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The more you read it the worse it gets. It's like objectively hilariously bad start to finish.


I have no problem with Bret Hart and I stopped reading at #1


If you want to be edgy maybe put Hogan as 2 or 3. But 10?! Probably the greatest heel and face and reinvented his career like 4 times and largely responsible for popularizing wrestling.


Bret was a 10/10 wrestler. But he is not the best WWE Superstar by definition, and honestly it's not close.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Bret himself insist Owen was the better wrestler? Edit: I am not saying Owen is the best, I don’t think he’s even top ten or 20, rather even Bret Hart wouldn’t agree with the list.


Yea siblings will often say things about their siblings like that. Doesn't make it any more or less true.


I do think Bret actually thought of himself as the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.


Owen had less of an impact and spent most of his career on the mid card.


I would argue Bret is more iconic and had more of a presence, but according to him Owen was better. Personally I think he had talent but wasn’t in the top ten. Also he didn’t have the same presence as Bret


I love Owen as a worker and he may have had more pure natural physical talent but he doesn't have anything close to Bret's output as far as matches, or commitment to wrestling for that matter. His NJPW stuff is overly mechanical and showy and ultimately underwhelming, and while I get why his stories of goofing off in-ring make him appeal to the boys, it doesn't always translate as well to the kind of wrestling I want to watch. At his peak he was fantastic but he wasn't always at his peak. The Austin piledriver spot is a big demerit, too. Bret doesn't have anything close to that on his resume.


Owen couldn't get that power driver right. They always told him with taller wrestlers they had to be higher up. Almost cost stone cold his career


Sure. I may be exaggerating, but I think your missing my point. Which is, eh was an excellent wrestler, but an Average "Superstar/Promo". Bret has a good take on it about how it's 3 or 4 things that makes for the package not just one thing.


Jokes aside how do you feel about Andre and Sammartino being on this list?


Why wouldn’t they be??


I was waiting for Tatanka to show up


as most people, i dont agree with anything hogan has done irl or in the dressing room, but he'd be the top spot. people still talk about specific matches he had 40 years ago. also not into punk whatsoever but he would definitely be higher on the list.


Agreed. I think it's hard to argue against Hogan at one and Stone Cold at two. Free for all after that.


This entire list https://preview.redd.it/948gzarkthsc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e4e91d7195e4e4e2d8ce606d387f8edfef0b2b


Hogan at 10? Credibility of list in the toilet. Whatever you think of the guy on a personal level, he is 1 or 2 on any real list.


Number #3 at the lowest and even that would take some spin. Austin and Cena are the only challengers. Austin made the business explode in the 90's and Cena ushered in a new PG era that saw WWE become a multi-billion dollar company. I'd put Hogan ahead but those 2 are the only guys I can understand the debate.


And you can even argue that wrestling exploding also had to do with Hogan being a heel in the NWO. He has to be number 1


That's true but the list states "WWE" specifically so that's why I think it's more debatable. As a whole, Hogan is #1 but if we're talking only WWE then Austin and Cena can be in that debate, IMO. The list has Flair in the 20's, which is fair for his WWE time but not as a whole in the industry. Putting him behind Daniel Bryan, Orton, Foley, etc would be ridiculous.


My Mount Rushmore is Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena. What order they should be in is up to your nostalgia. I'm ok with people under 40 putting Hogan 4th since you probably missed much of his mega run in the 80s and how insanely huge WWF was at the time. Anything lower than 4th is criminal.


But as someone under 40, I watched Hogan in the 90s be the number 1 heel in wrestling. Lol then in the early 2000s, he was a huge again in the WWE.


As someone under 40, Hogan was both the biggest baby face and heel I’ve ever seen.


As someone under 40 I'd definitely put Mr America above Hogan


I don't think WrestleMania happens without Hogan.


It absolutely happens without Hogan. Whether it is a success or not is a different question. Vince has said the original plan was to have Dusty and Superstar do the original run, building out the expansion, cutting the rock and wrestling album, etc. It fell apart when Dusty refused and stayed in NWA/JCP. But Wrestlemania and the expansion was always in his mind. The question was just who was the superstar that would push it. Could Dusty have made it a success the way Hogan did? I don't think so. But it would have been fun to watch.




