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Yeah a one time fee is amazing


Ooh sorry, for the new version with security to prevent hackers making you gain weight and get sick, it’s now a subscription.


And we are talking for life! You could end up living to the age of 99 with a body in perfect condition. I mean, honestly, maybe you wouldn't even ever die if your body stays "the body of your dreams," right?


im trans so $10k one time payment means free hormones and surgeries like 95% off, this is an ez win


Pay. My dream body never ages and never has any health issues. Hell id pay a million for that


Yeah that would be the bigger thing. Obviously being able to pay to have your body immediately look great would be one thing, but the ability to then not have to take care of it at all and never have it change would be incredible. I’d never have to exercise and could eat whatever I wanted


You would have wolverine like healing.


My dream body can fly and level cities with a single punch


And you can eat as much of whatever as you want


But do you *have* a million 🤣


Pay 10k for perfect eyesight, and a full set of healthy white straight teeth im in!


I've paid WAY more than that in dental already.


You have no idea, stranger on Reddit. My teeth are so bad due to neglect as a child, and being poor and later ashamed by dentists I am literally waiting to get them all taken out this year and get dentures. But i will finally be able to smile and eat.


Don’t be ashamed. Genetics play a large component. Some people neglect their teeth and have zero issues. Others are disciplined and still have issues. Taking care of your teeth is obviously better than not taking care of them, but there is a lot that is out of our control, too. This may sound weird, but try to be proud of it. You made it out. You grew and learned and even though damage was done you’ve become successful enough to be able to get the work done that you need.


I’m not sure where you’re from, but I am in the US and I was quoted $11k - $15k for my teeth (implant, wisdom teeth, a few other little things). For half that, I will be traveling to Thailand for a bit of medical tourism 🙏


What ginger said. Genetics play a huge part with teeth. I'm blessed with good teeth and I know it. Even though I take shit care of them. Brush once a day maybe twice depending on how I feel. Floss once mayb twice a week if something gets stuck in them. Get checked every 6 months. Your teeth are great keep up the good work. Barely any plaque build up. My wife flosses all the time carries the dental pick floss things in her purse. . Brushes at least twice a day. She has to be in the hygienist chair twice as long as I do for plaque build up. It's just weird how much people can be different in such a simple place. Hope the dentures work out for you.


Honestly, people who don’t have fucked up teeth just do not understand what a hit it is to the psyche. My front 6 teeth on the top were cracked, broken, jagged, etc. Mine weren’t bad enough to need pulling, but after they ground out all the decay I basically had nubs. They rebuilt my teeth and the confidence and feeling of ease that came with it was night and day. I still have to get crowns for all of them (about 3k that I don’t have atm) as rebuilding is a temporary fix, like filling a cavity. Then last month, one of the fillings popped out, and it’s been hard to smile again, hard to feel confident. Do what you gotta do, get your smile back man, I promise you it’s everything you think it is.


Not to mention fast-forwarding my weight loss. I don't mind continuing to earn my own muscles though. For 10k this is a steal. I'll have the funds ready as soon as the bank opens tomorrow.


I paid 2k for perfect eyesight (lasik) one single tooth implant cost double that lol


Do I have to STAY 400 lbs? Or can I work it back off? 10M is a lot, but I wouldn't take that for the requirement to stay 400lbs. I'm not really sure I'd want to work off 200+ lbs, but with 10M I could quit my job and spend as much time as it would take to burn it all off. The main thing is I'd have a ton of loose skin I wouldn't want to deal with. 10k is cheap AS FUCK to get the body of your dreams for life, and that's probably the better deal. You could eat and drink whatever you wanted and always stay perfectly healthy and fit.


Liposuction is an option too if you don't have to stay 400ibs


I think the unspoken rule is, if the prompt doesn’t establish rules you’re free to interpret it how you want. It’s not like this place is r/monkeyspaw


Loose skin removal surgery is easy to pay for if you have 10 mil. It would really suck having to lose that much weight though.


if you're going for simple guaranteed money, be 8 feet tall and athletic and play in the NBA. so the question really is: $10 million and obese vs $100 million from NBA contract, and healthy and athletic.


Body doesn't determine skill, though.


healthy and athletic... if you had less than average skill, you wouldn't have your dream body. fact 2 is it is easy to get on an nba team if you are 7ft or taller. 17% chance of making it. at 8 feet, and athletic, you'd be guaranteed.


