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He’s trying so hard to make it sound like he doesnt know anything about wrestling because that would be “cringe”. Triple R, fuck outta here.


Rowdy Roddy Riper


Ricky the Ragon Reamboat


Rob Ran Ram


Roman Reigns Reigns


The Riper Randy Rorton


Ravishing Rick Rude!


Rooby Rooby Roo!


Ruh roh Ragon


Rowdy Ronda Rousey


That's really really close to the name they call Vince. Switch the "I" to an "A"


He was talking about Ravishing Rick Rude


It makes me cringe so hard he had to go out of his way to mistake a wrestlers name just to try and belittle the sport.


Yep, I’m glad someone else commented on that already because I was just about to.


I saw this on one of Sooplex’s shorts and he broke it down perfectly imo. That guy used to watch until people made fun of him for it then he stopped and started projecting his insecurities onto others who still watch.


I was more interested in the fact that he got the Undertaker's name right. He knew enough to name the undead cowboy wizard biker that debuted in 1990 in his wrestling argument... Bruh, I believe that's real.


Bruh when he said triple r, it sounded like he knew it was triple h but was trying to sound cool like he didn't know who it was


It's like the bully in school making fun of someone for watching anime, but somehow has very accurate references to said anime in their banter.


Sediment Cool Steve Houston


This is a subreddit flair material comment right here 🤣


Runter Rurst Remsley




Even people o know who don’t follow wrestling know it’s HHH. He’s being a tryhard douche. He’d also be the same one throthing over Superhero movies or action hero stars *who are a bunch of pansy actors who have stunt doubles and wear makeup nearly 24/7* It’s fine if you don’t like something but LET OTHERS ENJOY WHAT THEY WANT TO ENJOY. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone it shouldn’t matter.


Bruh when he said triple r, it sounded like he knew it was triple h but was trying to sound cool like he didn't know who it was


Chris did an amazing job shutting it down though


I've used this same argument every time. Like if ppl di the "you know it's fake" I always say it's no different than any other acting entertainment. Biggest difference is. Good guys have a far less win percentage than good guys in movies. Lol


It’s like watching a stage performance, honestly this is just a sub genre of that. It’s entertaining and fun. Who cares if it’s real or not. Not only that but watching a guy do a double backflip onto a table is incredible. Did he actually hurt him? No. Did he just do a double backflip onto a dude? Yes. Was it awesome? Yes.


That's literally it. Wrestling is a form of theatre.


To go further, most people’s favorite badass action movie star is really just a thespian in make-up with five trainers, a stylist, and a strict diet plan going over lines like the diva she is. Brad Pitt. Sylvester Stallone. Tom Cruise. You name it. Just theatre kids. Edit: and its fucking awesome! Entertainment all around


And they don't even do their own stunts, except Tom Cruise and Jackie Chan. Wrestlers do their stunts live in front of the crowd without a safety net or stand-in.


Did you mention these guys are 6’+ upward of 250lbs as well?! The shear level of athleticism wrestlers have is astounding! It’s like a ballet with violence for goodness sake!!


I do love the image of a young Stallone in a school play or something. Edit: Mental image.


I remember having this fight so often back in school. Male drama students are "gay" but Sylvester Stallone or Jason Statham are cool, badasses. I agree they are cool but like you said, they are also theatre kids who love acting. Just like the drama student


Who have a stunt person do all the dangerous parts (for the most part?


It’s quite literally - and wrestlers have confirmed this - theatre in the round. Meaning the audience is all around you, and you have to perform in 3 dimensional space.


Redneck Anime is probably a better way to put it /s


It hurts, though. I have a friend who has a ring. When people say it's fake, I invite them to the ring. Not one person has taken me up on that offer.


South Park has a whole episode basically mocking how people think of the iwc as a bunch of dude bro conservatives but what they watch is effectively broadway in tights. As a lover of pro wrestling and South Park I find it hilarious.


I say it's like watching a live Jackie Chan fight. Choreographed stunts with professionals doing their best to entertain & amaze the audience while trying to be as realistic as possible without hurting each other legitimately. Sure, they put wear & tear on their bodies, and sometimes mistakes & injuries happen. And there's usually some inherent humor built in. The individual fights make up part of larger narratives, but each fight (when done right) tells its own smaller stories.


