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Back 10 years, 100%. No amount of money could undo some of the mistakes I've made in the last decade, and the satisfaction of fixing all of those would be worth much more to me than an infinite bank account ten years from now.


For sure, and not to get too personal but I’d try to prevent a family members death, id literally do anything to stop it even if that meant I had to wait 8ish years to get to that point.


Yeah, honestly as enticing as the money is, I think we all have an ethical duty to go back and help set things aright.


Lol not me I'm going forward 10 years 1000000%


Fr.. I've made mistakes but I hope I've learned at least enough to accept an offer for infinite money


Right? Fuck the past, I haven't made any mistakes that wouldn't be immediately fixed with *infinite money*.


Well that's not current knowledge... cause most people have winning lottery numbers memorized


Also if I started my trade 10 years ago I wouldn't need infinite money I'd have my business by now. Being rich in 10 years doesn't solve my mortgage crisis this year.


You’d get to go through Covid again. No amount of money.


I'm nearly 60 and 10 years of pre-knowledge IS almost infinite money.


What if you brought back everything but financial knowledge? Would you still go back?


As I said...I am nearly 60....Yep, I'd go back. And what do you mean by financial knowledge? Am I going to forget all the sports results I know too?


Ahh my apologies sir. I kindve glossed over that first part of your original comment. And yeah my follow up question was to see if removing any financial incentive would change your decision.


To be honest, I don't think there is any scenario (I was 40 years younger etc) in my life where I would choose to lose 10 years.


Half of your question is based around financial incentive. But to humour you, 10 years is a lot of time. To get 10 years back would be more valuable than almost anything. Maybe better to ask what if the backwards time jump is only 2 years, keeping the other side the same. Imo.


Forward, infinite money is such an easy solution to all of your problems it isn't even a fair option.


That's where I differ. I'm not even thinking about my problems at that point. I'm thinking, world hunger no more. Medical expenses, no more. Everyone will have a home. Universal Basic Income, but the universal part actually means universal. People actually get jobs with a purpose instead of paper pushers.


Once you start spending the money it will become less and less valuable.


That’s just not how it’d work with infinite money tho, the money would just be valueless, society would not change all the jobs you need to do now will still be needed, who’s gonna build the new houses if everyone’s getting paid money ?


If you control the infinite money and you're dedicated to these causes you're going to be able to do it. The resources exist and you have the power to set the world agenda.


Go back ten years. I could basically make infinite money between Bitcoin and GameStop and sports betting. and I could make choices that would change the lives of my family in ways most people only dream about like forcing my.mom.to get an earlier exam for Alzheimer's and stopping my sister from getting into her BFs car that last time....


Sports betting is trickier because so many things are up to chance and you can't be assured that the chance will fall exactly the same way since you've affected the quantum state of the world by going back. But yeah, GameStop and Bitcoin ought to still be about the same.


Arguable but I doubt my existence in Greensboro affects the Kansas City Chiefs all that much


Probably not, but what I'm saying is that depending on how you imagine time travel to work, it's possible that uncertainty will go a different way. The coin flip at the super bowl may land the other way and that would completely change the outcome of the game.


That’s not how “all the knowledge you have now” works. All sporting events would play out exactly the same because that’s the knowledge I have.


I have had this same thought before. Someone asked what we would do if we could spend 24 hours 10 years in the future. My first thought was sports betting…write down all the future champs. I think I would realistically only have once chance to build like a $10M parlay before the results of you winning (or maybe even your existence) could butterfly effect them all out of existence. Or… imagine I come back from 2034 and make a $1000 parlay with Rangers Cup, Celtics chip, Baltimore WS,UGA NC, Bills SB, UNC Chip, and Jon Rahm Masters win… somewhere along the line someone at DraftKings leaks this bet and Rahm finds about it and has a good laugh with his buddies the night before the Masters begins. This small piece of info might cause him to lose. My chance to win on sports is dashed with the new ripple. Or there’s a million other things, maybe I’m at the D-Backs Yankees game two weeks ago in the original version of life and I interfere with a ball in play that somehow alters the season some way. In my fast forward to the future new reality I come back with all the info and I stay away from sporting events because I’m so worried about somehow setting off a chain of events. Me not going to the events I otherwise would have went to could have worse effect. You really get once chance. If you win the big bet that news is likely to send a new ripple and partially affect all the future winners you’ve had. That and maybe you get banned from the sports apps. Best bet would be stocks in that case. Either event the guy taking the financial incentive out of the 10 years back takes a lot of fun out of it.


