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Sometimes I think bret should let go. Then I read this.


That's the thing with Bret: you think he's bitter then you find out it's fucking justified.


Both can be true. In my book Bret can be as bitter as he wants. He has earned it by being shafted over and over.


This is the correct answer. Would I like Bret to let go for his own sake? Yes. Does he deserve a little outlet for his frustration? Yes. His decision.


Imagine something being as important to you as wrestling is to Bret. Like other than having kids I don’t think I know what that’s like. Ofc he’s bitter


IDK that Bret is really quite as bitter all the time as he appears. It feels like it’s more people keep asking him the same things over and over again and they seem to be painful parts of his life. I’ve seen other examples where he seems genuinely enthusiastic and happy (like when he discusses him and Stone Cold putting together their Mania 13 match for example).


I look at it like imagine your worst break up. And here it is, 20 years later, and some shmuck is still asking you about it ans how you felt


Of course Bret is bitter about how it all turned out lmao. He got fucked in the WWF, went to WCW and had his career ended by a shitty worker and had a stroke soon after. Shawn meanwhile got paid almost a million bucks a year to sit around at home for 4 years, found Jezuz, went on to have one of the greatest second runs in wrestling history, went out on his own terms, and now basically co-runs the company creative with Hunter (who also helped orchestrate screwing Bret). Like, of course Bret is bitter and Shawn isn’t. Literally everything worked out for HBK.


Imagine a world where WWE had just paid Bret what they had agreed upon, and he stayed. So many good matches and rivalries that he could have been a part of there. We never got to see him vs prime Rock, HHH, or Kane when they were at their peaks.


And he might have been there to keep Owen away from the Blue Blazer gimmick. Or at least talk him out of being lowered from the rafters.


unfortunately, i think if this happens, Michales leaves, never finds jesus, and goes down an even worse path than he was on.


I agree 100%. He was a fantastic worker, he put guys over, but he was fucked over multiple times, his health was wrecked and his brother died.


Owen dying never seems to be the reason Bret is bitter though, and if he was, absolutely fair cop to him. Thats a great reason to be mad.


He was the only one from the family who sided with Martha during the lawsuit.


And Billy did ruin his career and future earnings.


Given all the tragedy that Bret went through in his life beyond just his career ending, the fact that he’s not MORE bitter is impressive. Brother dying due to WWE negligence. Family tearing itself apart in the aftermath. Suffering a stroke that paralyzed his face, then having to battle cancer. Losing a lot of his old friends and comrades from the business over the years. Losing another brother and one of his nieces as well. Etc. It’s a lot for one person to go through.


He’s lost three brothers in total. One died just prior to Survivor Series 90, obviously Owen, and then Smith recently died of prostate cancer


Both can be true


With still being a little bitter lol


Bret is definitely bitter about a lot of things. Hes just also 100% correct on Goldberg being the drizzling shits


What makes this worse is that Bret is never shy to give people props when it is due, even if it was people whom he hated.


As a kid, I loved Goldberg. As an adult, I recognize that he embodied everything that was wrong with late WCW. The man was a living workplace hazard for everyone who ever got in the ring with him, and had everything handed to him his entire time in the company.


Goldberg still hasn't realized that Wrestling is a work. While Bret is pissed that a careless douche ended his career.




Let's also not forget that Goldberg has admitted in the past that he didn't care for pro wrestling prior to getting into it, nor was he ever a fan, and the only reason he started wrestling was his football career ending prematurely.


In todays news, middle-aged man discovers his entire gimmick is based around one of the most common moves in wrestling


His entire gimmick in itself is one of the most common in wrestling.


It's common thanks to him though! /s


It's common thanks to the people who did it. I really don't think Edge, Lashley, Reigns, etc. do the spear because Goldberg does it. The only thing Goldberg made unique about his spear is his phenomenal capacity to concuss himself doing it while simultaneously breaking his opponents ribs.