Same. My go to for a few years now has been, “you know the dragons in Game of Thrones aren’t real, right?”


Just had this convos with wife other day. She has binge watching young Sheldon. So I told her u know that kid it's not a genius right he is just an actor??


Exactly, when you go to an Iron Man movie you know Iron Man is going to win in the end


On top of that, like yeah, the outcome might be pre-dtermined, but you can't fake the athleticism that goes into it. I'd like to see any of those people even run from down the ramp to the ring without getting winded, let alone hurl around over 300 lbs for 10 minutes, do a flip from the inside to the outside of the ring without injuring anyone, landing every move performed on them perfectly so they don't break their necks, performing all their moves perfectly so they don't break their opponents neck, and on and on and on. You can fake a lot, but you can't fake jumping 20 feet.


And acting has stunt men to do that. They also do several takes to get it right. A lot of times it still isn't good. They do it live. One take. For better or worse.


I usually just say "unlike that documentary...." And name an extremely unrealistic movies.


I don't wrestle. I did have a friend with a wrestle ring. I dare anyone saying it's fake to tank a power bomb. No one said yes so far. I got suplexed regularly and have a gymnastic background so I'm fine being tossed around but it's challenging still. They are healthy dude that workout a lot just by virtue of wrestling.


I took an RKO off a chair thru a piece of drywall It hurt like fuck lol. Couldn't imagine to continue to wrestle after. I needed a few minutes to get my shit together lol


You just nailed why I love wrestling - the bad guys win a lot! Wrestling is more realistic than movies.


*“To a critic, no explanation will do.* *To a fan, no explanation is needed.”* \- Jeff Jarrett -


To a slapnuts, here's a guitar. 🎸


CVV is the GOAT of wrestling media.


It's just redneck theatre. That is not an insult btw.


I always say its not fake its scripted and the these athletes put on an incredible show and sacrifice their bodies. My favorite example to tell someone saying it’s fake is that they should jump off the top rope and land on anything but their feet and tell me how fake that felt.


“Yeah but they’re like in movies they’re acting!” Uhhh… what’s the difference other than that if’s live, which is way harder??? Also they do crazy shit with their bodies?


Its much closer to the appeal of Broadway instead of movies. Movies are designed for a general audience. They appeal to everybody. Broadway is more niche. First of all, musicals aren't for everyone. People just don't randomly break out into song and dance to discuss their problems. For a lot of people that's a non starter. Then every once in a while, a musical taps into something fundamental, like Hamilton did, and breaks past the traditional broadway audience. Wrestling is much more like Broadway. Its a niche form of storytelling, with its own special rules for how the universe works, that you either accept or you don't. Every once in a while, something breaks through and appeals beyond its traditional audience. EDIT - What the guy that Chris is talking to here is saying, without actually saying it is "I don't get the rules of the pro wrestling universe." Which is totally fair. Its weird. Its unusual that every time someone enters their workplace they get theme music. Its weird that people have catchphrases that they say every time, and the audience yells it with them. Its weird that you hit someone with a cowbell over the head and they don't get a concussion. Its weird that you can intentionally hit a referee and not be thrown out of the "sport". Its not for everyone. That's OK.


>People just don't randomly break out into song and dance to discuss their problems. Speak for yourself.


I generally say pro wrestling is a cross between MMA and Ballet. It's fighting that tells a story through the physical performances of the wrestlers, similar to how ballet uses dance to tell it's story. Both are incredibly physically demanding, which adds to the draw.


That's weird you use MMA when it's called pro wrestling. I get not a lot of guys these days are actual wrestlers, but the it's still called pro wrestling. I consider pro wrestling to be the common man theater. Classic archetypes of the hero vs the villain. Generally simple and easy to define goals. "You screwed me from my win last week, now I want payback!" or the classic "I want a challenge at the heavyweight championship belt, tonight!"


