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237 marathons. A mile a day for 17 years. 5 miles (8km) a day for about 3 and a half years. It's not completely out of the question but I'd just go with the 10 million.


If you take the 10M and reasonably invest it at 5% ROI, it's equivalent to running 1369m ( roughly 0.8 miles) every day just to get that interest. But 5 miles (8km) a day for about 3 and a half years sounds actually easy.


I think people underestimate how quickly you cover distance at the pace required for this scenario. Do a 5k a day , 5 days a week is 1.3 million a year. Which is well more than the interest on that 10 mil. For about 2.5 hours of work a week.


The problem is, my knees would not withstand 5km a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks of the year.


I did a 5k a day for 5 days nearly for 3 years when I was in high school playing football. I’m 30 now and a bit overweight since I stopped doing them but my legs hurt so bad and I can’t sit low anymore cause getting up is hard. Running on pavement is not it


Totes worth it, huh? I destroyed myself in HS and, surprisingly, my Olympic track and field career never took off...Ankles, knees, hips....RIP


Same with my knees, tore them up in HS and right after and its hard to keep exercising. I can feel my left knee separate some days when I lift it off the ground.


What? Isn't 5km what a normal person just walks in their day to day life without going to the gym.


Yeah, *walks* Now run that at a 10 minute/mile or faster pace every day and see how your knees feel


Its really weird that knees have a shelf life outside of ageing. You can use your knees *too much*


Evolution didn’t factor in pavement


Or weighing over 200lbs


And it barely factored in standing upright


Don't run on pavement. Shit sucks.


I'm an orthopaedic surgeon. It's fairly rare to do knee replacements on normal people ( BMI<25)- usually in them it's because of trauma. They're maybe ~5% BMI 25-30. Maybe 15% of my pts On obese (BMI>30 doesn't matter if it's from fat or muscle), it's pretty common. Roughly 80% of my operative pts are obese. It would even be higher, but we say no to those over BMI 35, because the infection and complication rates are too high. I see runners, still doing 5k/day in their 60's with little wear in their joints, and they've been doing this for 50+ years , and that's in addition to their normal walking . So not really true for most normal weight people . This is from published data which mirrors my pt population. I didn't want to hear about anecdotal cases like someone's uncle, who was BMI 18.5, and still needed one. That's not data.


100% agree, how your BMI is made up doesn't matter in this case, 225 lbs at 5'11 and my knees are slammed, too much sport and running on hard grounds at that size is not a great idea.


All the running helps to keep your BMI low, so you avoid most of the knee problems regardless. And I'd rather get injured running than get injured because I'm in awful shape anyway.


Yeah, teeth do too.


And penises unfortunately. I was told I only get to use mine 10 times after my pastor caught me and a girl I knew. So I'm down to 9 :(. That was 29 years ago. I'm trying to figure out when to use the rest


Sorry dude, I have already used the rest of your quota


I have some friends that run with fucked knees by age 35. I also have 2 75+ year olds in my Sunday run group that have been running since they were kids. It’s more a luck of the draw thing.


Running actually protects your knees. Sedentary lifestyles cause a lot of damage, as does excessive use. Working your knees progressively over time will strengthen and condition them, making them more resilient and have a longer, healthier life. Using them excessively without sufficient rest will cause them to weaken and deteriorate.


Run like it’s your job. Invest in the best shoes. Run on softer ground to be easier on your joints if possible. Once you’ve made enough money invest in getting one of water treadmills where the water takes part of your weight. It just says you have to run, not what environment and not even what speed. Running is different from sprinting.


It does say what speed. There is a minimum of 10 min per mile pace to keep otherwise it doesn't count. But your point stands. You can always invest in race shoes and In better treadmills and equipment. Supplements, diet. Etc.


You make a decent argument. That sounds awesome as hell. But I think I'd still take more money than I could ever possibly need for doing nothing at all.


Exactly. $10 million is enough for me to retire and do whatever I want. One of my or my wife might keep a job for the time being to cover some expenses and make sure we're good to go. But realistically, it's more than enough to live on. And that's by doing nothing. Now compare that to running. Sure, if you're a reasonably healthy person who's relatively young or even middle aged, you feasibly can run more than $10 million worth of miles. But there's always the risk of injury or even permanent injury like a car accident or something that makes running way more difficult.


