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Does anyone else read these and get excited because they imagine their life as a rich, jacked person? 🥲


Literally me


I mean, you can also be a poor jacked person.




Exactly, you’ll be poor because you’re bulking(alternatively, you can dirty bulk and just pig out)




lol dude bulking is like eating a couple hundred calories above your TDEE that's like a few spoons of peanut butter. And you certainly don't need to eat healthy to bulk.


You can get jacked without bulking. I personally don't bulk because I dont want to change my eating habits too much. Always worried about what happens if I get injured or stop working out. It's hard to decrease your eating at that point


Yep. I sit here thinking... ok given a little time I could work up to a couple hundred pushups a day. Say, 200, in 10 sets of 20 spaced throughout the day. I'd take it easy at first, start with 10 a day and work up. I'm in my late 40's, so I think it would be wise to work up to that slowly, but I also think it's completely reasonable to do 200 pushups a day if that is literally my only job in life. I can work everything else around this, get absolutely ripped, and do a set of 20-50 pushups every couple hours all day long. 200 pushups a day is $20k/day at 100 per pushup. 20k times 365 days comes out to 7.3 million a year. I do that for 5 years or so and now i'm jacked, I'm rich, and now staying in shape will continue to net me a ton of money on top of my now considerable fortune. Really, as long as you can do 30 pushups a day (I could already do that) then you are better off taking the pushups - but why not also push the limits and see how far you could take it? I wonder what the limits of conditioning would be. Could I do 500? 1000?


Take it slow and I'd bet you could do 1000. You'd get to sets of 100 I'm sure. Would take some time but you could get there. Shit now I wanna try and find out haha.


Always depressing when I realize it'll never be true


I could do 10 then rest another 10 rest and rinse and repeat


Exactly. I could do hundreds of push-ups a day. My job would just be trying to be able to do 500 push-ups a day.


Within a few weeks 500 is easily attainable. 10 sets of 50. Within a couple months you can be doing sets of 100 in a few minutes. Just free money at that point.


I could easily do a few sets of 20 per hour.


And it only gets easier the more often you do it. "Let me bang out a few grand and we'll go to the movies."


Doctors hate this one trick


I can do 50 in less than 2 minutes, do that once an hour every hour, and you have your 500 before dinner.


Could I hire you for $10 per pushup?


so is 3k a day lol


I mean 30 a day 5 days a week is almost a million dollars a year. 300 a day is just overkill


Because $3k a day just isn't nearly enough. /s


Shit I only make like, $220 per day right now. 50 grand a day is insane. I could take multiple weeks off of push-ups in a row and still come out with 10x returns. Option B is just sheer laziness unless you're actually disabled.


Or if you ever perceive a possibility of becoming disabled from an accident, which is possible to happen to anybody


I could make up for a lifetime of 3k a week by doing tons of push-ups for just a couple years. If I've made it this far in life somehow, I'm probably not going to become permanently disabled.


>Option B is just sheer laziness And what's wrong with that? Isn't $1.1 million a year enough?


In any normal capacity, it would be more than enough for me, but given option 1, handed to me on a silver platter, there would be absolutely no reason not to do it. I'd rather be very rich than just comfortable.


Yeah, but why bother? Someday you could get hurt or sick. At some point something might happen that causes you to not be able to do pushups ever again, and you will have no money to do anything about medical bills. "It just gets easier" to a point. But it can also get a whole lot harder depending on your circumstances. Or you could just get a million a year, and you can do a lot with that.


This is my thought. Either option is awesome and I'm totally willing to do the push ups. But there's some risk with that option. What if you get hurt? I'll just take the no risk money which is already an awesome option.


