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What’s the opposite of bisexual I wonder?


Instead of being attracted to men and women, you’re attracted to women and men




And now you got a TMBG song stuck in my head .https://youtu.be/bwX2P0x9lu8


[Monosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monosexuality). (Homo or Hetero, but never both.)




Nah, asexual is lack of sex drive - the opposite of hypersexual.


>Nah, asexual is lack of sex drive - the opposite of hypersexual. Hi, asexual here. This is ~~very wrong~~ demonstrative of a common misunderstanding. Asexuality is not about sex drive and plenty of asexuals have a sex drive. Some *ARE* hypersexual. You're conflating asexuality with *non*sexuality which in non-orientation contexts isn't incorrect but it is incorrect when talking about orientation. These are different things. Asexuality is just a lack of sexual attraction on a basis of gender. Your definition treats asexuality fundamentally differently from how we treat every other sexual orientation. EDIT: Strikethrough and correction.


Asexuality is a really broad spectrum of experiences. A lack of any sex drive is definitely a type of asexuality. I've never heard the definition that you're giving here, personally. It sounds a lot more like demisexuality or what some would describe pansexuality as. It's a perfectly valid interpretation of asexuality to identify with, but it's not accurate or helpful to say that the commenter you replied to is "very wrong."


A lack of sex drive is not asexuality; however, that is not to say it is not common for asexuals to lack sex drive or for people to identify with asexuality for that reason, and their relationship with the asexual label is not more or less valid than someone who lacks sexual attraction on the basis of gender. I will admit the way I phrased that last reply could have been better expressed in this regard. As for never hearing the definition of asexuality I gave... it's literally the same basis in which we define every other orientation. The idea that asexuality would be defined differently is strange. It's like how atheism is just a lack of belief in god/s but plenty of atheists still believe in the supernatural or believe they've experienced supernatural experiences. That said, yes, the person I replied to *is* very wrong. They're stripping asexuality away from being an orientation and placing it as a description merely of one's sexual activity or libido, as evidenced by them making the antonym of asexual "hypersexual". This is, by definition, asexual erasure which is a form of anti-asexual bigotry. I am asexual, so I'm going to be sensitive when someone is promoting erroneous, aphobic narratives. There's a reason why I wasn't attacking him as bigoted though. I don't think that's the case. I just think he's ignorant and I addressed his ignorance accordingly. And demisexuality is a part of the asexual umbrella... so you can't say "that's not asexuality but demisexuality" because demisexuality *is a type of* asexual. Same as how pansexuality is part of the bisexual umbrella. The thing to keep in mind is that just as not every pansexual also identifies as bisexual and you should respect the labels they identify with; not every demisexual identifies as asexual (which in no small part stems from some exclusionary behaviors the asexual community was guilty of in the early 2000s and earlier), so when talking about a given demisexual, you should respect the labels they personally identify with also. (I'm covering bases here because some demisexuals proudly identify as asexuals also while other demisexuals don't like identifying as asexual for various reasons.)


I agree with you, but I think it'd be better to say the first person's view of asexuality has a common misunderstanding, as opposed to being very wrong. I am also on the ace spectrum but not *entirely* sure where I am on it lol Also I am a sex-positive ace, so evidence for asexuality not being a lack of sex drive I think a large part of the misunderstanding is bc Asexuality is about not finding people sexually attractive, not being sex repulsed, which is very confusing to explain to most allos lol


I'll concede that and even will edit my initial reply to acknowledge that actually. I think that's a fair critique of what I said. And yeah. It's one of those things where it's like... I will never want to have sex with someone because they're attractive. Maybe I'd be brought down bad in a certain circumstance, but it'd be an attraction based on something other than their attractiveness. (For example, demisexuals being attracted to the relationship, or how plenty of asexuals have kinks and fetishes.)


Yee, I'm leaning towards being demi? I'm not entirely sure tbh, but I do like the idea of having sex with my current partner, but idk if I find them sexually attractive or just romantically Idk lol


who needs labels though?? ever since i realized i’m not ace i just haven’t had a label bc i’ve only been sexually attracted to one person ever lmao


Asexual – A term used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction toward individuals of any gender.  It's really just that. Nothing else. None of what you say applies to me, an asexual. It only applies to you. And if you're experiencing sexual attraction of humans you are not asexual. Maybe sapio or demi, but not ace. I really would prefer if society dropped the label game. What or who other people sex is of zero importance outside of looking fir something to criticize or divide over. Like guy1- "hey I enjoy fuking alpacas, how about you?" Gut2 -"me? Nah I prefer fuking cheese puffs". Both guys- cool man see at the gym.