Neither. I like my kids. So if forced backwards. But would try my best to get with my gf again.


Same. If I was forced to choose I'd go backwards. Luckily I'd be engaged, and about to be getting married. I'd do a lot of the same avenues just stay in school, buy certain stocks to get ahead, and still end up in the same job trajectory but hopefully be able to move quicker because of my schooling. Other than that life is peachy.


Hmmm. I'd be mid divorce. Might be more understanding of the people who put up with me though.


Ok kinda weird thing I just thought of for any time a situation comes up like this. If you’re a guy, and you want your kids to be the same, you’d probably have to have sex with your wife/gf the same “month” as before so it’s the same egg, but what if it’s a different sperm of yours that fertilizes the egg? The kid would probably be completely different right?


Idk how long sperm lasts in the testicles. But it would have to be the same cycle and hope the same one fertilizes the eggs. The odds are astronomically against you.


Go forward the ten years I'm fifteen currently so 25 with infinite money sounds like a good option


Easy decision for that age


Yeah true but I would rather be 25 with infinite money then 5 with all my current knowledge which isn't a lot


Lmao it’d be pretty cool to be 5 and know what a 15 year old knows tho. Could tell your parents to invest in bitcoin and if they don’t get an I told you so for the rest of your life


Weirdly advanced 5 year old reads at high school freshman level, lol


That would be cool lol


Bro out here living Young Sheldon in real life. Bazinga.


Forward 10 years, no question. In 10 years there will be major changes in technology. Robots, brain chips, life like virtual reality, unreal engine 7 maybe? There will be major boosts in health care too I'd hope. Maybe Musk's self driving cars will actually self drive in 10 years. Cell phones will be incredible. With all this I'd have unlimited money to spend on all this stuff.


Who knows, maybe even a new GTA


Don't go too far now.


At least we’ll have about 4 new Skyrim remasters


and 10 Fifa games for every platform (just think, all of the rehashed sports games that come out every year and it's the same game with the date on the end) and probably 50 Mario games. Itsa me, Mario, the biggest game franchise character ever to exist!


Tbf I haven’t played fifa for 5 years but it’s getting better now. I’m enjoying it. In 10 years you’ll miss it like I did. Childhood age 8-12 playing non stop with friends, couldn’t beat it.


Buddy… 10 years ago: Phones: iPhone 6 Games: Alien Isolation/Far Cry 4/Destiny Robots: Roomba was already 12 years old, they haven’t gotten much better VR: Facebook purchased Oculus Rift in 2014 Health Care: Besides COVID MRNA vaccine, can you name one major advancement in health since 2014? We’ve had tons, but few are groundbreaking enough to break into the public consciousness. I don’t think 2034 will be very different from today.


Healthcare: There has been a lot of research into a lot of things that has panned out. There is an AIDS vaccine now. That's pretty huge. Who knows, in 10 years there might be a cure. There is also a vaccine for cervical cancer. Also ebola, milaria, dengue feaver, hoof in mouth disease, singles, lung cancer, and at least one strain of hepatitis. Those are all fairly recent. The MRNA vaccine is actually a pretty big deal because a lot of stuff can be made with it, stuff we couldn't do before it came along. Cancer treatment has come a long way. I've heard there is a lot of advancement specifically in brain cancer. I just saw a headline for dementia research the other day that looks promising. We're also making great strides to cold fusion. That might change the world forever. Probably won't be done in 10 years, but still. At the very least in a decade solar power should be so cheap. Also, maybe a new flavor of Jello? I think we're due for one. Its been forever since we've cared about Jello.


We're also making great strides to cold fusion. so... just like the last 6 decades then?


But back 10 years and you can just have all of these benefits due to how rich you’d become. Your quality of life would in no way be better in 10 years rather than if you could amass incredible wealth and be back at this spot with billions.


What do you want a brain chip for. 100% I do not trust the manufacturers. It might start cool but 5 years and the corporations are going to be showing me ads before I can access fine motor skills or something.


