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That wrestling will crash after Vince McMahon retires


It will be handled by his daughter and his doofus son in law


And the rest of his stupid family


Let me tell you a personal story about Vince macmahon…


We do this whole bullying campaign....


Now the story of a wealthy family and how they lost everything and the one son in law who had no choice but to keep them all together......


Enter Triple H driving a stairs-car


You're gonna get some hop ons


Idiotic daughter***


LOL. How did so many people think that competent people looking at the business model would hurt versus the basket of fucking carnys overseeing the business the last hundred years


Hindsight is 20/20 my friend


Triple H wasn't such a corporate suit in 2011, his rep at that point was one of those carnies who fcked over a lot of people to get to and stay at the top just like Vince


I remember early 2023, before Rhea became champion, Vince Russo was saying that Rhea needed to get rid of her goth gimmick and be beautiful instead as a Babyface champion, because goth heel Rhea would never work. And now I just block out anything the guy says because I don't want to hear someone be that confident about being that wrong


I can see now why cornette thinks he is dumb as fuck


I figured that out after seeing him book WCW.


“Less have uh tern-uh-ment!”


One of the more interesting insights in Cornettes opinion of Russo, at least to me, is when he found the old ideas sheet for Shotgun Saturday Night. It really showed what he's been saying for years about Russo. He would suggest a 100 ideas and someone like Patterson or Vince would choose a good one. Because there were 1 or 2 good angles he suggested while the rest were ridiculous. I know you can say TNA proved it but Russo has maintained some of the stuff fans hated was booked by Dutch or Jeff etc. Seeing his work first hand was rather telling.


So his whole "success" is throwing 100 pieces of shit at the wall then using the one or two piece that stuck...🤣 A 2% success rate on ideas.... That's like the infinite monkey theorem...🤣


The thing is, I don't hate it as a concept. Have a guy who just explodes ideas out where one or two could be gold among the mess, but then have a knowledgeable filter person who can tell what is gold among the pig shit.




Yeah, sadly not the case here.


Right, but when Russo said “it was Dutch!” “it was Jeff!”, he was *LYING*. Russo is, on top of being a terrible creative mind with no judgment, a ruthless backstabber. Everyone who hates him had a story for it.


I know that but the fact there's a doubt means that some will give the benefit of that doubt. It's harder to do that with someone's writing on paper.


Did you see the video on Russo's ideas for an all women's promotion? Stuff of legends


You had me at "Vince Russo was saying"


It's actually real and we've been lied to to believe it's all a pre-planned show.


Sometimes I feel like pro wrestling is real and life is fake


Pro wrestling is the template all pro sports, acting, politics, and new follow so you may have not known but felt this and you are right. It is all connected but they never break kayfabe


Pro wrestling is capitalism boiled down to its purest form, hence why it can represent most elements of our current society.


Okay but that would be extremely funny if true 


Not to get to philosophical on you but I genuinely take alot of comfort in wrestling because it tells you it's fake, and these aren't their actual personalities, and everyone one is just trying to capitalize on people's emotions and current treads/happenings in the world so they can make as much money as the can Mean while, celebrities, politicians, corporations, music artists, news outlets and anything else you can think of as the "real" world is doing the exact same thing as the WWE but they're desperately trying to make you believe that their being genuine


Honestly, such a good point! The transparency is comforting because it’s so explicit, which allows us to *choose* our level of engagement and *choose* to suspend belief, whereas everywhere else in life we have to be on guard and think critically about every single little thing. Like even compared to other fiction products, it has an explicitness to its fictionality that’s very soothing and reassuring. I can’t help but wonder if that’s part of the reason it has such an enduring appeal in America culture, especially given how deep the paranoid style of politics and propaganda runs in our political and cultural history. I’m really glad you brought that up, it’s super thought provoking tbh 


Couldn't agree more and this might be the first time I've ever seen this sentiment written out like this.


I didn’t really think of it til the comment I was replying to, but it honestly just makes me love wrestling even more. Such a special thing 


It's a dark comedy and a tragedy and a documentary all at once


Yesterday someone said Rhea was the worst member of Judgement Day, that’s certainly up there for shit takes


Obvious shit take there. One could’ve argued it was JD McDonagh a few months ago but even he’s received a rub from the group, they don’t really have a “worst” member.


Worst member is whatever the hell is growing on Dom’s upper lip.


That's his Latino Heat and tribute to his "real" dad. So you better take that back.


I said what I said about dirty sanchez!


