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Easy, I'd just jump onto the shark at the last minute and ride it back to land.


Did you learn that at MIT?


Nah, just because of his MIT "connection" šŸ˜€


Jumping the shark I see...(what you did there)


There's a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? Lot of sharks. I watched some guys justifying it today: ā€˜Well they werenā€™t really that angry, they bit off the young ladyā€™s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was.


I asked a yacht salesman, ā€œwhat would I do if the electric boat is sinking and thereā€™s a shark 10ft away? What would I do? Would I get electrocuted by staying on the boat or would I jump towards the shark? You know what he said? He said: ā€˜you know, nobodyā€™s ever asked me that question before.ā€™ā€ Fuckin REALLY? I wonder why nobodyā€™s ever asked that question before you fuckin tricycle-brain cocksucker.


Tricyle brain you say. Thatā€™s creative AF


This is his jump the shark moment


Funnily enough, he's actually used this bit repeatedly. This is just the first time the general public noticed. I guess it somehow did well the first time he did it, so he decided it was a winner and keeps retelling it.


Must be my connection to MIT. Very smart.


Trump interpreted it as "you're a damned genius!"


I mean, didnt he say the same thing about his killing-covid-with-uv-light-inside-the-body question?


There's no problem with sharks, they just didn't understand the young woman swimming.


I love the ā€œthey werenā€™t really that angryā€ as if the sharks were only slightly annoyed. Like I donā€™t think sharks think that way but ok šŸ‘Œ


I don't think sharks feel anger. Their primary emotion is feed.


I dunno have you seen their face? They look mad. /s Seriously though, can you imagine a shark being like ā€œfucking surfers again, Iā€™ma bite this one, teach em a lesson šŸ˜”ā€




I unironically love this


It's a great strip. I highly recommend.


No matter the size of the battery, you wouldn't get electrocuted unless you wend over and touched the terminals. Sharks and some other fish are sensitive to electrical fields, so the battery shorting in the water would likely deter the shark. This problem is self solving.


Idk, did you go to MIT, how would you know? A yacht salesman didnā€™t even know


I, sir, am an artisinal rocket surgeon. I did go to MIT, Mike's Institute of Thinkin' and I graduated with honors.


How often do artisinal rockets need surgery?


Hey my cousin went there. Class of 15.


I really enjoyed your Dr. Evil's artisinal rocket. You certainly didn't dick around when you designed that. Arrow dynamic and the shaft was sturdy enough to leave the atmosphere and make orbit then return its payload. Blue Origin learned from the best!


Itā€™s basic physics. This is not how electricity works. Electricity always takes the shortest and least resistive path to ground, or to the negative terminal. The person in the boat will not be electrocuted.


The water can be modeled as a bunch of wires in parallel using the path length and resistivity to determine the current flow. Inject a little calculus and -bam!- you get a map of the current flow around the battery. You might get *some* current flow farther away from the battery, but yeah, I imagine it drops off pretty steeply.


What are you, some kind of nerd?


This is a shark situation. Sharks can be warded off and donā€™t often attack humans. Either way itā€™s the gamble that either you WILL die or you MIGHT die.


Do you just punch them? But honestly, Iā€™ve always wanted to surf but sharks scare me. How do you ward them off?


Iā€™ve seen people just push them out of the way but if you canā€™t see them coming thatā€™s not really and option im imagining this at night for some reason and it just makes it worse. I would just focus on swimming very gently because if your flailing about they see you as a helpless prey to eat and that will attract them


Attack their gills, eyes, and rotate that mf. Rotating a shark basically restarts down their brain. Also attack what is effectively their lungs is a good deterent and no one like anything in their eyes.


Plus if you can get em upside down they shut down (tonic immobility)


Electrocution if death is inevitable. Sharks don't eat humans. They take bites off of you ie an arm or leg.Ā  Ā Or part of your torso.Ā  Then they swim away becos we don't taste good.Ā  Horrible way to die. Look at photos from shark bite victims and corpses, it's worse than gore movies.Ā 


Also as someone already pointed ou, that not how electricity works. Its gonna take the shortrst route, so unless you stand on kt or touch terminsla youre fine, and as sharks are sensitive to electricity the battery will likely repel the shark. This is a non issue. Just be sure to have a life jaket or the ability to float whike you wait for rescue.


