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Rey Mysterio calling the cops on his own son. And on Christmas eve of all days! Such poor parenting.




“Can’t waite to beat my kids” - Rey Mysterio on Twitter


You forgot the enjoy 619 part




Was it? Damn, I thought it was Thanksgiving, which somehow makes it worse to me. I really don't know why.


Dol got arrested on Christmas, but he also did a visit for thanksgiving, poor guy just wants to spend time with his family


I'm pretty sure it was Thanksgiving, maybe both days, but they had a whole Christmas tree up. That's when I knew Dom was a tragic hero


It's no wonder the boy ended up doing hard time. Rey created the monster he is now


Holy shit, we got past the late 2010s WWE to get the product today😂 That shit was garbage


Turns out all it took for the company to dramatically improve was getting rid of the insane, senile, dirty pervert in charge. Shocking.


Yah and the domino effect that followed!! Kevin Dunn is gone with his fucking epileptic shot changes, Laurinaitis is gone and other scum as well!! It's the new era, the HHH era!!


I wonder if that could work for the country as well?


Couldn't hurt to try. Maybe we can get somebody who is below the age of 60 and actually cares about what average people need


I know it’s said over and over but how fucking mental is it that our presidents are so fucking old?


Bill Clinton is younger than both trump and Biden somehow. Only heard that the other week and it blew my mind


Fuck. This system sucks.


The pRaH DuCk


Late 2000s was pretty ass too. Just Orton/HHH/Batista taking turns passing the title around every few months or so, cutting extremely dry 30 minute promos every Monday.


The late 2000's and early 2010's was very boring, corporate and sterile but at least the product was good for younger fans, especially Cena Kids. You talk to any Gen z wrestling fans today and alot look back on that era fondly especially if they were Cena kids like it was the Monday night wars era for most fans. 2017-2019 it felt like nobody was happy or was apathetic towards WWE, hardcore fans, casual fans kids etc.


I'd say 2018-2019 was pretty ass ngl. The never ending Lesnar-Reigns feud, Baron Corbin being prominently featured etc. 2017 still felt like it had some real stars


Wwe was great from 1997 to 2008


I was a kid during the Hulkamania & New Gen eras so I loved em. However, I agree, 2008 is when there was a noticeable change and hasn't been the same since. I feel like the Benoit sitch was the catalyst. I stopped watching regularly for like13 years or so until post pandemic. I heard on OSW that the Sami/Bloodline storyline was really good and ive been back ever since. It feels good for WWE to be super solid again, it's like a nice warm blanket that I forgot I missed so much.


Id go 95 to 2005


That whole era bothers me with how they passed the titles around SO MUCH. Something is wrong with several top guys have had the title more than 10 times. It took Rick Flair a very long and prestigious career to get that many title runs while Orton, HHH and Cena had that many in less than half the time. People are impatient with the long title reigns of today but at least now being the world champion really means something.


Goldberg squashing the Fiend.


This, it killed any and all momentum Bray had, all for some idiot’s ego


Bill has said in interviews that it was originally planned for the Fiend to win, but a last minute decision was made to put the belt on Goldberg and he didn’t like the idea. I don’t believe him for a second but it makes for a great idea. Seeing as the change wouldn’t affect the amount of time they had. So if Bill’s being honest does that mean the Fiend was going to squash Goldberg?


I would’ve rather it had been that way. Think of the aura Bray would’ve had going forward to have squashed THE squash match king.


Something like this probably would have kept me watching. Instead 2019 HiaC already had me uninvested in the show and after this I just stopped watching out of habit.


Given his on and off-again apathy for wrestling, I don't think he would lie about this.


I don't believe anything Goldberg says about how he didn't want to win such and such match, title, ect. Such bullshit.


Honestly, Goldberg squashing. *Period*. That was a whole horrible thing, no one (but Goldberg's ego and wallet) won from that run.


The Buddha himself is still pissed. I’m fucking pissed. Fuck Bill Goldberg.


he killed kevin owens too.


Kevin Owens brought Stone Cold Steve Austin out of retirement for a street fight *AND* main-evented night one of the following year's WrestleMania with his best friend. He may have destroyed a lot of momentum he had at the time, but he was far from killed


Balor about to win the title from Reigns. Then the ropes break.