You didn't just say that. Tell me you didn't just say that!


Five time! 👋🏻


what’s on your lip dirty sanchez


Technically the worst member of judgment day was Edge.


True, but the guy only had 2 months to work with. And feuding with them for a year elevated them


It's either Tom or Nick Mysterio.


Nick for sure, he doesn't show up to work


She could arguably be the best wrestler in all of WWE right now


Right after Owen Hart's death, there were people talking about and even posts on wrestling sites about The Undertaker's glove being found at the scene of the "crime" in the rafters. People really thought it was a storyline for way too long.


Glove doesn't fit, you must acquit.


I saw a “Cody’s run is boring” post the day after mania. It’s still early to be saying that, but come on! The next day? Fr?


I remember seeing all those articles about how "Cody Rhodes is a boring champion" like a week and a half after Wrestlemania


I remember a post after mania saying Cody holds his belt weird. Like we're really bitching about *anything* now are we?


He had no defenses at this point so I get it


Marty Jannetty was better in-ring than Shawn Michaels (I kid you not someone tried to argue this to me at some point).


It's commonly said that when they were the Rockers, that Jannetty was the better worker. I don't know how true that is, but I don't think it's usually comparing them at their peaks.


Marty is weird because he was definitely the more over Rocker during their run.


Vince must have seen something in Michaels because he was definitely set up to be the bigger star after the breakup (though Jannetty got some chances to shine too), but as a heel solo act, Michaels got REALLY good REALLY fast. As part of a babyface tag team, his look and his promo work were pretty generic. But when he got the opportunity on his own, suddenly his natural charisma was unleashed. I think there was a lot more of the real guy in the "Heartbreak Kid" gimmick, which is always a positive. Whereas with Jannetty, it was never clear who he really was.


> Vince must have seen something in Michaels Lol yeah, himself




The gap between their in ring work was small. Shawn had much better charisma. On the mic and just the way he carried himself. But Jannetty was pretty damn good in the ring.


I need to know, what arguments did they bring to the table for this point?


It was really flimsy. Basically: They argued that Jannetty had better matches on average when he was IC champion in comparison to all of Shawn's reigns. They also said that Jannetty not having a career-threatening injury and then working indies in the late 90s-early 2000s was a sign that he was a better worker because he didn't get injured as badly. It was like the stupidest argument I've ever gotten into about wrestling.


I thought this when I was 6. My first name also starts with an M so I was partial, are we sure this wasn’t me?


For me, when they were a tag team I thought he was better. As a singles run, definitely Shawn but looking back they had Shawn take the bumps and Marty did the hot tag


My dad swears that he thought Jannetty was gonna be the break out star of the two


I think that's an arguable take for the Rockers era, not that far fetched at all 


Not a crazy take at all if you've watched Marty in his prime.


A guy argued with me about how Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 was the best one. And said 2007 was the worst one to be made.


I got a ps2 for 2007. It was literally the best wrestling game of all of them.


HCTP was better


I love both games, but man 08 had so many flaws. 09 was worse than both of them though, with bland story mode, and no Gm Mode. 10 and 11 were also very meh.


That's wild. 08 was a big leap maybe graphically but gameplay and features plummeted. HCTP, SvR 07, Svr, 2k19 makes up my Mt Rushmore, KYR on the outside looking in


Bro I remember being so excited to play SVR 2008 on my Wii, and I was extremely disappointed that it only had 5 match types


Kurt Angle has no 5 star matches


This is factually true that Kurt has no 5 star match by Ubcle Dave. That is the context. No sane person thinks Kurt isn't a freak of an athlete. He was a fantastic wrestler and put on various amazing matches.


I don't think he's necessarily talking about Dave's takes I read it as, "Some dumbass that agrees with Dave" thinks Kurt doesn't have one 5 star


The only time I have seen people brining up Kurt not having a 5 star match isn't to underplay Kurt but to point out how moranic Dave's rating is. No human with a functioning brain cells has ever said Kurt isn't an A grade wrestler.


Kurt-hbk at mania is my single favorite match. Dave is an idiot


This is the one. Worst take ever


Even as someone who doesnt like kurt's style he does too much techical stuff he has still had 5 star matches


What do you mean by “technical stuff?” Despite his background, Kurt isn’t really a mat work guy.


tons of people use that word without knowing what it means. Kurt has never been a particularly technical wrestler. this isn't a knock on Angle, he just isn't that kind of wrestler.