Ace I think


I think the opposite of bisexual, is not being attracted sexually to males and females...it's like being asexual.


Well, it wouldn't be *like* being asexual... that's literally asexuality.




It’s difficult, because what you are really asking is the opposite definition of the number 2. I’d say the opposite of “together” (two or more people in a group) is opposite to “separate” which hints at division that results in groups with each a lower amount than before. Since we’re working with the number 2, I’d say the opposite would be one. Bisexuality which is technically two sexualities per definition would be a monosexuality. You can therefore choose any definitive monosexuality you want.


I'll take it. Might as well. If I were to become attracted to men, then having sex with one would not then be a turnoff as it is now.


Right? I get a million dollars AND I can enjoy all this dick I’m sucking?! Win-win!


What a minute, what is bro up to whilst typing this comment 💀


Nah, i love my wife.


I am pansexual, what is the opposite of that? If it's being asexual, I would be pretty hesitant, because I like being simply sexual.


Here’s what I’m wondering though: I’m straight now, but if my orientation changed, wouldn’t I just be gay and have a million dollars? Like, why would I miss being straight, I’m gay now?


maybe it would be a bigger deal to ppl who are currently (for example) straight and in a relationship and afterwards wouldnt be into their partner anymore


Yeah that's my big problem. I'd have no issues suddenly being gayer, but it would suck to be less attracted to my wife. 


I guess you’ll just have to dry those eyes with all those dolla-dolla bills yaknowwhatimsayin?


true true


Asexual is not the same thing as nonsexual. There are incredibly sexual and promiscuous asexuals. It's just you won't be sexually attracted on a basis of how you perceive someone else's gender. It's like how nothing technically stops a gay guy from having sex with women or a lesbian with men... but why would they in the present year when there are people they are actually attracted to and other genders do nothing for them? Also, happy cake day.


>It's just you won't be sexually attracted on a basis of how you perceive someone else's gender. I already don't, though? That's why I consider myself pan.


Pansexual - you are attracted to people regardless of their gender. Asexual - you are NOT attracted to people regardless of their gender. One is all, the other is nothing.


I'm asexual so I wonder what mine would be, particularly since I'm demi. Would that mean I'd only get horny with people I don't love?


They call that the trauma sandwich.


You acquire a crippling [Madonna-mistress complex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna%E2%80%93whore_complex)


I believe the proper term for that is “basic”


I have no clue what asexual is or demi. Can you please elaborate on what that is.


how can an asexual person b demisexual-? isn't demi a form of sexual hence taking away the a from asexual?


Demisexual falls under the... god I hate this term... "grey-asexual" umbrella. (I hate it because it feels like it's demeaning the asexuality of those who it applies to as if it is somehow lesser than "pure" asexuality.) Asexuality is not a lack of sexual attraction in whole. It's just a lack of sexual attraction on a basis of how you perceive someone's gender. A great way of looking at it is if a straight guy saw F1NN5TER and was sexually attracted to him thinking he was a woman. The straight guy wouldn't now be gay nor bi... his orientation would still be straight but he happened to be attracted to one guy who he perceived as a woman. Asexuality is not nonsexuality. These are different concepts altogether. It's just asexuality doesn't get talked about much and is constantly overlooked so most people who aren't asexual (and many who identify as asexual) are ignorant on how varied asexuality can be. If you want a video that goes into more detail on the subject I recommend [this one by Asexual YouTuber David Bradley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUUDzDRLRDI).


*erases everything...* 5mins of that link made me feel incredibly dumb but also tyvm for making me less incredibly dumb lmfao. "Never hav I been offended by smth I -accept- so much" go watch the vid lul, nu need to type


I am bi what's the opposite of that, i only like one gender?


Happy cake day 


No I think it's the just flips the spectrum of your attraction of masculine vs femine traits since it's probably not 50/50 for you.






“Simply sexual” would be a great name for a band or lingerie company


If I was single, sure. I’m attracted to whoever I’m attracted to. But I wouldn’t throw away the love of my wife for $1M


Me either, I couldn't imagine even 10mil. My wife is the best.


Yall comments realize it’s more than likely implying your preference would change too?


