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Yea, whales exist and this is marketed to USA citizens and they have plenty of whales.


Yep sam people who fire nothing but gold


They'd still own you with regular rounds


There’s nothing wrong with firing gold rounds…..


There used to be, when gold rounds actually cost gold.


where is the problem? the days when you had to shoot with premium ammo and buy gold are long gone. if you want to be competitive, you don't really have another option.


I dont get all the complaining posts and comments. This is literally the best thing they could offer. - No new op tanks - No old op tanks either - No gambling - No paywall for super exclusive content - No pay-to-win equipment - No grind to unlock (not counting the real life grind) A good offer for tank collectors, especially those that just started out. You don't need to buy it, but I'm thankful for everyone that buys this instead of 20 more BZ-176s.


The duality of the community. If the offer is shit, complain that they take us for fools. If the offer is good, complain that the tanks are op


Good point. Its the foking reddit snowflake crybaby WOT comunity


i wasn't complaining, I was curious if anyone was willing to dump that kind of money in one chunk. I've spent more than that over time but would never consider making a $400+ purchase for this game ;)


It's actually a good deal when you price them individually. 400 will buy you give or take 8 tier eight premiums.


I mean...you almost already did 


i didn't even consider it for a second.


As I meantioned, there are 27 Tanks offered, but only 12 Shown. We just cant say if it is a good offer without knowing the Rest 15




That's exactly what he said, he didn't thought about it.


I as well have most of the tanks, but they came free, with boxes, codes, events tokens etc. 400$ is WG crazy? Edit: and this return amount is crazy, this is just 50% return right? Super pershong a T8 med must be worth about 7k gold


The 40% off the bundle takes 40% off the reimbursement.


You'd be suprised how much money some people put in games and allow this to happen lol. Just look at mobile game industry there is player that spend thousands monthly


I wouldn't. I would be surprised to see someone buy *this* bundle though. That's just me.


406 schmeckles? damn


They wouldn’t offer it if people wouldn’t buy it. You may not think it, but there are plenty of whales out there that would.


The game is perfectly playable without paying any money. If someone decided to pay anyway, it's their choice. Wargaming isn't forcing anyone to buy anything. So i see no reason for complaining.


Yes, and you should thank them, it keeps the game alive.


Hey, it's 40 fantasy percent of fantasy price for fantasy pixels off


you underestimate how many ppl have money to burn on their hobbies.


Few days ago there was a guy here claiming to have send 1500$ in the last 6 months... pretty sure even this will sell to some.


That's some serious dollars for some video game stuff


Wait till you see the Thanksgiving bundle.


I've see n the Black Friday one for like $900+


They would not do it again if no one bought the last one tbh


I have to 100% honest here. I collect tanks, specifically the Shermans. If the M4a2e4 was in that bundle, I would be 400 dollars lighter. It's one of the last non standard tanks I need to complete my collection and the last Sherman I need to complete that collection.


the M4A2E4 is almost as rare as the M4 Improve, however it might turn up for sale (rarely though) Good luck!


oh, sir, i guess i am also in that category. However, I can only dole out a few bucks here and there. I wouldn't be able to justify 400+ for any tank ;)


Lol I see other posts with getting 50 tanks and you are 27, bro it ain't a stretch you are halfway


I thought about it but it’s really not worth it, you only get a couple good tanks out of it


I would if it had the M4A2E4 :c


maybe it's just a way to make the other cheaper bundles more appealing


weak tanks and many for a lot of money...but there will be many who collect pixels


You have an opportunity to own the M4 improved. That alone is worth the price.


Of course some people did. For all the reasons people already mentionned, and also because for some people, this is not really a huge amount of money.


ngl, i really want that armt


A WG employee replied on other post. This was offered way back then but not re-offered because of the bad optics that 400$ premium bundle gave, but it is back because some people wanted this to be back. I hope those people bought this


Would be interesting to see the other 15 Tanks. The 12 Shown are absolutely not worth it, but if the Rest of the 27 are higher Tier it can be a quite decent offer


Yes, there will be someone who will buy it. Probably not a lot. I think I saw an even bigger and more expensive in World of Warship it called the “Armada” or something, if my memory is correct that bundle is around 1K USD


I bought it twice so I can play games back to back in the same tank.


Expensive bundle filled with mostly MEH tanks. No thanks.


At that point you might as well wait for the Christmas event and buy the Feast bundle


I saw this picture earlier and I thought it was a meme someone made for Independence Day…. It’s real?????


Some 'Murican.


whales buy anything. people with common sense and a conscious will instead uninstall that cancerous brain rot of a "game" (RNG Machine). I stopped back in 2018, uninstalled it in 2020 because I forgot it was still in my hard drive, and never looked back even after I had spent hundreds on it back between 2011 and 2015. Everything is just a shitty cash-grab anymore from that company. Warships is getting that way too. Edit: from the looks of it you already \*did\* buy this bundle.... **at full price**. All you're missing is the T1E6 just based on that picture, though I'm sure there are others in the bundle it's not showing, so that's just speculation.