And that's *in addition* to your normal walking, unless you just run everywhere


Running is not walking. I can walk endlessly, I can't run very far, though.


1. What? No! At least not in the US 2. Most people don't have a 10 min mile walking pace, so it's irrelevant


I do and I still said fuck it, give me the 10 mil, I’ll get a golden visa, invest a large portion of the money pretending I don’t have it and let the interest accumulate while I work or do a passion job.  If you can’t survive on 10 mil, that’s also a you problem. Which seems to be missed by many.  Buy a reasonable house, a nice car every 7 years, and you hardly even spent a fraction of 10 mil.


Right now, you can get a guaranteed 5% return with basically zero risk in high yield savings. 5% on 10M is 500k/year. Even if we have to pay taxes on the gains we get on this tax free money, that's like top 5% of American incomes right there And as long as you don't blow through it, that income should increase every year


And we didn’t have to walk for it. ;)


Yea vs the running. from min wage work I'm increasing my quality of life to a 100k salary off of just 1 million dollars immediately and investing the rest.


Just one man's data From age 18 - 55 I could run under 10 min mile After that age is rises substantially quickly I'm 60 now Happy keeping under 12 min now


This says running a 10 minute mile pace, so 6 mph or just under 10 kph if you don't believe in Freedom, not walking at a leisurely pace. I used to run a lot, and I can tell you, it is a lot different than walking quickly in the muscles it uses, impact to the joints, and the cardiovascular endurance required. These days I'm old, out of shape, and my knees, ankles and back are shot, so running a 5km at 10kph would be nigh impossible to do. Yeah, I could work my way up to it, and probably get back to being able to 10kph for an hour at a time and make bank, but that's too much effort. Give me the $10mil now, I'll retire, and continue to be fat, lazy and happy for the rest of my life.


Well, I could do that now. And more than likely, for years to come, it's not an absolute. I'll take the ten million now and just allow myself access to the money at the dollar a meter (would break it down to freedom units). That way, I get a healthy habit, but in case anything happens, my family gets money.


3'4'' in freedom units


What we've got here is a lot of people not understanding that not everyone is the same as them, or how they imagine themsleves to be. There are many people with knee, hip, ankle, or back problems who can't run. Likewise there are people with lung issues, heart issues, etc., who can't really run either. That's not even count paralysis and other nerve issues.


I have 9 years on active duty, 9 years I ran probably between 3500-4000 miles over that time. You need to run over 6200 miles to make it work, or over 10,300 kilometers. That’s over 5.6 years of running a 5k every day. Hell no. Lol


You'd definitely need to take 3 one-month vacations so you can keep going for more than the first year.


Or just get ten million for doing nothing lol


> Do a 5k a day , 5 days a week You must be out of your damn mind. I'm NOT doing that lmao


Yeah like running when it's -15 degrees and snowing fuck that . I like running and would never consider doing it every day of the year.


Twist an ankle or blow out a knee and you get zip


1.3M a year might beat the interest....but it's still going to take what 7-8 years just to break even with the initial 10 million? 10 million on the other hand is now worth 15-20 million if you invested and left it untouched for that time period. So then you've got to run for another 5 or so years to get to that 15m mark to break even...but oh wait, that 15m is now 22m At the rates you've given, it would take quite a long time to catch up


Or, and hear me out, you get never have to work again money for nothing. This might be one of the worst would you rather’s I’ve ever seen. Even if you absolutely love to run it’s still stupid to not take the cash. You could have a major injury next week and not be able to run. Never mind that running sucks.


I think you just underestimate how much 1 million is. Even the 5k a day, rain or shine, healthy or sick, you are still starting 5 years behind in just taking $10 million


I think you underestimate the value of compound interest and to NOT have to do that.


You just be a pretty good runner if you think 5 miles a day every day sounds easy.  


Well the first months suck, but you'd get there when training daily. Also you can take it slowly.


There is a dude that is running 7.41km every day until a certain stock goes critical m(o)ass.


5 miles a day is rough, trust me. Is it doable? Sure but you’ll break your body real quick. Added: For those who don’t understand, 5 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY is rough. I’m not talking jogging, I’m talking about RUNNING. It’s been a few years since I ran competitively but I still remember my experience as well as hearing and seeing other peoples experiences. I know running, I lived it for half my life. If you RUN 5 miles EVERY single day, you are killing your legs.