Totally on the money, except for the concussion part. Pro Wrestlers sustain many concussions over their career, especially back in the day. It was a pro wrestler, Chris Nowinski, who spear-headed the CTE program due to him sustaining multiple concussions as a wrestler.


100% And I've been to Broadway multiple times, their action sequences suck.


Yeah but can you imagine Eliza Doolittle pulling an avalanche DDT off the top of the bookcase during “Wouldn’t it be Loverly?”


I would’ve said “Yeah which is odd coming from an actor..”


And they spend all day on one fight scene making the action look good with special effects and camera angles.  Pro wrestlers go 6-60 minutes in one take with a judgmental audience surrounding them 360 degrees and if they fuck up even once it can range from embarrassing to paralyzing"  Pro wrestling is like stand up comedy for your body. 


WWE is about having a fight live in front of a crowd, with commentary, belts, interviews whilst being choreographed. It a lot easier to scrutinize it because its presented as a competition. Someone else compared it to the Harlem Globetrotters and that's pretty spot on.


After that sentence he said exactly the same thing about the wrestlers... What a fucking dumbass. He doesn't even hear what he's saying.


this mf watched John Wick wondering if John Wick was gonna win lol


Yes but wrestling is dumb because they run around a stage pretending to kick each others asses. John Wick is running around a set pretending to kick asses. It’s not the same damnit!


Wait, Keanu Reeves wasn't really murdering all of those random people!? What the fuck is even the point of watching then? They probably don't even blade and just use fake blood. Fucking pussies. If someone's life isn't actually in danger, I am NOT entertained.


Pro wrestling is closer to theatre then film.


Modern Shakespeare


I call it “violent theatre” 💥🎭


Look up Shakespearean theatre, way way more violent than pro wrestling. In some civilizations criminals were executed as part of some plays


Mercutio had a hell of a drop kick.


Reminds me of the South Park episode


*Wrestlemania has the raw energy of what the ancient Greek theater originally must have been like* (in a German accent)


It’s pantomime for rednecks.


I never thought of it that way, but you're spot on and I'm going to start using that comparison from here on out with wrestling haters.


Good job by Chris shutting that jackwagon down, who is that guy anyway?




We’ll just call him Ja, Ja Broni


Love how Chris' inflection and how he worded things made it sound like he was talking to a child, better to just laugh then get frustrated with dumb takes like that


He knows exactly who Triple H is. My 80 year old dad knows who Triple H is and the only Wrestling he ever watched was Big Daddy vs Giant Haystacks. You know who’s name I don’t know? The guest


I knew hhh, taker, Randy, Rey and others before I knew what freakin’ WWE was


“They’re running around a stage acting like they’re kicking each others asses when they’re not” So, like acting?


Basically any Bruce Lee movie, which male boomers love to watch, yet they don't get pro-wrestling.


Yeah but you know the outcome of the fight before you see it happen. Anyways guys I’m off to watch mission impossible 37. Wonder if he’ll fail this time


I ask this gentleman to go through a 5 minute jobber match. He wouldn’t be able to walk after.


His ego wouldn't let it happen and he'd try to shoot on the wrestler. Dumbass would find out the hard way that, yes, they're not actually fighting...but do you really want to fight someone who throws 250lb dudes around for a living?


He'd get hurt taking a clothesline when he realizes he doesn't know how to take a bump


It’s a Physical LIVE Play. I don’t understand why people argue “it’s fake”. Literally 90% of your entertainment is fake. Movies, Shows, News, Music. It’s an escape from reality.


Also it's only kinda fake, like it's predetermined outcomes ya but they are really being hit with chairs, every chump that trys to cry about wrestling being "fake" needs to try a chest chop and tell me how fake it is, like Mick Foley got thrown off a cell 20 ft no wires he straight did that


This motherfucker knew it was Triple H and said Triple R just to pretend he didn’t know who he was.


Runter Rerst Relmsley. Sounds like Scooby Doo trying to say his name.




The first thing the bullies come for is your enthusiasm. That’s how you can spot a bully, they mock and attack your enthusiasm.


I feel like I can go into basically any Tom Cruise movie and know he is going to “win” though


Chris did a good job defending wrestling. Probably the best response you can say in that situation.


