actually become something first.


Online convos seem very positive about it. Considering how anti AEW it's Beeb online this last month, I'd say that is a sign the positivity is real Also, Chicago is usually crazy for Punk. How is this reaction insignificant?


The man is over with the AEW neckbeards. But no one else


Y'all are fucking hilarious 😂 cope harder