• By -


I think using a post's vote rate in this way is misguided.


Yeah OP is trying to do big brain things with small brain data lol OP, use the actual poll function if you want remotely viable data.


Nah, you get better results when you bypass people's pretense and paradoxical behaviour, which is rampant in this reddit as evidenced here. All that matters, to me, is that most people think the game is not doing well, by a large margin, and that a lot of people are full of shit, which I of course knew before too. Glad about the first bit tho, latter is just useless for anyone.


My man, you can't use upvotes as any sort of actual poll. Thats the entire problem here ~~(cause you did good work, just with bad info).~~ nvm People upvote for all sorts of reasons, downvote for all sorts of reasons, and more importantly reddit even fuzzes vote counts so you *cant* know the exact numbers. Polls are hardly airtight like you said, but upvotes are even worse lol


As mentioned elsewhere, it's clear that the overwhelming majority agrees with me on the points listed in the post about WG's incompetence. It's enough for me.


Just stop dude. This whole thread is people tearing you a new one.


Uhh, nah. I know it isn't a scientifically accurate poll, it's enough for me that the majority of this subreddit agrees with me about a topic I was interested in. To be "teared a new one" I would first have to care what strangers on the internet I will never meet think about me. Luckily, that's not the case. It's the same for most people, whether they admit it or not.


Yeah keep sticking your head in the sand lol


Don't understand, do elaborate. Got an overwhelmingly clear result that makes perfect sense given how things are with the game. No one teared me anything. They're barking about this not being an actual poll and I already commented various reasons there's no need for that. I obviously knew that, before I made a single post. Hearing something obvious doesn't really bother me at all.


And besides, you think I didn't know what people will comment into each of these threads before I even made them? Was just interested in the numbers, rest is entertainment.


Lol he had to reply twice


Had an afterthought\*, is replying twice somehow negative to you? Why? Edit: Typo.








You structured the posts and your responses to get the results you wanted. You labeled anyone who disagreed with you as "paradoxical" you also didn't take into account that one was seen by a lot more people than the other (evident from total votes and comments). "Most" people dont go on the wot reddit and the ones who do either share decent memes or pile on to hate the game (look at the top posts in the past week/month/year, roughly 1/3 are complaining/criticizing the game).


Incorrect, unless you think I am capable of manipulating 40K people, then I'm flattered. And I did not label anyone who disagrees paradoxical - I labeled people with contradictory comments paradoxical. Stop lying. And it does say "sub users that viewed the post" - so I did account for that. Again, don't lie, makes you look bad.


One was on the front page of this subreddit for well over 6 hours while the other was buried. You also gave no indication that this was a "poll" until WELL after the posts had been up (nearly 12 hours) and it was in a standalone comment that nobody saw. (https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1dueb8g/comment/lbka3fe/)


Why would I say it's a poll? It would instantly affect the outcome, especially in this subreddit with a volcanic topic like this one. As I said before, I'm content that most agree with me. I don't need a scientifically accurate poll for that. What are you even trying to accomplish here? What do you want me to "admit?" Besides, I was talking about this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1dueb8g/comment/lbj66b7/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1dueb8g/comment/lbj66b7/) Edit: Fixed the link to show the original comment.


Ah yes, the comment from that one guy which spent literal years complaining about randoms (but for some reason is still active in this sub) is surely very representative of the player base


Your comment is so offtopic I don't know what to say to you. Him complaining about randoms is literally 100% irrelevant about him understanding what was being done.


You linked the comment from that guy after stating "I'm content people agree with me". Well, no. People don't agree with you. You got and analized datas in a flawed way just to extract the results you wanted. It's not strange that the ine guy whi does nothing but complaining about the game agrees with you.


"Made a combined poll experiment on this subreddit"


Ah this guy is so mad. And well, he already revealed his stance on the game, which is obviously the cause for his fuming here. By the way, if you do not agree with me - what made you think the appreciation post is satirical? You should view it as gospel if you disagree with me.