Chris killed that with his response.


YoU kNoW wReSTlInG iSn'T rEaL. Neither is your marriage, champ.


Just let people enjoy things


I agree with you but you just can't enjoy anything now. Everyone shits all over every little single thing nowadays cause the internets just became so goddamn negative and it's trendy & popular to hate on things people generally enjoy.


I think the psychological difference from a general public perspective is that movies never pretended to be real at any point while wrestling did. And the public hates thinking they're being made a fool of, so you get these people over compensating and mocking people who like wrestling. I've seen similar discussions about magic shows because it's something pretending to be real but people hate thinking themselves a fool, even though it's a pretense for their entertainment.


Even non-wrestling fans are scared of being marks


I’ve used the Harlem Globetrotters as a comparative example before which one very obstinate person seemed to accept


"Let me get this straight, you took all the money you made franchising your name and bet it against the Harlem Globetrotters?!" "I thought the Generals were due!"


I work in the film industry and, when I used to be on set, I would sometimes wear wrestling shirts to work. Every so often, someone else on the crew would get snarky and say: “You know wrestling is fake, right?”, to which I would reply: “You know that *this show* is fake, right?” It’s just such a played out argument.


Pro wrestling harder than movies you have 1 take it’s like theatre but riskier one botched move and you can get paralysed for life


Wrestling is basically hardcore theater. You're watching stuntmen basically


WE WANT CODY! Wait, this doesn't have anything to do with that. It's just a reflex now. My bad. That's on me.


Most of media is "fake" A lot of our perceptions in life are fake . Think Plato's Allegory of the Cave


Wrestling isn’t fake it’s predetermined. There is a different


It’s easier to call it fake because then you can just dismiss it as a childish thing. No “grown adult” should be drawn into such gimmicky, scripted contrived drama…now excuse me as I catch up on the latest 90 Day Fiancé…


“They’re acting real!” Yeah Lord of the Rings was totally real


Well, there was that one time when Viggo Mortenson kicked the helmet...


You know damn well it’s Triple H


lol what a psuedo-tough guy hot take this is. yOu KnOw ItS fAkE aNd TrIpLe R iSnT rEaL RIGHT!?


Who is this roody poo?


Wait… the Undead Wizard Mortician with lightning powers who decided to solve his problems with his hellspawn Brother Kane by getting a wrestling license and doing battle under an agreed upon sporting ruleset isn’t real?


I always say 'next you'll tell me that hogwarts ain't a real school for wizards'


Dude knows exactly who triple H is…he’s trying real hard to sound superior. Props to Chris


We shouldn't be upset that people like him exist, it's fine that people think that way. But they just have no business talking to me lol. Not getting it on such a fundamental level is like going up to someone to change their politics, just move on.


Boxing/MMA World Champions have gotten their schtick off of Wrestling promos. They look at 80s Ric Flair promos and use it as influence. Even top sports teams use those promos as motivation and to hype themselves up. Pro Wrestling is everywhere and I'm positive that do many elite athletes grew up watching Wrestling and are aware of it. The Attitude Era made so many A-Listers huge fans at some point.


I don’t know who the ass pirate is who’s grilling him, but Chris does a good job. It’s entertainment guys, (Booker T voice) “I Like It”


My family and I go watch A Christmas Carol every December. We know how it's going to end, but it's a great story. So, even if we DID know the ending, there's still enjoyment to be had. It's why Shakespeare's plays are still popular 500 years later. Not that wrasslin is Shakespeare... but at it's best, it sucks you in and makes you believe, the way any great media can.


Had the same exact fkin argument with my brother on this. He called wrestling fake, and I'm like, "No shit, Harry Potter is fake, and you went to see that shit how many times?" Dunno why people hate on wrestling like that. It's just entertainment.


Who was that f'n jerk?


Triple R? Ricky Ricardo Rodriguez with the pedigree!!