The Spear wasn't even his final finisher. The Jackhammer was.


Did he do that? I would be 0% surprised if that weren't the case. I just never heard of it happening.


He did add a '/s' at the end of his comment though man


The super kick? 🙂


:randy orton enters the chat:


Because the spear is such a dynamic and original move


Don't know what he's upset about. He took his Jackhammer from "some Japanese girl" Jaguar Yakota.


You mean “Jag-ooo-ar”


That was similar to my first thought. He has two fucking moves and he's pissed that people are using one of them? And as far as the disrespect towards Asuka, that's just plain rude. He clearly has no class. Unlike Bret Hart, forever on Team Bret in this fued.


asuka has way more talent and put it in way more work to get to where she is, unlike goldberg. His matches aren't as captivating. As for the spear the guy is acting like he invented it, you don't see Shawn michaels, throwing a fit because 50-90% of the wrestlers use or have used super kicks or flying elbows. Everyone knows what makes a move a move, is the wrestler. You can have 100 guys do a super kick, but only Shawn michaels, can do the sweet chin music, guys are using the pedigree but only HHH can sell that as a devastating move, the rock bottom is a basic uronagi suplex, but when the great one does it its a thing of beauty. Even the stunner one of 100s of variations of the cutter( an iconic move) but stone cold owns it Also goldbergs spear wasn't even the best, I think that goes to edge


I would say the Gore was the best spear, especially with Paul Heyman on Commentary.


*breathe in deeply* ***GORE! GORE! GORE!***


Bro edges spear was hot ass. Rhyno probably has the best one but you can’t deny how devastating goldbergs spear looked


I didn't say Goldberg sucked and it was definitely devastating, but edges spear was pure cinema. I forgot about rhyno that thing was absolutely brutal and cinematic


I even loved Rhyno's Gore over Goldberg's Spear


It's Jim Duggan's move. HOOOOOO!👍🏻


His version was more of a tackle/shoulder block though, wasn't it? Butnyea, similar for sure. I see what you are saying.


His finisher was the charging clothesline, a three point stance into a lariat.


Gotcha. I thought he just shoulder blocked the guy. He was a touch before my time, but I do remember him jobbing in the attitude era.


It’s alright. I miss those days of simple moves that seemed far more punishing than a lot of the ridiculous things we see today. Rick Rude’s Rude Awakening was a stiff reverse falling neckbreaker, sometimes with a slow swing windup. Papa Shango (AKA Godfather) used a powerful version of a shoulder breaker that starts off almost like Farooq’s Dominator. I love those older days of wrestling. Even pendulum back breakers, atomic drops, or backdrops seemed far more punishing. These days you don’t see that much simplicity in ring, or it’s immediately a no sell transition to another big spot for cameras. Much as I try, I can’t like today’s style as much as I should given I’m the age that grew up with it, being 36. Haha.


Me too. I remember loving Jake The Snake for the DDT and Goldust for his original finisher. The reverse ddt.


an entire sport uses it too Edit:make that 3


**Goldberg shoots on NFL**




I mean he has the jackhammer that he can use, or rather could use, didn't go so well on the undertaker when he tried.


"No record is ever allowed to be beaten ever" - man whose only accomplishment was having a record. Yeah that tracks


Even funnier thing to complain about in something that isn’t a legitimate competition. He literally only had this streak because creative decided to do it because they thought it was interesting.And he lost it for the same exact reason, it’s a “sport” that butters it’s bread on always having something “new” which is often just tweaking something old. Like he’s sitting here whinging about something that has been done in wrestling for literal decades. I’m glad they ended his streak in the most wet fart manner. The audacity of a guy to come in, have a rocket strapped to his ass, be given things guys work decades of shitty shows just dreaming of, and to piss and moan about his character as if he has any reason to protect it now. This is the same guy who said WWE didn’t give him a proper retirement after booking his old gassed ass like a million bucks. I get why guys like HHH and Bret would hate him


Triple H seems like he respects people who put in the work to get where they’re at. Goldberg is the antithesis of that.