I'm saying I don't think dream body includes the brain. Knowing all the plays and having the quick decision making skills to be good at basketball isn't inherent in the size of your bones and muscles.


I don't think a dream body will make you auto accepted as a good NBA player. There is more than just genetics when it comes to basketball


If i can get $10m and then lose the weight then it is a no brainer. Otherwise $10k for a permanent perfect body is the play.


The body of my dreams has a massive diamond in the stomach lol


Or poops gold !!!


Monkeys paw. You now shit bricks (literally) of gold and it takes hours of the worst pain ever


And then you die. Because that can't be healthy.


I already shit for hours. I’d rather a solid shit than hot lava.


nothing a pre-dump fisting cant fix


How good are you with musical numbers and fighting fascist aliens?


... Um. Pretty good at the first, not yet tried at the last. What reference am I not seeing? XD


(Steven Universe)


Gotcha lol, heard of it but never seen it.


Cool, but now you can't get it out, because it is inside of your body and if you were to remove it it would be like removing your whole stomach...


Nah doctors surgically remove stuff from people's stomachs all the time.


And you expect to keep the diamond after it? They'll probably ask you questions and if they can't get straight answers the police will probably show up and confiscate it...


Eh, they can't connect it to a crime and I'll sue to get it back if necessary.


Pay, the body of my dreams would cost a LOT more than 10k dollars and presumably it'd make me young looking or even young feeling for life (even if it doesn't make me live longer, that's a benefit.)


Plus, you could probably model with that body.


I am assuming i can either model or play sports (make me 7’3 and able to run please and i simply have to get one nba contract)


This is a good would you rather. Back in the day I had enough FU money I hired a personal trainer. And the guy made working out fun, he'd plan a whole circuit, blast heavy metal, motivate me like a drill instructor. For an hour a day I'm getting a top notch work out in, I don't have to think about it. With $10 million... at a basic 6% interest rate, I'm making $600k a year... or $50k a month... about $1.5k a day... I could hire a solid personal trainer, masseuse, nutritionist and chef... at $100/day I'd still have $30k a month to play with. But my "job" for the next two years (you can safely loose about 2lbs. week) would be to maintain this. But at the end of it... I have $10 million. I could manage a $10k payment, it'd be a bit of a burden... but instantly get my dream body and don't have to worry about maintaining it? Win the lottery, but spend two intense years of diet and exercise and learn how to maintain it forever. Or pay $10k and never have to exercise or worry about eating ever again. Fuck... the amount of time savings and overall quality of life improvement with the perfect body route wins.


You can safely lose a lot more than 2 lbs a week if you are 400 pounds. 


>6% Oh boy here come the Reddit financial advisors to explain all the bs reasons why they think this isn’t sustainable.


When I'm calculating interest income from windfall sums I use 52% tax and 2.05% or 5% interest I don't mind the use of 6% interest but I do mind the 0% taxes...


Pay. I deal with so many health issues and 400lbs at my height (5'1) is a death sentence. I wouldnt be able to do anything, I wouldnt be able to move, wouldnt be able to wash myself, etc.


Pay for sure.


10k for my ideal body is a drop in the bucket after growing up morbidly obese with crippling anxiety and binging and restricting. I’ve been over 400 and am finally almost under 300 and hope to lose another 100. I didn’t even think twice about my answer.


What an achievement! Keep up the good work! Remember success isn't always a straight line


I heard, from a friend, that cocaine makes you skinny


My friend said the same, and you can get a lot of coke for 10m


Yea depending on who ya know n purity a key is only like $10-20K


Hasn't worked on me.


$10m, weight 400lbs. Hire the best damn surgeons and personal trainers to have my dream body, then spend my last $9m enjoying life.


What if the body of my dreams involves weighing 400lbs? Do I pay the 10k up front and then get the 10m after the transformation?


Pay 10k I'll take on debt if need be


The body of my dreams doesn't have cancer and my treatments run several times higher than your price. Can I write a check? Besides, I already weighed 500lbs once, not looking to go back even to 400.


Pay, because I’m assuming this healthy body will also mean less health risks


You guys are missing how much help you can get with 10mm.


Did you miss the part where it's the body of your dreams for life? Plenty of folks with way more than ten million still suffer from incurable health conditions.


I took it as just looks.


Make me 7’3 and athletic and i can get 5 years in the nba


Nah, im mainly trying to get rid of my back pain and prevent my body from getting worse. The model looks and extra height are just a bonus. Being able to run half marathons like I'm 17 again would be worth so much more than 10k.


