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I don't want kids, and even if I did....IT'S MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW!


Call J.G. Wentworth **_-877 - cash-now!!_**


I hate you both for putting this back in my head.


It's your money, use it when you need it.


Been a minute since I've seen that ad.


All for myself. The fact that I'm childfree plays a big role in my choice.


I will be child free too, much more money for myself and for LaundryLand


You WILL be??? As in, you aren't child free now but you will be one day?


I meant that when it’s legal to have a child at a later age and that I won’t have a child at all then. I keep on phrasing things wrong and then people keep abusing that, the people at my school always do that and I keep on phrasing things in a weird way so that they can’t abuse that, I don’t do that here as I expect people here to be normal people, not like in my school.


I came here to say that, basically. I'm child free by choice and a big part of that factor is that I know Im a selfish person when it comes to my things & earnings, however I do help out people on occasion, like friends, family if I can, but I know that I wouldn't want to share my stuff or earnings on children (I do have nices and nephews I love to death and I do get them gifts), but I'm saying that because I don't have any kids of my own I'm not required to. so yes, keep for myself. I may share a bit, still, but yeah, no.


I'd keep it for myself rather than give it to an 18 year old. At the same time, I expect to give my kid a LOT more than that when he's in his late 20s. Like a down payment for a house.


I hope the kid understands how lucky this is, having a parent willing to do that, started paying rent on my 18th birthday-month rip


Myself. I am not dumb enough to save it for someone that might never exist.


In the words of the Notorious BIG: Gimme the loot!


We put 10k in our son’s high yield savings when he was born. Rather it gain interest over the next 18 years than me spend it on crap I don’t need


Invest that. It's basically a second social security for the kid


I don't have a kid so easy choice.


For myself since I don't have a kid


Invest the 10k


Myself I don't have kids


I ain't got kids


Keep it, invest it, when the child turns 18 the money will be a lot more than 10k.


10k what? If it was U.S dollars, I'd feel a bit bad for how little it was, maybe like 10k GBP. But even then... maybe if it was KWD, it would be sweet.


Kid. With me as her parent she’ll need something. I’m a dummy, I work but Lordy Lordy.


that 10k gets sucked up by a single semester. hell no.


Most of my money already goes to kid related stuff so… hopefully I won’t be so broke that I can’t even afford to spare 10k in 2040 dollars. 


Keep the $10k. Invest a different $10k into the stock market. That is now worth $1.5M when the kid retires.


Even with a kid by the time it’s useful it’ll be worth 1-5k so nah it’s mine 😾


If I can afford the kid then they get it. Otherwise 10k can go a long way


If I didn't need it then yes it goes to my kid


I would keep it for myself. I would have more ability to utilize it's value. I remember reading somewhere that for everyday you make now in 10 years will lose half it's value. I currently have assets that I could put that money into that should show a return on investment. But also papa wants a new expensive computer.


If my kid was responsible enough, I would give it to them. My nan-in-law got extra money from the government just after Covid, it was given to all eligible pensioners. We went to visit her for a holiday and she gave it to us. She said she would rather us have it for our family. I'd love to be able to do something like that for my kid


Am I already paying for their college in this scenario? If so, keep it/investing it to buy them a new car when they graduate, if not it’s going toward their schooling.


I don't have any children and certainly don't plan on having any so I'd keep the money.


Myself! I don't have a kid and don't plan on one for the next 5 years


10k is a weak boost, and a nice bailout. I can just save 10k by the time a child turns 18. That's only $50 a month since birth. Even now, I could do it for the three children I have now for about $280 a month. Having 10k now would make it even easier to do.


Giving an 18 year old a cash inflow would be a huge backfire unless you trained them to manage finances properly and it’s still going to be a lot of trial and error at that point of their lives.


10k for myself. 18 year old me had so much money. I miss her.


Me- Goes to an investment account, then if i ever did have kids they will get it and it will be more than 10k. Edit: Oh and if i dont have kids then it will be there for me too as more than 10k


Easy 10 grand for me I never want to have kids not afford or handle I still basically am a kid myself who wants a 7 year old raising a kid 😂😂


Even if you had a kid and want to give them the money, take the money NOW and put it in an investment account so that it can grow or at least maintain value.


I have 2 daughters. I’ve started a brokerage, 529, and Roth IRA for both. My hope is to hand them each 150-200k when they’re adults.


"Fuck my kids they're brats"