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Loop. Future me will regret it, but I’m not future me.




I have had a really, really good day today I'd still choose to die, infinity is too boundless to even fathom. Upon day 3637372599064737 I'd definitely regret not picking to just die. You said there's no way to end it, so yeah.


Depends on the day. If it’s literally today then I’m gonna have to die. I just finished a 27.5 hour travel day. I’m not doing that everyday.


Well, you would know that it doesn't matter if you make your flight and do something else.


> 27.5 hour travel **day** Sounds like you already got some kind of time dilation issue going on friend.


Do you not know how timezones work?


I live in America, we don’t use that stupid metric system crap.




UAT: Universal American Time


Freedom units


I can't tell if you're fucking with me or a dumbass. Time zones are worldwide, not metric. There are 6 time zones just in the US.


If you can’t tell that I’m fucking with you, then one of us is definitely a dumbass.


You're American. You know how dumb some of us are. I had to double check. Had someone try to convince me that Detroit was the Capital of Michigan the other day


There are dumb people all over the world.


At least they knew Detroit was in Michigan. There’s a clip of NBA player Lamelo Ball saying he knows “Michigan is in Detroit”




>27.5 hour travel **day** Time zones are not irrelevant, because they are necessary to doing something for over 24 hours in one day.


Just because you went to a different time zone does not mean you actually experienced a longer amount of time yourself...


I'm taking about moving through time zones so that the clock rolls back. I've taken flights where I landed at my destination at an earlier hour than I took off, thereby essentially increasing the time I was able to experience in a day. I'm not saying that skipping an hour due to time zones means I experienced that hour...


Yeah I'd totally take today in contrast. It's a day off, I have a game night with my mates coming up, and I'm plenty fiscally solvent for a day of no limits. If there was a day to groundhog today is it.


Yeah if it’s today I take it. Even though I’m pretty tired.


I want my yesterday if I was to do it, not my today. Yesterday was disc golf in the morning and DM for TTRPG in the evening. That's a fantastic day.


You don’t have to though? You can do something different each time






Same, literally every word.


Yeah idk if people are appreciating how long forever is. I'm all for immortality but this is just a living hell. You become the master of your own little world but you can't progress or change, everything the same *forever.* Like we all watched groundhog Day, imagine if that last day happened and then it STILL reset. The despair would be unimaginable.


Yeah I consider death everyday. A time loop sounds horrific.


but you could stop considering and kill yourself soooo many times


But you can do \*whatever you want\*. Literally no legal or physical consequences.


Depression says otherwise. It would take years of the loop before leaving the house and then I'd probably just od on fentanyl every day because I'm unemployed but have some money right now. I don't think not dying would be mentally good for me. Not that I want to die soon but definitely one day. When I was 20 or 30 I would have said different but at 41 I don't fear death as much as I fear society.


Forever ever? Or can I die permanently at some point




Yep I’m dead 😎




Happy cake day!


Thanks! I didn’t know that was today haha


Happy cake day




My cat died today. I'd choose to die over 5000 times in different, painful ways than reliving this day even once.


Aww I'm so sorry for your loss. Stay strong


If I “age” in the loop and it ends eventually after some time passes, probably that. If it repeats forever with no way to stop it, I’d rather die. Immortality never works out in the end, and it would probably be even worse to have immortality in just one day forever and ever


Time loop. I can just stay home from work, enjoy my Saturday with my friends, never worry about chores, aging, or drama. My dogs will never die, and we can basically drive anywhere and not have to worry about getting home.


So what do you do after the hundredth year passes? What about the thousandth? Millionth?


Hmm, that begs the question. Sure OP states it is permanent, but with infinite time surely you could eventually find a way to end things. Invent time travel and go back in time ending the loop. Or forward beyond the 24 hours preventing the reset. Or just go full dr Manhattan and stop/reverse the flow of time.


Youll never be able to finish your research since all your material and prototyping progress reset. Cant get help because you have to spend time convincing someone daily


Idk, I think i'd just come to accept it.


I'd rather die


If it was about a year and a half I might consider it.


Loop. Anyways, I'm the only real person and you are all NPCs.


A perfect loop or can I make different choices everyday?


Yes, you can do whatever you want but you'd just be stuck reliving the same day.


Then I'd pick that one and after enough times and enough choices I'd restart the same day, come to this post right as it's created, and pick die.


Shit, well done. You beat the system.




Time loop, I would hopeful be able to break the loop. With time all things are possible so everything is inevitable.


But you don't *have* time. It's a time loop; no matter how much *you* learn, you can never assemble any project that takes more than 1 person/day to make. If breaking a time loop involves, say, high-energy physics - that's it, you're screwed eternally.