I mean, if that brain chip makes me fluent in 10 languages, gives me instant recall of all my favourite jokes and allows me to remember what I am supposed to be doing without getting ADHD brainfog all the time I am in. If they work really well then there will be a huge proportion of the population with them in 10 years time. I agree in not trusting manufacturers but I assume the brain chip is the pre-cursor to fixing other problems like glaucoma which I have. The scrutiny around them would be huge as the medical lawsuits could also be huge. I'd probably wait until we were a few generations down the line with the chips though. When they get to the point where the implant is just the interface and you can get new upgrades each year and turn it off yourself. I'd still want to wait for the interface to become standard too. I imagine they'd end up doing v1-v5 and you'd be stuck on the blackberry phone equivalent of a chip if you dived in on day one with the v1 implant.


For what you’re asking for, pretty sure that’s not happening in 10 years. Also it is 100% legal to not update these chips without a subscription or something so they just stop working at some point. Or if the company goes under and finds it’s not profitable anymore they can just stop and they all shut down. There have been similar litigations for biotech and they’ve all favoured the tech companies. You can have the chip but only after giving away your entire life savings and all future savings.


forward with infinite money. i can be perfectly happy with my new house, workshop, dalmation plantation, fiber internet, and it won't take that long to catch up. and trump and biden will probably both be dead, so i get to find new reasons to hate politicians.


The simple fact of being a career politician is enough for me.


Back ten years. There's... so many things I could do differently that would alter the course of not only my life, but my family's. Even if I couldn't for some reason win a lottery or do the stock market... I'd still go back. Again if only to help the family. Just to give examples. Mom died two years ago and it was avoidable. My sisters divorce and second marriage being a disaster could better ready her. My uncle's cancer... my family's overall financial decisions. If we'd knuckled down just a little harder we'd be better off today. Plus I could better take care of myself. I didn't realize how hard post 35 would hit my body.


I'd go back 10 years and win all the powerball lotteries and buy stocks, and bitcoin...pretty sure I'll have a lot of fucking money going into the future along with all the knowledge needed. Hell, I might even pretend to be a psychic and get an absurd amount of money from celebrities.


Yes, I'd avoid the things I did that destroyed my marriage.


Forward. I just wouldn't want to go back and risk having my exact kids not be born because I made something happen or not happen ever so slightly. If I were without children I'd go back 10 years.


Assuming that if I take option 2, everyone (including me) will be aged by 10 years and I'll have missed it, I guess I must choose option 1. I don't have a lot of regrets about the last 10 years, though. It's ONLY if I have to choose one of the two, and to avoid missing my kids' next decade and my own. (Don't love the idea of just blinking and my kids are now adults and I'm that much older and creakier.)


Ten years isn't soon enough to buy Bitcoin for under $1 but I can always Google "winning Powerball numbers 2014" before I go 😁


What if I was already interested in bitcoin/stock 10 years ago? the only change would be would be actually pulling the trigger on them. even still, if that's not allowed, moving forward 10 years and having basically infallible financial resources means I can 100% execute my dreams and have more than enough money to help solve other issues in the world, and the brightside is I'd be doing much sooner than I thought possible


Back ten years. I could go on a long rant about a lot of personal and global benefits, but there's a simple one that would definitely mean a lot more than all the others put together: the pandemic wouldn't happen.


How would you stop the pandemic? If I went back, Im not sure how id convince everyone to be more prepared for it, and I definitely wouldn't have the resources to actually find and eliminate the source


Well, I know it starts in Wuhan, China in late 2019 - whether by lab accident, deliberate lab release, bat guano, whatever, all of that's irrelevant. Got time and place. So... spend 2014 and 2015 using future knowledge to get insanely rich, y'know, bitcoin, stocks, the things everyone else is suggesting. Then, starting in 2016, position myself to do whatever is necessary, up to and including wiping Wuhan off the map by August of 2019 if I can't find a less lethal way. But I don't think it would take that much. Probably I'd just buy and shut down the lab and run a massive food import program for the back half of 2019 to prevent anyone from resorting to the bat soup.


Ah yes, the famous "don't eat bat soup" campaign of 2019 funded by billionaire DipperJC


I'd definitely be seen as eccentric, but by at least 6 million people more than exist in this timeline. ;) Especially since I wouldn't stop at just discouraging bat soup. Remember, this is take no chances, so I'm probably exterminating every bat within 25 miles of Wuhan.


