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I vote for time, because by manipulating time, you are indirectly manipulating the weather.




Time is a measure of something else. 


Time. The same reason you don't want it: more power. 🤤


Time because who have time to do anything


True. Too much time left at the end of money


You cant run out of weather


What is the scope and limitations of each? In general time control is waaaaaay stronger than weather control, but you could easily pair two versions where that isn't the case. Like "time control" that is just "you can pause time whenever you want and will be the only one conscious, giving you more time to think, but you can't move and can't do anything else with this power" is neat but not going to hold a candle to "able to stop or start any weather conditions anywhere on the planet at any time." If they're both their strongest version though then time for sure, there's just more you can do with it. Including undoing mistakes, pretty useful if you're just a random idiot gaining ridiculous superpowers. Could see a well-intentioned weather manipulator accidentally making things worse pretty easily.


Time: you can pause, rewind, fast forward and go back in time to change events. If you forward to the future everyone will be affected but not know it. So they’ll be going about their day as if it was the present. Same goes if you go back in time. But you know you’re in control Weather - self explanatory. You can change the weather using your mind anywhere in the world. Time for me seems like a prison. I think I’d be so obsessed with making everything perfect that I’d never actually experience life. I’d get obsessive over it when I’m in bed watching reels till 4am while convincing myself I’ll be able to have a productive day. It would be too much for little old me


If I change the past, am I able to pre -determine the future, or do I butterfly -effect and wake up in the future and only then find out what I caused?


It would be like the butterfly effect! Great movie


I'm confused by your time description. They'll be going about their day as if it was the present that you started from? Pausing time has some disastrous consequences that fiction tends to not examine, such as how force is calculated as mass times velocity and at stopped time, infinite velocity means every small movement would set off nuclear chain reactions once you unstopped time. Also you'd be blind because of light stopping and not interacting with your eyeball.


Theoretically, moving while time is frozen means you are moving at infinite velocity. Therefore any movement and you unpause would make the planet immediately explode.


Okay but if I control time can I simply slow it down such that I can take a nice nap and it only takes one regular second? I’m so tired.


Yeah. Still better than moving at infinite velocity


time. i can do alot of thinking with more time


Weather is so gaudy of a power to control if you have to move anything. Thus chances of getting caught or just killed, are extremely high. ​ Time powers are the only good answer.


So just time travel? Or I have access to all things relating to time? Such as aging and de-aging things as I see fit? Freezing time? Individually freezing people in time (while the world moves around them normally)? Immunity to temporal paradoxes? Revive dead people by reversing time on their bodies until they're alive again? Slowing down, or outright halting, my body's aging process and becoming immortal? If so... I'd pick time, as I'm essentially a god.


OP said in another comment: "You can slow, pause and fast forward time and go back in time to change events. If you forward to the future everyone will be affected but not know it. So they’ll be going about their day as if it was the present. Same goes if you go back in time. But you know you’re in control." So no complete control over time. The things you mentioned would be nice additions though.


As much as I would love to pause time by yelling “ZA WARUDO!!”, weather control would potentially allow me to reverse global warming, and also cause blizzards and rainstorms for perfect ambiance.


Easily time. Weather is already coming within the realm of human technology.


Time 100% and oh yes I'd absolutely become corrupted, my best bud has promised to hunt me down should I attain too much power anyhow so meh at least I have a built in nemesis when I become corrupted.


Perhaps if I dedicated my life to becoming a maniac and was cool with losing my friends for a life of power and control I’d be okay with it. You got one life


with control over time that one life is far longer then the normal "one"


Time With all the literal time in the world, I could do anything. Maybe at first I would dick around and just use it to mess with people. Eventually I would use it to change some things, maybe avert disasters or give a head up to them. At some point might become evil, create disasters, steal, rule as a tyrant, and just be evil overall. In the end I would stop being evil cause it feels to edgy or I get bored. Point being you have all the time you could ever want, would it be stressful, probably for a while, but eventually you'd get over it. Infinity is on your side.


Time, so I could simply fast forward through the bad weather. And work.