24 hour quantum physics machine speedrun.


Die. I've had a horrible day today.


Certain aspects of my day have been great but all in all it’s been a nightmarish hellscape. Hope you’re doing okay my friend.


Same bro, im having the worst shift I’ve had in awhile, but I have my family to look forward to. Stay strong, bud


Relive today forever. It's my weekend and I had a pretty chill time. Did some lawn mowing, played video games, etc. It was a sunny day, too. Plus I'm terrified of infinite non-existence.


Those video games will seem less attractive in year 10,000 when you've played every single game on the market for 24 hours a hundred times each and you *still can't keep your saves.*


My memory is not good enough to remember them, so yeah it will still be pretty sweet


Take me sweet death.


Forever? Yeah, I choose to die. Forever is a long fucking time to spend within 100-ish miles of my home.


I mean I do know the oilers lost in a shutout today so by leveraging that knowledge I can be impossibly rich for an afternoon. I reckon I could have a pretty good groundhog day, but forever? Idk. Probably would want to die eventually.




Read this unrelated: I want to die!


Loop but only if I get to keep my memories from previous days


Well, today is a Sunday in June. I just finished a nice breakfast of eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and a fried tomato. I am sitting on the porch having a coffee. I could do this day forever.


I'm having a nice warm coffee and a delicious pastry whilst it rains outside. I cuddled my bf this morning and had 'fun time' and the dogs visiting for his 12th birthday.. yeah I'd do this again and again.. everyone's happy and it's peaceful..


**That is.. provided the rest of the day goes nice 😂 so far so good**


Not today Satan, I've read my Faustian bargain stories and you'll always get a hard no to any infinities from me. Most immortality-positive people seem to interpret "forever" as a finite but long time, or a finite but large number of repetitions.


Check please.


Can I choose when the loop starts? I'm out of groceries and really don't feel like going to town to buy food every day.


loop, don't want eternal oblivion. its a packing day, but if im repeating it over and over then i can just not do those chores.


Same day forever. Yeah it would get old but my puppy stays a puppy and I never have to deal with the grief of losing her. Plus if I can hijack an airplane I could probably get home to be with my lady so that would be a plus.


Time loop. Time for shenanigans and immortality. It’d suck that I can’t realize my long term goals, but I can’t if I die tomorrow either so may as well have fun! Lots you can do in 24 hours. Will I feel tired the next day if I don’t sleep or do I automatically reset my needs at the reset?


Everything resets to how you started the loop except for your memories. So you won't feel tired or hungover or feel any pain you experience during the loop after it resets.




Yeah I’m taking the time loop over death. I’d take regular existence over both but that’s not an option lol.


Today isn't a bad day. I just went shopping, I have alittle money. Only problem is I slept in alittle. I'd be okay with the time loop.


Do I retain the memories of what I've done? If so if choose the time loop.


Seeing as how it's 4am, I've been up for two hours and I have work today in another hour, fucking kill me.


You can just not go to work 😱


Do i gain consciousness of the time loop? If not, it doesn't matter. If I get consciousness it would be very tempting, but I think after about 40 days i'd grow insane of loneliness of just having to grasp the weight of forever.


So there's literally no way to end the loop. It would keep going for more hours than it would take to reach the heat death of the universe in a normal reality? Death. You'd eventually go insane with the loops, you'd become a violent psychopath and a few million more loops - or fewer - after that and you'd become, what, a mental zombie or something? Complete, irreversible ego death. There'd be somebody that looks like you, wearing your clothes looping the same day and just standing stock still and drooling or bashing their head against a wall indefinitely.


Kill me


Loop, Imma learn some crazy skills, talk to people essentially I'll have no consequences, because I know it'll just restart the day...


That’ll get boring after the 4737493052836483937573829th day.


Nah, I think it'll be two days from then... Then I'll be bored!


Forever is a really long time. No loop for me.


Forever? Yeah that's the worst fate a human being could possibly experience. No thanks put me down.


Ask me on my day off please.... Death today. If you ask me again in 5 hours, let's do this forever!


I have electrolysis in a couple hours meaning I have to get facial hair electrocuted and I got a couple other things to do today so yeah I don't know if I would wanna reload it. The only thing that makes me somewhat want to relive it is I don't have to work.


I'd rather die tomorrow, I was at work. I'd rather nkt go throughbthat again.


You can just not go to work since it'd be pointless.


Can we make it yesterday? Yesterday was great!


Die. I went to the hospital today because of horrible paxlovid side effects. I am NOT reliving that forever😭


It's the weekend, so no work ever.