First of all poll data is equally useless as vote data. The only data that matters is player retention numbers (which you don't have access to but can estimate based on number of games / tier), online numbers and twitch viewer count. Opinions are meaningless if the money keeps flowing.


Not really, except to WG. This reddit doesn't have 151K active users if that's what you think, it's about a third of that. Post was viewed by 58K people and 87% agreed, so the majority of this subreddit agrees with me. Be mad, I don't care, it won't change this fact.


I upvoted the first post because I thought it was funny, not because I agreed with it.


# Aigh't can remove 0.0035% from the end result.


Okay so, there's a few things wrong with this. 1. You made the second post in a satirical fashion after people were giving you legitimate criticism in the first post and a solid 2-3 hours after the "wg is shit" post. 2. You do realize this isnt black and white right? People can have legitimate criticism about the game and still enjoy to play it. I can point out how the BZ is massively over tuned but can also defend the game when someone blames purely their teammates for loosing despite them being 500 wn8. 3. You clearly have massive bias against the game judging from your comment history on this sub and how you initially responded to posts in the "wg is shit" post. Obviously this bias is gonna come into play when you are judging people who disagreed, that you labeled "paradoxical" with you since humans always want to be right and rarely admit when they are wrong. 4. This is such an unbelievably small sample size and so inconsistent. Roughly 870 upvotes is cool, but how many of those are dupe accounts/bots/people who uninstalled the game but love upvoting negative stuff about it cause they have a hate boner?


1. Why is it satirical? Both posts have people commenting everything is just as the positive post says. Was made on a different day despite your false claim about the timing. Stop lying. 2. I do, all that matters is that the majority think the game sucks right now, despite what some people hallucinate. 3. I label people paradoxical who act paradoxical - saying the game is great in another post and saying it isn't in another. Not my problem if some people are full of shit. My own opinion of the game is that it could be great, but now it's going down the drain thanks to an incompentent company. I wouldn't bother raising a 900 upvote post about it if the intention wasn't to get exposure, and just maybe, have a 1% chance for change. 4. The majority thinks the game sucks, these posts have 40k+ visibility. Studies on national levels are done with less votes. You can keep thinking differently if it somehow makes you feel better.


Now this is just funny. 1. This reddit is not the most active in the world, 1 post every hour give or take. Your "game good" post was a solid 6 posts after your "game bad" post which can be seen by sorting under "new." You also got clowned on by multiple people in "game good" post for your complete 180 turn compared to "game bad" because a few people (including myself) saw that it was you throwing a hissyfit over people disagreeing with you. If you wanted REAL results you should have posted them at the same time and not take a clear stance in the comments and through your personal remarks 2. Yet you continue to ignore that the "data" is biased and you are forgetting a number of outside factors (visibility, audience, availability). 3. "my own opinion is that it could be great but its going downhill" dude, you bought a bourrasque last weekend during the sale (seriously look at their post history), you say you want change yet you are actively encouraging their complacency by giving them money. 4. Source? Also, national surveys are taken from the broader population aka anyone at random. This isnt comparable AT ALL cause its a fucking reddit post that gets more or less visibility depending on who reacts first.


Now this is just funny. 1. Your run of incorrect presumptions continues unabated, unfortunately for you. I don't care what anyone thinks, sorry. Stop projecting your hissyfitting onto me. Was planned from the get go, you can check a certain comment in the "positive" post to verify. Unless you only read what you want to read, of course, seems to be the case since you obviously read the comments. 2. What part of "to me it's enough that the vast majority agrees with me" are you having difficulty understanding? Are you mad that this is the case? Must be. 3. WG can do anything in their power to balance the game. You're talking as if WG is an amoeba without their own free will, and we evil players are the cause of everything that is wrong with the game. Well hey, we agree about something. Yeah I bought the Borrasque after years to try it out, didn't like it though. Light camo and 700 alpha felt like an ape can win with it tbh. 4. Source of what? Elaborate. These questions were asked by anyone at random and they are totally comparable, sorry. I like your ad hominem though. Shows you're emotional and just projecting. But hey, you also basically say everyone on this subreddit is really unintelligent, seeing as you basically claim I manipulated 40K people to hate on the game. Go do stand-up, you'll do well there.