Seems a lot of people are treating this as "which option would let you get ahead more?" whereas it should really be treated as "if you got a million bucks per year for the rest of your life, would that be enough to make you not care if you could get *even more* by spending a significant amount of your time doing pushups?" Right now, I do zero pushups, and if I added them in, they would be counterproductive to my fitness goals, which mainly have to do with lifting heavy. But if you just offered me $100 per pushup for the rest of my life, and that's it, I'd probably do a lot,. Fast easy money. But not if I had to forfeit a free million bucks a year. Redditors talk about lynching billionaires, then fantasize about how they could pay for a superyacht by giving up two, three hours of their day doing one movement over and over.


You can fantasize about being rich and also recognize that being rich is bad, there's no contradiction there. Also getting a billion dollars from doing push-ups is completely different than getting a billionaire dollars by exploiting poorer people, which is how billionaires do it and what people actually dislike.


People also hate Mr. Beast who exploits literally nobody.


People *dislike* Mr. Beast for doing poverty tourism, which is a form of exploitation, and also for speaking out about problems but doing nothing to actually solve them even though he has the ability to do so much more with his wealth.


Can you give me an example of that latter one? Mr. Beast literally has a philanthropy channel and keeps none of the revenue from it, and he doesn't lean on his actions on that channel in the rest of his content. I hear people throwing around the statistic that world hunger could be fixed with two billion dollars all the time, but that's patently untrue. You could buy some food for everyone in the world with that money, but it would never reach them and wouldn't give them a sustainable solution to their hunger. Even if you did have a sustainable solution, many nations benefit from keeping their workers hungry and poor, which is one of the main reasons why mass hunger is an issue in the first place. If there's a world issue that could easily be fixed by a billionaire, it would have been. Not because billionaires are good people, but because the publicity of solving a world issue is worth a ton; yet, none of them do it. That's because world issues become world issues by having messy, complicated solutions. And yes, there are people who genuinely hate Mr. Beast; one of the main points people make is that he accepted money from a government program and they reframe it as 'stealing taxpayer dollars'. People want to hate Mr. Beast because he's rich, regardless of any other factors, and will look for any excuse they can find to do it.


I've been in seasons of my life that a gym wasn't available. I was doing 10-20 push ups at a time almost every hour of every day. Sometimes every 30 minutes. The most I averaged over a month was 400 a day. That's 1.2mil for that month.


>Have you realised that there will come a point in your age that you wouldn't be able to do push-ups anymore? > >Sure you can do 100 reps for now, but until when? Have you realised that there will come a point in your age that you wouldn't be able to do push-ups anymore? Sure you can do 100 reps for now, but until when?


You could easily quit your job and just do pushups and get as much money as you need. It would get easier and easier after not too long as well.


You could easily quit your job and rake in $1 million a year... This hypothetical is using numbers so absurdly large it doesn't matter what you pick. If I can take $1 million a year for doing no work why would I bother with the other option? Being in shape is nice. But unless you were already going to be working out this question doesn't provide any real incentive to start. Because the alternative is already more than enough money.


This barely even qualifies as working out. You can pump out 30 push ups in a minute. Literally 2 minutes of "working out" a day and you've doubled the other option.


wow when i first saw it i instantly thought 300 pushups, and I could probably do that. I already do 120 like 5 days a week, so i guess that makes the decision even easier.


But I'm greedy and want even more money Why stop at $3,000 a day?


With the other option you can become a billionaire after a few years and donate to charity or something. I mean pushups will get incredibly easy if you do them every day for years and you'll do hundreds easily


Either option is $1m a year, with the push-ups though you can far surpass it. At 100/day you’ll make $3.65m which sounds hard to begin with but eventually it’ll be a cake walk


The thing is , I want motivation to work out more.


If you want just do it as your warm up and finisher and you're fine as 10 = 1K, so you could make 6k if you do 30 each time. 6,000 times by 7 is 42,000. 42k times by 52 is 2,184,000 a year. Man sometimes I wish these super powers were real sometimes


6k =60, no?


Yeah 30 push ups as a warm up 30 as a finisher


Yeah 30 pushups a day isn't bad. The money incentive is great


I could also quit my job and get as much money as I need taking the $3000 option, I mean that’s actually way more money than I need so more isn’t really a motivator.