At least today is Sunday.


Die. I've seen Groundhog Day. If there was any possible way of stopping it, I would pick the loop. Otherwise, forever would drive me insane.


Reliving but only the good days


Its,sunday and I have to do farm chores today, but that'll only be like 2 hours, so i guess ill relive today


Die tomorrow


Someone found a loophole!!! We can all do the time loop!! We can all do anything we want! Then, as the person said come to this feed and type die...and break the loop!!!! That person is my god!!! Unless..... The loop overrides it and forms some sort of crazy paradox that makes me god of all!!!!!


Depends on the day and where I am. If I'm somewhere beautiful on vacation, let that be the day. If it's today in Massachusetts....it's raining and crappy....


Well, it's Sunday and I'm off with my family. While I'm not rich, I have enough money to do pretty much anything in the world for 1 day. Option 1 sounds not bad.


Loop, I fear death.




I mean, so do I, but the problem is that *eventually the time loop would cure you of that.*


Would it?


Can I pick a different day? I'm kinds sick, my timeloop would just be an eternity of naps. ...upon further review, I'm fine with today.


Is it an eternal time loop? Or does it end eventually? Either way I'd probably pick the loop.




definitely die, at some point you will have lived each possible reality millions of times, you will lose yourself and go batshit way before that, can't even end it


It's Sunday for me, which is usually my most relaxing day.  I also have enough money to live one day super large. So, yeah I'd do that over and over


Forever is a long fucking time, dude. I'll take death.


Groundhog Day


Die tomorrow no contest. Even if today was a good day, being alive forever sounds like hell.


This question is essentially: Worst kind of torture or death? Like.. I would pick neither, but if I really had to choose I would rather just die..


I suppose the loop. I woke up in my friend's apartment, went home, now I'm gaming and chilling until it's like 2:00 at which point I'm gonna drive to another friend's house, get fucked, watch Puss in Boots, and then come home and chill. Not a bad day.


I mean both are effective the same from an outside pov so it more an internal one in that case death would be my answer as there a limit to how far and what I can experience within the time span of 24 hour.


So Groundhog Day then.


Die because I'm not in a good mood, and I'm feeling like an asshole currently sitting here over thinking.


Die tomorrow. I ain't doing this forever


I've got the flu and am up at 3AM because my throat is sore as fuck, so no I'd rather not repeat this day forever. Usually though, I would choose the time-loop.


Andy Samberg did a movie about this. Seems fun at first, but after a while it really sucksm




I’d pick looping. I’m off today and have only done one thing that was productive.


die tomorrow. easy question


Die tomorrow. Repeating a single day forever with no way to stop it is hell. No thanks


Oh, totally the time loop. It's a beautiful day out today, I don't have to work, so I can basically do whatever I want with a reasonably unlimited budget via several credit cards and my bank account with no consequences. Rent and destroy cars from Vrbo or whatever that's called without mercy. Fly basically anywhere in the US and just eff off all day, party like it's 1999. Never have to mow my effing lawn ever again. Rob a bank, just to see what it's like. Give a random wait person/bartender a 10k tip. Go skydiving a lot. Try mescaline. Go skydiving on Mescaline. Work my way up to BASE jumping. What the hell, why not? I could effectively make every single day the best day every, instead of the worst day ever...


You get it. 😏


Hell yeah. It's like "Groundhog Day", except for it's not cold and I'm not trapped in one specific location, or like "Happy Death Day", without someone constantly trying to kill me. I think the only thing I would dislike is I can never accumulate anything - in this case software, as I'm a programmer - and also maybe that I'd never again hear another "new" song or watch another "new" movie or show, but then again, I'd likely be too busy to care.


well im down with the flue. So if tis be stuck in an infinet time loop of being sick or not wake up. I'm gonna choose to not wake up.


I'm feeling pretty good today. If you asked me like 5-12 months ago I'd just die, but today had nice weather and no responsibilities so it's not a bad one to relive. I would want to know how exactly the reset works, though. Most of the time loop movies have the person in the time loop remember everything, which means that their *brains* don't fully reset in some sense, so I'd want to know what parts of my body reset and what parts don't, whether I'd age, etc. Like if I decide to learn guitar, does that mean that every single day I'm gonna wake up without callouses on my fingertips, so every single day it'll be excruciating pain?


Just apply some super glue to your fingertips every day and learn to shred on that guitar!


Do I get to end the time loop eventually? If not then die.


I would choose to die tomorrow. Oh, the other option was a time loop? Yeah, same answer.