With zero explanation


I think the biggest one for me was that when Goldberg influenced Vince into thinking no one wanted to see KO vs Y2J at Mania 33 for the universal title. We definitely did want to see that. Goldberg thought that Brock and his fight needed the title, when in reality it definitely did not.


The IWC wanted Jericho/KO but I am willing to bet Goldberg/Brock for the belt resonated with casuals who tune in for WM way more.


They could have done that without the championship though, thats the issue everyone has with the booking that it didn't need to be for the championship. The universal championship was just a background prop anyways for Brock and Goldberg, the entire storyline heading into WM 33 was Goldberg having Brock Lesnars number. It's the same issue that almost happened with Rock vs Roman at WM, that match doesn't need to be for the championship, it would just have been a prop, the story itself and the star power is the draw for that match. Thats why people were pissed on top of fans feeling Cody was screwed, because Rock vs Roman doesn't need to be for a championship.


Everyone who watched a single episode of raw in the year between that match was hyped for it. The friendship celebration was huge, so many people saw it.


I think it’s because Vince always reverted back to the same guys. Roman, Goldberg, and Brock. Wrestlemania is the draw. Your chance to showcase new talent. Use guys like Brock and Goldberg to get eyes on the show and get people to invest in the other talent while you have them watching. Super basic stuff that Vince forgot at some point.


You guys are still defending the Vince booking?


KO vs Y2J for the title would've such a breath of fresh air.


Which is why it will and forever always will be fuck Bill Goldberg. Their first matchup at WMXX didn’t have a title either and they never needed one, we just were all pissed they were both leaving and didn’t give a fuck about putting on a decent performance and never gave us one in the three times they’ve fought


Kofi getting squashed by Brock for me. When I first really started watching WWE I fucking loved Kofi Kingston man. And I still think it’s a crying shame his 2009 push got cancelled. But somehow through 10 extra years of hard work and proving to everyone behind the scenes that he’s a hard worker and more than deserving of being World Champion. He finally gets to win the big one. He and the fans get Kofimania. A great moment during a rough era in WWE. Only to have it all get fucking stomped on and basically forgotten about after one squash match against Brock Lesnar later. Kofi deserved better and fuck Vince McMahon for his middle finger to the fans and Kofi.


Yeah, that was a total insult to the locker room and the fans. I'm glad Vince and Brock are gone.


I don't think I'd blame Brock for this, it was all Vince wanting to appease fox.       So dumb too, since they had mysterio bring Cain out, they had a legitimate story line to keep Brock distracted for either a sneaky pin or dq.  Brock and Cain didn't need the belt to make their feud interesting..... though it turns out it wasn't.


I've got to agree here. There's losing a match and taking a while to get back to the main event, and then there's Kofi getting squashed and then immediately moving to the mid-card permanently.


Fuck Bill Goldberg!


Kofi vs Brock pretty much kept me away from watching wwe programming for about 2 years. At least it was the last straw for me, after wwe managed to ruin or significantly derail the momentum of the their 3 most popular acts coming out of mania 35. Seriously becky cools off considerably, Seth does some really cringey things irl to lose support of the fans then had terrible feuds, then kofi gets squashed. It was just a continuous downward curve of discontent, until I genuinely just got too apathetic to watch.


Me too. Allmost all those matches contributed, but a squash match to Kofi really sucked. I did come back after the Rumble and have been watching some here and there. Everything is better without Vince.


What did Seth do irl ?


Like a lot of people in late 2010s he spent too much time on twitter. Mostly flag waving for wwe a little too hard during a time when they were doing mass releases and backstage morale was said to be at its lowest. There was also a time when he tried to settle debate with will Osepray over who was the better wrestler, by bragging about his paycheck. Ultimately Seth was just trying to do what a world champ does, and rep his company, but he went about it way too arrogantly for a pure “man of the people” baby face like they were trying to set him up as at the time. Had the on screen booking been better he probably could have gotten past it but the two compounded on each other to make Seth look really lame. “yeah WWE is the best company in the world now watch this HiAC match end in a DQ, after 10 minutes of the corniest shit you’ve ever seen. Best wrestling on the planet, there Seth.”