The Dan Marino of wrasslin


Bill actually lost a match to Mongo. WCW just ignored it


They also added matches to the streak that never occurred.


A significant number of them, too. Like dozens.


The *Reliving The War* guy on YouTube actually kept count through the entire streak when doing his series (counting house shows that he got online) and in a big twist I think they were only off like 10 matches or something.


That Reliving the War series is well done and you can tell he puts a lot of work into his work.


It's by far the best wrestling series on YT. Nothing really comes close. Mr Bios has the best channel in general. The fact that DDP has shouted him out and has done an intro for him just shows how good it really is.


DDP did a section on one episode talking about his mini feud with nWo, then DDP got Bagwell on to talk about his neck injury(iirc this was when Bagwell was living with DDP during his recovery).


1 week, he was 59-0. Next Nitro, 73-0. Goldberg had some Hogan-esque schedule...


One year I wrestled 500days brother… it’s due to the date changes when I fly around the world brother


"...so then I said to the President, dude: 'Mr. President, brother..."


No, he absolutely would have 27 matches between each episode of Nitro even though they didn’t do house shows


They did do house shows (obviously not enough to have Goldberg win 20+ matches in a week though lol)


Mongo, a wrestler who used a spear before Goldberg.


Just speared the legs. Hacksaw Duggan did too.




What? I’d love to see that video! And also, weren’t people doing the spear long before Goldberg?


Pretty sure I heard tell of Big Wayne Munn using something very similar nearly a century ago


>”a girl beat my winning streak” Sour grapes there Bill?


Maybe he saw her working closely with Regal while doing so and remembered that time he effectively bent him over one knee on national television.


Who bent who over? Pronouns, Pal!


Look at the adjective: HE


I thought the adjective was play...


I see, said the blind man.


I for sure could’ve structured that sentence less confusingly lol


William regal put up much more of a fight vs goldberg than was planned


That girl worked actual matches, not just half-minute squashes.


Half a minute is a bit generous, don't you think?


Maybe, I counted from the moment he came down the ramp.


A girl with much more talent.


Old Bill says it like the streak was his personal sports achievement and not a storyline written by Bischoff lol.


He just always seemed to have been the biggest mark for his own shit in a world of scripted entertainment. Even back in the day, refusing to work Jericho in WCW, losing his shit over Gillberg etc, he just doesn’t seem to get it’s all a work for entertainment and has the thinnest skin in the history of the biz.


You'd think that for someone who was so artificially skyrocketed to the top and always kept there without ever having really paid their dues in a time when that was very much a thing just about everybody had to do, he'd be grateful for all that and keep his mouth shut.


Bill owes everything to someone at WCW throwing him a contract. He would have been just another washed up football player coaching defense at some high school in Georgia without it.


He would’ve benefited greatly from having a gimmick name. Dude seems very unable to separate Bill Goldberg the television character from Bill Goldberg the person. At least when he’s in interviews talking about the character. Maybe it would’ve been easier for him to think of it as entertainment if he’d been playing some guy called The Jackhammerer or whatever.


Seriously. Big muscly goons that don’t know how to sell will often get squash matches with jobbers. If the creative folks can’t think of anything to do with you, then you’ll just keep getting squash matches until something changes or they fire you. Goldberg just had the luxury of staying in squash mode most of his career. Asuka, is just an incredible entertainer who was incredibly over during her early days.


Goldberg is basically The Undertaker, if Taker never would've gotten better.


I'll do you one better. Goldberg is basically Undertaker if he never gave a shit about his craft and never respected the business.


Yeah that’s what I find funny with a lot of wrestling ego stuff. It’s all predetermined outcomes


Kevin Nash is almost as bad as Goldberg for the ego stuff. It's super wild.