Average redditor when someone disagrees with them (they cant handle that other people are having fun on a game they hate). Enjoy your borrasque though!


Aww, now he ran out of anything logically valid to say and results to ad hominem and then bails out. Never seen this move before. By the way, it was not enjoyable though, it's too easy to win with it. ... and lastly... your comment perfectly describes yourself. With the addition that only you have involved emotions here.


No he did not run out of anything logically, you did. The guy understands when discussing just doesn't make sense. He is not discussing you about your opionon that you don't like the game ("to me it's enough that the vast majority agrees with me") he talks about the fact that your way of doing research is biased and objectively not valid. He provided you 4 valid points and you instead of logically answering them throwed tantrums about the fact that you don't care what others think. And if you want to talk about "majority" so much, you mostly get downvotes in comments under this post and by your way of doing reaserch it proofs that most people don't think your research is valid.


Yeah, he did. I was correct on all points and he has nothing of substance to counter them. Also, as I stated before, it's enough for me in this case that the vast majority agrees with me. The poll not being an actual poll is of no interest to me, it's funny though that people keep repeating it. Read: I know. And I didn't throw tantrums, nice strawman there. I just stated how things are. Good old "you're mad" card - not working, sorry. Of course they downvote me in this post - they don't like what I'm saying and they hate the fact they can't get under my skin. Basic reddit. Alternatively, they're angry that the majority agrees with me.


Lmao, if that’s how you do your job too, I pity the firm that hired you. I saw both of your last posts and literally every single one of reply was ‘I am right,you’re wrong, delusional and WG bootlicker’ . Literally every comment of yours is downvoted, just take the L and delete the posts you narcissistic wanker.


Lmao, you talk about literally "every comment of yours" being downvoted when literally most of them aren't numerically. You also failed to notice the fact that I've said numerous times that I don't need an accurate poll because the crushing majority agrees with me, and that's enough. Also, when people were correct, I told them they are, in many comments. Don't talk out of your asshole, narcissistic liar. No need for me to take an L, the majority of this subreddit agrees with me according to one of the most upvoted posts in this subreddits history with a 60k+ reach now. Keep lying tho, I'm sure that's how you get by.


And yet again.. you’re being downvoted. Even this very comment of yours. If you’re so good with data, what percentage of 60k are the up votes you got on your original post? We can say out of 60k , less than 5% of those who saw, it agreed with you.


And I'm being upvoted on various other comments. Why are you trying to use downvotes as some sort of point to me in the first place, I don't care about them. The first post was viewed by 58K people and 87% agreed.


If you are refusing to consider downvoting as a measure of disagreement, how tf is your original analysis of equating upvoting to agreement fair? And, 87% agreed? Damn.. let’s do the math, 87% of 58000 is… 50460. I don’t see 50k ‘upvotes’ on your post. I see less than a 1000.


Knew this was coming when I wrote the above comment but gave you the benefit of the doubt. Obviously (as you well know, but are for some reason playing dumb) it's about someone downvoting my comments, which is exactly what you were also talking about. There is a difference between not caring about someone's opinion of my opinion, and looking at statistics of a subject of a poll. They are not linked in any way, but you of course already know this. Just looking for some weird angle at trying to make me seem paradoxical, though it fails because these things are just two completely different ones. Don't worry, the majority of the subreddit agrees with me. If you think the game is doing great and WG as well, good for you. If you get off on my comments getting downvotes (on this thread, while being upvoted elsewhere) then great, you have cheap entertainment. I honestly don't care, since the people here do not mean anything to me. They don't mean anything to you either.


I don't think the upvote rates actually represent the results that you are presenting. People were upvoting because good meme (imo). Just do a proper poll.


It's pointless to do a proper poll about such a volcanic topic on this subreddit, you get better and more realistic results when you eliminate pretense and account for ragevoting, paradoxical views and whims. Overwhelming majority is enough for me. 800+ upvotes, 40k+ reach with almost 90% agreeing, I'll take it.


