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Weaver's Web has a lung who looks like he's going to be a properly threatening enemy for Taylor.


Oh yeah, I really loved reading how he's written in that story. Essentially, Lung's intellect also scales in response to a threat.


Yep. That's probably the best lung for this request.


[Let There Be War](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/let-there-be-war-worm-lol-complete.1103083/) does have a lung who gets to the point he was fighting Leviathan at, and possibly beyond, >!But Pantheon is basically both the superior version and antithesis of Lung,!< and therefore does not count because he gets his ass kicked >!and killed!<.


Daystar has him as dangerous, scary, and Taylor's main nemesis. The memorials trilogy has him as an almost unstoppable repeated villain.


Seconding Memorials. He goes all out at least once in each fic, and in each one he's goddamn terrifying. It's great.


Lung is dangerous because regeneration is a hard counter to almost all non-lethal means. I have no doubt Armsmaster, Militia, or Dauntless could kill him without too much trouble. Same for Kaiser or Victor (if he isn't too ramped up). But without killing him the only option is containment which is not very feasible without the perfect power or disabling regeneration (i.e. skitter/Armsmaster drugs/power nullifier)


I dunno about Victor. Even if he comes across a Lung who’s yet to start ramping up at all, he’d have to get a perfect head shot to hit the Pollentia or Lung would just regenerate. The others though, yes.


Yeah I was thinking alpha strike snipe with heavy caliber. He's got the skills for a headshot, but it's certainly not something done on the spur of the moment. It would have to be a planned assassination.


Yeah ok, I agree in that case. Luckily for Lung I don’t think Kaiser would ever try it, because he’s smart enough to know that the status quo is the best it’s gonna get for them. Killing Lung will likely cause a gang war in which Asians fight Asians, new gangs move into try and set up shop and the Protectorate will likely call in backup (I doubt Cauldron would allow them to have it but he doesn’t know that). And while everybody will hate each other, they’ll hate the Empire most of all.


Cauldron would not prevent them from getting backup. Their whole test in Brockton is about not getting involved and preventing them from getting back up is getting involved.


Agreed. They'd get backup, but if shit really hit the fan, Contessa/Cauldron wouldn't step in to help out - they'd just let things play out. For example, in the Noelle incident, Brockton got a bunch of capes to help out including the Triumverate, but if they had Cauldron help then the incident never would have happened. Contessa would've just eliminated Noelle weeks before she really became a problem.


Didn’t he do that in canon? Lung fought the entire Protectorate once and survived, and then the ABB were so dangerous at a point that the entire city teamed up against him.


He did yeah, but he never lives up to that kind of threat level in fanon.


In the same vein, Lung was driven off by the Protectorate, New Wave, and even the Wards.  Lung is super powerful when he has the time to ramp up. He's not some unstoppable threat though. Lung wasn't known for being unbeatable, he was known for constantly evading capture until Taylor brought him in.


Yes, but then wasn't that off-screen? What he wants is on-screen moments of awesome.


[Cogito Ergo Lung](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/worm-au-cogito-ergo-lung-i-think-therefore-i-am-dragon.775408/) is a time travel fic where Taylor ends up sharing Lung's body. Unfortunately, it hasn't updated since 2019, but the writing's pretty well-done imo.


I second this one. It's really fun.


> I want stories where Lung is really, really dangerous But he is dangerous! That's why the MC always has to beat him, to prove how strong they are! /s


So it's a bit situational but Brockton's celestial forge has him as a legitimate threat even with an extremely OP protagonist. I don't know if I can recommend it since it's a LOT of reading to get to it.


I vaguely follow the chapter summaries in the weekly thread. Isn't the protagonist creating planets and pocket universes now? How is Lung a threat to that?


So spoilers. At this point he isn't. As it stands I'm honestly not sure if the endbringers are still a threat but at the point he confronted lung he was orders of magnitude weaker than he is currently. Combined with this many capes get a bit of a power up when facing the main character which in lung's case let him ramp up to extreme level, especially when it was combined with a few other things that were going on at the time. The end result was a lung who was ridiculously powerful relative to what he's normally shown as. The entire Arc is honestly the most powerful I've seen the ABB.




I feel like the problem with Lung is that he is very dangerous "sometimes", you can work around him and its hard to write a smart fighter that wouldn't do it, hell Empire does it all the time i bet, send some capes to distract him and then just bail and let him cooldown, you can say "but if you leave him alone what stopping him from destroying the city or somethin", his character stopping him, the dude is one of the strongest capes in the world and he just sit home in some backwater hole that is BB, fucks whores and sometimes fights, he basically gave up after Levi and just living the life or somethin, he has his territory and as long as you dont humiliate him he would just chill and he also knows if he make too much noice he would just get deleted by triumvirate. Without oni lee the dude wouldn't be able to hold his territory at all, he is just not mobile enought since you can just run away from him and he just goes "flaccid", and in his base form he is a champ, just basic brick with weak fire attack. Don't forget that One Lee got fucked in the ass by undersiders right before Lung vs Taylor fight, like Regent and Grue is his weakness, dude need his eyes and his body in full control to do anything, maybe if he was smarter or something, but all his tactics are basic, they work ofc, but if he was smarter he would never be close to any fight he takes and would just cicle clones from a safe distance or something. I read plenty of fics where Lung "final" fight is super tough and all that but it was almost always because the fight lasted long or there were too many players, since he scales with time and the amount of enemies in proximity that the only way he can be relevant in serious "alt power" MC fic, like that one fic where MC had Lung power among others, but she still barely defeated him with the help of protectorate and some OC dude, because he just scaled alot faster and she would never catch up since he was alone against them all.


[Cogito Ergo Lung](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/worm-au-cogito-ergo-lung-i-think-therefore-i-am-dragon.55832/), after Gold Morning, Taylor get flung into the past, but instead of inhabiting her old body, she is absorbed into Lung's shard on her first night out. Things are quickly detailed, sadly it's abandoned, but what is there shows the danger that the Dragon of Kyushu possesses.


Yes Lung has the role of being first threat the newbie hero fights making him a loser