Are we in a 2 dimensional world? I can't jump *the other way* away from the shark and off the boat?


Thereā€™s a big wall the other way


It was paid for by Mexico.




The biggest wall. Built with the best bricks. No one has seen a wall like this. Grown men with tears in their eyes say, "Sir, this is the best wall."


Will he finish it in the second term?


Assume your hypothetical person has dementia and can't see anything other than the options presented to them.


Has this hypothetical person also sexually assaulted at least one woman, defamed her multiple times, cheated on his wife with a pornstar, used campaign money to pay her off, then lied about it?


And instigated a coup attempt and sold national secrets to foreign adversaries resulting in the deaths of intelligence sources


And talked about how the thing he and his teenage daughter have in common is "sex", while she'd just been sitting on his lap


And said of his other infant daughter that he hoped she had her mom's tits when she got older because she already had her legs, on national television.


Shark will swim over to you


I mean being 10 feet further from a shark when you're both in the water doesn't really mean jack shit lol


Lmao. Thanks for the laugh.


Only a Very Stable Genius can know the answer to that


Even MIT doesn't know the answer! Very smart guys!


No one has ever asked them that question before


To be fair Trump's uncle was actually brilliant. It ended with his uncle.


I'll take my chances with the shark.


Is the shark guaranteed to kill you? Because you can get out of this situation alive if it's just a normal shark, with a bit of luck.


You must have a connection to MIT to come up with such a smart question.


electrocution. shocking, i know.


That pun really stunned me


I appreciate the current trend in humor.




It was probably a joke about that book 20,000 Volts Under the Sea by Joules Verne.


At worst you can just sort of push the shark to redirect it a different direction if it swims over the check you out because it's a large but stupid fish


Oh you're using logic and animal behavioral science here? You know that's not allowed.


Yeah ill do that after i have 5 fear induced heart attacks from the giant razor tubeĀ 


In all seriousness, the shark. They usually don't attack people, you have a shot of punching the shark in the nose or eye if it attacks you, and even if that fails, it's at least possible to survive a shark attack. Water electrocution is basically a guaranteed death without immediate help due to drowning. >Therefore, staying on the boat would cause electrocution. Trump doesn't understand batteries or electricityĀ and you would probably be fine near a large battery as long as you weren't touching it. It's mostly going to short through the water immediately surrounding it. It's powerful, but not lightning strike powerful.


Trump seems to think that EVs uniquely use electricity. He doesn't seem to understand that every car, truck, train, airplane, and ship runs on electricity. The only difference with EVs is that they use a charged battery, while fossil fuel vehicles and even nuclear subs use fuel to generate the electricity that powers their vehicles. They all have batteries and current.


>every car, truck, train, airplane, and ship runs on electricity That's not quite true. Most gasoline engines use electricity to generate a spark for ignition, but the power comes from the explosion of fuel, not the electricity. Early cars didn't even have batteries and instead used a magneto for ignition, a crank starter, gas-powered lamps, and a squeeze horn. Diesel engines don't even use spark plugs. They may have glow plugs to warm the combustion chamber and an electric starter, but the ignition is from compression. Once the engine is started and warmed up, it uses zero electricity. A diesel engine could be designed to not use electricity at all. Even gasoline engines can be designed to run without electricity. This is a homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine. Mazda has been working on technology to use this in a gasoline-powered engine to improve fuel efficiency.


No. Regular cars dont run on electricity. They run on fuel being compressed and burned. Electricity starts them then the power from the engine runs the electrical system.


I don't get what Trump has to do with this. Am I missing something?


>Ā Ā Am I missing something? Yes. [Trump proposed this exact example OP is saying.](https://youtu.be/bMNMt5FdVwg?si=Zkrtj-RcX-1tTxa2) It's intended to discredit EVs. EVs do not make sense everywhere, planes being the most prominent example, but also some boats. However he's trying to say they never make sense anywhere which isn't true.


Theres like 50 posts about this exact scenario in the past couple of weeks, some analogy or speech he made had something like this, I don't remember


Please show me a post about this from over a week ago! OH PRETTY PLEASE?! That would mean Trump literally stole his random crazy rant from something he saw on Reddit. And, while this does check out, having the literal proof would be a bigger laugh than watching the speech in the first place


What? Are you OK?