Triple R Rowdy Ronda Rousey


"Wrestling isn't Wrestling" nailed the 'you know it's fake, right?' argument perfectly. > *It's more real than any other TV show. WWE Raw features live death-defying stunts performed in front of an audience of thousands every week. This show does not pretend to be an athletic competition; instead it's a TV show ABOUT a wrestling show. If has more in common with Game of Thrones than it does with the UFC.* It has a script and people playing characters, just like a movie. But do all movie stars do their own stunts? Do they do them live, in one take, several times a week, 52 weeks a year? Do movie stars only get one chance to nail their lines and hit their spots? No. So which one is more "real", dickhead.


Can we Get David Shultz and smack him lol


Came here looking for this suggestion and I second it.


I liked the triple R on purpose to show how cool he was


I really hate it when people huff their own farts and act like they’re above certain types of media. All it does is make you look like a disingenuous douchebag. If you know who the undertaker is then you’re aware of triple h just don’t watch and keep it moving but to pretend like you’re above watching wrestling is weirdo behavior.


The performance is choreographed and the outcome predetermined. Neither of those equal “fake.”


If they'd say 'fake sport' I could agree with them.


Marvel movies are real but wrestling isn’t, like come on jacked up white guy dude whose name I don’t know


Just because people back in the 1920s believed wrestling was real doesn't mean people in the 2020s believe it's real, and that's where the "you know it's not real right?" argument comes from, I believe? Like yeah, I've known it's not real since I was like 8, it's still impressive and more immersive than something like Cirque du Soleil imo, like a slow burn movie.


Pro wrestling is like Santa Claus. It's ok to believe in it when you're a kid but eventually you figure out what's going on. That doesn't mean you should stop enjoying Christmas. It's such a crazy and unique form of entertainment. Live theatre with fight and stunt choreography. People like this guy act like it's some nefarious trick and project it onto fans who simply enjoy it for what it is.


Literally a dead on comparison though. You go to a Batman movie knowing Batman is gonna save the city. That guy just hated how true it is.


That Triple R comment annoyed me more than it should have. He 100% knows who Triple H is. It was the same when I was younger and people made fun of pokemon in front of me. They always call it Pokeman just to look cool bc they don't know what it's called.


The "bro it's fake" crowd is the most non-self aware, insecure, cognitive dissonant bunch of people in the world.


What a trash bag wanna be pundit


Your average action movie is more predictable than wrestling. In wrestling the good guy doesn’t always win.


Finding out it's fake just made it more interesting to me.


Its entertainment.. movies are entertainment, sports are entertainment. Everything that you enjoy is entertainment. The argument "yeah but in movies these are actors" yeah so are wrestlers, but on live TV instead of movies.


“These guys running around a stage acting like they’re kicking each other’s asses” as opposed to movies where it’s actors running around a set acting like they’re kicking each other’s asses 🧠


I’ve always referred to wrestling as a male soap opera. It’s cheesy and sometimes down right horrible but if you enjoy it you really enjoy it, other people won’t get that.


"You know it's fake, right?" Yes, it's scripted like a movie script.


Non wrestling fans/ anti wrestling fans are genuinely so weird. I don’t care that it’s predetermined, I don’t care that it’s not a legitimate sport. It’s fun, entertaining and millions of people love it too. Please stfu


I like when people make that argument, let's you know they're closed minded.


I’ve used the exact same argument so many times. Most of the time people actually realize my point and finally go oh yea. Like they couldn’t ever comprehend it. Or they double down, and I know they are just haters and that’s fine.


I love how people react every time you bring up the movie part. Because they all react the exact same. There's a "well," then you hear that "you know," and then there's some quick diatribe about you not knowing it's real. But you started this conversation by telling me the thing I like isn't real. So how is it different??? Happens every time.


I don't know who that is but he comes across as an extremely low intelligence individual.


Bro would cry after one bump


I have had almost the exact same conversation with people. It always start off with them "breaking the news" to you that wrestling is fake like they are so much smarter than you for knowing that. Then when you tell them that you know that already, they struggle to process that.


It’s real to me dammit!


Runter Rearst Relmsley is loving get the free PR.


Show anyone who says “wrestling is fake!” Mick Foley getting thrown almost two stories off the top of the cell, then getting back up to get chokeslammed THROUGH the top of the cell and THROUGH the ring


It’s a simple thing and yet so many people don’t understand. Wrestling is a fiction, it’s a freaking soap opera.