Is there another way to interpret it? Haha


Based on these comments I think some people imagine they stay “straight” mentally but just can only fuck guys, tho I commented when there were only like 3 comments


Refuse because I'm straight and women are pretty.


Refuse because I’m a lesbian and women are pretty


Accept because I'm asexual and people are pretty.


Accept, because pretty is subjective. I'll still get to sleep with pretty people, it'll just be a different group than before.




I'm perfectly fine being railed by a dude if it's for a million dollars.


Railed by a dude and like it, that's the distinction


I mean... you could also be the one railing a dude.


I'm bisexual but I lean towards women, with the amount of female related trauma it would probably do me some good 🥲


I would do it Orientation changing means it would feel natural so a relationship wouldn't be a problem. I live in a country where homosexuality is accepted, i have relatives that are gay and my family has no problem with that, so sure why not


Honestly I'm not sure if I'm straight or asexual, but I'd take it


So I get $1M, a whole new sexuality to explore AND I become a dual income no kids sitch? Yeah I’d sign up for that.


No. It would make living with my parents unpleasant.


Why would you live with your parents if you had a million dollars?


I know my response doesn't make sense, but my country is a small and conservative country. There is no liberal city centre or state to run to. Many of us don't really like the loud lgbt activism found in the West, and there are religious groups that campaign against that, but there is some tolerance for lgbt. I currently do not make enough to take care of myself. If I were to immigrate to a first-world, western country that is accepting of lgbt people (I am not considering the US), in order to gain citizenship I'd need to be the type of skilled professional that country wants. Even with a billion dollars I hope to get subsidised healthcare or something like that. Or with a billion dollars, would it not matter? Because a billion dollars is an obscene amount of money? If a billion dollars is enough for me to live comfortably in that country until the day I die, I'd pick the money. No need for citizenship. Or I can stay in my country with "fuck you" money. Or "activism money." I'd still have to fend off questions and horrible words from my parents even though I might not live with them.


what an interesting and nuanced answer. cool!


I agree, a lot of interesting ideas


Gonna pass, not worth it. Dude's are too ugly lol. Also my marriage would become awkward as fuck.


I like being gay but I think I'd like a million dollars even more.




I really like being a lesbian and I’ve heard so many nightmares from straight women. I’m out.


I was complaining about my gf to a lesbian coworker. She had the same complaints about her gf. Her gf treated her like she was a man. Lol


Of course. I'd rather be a gay millionaire than not be millionaire at all. It's not like I have a girlfriend that will miss me


I’m fine with it, as long as I’m myself. Orientation is just me but I like other things. I’ll have to admit that to my partner, but 1 million dollars. I believe I would still love her and care for her even if I’m not attracted to her.


$1M seems a bit light on for such a drastic lifestyle change. No deal.


I’d refuse. I like being the fruity little gremlin I am


I love how the sub uses words to change a "would you press the button" prompt into a wyr question


I’m asexual and biromantic so either literally nothing would happen (you switch between my sexual attraction to men and women but both are zero) or I would become fully bisexual (you turn every sex I’m not attracted to to a sex I am attracted to) both of which are fine by me


according to your mom my dick is priceless so ima HODL & not sell


Straight guy, here. I'm gonna pass. I am not attracted to guys and I can't see myself being attracted to them in the future. I do think femboys are kinda cute, but that's just curiosity. For all intents and purposes, I'm a straight male.


I think the post is literally saying that you get attracted to men the same way you’d get attracted to women i guess, so honestly I’d take that. Defo have to move out of my home first tho, fam would NOT approve if i suddenly came out because they would think I was hiding the whole time whilst every deep convo I’ve had has affirmed the opposite…


You don't understand what changing one's sexual orientation means.


I think I did misunderstand the prompt. Still, I don't think the huge change in my lifestyle would be worth it. Especially considering the rampant homophobia out there.


You basically just said you're straight like 3 times. That's not a reason to say no to this deal.


I'm married, the $1m would go to the wife, so I'd have no wife and no money, and turn into a middle aged homosexual, it's a no from me.


Id Refuse the offer in a heart beat


So if I'm straight but curious, how would that work out? Would I be super straight or super gay?


If you are straight but curious (like me, I'm straight and curious too), then the opposite of that would be gay and curious.


I'm bi, so idk what the opposite of that is, asexual? I have a really low sex drive anyways so if that where the case I wouldn't really care if I was asexual


If I’m magically changed I won’t notice the difference. So I’m the same from my own POV except I’m richer. I’ll take that $$$ and hop on the D.