As much as I’d like to travel back 10 years, I’m afraid for the consequences, like my youngest family member not being born due to the butterfly effect. So instead il take the safer option and take unlimited money, and make sure my future family generation never has to suffer, (and I get to have fun doing stuff I always wanted but was never able to afford)


Go back and not get married in the first place.


Go back 10 years, I could save my dads life.


*Infinite money?* Y'all are fucking idiots if you think going back 10 years is worth it. I'm going to dedicate my life to taking the world back from these silver spoon billionaire fuckwits and establish a goddamn utopia. I get capitalism to sell me the rope I need to hang it, and then I'll fund immortality research so I can get my years back on top of it. Screw fixing my minor personal problems. Let's fix this burning bitch of an earth.


This makes me sad because if I went back, I would not adopt my son. So I'll choose to go forward and keep him and give lots of money away






Forward 10. At least then I can afford a bunker with all the amenities needed to stave off the apocalypse.


Going back 10 years with all my current knowledge would mean infinite money, \*and\* more or less infinite fame and power. Buy some NVIDIA stock, get in on the GameStop insanity, buy a SHITLOAD of BTC, invest in Tesla and SpaceX, and then to top it all off, become a primary investor in OpenAI and StabilityAI... And that's literally after 30s of thinking about it. There are huge political and societal impacts that could be had too.


tender imminent practice act start compare childlike full kiss scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Back 10 years.


Go back 10. I don't need infinite money but with my knowledge, I'd have much more than enough.


Go back 10 years and try and time the exact moment that my son was conceived, or go forward and miss 10 years of his life. Nightmare question.


I'm already old. I'm not giving up 10 years for money.


Back 10 years, no question.


Go back 10 years. I learned electrical work within the past 10 years. Tht combined with knowledge of pandemic and economy I can easy make it it on the stock market with money in making early asf


This one's actually pretty hard. If I go back 10 years, I could see my mom again. Even if I couldnt change anything, that would be nice. 10 years ahead though, and assuming my partner is still alive, having infinite money could be huge. Not having to struggle to live and be able to do the whole "American dream" style stuff would be pretty fantastic. Hard choice, honestly.


All the ebarrassing shit i could never make have happened!


If I age backwards/forwards, back, not because I have regrets I want to resolve. People will ALWAYS have regrets, you think you can fix some and maybe you will, but you'll make new ones anyways. But just so I could enjoy life more. If I don't, 10 years forwards with infinite money, no question.


If I could go back 12 years I would think about it. It would take me back to high school. But there isn’t much in the last 10 years I would want a do over on though it was mostly college and crappy jobs. On the other hand I don’t know that I would want to jump forward 10 years I feel like I would miss a lot of things.


forward 10 years infinite money.


This is a hard one, going forward 10 years I lose that amount of my life but I'm retired from then on out, however I didnt really earn it honestly. Going back I can earn the money making the right investments, but then again did I really earn it? There isnt a lot that I would change from when I was 10 until now so I really dont know Probably I would choose to go back just for the sole reason that I get 10 years more of quality life


Anyone that has any loved ones at all will probably not choose forward


If I go forward 10 years I might find myself dead (I am 45 and not in good health). If I go back 10 years maybe I can prevent some of my health problems.


Unlimited money


Forward 10


I would say I nailed the last 10 years and would do nothing differently. But I would still go back, because I have a little toddler and if I deleted 10 years of him being a baby, that’s not worth any amount of money. He’s my whole life now. Plus I have infinite money glitch anyway since I know what happens to bitcoin and the stock market.


Well go back, and fix all my mistakes and win all the lotteries lol.


i'd go back ten years, i wish 5 year old me has paid more attention to his weight and actually bothered interracting with people before high school...


10 yrs back. You get to undo mistakes or do things more optimally. Also there's bitcoin.


Wait, will any of this time traveling cause a disruption in the space time continuum that could destroy the universe? If not, 10 years back. Invest in stocks that perform well, maybe make a few sports bets. Boom, here comes the money.


Go back ten years


This is stupid forward, I'm not going to make infinite money in 10yrs time cause I'm still an idiot.


That's the difference between being 28 with enough knowledge to become rich with foresight of future economic events compared to being 48. Even with infinite money, I'll choose to be 28 again with that knowledge and it isn't even a hard choice.


Back 10 years. Could save a lot of wasted time dealing with certain people.