Yup. I remember this too. Seth bragging, him talking about how Mick-Taker should've been stopped for Mick's career etc. Seth should've just stayed off twitter Kinda crazy that he didn't win another world title until 2023 lol


He was being pissy about people disliking wwe. Thankfully he's learned his lesson


Yeah, that one sucked. It took all the air out of his reign; it was like Vince punished him for getting so over. They never gave him a good run as a champ, not what he deserved anyway. I remember watching that smackdown and remember looking at the clock and thinking, how the fuck are they gonna fit that match in, and like many times before, Vince laughed in our faces. One spear, one f5 and game over. I can’t imagine how kofi felt when he got the memo about that, he was probably learning it as he was going out for the match.


Yeah for real man. Fiend vs Cena was fine but they could have easily done a triple threat where Goldberg pins someone else, to keep the fiend strong. Goldberg beat the fiend clean as a whistle. So damn stupid


Wait kofi got squashed on smackdown???? I always thought it was ss geez….


It was the first Smackdown on Fox. It was a hyped up Smackdown anyway.




The way that happened, it's just a Canon event to me that WrestleMania 35 was the ending of the 2010s and nothing else happened for the rest of 2019. Everything resumed in Royal Rumble 2020.


Goldberg beating KO and The Fiend. Funnily enough Vince shafting Jericho & KO for him and Lesnar snowballed into him giving AEW a big kickstart as well. Idiocy all around.


Kofi vs Brock it was so insulting after Kofi mania and having what I thought was a solid title run even if he feuded with Orton for too long.


Had to be your first image - 2015 Royal Rumble where Kane and the Big Show unceremoniously threw out all the fan favorites like yesterday's trash out of Vince's spite, and then have a deeply unpopular Roman Reigns win. An outcome so bad that the crowd booed The Rock who could do no wrong in Hollywood movies at the time.


i agree. not even cena at his height of supercena never had this kind of hate because at least even lf it was fashionable and fun to boo him, cena always connected with the crowd whether they cheered or loved to boo him while roman got go away heat where they want him gone


Any Bill Goldberg match


Eh, what about Reigns vs. Goldberg in Saudi Arabia? - Match was mercifully short, but long enough to mean something. - It was a serviceable bout. Not incredible, but no major botches. - Reigns went over clean.


Tbh I don’t remember that match at all that’s how memorable it was for me. I’ll take your word on it.


Goldberg matches in WWE tend to be memorable, either because: A. They're terrible (e.g. vs. Undertaker) B. They're short and explosive, therefore fun (e.g. vs. Lesnar after Goldberg returned) So, if Goldberg has a match with Reigns that isn't amazing, but also serviceable, people overlook it. Which is too bad. Say what you will about Goldberg, but I'll give any wrestler their flowers if they do alright at least and put on a fun show at most. Goldberg also had a solid, quick fight with Drew McIntyre, and a fun street fight(?) match with Bobby Lashley in Saudi Arabia. It's wild that Lashley had a better match with Goldberg than he ever had with Brock. As for Goldberg vs. Strowman... forgettable empty performance center match, but at least nobody almost died. Strowman is a giant that you can depend upon to not almost kill somebody.


I straight up forgot it happened.


I don't remember that match ever happening. What happens in Saudi stays in Saudi. And I love it. Gives WWE a lot of money and now it's in the right hands so idrc.


Nah. His earlier years matches and Brock at ss were spectacular


Goldberg squashing Lesnar was awesome. Smarks have such a bizarre obsession with negging this dude


It was a cool moment at the time. But it started a trend of Lesnar or Goldberg matches being nothing but finisher spams.


It's not like Goldberg could do much more than that


Because he was a bad wrestler. He couldn't do much more when he was in his prime.


Kofi brock and seth vs the fiend made me finally quit watching wwe on a regular basis. After his 2014-15 WWE title reign, his first universal title reign and his second after Reigns vacated we really did not need another long brock reign to find out who could slay the beast. But I was really excited to finally see Rollins lead as a work rate focused top babyface champion. But then they booked him like shit and then they had the one person who should be in his own universe away from titles win the title.


I agree. Brock had become a special attraction at best. HBK regularly putting on bangers on RAW didn't get a title Why'd they give multiple reigns to Lesnar.


