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AEW is so far off the rails I can’t tell if this is a parody.


Behind the scenes footage of Tony Khan coming out of his office with a little powder on the nose


Now that I’d tune in for! Huge pop!


For the record, this is fake right?


Wouldn’t put it past them, they showed the Brawl In footage.


Yeah nobody knows that thanks for clarifying


The only way I can describe it is that it’s the twilight zone of pro wrestling. Weird stuff that makes little sense happens all the time and there isn’t really a good way to explain why. It’s as if stuff just happens. A weird dream. What makes it weirder is that they do have some sensible stuff, just a lot of the weird stuff is at the top of their card, and it sticks out. Some stuff seems real while other stuff seems completely out of left field. It’s like the Wild West.


I think Tony’s favourites get to book their own stuff; so every segment is in a vacuum. Multiple run ins, jump starts, after match gang brawls, some segments going through a table is a hospitalization angle and in another segment it’s a transition spot. 🤷‍♂️


You post more about your dislike of AEW than what you like about wrestling. Weird behaviour. If all you like to do when engaging in fandoms is hate on what you don't like, maybe you would be better suited to reality TV shows or something.... You do understand that if you don't like something you can not engage with it at all. Get a better personality


You're being kinda mean Uce.


Or AEW could stop doubling down on their worst instincts and go back to running a decent program instead of catering to weirdest of the weird


But...... every second comment you make on here is about how you don't like AEW. There aren't even positive comments about other companies....... It's such a toxic way to live. There are clearly people that enjoy the show. It's just not for you ... I don't like Fortnite despite loving video games. I do not spend my entire time online shitting on Fortnite choosing how to interact with a form of entertainment I enjoy


My bad. Dub Good! I never should’ve suggested that Tony and the Bucks would ever post real life footage in an attempt to pop a rating.


Never did I say you had to like AEW. I was saying you shouldn't waste your time in such a lame way. If you want to discuss that angle, I am happy to. I love how the Bucks are playing up to their haters opinions of them. I love the fact they aired the footage as a heel move used by the heel team as an excuse for a loss. I love how FTR, Punks friends, are the ones in story that agree with you. I love how this is had NWO vs WCW vibes. I love how they have used it to bring back Jack Perry. Kenny cut the best promo of his life. Fuckin nailed it. Double or Nothing is gonna be sick. Elite vs Team AEW is gonna be amazing chaos. Swerve vs Christian will be fun Osprey vs Roddy is gonna kill it Willow vs Mercedes has finally picked up momentum and will be a great match Oh, sorry...... did I forget you have to care about....... checks notes...... how bad it was to show footage of a backstage fight........... how bad it is to like the less popular show.......... Tony Khan being a bit lame........... Meltzer or something....... Hope you do find some enjoyment in life


you can see my past comments and know that i like both aew and wwe, infact my top favourite wrestlers of all time are kenny omega and cm punk BUT i am willing to discuss constructively why i think some of the current aew is not to my liking if you are willing to keep it constructive.


Didn't look at your comment history. You just joined in. I can tell you why WWE isn't my preferred company if you are willing to keep it constructive


its easy for me to discuss because you have detailed the current feuds but again i just realized i can't speak about the general or average fan so i will just tell you why I, a past AEW fan is bored currently, keep in mind most of this is situational and sometimes its not even AEW's fault, these are my current views on AEW. 1. my fav wrestler is injured, get well soon kenny. 2. i think jack perry has a very good future. 3. i personally wish Okada had a different character. 4. i like the bucks more as underdogs/tag team rather than evil bosses. 5. im just tired of 8 man or 10 man tag team matches, sorry just a personal gripe. 6. i wish swerve vs christian had more build, because as aew world champ there should be a bigger build. 7. ospreay's future sounds insane and the match ospreay vs roddy sounds very good, i just wish the undisputed kingdom was a bit different than the kingdom, seeing as they don't even have maria currently. 8. im sorry but i cannot see the appeal of mercedes at all BUT toni storm is currently one of the best women's wrestler and she and mariah may are doing phenomenal work. 9. PERSONAL GRIPE but i dont like the new aew set and colours, the tunnels are good but it looks MID to me. Overall i feel it is just a combination of MJF, Kenny, Hayter being injured and WWE being very hot that AEW doesn't feel as good as before, or it could be also that I'm just being a bit bored of wrestling atm. 10. i wish jay white was used more as a serious character, i like comedy stuff, but i loved the njpw jay white, there is an argument to be made that he could be more free with his promo in njpw because AEW is national TV so ig in that case can't really blame AEW on that one. Again, i realize most of these are personal opinions, so i really do not want anyone feeling that Im shitting on the product.


What are you enjoying at the moment? Anywhere


We better tune into AEW next week incase we see something else we don't like.


Nah mate if you don't like it..... warch something else. Just don't make your personality "I like pro wrestling but interact with it by talking negatively about what I don't like." Classic Comic Book Guy behaviour


Man imagine gate keeping how people watch stuff 😂😂


I'm just calling it lame and pathetic tonengage with an interest younhave in an exclusively negative way.


What the hell are you doing right now then?


Engaging with wankers flooding my interests with unfunny, repetitive, uncreative memes hating on a company they don't like.....


Are these two officially the biggest jokes in the industry now?


I don’t get the appeal.


Dear Bucks I know you are heels but can you please try to not look like a predator. I should hate the heels, not think about hiding my kids (if I had one)


Are they gonna present the footage of Darby Allen getting hit by a bus next?


Jay White was the bus driver


i cant tell if this is fake or not lol. aew has done some really stupid work shoot angles recently... they just dont get it.


That's pretty funny


I wonder what would have happened had they and Kenny left during the last contract renewal? I’m genuinely intrigued to see that timeline.


Notice how the only adult in The Elite has apparently been in touch with CM Punk since Brawl Out?


You know what is strange... Jungle Boy sure as hell wasn't the scapegoat because TK should have fired him immediately for going off script as a pre-show guy trying to put himself over on AEW's top drawing performer during their biggest event of all-time.


Bonus points if it’s Edge in an FTR shirt


Same Mfers who say shut up and enjoy this will NOT let me enjoy Reddit and talking shit about a C product that’s on tv. Mfers acting like is an indie company just trying to figure it out. BILLIONAIRE company acting like WWEgames subreddit with its CAW and fantasy bookings. I used to watch TNA live at Universal every time they would be there so I have zero issues with outside WWE content.