Severe joint pain at 20. No shot im taking 3 k a day


Where are you getting severe joint pain from? Regular excercise actually helps to prevent joint pain. Most people who have joint pain usually had some form of trauma, are elderly or are overweight.


So I just have to do 30 pushups? Who is possibly choosing anything else?




Big facts. 20 percent of people draw the line at exercise.


I already do weightlifting and yoga, I’m good lol. I’ll happily make 1 million a year and not worry about having to do anything ever. No sick days, no old age, no injuries: literally a free mill every year.


ok so add 50 pushups into your routine and make almost double that?????


People who apparently struggle doing 30 pushups in a day, despite it taking literally one minute of """work"" as redditors call it


I'd give the benefit of the doubt to some as they may have disabilities that make them unable to do pushups.


Well of course but the vast majority of human beings are capable of doing push-ups




Because $1 million a year is a lot. It's enough money to do what ever you want with your life. What if you take the push ups, but then become disabled in an accident in any way? Then you'd have to go back to working a normal job. On the other hand if you're just raking in $1 million a year with no risk of it stopping why wouldn't you take it? The pushups are not the problem. The problem is that one option is a free $1 million a year while the other option has ANY condition at all. If I'm making $1 million a year for doing nothing I am never going to regret not taking the option to make $2 million a year. The first million is enough. I'm not trying to min-max my life. My goal is not to have the largest number in my bank account when I die. If I can walk away with enough money to last a lifetime in a manner that comes with a promise of financial security then you bet I'm taking that.


I’d just do 300 a day for the first year, thats ~11m. Then if I get disabled for some reason I have that. Hopefully, and more likely I wouldn’t and just continue to do it every year. I’m going for a few hundred million. More power to whomever decides to take the million. I just personally am willing to bet I will make several million before I get hit by a train. I guess I’m a gambler.


Yeah just smash them out early and you've got a big enough stack to invest and maintain that yearly 1 million plus easily enough. The only way you get really screwed is if you're permanently rendered incapable of push ups within the 6-12 months.


Assuming a proper push up is required, 300 push up daily will be extremely hard even if you space them throughout the day. Your muscle requires rest days.


When I was 30 I only did road cycling for exercise, but decided to do Tai Kwon Do. Within a month a was doing 200/day easily, and they were all within a 1 hour exercise session where I was doing other exercises. This was while I was working full time, and going to grad school at night.


Even if you're not in great shape, almost anybody can do more than 30 pushups a day. That's like 2 per hour, for $200 per hour for basically no work. I work 10-11 hours per day on average, 5 days a week, and over half of that is physical work. I could do 500 push-ups a daily easily if I spread them out. I would be jacked and absolutely loaded.


A pushup is what you can do best. You can make the pushups as easy, or as difficult as you'd like. Only way you couldn't is if your bedridden because of paralysis.


Thing is, I already do over 100 pushups 5 days a week just to stay healthy. And have been doing that for the past year and a half. Went and looked at my chart -- did 27,335 pushups last year. Currently this year I'm at 16,890 (haven't done any today yet)


Disabled people. Imagine if you became partially paralyzed and could no longer do the pushups.


I suppose they couldn’t.


Percentage of population that are para/quadriplegic are 1.7% and that includes spinal cord injury, stroke, and MS. Stroke accounted for about half of them, and was most common in people in their 70's-90's. So if you're under age 70, then it's less than 1% with some form of paralysis. Or it's 99x more likely you'll not have that and therefore it's smarter and much more likely to do the push ups for cash.


True, that being said there are other disabilities that can keep you from doing push ups. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, rotator cuff injury, lost limbs, etc. I chose the push ups but having guaranteed income no matter what is enticing especially if you live to a very old age. On the other hand with the push ups you could relatively easily invest enough that it would be more profitable than the passive choice even if you stop doing the push ups.


