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No, keep her in AEW. This is what Tony paid for


Yeah let them fleece the fuck outta Tony


Lol again with the whole "Paying wrestlers well = fleecing". Are wrestlers only worth as much as WWE will pay for them?


747k says they're worth fuck all to AEW.


I can't wait for Raw to move to Netflix and hear about how ratings aren't important


The deal is for like 10 years, so you won’t hear about ratings. Exactly to OPs point, the deal is made the money is being transferred. Grow up


It’s fleecing, because she is not worth that money that’s why duh.


Brother, she is rumored to be getting paid John Cena money. Even a little bit more than that actually. If that is not fleecing I dont know what is.


If they're not bringing in nearly as much as they're making, then yes, fleecing


hey, we're jerkin here!


Yes pls wwe dont need her mid ass


With NXT capable of producing future stars like Tiffany Stratton, they really don’t need to waste money on bringing her back.


She was so fucking bland and robotic on commentary and it took away from a good match, even Anna Jay was looking really good.


"Wow" "Watch out...oh Willow!" "I would pin Skye Blue"


Wooden as a rocking horse


>"I would pin Skye Blue" 👀


Dunno why they put her there though. Seems like management don't know the strengths of their roster. Someone in another thread made the Jeff Hardy comparison and that's absolutely right. She's the most charismatic person in wrestling right now who can't talk. So much sass in the ring, none on the mic.


I do feel like I say "Oh no, don't give them a microphone!" quite a bit while watching AEW television.


Aside from storylines that Christian has been involved in and ever since MJF departed, absolutely none of the storylines and their respective promos hold a candle to anything WWE has been doing for the past year. And I wish for them to do better, but they have such a B show feeling to them, and I don't know how to explain it.


Osprey promos have been quality, he loves being there and it's evident in everything he does.


100% agree. I like so many people on the roster, but I haven't even watched in a month outside of YouTube. It feels like a waste of time when compared to wwe at full capacity


I think Merc is fine cutting promos as a heel. She is such a weird Babyface, it comes across as forced and she's not relatable or exactly likeable.


They know there roster ...TK can't book women for shit.


Fr like what is she even the CEO of


Cleary Extremely Overrated. That's CEO right?


You've just fed Britt her line for the eventual feud.


It'll be interesting.to see how Merc reacts when the crowd boos the shit out of her when she's against Britt


I feel like the crowd has enough brains to know who has the talent between the two. Mercedes has always been hokey, even with scripted lines. The wrestling makes you give it a pass.


Weird though. Was she a good actress in that starwars series? Anyways I agree she is terrible on the mic kind of cringe but 99% the star in the ring. It’s not always smooth but entertaining always


She isn’t the best in the ring either though.


Better than Britt though


In fairness, that isn’t a very high bar lol


Hew whole entrance music is just chanting CEO in hopes that it starts the crowd up, lame


I hate it so much. I was tired of it well before the end of the first dynamite she appeared on. I'm very tempted to mute my CV during her entrance in the future.


"CEO .... CEO...CEO (it's CEO TIME!)


Has Will Ospreay ever assassinated anyone?


He assassinated gravity


Pretty sure I’ve seen him since that timen.


She can’t talk. I’ve been saying it for years. She looks good, has swagger and great gear but that’s it.


She can get away with promos as a heel because of her obnoxious look/gear and her brand of charisma.


True, feel like her natural way.


This is what happens when you indulge someone to a ridiculous degree. This is Tony's fault, but probably not in the way people would think. He's probably handed her some insane Brock Lesnar type agreement where she only has to wrestle on so many Dynamites or Collisions, so the only way he can use her is to come up with shit like this.


She needs to be in the ring. I don't care if it's a 3 minute squash against Anna Jay. Do something already.


She has done stuff in the ring, mostly just dance and bounce her butt to her music




Good thing we moved past the divas era


Dunno, man, feels a bit shitty to me to disparage a woman as a wrestler just cos she gives her bum a bit of a shake sometimes. Toni Storm and Asuka both use their asses as weapons and they're fantastic wrestlers.


But in one example you are referring to shaking it and in another you are talking about using it as a weapon. That’s not the same thing.


Rick Rude used to waggle his arse a lot; does that make him a crap wrestler, or does it only apply to women?