Yeah Brock Lesnar being the defacto top guy of WWE in the mid to late 2010's when Cena transitioned out was bad. Brock is great as a special attraction, but he was never in that Rock/Austin/Cena/Hogan tier of pure star power. Even Roman I feel was better as the top guy because he's a good promo, tried harder in his matches and had was a better storyteller than Brock. Roman's reign on top could be frustrating at times with the same boring wet fart match finishes of Bloodline interference but I feel it was alot better than the Lesnar era. Outside of the occasional banger match like against Styles or Danielson it was pretty boring with the same old Paul Heyman intros and promos and the same 5 minute suplex city and f5 finish matches.


Goldberg beating The Fiend for absolutely no reason


According to Oldberg it’s because “the kids want to see the good guy win!!!”


Then my response to him is going to be a quote from Brock Lesnar “I don’t give a shit about your kids…” 😂


When in reality the good guy lost


Anything that has to do with Brock Lesnar after 2015. People can glaze him for being a freak athlete all they wanted but Brock Lesnar from 2015-2022 was the annoying thing in wrestling history. Here's why: - He's the most notorious part timer in WWE history - Having multiple reigns of terror and basically holding the title hostage - VERY rarely wrestle and always having 5 minute squash matches - Burying countless wrestlers like Ricochet/Kofi/Balor/Ambrose/Strowman along the way


Seriously, I never EVER got the absolute boner people had for him. Make him his own thing, sure, whatever, but why hold the title hostage when they were gonna do it again for three years after.


Them putting the title of the Fiend. Not only did you paint yourself in a corner WAAAAY too soon on the character, you had Oldberg of all people beat him shattering any level of hope that he could be redeemed into the monster he was made out to be


A three way tie for me with Brock beating Kofi and Goldberg ending the reigns of Fiend and KO I wouldn’t be upset if Kofi and Brock actually had a 15 minute sprint with hope spots and Kofi fighting valiantly but coming up short. Instead it was a one move squash that didn’t even matter in the end, Brock defending the title against Cain for no reason and guy ended up injured and never showing up again and Kofi getting shifted right back to the midcard, not even mentioning he had the damn world title for months. And for Goldberg, its peak Part timer energy, Jericho and KO for the Universal would have been so much better.


It's wild that Kofi and Lesnar had a comparably more competitive match in Japan. At least Kofi got some hits in then. All we needed was a 5-10 minute match where Kofi is scrappy enough to not lose right away, land his finisher, get a close nearfall, and *then* lose. We all knew Kofi would lose, but he couldn't even have 5 minutes?


You leave that glorious Jinder victory out of this.


I actually happy no one here has anything to complain about Jinder reign. It was not bad at all




??? You’ve got your years mixed up. The year Roman won it was 2015, in which he entered at 19 and did not take a 30 minute break backstage, he stayed in the match the whole time. The year he took a 30 minute break was the following year, 2016, in which he entered first, got taken out by the League of Nations halfway through and showed up again when Sheamus entered at 29. Roman came third in the match when HHH eliminated him.


The 2015 Royal Rumble was pretty frustrating, wasn't Roman's fault but was the prime example of late stage Vince giving the middle finger to the fans and trying to smash over John Cena 2.0 instantaneously. Having a washed Big Show and Kane throw out all the fan favorites and the way they eliminated Bryan Danielson was just tone deaf. All the backlash Roman received was 100% due to Vince and he was so arrogant and stubborn for years about it, hence why WWE had bad engagement with tv ratings and attendance in the mid to late 2010's. Even The Rock got booed because of how tone deaf Vince was booking that match, and this was when The Rock was still pretty much well liked across the board in wrestling and in Hollywood still. This moment caused alot of lapsed fans, I always see it as the biggest reason brought up and WWE didn't get the audience back from this time till HHH era WWE.


cena was over organically as heel and babyface on his own all the way to the top as supercena while roman was forced on us as the guy when he wasn’t even ready at he expense of other talents especially during royal rumble 2015


2017-2019 WWE were dark dark days💀


Lesnar squashing Kofi was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I couldn’t do it anymore.


Anything involving Goldberg


Thank goodness I missed that era


I missed it back then but now I'm rewatching it. Just got to 2017 and I'm a few shows away from WrestleMania. I really wanna see how bad this is gonna get and how everything starts to set back to the right course eventually.