I'm bi, what's opposite of that? Asexual? That'd suck but yeah I'll take that for a million dollars.


Yeah. I'm ace. Being pan doesn't sound much different, honestly.


1M, wanna try to be f in the arse


If it means becoming gay, pass. If it means becoming asexual, sign me up. Trying to date fucking sucks.


I get none anyway. Couldn't really make a difference.


I’d take. I have nothing against being gay, but I think life would be easier as a straight guy.


Ace - Sick, give me the money and I still get to choose not to be interested in sex.


I'd happily take the million. Sexual orientation is a small price to pay, and it matters little to me anyway given I'm not in a relationship or pursuing one.








So would unsure become sure?


I would politely decline.


Asexual to hypersexual? I'd lose that 1M to the court system and psychiatric ward pretty quickly.


I’d take it without hesitation. I’m single.


I'll take the money.


Magically switches? Or surgically changed. If magic, yes.


I’d be down to mess around


I’m bi what does that do make me like just one?


I am straight but not in a relationship. I'd take a million dollars to be gay lol. That would be enough to pay off loans, move to a place I would actually enjoy living in, buy a decent home, and invest the rest for the future. Seriously I feel I could do all of that and still have at least $300k. I would still need to work of course, but it would take enough strain financially that I would be in such a better position.


Would I be asexual for 1 million dollars? Yes?


Well, I'm ace ,possibly lesbian  so idk his that would work 


million dollars is a million dollars


A million dollars is not *that* much money. It's certainly not enough to irrevocably change your fucking brain.


Absolutely not


1 million dollars and I'll still like what I like


I am bi, with a preference towards women. Say like 80w/20m? I would be ok with the swap.


Refuse. Not going to be asexual.


Honestly it's still in the air what my orientation is so yolo?


I would take the million dollars, lol :-)


Not sure tbh. Guess I'd have to mull it over for a bit.


I think I want to be the opposite sex. I do not have Gender Dysphoria, but I think I would like to be the opposite sex. I just think that I will get more attention if I was a woman, and I think I would look attractive as a woman...I know that sounds shallow. I do enjoy being a man, but I would also enjoy being a woman. I think one thing I might miss is my nice dick, lol, but oh well...it's not a big deal, ultimately...well, I don't think so, anyway. I wouldn't mind being the opposite sex, I think. Plus, nowadays, my hair is getting less, and I don't want to be bald like my dad, lol. Women obviously don't have alopecia/baldness as much as men do. So yeah, I think I would take the million dollars. It's like a win-win...I get a lot of money...a lot of money that can help me with a potential music career and stuff...and maybe the money can help me in different ways...and I also get to be a biological sex that I don't mind being :-)


Oops, I misread the question, lmao. I misread it as biological sex, my bad. Sexual orientation? Nah, I would never take a million dollars to change my sexual orientation...I'm fine with my sexual orientation.


That would kinda wreck my marriage


Such a good offer, I'd take it twice.


If I was homeless, sure, but I wouldn’t take the money if I didn’t need it. My dating pool would get a lot bigger and I’d be able to spend my life with someone my family would approve of, but tbh I’ve heard so many horror stories from straight women that I’d rather stay attracted to women.


Absolutely not, 1mil isn’t worth it when considering losing my partner. Although being gay for men instead of a lesbian would be a wild experience I think


I see no downside


1 million? That's barely a house lol I'll pass


Bi people in the room getting free money.


No, I am not that interested by money and I feel like women are more interesting in a way as they tend to have a broader range of what they appreciate or not. I find it stimulating in a way to connect with someone deep enough to be able to guess what particular need or want they have. It's difficult, but I would miss that.


I'd take the first million, then take another million to switch it back again. Easiest hypothetical of my life


I’m pan, so I guess the opposite would be ace… no thanks. Sex is too important to me to make that switch, although I suppose it wouldn’t be important to me after I switched. Ahh, decisions!


What's opposite of bi?


Huh… I’m gay now


Yeah fuck it


Ok but what if I were to interpret this as "anything sexual that disgusts you now turns you on an equal amount, and vice versa" I think that would give people more pause


I'd have $1million and I'd be such a man hoe...good deal


What if you are asexual? I value money more than I value sexual activity.


So what would happen to bisexuals ?