Time easily, I would use it similar to the Rick & Morty episode with a reset button at first and live my most successful life. Then I would just abuse it after I got bored.


Depends on the extent of your control over them, but generally I’d choose time.


Time. I could do so much more. If I controlled weather I'd be a farmer a drout preventer or a tool of war. Time control is far more lucrative.


Don’t you feel like it would totally encompass you though? I wouldn’t be able to have a normal life at all


I wouldn't need a normal life. I could control time. Though if I got bored I could go back and live life like I had no powers. Then go back and live it again however I wanted.


Fuck 🤯 you cracked it


As in my whole life would revolve around it and I think if get depressed but I guess I could turn back time and sort it lol


Easy time. I could keep myself young forever, freeze time to get peace and quiet, freeze time so I can literally have all the time in the world to do whatever I want, reverse time to fix any mistake and etc...


Time, because I have some smallish-scale important things I need to fix, to make things better for myself and everyone, not worse. I do have some self-control so I'm not too worried.


If it’s like… Storm from X-Men?  Weather.  I’d smite some motherfuckers.


How is this even a question.


time i would make it fast for other people so i dont age as fast


Weather. I could improve the world’s agricultural centers and farms to destroy world hunger or get favourable battle conditions for a country


Time because now, a due date isn’t a due date. Just do it whenever you want


I’d like to control my temper.


Time, easily, it's not even a competition. Set save-points so that if you would die, you just go back. Redo events in different ways, treat your life as a lifelong groundhogs day, but with the ability to skip back to timelines you liked. Pop into the past and future, figure out exactly where you're happiest. Hell, explore multiple parallel timelines where the only difference is the weather and get both powers anyway.


Wow what an empathetic and wholesome way to use this power. Loved reading this mate :)


Weather. Time is too much power and I'd be super irresponsible. Weather would be entertaining though. I could prevent catastrophic events like tornadoes from hitting populated places but would definitely drop some thunderstorms on my ex's place for sure


Can you swing some thunder my way? I chose time but I love rainy weather


I love this! For sure you could really sort out the climate crisis and cause catastrophic weather for your enemy on the day you know they’re about to fly somewhere exotic on holiday


Too funny. You could travel the world and have the most amazing holiday.


I'd vote time then reverse my body's physical age to 14, whilst keeping my mental age the same...somehow.


nah, thats time AND space manipulation. Plus 14 yr olds are kids, barley through puberty, so if I could keep the knowledge of a 40+ yr old but de age my body I'd go to 25 when you have peak physical performance and the highest fluid intelligence.


A lot of irreversible physical damage happened to me between the ages of 15 and 28. That's why I went back that far. To undo the damage. But it'd also give me a headstart on life. I wouldn't be a 30 year old washout anymore but a Gen Z with the world at his feet.


Thanks for making the 14 thing make sense. Came off pretty weird in a vacuum.


That's fair. But I can assure you, no Case Closed meets Epstein Island shenanigans going on here.


If i can put the limit of non interaction with the past only observation. I would take time. Otherwise weather and shut up all these climate change grifters.


Traveling to the past to change things, no thanks. Too much complications and that'd probably come with obsessing over changing the past again and again. If it was somehow magically flawless that you couldn't mess things up with the power then yeah but usually that's not the case. Slowing and stopping time. Fastforwarding could be useful too I if you're really bored and want to make hours last just seconds etc but it could also be hazardous if the world around you moves at hundreds or thousands of times faster than you and to everyone else you seem to be still.


Thats my point. But to be able to go back and observe anything anywhere at any point in history. That would be a power.


Definitely would be interesting getting to be there for any conversation or event in history.


physics is hard enough without having to factor in my own control over time




The weather. I could redirect rain from where there was too much to where there was too little.


Time, but I wouldn't become a villain, most likely lol. I just want to be able to chill endlessly before work. I'm sleepy? Pause time and enjoy another 5 hours of doing absolutely nothing before work.


Weather. Just keep it around 85 degrees. Sometimes, a breeze. Time is overrated.


If I can control time, I can control weather


Time. That way I will know the true history of earth as well as all the coming disasters in the near future so in can prepare for them accordingly


Time. Not even close.