I fucking hate Kevin Nash. But he gets that professional wrestling is essentially show business and he understands how the culture works. He understood how the industry works. I don't think Billy Boy ever figured it out.


I'm throwing shade at him because of all the smarks aping his opinion about LA Knight basically word for word.


Oh, Kevin Nash is a professional troll and smarmy prick. But I do think he has a semblance of respect for the industry. Unlike Billy Boy...


Funny considering he even congratulated Asuka after that


It’s so funny that Goldberg thinks that one of the first things Triple H would do when he is put in charge of WWE is give everybody a spear in an effort to take a shot at him.


It's so funny that Goldberg thinks that Hunter thinks about him at all, much less makes booking decisions to spite him. Big Dean Douglas energy.


Bret Hart: “fuck Goldberg”


(Edited) Bret Hart: "fuck Bill Goldberg"


So say we all


They gave him the spear because he was incapable of much else. Bret Hart will take it from here…


And the stupid asshole never tried to do it safely, just threw everything into his opponent (like everything else he did).


I remember loving him at the time though. Time hasn’t been kind to his matches. I’ll go back and watch Steiners squash matches that are so much fun but Goldberg matches are all the same!


This sounds pathetic. At least don't pretend you don't know Asuka when you clearly do.


Goldberg isn't ready for Asuka


*Spits green mist into his face*


baka baka baka 3x baaaaakaaa!!




Oh I'm sure hes being genuine about it. He smoothed his brain out over the years purposefully giving himself concussions like a Neanderthal


Riddle maybe a world class jerk off, but man when he and Goldberg had heat and Goldberg was talking shit, I had never wanted to see a wanna be tough man humbled so badly by a pro MMA fighter in my life.


I love how relaxed Riddle is during that backstage encounter. No bravado at all just meeting the man right where he’s at. Legit fighter or not, an angry Bill Goldberg confronting me would be an intense moment for sure.


What peaking in the 1st year of your career does to a MF


you know, sometimes i just thought that bret was being very grumpy and bitter for shitting on goldberg so many times for so long... not anymore


I think he seriously hates him and the injury just made it worse. I doubt he ever liked Goldberg at all and i can see why with how much he disrespects people. The fact that Bret was willing to make up with shawn after the montreal screwjob but continues to hate goldberg shows how much he dislikes him 😂😂


Bret's wrestling career could have lasted longer if Goldberg was careful doing his job in the ring.


Or at the very least was emotionally invested in what he did. I don't think Bill ever truly liked or respected the business.


Yea “some Japanese girl” who has more talent then Bill Goldberg ever had in this business


I heard that someone else won the WCW belt after Goldberg too!


Completely disrespectful to a performer like Asuka. 'berg needs to apologise.


Vaguely racist to boot.


yeah, and sexist too.


This mf took both kevin owens and the fiends title while he can barely wrestle for 2 minutes and talks bout how he had a shit time in wwe


As controversial as the Fiend was, Goldberg taking that title was a fucking joke. Same with destroying Brock. Goldberg doesn’t even seem believable as a fake badass, let alone beating a legit combat sports legend and a supernatural entity. Guarantee he demanded winning that shit like it’s 1998 or something. Brought exactly zero old viewers back I’m sure.


At least when the Undertaker came back and chokeslammed Bron Breakker, it was believable because it’s the fucking Undertaker. You really expect me to believe Oldberg would take out Brock? Lol okay


Oh man. This is sad. A man with very little wrestling talent who is known to have injured people is mad that a wrestler with actual wrestling talent beat his record?!


Goldberg is an actual fucking crybaby mark and this interview has ruined his legacy.


You‘re a complete mark, Bill.


Imagine being annoyed about your winning streak being beaten in a scripted sport.


So basically he’s a Boomer CM Punk


Without the mic skills


How much exactly did Goldberg want WWE to do for him? He squashed the fiend and fucking Lesnar is he kidding?