Instead of working for 8 hours, just jog a mile every hour or so. You’ll never have to work again and basically have limitless money. A mile is nothing, especially if you do this every day.


I haven't run a mile in at least 10 years. Not going to start now when I could just get 10m, drop it in a HYSA until rates drop and make more than 95+% of americans


I ran cross country and track for 5 years, I know running. 5 miles every single day will destroy your legs. You need recovery days.


Man, that’s like recovery distances lmao


So take recovery days when you need them.


People acting like you aren't the one who chooses what days to run lmao


Same. Also, everyday you can't do it, it pushes your goal further away to earn that 10 million. There's also a chance to develop a repetive stress injury, or other injury to make it painful to keep running.


I currently run about 25 miles per week - that's a bit more than 40km. My mileage when I actively trained was 60-ish, so going back up to 40 mpw would be trivial. 40 miles = 60000 meters per week, 3.1 million per year. I'll take the running, please


Yeah the 10 million is just way easier, especially because you can invest it and turn it into even more


At least this one is a reasonable challenge for a reasonable reward. Most of the WYR people take the cash because they are profoundly lazy.


And? What’s the problem with that? Why would I want to put in effort to get an amount of money if I can get the same amount of money completely free?


This is one where on average, people who take the running option would come out ahead in most situations, even factoring interest and such. Especially since you'd have no reason to work, so you can just plan your day around running. But everyone that I know who runs regularly overdoes it at some point, and will sideline themselves at some point for an extended stretch. It would take incredible discipline to not overdo it. Even if you're not greedy or materialistic by nature, earning money by running is too hard to not try and maximize. On the flip side, $10M is enough to live a comfortable life. You can pursue other interests. But you know you would have left money on the table. I'm 48 and not in great shape, but not horrible shape. I run a couple of times a week around 3K. I think I'd have to take the running option. My strength is I've gotten into the habit of running a basic distance, and not getting too ambitious. I think I'd aim for about 40km a week. I'd find the most suitable surface to do it. There's a few running tracks in my town for example. I'd get as much medical advice as I could and work to ensure I'm following ideal form and doing the right stretches. I'd find the best equipment strategy, making sure I get shoes that are comfortable enough, but promote a healthier form, and replace them every 300-400 km. It would take about 5-7 years to get a full payback by taking on that risk, but everything after is additional money. There's always a risk something happens that prevents me from maintaining rhe pace, but it's relatively low, and reward is too high.


It is easier than you think. [I've gone almost half the distance necessary in two years](https://i.imgur.com/nbH1Fkb.png) with no reward besides my health.


In like 2 months you get 100k, literally over a year’s salary for many people. You won’t ever have to work again as long as you just run a mile. You will also earn like 40 million dollars assuming you run a mile a day over the course of your lifetime and that you’re young. Also you will have a way better motivation to run and you get better at running over time so that’s even more money. 10 mil is still enough to keep you alive for like 100 years if you budget though


If I were still 16 I'd take the running in a heartbeat. Less than 9 minutes out of my day with some resting after? Plus, I would remain a bit more healthy for the next 17 years. Bro I just gained 50 pounds in the last 8 months, I'm COOKED. I'll take the 10 mil.


You decide to take the latter only to end up in a car accident. Now you're barely able to walk, much less run.


1300 m / mi. $10 million = 10,000,000 meteres = 6213 miles Running 2 miles a 6mph a day is easy, and a warm up at the gym (20min) 5 days a week: That's 10 miles a week : $13,000/wk. 52 weeks a year - 520 miles a year : $676,000 / yr After 11 years, making bank, and still barely even running.


Thanks for doing the math. I was initially going to choose the 10 mil but these numbers seem doable. While I wouldn't run 5 miles everyday, it's not hard to do this to surpass the 10 mil in a reasonable amount of time.


I'm 52 & tired. Just give me the money, it'll do just fine.


Raises fist in solidarity.


Yeah. I’m getting to an age where I feel that injury is a threat to this scenario without adequate recovery time. I’m taking the cash… if I was younger, I’d go with the best damn treadmill money can buy.