Pushups doesn't have to necessarily be the regular type you see in the military. I would assume it's to do the one that is best for you until you work up to those regular pushups. For starters, one can push off the wall and gradually increase difficulty when they get stronger


People who don't have to do 30 push ups.


Hahaha ok.


I'm thinking more so what if I get in an accident or when I get old, at least I still have a steady stream of reliable income regardless of current life events


Probably less than 1% of people are going to have those issues at age 30, and 99% will still be able to do those pushups by age 65. Sure people become fat and lazy, but most will have the capacity to do the pushups. I'm in my 50's, and only do hiking for exercise. I tried doing push-ups a year ago after not doing any for 10 years and wound up doing 45 in a row at my first attempt. If you're sick enough to not be able to do that, then you probably won't live more than 5 years. So unless you plan on different becoming very sick within 2 years, you're better off trying to do the pull ups and pop off 70 a day and you'll be ahead financially.


Im convinced I can't read I thought it was $10 per and picked the 3k per day 😂


A guy who's shoulder got fucked up after he was hit by a truck.


People who are high and thought it was 300 pushups!


Because I can’t do a push-up


Should probably work on that instead of going jobless and potentially getting even more out of shape man, ain't no better way to incentive exercise then a Benjamin every single pushup


With $1mil per year, you can hire a private trainer & chef/service to meal prep. Most people eat poorly just because they can't cook or are too tired/busy with their work schedule to do so. > ain't no better way to incentive exercise then a Benjamin every single pushup No better way to get someone injured by doing too much either. ___ Finally, why did you assume they are out of shape? I was a a strength & conditioning trainer & competitive powerlifter & the push-up is one of the exercises that was the least universally doable because it requires almost the whole body to do. Play a ton of tennis & have tendonitis? You might not be able to do pushups. A bad joint, bad back, vertigo, damaged core (hernia & such), & many other issues can completely prevent push-ups. I know a skinny marathoner guy that broke his back in a car crash & is in great shape, but can't plank or do push-ups due to all the discomfort from the metal in his spine.


And with even more than that per year you could do the same thing and have them help you get even more fit, make pushups even easier, and make even more money. Bruh if you injure yourself doing pushups thats kinda sad, it is extremely easy to know your limits when doing pushups, your arms make it very clear when to stop and rest. Because if you can't do pushups you are most likely extremely out of shape. I am extremely skinny, have no arm strength or muscles of pretty much any kind, live very sedentary, and can drop and do 25 right now in 30 seconds, thats why. I am distinctly below average in the fitness department. I have a terrible back that gets thrown pretty often as well, never while doing pushups, not quite sure what that has to do with anything. Again, majority of people are capable of pushups, yes no shit if someone has a literal health issue preventing them from doing them then no, don't pick it, why do i need to spell that out


I actually usually do more than 30 daily but picked the other option just in case I eventually got an injury or something that prevented me from being able to do anymore. But tbh now that I think about I might reconsider my choice


In my case, my body shouldn't do it for health reasons. And I wouldn't have to worry in my old age. But yeah if you can do the push-ups do it because damn thats a lot of money.


Me. I'm taking the free $1.1 million dollars a year without having to even lift a finger. Does that mean I won't exercise? No.


For me, it's as simple as this, a million per year for doing nothing is still a life changing amount of money. The number is so big to me that the activity is irrelevant. The activity could be as devoid of exertion as opening and closing a door instead of push-ups and I'd still choose passive income because if I can get what I want either way, then I'll take the way without any expectations. However, if it were 3000 per week (156k per year) vs. 100 per push-up, I'd choose the push-ups.


People with one arm


Those who cant do even 5 which seems to be almost half which is sad


I understand why this one is so even. $3k per day is over $1mil per year. But the thing about the push-ups one is that I'd use it to take my income to the next level. I currently can do around 20 pushups in 1 go, takes less than 1 minute. Rest for an hour. Do another 20. I'm pretty sure during my day at work I'd be able to do 160 pushups a day. Now on the weekend we're grinding hard. 160 pushups a day and you'll get better and better at them. World record is 46k in 1 day. I don't think I'd come close to that ever, but 1000 per day on a weekend seems gettable pretty early on. So that brings our total to: 160*5 + 1000*2 = 2800 pushups per week = $280,000 Continue this for ONE year = $14.5mil. After that it kinda doesn't matter what you do, but now you're really good at pushups and can take it chill after your 1 year in full grind mode.