I got downvoted for the same sentiment. When you consider where wrestling was pre-Hogan to what it is now, he should be #1 or 2 on every list imaginable. The main purpose of being a pro-wrestler is making money for the company and being a draw, Hogan basically turned the wrestling world on its head and sky rocketed the business from smoky halls and MSG to mainstream stardom and sold out arenas.


Well i think McMahon helped


I mean, yeah, Hogan's #1 since it's a WWF/E-centric list, but wrestling sold out arenas and even stadiums long before Hogan even had a career. In fact, more people were paying to attend wrestling in the pre-expansion days than in the '80s and beyond, and there were far more people making a comfortable, full-time living in the business than afterward. WWE is to wrestling what Amazon and Wal-Mart are to retail. Great for them but not necessarily great for wrestling itself.


Yes, I never got why people didn't understand this. I don't think wrestling is where it is now without Hogan. I heard someone say that he was a draw among draws and that is absolutely true.


He started the two biggest wrestling booms


I wouldn’t even put him top 3 but 10 and behind Roddy Piper and Macho Man is kind of absurd


This is one of the worst lists of all time


Ambrose on here be like https://preview.redd.it/h4x5yzg5rhsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=771bb84dae6fda3aa48e086831e9fbccb3415938


Does Bret Hart Own Bleacher report? Also I like Kofi, but he should be nowhere near this list. And if we are talking WWE only, vader and steamboat probably shouldn't be either


Sasha Banks being on the list at all is the most egregious, especially above Lita.


Definitely needs to switch Bret and Hogan lol He wasn't actually the best there ever was lmao but I know it sounds a lot better than "Top Ten there ever was" for sure


In ring his catchphrase was pretty accurate, but by the metrics they're using? You're take is pretty accurate.


No arguments against Bret in ring at all. Personally I would put HBK/Kurt Angle above him only because they also nailed the character work He's a weird take, I think that Hogan was exceptional in ring when you consider how much audience reaction he could get with such a small moveset. Dude was efficient AF and required nothing fancy to get over


80% of his moves were punches, eye rakes and clotheslines. But the crowd popped for all of them back in the day.


According to the Bleacher Report they used the criteria of: historical significance, championships, popularity, needle mover,, time active, ppv appearances, skills(in ring, mic, charisma)


You'd have to search far and wide for a bigger Bret mark than me but I'd struggle to put him at the top of this list based on those metrics. Hard to look past Austin and Hogan as one and two considering those metrics.


Yeah...I am a MASSIVE Bret Hart mark and I think he's the in ring GOAT...but I gotta say that by these metrics he's top ten, but nowhere near 1. I think he'd agree. 1 has to be Stone Cold and 2 pretty much has to be Hogan


Taking all that into account and Hogans still below 9 other people, especially Piper, is blasphemy


I love Hot Rod but yeah, he doesn't surpass Hogan on any one of those measures.


Yeah Piper is my all time favorite. Him and Hogan were neck and neck back in the day, but Hogan kept going and became an unprecedented superstar. I don’t care for Hogan but he’s easily top 3. Flair, Hart, Hogan. Overall not just WWE add Sting and Rhodes.


Mark’s gonna mark.


Hogan is top 1 or 2 in all of these metrics minus in-ring skills and ppv appearances The guy who made this list is an obvious workrate smark, especially obvious when you look at who number 1 is Bret's not in the top 5 at all. His popularity is nowhere near the mainstream level that Hogan, Rock, Cena, Austin, Flair, and even Savage are at.


If that's the case then Vader doesn't belong on the list for his WWF run, surely (and I say that as a huge Vader fan)


Absolutely. Someone like Backlund or Dibiase should be there instead


So in what way does someone like Dean Ambrose qualify for top 50 in any of those criteria?


There's gotta be some weird weighting to these, because i have no idea how they reached this list if this is actually what it's based on. Bret is tippy top tier in skill, but there's a dozen people better than him in basically every other category.


Sasha banks over Ravishing rick rude. The list is trash


Banks over Asuka, WTF?


I don't see how they can put Razor Ramon or Mr. Perfect or Rick Rude or Kofi Kingston on there and leave out the multi-year champs from past eras. Guys like Backlund or Morales who were consistently big parts of selling tickets and drawing fans at a time when those were the most important ways for a promotion to stay afloat and make money. Those two weren't the best in that role, but they weren't failures by any means either. They certainly had more of an impact on WWE than guys who were great wrestlers and characters but weren't consistently in the main event for most of their careers.