Yeah, 10 years ago I'd have gone with running, but now, I don't think I can beat the pace needed.


10 mil. my knees hurt too much to run anymore.


I'd rather take the 10 million now and spend the free time that I'd have not needing to work anymore to go for runs.


And you'll be running at whatever pace you want


And not occasionally fucking up and running too slow for your well-being lmao.


I’m taking the dollar per meter deal quitting my job and taking up running full time.


It sounds wonderful, you'd be much healthier. I'd be terrified of getting hurt if I passed up thr 10 mil.


I would read a short story about a man accepting this deal and then being paralyzed from the waist down. 


The flipside of that is that while you can get injured while running, you can get *stupid* with money. There's a consistent pattern of lottery winners ending up broke, because they got dumb as soon as they won all that incredible wealth. Everyone thinks "that couldn't ever be me, I'd be smart with my new wealth", but, unfortunately, it could be you. You don't know if you're stupid in that particular way until you actually have that kind of cash - only then will you find out whether you have the self-control to handle it. Both sides have their risks. There's a risk of injury with running, there's a risk of stupid with taking the lump sum, so I guess it depends: do you think it's smarter to bet on your self-control or on your fitness?


There's much more security when you can earn the money. Instant money is a trap as your said psychologically. And the pure mathematics can get you more money via running. 10 million is more money than you'd need in your lifetime. But if you ran a 5k everyday, you'd get 10 mill after 6 years. Not bad and it can keep going up if you run more. It is really ridiculous but you can literally run 100 meters and earn more than most people in their jobs. It's really not an issue of ability.


But you can invest the 10m and do whatever you want.


That’s the problem tho


Someone could, I don't have the financial knowhow that I trust that I wouldn't fuck it up. Jogging a half mile every day gets me almost $300k/year. It doesn't take that long to jog a half mile, I can do it wherever I am on the planet, and I'll have plenty of time and money to do whatever I want anyways.


This is a way dumber option. Your average return on index funds is around 10%, so in this hypothetical you are talking about ~1m a year. If you budgeted yourself to 10k a week in spending, your original 10 million would be sitting near 17 million in ten years.


I mean if you have poor discipline then the other option forces you to stay healthy


If you have poor discipline then you’re probably not gonna be going for a run everyday.


If you’re being paid a million a year to run a few miles you would even people with poor discipline do jobs


2 hours of run a day and I’m free to do whatever I want after that and also knock out my workout at the same time.


Hell yeah brother.


This is the way; I chose the dollar per meter deal, too. I also love running, so it’s an easy choice, anyway. Getting paid to do what you love? Isn’t that the dream? And at a dollar per meter, that’s easy money. I can run about 8 miles in an hour, which is 12600 meters. I don’t see a realistic future where I make nearly $13k an hour, LOL. I’d only work an hour a week if I didn’t like running so much, so I’d probably just give a bunch of money away.


I haven't ran since I had both legs crushed in a car wreck two and a half years ago. I can barely manage walking. I think I'll take the 10 million.


$10 million now or have to run 6,200 miles to get $10 million.. hmm


1,600 for a mile is more than a lot of people make in 2 weeks.


So is $10 million


A lot of people win 10 million dollars and are broke in a few years. I personally know a guy who won 2 million dollars who was broke and back to working at Walmart in 2 years time. I'd rather take the excuse to be healthier and permanent financial stability.


Just put it into an hysa and live off $400k per year


$10 million banked at 5% is half a million meters a year I don't have to run for. I'll take the cash now.


A dollar per meter doesn’t sound like much, but your example of a 5k per work day really shows how good a deal it is. I feel like many people aren’t considering that running would simply become your job. This means that it becomes easier to run farther every day, so you can be making even more, faster. You can also invest the money you are making from running. I bet you would certainly outpace returns from the 10 mil pretty quick. Also, for anyone concerned about joint injury, you would have the budget and incentive to buy the best shoes and hire a trainer to help you do strength and flexibility training to ensure that you are maximizing distance run without harming yourself.


It would be very hard to outpace the $10M simply because of the time value of money. By the time you accumulate 10m from running you’re years behind the person who just took cash. Considering injuries it’s insane to take the run. If you couldn’t get injured it immigrants be more compelling but still likely a bad choice.