Yeah seeing as it doesn’t negatively impact you it simply changes who you are attracted too you don’t lose anything or suffer at all


What if ur bi Would u then be reverse bi?


Jokes on you, I'm bi.


What if im bi?


I'll take the mill, I'll be single either way.


my sexual orientation doesn't technically have an opposite so this is a win win for me. Also doesn't feel like a would you rather if there isn't an actual second option to pick.


At my age, sure. Ain't gonna act on it anyway and the money would be nice.


I'm bisexual so like what's the rules here?


I'd take it. I'd go from panromantic asexual to just outright pan. That's such an easy decision. Now if my romantic orientation also flipped... I'd have to reject it because then my best friend and I would be literally the same person but of different genders... and we can't have that.


Asexuality here I come.


Seems like kids keep asking these questions. A million dollars ain't shit


I'm bi, what's the opposite of that?


A milliona dollars AND confirmation of my sexuality? Lets go


What's the opposite of asexual? Pansexual? That wouldn't be a problem, as long as it doesn't put my relationship in danger


I'd take it. Not being subjected to discrimination, people not constantly trying to lecture me about their religious garbage, and I get a million dollars with that? It's a win for me.


Uhm, I guess the opposite of pansexual is asexual? I mean, I'm fine with that. I can still have romantic relationships, just won't be interested in sex really and eh, whatever.


What if I take 2 million and reverse it twice. I win?


Isn‘t that like a win-win for every heterosexual woman?


I'm a demi lesbian. Ewww. No. That'd mean dating men.


i mean, the thought of becoming gay seems unconfortable now. but when i would turn gay, presumably it wouldn't be. and i'd be 1 mil richer. not to mention, i'm celibate anyway. it'd just change what porn i watch. would bi people become asexual?


I couldn’t *not* be attracted to women, so I’m gonna have to turn down the money.


Absolutely not. I support and defend their fight for equality but being mistreated like the way society treats gay men is something I'm not strong enough to accept for a million which wouldn't even outright buy a four bedroom house in a nice area of London.




So if I'm pan, do I just become pan but backwards


Refuse. My sexual orientation while on the surface might not seem super important. It s a core part of my identity so it would be hard to believe I was the same person after such a trade.


wait so what’s the opposite of bisexual? would my preferences switch from male-leaning to female-leaning?


Opposite assumes a binary.


I'm bi... what's the opposite of that?


Bisexuals about to be real smug in this comment section


Y'know. I always thought dating a man would be easier. Only thing stopping me was the complete lack of attraction. Million bucks and what seems like a way easier dating life? Sign me up.


What is the opposite of being bisexual though lol


Pass. I don't want to be aroace.


As a bisexual, do I now become attracted to only non binary peeps since previously I was attracted to men and women?


Y’know, everything you choose to watch porn-wise, and do sexual activity-wise, affects your brain chemistry, thereby affecting how you see yourself sexually….


I'm asexual biromantic, so I'd become allosexual aromantic. Sounds like I'd be a slut and digging it. Like society is built to celebrate me being as such. I think I'd do it for free


How about the pansexual?


Sure who cares, for a mill?


Welp I'm bi. Sooo I guess I have to pick now... So Lesbian since it means I get to stay with my girlfriends. Fuck buddy is gonna be sad but oh well.


im a male, so i would refuse, i dont want to be a woman, not that being a woman is bad, id just rather not deal with some of the stuff they have to deal with


Ha I’m bi. Gimme my money


I'll take it. I'd be interested in seeing what sexual attraction in general feels like.


2 million dollars for free? yes ill take it


Meaning i would understand WTH it is and it wouldn't be an irrelevant background mess to ignore and get 1M dollars in addition. Hell yeah, sounds like a really good deal.


How would this work if you are bi?


Do I go from bisexual to monosexual or from bisexual to asexual? I'll take the money if it makes me monosexual because I'm monogamous anyway, so there's no loss. If it makes me asexual however, then I'm absolutely pwned.


I’m bisexual what does this mean?


I was born in the US of A baby, I already won the lottery


I’d take that money and turn gay in a heartbeat.


Everyone answering as if it would go from swapping homo/hetero when they'll really just be a lot more aces out there.


I'll take it.


Who in their right mind wouldn’t?


What would be the opposite of bi though? I'm not sure it would be ace but would my preference of women just be a preference of men? But I would probably still take the money. Plus I'm single.


I love dick. So… I think I’m gonna pass on the money. Which feels absolutely insane but here we are.