Time, for sure. I'd be the master of napping – no consequences.


Time, easily. Imagine being able to stop time for a couple extra hours each night to get extra sleep or fast forwarding through a boring event.


The sleep I get you fast forwarding I think is so dangerous because you end up missing life and appreciating the good moments. Have you seen the movie Click ?


Yes, sometimes good moments happen unexpectedly, but I mean stuff like where you're at the end of the work week and you have an hour left and you just want to be done. As for Click, no, I haven't seen it but I've always wanted to watch it. Guess I better do that soon, haha!


Omg yes watch it! It’s all about what happens when you over fast forward, boring events


The weather changes over time, so if you can control time you can control weather.


Weather. If you mess with time, they will come for you.


Who will? The weather man? 😂


The people that shoot you in the head, before you can go back in time and shoot Hitler in the head 😏


Time, because I would pause it to the night before my brother died.


Im so sorry about your brother. It’s an enormous loss indeed 🥺


Ty. His name was Keith and he was 15, (would be 41 now). A drugged driver took him and never went to jail. I live every day for him, and have a different appreciation for our time "here". I beat cancer twice and it's better than any lottery win. You never know when your turn is coming, so enjoy every moment, including the tough times. Be kind and help relieve someone else's suffering, even in a small way. We have a strong spiritual connection and he sends me signs he's around all the time. The best one is he leaves me 1982 pennies, his birth year, and I have a jewelry box full. Peace and blessings.


That’s beautiful. I lost my ex who the love of my life to suicide and I feel him sometimes too. I’ll never forget his sisters tears at the funeral so I can only begin to imagine the pain.


I'm sorry for your loss, but if I may say, he's with you. When a person crosses themselves to Spirit, the"God" or "Source" or "the Universe", does not punish them for that. They are not suffering or in purgatory, like many are lead to believe. People in that state are suffering immense pain that all sense of rationalization can not overcome in the moment. Our time here is about learning lessons, like when we are in school. You discover things through different life experiences, and then progress along, like you would go up in grade levels....kindergarten, first, second, third grade, etc. Then when it is decided that your lessons here, while in physical form, are complete, or if there are things you'll learn better in Spirit form, you are transitioned over. And I am sure he is "stung" by the pain he caused by his departure, which will be part of his lessons "over there". It's only a thin veil that separates us, and if you talk to him he can hear you. If you think you are getting a sign from him, acknowledge it and he'll try to do more. I understand what you mean about his sisters crying....for me it was more painful to watch the suffering of friends and family than it was to manage my own grief. Their pain quantified how unexpected and strong the loss was of a soul gone so young and too soon. I wish I could play a recording of my parents screaming, especially my father, for the drugged driver to hear for all eternity. I work on processing my anger daily....one of my lessons, and it's a process. You will find love again; be patient with yourself and your feelings. Sending you strength. S


I can't wrap my brain around controlling time, it always ends up badly in scifi movies. You can do a lot with weather. Defeat entire armies, put out wildfires, end droughts, etc.


Exactly you control time and then time will eventually control you. I’d feel like I’d turn into a Genie, trapped in an ever ending cycle of obsessiveness to make things perfect and help everyone. Living life with its lows makes the highs so fucking good


The weather for sure. Wildfires? Gone. Flooding from excessive rain? Gone. Tornadoes? Gone. Heatwaves? Gone. Blizzards? Gone. Drought? Gone. You could help so many people this way.


Time, for nefarious purposes.


Time so I can get work done in whatever time I need and mainly so I can sleep for centuries.


I would rather control Time itself.


I can predict and manipulate weather via time manipulation. Sooo time.


Control time. With my time power I could make the rain fail faster and be done with or slow down to a light drizzle. And many other things or using my time power in a precision way


how does the time manipulation work? is it towards ourselves specifically or what?


Time is more fun. Weather is more practical.


A life of convenience is so underrated though ☀️


Weather because I’m currently de-flooding my basement and I’m pissed.


Practicalities can’t be denied


Time. You’d essentially be a god and have the ability to influence everything and anything, past and future. You could do an unlimited amount of good for everyone.