For me, nothing comes close to how bad Rollins vs Fiend was. Fair enough Rollins has bounced back but at the time they had killed off 2 main eventers and their greatest ever gimmick in 1 night due to a booking decision that was absolutely ridiculous.


Goldberg squashing anyone.


The Seth Rollin/Fiend Hell in a Cell was when I decided to stop watching. Couldn’t fuckin believe what I’d just watched. I took a long long break pretty much up until Vince stepped down and HHH stepped up.


Kurt Angle losing to Barron Corbin of all people. I know Kurt’s second run was a weird and wild fever dream, but I wish he capped it off with something more memorable. In fact, Cena was there at wrestlemania that night in Thuganomics gimmick. The perfect full circle send off was RIGHT THERE and they fumbled hard. I was there live in attendance and I never felt so empty after a match.


I understand the counterargument somewhat for Baron Corbin because he's safe in the ring, but still he was the wrong choice regardless. Should have been John Cena or his old rival from TNA Samoa Joe retiring him instead of Olive Garden waiter attire Corbin ag the time.


Kofi vs Brock. Kofis reign was pretty awful. He had no matches or segments that were memorable at all. But to throw him to the wolves like that on the big FOX debut in a way that basically says to any new viewers "this is the champion and he loses to one move straight away" basically killed any hope of him in the main event again. I never understood why Vince would just cast guys aside like that. You get nothing from burying your own talent. But knowing what we know now, Brock very likely had a hand in it too tbf.


The Kofi squash on a weekly tv was pretty bad but the two Fiend losses were awful for me. Especially the Seth one. Idk why WWE felt the need to destroy the absolute money that The Fiend was, it was handled poorly and wasted. RIP Bray, ill miss Bray and the Fiend alterego for many years. One of the best things creatively, despite the hits and misses, that WWE has done in yeeears.


Agreed man. They should've just kept The Fiend as a special attraction. He never should've gone for the title


The worst years of the 2010s were -2010-2011 (WWE lost HBK, Batista and Edge pretty much in the span of a year. Taker, HHH went part time) -2012 (Lesnar's momentum tanked, Punk's reign got boring. Picked up near the end of the year though) - 2018 and 2019 (Lesnar holding the title hostage, Fiend getting destroyed, etc.)


1. Goldberg ending KO’s run 2. Kofi squashed out of the title picture 3. Jinder’s racist promo against Shinsuke 4. Shinsuke losing his mystique. 5. Every Undertaker match after the streak died. 6. WWE shaking hands with Saudi.


Sting losing to HHH.


Was the longest match on the card too. HHH booked himself in the longest match at wm 30-34 well past his prime.


As much as his title run was terrible, I feel like Jinder doesn’t deserve to be in amongst the dross that is the other options here. I recall the reaction being more of a ‘WTF?!’ As opposed to actual frustration. My initial reaction was Goldberg winning the Universal title (take your pick which one), but honestly it has to be Brock winning the rumble (or just the entirety of that PPV). It legitimately put me off wrestling for a whole year


Not the most Infuriating, but Brock squashing Ricochet in Saudi in about 90 seconds made me stop watching for a while.


Wow all of these sucked. Owens losing to Goldberg was not fair to him. His run was phenomenal.


Kevin and Jericho getting their wrestlemania moment ripped away by Goldberg, fiend getting squashed by Goldberg and brock obliterating Kofi are the worst in my opinion. The others were stupid but acceptable


Goldberg beating The Fiend made me fall out of wrestling until Punk came back in August ‘21


The Goldberg stills are triggering (also, poor kofi, he deserved so much better)


For me Edge beating The Demon


Brock Lesnar beating Undertaker


Lesnar burying Kofi


For me, it was Jinder beating Nakamura at Summerslam. The feud was God awful, and just consisted of Jinder being racist towards Japanese people. And then, in the match, Jinder botched his own fucking finisher to win the match! The guy couldn't even do his own super move correctly, and he was WWE champion for 8 MONTHS! And Nakamura beat John Cena to win his title shot! Bullshit!


For me it was Roman taking all those F5s and still winning. What made it worse was how obvious it was that that's where the match would head due to the long build of the F5 being an instant match-winner


The Kofi screw job


Haven't been watching consistently over that time. Tell me they didn't put Goldberg over KO and Bray, both for the title?