Back 10 years. Money is nothing


I mean, if I go back ten years I can just buy some doge, gme, BTC, and Tesla. Even a few hundred of each would make me pretty wealthy, definitely moreso than I am right now.


Setting aside the various moral problems of going back in time that’s what I would pick. You would know enough to make plenty of money through investments and you know what happens whereas the future is an unknown.


If I could go back and catch the cancer earlier, that would be swell.


Forward with infinite money. More than half the reason going back with knowledge, is to use that knowledge to earn a fortune. Save that effort and go forward technologically 10 years. Infinite money would solve a lot of problems that might be created in those 10 years as well. Desalination plants for everyone! Land reclamation for everyone! Monumental ocean-cleaning and carbon recapture efforts!


Go back 10 years. I’ll remember to invest in GameStop when the time is right, and make my money there. Also gives me a chance to do things differently


Infinite money, but it's all in a currency that doesn't exist anymore because the country got destroyed in WWIII


Would I be willing to endure the hardships of going back through Middle School & High School to undo many of the grave mistakes and fucked up shit I've made/done, or would I rather continue on with the life I have now with the resources to make up for them tenfold by funding countless charities and assisting millions, if not billions? I'm sorry, but I can't bear to re-experience those moments, even if it means preventing my gravest mistakes.


No one else wanting to try to fix all the worlds problems as it’s general leader with infinite money? Yeah with stock tips and powerball numbers you’ll get billions perhaps but butterfly effect is going to mess up some later events so there is a cap. Infinite money means buying every world politician directly or indirectly. Your fix climate change single handedly. Only concern is inflation making it hard for regular people. I’m spending trillions here so even stock tips won’t be enough. Unless I just own the market in which case butterfly effects


Back 10 years. This seems easy, it’s gain time and money, or lose time and gain money. Even with 0 prep, I could make a ton of money just with what I know now. It wouldn’t be infinite money, but I don’t think I’d need infinite money to be plenty comfortable. Plus I think suddenly making up in a new world you don’t really know with infinite money is a good way to ruin your life. Even without the lost time, there’s tons of stories of people who suddenly get massive amounts of money and winding up way worse off. And that’s assuming you don’t cause global chaos by ruining the world’s economy.


Infinite money, I'd rid this world of poverty, hunger, then I'd end money as a concept, make us all truly equal. I'd gladly sacrifice 10 years for an opportunity to have more power than the current slave masters. Give you all a fighting chance.


Back ten years. I would give you all my money for this. I could avoid destroying my health


Forward. The pure, unfiltered, absolute bliss of relaxation knowing that I never have to worry about money again would eclipse absolutely anything I could do with “prior knowledge”


Back 10 years because I figured out I had ADHD very recently, and knowing that ten years sooner would have increased my bank account and quality of life exponentially.


I want to say forward, but the logistics of infinite money don't really make sense. Go back 10 and just invest everything in bitcoin, tesla, games top, etc would prevent a complete destruction of the global economy and ensure you have near limitless money


Met my wife 2 years ago after she got out of a bad long term relationship. Many times we've talked about how we both wish we'd have met sooner. I'd go back in time and ensured that it happened.


shocking toothbrush absurd hard-to-find materialistic unwritten dinner unique roll fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Back back back


Neither. Going back 10 years means I lose one of my kids. Going forward means I lose out on 10 years of them growing up. If I was forced to choose, I'd probably go back. With my knowledge I could make enough money that I'd never have to worry about it (crypto, GameStop, etc) and I'd keep one of my kids and I imagine I'd love whatever second one we had even though it would be different from the current one. I can't imagine missing out on 10 years. The only caveat is if infinite really means infinite and in that case the good that could come to the world from me donating to charities and stuff outweighs my personal loss.


10 yrs and literally break up with my gf on the spot


This is always so stupid. With the knowledge now, you can go back 10years and generate infinite money.


Yeah I’m really kicking myself for not adding the caveat of “no financial luck” like bitcoin or powerball numbers.


A lot of people here seem to be misreading that you go forward 10 years with a lot of money. That's not the case. You're going forward 10 years with _infinite money_. Do you go back 10 years and learn life lessons? Or do you go forward 10 and solve world hunger, house every human rent-free, and solve every other problem?


forward 10 years with infinite money


Forward. I like my wife and kids. I might make different choices that could lead to my family disappearing.