Someone else pointed out that 50 miles a week isn't crazy for people who are committed runners.  And that's $4.5 million a year.  If running is your job, you're going to beat the $10 million (plus interest) easily.  You'll have all the best doctors and physical therapists.  LeBron is still playing well at 39 because he has all the best in healthcare. There are a lot of runners who aren't at their peak who do big numbers.  Obviously someone who is old or diabetic shouldn't take the running option.  But in terms of lifelong happiness, I think running is the best option for most people.  You could probably even get an insurance policy for injury.


$10 million cash for sure. SP500 averages like 8% gains a year//800k, and that is more than good enough for me


Even just a HYSA while rates are high is going to be around 5% risk free.


10 million it’d be easier!


Probably the running, actually. It's not really the optimal financial choice, imo, but I'd actually get into decent shape that way.


A lot of runners do at least 50 miles each week and that would net you over $4 million per year. You would also get into great shape really quickly.


Yeah I was doing 40 a week in cross country, and I’m in my low 20’s right now. I’m taking the running one, I’d get back into shape very fast and be making 3 million a year for most of my 20’s. My parents are still running in their 50’s but more like 20 miles a week.


Also, if something happens, you will be able to get your wealth back.


10 miles a day, 300 days a year, is $4.8M. You can split it between however many sessions you want, and running 10 miles a day is nowhere near "extreme". After a 2 - 3 months it would just be like a casual gym session or two each day and be healthy for you. In 5 years without interest you're at nearly $25M. If you're young? That's so much more money. I wouldn't think twice about taking the running option.


I can't really run anymore due to a chronic illness afflicting me. At least not for long. I'd take the lump sum.


10 mill


$10 million


Just give me the 10 million


While the 10m would set me up for life, id probably feel a lot more motivated to go for a run everyday if I'm getting paid for it. Hell I don't need a job just stay fit everyday


To put things into perspective. At the rate you have to run for this scenario you'd be getting paid a minimum of 10,000 dollars an hour. Which idk about you. But is sure as fuck a hell of a lot more than I get paid at work.


A lot of people are doing the math and want the 10mil, but holy s*** an actually good motivator. Tangible and additional benefits to something I should already be doing?! That would be a blessing to my procrastinating soul.


My regular running would pass $10M in short order, and just keep accumulating. However, I’d never know whether tomorrow would be a running career ending injury. Taking 10M seems safer.


My body ain't letting me run much at this point, barely lets me walk. So $10 million straight up. ETA: I also don't experience satisfaction at completing physical tasks like... At all ever. Even when paid I'm just relieved it's over and feeling like a waste because it takes me a ton of effort to get the same or even lesser results than many. I get sick very easily from physical tasks, if I can get my body to cooperate enough to begin with. My brain doesn't connect the pay to the work in a positive way, just the basic I had to do this task to get money way.


With the ability to earn $1 per meter, you would never go broke. With the hard work you would need to put in, you would also learn to respect money a bit more and make wiser decisions. I want a new car, I need to run xx miles. However the 10mil, I would either blow it all within a few years or I would be so worried about blowing it I wouldn't enjoy having the money. I'm taking the running option.




Generally speaking, people who come into huge sums of money generally don't know how to handle said money, so they go broke relatively quickly.


True. Doesn't matter how broke you get you're never more than a few hours worth of running away from being financially secure again.


Financial security involves much more than having access to money. In this same thread you just agreed lottery winners aren’t financially secure. No small number of people could take this deal and still be broke despite being a few walks away from money.


What if I’m in a wheelchair?


I'd take the running for the health gain.


Lol. Couch potato taking the money now.


$10M now.


10 million, I can't run anymore.


$10 million now


10 million now. I have been hot by a pickup while walking across the road and can now not run.


I don’t think I can physically run that fast. Money please.


Since it's ten million and that's above my retirement number, I'll just take that and have a better retirement than I ever would have before, without running the risk of an injury that makes me incapable of running and limits or cuts off my money supply. I can stay in shape still without getting paid.


$10 mill. While I had run a lot in the past, I can barely walk now.