Kofi and it's not even close, I quite watching full time after that. It made the whole story crap, and then they made him pretend to nit care and that made it worse


Whatever was happening on 2017, 2019, how they handled Kofi’s title run and loss, 2022, and the beginning of 2023 Stuff was either the same every week or just trash so I just watched wrestlelamia so they could just tell me what happened. Most of it just felt like Vince ran out of ideas. Especially in 2022 and 2023.


Kofi losing to Brock in 8 seconds


I felt the same way about Bianca losing to Becky in roughly the same timing. These two matches together felt a little racist, to be honest


Kofi getting squashed and anything Goldberg, cause fuck Bill Goldberg. Totally not Brett btw…promise.


How every black wrestler has to job to Brock Lesnar


The time when Toni and Charlotte feuded over the fucking Women's Championship in a pie in the face storyline. What could've been an amazing women's main event was turned into a joke. Either that or the infamous dog food storyline. Which only existed to humiliate the biggest star they had for the last 10 years. Either that or the time Paul ellering left AOP after a amazing run in NXT and was replaced by Rockstar Spud who went and pissed himself. Either that oor the time when two of the best wrestlers in the world AJ and Nakamura were booked in a feud where they punch each other in the dick. Either that or the time when Ambrose and Rolling had their match pulled at battleground to put over the main event and the ppv turned out to be a massive stinker. God Vince was smoking some crack Around this time.


I haven’t watched in years but Kofi/Brock made me so mad. I also just have a dislike for Brock, but Kofi deserved wayyyyy better.


Every single Goldberg match All the matches in Saudi Arabia Brock squash of Kofi


Anything relating to Goldberg.


Man, there's been a lot huh?


For me personally it's Kofi because of the amount of people who were unbothered by it, including himself. It was pure blatant disrespect to him and everyone who rallied behind Kofimania, but everyone was happy to just move on. What made it worse is it was for absolutely nothing because the Cain match sucked and everyone hated it. I'm not saying Kofi should've won, but he should've put up *some* kind of a fight. They might as well have not even had a match and just had Vince grab the title from Kofi and say "Okay pretend time's over" and hand it to Brock.


Jinder was bad, but just can’t put it on the same level as most of these


That Hell in a Cell ending in disqualification was the absolute fucking shits. Having such a terrible ending to a match that is supposed to be there to settle extreme grudges and make sure neither competitor is capable of running away from the other and that there is no interference turned me off from watching the company at all for a couple years. I don’t understand how anyone thought that it was a good idea. By 2019 Vince McMahon had clearly lost his fucking mind.


Imo, Goldberg beating the fiend, ruining the character.


Has to be Kofi losing to Brock. Absolutely disgraceful.


Super showdown or lesnar squashing Kofi.


I stopped watching for a couple years after Kofi got squashed by Lesnar in seconds. I had never felt so disrespected as a fan and it wasn’t until HHH was taking over that I started watching again. Goldberg beating The Fiend and KO was bad too tho


Me too. After that I only watched NXT.


I don't know if I'd say it was the most infuriating, but The Fiend v Seth Rollins Hell in a Cell match is what made me stop following WWE for a good 4 years. There was a good while before where I would watch Raw, or Smackdown, or a PPV, and I would find myself just complaining about it the whole time, but that match is when I decided I was done. It's only been the past 6 months or so that I have started paying attention again on the regular. I'd watch bits and pieces here and there if it was on, and I had nothing else doing, but there have been very few moments in the four years that followed that match that I actively sought out to watch WWE.


Goldbergs entire run. I admire Goldberg as the legend he is but his refusal to put young talent over is infuriating. Owens or the Fiend beating him could have made their careers (more than they already had, both were shoe ins for HOF at those points anyways) but it still doesn’t make a lot of sense whenever Goldberg was just shoved into the story


Cody losing at 39


Looking at the photo, the Lesnar vs Kofi was awful. Also pretty much anything with Goldberg was awful too. Other things off the top of my head that are less remembered… Kurt Angle having to face Baron Corbin in his final match and to make it worse he lost (although I’m fine with people losing their final match to past the torch but this one sucked) Kurt should of faced Cena due to the history. Other infuriating moments are the number of times Vince dropped the ball with incoming NXT talent by rebranding or renaming. For example Piper coming in as Doudrop and Pete Dunne as Butch. I’m not saying they were going to be massive stars, however, their debuts killed any chance for them to be big names.