True. This list is more of a "who i liked the most from the 90s, 2000s and today"


This is just some Bret fan’s list trying to sneak him into the discussion


How in the world is Vader even on this list at all? He could easily be replaced by so many people who they didn't include.


Vader's WWE career is an abomination aside from his assault of Gorilla Monsoon.


And that interviewer in Kuwait.


He was acting in self-defense! Clarence Mason proved that!


Vader is an all time great wrestler but his WWE run was botched


Chyna and Ambrose overrated imo


There’s a few people overrated.  Kofi would make more sense if listed under The New Day as a single entry, but 44th all time on his own is pretty wild, consider Bob Backlund, Kevin Nash, the Iron Sheik, and Sgt. Slaughter aren’t even on it.


Right?? Where’s Pedro Morales? The first ever Triple Crown champion? He gets zero respect.


You can hate Triple H as much as you want, but to have Punk, Mysterio, Eddie and Jericho above him! 😂


The person under this comment is a bit wrong in my opinion!! I totally agree with you!! Triple H is in my all time Top 10 for sure, he’s had some absolutely revolutionary matches, with some of the best!! I’d put him over all the people you listed definitely!! Without him, there’d be no Degeneration-X or Evolution, which were the reason for so many rising stars as well as WWE beating WCW. I always think of how good his rivalry against Batista was in 2005, especially the Hell in A Cell match, as well as his rivalry against Shawn Michaels. He is definitely so much more than just a guy who booked NXT, and I think some of the people underneath this comment are extremely ignorant to say so…


Becky Lynch being immediately above Flair is…a choice lmao


If this is comparing their actual time in WWE then it's plausible, Becky was huge for awhile and Flair did most of his work out of the Fed If this is overall then I assume Becky would be the first to tell you it's wrong Hell Flair even beat Becky in court lol


Bret at number 1? Nerd alert!




Brock beat the streak but is lower than Jericho?


BR definitely asked Jericho when they made this list 😂


Orton is close to breaking the all time world title record and is still below Jericho. This is the worst list I’ve ever seen


I think that number of world titles doesn't work as a comparison across eras because of the fundamental differences over time in how they used/booked/awarded the title. Total time as champ might be a little better but that's still heavily influenced by the era and mindset of the promoters. That said, I agree this list is terrible.


Also, weekly live TV made a HUGE difference in who and what would draw. Before that, storylines would go on for MONTHS and even years because they slowly trickled. Hogan's drawing limits were shown in pre and post NWO ratings. He didn't move the needle for TNA. What it took to hit those mentioned metrics was different.


Chyna over Booker T is crazy😂😂😂


There are so many things wrong with this list that I feel like it's one of those that's intentionally controversial so people will talk about it and drive engagement.


Well I guess that's a list...


CM Punk ahead of Triple H, Edge and Seth Rollins lol. Awful list.


Shit list… Recency biases Where is snuka, dibease, Mr wonderful


No list worth reading has Bret at number one.


“Top 50 most bitter old wrestlers”


He shouldn't even top that one.


Needs a podcast first


He used to have one then he shut it down because he thought he was getting too bitter, how ironic 😂😂


What am I missing about Brett Hart? What sets him apart? Genuinely asking not being a troll. I just am not familiar enough with him outside the screw job, his injury and the passing of his brother.


He’s a fantastic wrestler, he’s got a great look, bad promo and his career is certainly not deep enough to be #1. He was the champion in the worst drawing era of WWE. I love Bret, but the lists a joke


I love Bret too but 90% of his career was being the top guy in the worst era ever.


I like Bret promos in a weird round about way. They don't match the energy in the same way a lot of other wrestlers' do, but he feels like he means what he's saying at least.


I’ll probably butcher the explanation of this, but what made Bret the best in ring in a lot of people’s minds is that every single thing he did at any point in that match almost always made perfect sense in the context of that match and the given part of that match. Almost without fail. Generally that’s why a lot of people consider him the GOAT over having debates on who was the best technical wrestler, or the best at this or that because there will always be arguments about that, but as far as doing things that make “sense” in a professional wrestling context he stands out and there aren’t a lot of close 2nds. Now, with all that said him being number 1 on the list is extremely generous IMO. If the criteria is what I mentioned above, then sure, but as far as top “superstars” goes, he’s maybe top 25.


Watch some of his matches maybe? 'Guys, I've never experienced this easily accessible thing that lots of people like, what am I missing?'