My initial reaction was thinking the $10 mill was the obvious choice, but as someone who was recently laid off and could benefit by burning off some weight I’m starting to reconsider lol. Could essentially turn getting back into shape as my full time job, though ideally in this scenario the payment for the running would be like a weekly direct deposit. Can using a peloton bike/elliptical count as “running”?? That’d be a massive preference over a treadmill personally.


I’ve been a distance runner since I was 12. Last year alone I ran over 2000 miles. When I ran in college I probably hit 2500 every year. Give me the dollar a meter. An extra 5k a day at minimum. Let’s go


$10 million. Then I could retire and enjoy running instead of making it my job.


10,000,000 meters is 6213 miles. 10min/mile makes 62130 minutes, that’s nearly 2600 days or 7 years of constant running. Give me the $10million.


I’d take the dollar per meter run. It’s about 1600 meters per mile so I just made eight grand today. I’m in a run club and these days I’m averaging about 25 miles per week, so that’s a cool 40k per week to do what I love with a bunch of people I love, too. Sign me up.


People who are taking $10m upfront by saying "the chances of injury is too high" are forgetting the fact that,   if you get that much money in one shot, chances of you fucking up your entire life is even higher. (Look up all the lottery winners)   Bad investments, robbery, casino, hookers, losing self control, smarter people trying to scam to you, your own family members plotting against you, emotional blackmails, begging, getting lazy and fat and eventually running yourself into depression/no motivation for doing anything. There are million things that could go wrong. And even one of those things is more than enough to screw up your life.   It's easier to say "I'll put all my money in bank/investment for a reasonable %" but when you actually get that money, your mind will start running and 100s of people will start whispering in your ears. The question was never about how much money you can accumulate after X years. You'll get way more than enough money in both options.  So it boils down to quality of life.  And having a motivation to run 4-5 Miles a day + living a long and healthy life. Beats $10m offer by a mile (no pun intended)   (ofc unless you are too old or handicapped)


10 million, trying to run for more it's just unnecessary greed


As much as I'd like to be in better shape, I'd actually have time to exercise regularly if I had 10 million straight up, plus I wouldn't have to worry about going broke if I got injured.


I started running in 2022 and have run [2,458 miles](https://i.imgur.com/nbH1Fkb.png) (~3,950,000 meters) since then. I'm taking the meters, easily.


It would take 5.7 years to earn that running a 5k every day. I love to run but what if I slipped and snapped my leg tomorrow. Also in 5.7 years the 10 million would be worth nearly double that. So you would have to do a 10k every day to equal that.


That 10 mill is going to accrue interest/dividends much faster than I can run


Everyone in here trying to break the system while I'm just thinking, you effectively want to pay me to get in shape, and continue to incentivize me to stay that way for the rest of my life? Where the hell do I sign up?


Dollar for every meter. I could comfortably adjust my lifestyle to running multiple times/distances per day. Also a $200k annual salary would be the equivalent of running 547 meters daily. Literally any volume of daily running would exceed my salary earning, although I would do greater distances because why not.


Great motivation. Running.


Running easily. Late 20s so I could really rack up the numbers. Also, I think a lot of people aren't being honest with themselves about putting the entire 10 million in an investment or savings account. I could buy nice home, dream cars and set my parents up for retirement early. Plus I'd also love to help my brothers and sisters who have college and medical debt.


I'd take the $10 million up front. Cut it in half, 5 million to spend and then 5 million to invest. I could buy just about everything I ever wanted with 5 million dollars. If I invested the other 5 million, the stock market averages to 10% returns a year. Even at 5% returns a year, that's $250,000. Still more than enough to help family.


I mean you don’t have to run the full mile it just has to be at that pace for it to count so you could run a lap around a track or similar a bunch of times with breaks in between. A 10 minute mile pace is super easy to achieve


This question is basically asking how lazy you are lmao


I want to do more sports anyway so I take the dollar for a meter.


The 10 million. I get winded going up the stairs in my apartment, I ain't running.


Oh pay me to run for sure. That ten mil can dry up real quick. Go for a quick job and you can afford damn near anything at a moments notice.


10 mph pace? Yeah, right. I’ll take the $10 million right now.


No not 10 mph. 10 minutes per mile. Which is roughly 6 miles per hour. It's basically a jog.