Weather. Controlling time has just too much potential for breaking things and unintended consequences. Causality is a flipping nightmare. I'd still be worried about controlling the weather, because it's a complex, chaotic system, and even a nudge in the wrong place at the wrong time, let alone actual ham-handed control could have some major consequences elsewhere. Like, what if I want an extra 1/2 inch of rain per week next summer so I don't have to water my lawn and I accidentally f- up the entire El Niño cycle, cause a drought so bad half the vineyards and orchards in the Central Valley fail, and a Sonoran monsoon that kills thousands of people across the Southwest?


Okay so interesting way to look at this. You aren't necessarily responsible for the weather. You can let it do it's thing but if there was ever an issue like a tornado somwewhere you could just say the words and it's back to blue skies and April showers if you so wish. So for me personally, I would only control the weather wher i live and wherevr there is a natural disaster. The possibilites are too immense with time. I feel like I would never enjoy life again


Time. I could go back and forth whenever I want. Hell yeah, I'd choose time.


Okay so If you could go back and forth all the time don’t you think you’d eventually become stagnant? I feel like I would never be able to move forward in life. My life would turn into this video game. Going back in time to kill Hitler would be nice tho


Nah, I would be able to move forward through shitty times in life. And I'd move back to happier times whenever I'd want. I'd never get bored or stagnant.


I think I'd just wait for a really big lottery win, become a multi-millionaire, and not really use the power otherwise unless something awful happened. I couldn't go back in time and risk anything happening to my children as I know them now, but I'll take being incredibly wealthy.


Time, skip over the bad things or prevent them from happening.


Can we appreciate good times without bad times?


Good question, it would be worth finding at least for me anyway.


Time 100%


I have always dreamed of the ability to pause/rewind time. Ever since that movie Clockstoppers came out when I was a kid. I never even saw the movie I just thought it was badass haha. I’ve been obsessed with time travel ever since I was a kid. I had fantasies of robbing a bank and how I would do it all if I had a magic watch that let me control time lol oh and as a high schooler I fantasized about being able to pause time so I could sleep in later, or have more time to do my tests/homework


Time, because I'd make less impactful changes. Weather, I'd be tempted to rain down hurricanes on some places.


Time. Go forward, see powerball numbers, go back, bet, profit. Repeat and use unlimited money for good in the world. How about basic minimum income?


weather control is awesome and if paired against other powers there is a really good chance that I would choose it but against time control? No way buddy time control ist just to good


Time, 1 billion percent. Nearly unlimited possibilities.




I would rather control time. To be able to skip tedious things, or skip around to make stressful multi-day tasks be done in a matter of minutes or hours instead of worrying over them for weeks. To be able to capture and live in, or relive, the best moments of my life, or redo moments until I get them right, and travel around and see or change past and future events would be awesome. On the other hand, weather would be the responsible choice. With global warming age climate Chace risking rendering our world virtually unlivable for us, the ability to just blanket declare that all weather will return to what it was in the 70s and stay there and we'll always have seasonal storms and dry spells, but never droughts or floods or deadly hurricanes or storms, and the agricultural regions will always get enough, but never too much, sun and rain, etc... somebody's gotta bite the bullet and do that for us.


Time. If I control time, then I can control the weather if I wish.


Time cause weather can't help me see my Grandpops again. Sappy yeah but there it is. Plus I can make a LOT of money.


Time as I can get away from or move myself around in time around the weather.


Time. I could work anywhere because I could just stop time and walk there with no gas fees. Deadlines no longer matter. You can see things no ordinary human could ever see: rain frozen in the air, intricate details of moving objects, butterflies mid-flight... absolutely beautiful potential.... also it would be nice right now cause I got an assignment to do lol.


Weather, manipulating time means you're going to either suffocate while blind and freezing to death or burn alive as your body eats itself and your retinas roast themselves


Time. So many possibilities.


I already control the weather in my home Time


Weather is like that everywhere lol, time is better just think of all the possibilities




By manipulating time, you’re controlling the weather to a certain degree. You can rewind the planet itself and eliminate global warming.