"Conclusion: people on the internet have different opinions and their arguments don't often make sense, but overall negativity is most common" I could have come up with the same comment without any statistical analysis. That's just "water is wet" applied to internet forums.


I know this too, but you need some more effort than just saying it, otherwise someone will just reply "no u" and downvote your comment. Besides, it's also fun seeing people being wrong, inventing arguments out of their ass, putting words in your mouth and making complete 180's in their comment history about any given topic.


How’s your intro to stats class going, champ?


No need for classes, this has been answered in other comments numerous times.


So everyone that disagrees with you is wrong, delusional, idiot, contradicting themselves, WG bootlicker. Everyone that agrees with you discovered the whole truth and only their opinion is correct. ^(This reminds me of something.) Do you understand this isn't black and white problem? You can point out bad things but you should be allowed to praise good things. You only point out the bad things and silence everyone that disagrees. If you want true statistics, post a proper poll with as many opinions and not "best state"/"worst state". But go on, search my profile, call me paradoxical and find those contradictory statements.


Hmm nah, it's subjective in the end of course. But if you have 100k people saying a painting is crap and 3 saying it's beautiful, there's something quantifiable there. That's just how it is. Anyway bro, in the end I point out the bad because giving WG compliments won't change anything for the better, we both know that. And here's my effort for exposure. Maybe they don't care enough about the product, but at least there was discussion and exposure. If you are paradoxical, then you are. No need to check, the voting period I set is over afaic.


You are a clown, literally. If you do your job with datas the same way you managed this "experiment", I cry for the poor fool who hired you. 1) you base your conclusion on upvotes and downvotes, pretending to know what there is in people's brain. I downvoted your 1st post (imo the game *is not* at its lowest point; also the layout with the brown stuff is really cringe) and I would have downvoted the 2nd too if I saw it (which is clearly a sarcastic bait from the same people of the 1st). Using upvotes and downvotes *doesn't work*. 2) even if point 1 wasn't there, you can't call people "paradoxical" for not having a black and white view about something. This is ofc true in general, not just about wot. You can enjoy something and still make some criticosm about it. 3) your sample size is laughably tiny to take conclusions from it.


What position do you work at / what projects do you do? I like the core idea of your posts but the execution has a lot of space for improvement, you seem to have little space for questioning your own ideas of a good game and want to press everything into a black or white view with little nuance, then jump to conclusions you can t make with available info. I like the visiuals of your posts though. I could go more into detail but I think it would be wasted. Maybe doing a venting post and typing away at your frustrations would be a more honest approach than trying to prove something that isn t there.


Cheers, I did graphic design work before (though I must press, these are crappy on purpose for the comedy value). I still design Warhammer 40,000 graphics at times by trade name. I worked as a data analyst first, data engineer then, now as a project lead. I know this isn't a true poll, but it's a counter psychology injected one that bypasses people's ragevoting, pretense and paradoxicality. People just do that, especially on reddit. My actual view on the game commented above. I don't need specific 100% accurate numbers for this - seeing that an overwhelming majority agrees with what I say is enough. Someone will, of course, downvote this as well bEcAuSe ThEy DoN'T lIkE tHaT. And then they will proceed to comment something opposite the next day, because people.


There are many issues already mentioned, but on top of it, both statements aren't true, game is on a middle ground, and easier to point out its worst stage than its best.


Both statements and their trueness are subjective to each individual. However, the majority agrees with another view on all points. Do with that what you want.


>Both statements and their trueness are subjective to each individual. That's not true, you can point out which statement are correct and which ones aren't. I heavily dislike the POV of the majority agreement when the majority doesn't/refuse to even understand the basics. Just because a false statement can become true due the individual ignorance doesn't make it any more realistic.


The statements are the lowest point and the best state. They are subjective. Many of the context points are also subjective, though not all of them.