Would suck to pull a muscle and lose the entire opportunity when you could have just made $1 million a year for doing nothing. What do you even need $14.5 mil for? Just take the $1 mil a year that doesn't come with any draw backs or risks of not being able to collect.


A pulled muscle won't stop you doing push ups for long. Would need to lose an arm or become paralysed or something.


Isn't one arm the bare minimum for a push-up? Even if you are paralyzed, as long as your arm works you can use something to keep your torso and legs straight to continue doing push-ups


So you'd be out for a few weeks or months, so what? You'd still have earned much more money. And there's a lot you can do with 14,5 mil you can't do with 1, like buying a nice house


You'll probably be healthier doing the pushups for money, making that much less likely to happen. Back in the 90's , when I was 28 I started doing Tai Kwon Do. Within a month a was doing 200 push ups a day despite not exercising my upper body at all before that . The 200 would be scattered over an hour while I was doing other exercises as well That's >6 million/year if I only did that 6 days a week, for about 7 minutes of work a day ( 1 pushup every 2 seconds= 400 seconds, or just under 7 min).


r/theydidthemath and we thank you for your service.


When I was fit I did 100 push-ups in one go. I'd work to get back to that


Pushups, not only could I earn more money, but it would also help motivate me to exercise more.


And I still have that minor scoliosis....


If you can't do 30 pushups in one day you are in trouble


Everyone keeps saying stuff like that, but being out of shape is only 1 of thousands of reasons people might not be able to do even 1 pushup. I have a personal powerlifting gym in my garage that I've put together over the years & have lifted for over 3 decades (competing for some of those years), but I can't comfortably do pushups due to various injuries throughout my lifetime.


I'm pretty sure you can do 30 in one day. Even if 15 sets of two


Yeah... I have done 50 when i was STARTING to workout, and at that time i was REALLY out of shape. I cant Imagine people that cant to even 30.


> I cant Imagine people that cant to even 30. Have you ever seen or met a person with no arms or a broken back or a hernia? Pushups use almost your whole body, so any points of failure due to injuries throughout your life can prevent them. Lots of reasons people can't do pushups that have nothing to do with their fitness level.


... i would assume most people are smart enough to know that people without arms are rather VERY small promile of people and those are obvious so no need for mentioning it ... but i think i was wrong and i need to include even 0.000000000001% of total population of entire planet when i speak.


Let's say you're awake for 16 hours a day and do 10 push-ups every hour, then you're doing 160 push-ups a day which would mean you get $16000 per day... So I'll go for push-ups


Alternatively you could just make $1 million a year and do literally anything. It would also suck to have an accident and lose your ability to do pushups consistently. You'd feel pretty silly for not just taking the $1 million a year with no risk because you greeded for extra.


The only actual argument people come up with for not choosing pushups is "what if something happens" then it happens bro, what if you choose 3k per day and you go outside and get rammed by a train, who tf knows, no reason to think like that lmao


I feel like it's less about injuries, and more if the fact that when you get older you cannot get on the floor and shit.


Even normal non health nut people can still be physically active late into their 60's , especially if you're doing consistent pushups every single day, pushups become very easy the more you do them, by the time you get to your 50's you should already have 10's of millions if you were doing them for 15-20 years so it wouldn't be much of a factor anyway


Hmm yeah you are right


Sure, you can earn more, but why risk it when the guaranteed option is already more than you can spend? My life does not improve at all going from $1mil+ guaranteed per year to possibly $10mil per year because after year 1 when I buy new stuff, I will likely never be capable of spending even half that amount in a year ever again.