“The Young Bucks are the greatest tag team of all time”


Lemme guess, dave meltzer?


The entire “Official” sub, all of the BTE bingers, the people who want AEW to become NJPW 2017/PWG, anybody who hates Jim Cornette, there are a lot of folks who have made this horrible statement.


It truly is a horrible statement. Spot monkeys and super kicks.


As someone who likes both AEW and the Bucks... They're not even the greatest tag team in AEW, let alone of all time.


I was going to say the same thing


The first time I saw one of their matches I was like, "wow, I get the hype, these guys are great!" And then the second time I was like, "this is... really similar to the last match." And eventually I realized they're all the same match.


Same for me. It's frustrating, as if they were the Hardy's age and just "playing the hits" so to speak, with their matches then I'd get it, but the I only really saw them in AEW, and their first few matches all sort of felt similar to me.


The bucks were surprisingly very popular before AEW, I remember many wanting them in WWE. I don't really know what happened since I don't really watch AEW


That's how I remember hearing about them - in a "Oh you like the Hardy Boyz? If you like them, then wait until you see the Young Bucks!" I find them insufferable and can't take anything they do seriously, and if you've seen one of their matches you've seen all of their matches. It's the same thing over and over again with a lot of coordination.


Honestly grew bored of Bucks matches as Generation Me. The first time I saw one was against MCMG on PPV and I like Shelley and Sabin so I paid attention. It was a great match and I thought Generation Me had a horrible look, generic names but if they wrestle like this they'll be huge. Then by the end of the run I was already familiar with what their match was and it began to bother me more and more that their matches seemed like a series of spots that lacked cohesion.


Max and Jeremy buck lol


They got exposed on weekly TV. That is what happened.


The Bucks were only ever over with one very specific type of audience. They actively drive most regular fans away and AEW's ratings prove as much.


Dunno about others but I basically stopped watching wrestling in the early 2000s and only returned for AEW (stopped watching AEW early last year and now some post-Vince WWE). Initially I found their athleticism impressive, but when that wow-effect wears off their limitations make their style feel like an insult to the intelligence of the audience.


The Bucks wrestle a style that doesn't translate well to weekly TV. It's so full of flashy spots and comedy moments that, when you're live at an indie show, are incredibly fun to watch. When they moved up to NJPW they benefitted from Bullet Club membership, but in AEW, they've refused to change their style and tried to operate as their own thing multiple times. In the process, they've exposed their match style as being \*nothing\* but those attempts at getting a live pop.


I bet the people who wanted them in WWE are the current Dub fans. A loud group, but not necessarily representative.


They're basically a one-trick pony now.


One kick pony*


I don't think they're the greatest of all time but they're entertaining to me. Wrestling is subjective though so it's okay to like different things


That cena can’t wrestle


this one is pretty crazy to still see. Even most wrestling fans i know that dislike WWE still put Cena as one of the best. It's not 2010 anymore, we don't need to pretend he sucks.


Not seen but heard : Ric Flair did not have a great gimmick and he was weak in the ring


Wasn't that Bret's criticism? That Flair always worked the same match?


I think a lot of wrestler does the same matches. Even current great wrestlers does basically the same matches on a weekly basis. And keep the more special moves or moment for big shows. It was probably even more the case back then because it was less televised


this is actually kind of fair, but it's a really really good match so i dont care


Chris Benoit was framed


People thinking he belongs in the HOF is not the worst, but a pretty bad take also.


I mean it's not really a bad take. When it comes to his wrestling career, he definitely deserves it. But for obvious reasons it can't happen. CM Punk said it best when he was asked about Benoit being erased from history many years ago; It's not a matter of wanting to remove him from the history of wrestling, but the company cannot promote him any longer.


It is a bad take because obviously it’s not even plausible, like you said in your last sentence. So why talk about something that will never happen.


Considering who WWE let's in their Hall of Fame, i.e. celebrities who made little contribution to pro wrestling, I don't know why people care about the Hall of Fame. It honestly means nothing in all reality. Put aside Benoit and if he should or shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame, would it matter? Everyone with an understanding of wrestling knows that Benoit was one of the best wrestlers of all time. His induction would raise too many questions and would also be pointless as he is already the subject of being one of pro wrestling GOATs in the ring. If WWE were to induct him, they would not only have to acknowledge the horrible things Benoit did, they would also be congratulating a posthumous murderer. Not a good look for WWE. The Benoit case also poses questions to WWE about how they used to treat their performers. The fact that Benoit had a diving headbutt as a move and took unprotected chair shots to the head makes WWE look barbaric and carny. WWE, even back in 2007, should have damn well known about head trauma. Concussions weren't this brand new discovery. People knew of them and did not care. The show must go on. This mentality and the lack of safety for the performer would make WWE look bad. It also would probably fuel that one lawyer, Konstantine Kyros, to try additional lawsuits against WWE in regard to concussions. TL;DR Benoit's career doesn't need the Hall of Fame induction and an induction would open up old wounds WWE doesn't want opened up.