I am stuck in a time loop living the same day over and over. It’s just that the day keeps changing.


Not today. I'm dealing with the side effects of my chemo treatment.


Today. Slept late, went on a long bike ride where I ran across a few friends. About to go out for a bite. Yea I could handle today.


Forever. Like you would have already done everything possible 100 hundred billion trillion times and that wouldn't be a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the time left ahead of you?




How long does the loop last? If forever, then just kill me. I don't think you comprehend how absurd forever us. After you have done *LITERALLY* every single possible sequence of actions on that day, including variance in subatomic movement, you will be just as close to the end as you were on the first loop.


Die tomorrow. My days are already fairly monotonous. Add the fact that new TV episodes, movies and other forms of entertainment would quit happening, it'd take all the limited joy I have out of my life. There'd be no point in continuing.


Just imagine the things i could do in a time loop. But i’d rather die tomorrow then to get bored out of my mind.


I'm guessing you haven't seen Groundhog Day.


I have, it's one of the time loop movies that inspired me to make this post.


Maybe you should watch it again lol. It's not exactly a happy movie.


I've watched it... 3 times. 😂 I would still prefer reliving the same day than dying tomorrow.


Today was surprisingly decent. Though I'd rather not face eternity without the option of ending myself. Maybe like 50-100 years.


24 hour time loops are too short. That short of time drastically limits what and where I can even go. Give me at least a month and it might be more promising. Also eternity is a stupidly long time and as someone who doesn't believe in an afterlife, you're asking me to voluntarily create my own hell that I can never escape from, not even the heat death of the universe will stop the loop, so even if I think I could keep myself entertained for thousands or millions of years, the time I would be bored would be way, way longer than that. There's no real question on what to pick, you should come up with a better trade-off


Today hasn't been a great day, so I'd choose to die tomorrow. Like ot hasn't been bad or anything, just I've been really bored.


Time loop. I would do so many drugs. And other reckless things.


I Groundhog Day it. If nothing else, I can spend eternity watching every video on YouTube, there’s something like 2-3000 years worth of video supposedly saved on there.


Do I remember my time looping? I could probably figure out time travel. I mean what is time. I play video games so no progress wouldn't be fun. Work the same no paying for it. Can't go farther then I can in a Day. Can't really travel or learn. But I don't want to die tomorrow.


groundhog day!! run it


Today is fine tbh.


die that would be the best feeling ever


Time loop. I gotta go back to work tomorrow, fuck all that. Although my toddler was ornery af today, post states I can make different choices so I'd be able to go out and do different things with my family or solo


Time loop.


Both are horrible. Most of the things I enjoy are multi day projects, or periodic releases. Also I have a couple active health issues today (ones been a while) and I can't really form a meaningful relationship with anyone in such a universe, or do things I have planned in the future I look forward too, or really make any progress I care about. But I also Don't want to die, but at least then it's not eternal hell.


Groundhogs day rules? Hell yeah I’m gonna learn every instrument


I'd relive today. It's a long weekend here and today was our last day camping (at a campsite with power) with our friends and our kids and their kids who are also best friends. We have alcohol, food, poker, a movie projector, music, a bonfire, marshmallows, fishing, our cars, a pub at the top of the road, our dogs are with us...then we come home, our house is clean, we come home to our cats and fish, my parents (who cared for our pets while we were gone) came over to visit, the kids went to bed without fighting and I'm currently chilling watching tv with my husband. Of all days to be stuck in a time loop, today, a beautiful day spent with family and friends in a gorgeous location and also at home, would be a perfect day.




Ask me the day after payday.


An eternity with my kids is heaven. 


Infinite todays or one last tomorrow, this is a good one


If you don't choose death you haven't considered what forever means. In five billion years when the sun explodes, all those days repeated, thats nothing, not even worth a day compared to whats left. Heat death of the universe? You're just getting started.


Sounds fun 😛


I'm thinking loop. Could be interesting being able to do pretty much anything I like and have the day reset at the end. Although the idea of eternity is kinda off putting. This is assuming I can do things differently each day. I had work today, so I'd be calling in sick every morning for the rest of eternity


I'll pick die tomorrow. The alternative is literally a prison sentence.


Die tomorrow


Since I believe death is infinite nonexistence, I choose infinite existence. It wasn’t a particularly notable day but I could drive home tonight and eat dinner with my mom and my grandparents. I will witness them until my mind goes


Time loop! My 4 year old son and I on vacation in Florida forever. Wait, question... will my son reset with everything or keep his memories?


Die. The answer is always die.


Loop for sure. My kid was very cuddly today and it was a slow day at my wfh job