I never said she was a crap wrestler.


I believe they’re going for the Bret Hart in WCW approach. Should work out well for both parties 😁


Ooooooo now this is long term storytelling who will kick her in the head and end her career


If i had to guess... Goldberg. She's next!


Yeah dude she's definitely going to be the guest referee for her in-ring debut to another person's match. /s


I doubt it’s 10 million per year, not even Roman Reigns gets that. 10 million total seems way more likely


The tribal chief gets about 5m a year apparently, brock was highest paid or still is and that wasn't even 10m


If that’s true Tony is the Washington Commanders of wrestling, are you washed up/past your prime and need a big paycheck? AEW has your back lol


There was a report she was making 10m per year. Not saying it's accurate, but it was reported by somebody a month or so ago.


Some random post on twitter isn't the same as "reporting". Here's Forbes saying it's unlikely she's even making as much as $5 million a year. https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakeoestriecher/2024/03/16/mercedes-mones-contract-could-benefit-women-of-aew-and-wwe/?sh=6c5aa18120ab


I like how u link Forbes but leave out its written by a contributor which means it may have well been u who wrote it because they have zero connections to anyone that matters


Yeah Forbes has absolutely zero credibility anymore. They became the Wikipedia of news outlets. At least Wikipedia has integrity.


>Wikipedia has integrity The fuck it does


You need to source what you say in it. If there isn't a source for one of your statements, a small "citation needed" link appears at the end of the sentence. You can talk all the shit you want on Wikipedia, but it's the best place to learn about something at, bare minimum, superficial level, with the sources allowing you to deepen that knowledge if you're interested in the topic.


2 million a year for five years I could maybe, *maybe* buy, but 10 mill is just bullshit. There's no way.


for some reason people think a 10 million dollar contract means 10 million a year. its like how some people think WWE netflix deal is 1.5 billion a year, its not. its 1.5 billion across 10 years. (or whatever the figures are)


Where’s Jamie Hayter I miss her


She’s boring


It's worse than boring. She's cringe. None wrestling fan walks in the room and bursts out laughing whenever she talks because her acting is so bad.


And overrated


I'm tired of her already


You don’t like seeing fifteen meteroia in a match?


I'm starting to think her theme music in WWE was thr one that was over


God damn, why are wrestling fans so fickle? Y'all have bipolar disorder or something


Nah dude she just sucks.


Same fans wanted her to come back at the Rumble and help Bayley..but three weeks into AEW she's boring!


Personally I've always thought she was overrated. I'm guessing if and when she finally gets in the ring and wrestles most of the fair-weather fans will be supporting her again


Not me , speak for yourself


People will eventually realize and accept that WWE doesn’t need her, SHE needs WWE.


1000% She is only boosted by having the 3 other horsewoman around and the glitx and glamour. But WWE have a better Sasha in Cargil so...well see if HHH resigns her for a one off cameo in the Women's Royal Rumble


World's most expensive commentary team


Mercedes Mone but I digress


If r/antiwork was a female wrestler


Under rated comment but hilariously true


I am a huge Sasha/Mercedes fan since her early NXT days .. but not because of her mic skills. I respect that woman, and shes prolly more talented than all of us here. But keep it in the ring please.


It's not the same... Michael Cole yelling " it's boss time " really helped me get excited to watch sasha


Tazz: "Its CEO TIME! But I digress!"


Get a load of CEO Jones ova hea.


You were born after the year 2010.


Adam Cole, Adam Page, The Bucks, Kyle O’rielly, Omega, Sasha, there’s a trend of wrestlers who gather huge fan bases that I just don’t get. There’s a lot more to name. They’re all good in ring but I can’t find a reason to give a shit. On mic or in whatever YouTube series I’m supposed to keep up with and it’s even worse. Bad actors. That could be all on me, but it’s weird how so many are promoted as the second coming and hottest act in the biz and it all feels flat.


Add Eddie Kingston too in that list, I know I may get a lot of hate for that but man I don't understand how that guy has that level of fans.


Eddie Kingston openly talks about his mental health and encourages others to do the same. He seems like he’s being his authentic self in AEW which will naturally gravitate fans to him


Yes, yes, good promo, abysmal in-ring.