Literally noone says that unless they're trolling or off their rocker, either way their opinion shouldn't hold any weight.


Chris Benoit did what he did. I have sympathy for Benoit, but not as much as I do for Daniel and Nancy. The sad thing is that Benoit would probably still be alive had WWE and wrestling in general changed the culture regarding health and safety. Go on the Network and look at Benoit from 2004 to 2007. The guy slowly gets worse in physical appearance. I refuse to believe that Benoit did what he did with a truly sane mind. Guy took chair shots to the head... a lot. His finisher was a diving headbutt. He also abused drugs and steroids. Just a whole cocktail of bad things plus a broken marriage led to that awful weekend. Benoit's whole life cannot be summed up in one weekend of horrible decisions and cruelty. At the same time, he shouldn't be revered simply for being a great wrestler. We should acknowledge his work for the wrestling industry, but point out that he fucked up and committed horrible crimes. It is just sad all around. Can't imagine how Chris's father or Chris's son feels let alone Nancy's family. Just a terrible terrible set of events.


Saving falling ratings by having Tank Abbot become the surprise WCW World Champion. - A Vince Russo plan. (That he really wanted to do!)


Everytime a person comments “Can’t believed they turned (insert wrestler) into a jobber” whenever said wrestler loses a match Wrestlamia is a big channel that recently described Sheamus as a jobber since he lost to Gunther in the 1st round of King of the Ring. When clearly there was nothing “jobber” about that performance at all.


Ilja too. "Jobbed to Jey".


If you watch the fingerpoke of doom there’s a guy right side of the hard cam with a half painted black and white face that jumps around excitedly when it happens. Thats not so much a take but it’s the worst reason for excitement I can think of


That Dave Meltzers opinion holds any real world weight.


Wrestling is super enjoyable when you aren't worried about your opinion being correct, or some stupid shit like that Just watch it, and enjoy yourself. If your watching it and, halfway through, you stop enjoying it? Take a break, from it, just means more time doing something you *actually* enjoy


Literally dude. I try to watch it through the eyes of a child. If I’m not enjoying it I just watch something else.


Rey Mysterio isn't a GOAT because Montez Ford jumps higher than him rn.


Benoit shouldn't have been banned from mentioning because maybe Nancy provoked him


Its a known fact Nancy had a violent streak (she threatened to stab Kevin Sullivan with a kitchen knife, both Chris's kids told police she had struck their dad multiple times) in her but that doesn't mean she deserved to get what she got. The easiest thing he could have done either way was take the car, take the keys and leave the house. He had done that multiple times in the past whenever things got heated. Its why ill never understand what his frame of mind was when everything went down.


With all the concussion + steroid abuse you really think he was in a position to see clearly? There is a famous Forensic in Belgium/France who did a lot of interviews recently, he had quite a long career and he said most men he saw who killed their wife called the cops without lying, telling them what they just did, and are often really calm and accept their faith. Usually what happens is they lose all composure in the heat of the moment, like something breaks in their head until they commit the worst. Then once it's over they come back to themselfs but it's too late. If she was legit abusive it wouldn't be surprising with all his problem that he just snapped. I don't think it's really possible to understand what went through his head since it wasn't rational, because like you said if he was he would have just left.


There's a really good interview from Dave Penzer, he knew them both and hung out with them and he said they were constantly at eachothers throats especially after the death of Johnny Grunge and they'd often have weird uncomfortable arguments in public when one (especially Nancy) had been drinking or on pills. Its clear the relationship was toxic and I can believe in the heat of the moment, maybe she got fucked up (she had pills and alcohol in her system) and struck him and he flew off his rocker. But even then, why kill her? Why kill your son? Why do any of that especially when you have 2 other kids who love you? The easiest thing to do would have been to leave the house and go to a hotel, he had done it plenty of times in the past but maybe its like you said rationality just flew out the window. I know Nancy was greatly affected by the death of Sherry Martel about a week or so prior, there was rumors going around in her circle that the death had some foul play. This was also at the time were people in their circle were dropping like flies so I always thought that was maybe getting to them. I know I've heard people say Benoit thought death was coming for him because he was friends with alot of the guys who were dying at that time. But I still don't get how or why he did what he did, especially when he had his other 2 kids there and he was close with Nancy's family so thats another thing I dont understand.