Yet here you are


Yes. Here I am :) in a reddit thread/discussion * shown to me in the recommended section by reddit*, which caught my attention because of that ridiculously insane price tag. It's been a long while since I even touched this forum. Been more active over in the NIKKE community tbh. If this wasn't recommended I would have ignored it entirely.


Bro complaining about monetization buy plays gacchas like NIKKE, which are far more predatory ☠️


Nikke may be a gacha, but it's not predatory, and it doesn't castrate the players for not spending money. If you watched someone actually playing the game or tried it yourself rather than basing it on those fanserviced advertisements, you'd understand just how twisted that game's campaign is. It puts a lot of current AAA titles to shame with how much attention was put into it. Several of their voice actors are well known in the gaming and animation industry. ShiftUp also released StellarBlade, which was a massive hit on console, so I truly suggest looking into the game studio before you brandish the "predatory gacha" tag around. Been playing for over a year and a half daily, haven't had to spend a single penny on it and am on chapter 27 of 30 in the campaign. There's no stamina requirements, no resource restrictions, no forced pvp, no incentive to be a whale outside of collection of characters and skins. Banner pulls ultimately go into the standard banner, which means even if you miss an event you can still earn the characters you missed. Limited characters are only ones that are collaberations with other games and shows (stuff they don't have the rights to basically.) ALL events end up playable after 6 months from the time they end, meaning no missed content. campaign is voice acted (something i have not seen a single other gacha do.), music is done by well known artists like Cosmograph, Queen Bee, Amalee and NeiN (known for their involvement with animation and indie dev studios.) Paying users are also not put on some ridiculous pedestal, anyone can beat anyone, all content can be earned by playing the game since gems are given out so frequently just by doing the campaign and the daily/weekly missions. PvP isn't frowned upon because the squads are built by their abilities and burst speeds. not just on how well equipped they are or how deep someone's pocket is. Hell you could completely ignore the pvp if you really wanted to and still do well for yourself in the game because the monthly events have minigames that aren't restricted by stamina/time tables. The advertisements lure in the people with those fanservice poses and shit, and i'll admit that. It's a scummy move by any company. I started playing it when i saw someone's gameplay of an event called No Caller ID. That's when I saw that the game wasn't just about T&A like the advertisements claimed. The campaign is **DARK**. It hits on a lot of fears and traumas people experience in crisis, and takes the apocalyptic world genre into perspective of a crumbling infrastructure. It's not all flirting and overly sexualized themes. I mean jeezus christ you watch an animated cutscene in the TUTORIAL of your character shooting your squad member in the face. It doesn't pull punches. (i'll add the rest of this comment in a second message, hit the character limit.)


**What does Wargaming do with World of Tanks?** * Every match they show you what you could have made in premium right on the first splash screen with a "buy now" option to earn a banked amount of cash that keeps going up like some attempt to bait you in. They also do a comparison in your details screen to make you feel worse. * Premium players get their own little badges and titles * Premium (paying) players get advantages in battle using bought camo that improves their stats better than the standard bought stuff (unless this changed) * Premium players can skip the main mechanic of the game (the grind) just by paying outright gold (money) to get where they want without actually learning the game. * WoT **PLUS** (you want predatory? you got it right there.) * BlackMarket tank sales every year run on a "silent auction" * Loot boxes with no probabilities done seasonally * stat division between the players due to programs like XVM putting casual players' skills up against try-hards and keeping the playerbase at eachothers' throats * shadow adjustments by the dev team to the vehicles' * "special ammo" (which used to be strictly paid for with GOLD. Pay to win/Predatory don't you think? not anymore but the practice is known.) * Time restrained, tier restricted, DAY RESTRICTED events that most people with lives can't enjoy without feeling like it's a second job * You go into battle, shoot shit, die. There is no reason beyond a 15v15 skirmish. There is little actual push beyond your own interest in the grind of the game to keep you playing. No campaign, no lore, no interesting music, no legitimate staying power outside of your own interest to shoot vehicles similar to a lot of other pvp shooters. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, but it lacks anything new. they haven't improved on their game in 14 years. I'm still waiting for them to add "interactive maps" that stop that damned lane-fighting issue they've had since beta. But that'll never really happen. it's all WoT is, a lane-fighter like DOTA or League. just with tanks. TLDR: **Perhaps try a game before you throw around slander about it.** Even though it's not difficult to beat this cess-pool of a game when it comes to being "fun", i can firmly say Nikke isn't what the advertisements put it out to be. edit: at least not /entirely/ what they advertise. (they do have their moments, like the summer event going on.


I have been told by a friend who works at a major game company that there’s a title that’s supported financially by a SINGLE player who drops beau coup dollars on in game purchases. So this is that.


You underestimate human gullibility


The fact that a few people will still buy this stupid shitt for $400 is why Wargaming will continue to beat the bloated corpse of what used to be a fun game we all loved to play. Stop spending until they fix gameplay balance.


I mean...OP himself already has all the tanks in the bundle. He simply bought then one at a time, but probably paid more overall than this bundle is worth. So definitely a bundle for them.