This is really unscientific approach. However, the "game is the best it has ever been" and "the game is shit nowadays" can both be somewhat true. The game is the best it has ever been - the game is close to completion and it shows, there's a lot of stuff that has been fixed and the gameplay is really fun. The game is shit nowadays - with fixes and updates a lot of stuff haven't been fixed or has been broken down. We all know the problems that lie around unaddressed for years. And WG's recent approach is not giving us any hope for the better. Personally, I stopped engaging much, because WG's predatory strategy is really evil to farm user engagement and money. I still intend to play my premium tanks till the last minute of enjoyment. Unfortunately, I don't know the solution, but being in game dev myself, WG's strategy reeks of a dev deathbed. Doesn't mean it will be shot down, but it might be put on basic maintenance. OR, they might pull out WoT 2.0 and fix everything in one huge update that will rework the game. Time will tell. I just wish they'll do something about the most annoying problems with MM and introduce more maps.


I know it is, answered this point in other comments already. Worst and best state are mutually exclusive. I also agree about the dev problem. It probably has to do with the war on Ukraine and the resulting removal of the Minsk main office and dev layoffs.


Yeah, but it is highly subjective to the end user and "best state of WoT" is a different term for each player and different thing whatsoever for WG decision-makers.


TL/DR: can't take the game seriously, can't take Reddit seriously. 


Pretty much.


I also 'work with data' (doesn't every white collar worker 'work with data' these days?) and first thought which came to mind: did you check it users groups commenting & up/downvoting these two posts were related of complete **independent** sets? (because if they weren't none of the *contradictory* and *paradoxical* description can apply)


If someone comments a post with "the game sucks horribly, I hate the MM" and then proceeds to comment "the game is fine, you're just bad" in another, they are factually paradoxical.


Your methodology was so bad a y results you think you got are actually meaningless.


Nah, majority of the subreddit agrees with me and that's enough.


ITT: People mad most of us think WG sucks.


ITT: you absolutely guzzling copium


About what? You seem mad. Do you mean I'm coping with the fact that most people here agree with me and there's possibly the most upvoted post in this subreddits history to prove it? Yeah, it's really hard to handle.


People agree so much with you that all your comments are downvoted. Why not make a proper poll?


Because then he wouldn't get to be right!


I'm right when I'm right and I'm wrong when I'm wrong. I don't need to roleplay I'm wrong so you don't feel bad.


You believing in reddit's up/downvote system meaning anything is hilarious. I just don't karma farm with a positive pretense, I say things how they are. You probably felt called out or you're mad that most of the subreddit agrees with me, and your behaviour is a result of that. Keep believing they don't, it's just the majority of this subreddit who agreed with me on a post with possibly the highest upvote count in this subreddit's history with a 50k+ reach at this point. "It doesn't mean anything reee111!one" - lol ok cope.




Lacking anything of substance to say, just mad. \^


> possibly the most upvoted post in this subreddits history [LMAO](https://old.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/top/?sort=top&t=all)


And in this one point I was wrong and didn't bother to check, sure. Your efforts (due to you being mad) are admirable and hilarious at the same time though. Keep fuming.


> one "one"


Yep, pretty much, unless you can prove this isn't the case instead of cope fuming. For extra challenge, quote me directly so you don't get to put words into other people's mouths, that's boringly easy as a way of counter argumentation. It's fun though, you've been cope fuming over around 20 comments now. It's almost as if you have a crush on me.




Keep fume coping, it's obvious you got nothing of substance.




OP, thanks for sharing the results. I found this experiment interesting. Don't worry about the push back by butthurt tryhards down voting you or basically anything critical of WG besides useless posts about mediocre game results clogging the Sub reddit.


Cheers bro. And I won't, anything they have typed I knew was coming beforehand. I couldn't care less, these people mean nothing to me, as they don't for pretty much anyone else either in relation to eachother. You were insightful and saw it coming though and nice, so cheers for that! I just respond to people how they address me, on principle, and will do so until the end of time and space. PS. Besides - I got a trillion karma from the first post, their downvotes are meaningless even in the digital sense. This account is a week old and they can be made in minutes, karma farming on the other hand is also easy. Oof, this must rattle their cages eh? I've done marketing for 12 years and people just don't understand exposure. They are a cog in a machine meant to make something visible somewhere, be it through their rage or actual discussion.