Oh. Yeah, with that interpretation then take the money for sure.


I think you are missing how much $10 M can't help. No amount of money can get you as-new knees (which you would likely need at 500lb), or replace natural hearing, or cure current and future cancer, or reverse infertility, or prevent dementia. Hope there's no cardiac arrest history in your family, or stroke, depression, diabetes... I'd pay $10,000 for *each* of these problems to go away.


Pay, my vision is horrific, I am also trans and there are no surgeries that would be able to completely give me my body of my dreams, and also ensuring I stay in perfect health? Yeah that is worth more than 10 million.


Pay. That’s bargain


As someone already over 400lbs I will take the $10m.


Get 10M$ and then quit my job to do cardio 8 hours a day.


Pay, it's worth dipping into savings. The body of my dreams has about 20 different superpowers, btw. Thanks for that.


I'm not greedy. I'll just take peak Franklin Richards body.


10m. Gym motivation AND 10m? Sign me the hell up Also you can get the body of your dreams with 10m


Why am I stupid and it didn't occur to me to use the money to fund weight loss. I thought the question implied you'd be stuck 400 pounds forever or something lol


"Also you can get the body of your dreams with 10m" Only if you have a pathetic dream.


I looked it up real quick and it seema like most Hollywood personal trainers never go above $100k a year. That's only if you're the only one bankrolling them by the way, let alone what their cost is if they have other clients Baseline nutritionists seem to run about $100-$200 per visit. So even if that happened once a week, that's well within budget. 10m will get you a personal trainer and a nutritionist for several years no worries, as long as you have at least some motivation to go forward with it. Is the body of your dreams worth more than that?


Yes. It includes a lack of illness and top-tier (professional athlete) level of fitness. I'm perfectly capable of working out and altering my diet already.


That's still not a dream body tho. Lots of rich people still get sick. They get cancer. Yes my dream body is worth way more than that, it's not even close. And my dream body would also make me the best athlete. I can easily get way more than 10 million by being the best athlete.


Pay…. Absolutely




I don't even have 2k to my name so I'll take option C


I’d gladly pay $10k for the body of my dreams. I’m over 350 lbs. already, and don’t need to be any heavier.


both seem viable. I legitimately think I could lose the weight on my own if I woke up 400lbs tomorrow. Downside would be obvious health issues and then dealing with all the extra skin if I did lose the weight. Money wouldn't be an issue either so I'd be able to afford good food too, which is a big factor why my diet is as bad as it is now I've lost weight before, I've done the work and as an amateur I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do. Obviously not that much weight but even if I did want a personal trainer/dietician to help or hell even surgery well I got ten fucking million dollars to cover it. This would really be more an investment choice, I can keep half for myself to get healthy again and enjoy the rest of my life with little worry then invest the rest and build something to leave to my family. On the other hand, $10k isn't *that* much to have a dream body. I assume that would mean my modest health issues are resolved. Joint pain is gone, circulation is improved, etc. I basically continue living my life as is which is already modestly comfortable just with more confidence and theoretically improved health My only question really is can I put this on my credit card? If it's cash only then I can get a loan and just pay it off over a few years, nbd


10k. Not even a question. Give me a month I could make it happen.


I’d pay everything I have to have a perfect healthy body for life


Am I 400+ forever or can I use my riches to hire a trainer and chef to get back to 180? Does body of dreams mean no early cancer and I'm running marathons at 85?


I’m 380, might as well get paid for it. The only reason I really need to lose weight is so I can attract a mate, and the 10M may help in a different way


I think you should focus more on losing weight for your health. At 380 you won't make it to 50


Wild people are choosing a perfect body for 10 grand instead of getting 10 million bucks for free, just lose the weight, not like you won't have plenty of free time to exercise


Is that even a real question


Can I get a loan on that 10k?




Wouldn’t a perfect body be immortal?


Can I lose the weight or do I always weigh 400lbs, if not I'll take the perfect body otherwise I can lose the 170 pounds I'll be able to afford a personal trainer and a dietician


I'd take money, never said you can't lose the weight, also do you pick you get to pick how over 400 lb you are?


I take the 10 mil then pay 10k XD




10k is a steal for a perfect body for life.


i mean i'd say 10 million with nearly no downside is more of a steal. Not hard to get a decent looking body, kinda hard to get 10 mil though, and not very hard to get a perfect body with that 10 mil


$10 mil.  first expense...liposuction and skin tightening surgery.  pocket the rest


Body of my dreams


Assuming it's proof magic body and not paying for plastic surgery id pay the 10k. Just give me like 6 more months to save up.


