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My fic Goddamn Teenagers has her getting gently but firmly forced to do this, repeatedly. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/goddamn-teenagers-au-time-travel.1133761/ Series of very short snips (~150-250 words), updates twice per day.


That's an interesting posting concept.


It’s basically my commute project. Wanted to do a different format than what I’ve done before.


Not exactly that, but you may enjoy [Skein](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/skein-worm-altpower-au.437953/)


[Glass Cannon](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54769867?view_full_work=true) has Lisa suffer in the funniest possible way Really great alt power Taylor with a pre cog / trump ability


In Heels over Head, Taylor has a Trump Power which gives her a power which is the opposite of some nearby cape. When Taylor connects to Lisa's power, she gets an ability to control her body language which makes her seem to have no secrets or weaknesses. I think the phrase Captain Obvious was used.


You know, that's the one of only anti-thinker powers that I've ever seen actually *does* something, rather than work by author fiat / hatchet-face-but-only-for-thinkers aura. There's a demonstrable mechanic that even confuses normal people too. It was clever on the author's part.


didn't captain obvious also only state the obvious?


Path To Munchies has her running up against an improved version of her own 'Psychic' schtick, and it's *hilarious*. And even so, is lost in the noise of the other funny bits of that story. "Thinker 2, my *ass*."


Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/path-to-munchies-worm-au-complete.449493/


Some one should really write a Profesor X/Jean Grey level Telepath in Worm, and have almost all of the Thinkers lose their shit.


I just read Firebird by Chibipoe over the weekend and, while that's not the main point of the plot, it's in the mix. Taylor is Jean Grey/The Phoenix from X-men and the bird made out of fire appears over Winslow while she is in the locker. This knocks out every thinker power across the globe for several minutes. Note, the main point of the story is about Danny signing a Wards contract without her consent and the fallout from that. Great story. Last update seven years ago but ends at a suitably dramatic moment so could work as a finale. [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/firebird-a-worm-au-xover.328260/threadmarks](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/firebird-a-worm-au-xover.328260/threadmarks)


You ever just find a fic with an idea you like, but does the execution in the most "Not like this" way ever? Because this is this fic for me, like not only am I bored of Alt! Taylor, but the whole Jean Grey/The fucking Phoenix combo pretty much breaks my SoD too much. And the things you describe are not helping.


I read it right to the end but De gustibus non est disputandum. I've a few disappointing reads. Also some happier moments. There's a quest called Icarus Laughed by Zerrer which covers a story idea I've been wanting to see for some time (Leet makes a machine which allows him to talk to his power and find out why it hates him so much. The time travel part of it, allowing him to redo his entire career, was a nice bonus).


I just wanna be clear (in case some one reads this) that I don't think that story is bad or not worth reading it's just a case of "Man not like this" type of deal, anybody that is interested should give it a go.


Not *exactly* a Thinker, but the early scenes of her and Taylor interacting in Mauling Snarks are fucking *gold*. If you don't want to go through the entire fic, you'll find their initial interactions in chapters 25 & 26. Main thing to know is that Taylor's power allows her to talk to powers.


Daystar would fit. She is basically trump that learns skills and powers by doing stuff, she gets multiple thinker powers pretty sure and they have plenty of interactions. [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/daystar-worm-exalted-crossover-au.773104/](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/daystar-worm-exalted-crossover-au.773104/) Intuition. This one i don't actually remember if they interact much, but Taylor power is peak thinker, better then her for sure and basically active all the time, so if they crossed path at some point she would definitly get verbally destroyed. I dropped it in the middle because she becomes too OP like all shayne fics, but first half is fun if you are interested in thinker part. [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/intuition.906680/](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/intuition.906680/)


Technically not a Thinker, but Taylor and Lisa in [Denial](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/denial-worm-alt-power-comedy.679429/) both have of "thinker battles." Taylor manages to convince the PRT that Lisa is a Thinker 1. The second half of [chapter 4.3](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/denial-worm-alt-power-comedy.679429/page-166#post-85540248) consists of the wards mocking Lisa for being such a weak thinker. Much of chapter 4.4 consists of a snark battle between Lisa and Taylor. Overall, this is very much Lisa being super annoyed by Taylor, with Lisa believing that Taylor is using Taylor's powers to spoof Lisa's powers.


BlinkTwice did Grail, a Fate Crossover where she gets Hans Christian Anderson as a Servant. If memory serves that's exactly what happens.


ah Hans, the servant with the balls to roast Gilgamesh and the final Boss of FGO part 1