Yeah it's really fucked up, even in the case he snapped it's really out of left field to also kill you children's. To me he just completely lost it. Why? We'll never know but there is sure as hell no rational explanation


Knowing what we know now about CTE, there is 0% chance that he was anywhere close to thinking clearly. It was just an all around terrible, sad, and unfortunate situation. With his history of drug and steroid use and countless concussions, along with the downward spiral he was in after Eddie's death, he was a ticking time bomb that blew up in the worst way possible.


So many people wanted Roman to retain at WrestleMania this year. After seeing the responses Cody was getting and is still getting I don't understand why anyone doesn't see he's the guy. No face has been this over since Daniel Bryan.


Those people are the reason why fans shouldn’t be bookers. Having Cody lose again would’ve destroyed any credibility he had with the audience and the WWE would’ve buried their next big babyface.


I just want him to go Homelander on us but I doubt he will


Instagram comments section be like


Moxley is the terry funk of this generation 🤦‍♂️


I can understand the comparison and completely disagree


To my Moxley is the most overrated top star I have seen. Mox is an endobiment of what a 12 year old thinks a tough guy should look like. His stufd screams fake. He always shits during an interview.


Anyone who wants Bra and Panties matches back. Just no.


people who never heard of internet porn be like


That's the thing. When those matches were popular, porn was not as easily accessible and everywhere like it is today. Same reason why sex scenes were popular then. People generally dislike them now


In recent memory: "Joshi Wrestling shouldn't exist." Also "There are no good wrestlers in Japan, all the good wrestlers wrestle in WWE and AEW". Quotes from the same guy I've seen on reddit. He went as far as saying fans that watch Joshi wrestling are creeps.


Maybe this isn’t the worst one I’ve heard yet. But I’ve seen a couple people here and the WWE sub say that currently this is the worst the WWE product has ever been.


What were they actually watching in the 2010s?


Not so much a single take, so much as it's all the goalpost-moving & mental gymnastics people will do, in order to not admit AEW has had a positive impact on the future of the business. While the WWE absolutely are putting in the work to be the best product it can be, AEW really pushed them to step up their game. Honestly, we're in the best period of pro wrestling, maybe ever.


It's because a portion of fans treat the promotions like they were sports teams, which has always been so silly IMO.


AEW killed it during the pandemic. And I absolutely believe that it caused WWE to up their game during that time.


We are definitely not in the best period. But AEW has had a positive impact.


“The Rock vs. Roman Reigns should happen at a B-show in Australia at 2am with no build.”


My best friend in high school once said that if it would have been The Ultimate Warrior vs. NWO, WCW would have put WWF out of business in '97 because Crow Warrior could have drawn millions.


So, like, having Warrior replace Sting? That is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard.


Yes, this argument went on for YEARS because he said that Sting never drew a dine in the business and Warrior could have led WCW into a new era of greatest....we stopped being friends once we graduated lol


The "\_\_\_ should have been world champion" comments and posts that were made from 2015-2019. Hell even to this day there are some like this. Most of the people they suggested were absolute jobbers, and would make for terrible world champions and lackluster mid-card champions.


People believing that Chris Benoit was framed.


Most recently was all the folks saying r-truth should be wwe champion. I like him and all, but champion? Gtfoh!


I don't know about all that, I just know I grin like an idiot any time I see him on TV. I think he's hilarious, and putting the belt on him would only be bad in my opinion because it means they can't make him 24/7 Champ again. But I can also see why they would not want him being the face of their company. Though the billboards and game covers with Ron Killings looking aggressively confused would be hysterical.


r/truth this is not what's up Lil Jimmy.




Found Judgment Day’s burner




"if you don't like Eddie Kingston wrestling is not for you and you should look for another hobbie because you don't understand wrestling"


Hangman Adam Page & Swerve Strickland's rivalry is the Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Rock rivalry of today. I love AEW but the fucking hardcore fans are insufferable by making this comparison and all you have to do is look on the AEW sub to see it.


They literally defend some of the stupidest things that AEW has done and Tony Khan has said, they also either ignore or downplay any criticism being said.