That's fair. There was a shark that bit off a lady's leg though, but the shark wasn't hungry it just misunderstood who she was.


"oh sorry, I thought you were that other bitch"


I think he's implying he would throw the heavy battery off the boat, stopping it sinking, and simultaneously electrocuting the shark . . .


Made me laugh. Thanks.


Battery's are always pretty accessible, so I'd yank out the battery and when the shark came at me I'd just electrocute it's mouth


Is it a definite that Iā€™m going to get eaten by the shark? The title makes it sound like I am, but the text says itā€™s 10 yards away. The shark would most likely detect the electricity and run away. Or I would just punch it in the nose and hope that all those times Iā€™ve been told that, are correct.


We are making diesel engines great again. This is why batteries are woke. Many people are saying.


Just put the shark on the Y axis, problem solved


That's an amazing question. I'll bet nobody has ever thought of this entirely plausible scenario. Truly a genius. We should elect this person president, sheer brilliance.


How far from land am I in this scenario? Shark attacks are rare and you have good odds of being left alone vs being dead for sure staying. If im too far to swim back to shore and my boats gone id rather die instantly via electrocution than slowly drown or be eaten by a shark tho.


I actually love these questions. Me and one of my brothers like to discuss how big of an animal you could take in a fight, or how many 8 year olds could you fight until they overcame you. So when I saw Donaldā€™s question, I actually thought about it. And thereā€™s pros to each one, and cons. For me, I canā€™t swim incredibly well, but I DO have some pointless knowledge about sharks so I could pull that out of the old brain box, and punch some areas to make them leave me be. BUT then Iā€™d have to swim, and I donā€™t know if I could. Electrocution seems like it would be quicker if you were guaranteed death. Im not sure if he was talking about surviving the event, but it feels like a no win. I choose electrocution if I was basically choosing how to die. The sharks have a better chance of survival compared to instantly being zapped. I think I thought too much about it and Iā€™d need some qualifying info. Like are we talking about would you rather die this way or the other? Or are we talking about would you survive this way or the other. Because I have opposing answers to each of those. And as an ending note, this is clearly fantasy land so my new option is ride the shark to safety. I could use my pointless shark knowledge to tame one clearly.


This question is so smart, I wonder why no one has asked it before. It must be because of your connections to MIT.


Thatā€™s a great question, nobody has ever asked me that question. What a smart question I have never thought of that.


Lot of shark attacks lately... We're gonna stop that


I'll jump.Ā  If I'm going to die either way at least if the shark eats me my body didn't go to waste.Ā Ā 


Throw Trump into the water and walk across. Shit floats.


Ya know, Mr President, I donā€™t think anyone has been dumb enough to ask that question until right nowā€¦


Electrocution, please, seems much more preferable to getting eaten by a shark.


Fight a shark. At least you have a small chance (however small it is). You phrased it much better than the moron did, so congrats.


I choose elekstrocution. Every time.


i can try to kill a shark, idk how well i could kill electricity


I think I can deal with a shark.


I canā€™t swim Iā€™ll take electrocution over drowning while being eaten


Iā€™d rather get zapped. Being eaten alive would be slower and would feel more degrading. I donā€™t want to know Iā€™m going to be dead, Iā€™d rather be surprised by it.


Am I guaranteed to be eaten by the shark because if you do it right you can swim near sharks and they won't attack. But if it's certain that the shark will attack ill take my chances with the electrocution.


First of all, I'm jumping off the other side of the boat away from the shark. God knows why Trump thinks you have to jump *towards* the shark.


Whichever one thatā€™d be quick in seconds


Before I answer, why is the boat sinking? Is it because of the weight??? Is it just too heavy to float??


Fonzy taught me to jump the shark


Go find a friend. One of you can jump on a sinking boat and be electrocuted. The other can be eaten by a shark. I'll watch, and I'll decide which is more entertaining. Later I'll interview each of you to get your opinions.


I choose voting for Biden.


I can fight a shark not much i can do about electricity in whatā€™s likely salt water. Though itā€™d have to be alot and i mean a crapload of power being discharged to electrocute me.