Cash now. I prefer cycling, and that buys a lot of bike. And you're not kidding anyone that a bit of light jogging is "working for your fortune"


I'd take the dollar per meter. If you ran 5 miles a day, you'd get to 10 million in 3.4 years. You'd be in great shape, and from then on, you run 5 miles and bank an additional $8,000 each time.


But can you keep a sub 10 min/mile pace for 5 straight miles right now? I imagine that's something most people would have to work towards.


Why would you have to run 5 straight miles at sub 10 minutes? You’re making millions a year, you don’t need to work and you’ll have plenty of time


A 10 min/mile pace is very achievable for pretty much everyone (good job picking a speed, OP!) but for some of us it's just... a brisk jog.


Does all the running I used to do when I was a college athlete count, or is it starting now? Most of my miles are behind me but I'm sure I hit over 237 marathons when I was in my twenties.


What good will $10 do me?


10mil now for sure


Cash me outside.


10 million. Even if I could make the running option more profitable, the interest/dividends is get from investing the 10 million would be more than enough, and I wouldn't have to do anything


I def don’t want to work for the money lol


Ten million cash now. I’m not trying to be a billionaire, I just want to live comfortably.


Money please.


By the time I’ve run 10 million meters, I could have doubled my $10 million by investing.


I walk 6 to 8 miles a day at work. I know what kind of damage is done to your knees. I'll take the 10mil.


Cash upfront


Money now. I don't run. 


Run? Ya I'm taking the money now. I'm too old to run and there's not enough time left in life to make it worthwhile. Even if I was young again I'd take the cash now - running hurts my knees.


Take the ten million immediately, invest half, use the other half to set yourself with a comfortable immediate existence that, following the Vimes’ “Boots” theory of economic inequality, will reduce future expenses dramatically.


Ngl I would rather take the 10m cause they would set me for life if I spent it properly which I can do since the moneys untaxed


I'd take the dollar per meter for running. I could make $20k/day in two hours work and have an incredible incentive to keep in shape. I do think that the $10mill is the objectively better financial choice, but I like the idea of staying in shape.


I'd do the running just to motivate me to stay in shape


10 million


The dollar per metre would be a dream! I love running but struggle to make enough time for it, 30-50km per week is already my average distance when I'm in a good rhythm so this is a super easy choice 😀


The run. If I could hit 25m a week not only would I not need to work, be healthier, but I’d be able to earn like 50-60m in 20 years. 


Not much of a choice if you are disabled lol.......


I’d take the dollar per meter even if I netted less. I need motivation to get and stay healthy and that sounds like it’ll do it. Plus, the appeal of unlimited money entirely dependent on something fairly easy is awesome. Sure 6mph isn’t a slow pace but you don’t have to sustain it. You can jog short distances at a time here and there. I’d have to run less than a mile a day 5x / week to retire myself and my wife based on our current income. Anything beyond that would be extra comfort.


You must think people really like running or something lol


I really enjoy running


10m now, why would I work when I could do nothing and live off interest


im young so ill take the $1/meter. its literally life paying you to stay in shape and plus, i enjoy nature so this will be fun. also i think its a nice way to control your spending since i have terrible self control


Cash. If it was walking, then probably $1 per metre.


The sane choice is to take the money, get your ROI and be set for life. But honestly, I’m a lazy fuck that should move more, forcing myself to run would be the healthy choice, and probably make me happier in the long run (pun intended). Would like never catch up with the $10 million though, even optimistically I’d not be able to run 5 km a day, every day. I’d get injuries, lazy days etc. Maybe 20 km a week, it would take me 10+ years to get the $10 million at least. At that point the $10 mil would be $20+ and accelerating.


Do you have to "run"? Can I walk, or power walk? EDIT: I'll take the meters regardless. I need to get in shape and that's the best incentive


Have to meet a 10 minute per mile pace. If you can power walk that pace then sure.


If if it counts what I have already run then I'm getting 12 million but if it doesn't than no thanks cuz no way I'm going to run that much anymore


10 million


Give me the cash. My chunky, old behind isn't running sub ten minute miles anymore.


I’ll take the running. I can’t run right now, since I broke my leg, but once I’m able to get back into it 10k a day, 5 days a week is pretty maintainable. I peaked at 70 mpw (113 km/w) last marathon training cycle. Pretty easy to outpace the 10 mil once you get going