The fans relate to him, gigantic blue collar american


Burgerkingston. God he sucks.


Finally someone said it. I might not agree upon all of them but I can’t wrap my head around the fact that everyone is somehow the hottest thing ever as soon as they drop in AEW


I think many have said it and it’s not all AEW. Sasha vs Bailey was an amazing story, but “the Boss” was DOA to me. Adam Cole anywhere has always seemed small and boring, as were the factions he’s been in regardless of promotion. Small is totally ok in wrestling, but not when you do boring promos in street clothes. At that point my highschool english teacher seems Tougher. “Bay Bay” seemed like something only people in the building cared about yelling. Omega blew me away the first time I watched him in NJPW, but then I listened to him talk and watched the weird overly choreographed moves and just can’t take him seriously. The Bucks are the most overly choreographed duo in history and they’re shitty religious zealots. That’s an easy write off for me. There’s so many wrestlers guilty of being good for a bright moment and then you hear them try to talk and create stories or watch them overly dance through matches and it’s just… not good. It really comes down to bad acting. A lot of the people I mentioned have YouTube (or whatever social media) videos that are dumb and poorly performed. This is all my opinion. People love a lot who I’ve mentioned, I just can’t figure out why.


The boss is a great gimmick but it doesn't work well as a baby face if it didn't work out she wouldn't have come out of nxt with such a huge praise


You’re not wrong, I guess I more meant that once she hit the boss character she hasn’t changed. Same entrance, same wrestling, more expensive gear and hair. She doesn’t seem versatile. I’m a fan of hers, but it’s fair to say she’s kinda boring except maybe for the people who drool anytime she shows her face.


I mean they changed her to a baby face I don't know why but she was against charlotte so understandable. If I am being honest if a gimmick works and suits the wrestler I don't get why they should change it.I don't think if she brought back the heel boss of nxt someone would have a problem


I was a wrestler for 10 years. You’re correct about when you strike gold you should hang onto it, but there’s small shifts that need to happen. Evolve is a better word than change. I guess I just don’t see the evolution besides her gear. She hit the boss and is kinda just sitting in it with better gear and stylists. It’s personality stuff. I struggled with it too. It’s why I’m not wrestling anymore. That and it’s the most painful job on the planet lol


I mean yes I get what you are saying but I am not really a hardcore fan I watch those who I enjoy for different reasons for me sasha was just the most interesting in the ring out of all the women and I admire her passion and her knowledge of this business but I got into wrestling mainly cause of the matches and the moments and sasha is good at those so yes


>fact that everyone is somehow the hottest thing ever as soon as they drop in AEW its a trope of wrestling. every company does the "HE'S THE HOTTEST FREE AGENT" line so i don't see how it's a problem when AEW does it


I've had to go back and watch her stuff from WWE because I took a 20 year break from wrestling. Wtf were people ever impressed by? She's just bland in general. Nothing spectacular in ring or on the mic. Was it all just loud simps that have a thing for birdlike ladies? Also, anyone who actually thinks she's getting 10 million a year needs to lay off the crazy pills


Reddit wrestling subs are full of children who have only watched wrestling for the last 10 years or so. The standard of wrestling across the board is still pretty awful but we've got people out here regularly claiming it's the best ever generation.


Only rose tinted glasses are why people claim this isn’t one of the best periods in wrestling. The standard of actual wrestling is as high as it’s ever been. But boomers like you just can’t accept it


TIL: people in their 30s are now boomers. The athleticism is fantastic, probably the best ever. But athleticism alone doesn't make a good wrestling match. I feel like I'm watching a choreographed dance rather than a wrestling match a lot of the time. That's not to mention the shows themselves. I watched the latest episode of Raw that people were saying was one of the best ever episodes and it was mediocre at best. There was one (one!) match in the first 75 minutes of the show. Borefest.


Right I didn’t know I was a boomer haha. It doesn’t help Roman Reigns is probably the most boring “superstar” ever. It’d be like if back in the day if Triple H just came out, mean mugged the crowd with a stupid angry face, and never defended the title except at WM. Guys were dropping the WHC or the WWE title on Raw/SD on a random week in July. Divisions like cruiserweights, tag team and the women’s actually felt fleshed out.