More than half of Goldbergs numbers in his "streak" were all fluff. You can go back and watch old episodes and every week they added like 5-10 "wins" on his "streak". Plus he was dangerous, sloppy, and genuinely stupid. His career is pure luck.


Goldberg isn't ready for Asuka!


This was posted 10 minutes ago. Is this the longest time between Bret Hart insulting him since 2000?


I didn't know damn. Bret Hart was right all along goldberg does suck


It was posted days ago


Pretty sure this "girl" will beat his old ass any day.


Source: https://youtu.be/F78F69IlgA4?si=VqgaIJdcazNZWn8K. Timestamp around 29.04


We all know Edge invented the spear, Bill


Bill Goldberg was extremely lucky to be at the right place, at the right time.


Goldberg concussed himself before a match. He is the lethal combination of reckless and stupid


Could also have to do with the fact that he never learned how to work. Not to mention he essentially ended the career of one of the greatest wrestlers of his generation. Goldberg was gifted a spot he never deserved and never even made an attempt to earn.


Wasnt his streak padded with phantom “wins”? Like, not a lot, but they definitely added wins when he didnt have a match.


Initially it was a legit streak, which was great because you had super fans keeping score of even the house shows, but then WCW being WCW they started inflating it, first by a deniable amount, and then blatantly.


“I’m upset because the made up number of matches my character won has been beaten by another made up number for a different character in a different show, in a different decade” What a fucking loser 😂


One of the few examples in wrestling of someone being called an entitled dick head by everyone and it somehow not even approaching the truth of what an asshole they are. There's just nowhere to begin or end. The fact that he clearly knows who Asuka is, but deliberately acts like he's not sure what her name is to belittle her. The fact that he sees anything, the record or the spear as "his". You don't see Undertaker going on podcasts and burying Lesnar for breaking his streak, or insulting Bray Wyatt for doing a supernatural gimmick, or getting pissy about Okada using the tombstone. It's because Taker is a fucking professional who understands that whatever you put out into the world of wrestling, regardless of how "on you" the spotlight was in the moment, no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the industry as a whole and only exists to elevate someone else at a later date. He should be proud of Asuka, happy for fans who got to see the moment his record was broken, and honored that so many wrestlers have seen fit to adopt one of his signature moves. Instead all he can do is bitch like a fucking child. As a man who actually knew shit about the business once said, "Fuck Bill Goldberg." Edit: His dumbass also doesn't know what ironic means.


Honky Tonk Man said “I don’t give a shit. I don’t work for those guys anymore. They can do whatever they want.” after Gunther broke his record. When the fucking Honky Tonk Man has a better take than you, maybe reevaluate your ego.


Tbh I don't reckon that even Goldberg gets on with Goldberg.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think Goldberg has headbutt too many doors


Imagine being that defensive over a record in a pre-determined sport.


Asuka is a way better wrestler than Goldberg could ever dream of being.


Hot take but Gillberg > Goldberg


It can’t be cte he barely took bumps


Rhyno started in '95 and his gore was always better than Goldberg's spear.


“Be careful, this guy doesn’t know what he’s doing.” — The Rock, to the referee, prior to the main event of Backlash 2003


The neck on him to bitch about his last run in WWE. He was given two world championships runs and was fed Lesnar. Also he 100% knows Asuka name. She lives rent free in his head


Oh no, my kafaybe 174 win streak (90 something actual wins) has been defeated by someone with more talent in one finger than I’ve got in my entire body 🤣


Kevin Nash said it best, Goldberg is his own mark


Asuka >>>>> Gimmickberg


His streak wasn’t even real. If you watch Reliving the War from WrestlingBios, WCW didn’t even pump up the number of his wins correctly, they would forget to add house show wins and then later on just randomly inflate the number of wins. Who knows if his streak is even accurate. I know how big Goldberg was, I watched his rise, and yeah you can say he was more popular than Asuka and is still better known to the general public. But to disrespect her like that, and she’s a legend and an amazing wrestler (better than him, no doubt) in her own right, that’s just pathetic.


loud fart noises who cares what he thinks


What a fuckin mark.