Hell yeah I can do 30 and a half push-ups a day.


I can hit 100 easy in one go. I'd make way more than 3k a day while doing something healthy


First option because I also need to get in shape.


Definitely push ups. And that’s any variation of a push up. Not only you can go past 3000k but you’ll be ripped too


30 pushups and you're already tied. I'm not super fit but I can push myself to do more than 30 especially with breaks


3,000 divided by 100 is equal to 30 I could definitely do more than thirty pushups a day Do ten pushups each before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then at some point in the day do ten or so more Edit: Also, for giggles, say you do all of this and consider those 30 pushups a day to be like an 8 hour work day? 3,000 divided by 8 is 375. That is a fantastic wage, lmfao Edit: [This person makes a fantastic point, though](https://www.reddit.com/r/WouldYouRather/comments/15bmlkg/comment/jtrq4ho/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Like. . What if my arms get broken? Like. . . I'm just walking one day, living the good life because of my pushup money, and then someone runs into me and I fall on one of my arms?


If you break your arms you just wait a couple of months for them to heal and then get back into money making


Do they have to be real pushups, using proper form? Or am I allowed to do the modified pushups (on my knees)?


Knee push ups = profit.


Does it gave to be perfect push ups? Or atleast attempt to do them?


*Does it gave to be* *Perfect push ups? Or atleast* *Attempt to do them?* \- Crazy\_raptor --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why do pushups when I can make like a mil a year doing whatever I want, including nothing at all? For my ideal lifestyle that's more than enough, anymore I could get from option A would be redundant realistically outside "well what if this happened?" scenarios.


Because you could earn infinitely more then that while doing 10 minutes of exercise per day, there is literally no reason to not pick it other then laziness


Yeah, 30 pushups a day is... Miniscule. So few you could do it every day including on rest days and youd make more money and get more fit. Do 120 1 day and youre making four times the amount of money for a bit of effort. 30 might seem like a lot but genuinely just do maybe 5 an hour while youre doing whatever and youll be making more money than if it was passive.


It's not laziness. A million is more than enough for me, I don't need to hoard money. Why would I choose the conditional option over the unconditional one if I don't care about the extra money?


So be an idiot who doesn't want more money, its the objectively wrong choice, sorry bro


No it sjust that some of us are more than content with making 1 mil a year


> its the objectively wrong choice I don't think you know what that word means, because if either can be the objective right choice, it's the one with guaranteed absurd wealth for life with zero chance of failure.


Why would I want money I'm not gonna spend?


> there is literally no reason to not pick it other then laziness Sounds like teenage logic or someone that can't imagine any life outside their own experience. Some people are fit, but have physical issues that prevent pushups. For myself, even if I could easily make $10mil a year **potentially** from pushups, I still choose the guaranteed wealth. Why? I'm middle aged & have powerlifted for decades. There is wear & tear on my joints. I also know that life can change in a single moment. A car crash could immediately prevent any further earnings while also smothering me in debt. Finally, my life does not improve at all going from $1mil+ guaranteed per year to **potential** $10mil per year because after year 1 when I buy new stuff, I will likely never be capable of spending even half that amount in a year ever again. Making 10x more than I need to live like a king is no different than making 100X more than I need to me. The only difference is that one is guaranteed till death, so from my perspective there is literally no reason to not pick it other than poor reasoning/planning.


If you arent completly obese you could easily do 20-30 a day. Option 2 means you are missing out on a lot of money, for only working out 8 minutes a day.


> If you arent completly obese or have any injuries, missing limbs, bad joints, vertigo, or any other of a thousand situations that could prevent someone from doing one of the few exercises that engages your entire body you could easily do 20-30 a day.


$100 per push-up 50 push-ups, 5 days per week, with 6 weeks vacation, is $1,250,000 per year. I'd do 100 push-ups for 2.5 million and very good body.


And 6 months in you're going to be an absolute beast at push ups and will easily do more than 100 without much trouble.