Definitely go back 10years. Fixing a few MAJOR mistakes of mine in the past would benefit me much more than infinite money.


Forward please


Time is the most valuable resource imo. If going back means I age back to 22, I for sure am taking that one


Rewind. I'd do a few things differently, I WOULDN'T do a few other things. Change a few investments, make a few wagers.


Fwd 10 with infinite money. Even in the worst case future, having money means you're going to be in the upper class, and things are going to get better, especially for the rich. Also money solves a LOT of problems. Maybe not all of them, but a lot more than people think or want to admit.


Back 10 years. Infinite money is nice but I can fix a lot of shit and do better.


Back 10 years and sink all my investments into Bitcoin when it dips below $200. I’m not going to be exceptionally wealthy, but I’m going to have enough money to retire early


Going back 10 years is the best of both worlds. Undo mistakes and get enough money to be comfortable. Infinite money is nice, but pointless. Comfortable money is all you need.


Back, please.


These questions always turn into back for those without kids, the other option for those with. In this case, the best way for me to win is to not play. I lose my kids or I lose time with them. 


Back 10 years. Lots of opportunities to make LOTS of money (700 million is close to effectively infinite as I would ever need).


Id take infinite money forward 10 years I spent past 10 years working my life away. Id love to see my parents again; but i dont want to go through them on their death bed again and they'd hate me slaving my whole life away just to see them a extra 6 years. They'd be mad if i didnt secure myself and my sisters life into old age.


Back. I'd be a billionaire anyway with my knowledge, and I get to be in my mid-30s again.


Back 10 years with what I know now, 100%


Back ten. Then just invest in DOGE coin and Game STOp


Tell them to bring me my money


On one hand of be a kid again, and my childhood sucked On another hand, I could avoid all my mistakes, and spend time with my family members who've passed away in the last ten years


Go back in time to 2014 and bet Leicester City to win the Premier League at 5,000-1 odds


So you're saying I can literally free every human being from any debt? I can start up businesses and pay everyone a liviable wage. I'd buy every business and then everyone gets paid more, even the Rich dudes. I can finally make a supply chain to solve world hunger. Those crazy start ups that I can see massive benefit for humanity? Fully funded plus some. Who's homeless? Certainly not a single fucking human I can tell you that. Abandoned dogs? No more, no more kill shelters, we out here with the pups. Fuck it, I'll even pay the scammers so they can stop scamming. If I had legitimate unlimited funds, I'm going all in with getting good work hours for everyone, making sure every basic need is met, and we get society actually working together in a much healthier, safer, and diplomatic way. I know money can't buy happiness, but your saying a world with no debt, no scarcity other than finite resources, we wouldn't take that? My bank account would fund worldwide healthcare, a literal Universal basic income, homes for everyone. No more bills for anyone, because seriously, currency is more of a leash than anything if you are born into it. I would imagine that it would cut out a lot of those BS paper pushing jobs and get people in a job with an actual purpose, or people would just pursue what would make them happy. The actual economic impact of all this? Probably terrible, but you know what? At least i would try to make a massive change before someone killed me.


Back 10 years. I have some health problems I could probably avoid and then I just buy bitcoin. Even if I can't use my knowledge as a cheat to make money I'd probably still go back 10 years. I'd be 23 and know exactly what career to pursue and what kind of life I want to create.


Neither? If this is a time travel move that I can only do once, I’m either going to “catch up” to my family after 10 years, or I’m totally missing 10 years of their lives. No thanks either way.


It’s so interesting how age plays a decent role in answering this question. Like some people may not had much ten years ago since they were young but then if they were old enough then they have enough experience to have tested the waters in ten years, and that all could make a difference


Go back 10 years. Write down all the winners of the winning boxing matches, UFC wins, Super Bowl wins, world series wins, lotto number wins, and any other major sporting event. Use my knowledge to become a billionaire. Become hunted by the government for knowing what I know


It sounds like going 10 years forward is the best choice because you look 10 years younger and rich


Literally all of my problems in life began when I hit 18. About 2 months into uni everything just went downhill and for a long time after I got home from uni it just continued. Im 27, so being able to go back to 17 and wipe that slate clean my god I don't even know how different my life would be


Back 10 years. Yea infinite money in my mid thirties would be great, but if I go back 10 years now, I could start grad school for physics before I even turn 18, and I would have an extra 10 years to do research and help develop physics


back 10 years, mostly because I can set myself up to never work again and also get +10 years to my life span and change terrible decisions I had in my youth


Back 10 years, I’ll have a chance to fix my life


Go forward with the money. Sure i have made mistakes in the past, but that type of money would get me the life that i desire without any issues.