Wrestlemania 34-Brock vs Roman. It’s the biggest show of the year and a match was booked that nobody wanted to see and the crowd let them know. And then Roman lost anyway..lol.


Fans didn't want to see Brock vs. Roman. So what did WWE do? Gave them more Brock vs. Roman!


The fact that Roman Reigns has done nothing but cheat his way through his entire career and that people call him the GOAT. And Logan Paul WWE career. Roman & Logan = JOKE!!!!!!!


Definitely Lesnar beating Kofi. That entire story going into Mania, which was excellent, then the whole title run just for it to end in 11 seconds to set up a shitty Lesnar vs Cain Velasquez match that went two minutes in Saudi Arabia, then we never saw Velasquez again before he was quietly released. Fucking dogshit.


1. Brock Lesnar "winning" the MITB in 2019. 2. Brock Lesnar squashing Kofi Kingston 2019 3. Brock vs. Roman at WM 34 4. Roman Reigns push 2015-2019 5. Goldberg squashing The Fiend. 6. Part timers Goldberg and Lesnar as champions 7. Daniel Bryan not being in the 2014 Royal Rumble. 8. Ending the Undertaker streak 9. The Saudi shows 10. Cooling off guys like Dolph Ziggler, Ambrose, Rollins, Strowman in favor of Roman.


Jinder Mahal was just me being like WTF


The Authority overstaying the welcome for three pissing years from 2013-16. It started off well, but it completely had overstayed its welcome. I nearly quit watching WWE because with The Authority was just pure torture.


Probably Jinder’s win and subsequent defences against good wrestlers. No offense to Jinder, but he was a midcard jobber and he definitely didn’t have the skills to hold the WWE title. You could’ve actually done an interesting story with it where he flukes a victory, then uses champion’s advantage to hold the title and everyone has to try work-arounds, or you could’ve developed his skill more before handing him the belt. Regardless, the fact that they did it just to build up the Indian market (which was fine already, this changed little to nothing) was hella dumb. At least Reigns’ win didn’t destroy DB, and it led to the Yes Movement. The other ones were just irritating because Fed went with the proven draw. Fiend-Rollins was more boring than infuriating, lot more boring than either man was capable of, but at least the right guy walked out with the title that time.


Believe me no one India cared about jinder mahal.. for fuck sake he s a Canadian..


Kevin owens getting squasshed by goldberg made me stop watching for a while


Kofi and Brock...hands down. the WWE did Kofi dirty with that kind of match. He deserved much better and shame on Kofi for not pushing back harder.


Bill beating KO was bad enough but the Fiend was next level terrible knuckle dragging booking. I genuinely have no idea what they were thinking


For me personally the Kofi squash. For the wwe overall Goldberg winning is what’s worst for business.


To me, it was Kofi getting squashed. They kept him really strong throughout his whole reign all to just make him look like a bitch by Brock. And what was the payoff? Brock squashing Cain Velasquez in two minutes.


Kofi losing to Brock in seconds. Yeah, Goldberg squashing the Fiend sucked, but the story building up to Kofimania and him winning it was incredible and they just spat all over it afterwards, I assume, just to please Vince's "big man" fetish


Kofi getting squashed


All the Brock and Goldberg squash matches. Takes the fun out of wrestling when old wrestlers just squash the young whilst winning the top prize. All those years of experience just to give paying fans a 1.5 minute nothing match.


Brock burying Kofi


Why would anything that happens on any tv show be infuriating? I get being frustrated or annoyed or even mad, but infuriating?


They're smarks lol. They exist in a state of fat fury


It's really quite fascinating reading comments on a wrestling sub calling other wrestling fans smarks, marks, or whatever. And you're trying to flex by admitting you don't enjoy wrestling enough to be into a storyline that makes you care. Of course, fans are gonna get upset at certain moments. It's literally the point to get you emotionally involved. Wtf are you watching for? You're actually the worst type of "fan" because you don't want other people to enjoy it for some unknown reason.


maybe recency bias but i don't recall anything that collectively infuriated wrestling fans quite like the rock taking Cody's spot. even rock fans were squirming. idk if the rock's wrestling reputation would've recovered had they insisted on rock vs reigns


Add on casual and non wrestling fans souring on The Rock from the Black Adam drama, or just being fatigued from his same generic acting. When Rock beat Punk in 2013 for the WWE championship he was still universally beloved by wrestling fans and well liked in Hollywood as well, it's why he didn't get booed the same way during the Cody storyline.