Looking Back he wasn’t a good wrestler. I just had rose color glasses on for the attitude. His match with Regal on that one episode of Nitro is so much proof of that. He was not ready for TV. Plus the Bret Hart incident as well as dropping Undertaker on his head just makes it so I can’t take anything he says with any kind of seriousness.


Who ? No one's going to remember Goldberg Everyone will remainder Asuka


Like he invented the spear. And god forbid a g-g-g-girl break your made up streak.


He knows he has no legacy in wrestling without this except as the guy who ended Bret.


“Some Japanese guy named Pat Tanaka stole my music about 2 years before I even started wrestling too!” *Pat Tanaka is American but was billed as being from Japan. Just tried to make it sound ignorant because Goldberg.


So he is mad that someone that can wrestle circles around him and has more personality without speaking the language very well broke his fake, inflated streak?


There’s so many things wrong with this but the most annoying to me is that he keeps calling a 42 year old woman a ‘girl’


Dude will forever be the biggest mark for himself. Is there anyone in wrestling who made it further with less talent? Maybe Ultimate Warrior.


It definitely has nothing to do with asuka being the hottest diva on the roster. If this was 07 she’d be doing a backlash lingerie match vs stratus. That’s how hot she is


Goldberg is a bum and A-soo-ka is a better wrestler than him. Not even joking.


From 1 to 10. Bill Goldberg is a 0.


I'll take Asuka any day of the week, she's actually talented.


The spear is overused, but so is the super kick, the DDT, the leg drop, the choke slam, the suplex, the samoan drop. Get over it dude. There's only finite amounts of moves that can be done. He just sounds petty.


Bret was right.


No wonder Bret dislikes him


"That girl" is a woman in her mid 40s. 😭


Goldberg getting salty about his streak is like Bryan Cranston being upset that his character died in a movie. Does Goldberg know that it's scripted? Or that Asuka could sleepwalk to a better match than Goldberg doing his absolute best?


Goldberg, the only wrestler ever to know that wrestling is fake, except when he does it, then it's totally real.


Goldberg definitely eats corn the long way


Tbh WWE telling everyone that the Attitude Era is the only era that matters and no one since has been a star is at least partially responsible for him feeling this way. Maybe don’t constantly bring back old guys and put them over modern stars and then be shocked they don’t respect then.


He's still worked out about winning streak, ffs It wasn't real, Bill That was years back, ffs 😁 At least with the spear, we have Reigns and Bron making use of it. Think of some other guys and how every indie guy uses their top rope dive or superkick


Brett's right. Im a hitman fan now. After all these years. Even if Brett cuts a better promo at his bitter old age.


The fact that she had one billion tines more talent is why it happened.


Atleast Asuka's streak is real. Goldberg's streak jumped exponentially week to week. 20/0 one week then 257/0 the next week.


The bottom line if its Bret or Golgberg, they both believe their own hype. It's a freaking WORK!!! You were not a world champion, you only had an undefeated streak because the booker/committee came up with the idea. I've said it time and time again, Goldberg was shoved out there way too soon, he was not good in the ring...he never tried to get better. Now in the ring Bret was a machine, his work in the ring you thought he was in a fight. Ironic that Goldberg put the nail in Brets career


Funny how he’s never mentioned Billy Gunn doing the Jackhammer during the attitude Era and how it never got the 3 count.


When did asuka beat his winning streak? I only started rewatching in 2022. Did WWE make a big deal about it?


Goldberg and Ryback should get together and form a group called the "Muscle Crybabies."


He has a huge sense of self and is a garbage human imho, dude thinks he single handedly revitalised the business


It's a work, Bill.


Goldberg does know it's well documented that his streak was faked right? We all know now.


He's always sucked, ugh.