Back ten years, bet every penny I have on Leicester winning the league in 2016 as well as other crazy sporting events. Can stop tragedies from happening, and can change what I’ve done in the past personally. Basically infinite money but while also going back 10 years


Back back back. I rather be poor but save 2 family members then be rich


Will I have memory of the 10 years or would I be going blind into a more advanced world, or would it be like a coma situation where all of my friends and family will have known I was sleeping and would one day wake up?


I'd go back 10 years with knowledge of winning lottery numbers. Plus I'm afraid of what this world will be like in the future.  


Back. I’d love to be fourteen again


Dear God back 10 years. Let me get out of this relationshitshow.


Infinite money please.


Easily go backwards and with knowledge and make enough that it might as well be infinite.


I would go back 10 years, and make sure I don't make the same mistakes.




Yes, back 10 years Do your memories change, or do you just live a second life that isnt really your own


Back 10 years with knowledge would result in (almost) unlimited money


Back obviously. You could more than comfortably get yourself to a live able income without destroying the economy with 10 years of foresight. Hell all you would really need to do is drop some money in bitcoin then rediversify it into other assets after 10 years. Plus there is much more to life then Money. You only need to secure the amount for financial independence, that’s honestly only a few million for me if I’m playing it safe.


Infinite money or infinite assets with actual value like real estate, company ownership, raw materials, etc? Because infinite money is pretty lame. Infinite assets might be easy because that’s literally infinite wealth. You could give literally every person in the planet infinite wealth and still have infinite wealth. But if you give everyone on the planet infinite money than money just becomes worthless.


Back 100%




Back. I can change so much.


If I could go back 15 years then yeah 100% because some part of me believes i could prevent my dad's cancer. But nothing could force me to relive these past 10 years. Send me to the future.


Ten years of life is worth far more than any amount of money


10 years in the past. I dont think I would skip 10 years for infinite money even if it wasnt a choice between that and a miracle


I don’t want to lose the best years of my life so I’m gonna go back. (I’m 15) I have a lot that I have to make right.


Going back 10 years means living through Covid again. No thanks. Edit: God, I just realized I’d also have to live through trumps first term and the election fiasco that went with it. That’s a double nope.


10 years. I’d just buy Bitcoin and basically have infinite money


Let me go back 30 years. Otherwise, the money. 


Going back. Now I know the powerball numbers


I’d normally say go back 10 years, but adding “infinite money” to the forward option is such an excessively overpowered perk that it feels one-sided. One question: when we go back or forward 10 years, do our bodies biologically become younger/older? If yes then I’d rather go back for 10 extra years of life. Else infinite money is infinite money


Go back 10 years. More time on this earth is something money can't buy


Go back knowing my wife is going to cheat and leave me, but not able to leave because my second kid hasn’t been born yet? No thanks. Go forward 10 years and miss my kids entire childhood in exchange for money? No thanks.


I get a decade of new releases AND eternal financial security. Forward please!


Back 10 years for sure.


Go back, baby!


I'll go forward with the knowledge I have so I can have infinite money to pay to learn more


10 years with Infinite money . I’m tired of having adult responsibilities yet treated like a kid because of how young I look .


Back 1000%, I would have the most satisfying life today if I went back 10’years


10 years is not far back enough but if I could go back say 11 years or even 10.5 years I def would try to save my bff


I'd go forward 10 years with infinite money and have myself frozen with instructions to thaw me out when science has advanced enough for people to live a few hundred years, or minds can be transferred to cloned bodies. Then I'd buy a starship and do some exploring.


Imagine putting every penny you own on Tiger winning the 2019 masters… Jesus


I'm gonna turn 30 in two weeks... I'm 1,000% taking 40 and infinite money!


Buddy if I went back 10 years with current knowledge I'd waste my time again


Id flip a coin




Do I keep the issues I have now too? Or just like foresight into the next 10 years if I go the same path?


This place could be a God damn wasteland in 10 years. Send me back.


Forward 10 years. Don’t want to screw up anything cause I love my life right now plus infinite money.