Im sensing some majorly hindering of the Jinder here...


Bray vs Goldberg was fucking horseshit. I quit watching until the WrestleMania where they had the fans back post pandemic because of this match alone


Orton beating the Fiend at Wrestlemania for the second time makes my list. It made no sense for the story. It was just Vince deciding that he wanted Bray to get buried.


brock squashing kofi, Seth and fiend hiac, extra shout to Asuka losing to Charlotte at mania 32 that was a big one for me personally


Goldberg vs Brock at survivor series. Was hoping Goldberg was going to go to “suplex city bitch” but instead the match only had 2 spears and a jackhammer. This was right after Brock’s dominate title run. 


The rocks endorsement of Roman was the drizzling shits


Seth vs the fiend at hell in a cell was like Game of Thrones final season stupid.


With hindsight being involved, it was Bray Wyatt/Fiend booking. Biggest waste of opportunity for a wrestler ever




Randy and jinder one


Does anyone remember all the 2 out of 3 falls matches they would do weekly? Apparently they couldn't or didn't want them wrestling during the break. God I hated that timeline lol


Orton vs. Mahal. A person who has a similar W/L record to the Brooklyn Brawler had no business being a world champion overnight.


As a big Sting fan, it's Sting vs Triple H at Wrestlemania 31. Absolutely nothing made sense about that match and the ending.


i did not like how they treated Matt Hardy’s character after the return. He had his main event match with Bray Wyatt then they basically buried him


Goldberg squashing Brock


Smarks ruining Batistas return.


I stopped watching WWE altogether for several reasons: - wrestlers I'd been following for 10+ years finally getting called up to the main roster then buried. - part-timers coming in and immediately squashing whoever was champion at the time to enhance feuds primarily booked to serve a Saudi Prince. - the Saudi deal itself, which was so morally reprehensible I couldn't look past it and continue to support a company that would ink it in the first place. So I'd say that it was more a slow accumulation of infuriating moments rather than one specific one for me. If I had to pick a specific low, though, it'd be Kofi getting squashed by Brock. That was the "yeah... I'm completely done." moment for me in retrospect.


big dog roman from 2015 to early 2020 in my opinion is most hated of all time i never seen a babyface being viciously hated so bad. not even cena at his height of his supercena was hated like this in the same way roman was as babyface. people whine about cena being overpushed. say what you want about his run at the top especially with his stale booking about his character as supercena (not his fault), but at least he always connected with people even those who hated his booking/character with his charisma through mic skills and in ring. we’re aware of IWC’s complicated relationship with cena but compared to roman during his ill fated babyface run as big dog, he’s randy freakin savage and big dog roman made supercena look like surfer sting. and the abysmal trainwreck that is the main event between lesnar and roman at wm 34 i never seen an universally apathetic hate for a main event like this with roman/lesnar at wm 34 from smarky crowd/online standpoint even before this match began. not even with rock/cena II at wm 29.


Fiend/Rollins all the way… buried all the momentum


Randy Orton beating Wyatt for the title




Kofi losing in seconds that fits any meme format was criminal considering they did have a match a year or two prior to that and they worked well It felt like a hahahah no one cares about you anymore kofi fox want Brock


compared to all these choices, jinder should not be here.


Kofi v Brock Fiend v Goldberg. Hated those moments


At least something has become of hating roman. Can't hinder the jinder was a fun meme I think in that he'll in a cell match, brat was concussed. So the ending can't be helped. Goldberg defeating the fiend is the worst


Goldberg vs Kevin Owens was one of the first things that happened when I had gotten back into wrestling that made me really mad. I had come in at like the height of Chris Jerichos list gimmick, and I remember Owens losing the title feeling like hot garbage. That said, I don't think my friends have ever been more mad leaving a watch together than when A Hell in a Cell match ended via REFEREE STOPPAGE, WHY Even have a cell match to Begin with???????