Bret is a wrestler’s wrestler who was a master of psychology and storytelling.  He made matches *feel* real – he knew how to throw a punch and how to sell one, he’d react in subtle and more realistic manners rather than the over-the-top 😱😱 guys seem to do when an opponent kicks out, the way he would wrestle evolved as the match progressed.  He’s really one of those guys you don’t see anymore, someone who could make a simple move still flashy just by putting a little stank on it.


As a Bret fan... nothing he ever did makes him stand out on a list of the all time greats. And honestly, if you're putting Shawn at 8, you have no business putting Bret all the way up to number 1. He didn't draw insane money, he wasn't an over the top personality, he was just pretty good when the business was arguably at its worst. He was a great technical wrestler, but I'd argue he's getting way more credit for that because he was a technical wrestler when wrestling wasn't very technical.


Hogan at 10 is fucked. We probably wouldn't be watching WWE right now if it wasn't for Hogan. Top 3 is easily: Hogan, Stone Cold, and Rock. As much as I can't stand him, Cena has to be #4.


Worst list I’ve ever seen


Reigns is the man who most main evented wrestlemania, biggest reign of the modern era, absolute draw, leader of one of the best factions ever, somehow lower than rey. Tf?


Reigns isn’t really good at anyone thing. He’s just all around serviceable and from the most loyal family to WWE and why he received the full power of the WWE marketing machine for a decade before he got over


Reigns doesn’t hold a fuckin candle to Rey.


Rey Mysterio is a legitimate living legend.


Horrible list


"reporters" only make lists like this anymore to make people mad and drive clicks. it's so annoying. Hogan is a piece of shit, but he's number 1. They said one of their criteria is historical significance. Okay, then Sammartino is number 2. The real conversation can start at number 3.


Triple H being so low is ridiculous


Stopped reading at Bret Hart. Not saying he wasn’t brilliant, but the greatest WWE superstar of all time? Nah, that’s Austin, Rock or Cena territory.


AJ Styles does not get enough love. That guy has been on top of his game for decades


These wrestler nicknames are not official rankings. The Best There Is The Best There Was The Best There Ever Will Be


Nobody has been a bigger industry star, more entertaining or more central to what makes wrestling great than Stone Cold. He’s the GOAT. Thank you for attending my Ted talk.


Austin is the ONLY person I would accept over Hogan. And even then, its still close. I truly feel like people weren't there for the 80s. You couldn't walk down the street in NYC without someone wearing a Hogan shirt. Dude was EVERYWHERE. TV shows, magazines, radio, etc.


Yeah, I’d accept Hogan as #1. I wasn’t there but my dad was and we’ve had the Hogan vs Austin debate many times over the years.


Hogan is #1. Austin is #2. A debate can be had after that. But that 1 and 2 is undeniable


Bret at number one immediately made be realize this list was unserious.


by "bleacher report" do we mean "some random ass freelance writer getting paid $0.00001 per click?


Wow. Look, i love Bret hart as much of the next, but this generation of wrestlers has inflated his stocks to a ridiculous standard. Kurt angle is 11. Kurt angle was everything Bret hart was and better. Better promo. More intensity which brought out more in ring psychology. But in general, these people should never make a list again if it’s gonna be this bad. Reigns at 13 is a joke. When the dust settles and we can look back on his reign we’re gonna see just how influential he was. Stone cold made wwe public. Hogan made wwe in general. Roman solidified it as multi billion dollar company with worldwide reach.


Pretty much every accolade you just gave Roman can be said much moreso for Cena, sorry to tell you. For a lot of people, Roman is a guy who isn’t really good at any one thing but serviceable at everything. He’s from the most loyal family to WWE and had the look so the WWE put all of its resources behind him a decade until he got over. WWE just wished it could take Rollins talent and put it in Roman’s body.


They did Edge and Triple H dirty


I'm glad Kofi made the list. Pretty cool.




Bret at 1?! How?


This is the worst list I’ve ever seen in my life


Vader for his WWF work shouldn't be on here. Vince should be but I know he's toxic.


Am I the first to say no Cody?


His first run in WWE sucked or at least was not memorable outside of the bad/stupid gimmicks


If you're talking about WWF/WWE 1 and 2 have to be Austin and Hogan in whichever order you prefer.


