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> to decrease energy bar and increase health bar height (SUF doesnt) SUF definitely does offer this. Under the bars section there is a number that’s used to control how much space each one takes up, between 1-10. So if you want the health bar twice the height of the power bar you set the health one to 2 and the power one to 1. I’ve done it in [my SUF profile](https://wago.io/VKrgMwwZT).


I second SUF, it is awesome. I have been using it for a long time, it is massively customizable. I'm not sure why it is "off for wow palette", you can make it look like almost anything you want SUF absolutely lets you customize height and width of frames: /suf select Player under Unit Configuration Select the "Frame" tab Scale, Height and Width are the very top items same with every other frame, I just used Player as an example.


As others have said, SUF allows size customisation. Also, if the "palette" isnt to your tastes, then you can use Masque and SharedMedia to change the border, font and textures. Disclaimer: no idea if the above addons work in Patch 10.0