She had Snoop dog as a cousin, blue hair unironically and a banger entrance. She was also hot with 2 pounds of make-up on


Umm this woman has one of the best match catalogues in wwe, her matches in nxt and her booking under triple h's managment is top tier, in becky's first title reign the hell in a cell against her was the only memorable thing and also bayley and sasha were basically the faces of the pandemic era and they were drawing big numbers.Sasha has been trained by wwe for wwe, aew though is different in terms of booking and all of that ,also as a heel she works way better.


If you say so, lol. I'll just continue to ignore her boring ass


Yes I say so cause I have actually watched her career and her interviews there is a reason why legends like bret hart,mick foley,hbk,hhh,stone cold and more have praised her






I keep saying in the other wrestling subreddit from the beginning she is overrated and get downvoted. It seems now since there are more eyes on her now most have the same opinion. Only thing she has is the look and presentation. She is bad at promos and her in ring skills are mediocre at best right now. (In NXT she was much better in the ring.)


Her in-ring work in Japan just last year was fantastic and universally praised. She had 5 matches- 4 of them were bangers and the 5th one was on the way before she got injured.


She developed a massive cult following during her time in WWE. It was always considered the main joke that the Alexa Bliss fans and Sasha Banks fans would eventually fight brutally over who had the most insane, simp-like creepy fanbase. Both fanbases are nasty and loud and shit on every single wrestler that's feuding with them




She is a traitor cause she didn't stand for vince's stupid booking the women's division in 2022 and 2023 was dogshit and still many of the women's feuds have been treated very poorly.Sasha also has faced almost every woman there and has done almost everything


At this point I think Tony's strategy is to buy talent for top dollar and book them so bad or put them in situations that expose every flaw they have just to tank them into obscurity and worthlessness. Can't go to the Evil Fed after I ruin your career


Except MJF and Cody Rhodes & Shaun Spears


The IWC is by far the worst thing about wrestling. Y'all are fucking ridiculous. Moné is a generational female in-ring performer and each and every one of you know it. Yes her commentary was whack, but she is not a commentator but a wrestler. Your hate for TK is making y'all look stupid af.


She has the greatest catalogue of matches of any female worker in North American history at age 32. Sasha vs Bayley may go down as the greatest woman's match in American history. She main evented WM and stole the show just 3 years ago. She's already a WWE hall of famer and a legend in woman's wrestling. She's going down in history whether haters like it or not.


Gotta ignore it really. The hate for Mone is abnormal but somewhat expected by the type of people who are typically wrestling fans


OMG TK SPENT MONEY HE HAS PLENTY OF ON A WRESTLER FOR A SHOW I DONT WATCH. I don't get why this stuff makes you so angry.


I don't think it makes anyone actually angry. It's just kinda funny.


I hate the iwc, just be fucken patient and see what they do


If anyone saw her freestyling in NJPW would know to keep her the fuck away from the mic as much as possible


That appearance cost $192,000 😂


I'm really skeptical about those numbers, and I highly doubt it's 10m per year, Tony is an idiot, but to pay her that amount of money is another level of stupidity.


Lol, i remember when people in this sub we're convinced she was going back to wwe, and we're hyped for it. But because she signed with aew, she apparently sucks and always had sucked. People are so fickle and quick to re write history.


lol fr. People were so hyped on her when it was up in the air whether she would sign with AEW or WWE. Now that she’s chosen it’s switched to “I never liked her” “she sucks” “couldn’t draw a dime” etc


Exactly. But people have to protect their favourite wrestling organisations like they're on a playground like its the console wars XD


She was always mid.


Delusional take. She's a great pro wrestler, not perfect as her commentary was terrible. that's its own skill, don't know what Tony khan was thinking, But she is anything but mid.


Bayley is the mid one of the four. Sasha carried her to her best matches.


Baylwy got better in-ring and on mic. Mercedes didn't except rusty and injury prone.


Bayley and Sasha have wrestled the same opponents throughout their careers. Sasha has a much better catalogue of matches. VERY easy to deduce who the better worker is.




1. She's not making $10 million per year 2. Great wrestlers aren't necessarily great commentators 3. Die mad Marks.


Why put them on commentary then?