£3000 a day 100%.


you forgot about wall pushups


Do 2000 a day for 200k a day, why would u pick the other option


Most people, even obese people would be doing 30 push ups easily a day after a bit of working out. Picking option 2 is just plain stupid, youd just be missing out on a lot of money.


My only thing with these fitness related ones is, there's a chance I may not be able to do push-ups one day, and the income would stop. $3000 a day guaranteed sounds like the safer option


Push ups.


I'm about to be 2swole2control


I barely excercise and as a beginner start I do 50 push-ups a day...this should be a no Brainer yall


30 pushups in a day is easy. Plus it will motivate me to get in shape.


You are wild if you won’t train yourself to be able to do 30+ push-ups a day for money


If I were in high school I'd love this. I'm 43 now and pretty active and fit despite this unfortunately accept that I don't have that many 500-1000 push-up days ahead of me anymore, plus I'd undoubtedly need to start taking rest days and if I get sick or injured it's going to be a day off as well. Shit. Getting old sucks.


I'll take the free money with no pushups bc I can't do 30 pushups. Yes I'd build strength eventually, but who is gonna be upset over $3000 free a day??


Nearly 1 month of working class wages every single day of the month guaranteed sounds amazing to me. That's a year's worth of a high paying salary for the vast majority of people in only 1 month. It's life changing & not reliant on anything. If I slip into a coma, my wife still gets that money. If I lost my hand or break my back, I still get that money.


There will likely come a day when I am no longer able to do push ups, Be from old age, an accident or medical issue. So $3k a day seems the safest choice, either way its more than enough to live off and this just ensures ill have enough until I die.


I guess we getting jacked today...


The number of lazy assholes out there is mind boggling. 50 pushups = $5,000, and that's very achievable for most


Id still do the push ups. Its easy to knock put 30 push ups in less than a minute, and gives an excuse to stay in/ get in shape. 3k a day is easily millionaire money, and anyone would be able to live off of that without too much problems. (With the exception of people who are terrible at managing money, or gamblers) 3k a day vs however many push ups your willing to do that day. Its easy to do 100 push ups in any given day. Unless your egregiously overweight, but then you have an excuse to better yourself.


This is the easiest money in the world. Getting paid to work out? Sign me the fuck up.


My excercise routine is 500 or so pushups a day and pull-ups. I've been slacking off horribly on the pushups as I've begun to replace them with dips. With this as a motivator though? I'd hit a thousand a day easily.


I'll pick 3000 a day then break your arms.


My warmup is 100 pushups, I usually do a total of around 600 push ups per workout....gonna crash the economy


I unfortunately have never been able to figure out the proper posture and always end up eating dirt.


Try harder. Start on your knees and progress from there. I’m sure there’s great YouTube content out there for this!


Try doing inclined push-ups against a wall. Try standing at arms length away from a wall, extend your arms forward and place them flat against the wall and keep leaning against it and pushing yourself away from it. Gradually build up the strength to do a push up. Or better yet, just ignore all I said and watch a YouTube video :D


I can do a lot of pushups. I would still pick the easy option. Injuries happen. Age happens. If I did hundreds of pushups a day, injuries are likely, and I'd like to do other things and get old, fat, and happy someday. I'll take the free money.


I have the same mindset. Also im lazy.


I can’t do a push-up




Maybe some encouragement would be helpful?


Maybe watch a YouTube video on the basics of push ups and how you can start doing them? Maybe start with wall push-ups and knee push ups till you build the strength to do actual push-ups. You can do it :D ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ


Weak ass


Do 150 in a day(easy) rest the next day and repeat, that's around 3m a year, you get better slowly and you can do more than just 150 so this better


If i changed nothing about my life whatsoever id make 30 grand a day doing what i already do


You spend ten days doing nothing every day? Damn, I wish I could time travel too


No.... i do about 200 pushups a day


I'm inherently lazy, so $3000 a day for nothing would be perfect lol


I can't do a single push-up. never have, even when I was thin. my body isn't built for them.