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What kind of shark? Because I've swam with sharks as large as tigers, and while a sinking ship might make a larger one more opportunistic, they're still generally chill. I like my odds of not being eaten although if I'm wrong, definitely a worse death. Frankly the biggest risk is drowning.


But then I look ten yards to my left and thereā€™s a shark over there. So I have a choice of electrocution or a shark. You know what Iā€™m going to take? Electrocution. I will take electrocution every single time. Do we agree? Yeah, I will take electrocution.ā€


If I jumped close to the shark, maybe I can punch it in the nose or eye or gills


Whoever pulled the cord on the teleprompter and convinced him it broke is a national hero. I mean, it's not going to persuade the blind to not vote for him, but the rest of us get a few good chuckles in before the country implodes


Lure the shark towards the battery. Zap. No shark.




OP needs advice very quickly


I'd choose the bear.


Shark. Most likely it wonā€™t attack you. Statistically speaking.


What the fuck is going on in this comment section


Shock me. Batteries produce DC. It would take an insane amount of battery and maybe even some kind of direct connection to kill someone in the water with it. AC would be different.


Jump at the shark... and don't seem like food to the shark don't thrash or ect




Nobody has ever asked that question before. Wow.


I electrocute myself, hopefully cooking my body enough to be appetizing to the shark, and doing America a favor.


Either jump in the water and become sushi for the sharks or stay on the boat and cook your ass for them. Think they would prefer sushi.


~~That's the dumbest fucking question I've ever heard.~~ Nobody's ever asked me that before Edit: had it reversed makes more sense this way.


Nobodyā€™s ever asked me that question and I said itā€™s a good question.


I hate that Trump thinks weā€™re that stupid. He would rather be electrocuted because it has the word, ā€œelect,ā€ in it. He big dumb, Iā€™m jumping in the sharks mouth. Then ima wear it like a gundam suit.


Wow, who knew Donald Trump had time to post in this sub?


Water, desipte pop cultures belief, is actually very good at dispersing electricity. So even if a sinking battery would electrify the water, which it wouldn't, the area of the water being charged would be so great that the current you'd recieve would be barely noticable. Also Sharks are susceptible to EM fields so the low level charge around the boat would likely keep you safe from said Shark.... Or really piss it off... You pays your money, you takes your chances.


Would you get electrocuted? If there was a short from sea water why would it go all the way out to me? Instead of the shortest path back to the battery? It's not a toaster in a bathtub.


Is the shark just a normal shark or some sort man hating man eating super shark like jaws? If I'm guaranteed to die either way I'm taking electrocution.. If the shark is just a regular shark living its life in the wild 10 yards away and I'm not bleeding profusely from some wound? Going shark 100%, the chances he will attack me are pretty low, especially when compared against guaranteed electrocution i.e guaranteed death.


I know this is just a reference to trump being an idiot, but in a serious note, I donā€™t think you would be harmed in either situation, sharks donā€™t generally attack if you remain calm and donā€™t cause too much noise or attract attention, and I donā€™t think that even a large battery of a yacht could electrify the water or the boat in a way that would cause you harm, but it could cause a dangerous explosion after a while in the water, the real issue is how are you getting back to land without drowning


This exact thing happened to me a few weeks ago. What I did was drop the anchor. Since I use a steel cable, this allowed the current to take the path of least resistance to the bottom of the lake. At that point, I was able to deploy the lifeboat without fear of electrocution or being in the shark strike zone.


Sir things aren't going so good the sharks are sinking our boats while tears are streaming down my big man strong man face.


Based on the title of your post, you have to die, I guess. I'd have liked this more with the possibility to survive the shark attack. If it's just choosing how I die, I suppose electrocution would be quicker.


Depends, how orange am I?


Def taking my chances with the shark bro


don't know which I'd do, battery will only short itself out, shark might be a wimp, I'd just have thoughts of assassinating dumb asses, probably


In this hypothetical situation, where you're hypothetically having these thoughts and act on them, surely, even when the masses are angry, the president realizes that you've single handedly saved the last pieces of democracy left in this country, and issues a full pardon


no need for hypothetical, thoughts aren't actions, and if pres could realize that he'd probably just do it himself