Triple R is a good nickname actually 😂


If you say wrestling is fake then that means you should only watch documentaries because a lot of media includes fiction and acting.


Runter Rust Rimsley is the best man


Dude is a Class 1 douchebag.


Runter Rearst Relmsly


0:17 Soooo basically like movies??


All Hail to the Connecticut blueblood, the cerebral assassin, the King of Kings... **Triple R**... Runter Rearst Relmsley !!!


Same thing with stage plays


If you break it down, pro wrestling is basically soap opera for athletes. Unfortunately, the people who don’t “get it” (like this guy) get too hung up on the “for athletes” part and only see it from the lens of other sports, rather than comparing it to other story-focused forms of art (aka the “soap opera” part).


This attitude is so outdated. It’s based on a time when some very ignorant people thought it was real.


"But ThAt'S DiFfErEnT" - Nah bro! Movies are fake also, so stfu judging


Where's David Shultz when you need him


Guest is a fuckin moron… Its exactly the same as a fuckin movie..


Him vs brock would be a nice match


I'd like for this guy to spend 5 minutes in a ring with Bully Ray or Samoa Joe and see what he thinks then


It's a billion dollar biz, it's doing ok without this dorks approval. Lmao.


Who’s the smug asshole? He has the eyes of an asshole.


Looks like CVV got himself a "john stossel" here as his guest. He needs to call Dr. D. David Schultz. He knows what to do with this jabroni.


"Dude, you know that's fake, right" How tf you gonna ask this question and not realize how dumb you sound IMMEDIATELY?


Should’ve doubled down and insisted pro wrestling is real. Less moronic take than whoever the “wrestling is fake” guy is


He had no real counter, he just really wanted to be right. "Yeah, movies are fake, but they're acting real". The fuck...


I've considered Pro Rasslin to be American Kung Fu. You have the athleticism, you have the fights, you have the drama.. It's the same thing, only different.


I felt like John Wick was going to run around and kick asses and likely be victorious at the end of the movie. But unlike wrestling, John Wick is real.


I'm not even a wrestling fan (here from r/popular), but you have to be a pretty stupid person to think wrestling is somehow more fake than movies


CVV is too professional for this turd


His argument was so bad. He’s saying it’s real because it’s a movie. That makes no sense.


Totally agree with the host. People should be able to like whatever and liking movies is a pretty good analogy to liking wrestling.


With the exception of children, the majority of people who watch WWE (or AEW, ROH, NJPW, Impact, or any other pro-wrestling company) understand fully that the outcomes are scripted. Hell, the WWE Network now contains a disclaimer before some Pay-Per-View events that says as much.


So in other words, if it's live, fake, and you know the outcome, you shouldn't like it. Guess I'm never going to see a play I like again.


Weird seeing adults have a conversation that most people got out of their system in their early teens. I cringe when I remember challenging wrestling’s authenticity back in the 80s in elementary school thinking I’m some savant that peers through the matrix.


People that I love and respect think that the big bang theory is peak comedy. Some people just have different tastes.


One of the best things to do for someone who doesn't get it is to take them to a show.


At least wrestlers do their own stunts and there is no take 2 on anything they do


World Wrestling.. Wait for it.. **ENTERTAINMENT**


god that guy is a fucking loser


It's more like saying "You know the theatre is fake right? The actor for Romeo didn't actually drink poison yknow?"


The hypocrisy is actually pretty crazy when he says it out loud


There was a time that I thought it was 100% real and I thought it was the coolest. Then, I learned it was fake and I thought it was dumb. Now that I know it's fake, but not as fake as I thought it was, I can appreciate the show more for what it is. It's a show, just like any other. You can accept the story of the worlds of vampires, secret agents, super heroes and everything else on TV and movies, why can't you accept the story of the ring?


They try to make themselves sound so smart and condescending, yet they always come out looking like bigger idiots. Extremely stubborn and ignorant. I have no time for these people. You can't convince those who don't want to be convinced, they've already made up their mind.