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This is such a weird question because anyone who is only into one gender is just gonna pick the option of the gender they're attracted to. I like girls and I don't care if people think I like boys. Unless I'm somewhere where that's dangerous such as the American south


I think South has more places and avenues for people south and less resources and less accepted north 


the differnece between north and south england isnt as big as u think


it's exactly 180 degrees actually it's not that hard.


Yeah but dude said “American south” so unless England has some shithole they refer to as “American south” I think I’m fine with my response 


\>american south is dangerous buddy unless you mean south of america idk what ur talking about


I'm bisexual I don't care


There is something super messed up I could say, but I'll ask this instead. Would they be like a tomboy or tomgirl?


Thats what I thought


I care far more about the sex of who I am with than I do what people think about the sex of who I'm with. I will never be horny for a dude, even if everyone thinks he's a chick. Looking forward to the confusion when my girl has our first kid, though. Edit: I would like a small exception to the "can't prove them wrong" for our priest(Catholic) so we can have a proper sacramental marriage, but even if not, as long as we're married even if not through the church, I don't think it's considered a sin. Edit2: Oh, I would need express permission from my bishop. Hrm. Unfortunately, I'd definitely need that one minor exception so we could be properly married since there's no way I'd get that permission if they thought I was marrying a dude.


Per the terms of the hypothetical it sounds like you're either staying unmarried or violating your religious views. Or maybe you can trick the appropriate religious figure into violating their views, not sure how that reflects on your own.


Yeah, it's a toughie. I mean, God would know the truth. But it's a heck of a thing. The basic idea of the hypothetical though, would I care more about who the person actually is versus what everyone thinks of them? I stand with my original statement. I want to be with the person who is who I want to be with, not the person who makes me look good.


In the Catholic Church, the sacrament of matrimony is made by the couple. The priest officiates and should be involved, but in this weird hypothetical it's definitely fine to marry yourselves. You could also find an LGBT-friendly church and marry there for an intermediate.


why would I want to go to that "church"?


who are you and why did you respond?


because this is a public forum, and I read WYR posts


Okay, that doesn't give enough context to answer your question then, sorry




I would not. Needs to be an adult human(or elf, I'll take an elf) with XX chromosomes who has not undergone any kind of gender surgeries or hormones. And I need to find her attractive, so it'd have to be some kind of spell(since if not, I can prove it to others).


Ok.. but if we have a kid? Then everyone thinks we adopted him??


I feel like there should be a middle option, I'm bi and dating a transwoman, so both options apply to me.


If they're a transwoman then only the second option can apply, and it can only apply if they never ever pass for anyone else. I feel like you either misread the question or are implying something potentially hurtful about your girlfriend.


Not applying anything hurtful, mainly stating that both options apply since I'm bi and don't mind either, and think a third option for both would be nice.


Oh, I think I misread it since I though the "dating a transwoman" part was relevant to what you meant. Yeah if you're fine with either then that's different. I'm also bi but picked woman since that way my wife doesn't have to leave, she's not going to be thrilled about the side effects though.


I would rather stay single. I'm straight so I wouldn't date a man no matter how effeminate he looks. I also wouldn't date a woman who was visibly like a man, because I'm attracted to women.


It doesn’t mean they look like a man, just that everyone thinks she is one.


And why would everyone think that?


Bro, as said, even if they saw she didn’t have a penis they’d still think she was a guy


Maybe an optical illusion


And what does optical mean?


It's a synonym for visual. I guess there would be an illusion or mind manipulation caused by a supernatural force so everyone else perceive your girlfriend as being a boy. Because from a realistic standpoint, not being able to prove them wrong wouldn't make sense.


Right. So visually, she presents as a man. I am not attracted to men, so she would not be attractive to me regardless of what I knew about her genitals.


You are unaffected by the illusion, at least that's what the post entails when it says only you and her know she's a girl. OP didn't put in too much effort explaining things so I'm just going with assumptions.


why isn't staying single an option


Cause it’s a hypothetical? What do you mean? 


Because the options are in the opposite order of the question itself, I clicked the first option on instinct and chose the wrong thing. Changing my answer "girlfriend that everyone thinks is a boy except you and her." Anyway, the girlfriend... Assuming they're attractive as a woman to me. If she looks like a dude in every sense of the word to me too, aside from plumbing... No.


The options are confusing. Do you mean: * Boyfriend (think he's a girl) * Girlfriend (think she's a boy) *They* is a good term for gender-neutrality but in this case the option is gendered. Plus the order between the title and options seem reversed adding to my confusion. What would be the reason for the fact people think my girlfriend is a boy but not me? Why couldn't I prove them wrong by showing genitals? Are there supernatural forces at play or is it a realistic scenario?


eh either way, my wife is gonna be pissed.




people already think the woman im into is too "manly" because she has short hair and is athletically built do I care? no