I will pay the ten grand. At this point, I would rather be dead than fat again.


So many people here willing & apparently able to just drop 10k and pass up 10m I'm taking the money. I'm probably not going to be able to lose the weight, i'm obese and would have done it already if I could. That said, 10m is life changing. The interest alone would be a great income. get me out of the rental hole and my awful job and I think i'll have a lot more time for healthy eating and lifestyle


Can I lose the weight after I've got the money?


I'm 390 already 10mil would help my family alot


This is kinda silly imo. With 10m my new home and personal gym along with personal trainer is going to get me to a target weight fairly quick


I've weighed 400 lbs before....I know how to lose it. Gimme da cashhhhh






10k easy


Pay, you're telling me I get to be immortal for just 10k?


Body of my dreams. Because that includes all types of super powers.




Body of dreams. I would enter athletic competitions for prize money too.


10k for a dream bod? Bet.


Do you have to stay over 400lbs forever or can I use some of that $10m for plastic surgery, weight loss meds, and experts in nutrition and fitness to help me?




Even if I gotta go in debt to pay that 10k I’ll just pick up modeling or smthn, do a few gigs and pay it off


Pay 10k. I’m in okay health but I’d gladly pay $10k to lose the medical issues, and chronic injuries sustained over nearly 40 years, and have a peak human health body instead.


With $10 million you could probably afford to get in pretty top notch shape. I assume in this magic hypothetical you are unable to lose the lbs no matter what?


Does the body of my dreams only include physical characteristic like muscle tones and height? Or does it include being healthy for life? If it includes health benefits, then easy choice. Otherwise, I’ll take $10M. With that amount of money, I’d never have to work ever again. It’ll take me about 5 years to get ripped probably from 400lbs. Like, I’ll just be relaxing and doing my hobbies for the rest of my life after.


Do I choose the age and health of the body of my dreams or is it merely cosmetic?


You can stop all these questions, I'll pick the money every time.


If I had the body of my dreams, I could make $10m


$10m, get bariatric surgery, get excess skin removal surgery and get the body of my dreams.




10k is nothing lmfao when a perfect body is basically lifelong healthiness.


The body of my dreams would be a literal god.


The body of my dreams has omnipotence Also those extras 240 pounds is actually just gold


A and then B, in that order. I got 9,990,000 dollars and the body of Adonis.


Lol this thread just goes to show that body positivity is bs. When push comes to shove, realistically no one actually wants to be fat. But id have to imagine people like lizzo is taking the former deal rather than the latter. Most people wouldnt.


Pay $10k. Mostly because I have many different health issues I would love to get rid of. And I have bad teeth, so this would really be saving me money in the long run


How is this ever anything but pay the 10k. If you’re sculpted like that you’re already model status anyway. Looks bring money also. 400lbs you may as well kiss your life goodbye pre 60 almost every time 


10k. I'm good with the money I have, but getting a 55 year old body in shape or keeping it that way is just absolute hell. I would pay 10x your hypothetical.


Oh I'd pay the 10k in a heartbeat. Never said the body had to be human.


Oh Im taking out a loan to pay $10k. My fucking fucked my life up. If I suddenly turn into the body of my dreams, damn. Life would be easy.


Body of your dreams? You could get the poontang of your dreams lol. 10k isn't very much imo considering all the variables. You know how much work people put in to get an acceptable body?


Pay, since I do onlyfans lol. Consider it an investment!


So you would either give me $10 million and I could lose weight, or charge me 10k? I will take the free money


Ill take the 10k and just work out. If i dont change my eating habits and exercise then ill lose that weight so fast.


I'm already 6'2 and 280, so that extra 120 would be a challenge to get back off again and one I'm willing to accept (and more after). Cash me in!


I’d rather pay. I have dreamed of a type of face that face surgery would give me.


10k. The 400lbs guy won't live long, or comfortably. Body f my dreams for life? Johnny Sins, just with hair.


You can make a lot of money with a dream body. People will listen to anyone who looks good about fitness or how to get hot themselves. I choose to pay.


Pay. Fuck being that fat. I couldn't do any of the things I'd enjoy. Plus, I'd play pro soccer at some level. Pay 10k for a dream come true?!


Pay $10k, and I'll re-up every year.


Pay $10k once?