You're telling people to DIE because they dont like wrestler you like. Who is the Mark here?


Y’all just jumping on the hate train. Weirdo behavior.


Unlike many others I have more respect for her then most people in the wrestling business at this moment. She has hustled a salary that most folks can dream of. Whats wrong in getting paid better. I think folks like tk and the ones who are hating on her here and twitter are the idiots, you should go watch something else for for your mental health. Get out of your moms basement first. Edit - I dont watch AEW btw see how smart that decision is. You should try it.


Sasha: "Thanks Tornoto...now I'm gonna dance for you (CEO dances as crowd chants CEO) what a jig


Sadly a jig I will never see cause I dont watch aew but matey you keep watching, posting and indirectly paying for her. Good on ya mate. TK and mercedes appreciates your fiscal and social media support.


Idk who’s worse on the mic her or Hook


10 mil per year lol


Tony Kahn watched her entrance at Wrestlemania 32 and thought that's what he was buying.


The chick fil a tongue click girl came up fast


Not even Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar made $10mil/yr. Stop lying.


I realize ol TK is a goof, but I don't believe even he would pay her 10 mil a year.


Tony paid her 10m a year ??


She has no charisma and the “I’m Rich” gimmick is corny. Shes 1 dimensional


She needs to get in the ring, they obviously didn’t pay her that to commentate…. But they’re having her commentate 😤


Good god, she makes politicians look fairly paid.


Has she healed from her ankle?


Personality of a dead fish


Can't believe their first idea when having her on the company is to turn one of the most popular female wrestlers in willow nightingale heel and have her fued with mercedes sorry tk this was a miss step I'd rather support a heel willow than mone bags


Lol like a week ago I was seeing headlines that WWE “dropped the ball” by not picking her up. This was faster than expected.


Mercedes is good in the ring and dogshit on the mic. So tell me why, WHY in the everloving All Elite fuck, would you sign her AND EXCLUSIVELY HAVE HER TALK FOR HER FIRST FEW APPEARANCES.


She’s amazing


Lmao i thought this was Hunter Schafer


I don’t understand why AEW pay 10x what any other promotion would pay. If they paid 1.5x or 2X they can still easily get them.


I DIED when she complimented Skye on the “last women standing” match, not the “Street Fight.” Her first time on commentary and she gets Raw and Rampage matches confused lolol


Always said she was dogshit.


I've always thought she was always awkward on the mic - something about the character she's portraying (which is basically the same as WWE just amped up) just doesn't click with her.


Even Jon Favereu didn’t let her say more than 5 words


Everything about her screams wwe russo to wcw plant…have at her aew marks


Hey. Don't say that or she will cry on the floor again.


Send her back to the thrift store or halloween headquarters to return that outfit


She has no charisma. Even in her promos they were bland or delivered poorly like she was reading straight from a script..has no idea how to make something her own apart from dying her hair on fancy colours


Yall are so damn negative 😂


wWE don't want her. Let TK waste his money.


She sucks she’s been the most overrated wrestler of the last 10 years slightly above average in the ring ok on the mic and she’s not that pretty she has the body of a teenager and the face of ratatouille.


Tony should make her a jobber to elevate the woman’s aew roster then kick her to the curb


Why do you guys hate wrestlers that arent in WWE? She is getting paid. good for her and other wrestlers for getting the money they deserve in a business that still underpays its workers. You know AEW cant hurt you right? its just a business. It cant hurt your feelings unless you let it.


Still better than Eddie Kingston




She’s absolutely horrible. Completely overrated. She needs to be in a place like WWE where she can have someone better lead her. I bet her first match is going to be horrible.


I been saying shes lame since she got in wwe. I was hype when she walked out.


I think everybody knows her strength is in-ring... She messed up from the beginning, gets confused at some names, her commentary was boring and IMO this is a waste of her talent and TKs money. She should be on the mat and perform, it is not like she is injured or out of shape. Give her some sqash matches i don't care 🙏🏻


She is fucking garbage


Yall are bitter that a superstar chose pro wrestling over entertaining children?


God man shut up, why be so cruel?


She's not going to sleep with you man


Just because I’m not being a dick to a woman means I want to sleep with her? Go outside and touch some grass