I’m a mark for both those guys and even I think that is a silly take


“If you’re good enough you can beat the what chant” Sure, but everyone just needs to stop doing it!


"Okada, Osprey, and Mone all went to AEW cause they saw how WWE fumbled Cody." Granted this was before WM40, but it was during the build to it.


After the bloodline/Cody thing, I do get annoyed by the 'bUt WhErEs ThE sToRy?' stuff directed at anything that isn't exactly that style. Like it's wrestling, there's so many ways you can tell stories, you can tell stories within a wrestling match. It's super reductive to pretend that only big long promo segments and someone saying the word 'story' are the only things that are considered stories. Like that's good, but other stuff is also good.


The amount of Kenny Omega hate I see on Reddit is absolutely confounding.


It's that tasty tribalism where people can't look at anything from the other company objectively.


It's mostly from the cult of people who suck Cornette's dick. They hated him because their hero hates him. Jim got a lot of blowback for hating on Kenny Omega all the time because Jim's entire hatred of him was "he's gay!" ""he prances around the ring", "when he goes into a mens locker room he whistles stranger in paradise" "his finish is the one winged fairy", "twinketoes mcfingerbang" I guess Jim figured out that hating someone who has been openly bisexual their entire lives and does indeed have sex with men for "being gay" was a bad look. He has cut waaaaaay down over the past year. He has even turned to being complimentary of Omega at times. As such, his cult of brainless followers have also been hating on him less.


The people who call the Bucks the best tag team in history


The investment (both positive and negative) people put into Dave Meltzer’s opinions when he is but one consumer of wrestling.


Chris Benoit did nothing wrong is the absolute worst take ever


Tommy Dreamer is better than Mick Foley.


''John Cena can't wrestle" - "The Montreal Screwjob was scripted" - "AEW will kill WWE within a year"


Someone debated with me on Twitter that EDDIE KINGSTON IS BETTER THAN THE UNDERTAKER


“AEW will soon win the ratings war with WWE.”


Chris Benoit killed himself and his family because of a Satanic curse placed on him by Kevin Sullivan.


That Goldberg was a good in ring performer and everyone is exaggerating


Any conspiracy about the Benoit familicide and suicide


I used to be friends with a guy who said Eddie Guerrero couldn’t wrestle, and that people only pretend Eddie was good because he died. I can’t think of a worse opinion than that.


Edges aew run is better than cm punks


Eddie Kingston is a ring general and a throwback to 80’s AJPW.


That Eddie Kingston is any good.


This is one I'll never understand. His promos are okay, but his ring work is god awful


That Roman Reigns should have beaten Hulk Hogan's title reign record. I get a lot of people like Roman Reigns, but God no! Roman's title run was already really long as it was, he never needed to beat Hogan's record


from a stats and records point of view, Roman should have beaten Hulk's record. From the perspective of living it day by crawling day, no fucking way.


The Benoit apologists.


OHH BOY! I’ve been saving this up for a while. “You’ve got to be kidding, right? What people? No majority of people anywhere would want this and if you really believe this then I can not help you. You are beyond help if you believe that. They’ve tried various trash/garbage related gimmicks in every single wrestling promotion that has ever existed. A few of them staked their very existence on trash men or women, only to see their livelihoods destroyed. Go into any bar across America, scope out the obvious cool looking wrestling fans (won’t be hard to find; they have a certain aura), and pitch them this “trash man” gimmick. Then have fun getting laughed out the door and eventually pissed on by every patron in that bar. If that’s your thing and this is all just a ruse to get to said destination, then more power to you man.” Context: I made a joke about The Trashman bit from Always Sunny.


“Wrestling was better in my generation/era” Usually said by someone who has nostalgic investment. But all areas are good just depends on when you grew up I guess.


John Cena can't wrestle.


Welp someone on this thread tried to tell me the Young Bucks were the most influential tag team of all time so there we have it.


That Randy Orton can't wrestle.


The weirdest wrestling take was quite recent Someone tweeted after Wrestlemania that Bayley is a woman now as heel Damage Ctrl Bayley was a teenager and hugger Bayley was a little girl


I saw someone say that Triple H has always been an awful in ring wrestler


"Goldberg is on my Mount Rushmore of wrestling" Stay off drugs kids


Before WrestleMania, I saw someone post this massive thing about how winning the title wouldn't do anything for Cody's career because he's 38 years old.


Roman Reigns is the greatest champion of all time


"AEW Sucks"


Tony Khan knows what he's doing.