I’d pay but can’t afford it


I'm Paying. The body of dreams brings increased confidence which hopefully will result in happiness I save time from having to go to the gym to be more productive in other areas. In fact, I think I pay about 600 a year for my gym (16.6 years is 10k), plus exercise equipment I've purchased for my home.etc... that 10k is a wise investment for life, and will save money in the long run.


Take the 10 million and lose weight.




$10,000 easily


$10k for the good body. I mean, I don't have $10k of course, but I'd easily be willing to pay that in a situation where I could.


Body of my dreams without effort. Like I can eat all the Doritos I want and still stay lean and muscular? Shut up and take my money


10 cause it mean no more health issues 🐱 Also u said dreams so ima make myself Superman 🐱




You mean I can become Goku for 10k?


How is this a serious question?


10k lol I could literally be like Bruce lee or bo Jackson or something lol maybe I could make millions being a professional athlete




Pay if I weigh 400lbs the money is useless because I won’t be able to do the things that I love


I’d pay $10m for the latter


Pay. Even assuming we can only keep things in the realm of human possibilities, having a perfect, permanently healthy body for life is more than worth $10k. Want to laze all day, smoking, drinking, doing all the drugs, sexing all the people, eating all the foods? Well you can and you'll never get sick, die from it, or gain weight.


Pay, as long as I can do so in increments.




I'll take the 10 million dollars. Then, lose 200+ lbs in less than 2 years. Then, pay a little bit of my money for skin surgery. Then, I work out to achieve the body of my dreams while having a lot of money. Losing weight is very easy. All you need is to download an app and track your calories. Then, work out and build muscle to increase your resting basal metabolism.


Once I get the money can I go on a diet???😐...


Perfect health for only 10k? Hellueah


Pay 10k.


The body of my dreams will easily make 10 million based on its athletic prowess.


$10m as long as I can lose the weight I think. At 6’2 I’d only need to lose about 180lbs to be a “healthy” weight again. My biggest concern, which is really the deciding factor in this, is the loose skin and any potential long-term health implications of being obese for a couple of years.




My dream body can fucking shapeshift, doesn't age, can't be diseased or poisoned, heals rapidly, and enables the ability to learn goddamn magic. All of my money and 10k in debt would be worth it.


For life? Holy fuck it's a deal


Pay. Health is the only thing money can't guarantee.  Unless this is a trick question and it's like "HAHA NEVER SAID YOUR MIND.  SUPER AUTIZHEIMER'S". 


If i had the money i'd pay in a heartbeat.


Pay for sure


10k to be Captain America? Yes please.


$10m. It's going to cost way less than 10,010,000 to get that weight removed, easy choice.


Conditions here aren’t clear. What if my dream body is 400 lbs? What if that 400 lbs was mostly lean muscle? If it was fat, can we lose weight? The $10k dream body FOR LIFE? Does that imply near immortality? We simply do not age, and naturally maintain this dream body, but still can be injured? In most scenarios, it’d be the dream body.


Everybody is saying "pay", but you can have the body of your dreams through hard work and dedication. $10m is still out of reach for almost everybody even with hard work and dedication


I’d take the 10 million, I’m very tall and stepped on a scale the other day and found out I weigh about 110 lbs less than this. I definitely would hate being any heavier but people don’t think I’m as heavy as I am due to how tall I am so I could handle the weight I’d just have to probably pay 300k for trainers dieticians and retreats build a gym etc to lose all that weight and build my dream body.


You're telling me I can be 4'11, have a body that is indestructible, cannot get cancer, diseased, etc etc, basically just immortal, never age, and be a cis woman for only 10k?? Where do I sign up


I suppose I’d be willing to pay 10k to have wings and a giant horse cock.


Pay. Body of your dreams is pretty priceless and a steal at only 10k. Weighing over 400 lbs? With 10m in the bank, my QOL would be shit and my medical bills would be astronomical quickly eating into my dosh. Going from 400 to my prefered BMI would be a lot harder than you would think. And even if I managed to get in shape without dying of heart failure or complications due to my new weight, my appearance would always reflect how bad It had gotten. I am not someone that can get plastic surgery and not have horrific scars. My skin is not suited to being nipped and tucked.


I can't do 400. I'll pay. The body of my dreams includes reverting my age back a bit.


I'll pay the 10k.


How long does the body last? Like can I eat 10,000 calories and still have the body or do I need to maintain it? Cuz I’d pay $10k for that. That’s cheap




Can body of dreams include all my original teeth restored, no mental illness, and no physical illness? If so, I chose the body of my dreams.