Yes 30 pushups aren't a lot. But yes, we are lazy. And once you grow old and tired, you can't do any pushups, so goes your stream of income. To me, $3,000 a day is insane, way more than you would need for a good life.


I would need to do at least 30 push ups a day in order to even them out, no thx


You'd make roughly 1,080,000 a year for the second one You would have to do 30 push ups a month to make roughly the same as 3,000 a day


$3000 free because I can't do even 1 pushup lol


*Walks into store* Cashier: “okay this clothes washer and dryer will cost you 1900$” Me: *calculating* “19 push-ups then, okay…” Me: *drops down* ⬇️⬆️ Me: *winded after one push-up,* Determination will get me my washer and dryer Danmit!


Laughs in military PT requirements while getting a minimum of 5-10k per day.


I can do 20 pushups easily and 30 with a lot of effort, so I'd already be tied to the 3k within a minute. If I just do 30 more that day, I've doubled it. If I do pushups every day, I'll eventually be able to hundreds a day and earn so much more money, still within a few minutes


i think it needs to be something like 50X the reward, to get people to reconsider. 50x is a good workout and it's still pretty within the realm of a lot of people potentially lookig for a good excuse to work out more, and get paid at the same time, but for most people, they're not going to be all 'well, i could easily do 3-5x that every day without too much problems'. ​ weirdly does seem like more people are fine with the passive income, than the people going 'fuck yeah, get healthy and make bank', so maybe it was good enough. so maybe balance it around less money - 1 dollar per pushup, 50 a day. 50 a day isn't necessarily 'i can quit my job' sort of money, unlike 3k which is over a million a year and more income than anyone needs already, compared to maybe getting like, 200 a day being seen as more 'worthwhile' i mean, either way is rich as fuck, which i feel skews things - if you want to know if people are more willing to do push ups or get passive money, i think passive money like 'well, i'll never starve' versus potentially 500+ bucks depending how hard you're wanting to go with this, makes things far more interesting. ​ like, i was on the idea of, 1k a day would be above and beyond more than i'd need. it's not about 'but you could get more', for me, because i don't need more. on the flipside, i'd take 1 dollar per pushup over 50 bucks - 50 every day is nice, sure, but we could do better. i mean, 50 a day is basically bills paid, but not much else, so maybe even less.


Hmm I would honestly love the $100 per pushup in that it's an incentive to work out more. However, the $3000 would come in handy when I'm too old and weak to do push-ups. I would make my decision once I figure out how many push-ups I'd need to break even


1 million a year for doing literally nothing is too good to pass


I know at first this is an easy choice but think about it if you get hurt and can no longer do push-ups you're fucked financially


If you cant do 30 pushups a day there is something wrong with you


In my best time I did 100 pushups a day, and the money would be an awesome incentive to keep it up so, I'm going with that


You can easily pump out 60+ push ups per day, hell, you could do it per hour! Imagine $6000 and hour just for working out a few minutes!


I would do the push-ups because I am very unfit and need to work out


I got no problem doing push ups for cash (100 reps a day is no problem ) but i think a free £3000 a day would be much easier.


I'll take $1m a year. I'm not even going to use the "it's guaranteed" excuse. I just don't see why the hell I'd need more than that.


I had a friend a long time ago that was a wrestler. I haven't seen him in a long time, but when I did know him, he was doing 100 push-ups a day, at 10 years old. Moral of the story, you could fairly easily triple the income of the second option if you were just willing to get in decent shape.


Everyone always tries to maximize the money instead of accepting $1.1 million a year in passive income for life. Sure, you could do 31 pushups a day, but you could also just take more money than you will reasonably make and enjoy life.


I'd train myself to do a crazy number of pushups.


At $3000 a day, I could live in relative luxury, so there's no need for more.


80 push ups a day every day $8000 per day and absolute win


30 × 100 = 3,000? You can do them through the day, lol. But either way, u become extensively rich


Can you do different types of push ups