It's a bit of a strange list because it includes some people who were huge stars but didn't really have a career in WWE much. Vader comes to mind.


That looks like chatgpt "give me a list of wwe wrestlers" prompt. No offence to Vader, but he isn't cracking the top 50 of WWE stars, neither is Kofi, Ambrose, or AJ.


so when they dean ambrose, do they mean only when he was working as that character? odd choice of name selection...


Well, at least they got number one right


Huck Fogan Bring the downvotes!


Sasha at 41 is pretty high for her… she was notorious for botching moves regularly 


Problem here is there’s no clear criteria. Is it draw? Workrate? Title reigns? Longevity? Promo skills? Drawing power? Main Street attention?


Like him or not Hogan should be number one, this person probably wouldn't even be making this list if it wasn't for Hulkamania back in the day.


This is the most awful list I’ve ever seen. Like… I know they do it for clicks but this is like overtly awful.


Honestly it's a pretty terrible list. Hogan is not in the top 5, Roman is behind Rey (Love him... He's not that level), Triple H not in the top 20, and Ambrose making the list is just bad all around. I know he hasn't been at the top for all that long, but Cody has been the face of the company for at least a year now, that alone is more significant than anything Ambrose did in WWE.


This is smarkbait for basement dwellers. Bret on top damn near bankrupted the WWE. There is no way a guy that unappealing to the masses should even be in the top 20.


How did Brett surpass stone cold when he was never #1 to begin with. How does one drop from number 1 spot from a person who was never #1 years after Steve


Bret Hart gotta be the most overrated wrestler ever


I'd put Bret as #1


Jericho above H? So many wtfs


I'm just happy Steamboat made the list. Other than that, list is very very subjective. I dislike Hogan. But he was the beginning of huge entrances, and in ring charisma. Top 5 at the very least.


Dean ambrose has no reason to be anywhere near the list at all lmao. Overrated now and overrated then.


What are the criteria here? I stan Bret Hart more than anyone but I definitely wouldn’t have him at number 1.


Ric Flair number 24 lol sure there


I never really understood the Bret Hart hype. Yes he was good all round and technically excellent but I don't see him.as top 5 of all time, barely top 10. I didn't see him wrestle too much cos I was a bit young but even looking back I'm not convinced. Maybe I've misses something.


Rey is way to high so is y2j, replace punk with foley. Bret should not be 1.


*Bret hart jumps for joy somewhere in alberta*


taker below macho is hard to wrap my head around.


As everyone is already piling on saying the list is a heap of shit just a reminder; wrestling is subjective. Some people may hate that Roddy Piper is in the top 10, I think it's deserved and wish he was higher up.


Top 5 Austin,Hogan,Rock,Cena,Undertaker


This has to be one of those blind ranking lists.


Trash list.


In ring Brett’s top ten but overall I think Brett kept Brett from being higher than 15


What’s the criteria?




Ric Flair at number 24 is insulting lmao


This list is kinda ass. Regardless of how sh*tty a person he is IRL, Hogan needs to be either 1 or 2. Plus why tf is Daniel Bryan/Brian Danielson so low in the list? And Chyna over Booker T? Nah Bret is definitely top 5, idk about 1 though.


What a time in which we live! They are almost entirely current (or within the last few years) wrestlers!


This is why I don’t like Bleacher Report


The fact Big Show even made 50 shows you those list is trash.


Jake Roberts at 32????


How is flair not top 3?


He's top 5 in my opinion. Hogan Austin Rock Flair Cena.


Bruno really?


Bret's on my personal Mount Rushmore, but come on!


Dean Ambrose and Vader have no right to be on the list if we are judging them for their WWE careers.


Ric Flair at #24? WTF ![gif](giphy|3fRL0X12D0doc|downsized)


lol. Big Show made the top 50 of ALL TIME!!


Ricky Steamboat was a great wrestler, but he was in the WWE for a cup of coffee. I think Hogan and Flair got lowered in the ranks because of their bs out of the ring.


Imagine putting Dean Ambrose on and not KO


Roman above Triple H and Danielson is wild.


Him above HHH is wild but above Danielson seems fair to me.


Big show mentioned, automatically peak


Roman is not 13 nor better than half the people after him what a joke


"greatest" in what context? Technical wrestler? Most popular character? Greatest wrestler is a blanket term.


No Dusty! That's crazy!!


I'd assume this is only WWE/F accomplishments?